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THE DAILY EXPRESS a ant Asi iA, IND. TER fcfen sinners are not satisfied w!t lie wages they receive. Around the world in nine and one talf minutes it not so slow. Somel linos a Greek cabinet doesn't ven wait for the first pay-day. By this time Admiral Cotton must ear "the (smile, that won't" etc. Glass 1b goinff to he higher. Look )tit for the windows, ye players of Mie old rati On second thought King I'eter Is Srnily opposed to regicide as a polit ical expedient. What a pity nature did not furnish lornetlilng as good as tobacco that would tot be harmful. I-aitreate Austin has Just written a Srania which is every bit as good as tvytuin; be ever wrote. Sir Thomas I.lpton may not have brought over a winning yacht, but be )ti!I lias that winning smile. No one would object to a judicious merger of the 8oJc in the West with the forest fires In the Kasl. New York society women am wear ing men's boBe. and, strange to say, the men are raining no objections. Lieut. I'eary announce attain that he is filling to lead another polar ex pedition. Li it nobody seems to notice. It now looks as If Sir Thomas would once more have to rerrosa the herring ponu iu a i-ueenui urn. cup. ess couai- tlou. The Worcester Evening Gazette eonvle-t Itself of lee majesto by speaking of "the kid potentate of Spain. " The man with his ear to the ground may hear more than other people, but the trouble is be hear too mm h that is cot so. No, It wasn't a papyr away out in Kansas or Arizona, but the Boston Herald that said, "Mr. Sankey is now out of sight." toiomuia porsmiy tears mat it it i bad that in it safe a( doen revolutions would be af'er It ' before morning. ! William Zimmerman attempted to loop the loop ou roller sk.iten at In dianapolis last Monday. The fool killer as present. China now bas the pleasant alterna tive of dcldlng whether It prefers to be drubbed by the Anglo-Japauere Ilance or by Hnssla. Yoj msy have noticed that It Is always a boy or a man who dies of lockjaw. The female sex Is too strong tor the tetanus germ . I The I-ondon I.aucet advises par-1 enta not to have a fat baby. What would the lancet have them do with the child? Give It away? A Denver woman bas written a book which 1 intended as a reply to Mary Marline's warm work. Why poke up the dead, especially In this hot weath r? Th fool and his money are eoon parted. But the fool usually has money to be parted from, and It' mighty sel dom you'll find the wise man o well hwied. Jim Corbet t. uses a punching bag tilled with 2i!5 pound of sand, and Bob FtUsiruroon say that all the aand Corbett ha la In this bag. Knocker! Gon. Casslu M. Ciay 1 thought to Im craiy because he love his wife who ha twice deserted him. We can't uMrstand why the lady doesn't file an Indignant protest. The sooner a man understand after he gets married that hi rela- J ttonship to his house is the same a cashier to bi business firm, the greater a success he w ill be as a good I kiisband, I In deciding that the quick-lunch j res'aurant patron may eat with hisi hat on the New York court wa tak ! Ing reasonable ground. What time) baa the American business man toi take off his hat before eating? Scientists say death is In Iced tea. nd advise that water at a tempera ture of about 65 degree Is the only thing to drink in hot weather. How about thore Ice-cold springs we used' to dip it from when we were boys? Is a girl as modest as she looks? It la the question which has driven many an old bachelor to strong drink, and then remained as much as an Insoluble mystery as it was when Atiatn first came face to fa e with it and passed it tip to posterity. The automobile if no longer to be c-lnsed as "so Kngtish. you know," .lohn Bull having decided to for bid ex Jiiliirions of speed on the public high ways, ai he prefers to have his sub lect.i maimed in foreign' wars instead tt mangled for fun at home. j M. Sa:itos Dnniont lias been taking! tip children for a ride In his airship.! Jt is pleasant to be told that a plucky j Amciiean bo". 10 years old. was tht! first to ta:e a trip above the trees. When the Mml Mullah recovers he I wiil probably ?wear off as far as' Abyssinian nie concerned and in future Bi'.M only usaicst the Uriiish Instead of advertising that it is the coo!et place In the country some si, 'inner re: ort will make a bit by nd iTtii:ti; 1'iat it is Uie vxtruuiL J FLN'E MONUMENT ERECTED TO t MEMORY The above statue, representing "Virginia Mourning Her Dead," was recently unveiled at the Virginia Mil- ! itllrv inxrltute Lexincton. Va. It is erected on the campus of the grounds , , , .,. f, in the battle of Newmarket, Va., May 15, lSfit. It was executed and pre sented by Sir Moses Ezeklel, an Assassination or Abdication th Lot Of the Majority. Assassination tempered by abdica tion such has been the fate of most llaikan rulers. Since the Balkan peo ples were emancipated King Otho of i Greece, Prim e C'u?a of Roumanla, I Prince Alexander of Bulgaria, Prince Alexander Karageorgevilch and King ' Milan of Servla- have been forced to abdicate, while Prince Danilo of Mon tenegro, Prince Michael, King Alex ander and Queen Draga of Servla, as well as Kara George, the Servian lib erator, have been murdered. In addi tion attempts were made on the lives of the late Queen Alitalia and King George of Greece, as well as on the late King Milan of Servla. Out of the sixteen Balkan rulers who have held sway during the last century four alone two Montenegrins and Milosh Obrenovitrh I and the short lived Mi lan Obrenovitch II of Servla died peacefully on their thrones, while four are nllll alive. The remaining eight were all murdered or expelled and even Mflosh Obrenovitch was once compelled to abdicate temporarily. WELCOME THE AMERICAN FLEET United 6tate Squadron Cets Cordial Reception at Portsmouth. Tho American squadron under Rear Admiral Cotton arrived at Ports mouth, Kngland. July 7, and wa given a hearty and no!y reception by a formidable British fleet or warships. The American warships entered Portsmouth harbor, pausing through the line of the British warships, which fired Balutes. This compliment was returned by the Kearsarge. and It consorts, which were escorted to their berth In the Inner harbor. Official calls were then exchanged by Lord Charles Ueresford, Admiral Milne and Rear Almiral Cotton. The entertainment was robbed of the spec tacular character of the ceremonies at Kiri. slice King Edward, unlike v , ,'. if A. the German emperor, was unable to be present. Rei- Admiral Cotton returned some of tiie courtesies extended to the American squadron by giving a recep tion J illy and I I. dinner on the Kearsatae Miles May Live in Texas. It is said that after hlr retirement I the army Lieut. Gen. Miles will h make his permanent home in either J Louisiana or Texas. He has recently ! been looking oer these nates with the view of purchasing sn estate upon j which he may spend the declining j years of his life in ease and comfort, j Should the general decide to locate I in the south it will tve largely because i ot ex -Gov. Hogtt's efforts. The big ican anu me n,ti sumier t.ave been i lesc friends for mnnv vcais. Compliment to the President. The Now Jersey Historical society has elected President Roosevelt a life- member. He is the first president of the I'nit d to be thus honored, althmi'-h Vice I'lesldent Hob.irt was a bfe member, mid Mrs. Hobart, his viiiovv. is one of the honorary vice presidents. Gratitude of a Veteran. Thomas Trahoy. a civil war veteran of Sr. l.i!iis, has placed a monument over the crave of the- sister of clarify who nursed h'.:n throne!) an IHne-ss uuiiii the war. I! f. , v KJ ' I r -r r r f n A I D t 1 1 CBG I GflCWTICTC A I I a T rill) "T" OF VIRGINIA CADETS American sculptor, who was a cadet himself and present at the battle. Young Thomas Jefferson, the great grandson of the author of the declar ation of independence, a roommate of the sculptor, was stricken down and died In his arms. Many of his other classmates fell around him, but. be and othera came out of the battle un scathed. Unable to Account for Movement of New Star. Two years ago a new star blazed out In constellation Perseus. Such new stars are by no means rare, but this was so great and varied in bril liancy so rapidly that It was specially noteworthy. Soon after the outburst that made the star so bright u was found to be surrounded by a nebula, and this nebula spreai outward around the nucleus, gradually as seen by the raked eye. because of the ttar's distance, but really with Im mense speed. In fact, it has been calculated that this speed watt so great that It seem impossible that the spread of the ne bula could have been due to the mo tion of ordinary matter at all. It has been suggested that the apparent mo tion was really only a progressive Il lumination of the nebulous matter by light from the exploded star. But Prof. Simon Nowcomb calculates that even this will not account for the mo tion, for it was at least ten times that of light. We huve thus actually observed a motion In the heavens that vastly ex ceeds any other that we have ever heard of, whether It bo of projected matter or of ether-waves. What It la', wa cannot at present even conjecture. Success. Woe of a Theatrical Manager A British theatrical manager recent ly returned to London aftpr an eight-een-montha' tour through the coloaies with a comic opera company.. He left London with thiny-flve Jadles, chorul and principals. At Gibraltar hi trou bles began two of hi girls got mar ried and left. At Cairo he lost an other in the same way. At Bombay he missed one of his chorus; In the first scene and on going to demand where she wa bad her pointed out, mm sluing m a oox me damsel nau oeen married mat morning and had come around to see her frlevd play. He tost another at Calcutta, an other In Cape Colony and two at Val paraiso, until at last, not being able to replace the deserters, bis company I was reduced to nearly halt its orlg- inal strength. Hatched in. Peculiar Way, A suburban Philadelphia banker tells this story to illustrate his .hens' prowess In egg-laying: "Some time ago." he says, -"an- eag wai left for a nest egg in the place where iny hen lay This in-st egg, -the other day, hatched, and I have now one lonelv little chlcft,. which nett-rat down mothers care for. Here Is tb ex planation, of the miracle: ' -My ten are sueh steady layers that one would no sooner git off. the Bijst egg, having deposited a fresh egg beside It, than another would slip on, and in her turn lay. Thus by dozers of oifferent mothers the solitary egg was batched. Though no one hen 'sat' on it, never theless it was kept always warm, and in due time there stopped forth from it a lonely but vigorous little chick." Career of President Loubet. President Loubet. who recently vis ited L'ngland, was prime minister of Prance and president of the senate, but it was not until he bcame presi dent of France thin ,Hs name at tracted much attention". Frenchmen sometimes take singularly little- In terest in political representatives, and It was not until M-. Ixuitbct attained the dignity of chief of the state In IS'1! that his features became -known even to Parisians. New York's "Beer Queen." New Yoik is to have a "beer qitee'ii." A brewery worth $.",Oe..).(ii,e. producing JOO.immi barrels of beer an nnaUy and yielding $r.mi,ftno ja profit is to be owned and managed by a1 woman. After years of litigation Mr. Josephine Schmidt ha been awarded! full possession of the Immense prop-) erty left by her husband and she? wiil personally icnducl the business. J Gc". Bates Now a LL. D. I That stam h Methodist institution Wes'cysn university has ron'en-d tipon Gv. r.&tes, of Massachusetts.' th degree of LU r. j I V. CUPOLA SlvLTOIEir -BYPON VAUI4I13 Once aguin the season is upon us shen the tired and rttlrcd city toiler ultii a grip full of flannel shirts and jacon rind bait uiniHca to some d'-a! spot in the pastoral wildwood, where he can listen In rapt enthu llasrn to Munchausen tales of bow the j.-fh bit just before be arrived and iiow they will surely bite before he joes away! The farmer sits on the ferauda and between whiffs of an old Judeen tells how pure the air is and iow It knocks the city bacilli out of I man. His good wife, in her alpai runabout, ladles out great gobs of Joy is she dwells upon the comfort you nill take sans coat, sans vest, sans iollar, sanB everything except a few ninor underclothes, a negligee shirt and a pair of pajamas. Having jraved the menu, consisting of soda trackers, dry chipped beef, atore cook es with white frosting, and a few jther delicacies of a like character, ;ou take on appreciation of the purity of the air. From $2 to ? per day 'or pure air naturally calls for a high y clarified atmosphere, and you be tn to leel light-headed. When you jre so full of air and soda crackers you can remain anchored no longer, you suddenly got a telegram (?) to come home and bury your office l'-y. With highly inflated lungs you return to the city, having a sunburn that Jikvj the smile, won't come off. In your sadder and more comrnun static moments you recall that your I dream of bacon and eggs, fresh vege tables, wooded nooks, big fish catches land a quart or two of Just reit was a ' ughtmare. You firmly resolve to In trodure a bill in the legislature com pelling all country .resort keepers. iRinnTs especially, to furnish photo--rephs of fturroundlngs, map of lake, certificate of fih catches, together with sample menu by mail, to all pros pective boarders who, upon arrival will demand as a further protection a good and sufficient bond binding the vesort liar to tell the truth, th whole truth and nothing but the truth," during the entire season. But you get busy bulling the market or keeping the market from hulling you and forget your resHves. Next year you go out and work olr your enthusiasm in the same way. Pure air comes high, but we must have It. ('. Curious how some men make bits in this world, l.n't It? Sad, too, how many times the placard. "He was a good boy, but ." has been attached to the tall of a young mans coat. When at school this second miniature genua homo was a favorite with the teacher because he always knew his lessons, was neat and tractable, never devilish and always reliable. Along side of little Johnny Creen, whope face was ever suggestive of a night In the slough, whose hair was tangled anci had a cow lick In it, who never missed an opportunity to "can" a dog's tall or stick pins where they would do the most good for the greatest number, the "good boy, but " was a para gon of promise. In later life, he de veloped into an honest milkman with occasional dabbles in "working round A good boy but he became a "good man but " He belonged o that great aggregation known is The Nou Combustible League, the fellows that "never set the world on fire Little Johnny Green, to the contrary notwithstanding, took a firm hold on the seat of his trousers and lifted himself past the "canned" dogs into the realm of success, where he la now busily engaged counting his money and wondering where he will build bis next summer 'box" by the lapp'ng "box" usually turn lakeside. The out to be a J'0.000 "cottage" at Rub bernecltg' Roost, or some other fash ionable neck on the coast. The woods are full of Just such examples. It never pays a teacher to scoff at her dullest scholar, lie may some day clean -up her preserves with a mort gage, or come to lecture in her town and be met by a committee of ten, of which she will not be one because she -was not sum lently urged. When a hoy w e often failed to get our algebra lesson because of the interior work ings of genius. IiOok at us now! A living example of our argument. You can't tell by the looks of a frog how far he can jump for a fly. The teacher who looked disdainfully at us is noth ing but an ol.l maid to this very day. while we are married and haven't learned an algebra lesson in thirteen years. Moral Be good and you will be happy. "It is better to be low and humble, to eat pie wkh a knife and say "them people,' than to be ruler of a revolu t'u' kingdom rnd have a cold, glitter ing steel claiules-tiri ly introduced into yer anatomy. Be thankful fer small things." I'ncle Py. A New Jeiscy preacher has orcan i eil a choir of thir'y whistlers. It is time for the old hard shell ilea; oils to to n ever in their graves auain. '?. A modest Boston girl made a quilt c;f her old stockings, but she ns. d only that pait of them ordinarily vis ible to a man's naked eye. Tliouizii the mill's of tiie gods grind slowly they will sooner or later grind exceeding stria!! the chauffeur who Mils and runs away. Tlcie is only ore thli's that makes n niadd-r than being niisqitotej l y the m wsnan-rs, ar.d that is not to I e qi-oif 1 al '!. l"jrati.MS a 1 v :.e? v ? ... . itsfaMsri ' -iliirnisT.i mirlTiti" sti'sr'n- LV CUPOLA 111 SKETQiEy If BVDON mJUATtf News Notj A new criticism Is passed upon tho universities of this country by a member of the German delegation which has been studying American agricultural methods. He says of our great schools: "There is one thing that they miss, and that Is beer. The students here can't have the enthusiasm we have in our Ger man schools by drinking water. It ! beer that Inspires them." Oli! Jt's hi-e-r. beer, beer! Drtnk It down, dunk It down Without fear! The- foaminK otil lunger Thar rouses itu- tiger In youth! Uti! It'a titer, beer, beer! Pour it down, pour il down With a Iter! Inspiration of amber That erttusea to clamber Our boyi! Oh! It's ber, beer, beer! Swig" it down, swig II down I. ike a seer! Yes, It heipu to tile ton, Does the Juice of the hop. Our girls: Oil' It's beer. beer, beer! Swill it down, swill tt down "Don't ye keer!" It tickle the palate And help with the ball ;t Aliko! Ci! It's beer, beer, beer! Choke it down, choke It down f-'.e bi:-eere! It re-ulat prudence And itmk.-M sterling pludentd or all! Then It's beer, beer, beer! Till you halte.r and rope Your career! KfferveseeiK'e of glory 't hat crowns toe sweet story Of life! ft Once upon a time when we wero trapsing through the perfumed pas tureland, looking for inspiration on which to erect aircastles, we were chased by a man cow with a voice on him like a fog horn in a Kansas James cane. As we swept onward across the succulent bottoms, through the be-ferned woodland, on! on! In a mad spasm of flight, with the bull's horns tickling our coattal's and his Chi nook breath withering our back hair, his blaring roars of rage entered the memory of our very being, and though we live to be antique and moss-covered, we can never forget that dash for life,- liberty and the privilege of worrying a large constitu ency with our mewlings. Hut, "as time runs on In sun and shade," we bad ceased to start, panic stricken, at the sound of a blatant voice with horse-fiddle attachment, until last week. Fateful week! It was night. The stars studded the azure canopy just as they always do when the typewriter (machine) is being agitated by a sentimentalist. The farmer out at the lapping lake was smoking one of our cigars, and. wa were smoking one given by a friend we can trust. The scene waa a classic one. Mounted on a rude bench on the veranda we looked away over the cowshed, past the henhouBe and other little houses, over and be yond the windmill and the fertilizer pile into the lowering night. In the distance we could hear the hired man remonstrating with the docile cows for slopping their tails In the milk pa!! and slapping him alongside his celluloid collar with the hair poultice thus improvised. As we sat there in a perfect heaven of peace and fresh air at slightly ad vanced prices, of a sudden there was a hollow, trumpeting, guttural growl that stirred us fore and aft. We could feel our heart jumping like a cock roach on the lid of a hot apple pie and all was still. In a moment tt was repeated in its fiendish and ap palling horror! "Farmer," we cried excitedly, "your bull's loose again!" "It do beat all." crawled that indi vidual, "how many city fellers takes thm bullfrogs fer keows!" We are now mathematically engag ed on a problem something like this: "It a little thing like a bullfrog can growl like a gentleman cow, how loudly could an elephant growl were he by nature thus constructed?'' ft ft A Chicago man asked his divorced wife for cce farewell kiss and when she turned her face toward his and pursed her lips to stand the recoil, the villainous osculator bit her nose! The Judge sent the carnivorous in dividual to the penitentiary. Let this be a warning to young men who are in the habit of biting their sweet hearts. See where married life lead one! A rival humorist is joking over I Haltimore girl who gives her sweet heart the parings of her fingernail as souvenirs, the aforesaid mat evi dently does not know that the young man is president of a pure food coin-1 pany. j :::i man who livjU in V ynns,:1?. k.iiS went t-!ir jn I hi nkiainMi ; ; iVt fiiitM'wi )!t! "i'i-T h ' H up lb' "it'B'T"' i Iowa paper solemnly assures hat our Mitidoro brothers, Mia-1 P. I., have tails. The mulct law; not done as much for Iowa aa no-ally accredited. j At is t doro. ias is V 4 So-; J-c eiv t:.-.t the er.i.'K.-rg on i VN lii-l of e.,1 ,1.,g Hr.ev.-: j Pit-r in. he. I t . 1. 1. re u:, ! A rut tl"b'ej .--! i r tin jcrave! 4 Wiiiiam T. Curtis i now a doctor: of lib riiture. With so much writing: nowadays that lu-eds doctoring "Doc" Curtis Kiitibld be a very tni-y r.iau. 4 Tne ::n plu.; (jf a man has the P'l'.-i'j:: ::i '.' no 5-Ct-i;t ( ivir V UJ Li cskv! a'.t-r hiva, a:tj hv.v, i GET; WELL - Vhfi thon:ti;1rt nf ppoj.lfl who art fvcrjr day hfiJiif trm! wHI by Dttuu Iiiilnoy rill unci tin free triul h;mw ilh oil rt U makes further ilelay, lMiluey ut-jU'ct. They cornet urin-j with brick dust iimt"it, high solored, pain in pacing, dribbling, frequency, bed wetting. Doao Js.t.itify 1'iJiu rptnov ealeult and KratrL Eci kr heart pa I pi uit inn, i ?; j; i p&mh sii , he Stiui'bA, cervouantusK, diezi&ws. Nuvbkrm, Kr. B. C. Jon Whips: "1 waa unable to rt anything to atop iJie tno much flow of water, for TATT For tr trial P"of.-r-yutnjrn 1:0 . 4ia.w t$ maifhiieiti, To Riatir Professor. Yale professors will hereafter be re tired from service, except In peclal (mn, at 63 year of age. IMMENSE TOBACCO PUDCHASE Forty-Eight Thousand iK.llara I'ulil for a Fancy S.ot of Tobucco The biirgcst purcliase of liiirlt Knule tobacco ever made iu the West by a ciar manufacturer was made last Wednesday by Frank J. Iycvvis, Peoria, 111., for his ctelelirate-il Single Hinder cirar. A written fiuarantee waj given that tiio entire amount was tu he fancy .selected tobacco. This, no doubt, makes the Lewi fac tory the largest holder in the I'nited Statfs of tobacco oT so hih a ftrad inff. Ileml 1-Trunseriiit, Dec. 21, vm. RuMia Buy Welsh Coal. The Russian government contract! yearly for 50,000 ton of Welsh coal to be delivered at Port Arthur niefort July 1. STrinitea, Wtr 3ottlM, Special Rubber ftutidriea, Bath C:atiiue(H, etc. Kep heallllT ami avoid uitpleattnt comiiUratious. I.aihea' Kubber (tlove hous-hol(l use. etc. e'orre-onn-drm-fieoUiateft. OKLAHOMA UUCri Ul'B BEB CO , Oklahoma City, Okla. Upgardson '"A Panama hat in ex pensive, of, but It will last for ever. The longer you wear them the tougher they get. This one of mine Is In Its third year." Atom "Yes, I've been noticing It. I think It's the toughest hat I ever saw." Chicago Tribune. I do not believe Piso Cure for Cr r,nipt:oo bis un equal for cotiKbs and cold.- JoH.y f Boveh, Trinity Springs, IoU.. Feb. :5, lauu, Company Own Many Steamer. The Irrawaddy Flotilla company own the record number of steamer for any one company 118 In all. INSIST OX GETTING IT. Sotne grycer say they don't keep De fiance Starch because they have a stock In hand of 12 oz. brands, which they know cannot be sold to a customer who hus once used the 16 oz. pkg. De fiance Starch for same money. New York' Population In 1900. The population of New York In 1S00 was 3,437,202, of whom more than three-fourths were foreign born or of foreign parentage. Plenty of Room for All. If '.he Mississippi valley were at densely populated as Massachusett, il would have 350,000,000 Inhabitants. ONLY A DREAM But It Caused a Negro to Surrender to the Officer Mt'SKOfiEE; It was the effect of a dream that caused Jerry Mcintosh, the negro freedman who saturated his wife's clothing with kerosene and then set fire to them, to come to this city and surrender to Bass Reeves, deputy I'nited States marshal. Mcintosh says he dreamed that the deputy marshal came upon him In the brush and when he jumped up to run the deputy shot and killed him. When he woke up and realized that it was only a dream he decided to come to town and give himself un. He was arraigned befor.e the United States commissioner on the charge of assaulting his wife with Intent to kill. After pleading guilty he was bound over to the grand Jury and was sent to jail in default of HO.iviO bond. The negro went home one night re cently and dragged his wife from her bed and after pouring coal oil on her, set a match to her. The woman was terribly burned and her attending physician says that she is In a critical condition, with little hope of recovery. Mcintosh says that he was drunk when he committed the act and hardly knew how ft was done. "SUMMER FOOD" Ha Other Advantages, Many people have tried the food Grape-Nuts simply with the Idea of avoiding the trouble of cooking food in the hot months. All of these have found something besides the ready cioked food Idea, for Grape-Nuts Is a scientific: food that tones up and restore a sick stomach as well as repairs the waste tissue ia brain and nerve center. "'for two years I had been a sufferer from catarrh of the stomach due to Improper food and to relieve this con dition I had tried nearly every pre pared food on the maiket without any success until six mcntlis aao my w!f purchased a box of Grape-Nuts, think ing it would be a desirable cereal for the summer mom us. "We soon made a discover, we wore enchanted with the delightful flavor of the food and to my surprise I began to pet well. My breakfast now consists cf a little fruit, four ioaspoenfuls of Grape-Nuts, a cup of Postimi. wbbb. I pre fer to coffee, graham bread or toast and two boiled eiit;s. I never suff r the least distress after eating this and my stomach is perfect ami jenral health fine. Giape-Nuts is a wonder ful preparation. It was only a little time after star; it a: on it that wi:'o ami I both felt, more vicorotis, and in all ways suer.-er. This Ins been our c",iei ieree. "P. S. The ad-'.iticn cf a little salt In place cT sura'- shis to nn to im piove tie trod." Name clvcn by lVa Ui:n Co.. F,u: Cr-ek. Mi' h. S-t.'I fer parti ill. irs i.r re til cf ex tension c-f Vu..: en the $T,r ) ) Cuvl.f' vosl'.V. fer iij Bivaey pr.;vi - STAY WEJX Inlty i-J-.I8 I hud !i.v-t r..J iiiit.'it -c-'Uiii i4 p wutl--wm very wtm, unit aSiut jpv;tir cp ail U -1 SC't t'oiui'a t'jiu and ti'f cured m. 'Hint wiut f .4 nionOu fta, and i can fctf, toy, my wnwr i regulaj and t liav nl ha.i h'Mwljw-M far five montiis, Koc Ud wtt!un, bikltn urine, ac4 b-ft.liwlt, lliaus KldneJ FUia bavw no equal. I ha?4 rcoaimpiiiil thtun to flf'.y diTt-reut jitX-ivmmi with rftsijita. 1 flrl r(Mtd of limva'a I'llto iu Sntthlrinti, cut Uj you for aami ftud afterward! pon-haatsl WM pilla fnun JollfV Hru.,Qrai I:ive.r." if. C JoNaa. (Doans i , bo, mail thi tyjupon to llntfiu. S Y It (. wrkM adili-M wft EDUCATIONAL Oklahoma State Military Institute, Oklahoma City, 0. T. A horll (rrndf Military Ktiior.t. T!ir-e t;irrs Firm difc.-nilin'. Ki'Vant new tmiiuuig. .Stm lieaiwi. Eit-etrie lighted. Moderate -ap-a-. Pm-Mlty of Ualo rtpcnallMK, V. 8. Army Olti'-t-ri. PliTnii-al training a -p-(-jrtt ffatura. Aiblr-is Lieut. --(ot. Jaawra I. Dunn, C f. 4pt Cjklaliuma t Hy, ej. T. jctnwujct4Jt?a worm. 1a r fTREtr - laAturj err am - CAPITAL CITY BUSINESS COLIFCE CLTetKii , OKLA. the lnrc-et t)uyinoa8(.'t'it li -:e in th rentral wn'h wcit. t'otiri'w: t'ommr eial. hlliirlliatid St Type writing. P--nuiii!ili and T-l irnti'hv- tll Utltt BIGINS itlf. T. N03. rorrftinniifiife tolieiled. Addi-eaa R. A. lilcdical Department, TUUNE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. Iti I'lvanta' for practl.-iil loitirin-Mon. both t rii ip lalhiralorien and almndutlC lux-paai uian-riaia are iiii-q 1 1 at ld. r rea ai-i-ftm la ifivcn lu llje Ktzttl C lianty tliplTtl wlih ni lifln and .sii.imi pailful annutCiy. sv-i-IhI liirttrurlt..i tl Hum dully at tlia liil.litc uf tltp it. it. 'I'tir next m-aflon b-iilu Ortol.r lld, :Hi:l. for 4'ii!a!!ti anil III formal Ion, aililrtiaa Prof. S. E. CHAILLE, M. D., Dean. P. O. Drawer 261. Haw Orleana, La. Some people who jump at conclu sions lose sight of the hurdles. MORE FLEXIBLE AND LASTING, won t shake out or blow out; by using Defiance Starch you obtain better re sults than possible with any other brand and one-third more for same money. , t Chicago Saving Depotit. Savings deposits in Chicago banki have passed the $100,000,000 mark. In the past year they have increased more than $22,000,000. Oh! how I love you, This is what I mean The world renowned Jind famous ICE CREJIM. OKLAHOMA CITY Au WICHITA. a. FJ CE-STC7Y f rC'-, CUTf IT. i jsI '-.".T Wit Fh . ' v- ' taai mi earaiMar THE MURPAY mmt CAUAS. TFlta.t -j UELLDRlLLi: tw UJ ti . I 1,1 Il ! M.i!hlnM ara nortahla. bcikA At i.i a nv ai n bo.t -r a!W a C -' i and boraa pewar. i'v-w- i. I ft-aat ai miA fwr ':. i Ai liiuaravaU oatauuaua. Adi KOJLT tt TA.IETHilX. Waterloo. Mr, and OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. ASK VOUR CROCEtt FOB EL RENO'S FLOUR bj tti itet Improved uatrltlZMiry. Did you On third of your Uf is opnt IN BED. Wh t buy chn b1dinff whn Ever Ilium, pillow .na.i hf u, w-t your FurfiitnrDt dalr to hnw you our fiKjd. . H. Nl'OD. MtnuUetvir.r, No. lno I rt Kt CM. Avf. Long DL. Fhoti Ok)aMr City. 9ki Annings. Tents. All Kin is. Cnnva" nwl Rultwr irKKis. Ma.l ordin iromot H'ltnttcii. t'tirr'j.n 1wh-p fc:t.itl. O taihoflNI Dut:k 4 RuWw C.. ORifthoma i.'iy, Okiit. free to vor.'.Erji rwwir I pnv l h' fin.? p J I '! t ct Aiv. iti, rw. r f A ' 'IV -ID I ', ' . m.l B Jti'a.' t'-kAt"1. flU'lith U C"i ' i . h ..- ! - in t'wal trrt- fc..v.-...-.i- '..-'.- imif of Ihhi;I .!. VM'irf ,' in,1-!r.mfit;'n niii '-ct. rx-.'. f.ftin'ui iv .'iiii-iiK.'''""! ;V';r!.a, ft r 'rt lif-ii. n:v- f:.'Hri,, ... n i!M'ii,,i ' f ninvi' t-;,rk.r whit'-n tau 'v ia, !-uu i4.;iy, a cni ! I tlfV 'it 1t droffc! or lent pnt pu'd hr n. ?tJ "eut4, .irgr fcw. f i f n' t itu (tturjinlrtit, 1 li h. JK- t' V 1 on o H,wt,.n, 31 I tulumbuj A.e. Ruiiter Collars :. Ssver VttlM 1ft. 4 M. 4i :j. CO., Ui bun; a r .r . :i6-; . J, It W. N. t'.-D!(LAFC:'A CITY-NO. 03 i::3 1 a7X NX - rJ' J tVJ-" ... 1 X ' .S V-r ?f x J3.REN0. CUUaaOU-