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Veteran L. W. Stone, x&fy W /sXJT jg3| Rj fiw' Anita, lowa, served his country during the late war at tho expense of his health. Tho story concerning bls restoration to health is given below in his own words: "When I returned from the army my constitution was broken down. I suf fered extreme nervousness, and indi gestion. Physicians did not help me until one prescribed Dr. Miles’ Nerv ine, and today I am in better health than I have been far thirty years.” DR, MILES’ Restorative Nervine Is sold by all druggists on guarantee, first bottle benefits or money back. Book on heart and nerves sent free. Or. Mlles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind FHE TEXARKANIAN J. W. GARDNER. Editor andProp’r TUESDAY, AUGUST 71900. The Dally and Weekly Tkxarkanian are entered at the postoffice at Texarkana as second class mail matter. ~ RATES. ~ Daily, pt. month by carrier I 65 Dally, six months by mail, In advance 4 00 rally, one year by mail, in advance.. 7 50 Weekly, one year by mall, In advance 1 00 Weekly, six months, in advance 50 All communications should be addressed «o The Tkxarkanian. D&MOGRATI6 TIGKET. For President, WM. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice President, ADLAIE. STEVENSON, of Illinois. Presidential Electors. Election, Tuesday, November 6. At Large.—Sam M. Taylor, of Jefferson; B. B. Hudgins, of Boone, First Dist.—E. E. Morris, of Clay county. Second Dist. W. J. Goodwin, of Bradley. Third Dist.—J. M. Carter, of Miller. Fourth Dist.-A. V. Covington, of Johnson Fifth —John N. Tillman, of Washington. Sixth Dist.—Joe T. Robinson, of Lonoke. For Congress. THOS. C... McRAE, of Nevada county. STATE TICKET. For Governor, JEFF DAVIS, of Pope County. For Secretary of State, J. W. CROCKETT, of Arkansas County. For Attorney General, GEO. W. MURPHY, of Pulaski County. For State Auditor, T. C, MONROE, of Columbia county. For State Treasurer, THOS. E. LITTLE, of Sebastian county. For State Land Commissioner, J. W. COLQUITT, of Pulaski county. For State Superintendent, of Public In struction, J. J. DOYNE, of Lonoke co. For Commissioner of Mines, Manufact ures and Agriculture, FRANK HILL, of Washington co. For Associate Justice of Supreme Court, CARROLL I) WOOD, of Drew county. For Railroad Commissioner, 2nd and 3d Congressional Districts, ABNER GAINES, of Chicot county. COUNTY TICKET. For Prosecuting Atty., W. M. GREENE For Representative, E. H. PEYTON For County Judge. ...W. T. HAMILTON For Circuit Clerk....J. I). SANDERSON For Comity Clerk A. B. LITTLE For Sheriff & Collector, I. A. BICKHAM For County Treasurer J. J. PEAVY For Tax Assessor L. WIN 11A M For Coroner G, R. ROBINSON For Surveyor T. IL PERRY. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR CONGRESS.! Wo are authorized to announce Thos. C. Mcßae as a candidate for re-election to Congress from «his, the Third Congres sional district, subject to the action of the democratic primary. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce W. M. Green as a candid ate for re-election to the office of Prosecuting Attorney of the Bth Judicial Circuit, subject to the action of the Democratic party. Those men who have been giving odds on McKinley, are now not so sanguine as they were, and are now reported as hedging. Mr. Debs got tired of waiting to be notified that he was runt ing and he accepted anyway. He is now on the turf—keep off the grass should be his watchword. Spain has sent outits tubs to dis cover some more islands in the Pa cific to unload on McKinley before he gives up his present job of ex pansion. Alabama has come to the front with a 59,000 majority for the dem ocratic ticket candidates. ThL looks very much like Mark Hanna will fake bis McKinley over the race course this fall a sur» winner. If it could be arranged to length en out the nights this month, in Arkansas. Remmel and Davis would be given a better chauce to inflict the people with their three hour each debate. For bums, Injuries, piles and skin dis ease* use DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salvo. It Is thooriginal. Counterfeit* may bn of fered. Use only DeWitt's. Boyd Drug Co. Twenty-five thousand negroes I have not paid their poll tax in Ar kansas. Where is Remmel going to get his votes? The negro vote in Arkansas is uot wanted by the republican candi dates. The negro is being disfran chised by his own party. What do you think of that, cuffie? Burchard Roosevelt will go down in history as the greatest “horse play” politician that ever rose so high in the history of this country. He is soaring now as a rocket, but will come down as a stick. Adlai Stevenson is one of the cleanest politicians in the United States. Loved by his neighbors and voters of his state and popular all over vtie United States, he will help the democratic ticket to a final triumph. Would-be Governor Remmel is now holding a United States office under appointment and also the state agency for a New York life insurance company. He is reach ing out for the governorship of Ar kansas, but his reach will be all —the people are no fools if they do live in tumble-down houses; A well known citizen of Little Reck who was sued on an ice bill resisted the suit on the plea that the ice company being in a trust the debt, under the anti-trust law, was out lawed. The court sustained the plea and the defendant went free. Wt lie the Democrat questions the wisdom of a statute outlawing trust debts it only emphasizes the public hostility to combinations which cut off competition and demand unrea sonable profits.—Arkansas Demo drat. GOLD!GOLD! GOLD! The latest El Dorado is reported to be Nome City Beach, Alaska. I Thousands of people are hastening i there, many of whom will return broken in health. Os what avail is gold when health *is gone? Guard i your health with the bfcst of all medicines-Hostetter’s Stomach Bit ters, and you will always have true wealth. The Bitters are for people who have abused their stomachs, or are naturally weak. It will regu late the bowels, stir up the liver, in vigorate the kidneys, and absolutely cure indigestion, constipation, ma laria, chills andjfever. Il is a nat ural tonic, absolutely free free from dangerous narcotics. It should be taken to protect the system from chills and fever and malarial at tacks. It’s a good medicine to keep on hand. Notice Euchre Clubs. I have just received a beautiful line of novelties suitable for Euchre prizes. With every purchase we will give free a complete set of beautiful tally cards. 3 16 Chas. S. Erwbb, Jeweler. A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia gave the following appropriate rendering of Burns’ famous blessing: "Some have meat and cannot eat. and some have none that want it; but we have meat and wo can eat—Kodol Dyspepsia Cure bo thanked.” This preparation will digest what you eat. It instantly relievos - and radically cures indigestion and all stom ach disorders. Boyd Drug Co. Phone for Us, And one of our wagons will call for your bundle. Modern machin ery, expert help, purest washing materials, mean but one thing best work. Then if you care any thing for promptness you will like our delivery system. We’re as punctual as clockwork—only faster. Let us call for your bundle. Ralph Bros. Steam Laundry. - Phone 250. White wagons. Courteous attention and prompt delivery of all goods bought at the Lambeth Grocer Co. Give us a trial. 5 4 The law holds both maker and circula tor of a counterfeit equally guilty. Tho dealer who sells you a dangerous counter feit of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve risks your life to make a little prolit. You can not trust him. DeWitt’s Is the only gen uine and original Witcli Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and all skin dis eases. See that your dealer gives yon Do Witt’s Salve. Boyd Drug Co. Huddleston Brothers market is always supplied with everything usually found in an up-to-date market. 4 3 Look out for malaria. It is sea souable now. A few doses of Prickly 1 Ash Bitters is. a sure preventive. All druggists. Pianos and organs tor sale at reasonable prices at Beasley’s Music House, 213 East Broad street —cash or on installment plan. 17 4i A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed.” Your blood is poor and therefore you suffer from eruptions, pains and general debility and * 4 that tired feel ing.” The blood is the rest source of all health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the shep herd of health. Why i> Because it purifies the blood as nothing else can. Tired Feeling—"l had that tired feeling and headaches. Was more tired in the morning than <when I <went to bed, and my back pained me. Hood's Sarsa parilla and Hood's Pills cured me and I feel ten years younger.” B. Scheblein, 274 Bushnuick Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Be sure to get Hood's because dtbedi SaUnfmiffn Hoort - , pill, wire liver Ills; the non Irritating and PARIS LETTER. From Our Regular Correspondent. Paris, France, July 23,1900. In a secluded corner of the So cial Economy Building, sorrounded by.a certain atmqsphere of scholar ly quiet, is an exhibit which stands unique among the contributions of the nations to the Paris exposition of 1900. It is that of the American Library Association, showing the progress and condition of American Libraries. The exhibit was pre pared at the New York State Li brary, Albany, N. Y., by Miss Flor ence Woodworth, under the general supervision of Melvil Dewey, direc tor of the library. The collection as a whole represents the best thought of the American library profession and aims to illustrate all types of libraries, every phase of library work in all sections of the country. Through the interest and generosity of Mr. Andrew Carnegie a representative of the Association will be in charge of the exhibit throughout the exposition. The exhibit occupies a space six by nine feet, which is nearly one thirteenth of that assigned to the United States in this building, and so, comparatively speaking, covers a large area. This includes seven units of installation, each corres ponding very nearly in width and height to a tier of ordinary library shelving. The tiers are divided three feet from the floor by a broad ledge, with shelves below and wing frame cases above, each case hold ing 33 wing frames. Qver the cases is a wall space, finished in rich green, hung with large platinum prints of some of the larger and newest types of American libraries. The material exhibited is divided into five groups. 1, monographs; 2, pictures, 3, charts; 4, books, 5, appliances. The collection of nearly 650 pho tographs and more than 50 plans is exhibited on sheets 22 by 28 inches, jnainly in the seven wing-frame cases. Each case case contains a distinct group of libraries, which may be very briefly summarized as follows: Case 1. Photographs of the American Library Association, library schools, traveling libraries, home education work, historical and athenaeum libraries and na tional and state libraries. 2. Libraries of more than 200,000 vol umes, including Copley prints of the Boston Public Library, plans of the New York public library now building and the Chicago public li brary. Case 3. Libraries ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 volumes and including a wide geographical range. Case 4. Some of the small er libraries of the country, includ ing many memorial libraries and a interesting collection illustrating children's departments in public libraries. Case 5. The Carnegie libraries at Pittsburg, Allegheny, Homestead, Braddock, Washington Atlanta, etc., giving a striking ex ample of what has been done by one man for American libraries. Cas 6. Various libraries from va rious parts of the cotftitry. Eleven statistical charts and maps show the wonderful growth of American libraries and their in creasing influence as educational centers. A map prepared by the Massachusetts library commislon, the oldest of the state commissions and the mother of a succession of most active ones, shows that of the 347 towns in the state only seven are without a free public library. A collection of more than 400 carefully selected volumes makes up the fourth division of the exhi bit. It is confined very largely to works on biography and library science, economy and history, and along these lines it represents the best work and thought and most advanced ideas of American libra rians. It is rich and valuable in its specially bound collections of print ed matter issued by the American Library Association, state and lo cal library clubs, and library schools in its statistical collections in man uscript;in the collection of portraits of officers and members of the na tional association; in its book and pamphlets dealing with the newest problems and latest developments of library work, that is,—with home education, home libraries, traveling libraries, state libraries commiss ions, library legislation, state aid to libraries, intimate relations with the public schools and children's departments in public libraries; its examples of great library cata logues and the ingenious American periodical indexes, the latest of which the Cumulative index, keeps this great mass of literature con tinuously indexed down to the month preceding that of publica tiou. Ju a word the library is sim ply invaluable to the student of American library history, methods and progress. WHAT IS SHILOH ? A grand old remedy for Cough, Colils and Consumption; used through the worm for half a century, huS cured Innumerable cast's of incipient consumption nml re lieved ninny in advanced stages. It you are not satisfied with tho results wo will refund your money. Price SS cts., so cts. and tl.oo. 12 12 3 bold bv Williams i Williams, SULPHUR TOWNSHIP DOTS. Dbar Editor: —If you will allow me 1 will give you a few sprinkles from old Sulphur. The farmers down here have the best crops they have had for many years. Mrs. R. J. Lovely is quite sick with fever. Mrs. I. A. Bickham, of Texark ana, and three children, are visit ing her daughters, Mrs. R. M. Sal mon and Mrs. W. D. Dodd. Henry (Fatty) Adcock is on the puny list this week. A good number of us met at Bright Star Saturday at 2:30 p. m., and organized a Democratic club. Mr. John Jones was chosen Chair man and W. D. Dodd Secretary. It was agreed upon that we would have a picnic at Bright Star Aug. 22. We will expect a number of speakers on that day. Would like to have Hon. Jeff Davis and Hon. Thos. C. Mcßae to be there, also Mr. B. M. Foreman will be given a liberal share of time. The club closed to meet again Aug. 18. The committee chosen to look after the pic-nic was R. M. Salmon, ,J, J. Atchinson and W. D. Dodd. With best wishes to the Texark anian, I am yours, Peti. Deafness Cannot be Cured. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed deafness Is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. » We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hail’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills rre the best. 6-10 Bricklayers' Union. The brick masons’ union was formed last night by Organizer Petty of Shreveport, and the fol lowing officers elected. Ed Christo pher, President; Win. Kerr, Vice President; Carl Delay, Treasurer; Sila* Jones, Corresponding and Fi nancial Secretary; Ben Moore, Seagent-at-Arms; William Sanford, Deputy. Astounded the Editor. Editor S. A. Brown, of Bennetts ville, S. 0., was once immensely sur prised. “Through long suffering from dyspepsia,” he writes, “ray wife was greatly run down. She had no strength or vigor and suf fered great distress from her stom ach, but she tried electric Bitters which helped her at once, and after using four bottles, she is entirely well, can eat anything. It’s a grand tonic, and its gentle laxative quali ties are splendid for torpid liver." For indigestion, loss of appetite, stomach or liver troubles, it’s a pos itive, guaranteed cure. On’y 50c. at Smith Drug Co.’s. Remmel makes a claim that many democrats will vote for him, and his opponent, Jeff Davis, who is the democratic nominee, offers $25.00 for the photograph of any democrat who asked Remmel to run for gov ernor. We think Davis is safe, for a democrat of this stripe would squirm mightily before he would al low his phiz to be photographed and put into Davis’ hands. This preparation stands unequaled as a complexion beautifier. Re moves freckles, tan, p'mples and unnatural redness of face and hands. Littell’s Liquid Sulphur Ointment is entirely free from poisons and dis agreeable odors. Littell’s Liquid Sulphur Ointment is an invaluable remedy in the treatment of all skin diseases, open sores, chafed papts, burns, scalds and is especially rec ommended for use after shaving, it is soothing, antiseptic and heal ing. For sale by Smith Drug Com pany. 112 Makinlee has been given credit for every transaction that has hap pened in the world’s history that is thought to be beneficial to human kind, but those things that do not condute to our happiness, is given to other causes. They Struck It Rich. It was a grand thing for this com munity that such an enterprising firm as Smith Drug Co. secured the agency for Dr. King’s New Discov ery for consumption, the wonderful remedy that has startled the world by its marvellous cures. The furor of enthusiasm over it has boomed their business, as the demand for it is immense. They give free trial bottles to sufferers, and positively guarantee It to cure coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. A trial proves their merit. Price 50c. and SI.OO. A MOUNTAIN TOURIST In search of grand and heartlful scenery finds such a profusion 'of riches in Colo rado that before planning a trip It will !he well for you to gain all the Information pos slblc. Ihe Denver ft Rio Grande Railroad publishes a scries of useful Illustrated pamphlets, all of which mnv be obtained by writing S. K. Hooper, General Pass enger and Ticket Agent, Denver. Colo. ’ DRINK ~ Dalby Mineral water best on earth lor kidney and liver affections, sure cure for dyspepsia, at 8. M. Rag land, Sole Agent. 8 5 1m Thors are no better Pills made than Dn Wil t's LlttloKui'ly Rise.-*. Always prompt and certain, Hoyd Drug Co. Thirteen Born to Them. Mr. A. A. Adams and wife are rejoicing at the birth of their 13th child, which event transpired last night. Eleven of these are now living and are both promising in physique and intellectuality. We venture to say that there are not many as large families in Miller county as Mr. Adams shelters un der his roof. May he be spared a thousand years and all of his future troubles be little ones. What a Tale it Tells. If that mirror of yours shows a wretched, sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, its liver trouble; but Dr. King’s New Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the blood, give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25c. Smith Drug Co. I The Italians of this city will hold a memorial service of condolence to f the murdered King Humbert on the . day of his obsequies. They will have high mass, so it is understood, for > the repose of his soul and draft res- L olutions of condolence which will be > forwarded to the family and throne. > The date will be given in this paper • of the services as soon as the same , is fixed. _ It has been demonstrated by experience that consumption can be prevented by the - early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This is the favorite remedy for coughs, colds, croup, asthma, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Cures quickly. Boyd Drug Co. > Now is the time to rent a safety 5 vault box, at the State Bank of ’ Texarkana. Convenience and safe ' ty combined. _ 6 4 i “ ’ 1 Jewelry of every description at ; Schuster’s, the old reliable. 1-1 5 ' 5 ■ ■- - J — • aft/ Hl I® W Syrufligs ActsPkasant/y andHomptfy. ’ Cleanses the System r Gently and Effectually I when bilious or costive. > Presents inthe most acceptable form the laxative principles of plants known to act most beneficially. ’ TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS , BUY THE GENUINE - MANFD. BY i CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. , SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. ) for sole by druggists - price SO* per bottle, . . t . Hot Weath p r Foods. Summer Is hard on health unles s you have the sort of food that will stim ulate without overheating the sys tem. L HERE YOU FIND FOODS - which arc the results of care and study. They’ll give you strength ’ and keep you comfortable as well, j Easy prices on reliable groceries. t BROWN & TYLER, 1 THE GROCE«S, TEXARKANA, • - - ARKANSAS , THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ; Corner of Maple and Third streets. Cordially Invite* you to Its services. ' Minister, Rev. .1. N. McFarlane. Resldohee 502 Pecan street, or call up 1 Phono 252. ! HO FOR COLORADO ’ No one needs to apologize for riding on j the Denver Road. It offers an unequnled ‘ variety of scenery,broad vestlhuled trains, ’ quick service, solid roadbed, perfect hag. gage system and courteous employees j THE SUHPTUOUS PULLMANS are built . In natural woods, rich, tasteful, resth lto the eye The CAI E car service Is always I good. Ihe linen is spotlessly elemi the wallers prompt, the food the best the market affords. It uses the UNION STATION, Fort Worth, , Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, Il EDUCAIES them by blending enroute , the most benutlful portion of Texas and Colorado. I IT RUNS through trains from Fort Worth I to Denver dully which pass enroule I Pike’s Peak, the Spanish I’eil.s, and . for two hundred miles Insight of the mountain range. IT ALLOWS stop-overs on summer lour bts ticket* nt all points in Colorado, i IT LEAVES Fort Worth at Qlzg a. m ; nr , rives In Denver next dt.y In lime for mid-day lunch; It aims to phase; It Invites Investigation. A, A. GLISSON, CHARLES L. HUI.I , <L A •’ •>., r. p, a. W. F. STERLEY, A. 0: !>: A, The Denver Komi, Ft. Worth,Ttx | Good Babies. I 5 If the mother is strong and well ~ VJr * I the baby will be so, too, in almost ev- /fbC , ■ A erycase—and a healthy baby is a “good” J |l ■ F baby. Mothers who use I 4 X-x T”' Fl GERSTLE’S } ■ ?it M r* female ii. H kJ, lain PANACEA V. f A r regularly for some time before childbirth al- S I \\V $ 9 A ways have an “easy time” and give birth to a j 1 $ ■ 5 healthy child. It heals and strengthens all of /A Ilu \ $ E A the sexual organs, and supplies an extra quap- |l \1 1 • ■ i tity of rich, pure blood for the nourishmen“of ij 1 aJjMKx S \ the unborn child. Isl X- "'l—il n J CURED MENTAL TROUBLE AND DROPSY. || *'W i ■ \ A few weeks before our second child was born, three 111 'I I\\ \ I F years ago. my wife had local dropsy very bad. We had W " 1’ 0 9 i two good doctors with her but she was not relieved. Her ir, a ■ X mind became affected and we sent her to the asylum at L' » <7?'\ 9 F Bolivar. Tenn., and at the end of four months we brought ’ I V x ilx ■ L her home sound and well. But last summer, just before A'd J ail 1 X our third child was born, the dropsy again appeared ■ / and we were very uneasy about her. We gave her G. P. p. fG eri tU’. ? L ev.) ams I an: glad to say the dropsy disappeared and she j, "“‘J hu.(l ■ f has a fliw. healthy boy baby. D. E. I ■ GIVESG.F.P. THE CREDIT. “’ Ten “ - ! I f I write you this to let you know that lam using your G. F. p. (g,,,..,,. , I A Panacea) and am progressing finely, I believe it to be the best ‘I I 1 \ world for whites. lam soon to become a mother and dv,. y .urfi.p p‘"!J l 'thei| ■ C it all- MARY J. DIXON. Ft. Gibs™ i‘U or A I 4 Write to the U4le. - Health Club, «re I. Oeeetle A Co., ChltUuoop, True to, tree .j.h. *’ *• X ■ ■*.-K % %'S. A‘k A. <-i X « ■ lira f Every Housekeeper I .1 , W |lo ’’ de P e '*»t on the old. I Qfflgwl “’toned coal range, has he, m „. I :41 ment s when she wishes she were I at all. It does I Seem a? * f the , ver Y “ C ‘<i Harry” I h i.”fISEFS:: got in the coal sometimes, and no I 1 V ? amount of coaxing would bring it ■ f’ l If a W(-,n 'an has a gas range ■ W is no dithculty/n’ I struggling to get the fire lighted. Just turn on the gas, strike I the match, and she has a fire that is ready and remains so as ■ long as it is wanted. H TEXARKANA GAS & ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. I P DR. HOO-HOO 1 HAS ARRIVED. I I Ask Anybody About It. 1 Or, TUB Texarkana ice Gomoanu- I u / vtw ** Ta»t»lesa and Guaranteed to Cure Ch'll* and Fever and ail Ma'aria! Troubles. Does Not Contain Quinine Nor Other Poison. . llpnr |„.. Does Not Injure tho Stomach Nor Effect xnc 1 W. A. McLarty & Son, Dimo Box, Tax., say: “Hamon’s Pepsin < lli * l ."JJ'J’t i. best we have over handled. My so , pnscribis tin his the only Chill Tonic which a child can take without injury to the stuiuacn PrlcefiOc. BROWN MFG. CO.. Prop rs, Greeneville, le u. — ESTABLISHED IN 1882 OLDEST. LARGEST. BEST. F. W. OFFENHAUSER & O. Insurance Agents, oeeiceibtate Long experience in the business a guarantee » y business will be placed in the best companies, icies correctly written and your losses pro l «1 J tied TELI CPH( >M E N o (> r >• | EETHINA < Tcdhin S Powdf rS > Troubles of ChWr*’ 1 A Costs only 25 cents at Druggists, ANY n "‘" £ bcents to C. J. MOFFETT, M. SENT I 1 Illustrator ? FRFF and Gwai 7. 1 ,VLL Narrator.” £ *• A liamlsoim'ly ''liistintnil monthly mng nziim, publlslii'il y tin'l. X il. N. K. It., giving tlmoly di sci'iptlons of tlm nititeli luss resources and opportunities of Texas; the special subject mutterof each Issue to illite being ns follows: MlU'eh, W.l. Texas; April. Houston county: Mav Molitgom ery county, .1 mm, checokoe county: July Leon county: August., Anderson county mid I’alestlm'; Se|itcinbci - , Rank Oel.ober, Walker couniy; Novenihei - , Nau Ant nlo nml Bcxnr comity: Decenibei - , Brazoria county; January, Itxxf. Harris county nml Houston; February Ft. Boml ami Trinity counties. This magazine is of great interest to the lnv< lor. sportsiiinn. tom l't. Ill'll II li seek or. and home seeker; nml will be sent free to fl ny one paying the postage, which 1*25 cent* for one year, or eenfe for sample copy. Buck numbers mav bo hud If de sired. Please mention this paper. Andress, I). J. PRICE, <>. P. * T. A., PnUatlno, Texas. ji> 1 ■- fT7' r 1 1 \ '/ A *" / N 1® #s XI '< • jS V k*'Si By- / >/ K B Ba 9 i THEY GffiW ON YOU You’rt «uie to ! The Kline Steftffl