ft SewingMachmes J
'j 50 Cents per Week. i'i
ft _ ♦
YOU >*-
Make -a - JYTistal^e!
If jYou Buy Before You See
our Line and Prices.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
50c. s 35c. ! One=Third Off
75c. “ “ 55c. j
SI.OO " “ 75c. t OJN
200 '* “ i-sot
2.50 “ “ 2.00*
3*oo “ “ 2.50 ♦ 50 and 75c. Line Neckwear,
3.50 “ •• 3Oo| 35 C
Brewer & Sanderson,
Hatters, Furnishers,
Clothiers, Men’s Shoes.
Texarkana, Arkansas.
Mill Supplies, Blacksmiths’Material, Guns,
Ammunitions, Queensware, Cutlery,
Hardware, Sash and Doors.
Hazzard Powder, Hercules Dynamites, Coal
Lime and St. Louis Fire Brick.
Clearing Sale on Clothing.
For the next THIRTY DAYS we will sell at cost
our stock of Spring Clothing. This includes all
lines except Skeleton Serge Coats and Vests,
Linen and Flannel suits. We handle the great
est brands of clothing in America. The fit is
superior to a great many so-called tailor made
And always make any necessary altera
tions to fit our garments perfectly.
fake Advantage of this Sale.
Lambeth Grocer Co.,
We carry the highest class goods that can be
bought in the market. One may buy cheap stuff —
lower class goods than we wish to carry. We guar
antee every toing we sell. Goods returnable if not
Especial Attention Given to Our Customers
Living Out of the City.
Free and Quick Delivery Anywhere in the City.
La.m’betii Grocer 00.,
No. 222 East Broad St. Phone 64.
Clniln foarknnian.
■■ I R
t IJfefc'iL 01L
The Spice of Life
Is largely made up of good things to
eat. These things must be seasoned
with the
of commerce.
Our stock of Pepper, Mustard, Sage,
Thyme, Oils, Salads, Dressings, etc., con
sist of the best and purest goods obtaina
ble. All are secured from reliable dealers.
give satisfaction to all who use them.
Your orders will be appreciated.
We close at Seven.
The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, with
Its numerous branches penetrating the
Rockies, has two distinct and separate
lines across the mountains. Tickets read
ing via the “Scenic Line” between Denver
and Grand Junction, in connection with
the Rio Grande Western Railway, between
Grand Junction and Ogden, are available
over the Denver & Rio Grande either via
its main line through Leadville and Glen
wood Springs or via the line over Mar
shall Pass and through the Black Canon.
Tourists to and from Salt Lake City, Og
den or San Francisco will find It to their
advantaf to have their tickets read i.i
both direc ’ons via "The Scenic Line of
the World, thus being able to use one of
the above routes going and the other re
turning. WrlteS. K. Hooper, G. P. & T.
A., Denver, Colo., for Illustrated pam
phlets. _ 8-3
To Save her Child.
From frightful disfigurement Mrs
Nannie Galleger, of LaGrange, Ga.,
applied Bucklens Arnica Salve to
great sores on her head and face
and writes its; quick cure exceeded
all her hopos. It works wonders in
sores, bruises, skin eruptions, cuts,
burns, scalds and piles. 25c. Cure
guaranteed by Smith Drug Co,
Merchant Tailor.
I have located at No. 119) East
Broad street, where I will carrX on
a first-class cutting and fitting de
partment in gents' clothing. I
have the best and most complete
stock of gents' cloth ever exhibited
here, and ask those contemplating
having a suit made to call and see
my stock and get prices.
B Fane.
Aug. 1,1900-
We pay special attention to re
pairing of harness, saddles and bi
cycles. If your work is not done
to your satisfaction, we will do it
over again without extra charge.
The main thing with us is pleasing
the customer. The Edwards Har
ness Co. _ 6 17
The laws of health require that
the bowels move once each day and
one of the penalties for violating
this law is piles. Keep your bowels
regular by taking a dose of Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets when necessary and you will
never have that severe punishment
inflicted upon you. Price* 25 cents.
For sale by Smith Drug Co.
Your chickens are dying; why?
Because they are Infested with lice
and mites. If you will use Thano
llce or Roost Paint, you will have
healthy chickens and laying heis.
Sold only by Williams A Williams.
Allied Forces Lose 1200 in an Engage
meat with the Chinese Army.
The following cablegram has been
received by the Navy Department
at Washington:
Che Foo, Aug. 6.—Bureau Navi
gation, Washington: British tor
pedo boat Fame reported unofficial
ly engagement at Pietsang Satur
day morning, three to one. Allies
lost, killed and wounded, 1200,
chiefly Russians and Japanese. Chi
nese retreating.
Che Foo, August 6.—The unof
ficial report believed reliable; about
16,000 allies heavily engaged Chi
nese at Pietsang daylight on the
4th. (Signed) Remey.
Pietsang is the first railroad sta
tion about six miles northwest of
Tien Tsin en route to Pekin.
The Hon. Wharton Barker of
Pennsylvania and the Hon. Ignatius
Donnelly of Minnesota, the Peoples
Party candidates for President and
Vice-President of the United States
and also that brilliant and eloquent
orator, Hon. M. W. Howard of. Ala
bama, will speak at Texarkana on
Monday, August 13, at 2p, m., at
the Miller county court house.
The above gentlemen speak at
Paris, Texas, today and at Clarks
ville tomorrow, arriving here on
Thursday. It will be a treat to
hear these gentlemen, who have
made national reputations and are
at the head of the party ticket,
and we should all turn out and bear
them, and give them respectful at
tention even if we do vote the
Democratic ticket.
Some crauk has started the ad
vocacy of shirt waists. We can
stand this reform, but write it
down for fear some other crank will
introduce the knee pants. We
could stand to pad out all right for
a shirt waist but when it comes to
building up a pair of calves we
draw the line. We are perfectly
satisfied with the present drapery,
and hope all dress reformers will
cease to exist for a time.
There is a labyrinth of scaffolding
in the opera house on which the
workmen are at work putting up
heavy timber for the roof of the
opera house to rest upon. The
work is slow and also dangerous
and it will be several days yet be
fore all the timbers are in place.
The cotton bulletins sent in here
from New York, announce the cot
ton worm in north Texas. The bul
letin says the worm has wraught
no damage yet, but unless we have
jotne hot, dry weather there is no
telling what damage it will do to
the crop of cotton,
Mr. James Faull at the Randolf
received a paper from his friend,
Mr. M. Pauline, published in Paris,
France, and asked our preambula
ting reporter to read it, but it was
too much for him and had to admit
that he had struck a big knot.
Attorney Gibsen is now Deputy
Prosecuting Attorney and those
men arrested and carried before a
Justice of the Peace and stand trial
or plead guilty, will find another
$lO attached to the cost bill, which
previously had been omitted. Just
remember that ye law breakers.
The democrats of Texas will meet
tomorrow and resolute against this
country going to needless war for
expansion and against the trust
and other dangerous methods, ad
vocated by the republicans, the
chief of which is the ship sub
sidy steal.
The war news from South Africa
tells us that the Boers are desert
ing their commandos and they in
turn are getting a big disgust on
their hands at the way things are
Flippin Hill and Goldbug Curry
were held to the grand jury by Jui«
tice Winham yesterday. One of
them, Flippin Hill, Is charged with
the killing of George Hill, and Gold
bug Curry as accessory or of know
ing of the premeditated killing.
Mr. L. Fowler, of the Fowler
Commission Company of Kansas
City, was in the city yesterday
looking for a location fora branch
house here. His firm is one of the
largest in the northwest.
W. C. Calkins of Galesburg, Hl.,
O. W. Chamberlain of New Orleans;
W. H. Lillard of Ft. Smith, Miss
Birdie Weiler and 8. N. Kenward of
Pine Bluff, were guests at the
Huckins House today.
Just a Few
That is what we have on hand in Summer Wash
Goods. You can buy them at a big reduction.
7 Cent Goods at 3|c.
io Cent Goods at sc,
12f Cent Goods at = = 7c.
15 Cent Goods at 7yC.
20 Cent goods at 10c.
In other words, we offer these goods at just
Half Price.
J. Weisman & Co.
Mass Meeting.
A mass meeting of the Italian
colony of this city is called to meet
tonight at West side city hall for
the purpose of arranging date for
memorial service at the death of
King Humbert of Italy. All Ital
ians and such others as feel an in
terest in the meeting are requested
to attend. The hour of meeting
will be at 8 o’clock.
William Jennings Bryan And party
are on their way to Indianapolis to
be at the ratification meeting,
which is for the purpose of telling
Bryan what he already knows, i, e.,
of his nomination for president.
Bryan will make a speech and detail
his policy of government should he
be elected,' which is not doubted,
though devoutly wished otherwise,
by the Hannaites of this country.
After this meeting he will make a
few speeches in the large cities of
the country.
Improved and unimproved city
property, farms and timbered lands
for sale, exchange and rent.
W. R. Kelley, State Line, over Wa
ter Go’s, office. 10 23
Littell’s Liquid Sulphur Soap re
duces to a minimum the danger of
contracting contagious disease. For
the toilet and bath it is without an
equal. It is rapidly acquiring first
place in the favor of all who use it
as an incomparable shaving soap. 10
cents. For sale by Smith Drug
Co. 11-2-eod w
The colored man who was charged
withusing insulting languagetoward
a white lady, and who was arrested
in time to keep him from beinsr kill
ed by an irate husband, plead guil
ty at the advice of his attorney be -
fore Squire Hudgins this morning,
and fined $5.00 aud costs the total
footing up $21.30.
Wall paper—l have a big stock
all kinds, ranging in price from 5c
to 75c per roll. Do not buy before
seeing my stock. J. I’. McMickle,
corner 11th and State Line Av
enue. 71
The only way to keep down disas
trous railroad wrecks is to have
double tracks. And then there is
danger of tail end collisions unless
the greatest caution prevails with
the train men in protecting the
rear of their trains both in running
and at places of stops.
Anything you want in the real
estate line on any kind of terms.
W. R. Kelley, 226 State Line Ave.
over Water Co's office. 2-19
On All Patent Medicines.
Major and Mrs. W. E. Estes leave
today for Hot Springs, Ark., to be
gone some ten or fifteen days.
Their address will be care of the
Avenue Hotel. We hope their stay
at this popular resort will be pleas
ant and beneficial.
Written in Blood is the record of
Hood's Sarsaparilla—the pure, rich,
health giving blood which it
has given to millions of men, women
and children. It is all the time cur
ing diseases of the stomach, nerves,
kidneys and blood.
All liver ills are cured by Hood’s
Pills. 25c. 5
A load of wafer melons averaging
65 pounds each was on the street
this morning. They sold at 40
cents each. We learn they were
raised by a farmer named Thomp
son. He certainly knows how to
grow mammoth melons.
Three lots on West Broad street
fo** sale cheap. Will make splendid
business or hotel property. The
only property of the kind in the
city. See W. R. Kelley, Texarkana,
Mrs. Rachel Moores has gone to
New York to take a course of treat
ment in the Baptist hospital for
the good of her general health. We
trust she may come back fully re
stored to vigorous womanhood.
A lame shoulder is usually caused
by rheumatism of the muscles, and
may be cured by a few applications
of Chamberlain,s Pa n Balm. For
sale by Smith Drug Co.
Three brick stores on East Broad
street and one brick store on Rose
Hiil for sale by Carmichael & Hollo
way. 7 15
Burning Scaly
Complete External and Internal
Treatment $1.25
ConslstlngofCPTicußA Soap (25c.), torloanso
the skin ot r,rusts a»<l scales and soften th«
Uilckcncd cuUcle, CUTICUBA Ointment («k-.),
to allay Itching and Inflammation and aooUie
and heal, and CUTICUBA ItKSOI.VKNT(«h-.), to
cool and cleanse the blood. A single set In
often sufllclent to cure the most torturing,
disfiguring, and humiliating akin, scalp, and
blood humors, with loss of hair, whoa all else
P.ittsk Dana *sa CnsM. Coyr., Hol, Prop.., Bolton.
" How to Cut, Itchlog Humor.," Ira,.
i? 100 TRUNKS 100 |
For Sale by
NO. 310
Gooiest Plate io
Eat In Town.—
Our electric fans keeps
a good breeze circulat
ing all the time. This
added to our excellent
cooking and superior
service, make our Case
very popular these hot
days and nights
Opposite all Depots.
The Good of
The appearance of your table has
much to do with the success of your
meal. Chinaware makes the table
more attractive,and really w hets the
We have here those pretty special
pieces which please a hostess and
her guests alike. Some cost a great
deal, others only a little.
We carry a complete line of JEWEL
All goods sold for cash or Easy Payments
Woodfin Furniture Co.,
E. A. DRYER, Proprietor,
os West Broad Street.
Central Institute.
Eighth anti Wood Streets.
Primary, High School,
Latin, Greek, Music.
The second session begins
September 17, 1900.
7 10 T. B. WINSTON, Prin.