Newspaper Page Text
íi y VOL. 24 SOCORRO. NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 15.190B NO. 34 THE TERRITORIAL FAIR Wbioh Will Be in Session at Al bnqerqne from September 17th to 22nd Inclusive. WILL BE THE GREATEST EVER Baseball, Indian Race, Big Pa ras1, Hon Rtcu, Balloninjr, Hlrk Diving, Etc., Etc. ' Following is the program for the Twenty-siith Annual Terri torial Fair: Monday, September 17th, for mal opening of the twenty-sixth annual New Mexico Territorial fair at the Alvarado hotel by Governor Hagerman, at 1:30 p. m. 1:45 p. m. March to fair groundi. 2:30 p. m. Base ball game at the fairgrounds. Double-header 3 p. m. Indian races. DOWN TOWN. 7 p. m. Opening of Western Amusement Carnival company. 10:30 p. m. Bicycle dive bv Keckless Russell. TfKSDAT, SEPT. 18. (SÜKBRUC.'S GRAIN H.VG CUT TOBACCO DAY.) DOWN TOWN. 10: a. ra. Wool Grower's con vention called at Elk's opera house. 10 a. m. Western Amusement Company Carnival on the streets. PAIR GROUNDS. 1:30 p. m. Base ball at the fair grounds. 2 p. m. Harness races; Sur brug's Grain Plug Cut Tobacco Stake. 2:17 pace for $1,000. 3 p. m. Running races. 4. p. m. Indian races. 4:30 p. ra. Balloon race be tween Professor King, his wife and a monkey, the three of them tuttingjoose with parachutes at the same time. DOWN TOWN. 7 p. m. Indian dance on the streets 7:30 p. m. Carnival at tractions. 7:45 p. ra. Retail Merchant's association. Commercial club. 8 p. m. Good Roads conven tion called at the Commercial club.. 10:30 p. m. Reckless Russell and his high diving act. Free. WjtpjriSDAY, SFPT. 19. (Cak WATION CREAM AND 8 ANTA FE DAY. DOWN TOWN. 9: JO a. m. Meeting of com mittees of the Sheep and Wool Grower's convention in the par lors of the Commercial club. JO a. m. Carnival attractions n the streets. 10 a. m. Sheep and Wool Grower's convention called at Elks' opera house. 11:30 a. m. Reckless Russell ia the high bicycle dive. PAIR GROUNDS. 1:30 p. m. Base ball. 2 p. m. Carnation Cream Stake race; 2:20 trot for $1,000. 3: p. m. Running races. 2: 15 p. .Washington Cloth ing Company relay race for $200. 3: p. ra. Bucking bulls. 4: p. ra. Indian races. 4:30 p. m. Balloon race be tween Professor King, his wife and a monkey, the three of them eutting loose their parachutes at the same time. DOWN TOWN 7: p, in. Indian dances. 7:30 p. m. Carnival attract ions on the streets. V: p. m. Commercial club opening ball. 10:30 p. m. Reckless Russell and his high diving act. THURSDAY. SEPT. 20 ALBUQUER gU DAY, MOET ft CHANDON'S WDITK SEAL CHAMPAGNE DAY.) . DOWN TOWN. Railroads shops, lumber mills and all merchants and business houses close on this day- 10: 30 a. m. Mammoth Trades Display and Flover Parade. PAIR GROUNDS. 1:30 p. m. liase ball games at the fair grounds. 2: p.- m. Moet & Chandon's White Seal Champagne stake ract; 2: 13 pace for $1,000. CALL REPUBLICAN TERRITORIAL CONVENTION To Meet at La Vega September 89 To Nominate Candidate aa Dele gate to Concrete. Headquarters Republican Cen tral Committee, Santa Fe, N. M. Sept, 8th, 1906. 11 . . 4 . I- ! . -- A At.. i ursuam iu auuioiur iu wie Republican Territorial Central Committee, I. the undersigned , chairman of the Territorial Re publican Central Committee, of, New Mexico, do hereby call a convention to be held at the hour of 2:30 p. ra., at the Duncan Opera House, in the City of Las Vegas, on the 29th day of Sept ember, 1906, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for de legate to the 60th National Con gress and for the purpose of transacting such other business as may properly come before said convention. The various counties of the Territory are entitled to repres entation . in said convention as follows: Bernalillo 9 Chave 4 Colfax : 13 Dona Ana S Eddy ". 2 Grant 6 Lincoln 5 Guadalupe'; 5 Luna.... 2 McKinley 3 Mora 9 Otero 6 Quay 3 Roosevelt 2 San Juan 3 Santa Fe 8 San Miguel 20 Sierra 4 Socorro 11 Torrance 5 Valencia 13 Sandoval 8 Toas 8 Union Noproxies will be allowed except when such proxies are held by bona fide residents of the county from which said delegates may have been elected. All county conventions for the delegates trom the various co unties are hereby required to be held not later than the 26th day of September. . A meeting of the Territorial Republican Central Committee is hereby called to assemble at the Duncan Opera House, Las Vegas, at the hour of 10 o clock, a. m on the 29th dav of September, 1906, to transact any and all busi ness that may properly come before it. II. O. BURSUM. Attest: Chairman. C. V SAFFORD, Secretary Marriage lácense Issued. Marriage licenses have recent ly been, issued in the office of Probate Clerk B. A. Pino to the following named persons: Genovevo Griego, aged 22 years, of Las Nutrias and Clara Rael, aged 15 years, of Sabinal. Nemecio Anola. aged 29 years, and Isabel Vigil, aged 23 years, both of Kelly. Guadalupe Chavez, aged 21 years, and Toñita amorra, agea 21 years, both of Kelly. Juan Jose Gallegos, aged 19 years, ot "socorro ana feira l,u ero, aged lb years, or unrnar Jose de la O., aged 26 years, of Laborcita and Viviana Zamorra aged 1H years, of Socorro. Representative Wanted. Representative wanted in every town of Socorro County to sell high grade beach lots and farm ing lands. New and unique pro position. Address with refer enees. La Playa Beach Co. Inc., 345 Douglas Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Presbyterian Service. Services at usual hours at Pres byterian church tomorrow morn ing and evening. A cordial in vitation to all to come and wor ship with us. Sunday School at 10 a. m. H. M. Perkins, Pastor. Episcopal Service. Rev. .Jos. H. Darling will con duct services at the Episcopal church tomorrow morning and evening at the usual hours. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION For the Election of Delégate from Socorro County to the Territorial ; Convention. j At the democratic county con . vention held in this city for the ; election of delegates to the terri j torial convention A. 1). Coon was elected president, Julian Luna ! secretary, and A. C. Torres in- terpreter .i ' The convention pass ed a resolution favoring joint statehoo;, as provided r0r jn the Hamilton bill and elected dele gates to the territorial conven tion as follows: E. W. Eaton, James G. Fitch, Luciano Chavez, Matias Contreras, Louis McRae, M. Dougherty. Wm. Borrow- dale, C. E. Mead. Meliton Gon zales, and Andrew Kelly. CHARGES VS. SHERIFF BACA Governor Hagerman Will Be in So corro Sept. S3 to Hear Answer. Governor Hagerman has sent Sheriff Leandro Baca a copy of the charges recently filed against him in the executive by cit izens of Socorro county, and has informed Sheriff Baca that he will be in Socorro on Saturday, September 22, to hear any answer to the charges that the Sheriff may have to make. The copy of the charges is not available this week, but the Chieftain will try to publish them next week for the benefit of its readers. VICTIM OF STABBING AFFRAY DEAD Young Salztree, Stabbed by A. M. Price, Dies of Peritonitis. The young Boer teamster, who was stabbed bv A. M. Price, a cow boy, in a bawuv nouse at Magdalena on the 3rd inst. died at that place Monday night of peritonitis. The wounded man was doing nicely and seemed to be recovering from the effects of the cut under the care of his attending physician, Dr. Edwin Swisher, with no apparent chance of complications, when the latter had an urgent call from out west, to see a patient, and lor whom the wounded man was perfectly willing the doctor should leave him. And on Dr. Swisher s re turn on Tuesday from a hundred miles in the western part of the county, found that peritonitis had set in, and from which Salz tree had died Monday night. Beware of Ointment for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, '11 1- 1 - A as mercury win sureiy uesirov the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, ()., contains no mer cury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh cure be sure you get the genuiue. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by all Druggists Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. The ladies of the Episcopal guild are makingelaborateprepar- ations for a street carnival to be given on the vacant lot north of ! Attorney Jas. d. v itch s office on the 28th or 2(Uh of the present month. There will be a great variety of attractions offered, among which will be some in a circus tent, some in a Japanese tent, some in a music hall, and many others the nature of which can not now be described. The admission to each of these at traction will bé 10 cents and a generous revenue is anticipated. Conductor P. J. Savage took an extra coach up to Magdalena yesterday morning expecting to attach it to his train down this morning for the accommodation of those who might want to come to the circus. There was such a demand for passage down yesterday, however, that it was necessary to bring the extra coach back on the return trip, and both ' nat and the regular coach were crowded. The extra coach went up again' this morn ing and returned well filled. HOW EXPERTS DIFFER The Industrial Advortiser Employs an Expert on the New Mexico Penitentiary Matter THE PEN IN DEBT TO BURSUM I So Says the Expert after Goinff Over ! the Whole Mutter With Very Oreat Cure The follcwingeditorial appear ed in a recent issue of the Santa i ,, , . , Fe New Mexican- 1 'or s,,e on'' snan of w,,rk The Industrial Advertiser, pub- i horsi'- Weight ' t l'Mil lished at Albuquerque, and organ 1 P""ls- I"'ll''IV of 11,11 V ls,,cr of the New Mexico Democracy, j rro. N. M. after going carefully over the re- ' Mr amj Mrs. ytn. Martin of port of the expert on the peni- Kelly were in town Tuesday as tentiary finances. Imds that the jrlltfst, 0f Mr. Martin's mother. Territory owes ilon. II. O. Bur-' Mrs, M. J. Martin. sum $o4..ii, instead ot Ins being , indebted to the Territory. But to make sure of its calculations, it submitted the entire report to Robert Dross, an expert account- ant of standing and reputation, i who has no interest in politics or . penitentiary matters one way or the other. The conclusions of Mr. Dross are interesting, even if they only show how figures can be made to tell anything by an expert and how even experts may differ over the same matter. Savs he: As requested by you in your i litter of yesterday's date, I have waded carefully through the rather lengthy report published in the Morning Journal of Mon day, the 2d instant, in the New Mexico penitentiary under 11. U. Bursum's administration, but as I have never seen the books my self, it is somewhat difficult, nay almost impossible to follow the different items intelligently, as no doubt a good many of them, if not all, could easily be explain ed bv Mr. Bursum. The whole report has the blush of venom plainly stamped on its face, and my experience in the profession has demonstrated the fact that there is hardly a set of books in the world but what an expert determined to find something suspicious, would not succeed. That the books were not kept in a strictly business like method is evidenced by the fact that Mr. Bursum found it necessary or advisable to pay the sum of $1,727 into the treasury after his con nection with the institution had ceased. But it strikes me for cibly that it is almost impossible and certainly incredible for such a vast amount of discrepancies to exist and for such a length of time, as a sane commission would have put a stop to such lax book keeping as charged within a very short time and would have in sisted on a business like method. "Your deduction, as a resume of the report showing an over payment on the part of Mr. Bur sum of $543.11, is in so far correct as it certainly tallies with the figures given in the report. You ought to have said $6,670.75, 'cash in the treasury,' instead of 'turned in cash.' You will, how ever, have to take into account the expert's remarks on the item of total disbursements, $453,618. 05, i. e., including those by vouchers and by methods contrary to statutes, which no doubt Mr. Bursum and the commissioners would and certainly should be able to satisfactorily explain." Is Bursum HonestP "All of the republican papers of the territory and nearly all the democratic papers have de clared their belief in the honesty and high purpose of Hon. Harry O. Bursum," says the Las Vegas Optic. Northern New Mexico Fair. At Las Vegas Sept. 25-27. Tickets on sale Sept 23-26 inclu sive at $6.25 for the round trip. Return limit Sept. 2'J. Taos. Jaquks, Santa Fe Agt. It is now known that the Boer who was stabbed in a Magdalena resort a few days ago was a young man named Salztree, a sheep harder, and that the man who did the deed was A. M. Price, a cowboy. Since Salztree's death Price has jumped his bond and Sheriff Baca is offering a re ward of $50 for his capture. LOCALS Hon. II. O. Üiirstim lins lienti very much occupied at his sheep ranches during the past we Walter Jones of Alma was in town Wednesday on business be fore some of the county officials. Dr. G. W. Bennett of Indian Tcrritory is in the citv as the guest of his sister Mrs. Phoebe Howell. Lieutenant Cipriano Haca and Sergeant Rob't W. Lewis liad of ficial business in' Magdalena Monday. The School of Mines opened Monday with an enrollment some what larger than that for the first day of last year. Prof. P. A. Mareellino went j down to San Antonio Sunday to i begin work the next morning as principal of public, schools. Conrado A. Baca, deputy treas urer and collector, returned Thursday from Frisco. He says that he had a hard trip overland. Hon. W. K. Martin has been in Silver City this week in at tendance upon district court in his official capacity of district clerk. W. H. Byerts is advertising goods at exceedingly low prices. Read the ad and you will see that it is worth while to give him a call Lieutenant Cipriano Baca has rented the Kichne cottage at the head of Eaton avenue and he and family will take possession the first of next month. Mrs. A. Kiehne left wstcrdav morning for the Kiehne ranch in the western part of the county. Miss Estelle returned to Mesilla Park to resume her studies at the Agricultural College. Matias M. Torres and wife accompanied by their young son, Leopoldo, parents and brother of J. A. Torres, came down from Magdalena Wednesday and are taking in the circus today. Mrs. Agnes James, who has recently been living with her daughter Mrs. Dan Scruggs of Albii(iterijue, has rented the Fullerton residence in the south ern part of the city and is ex pected to take possession the first of next month. Reports from out west are to the effect that a baud of Indians are causing considerable trouble for the settlers in destroying fences and running off and kill ing stock. A posse consisting of Charlie Anderson, Dave Sor rell ami others are in pursuit. , , , , . J. H. Hilton stock of shoes. !! t r. u nital shoe is a novelty and solid comfort. He has just sent in an order for $400 worth of men's shoes- His stock of children's school shoes is varied and com plete. He also has some extra fine fancy harness. Give him a call for anything in his line, and you will be pleased with results. I Fred Baldwin came to town j yesterday from his ranch in the Datils. Of course it is a mere i coincidence that Fred is hereon I circus dav. But, be that as it may, speaking oi me sanguin ! arv reports concerning Indian I activity in the western part ot j the county, he says that the 1 only evidence he saw of such l activity was a few Navajoes shearing sheep. 1 hat seems to extent of the ' le iust about the outbreak. Frank N. Farrarof Buffalo. N. Y., who will be pleasantly re membered by friends in Socorro as having spent some time here with his family two years ago, writes that Fred M. Denny died Sept. from the effects of an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Denny and family spent the winter in Socorro and left here only a few weeks ago. The afflicted ones have the keen sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances in this city. LARRAZOLO IS CALLED By the Unterrifiod Democracy of lerritoryrof NewIiMexico in Convention Assembled TO BE 1A: WILLING SACRIFICE Once for B-nU n by Hun. B. S. Ruder Delegate to Coitirr by 10,000 Majority. The democratic convention in session lit Santa Fe Ydn.-.,Uv and Thursdai hail great difficul ty in finding a m.,n w, w,, willing to sacrifice liiuiscll a candidate lor delegate lo con gress on the democratic ticket. , After an all night and a raorn , ing vession. however, the conven tion finally prevailed upon Ü. A. Larrazulo of LasVegas to allow himself to be sacrificed. Mr. Larr.uohi was beaten for She honor of representing New Mexico in congress four year : ago l Hon. Bernard S. Rodey by nearly 10,000 votes. It goes ; without saying that he will be ; beaten this time bv Hon. W. II. j Andrews by ut least as many 1 votes, probably by more. The convention indulged in a j fierce oratorical battle over the ! iiiestion of statehood. There j was a majority and a minority committee report, but those in , favor ol statehood finally 1 triumphed by the decisive ma ; jority of 144 to 22. TEACHERS ARE EMPLOYED For Several Districts of Socorro County but There Is Oreat Scarcity Superintendent Jose Antonio j Torres reports that teachers have I been employed for several of the I school districts of the county aa I follows: At Reserve, Miss Nel lie Dotv; at San Marcial. Misses ! Kose II. and Delia Schmidt: at San Antonio. P. A. Mareellino; I at Carthage, David Flores: at San Antonito, Martin Lopez; and at Magdelena, Miss Bessie Cav anaugh. These are but a few of the forty-odd districts of the county and there is likely to de velop a great scarcity of teachers be forest he school year is fairly open. DEATH OF JUAN PINO Y BACA Ono of Socorro's Old and Highly Ke epected Citiaens Passes Away After a Long Illness Juan Pino y Baca, an old and highly respected citizen of So corro, died heptember 1 at hi i home in this city at the age of , years Deceased suffered a ! stroke of paralysis of the left side June 3(1 and neither medical service nor the most careful at tention that could be bestowed availed to stay the hand of death. Funeral services wera i conducted Monday, the third in- I stant, from the family residence and the Catholic church and were of the most largely attend ed in the city in recent years. Mr. Pino was born at Ojo del Parido and was a resident of So corro county all his life. He never took a very active interest in politics but served as sheriff i from 1S77 to 1874, having been elected on a people's ticket. He leaves four children, two sons and two daughters, to mourn his loss. The sons are Boteslo A. Pino and Salomon Pioo and the daughters are Doloritas Pino and i Mrs. Flaviu Vigil. News has reached this citr : from Magdalena to the effect that : Dr. Elmer Blinn, who was on hit ; wav to Chloride to look after his mining property in that dis trict, met with a serious accident by his team becoming frightened at lightning during u severe elec tric storm, and running away, throwing the Doctor out ot the wagon which was heavily loaded. Dr. Blinn was alone when the accident occurred and was later found unconscious and brought to Magdalena where he is suffer ing from internal injuries and a badly sprained and braised hip. He is under the fare of Dr. Swisher and is doing as well at can be expected. ! Oats, oats, oats for sale i Geo. E. Cook's livery stable. at