Sewing Machines K TO BENT. Jt 50 Cents per Week. { HARDIN BROS ft VOL. XVI. ' YOU Make -a, - Mistake! If J You Buy Before You See our Line and Prices. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 50c. Straw,llZeitT 35c. : One=Third Off 75c. “ 55c.* OTsT SI.OO " “ 75c. t lio “ “ SPRING SUITS. 2:°s°o •“ 20§i 3 qq <« « 2 3.50 “ “ 300 I 35c. - ♦ Brewer & Sanderson, Hatters, Furnishers, Clothiers, Men’s Shoes. CHATFIELD & BUHRMAN, Texarkana, Arkansas. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Mill Supplies,, Blacksmiths’Material, Guns, Ammunitions, Queensware, Cutlery, SHELF HARDWARE. Hardware, Sash and Doors. ALHO AGENTS FOR Hazzard Powder, Hercules Dynamites, Coal Lime and St. L.ouis Fire Brick. HEAPEST HOUSE SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS.^® '———MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Clearing Sale on Clothing. For the next THIRTY DAYS we will sell at cost our stock of Spring; Clothing. This includes all lines except Skeleton Serge Coats and Vests, Linen and Flannel suits. We handle the great est brands of clothing in America, The fit is superior to a great many so-called tailor made garments. WE ARE And always make any necessary altera tions to fit our garments perfectly. Take Advantage of this Sale. TEXARKANA CLOTHING CO Lambeth Grocer Co., STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES AND FEED. We carry the highest class goods that can be bought in the market. One may buy chdhp stuff— lower class goods than we wish to carry. Wc guar antee every toing we sell. Goods returnable it not satisfactory. Especial Attention Given to Our Customers Living Out of the City. Free and Quick Delivery Anywhere in the City. Lazm.'betii Grooer Co., NO. 222 East Broad St. ’Phone 64. JOB WORK fflje ilmlg Ccxnvhonion. ill —I The Spice of Life Is largely made up of good things to eat. These things must be seasoned with the SPICES of commerce. Our stock of Pepper, Mustard, Sage, Thyme, Oils, Salads, Dressings, etc., con sist of the best and purest goods obtaina ble. All are secured from reliable dealers. OUR GROCERIES give satisfaction to all who use them.' Your orders will be appreciated. J. F. FLOYD SUPPLY CO. “THE:RELIABLE GROCERS.” We close at Seven. Another Wholesale House. Yesterday a lease of the large warehouse on Front street, recently erected by George W. Fouke, was leased to the Fowler Commission Company, of Kansas City, a com pany with unlimited means and a credit par excellent, who will has ten to fill it with goods, put drum mers in the field and of course do a good business. This firm is quoted high in the commercial world by both Bradstreet and Dunn agencies. We are always happy when an nouncing something good for our city and we don’t know of anything that could help a city more than large wholesale houses. We wel come the new firm to our city, yes twice welcome, and can say that there is room for others and if they come and cannot find suitable quar ters, we have men here who will build for them. Come right along. We have the best railroad facilities and conveniences to handle goods of any city in a radius of many miles. _ A lame shoulder is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles, and may be cured by a few applications of Chamberlain,s Pain Balm. For sale by Smith Drug Co. Last night’s south bound Cotton Belt train carried cut of here Will Rand, Horace Vaughan and Jim Rochelle, who were delegated, or ptoxied, to represent Bowie county in the state convention at Waco. There may have been others to go, but we failed to see them board the train. _ Take the Port Atthur Route train for Galveston at 5:25 p.m. August 25th and arrive at Galves ton the next morning. Only $5.00 for the round trip and tickets are good for return until Argust 28th, leaving Galveston at 5:20 p. m. Call up telephone No. 121 and ask about it. C. E. Swindell, 8. G. Hopkins, G. P &T. A. C. P. AT. A. Mr. Bryan will deliver a speech in Indianapolis today that cannot be answered or controverted by McKin ley ut any of the gang. TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8 1900 MASS MEETING OF ITALIANS. Thay Draft a Message of Condolence at the Death of King Humbert and Cable It to King Emanuel at Rome. Some thirty or forty former sub jects of Italy with their sons and Italian-Americans, met last night for the purpose of passing suitable resolutions at the death of King Humbert, and to arrange for a me morial meeting to take place on Thursday at the Catholic church, the day set apart for the burial of the dead monarch. Mr. A. L. Ghio was the unani mous choice of the gathering to act as chairman of the meeting,and Mr. Guido Ghio was chosen secre tary. Mr. Ghio explained the object of the meeting to be to cable their condolence at the death of the King, to Victor Emanuel, and to arrange for Mass and a memorial meeting to be held on Thursday. A committee consisting of Sam Milazzo, J. B. Prudhomme, Steve Campanova and Ben Olivara, were appointed to draft a resolution of sympathy expressive of the tregret of the Italian colony here, at the death of King Humbert. The com mittee retired and soon returned and submitted the following cable message to be sent, which was adopted: • To Victor Emanuel, Rome, Italy. In the name of the Italian colony of Texarkana, Texas and Arkan sas, we express deep sorrow and re gret at the death of King Humbert. We tender your Majesty our sincere sympathy and condolence. A. L. Ghio, Pres. Mr. Tony DeGrazier asked for recognition. He said it would take money to send the cablegram and to decorate the church, and instead of two or three Italians bearing the expense, he thought all who felt able to give, should come forward and make a contribution. Each one present signed his pledge for the amount he would give, which collectively amounted to $56. A committee consisting of Tony DeGrazier, L. Longinotti, Antonio Columbo and Frank D’Arrigo, was appointed to arrange for the ser vice at the church. It was ordered that all Italians in the city meet at the West Side city hall at 9 o’clock sharp and march to the Catholic church in a body. A resolution was passed asking all Italians to close their places o» business from 9 o’clock a. m. until 12 m. on Thursday to attend the meeting at the church. That we condemn the act of the anarchist, Bressi. and characterize the deed as a dark and wanton murder, and stand ready to put down all societies of the Mafia or der. That aH citizens of all creeds are invited to attend the memorial ser vices at the Catholic church Thurs day at 9 o’clock. Guido Ghio, Sec’y. Mr. Ghio, the chariraan, said that Father Barbin was sick, but that he phoned Rev. Granger of Mar shall, Texas, to come and hold ser vice, to which he had given a favor able reply. It is said that the Italian colony here will number at least 200 adults and that the meeting will be largely attended. The meeting after having ap pointed all committees to arrange for the coming service, adjourned. “Every body is going to Galveston via the Port Arthur Route on August 25. Only $5.00 for the round trip. Train leaves Texark ana at 5:25 p.m., arrives at Galves ton next morning. Tickets good returning to leave Galveston up to 5:20 p.m., August 28.” C. E. Swindell, S. G. Hopkins, G. P. AT. A. C. P. AT. A. Mr. McKinley will be calling out some more of the young manhood of this country before long to have them boleroed in the Philippines or cut to pieces in China. W’e should all remember this when going to the polls in November. The first thing the allied force knows it wont know nothing, for there .won't be enough left to know anything. Those heathen Chinese don t take any prisoners, don't you know. Improved and unimproved city property, farms and timbered lands for sale, exchange and rent. W. R. Kelley. State Liue, over Wa ter Co's, office. 10 28 Anything you want In the real estate line on any kind of terms. W. R. Kellev, 226 State Line Ave. over Water Co's office. 2-19 Just a Few That is what we have on hand in Summer Wash Goods. You can buy them at a big reduction. 7 Cent Goods at io Cent Goods at 5 Ce 12j Cent Goods at = = = = 7c. 15 Cent Goods at 20 Cent goods at 10c. In other words, we offer these goods at just Half Price. J. Weisman & Co. 'Phone 157. ONE PRICE CASH HOUSE BLOODY WAR. Gen. Chaffee Reports the Mongols 40.000 Strong at Yang Tsun, Awaiting the Allies. Washington, Aug. 7.—The dis patches of Gen. Chaffee, written be fore the battle of Sunday, confirm the dispatches received concerning the attack on the Chinese at Peit sang. The interesting feature of the dispatch is the information re garding the position of the Chinese army, and the fact that the ad vance upon Pekin is made by the two columns, one on each side of the Pei Ho river, and it proves that the international column did not blunder upon an intrenched position of the enemy. It is thought that the present objective point of the column is Yang Tsun, fifteen miles beyond Peitsang. Once in posses sion of this point the international force would have both the river and the railroad in its rear for keeping open communication with Tien Tsiu. It naturally would become the advance base from which the operations on Pekin could be pro jected. It is reported that the en emy is 40,000 strong at the crossing of the road over the Pei Ho river. There is no information as to the number of the enemy which met the advance at Peitsang, but judging from the casualities to the interna tional forces, it must have been large. MEHSAOE FROM CONGER. Washington, Aug. 7.—The follow ing cablegram from Minister Con ger was received tonight by the state Tsi Nan Yamen, Aug. 7.—Secre tary of State: Still besieged. Situ ation more precarious. Chinese gov ernment insisting upon our .caving Pekin, which would be certain death Rifle fire upon us daily by imperial troops. Have abundant courage, but little'ammunition or provisions. Two progressive Yamen ministers beheaded. All connected with le gation of the United States well at the present moment. (Signed) “Conger." Food and Sleep are necessary to life and health. If you can’t eat and sleep, take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It creates a good appetite, cures in digestion and dyspepsia, overcomes nervousness and gives sweet, rest ful, refreshing sleep. The favorite cathartic is Hood's Pills. 25c. •> Silverware and novelties at Schus ter's. 1-1 CUT RATES On All Patent Medicines. SINGLE BOTTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. SMITH DRUG,, CO. Bradstreet Agency. It has been definitely decided to establish a local agency here of the Bradstreet Commercial Agency, and it is said this will be a feather in the city’s cap and will make our town of more importance commer cially. Everything comes to those who wait, but we should go three quarters of the way and meet all enterprises of a nature to help up build our city and then we will not be compelled to tarry too long. We pay special attention to re pairing of harness, saddles and bi cycles. If your work is not done to your satisfaction, we will do it over again without extra charge. The mam thing with us is pleasing the customer. The Edwards Har ness Co. G 17 Merchant Tailor. I have located at No. 119 J East Broad street, where I will carrX on a first-class cutting and fitting de partment in gents’ clothing. I have the best and most complete stock of gents' cloth ever exhibited here, and ask those contemplating having a suit made to call and see my stock and get prices. Respectfully, B Fane. Aug. 1,1900. Mr. J. J. Allen, of Hooks, Texas, was in the city today, and in con versation with the reporter said that crop prospects in his section were never better, and if the season continued favorable, and cotton did not shed, there would be the heav iest crop gathered than has been in several years. Window Iscreens.—For window screen, at lowest prices, apply to the Standard Novelty Works phone 125. 5 /"uticara V w ’ For Sanative Uses. Its remarkable, emollient, cleansing, n»