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PAGE roUR OHIOEASHA DAILY EXPEESS, OHIOKASHA, OKLAHOMA. TO the Last ice Wfien Made Calumet pastry is good to look at, pood to eat. Always light, fluffy, tender and whole some. Calumet is the one baking ponder that is high in quality and moderate in price. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS VtM Para Food Eipoiitioo. CbicMW. 10. j IOWA PREPARING ITS WORLD'S FAIR EXHIBIT, f By United Press. Des Moines. Iowa. Oct. 5. The State Agricultural society is aiding the Iowa- Panama Exposition committee com mission to gather the exhibits that won prizes at the' Mate and district and county fairs, preparatory to sending them to San Francisco next year to compete for the world's prizes in ag ricultural exhibits. The prize winning exhibits of corn and grain at the Iowa State college will also he secured. The best live stock in Iowa is being rounded up preparatory to running it in two special stock trains across the country to San Francisco, making stops enroute both ways for brief dis plays in many cities and towns. J. N. Gimore, Socialist speaker, is here from DuraTit today and expected to speak on the street this afternoon WEATHER FORECAST. For Oklahoma. (Coprricbti by HcCtur. Syndicate.) Tonight fair and cooler; Tuesday fair. Local Temperature. Juaiimum . ?(, , jtfinlmum . C2 I Toi mt tmey wfcea yon haj cfcctp or biff -cm I taking powder. Don't be milled. Boy Calami. It'i I Bora coaonkal Bora wboieea r boat roti&lU. - I Calimct u jar aupcriar to soar milk and aoda. - GREAT LIVESTOCK DISPIAHSSURED Biff Preparations Being Made 1914 State Fair of Texas.' RICHEST OF PREMIUMS. Management Declare That no Farm nduatry in the Southweit War rant! Mora Encouragement. Dallas. One of the big featurea ot the 1914 State Fair of Texas, Satur day, October 17, to Sunday, Novem ber 1, is to be the livestock dis play. Never has there been such promise of unusual success. Firm In the belief that there Is no other farm Industry in the Southwest than the rants more encouragement than the breeding and raising of livestock, the management of the State Fair has ar ranged for a distribution of more than 2v,b0( In prizes In this division. Splen did showings of beef and dairy cuttle. awlno .sheep, goats, horses saddle and combination animals, roadsterB, coach and draft jacks, Jennets and mules are auspiciously promising. Specials are offered this year by the Texas Saddle Horse Breeders assocl ution, the American Saddle Horse Breeders' association and the Percheron Society of America in the horse dl vision. The American Herefore Iireed ers 'association contributes more than $1000 in cash specials in the beef class es. The American Jersey Cattle club contributes more than H00 tor Jer seys. In the swine division specials are contributed by the American Kerk shire association, the American Hamp shire Swine Record association, the American Tamworth Swine Record as sociation, the National Duroc Jersey Swine breeders association, the Stan dard Poland-China Record association. the Chester White Record association and the Armstrong Packing company or Dallas. All Buddie horses and roadsters will be Judged in front of the race track grand stand instead of In the livestock pavilion, as in previous years. Young men of Texas, under twenty five years of age, will Judge cattle, swine and horses at the 1914 State Fair of Texas. Ijallas. for a purse nf $100. The money is equally divided in each cluss. DAIRY TEST AT FAIR. Crusade Inaugurated by Fair Manage ment Producing Good Results. Dallas No state In the Union is as rich in Jerseys as Texas, and since the State l'liir of Texas bo gun the annual competitive dairy test In 1311, the Jersey hns dem onstratea to tne men and wom en of this state how important she is In converting the products of the farm into health-giving human foods. That this crusade on the part of the Fair management has resulted in more efficient dairying is now .recognized by alt. 1-Htfh hi m 'dutt y demonstration building, a splendid permanent exhibit of modern completeness, the Jerseys entered in tne contest red a certain amount of food each day have dem onstrated their ability to produce but ter rat. As exhibitors have been per muted to select their own feedstuff, the aemonstratlon has also resulted tn proving the kind of feed that produces me oest sort or results. At the 1914 Fair, which begins Sat urday, October 17, twenty-eight ani mals will take part. Complete records of the test will bo posted dnilv for the inspection of visitors In attendance ut me f air. The American Jersey Cattle Club gives for prizes In this contest, which IS added to the regular State air premiums. RACING AT STATE FAIR. Every Great 8tabla in America Repre anted in the Entries. Dallas This city Is to have the most brilliant turf program In history this luu at tne uue air or Texas which begins Saturday, October 17, and continues sixteen days, rne ten har ness stake events, closing July 1, fur purses and stakes valued at $24,500, at tracted 350 entries and every rac filled It Is the greatest record in the annals of the local track, and nearly 100 more entries than recorded for similar events in 1913. Every great turf center in the United States and Canada is represented. The greatest horses in America will par ticipate in the trotting and harness events. Among the famous stables represented are those of Ed Geera of Memphis, Tenn.; T. W. Murphy of Poughkeepsie, N. T., the biggest money winner of last year; W. O. Foote of Bonham, Texas. In fact there will be more grand circuit horses In Dallas this fall than ever before In the annals of the local track. The State Fair management offers this year $50,000 In purses and stakes. Each day there will be some big stake event in th harness classes, as well as interesting contests for runners. Racing begins Tuesday, October 20. and closes Friday, October 30. ten day tn all. ARTISTRY IN EXHIBITS. Symmetry in Arrangement of Exhibiti Will Favorably Impress Visitors. Dallas Declaring an artistic display of grains and grasses the mirror which reflects the prosperity of a community, Secretary W. H. Stratton of the Stat Fair of Texas has inaugurated a move ment for feature displays of farm, or chard and garden products at the com tng meeting which opens Saturday, Oc tober 17, and continues sixteen days. In his letters to agricultural ex hibitors Secretary Stratton declare! agricultural products should be mass ed together in a perfect, uniform graceful display of symmetry and ar tisticness, in order to impress viaitnn with the fertility and agricultural pos sibilities of the section represented. Prospects are for a big increased ex. hibiUon of the agricultural nroducti from every section of the state. Secre tary Stratton reporting the demand foi county exhibit booths this early assur ing an increase in number. "Our smuX grain displays promise to be the great est In quality and In magnitude ir the history of the Fair," Bald Secretar Stratton. "South Texas counties wits exhibits of rice, ribbon cane, sugar. rltrus fruits, etc., will be more lancet represented than ever before." SxWDtlonnllv low rntiml fHn from all points to the State Fair ni Texas this year. A visit within tut reach of all. Express Want Ads bring results. Girls Prefer Jobs to Getting Married By United Press. Chicago, Oct. 5. A few years ago when a girl left school she immediate ly began to hunt a husband. It's dif ferent " now. When a Chicago girl leaves school these days she lmmedl alely hunts a job. Then, when she has demonstrated her ability to sup port herself and, perhaps contribute largely toward the upkeep of divers' brothers and sisters she leisurely I looks over the male of (he species and selects one to suit her fancy. All of this Is Indicated by the new school census, according to W. L. Bo- dine, superintendent of compulsory ed ucation. His figures show there are 7.19,778 males engaged In occupations in the city, compared with 5ij5,.r.l5 In 1009, while 236,811 females hold post tions, against 149,807 In 1909. The men gained .10 per cent, while the wo men gained 58 per cent. "These statistics show the women of today are fast breaking away from economic dependence of men," said Bodine. "Girls are not now marrying just to get a home. Statistics show that marriages are not increasing with the same percentage of gains aa the population." Some of the occupations In which women and girls of Chicago are engag ed, and the num'ber employed, are as follows: Stenographers, 21,609; dress makers, 15,099; domestics, 34,073; phy sicians, 529; janitresses, 725; book keepers, 9977; merchants, 3375; tele phone operators 4777; millinersy,54fil ; teachers, 8573. WOMEN MAY BE STRONG and enjf life whether In the home or business world if they can keep at bay those ailments peculiar to their sex. If every woman realized how Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound, that simple remedy made from roots and herbs, goes to the root of the trouble and overcomes such symptoms as backashe, headaches, nervousness and Irritability, they would be healthier, happier and stronger. If you suffer from any form of female Ills why don't you try It? It will pay you to do so. Adv. OPPOSE PROPOSED LAWS. By United Press. Sacramento, Oct. G. The Farmers' Protective league of California, repre senting 30 counties, met recently in California and adopted plans to oppose the proposed universal eight hour law, the home rule in taxation proposal, the water commission act, and several other measures that were declared to be detrimental to the interest of agriculture in California. ROUT OF SERVIANS MONTENEGRINS REPORTED. By United h-ess. Viennna, Oct. 5. The Servian-Mon tenegrin armies were completely rout ed and tare fleeing In panic toward the border, according to an official an nouncement made here today. Subscribe for the Dally Express. H Flour - Succesgful Baking is a Certainty when Expansion is used I MEXICANS FIGHTING By United Press. Naco, Oct. 5. Villistas are prepar ing to make another attack on the po sition of the Carranzistas. , There was desultory fighting today with little damage to either side. Many .bullets fell on the American side of the line. One slightly wounded an American cavalryman. JOHNSON BOND IS FORFEITED By United Prese, Chicago, Oct. 5. The thirty thou sand dollar bond' of Jack Johnson, the pugilist, was declared for'eited by Federal Judge Carpenter today when Johnson failed to appear or to send a representative for his retrial on a white slavery charge. The district attorney was instructed to sue J.he defendant's professional bondsmen and his mother. CYCLE CAR RACE TO OPEN IN BOSTON SHOW. By United Press. Boston, Oct. 5. A curtain raiser In the form of a race meet at Combina tion park will be a feature of the first annual light car and cycle car show which will open In Horticultural Hall October 12 and continue five days. The meet Is scheduled for Saturday afternoon, October 10. The card of events includes a two mile, class A race for cars up to 71 cubic inches cylinder displacement, and a 25-mile race free-for-all for cars up to 125 cubic inches and 1150 pounds chassis weight. There will be exhibitions by several well knokn foreign cars. Many prom inent entries are already In. INVENTION PRECLUDES POSSIBILITY OF PANIC. By United Press. Cleveland, Oct. 5. Repetitions of panic horrors of the past will be avert ed forever, according to Fire Chief Wallace of Cleveland today, If owners of public buildings and theaters will adopt a Bafety lock device patented by George H. Stan bridge, a Cleveland carpenters. Stanbridge's invention can be plac ed on either double or single doors with surety of keeping them locked from the outside. The slightest pres sure from the Inside, however, allows the doors to immediately swing wide open. POLISH SECRETARY DEAD. By United Press. Chicago, Oct. 5. Simon Czechowicz, former secretary of the Polish Na tional alliance, was found dead today in his gas-filled bed room. He was indicted recently for shortage in his accounts. Made -from - the -Very -Best-Par t-of-the- Whe at: has - Brain - and - Body - Building - Qualities iiii ; 1 Men's and New Bird of Prey. A. Wlrrat gamekeeper a little while ago was feeding his hand-reared young wild ducks when an aviator, bound for Parkgate, passed over at no great height. Away went the flap pers In all directions, quacking in terror, the younger and feebler ones scuttling to the hedges and those which could fly making for the river. When the aeroplane had passed and the field was quiet again some forty birds straggled back, but three days later there were still as many miss ing. The downy duckling, just out of the egg, dives or seeks shelter In stinctively when the shadow of a large bird, a hawk or a heron, passes Its pool, and no doubt these ducks thought that some gigantic and noisy bird of prey was swooping upon them. That gamekeeper does not like aero planes. Manchester Guardian. Jar Opener. A hint to housewives: Old scissors make a very serviceable fruit jar opener. Anyone who has struggled with the obstinate top of a fruit jar will appreciate any little aid to the opening process, and here Is one: Take an old pair of scissors and grind the broken ends concave, so as to fit the side of the Jar top when the scissors are open. Then bore holes near the end of each ground prong. A stout pleije of wire should then be Inserted In the holes and fastened securely eo that It will just reach around the Jar top when the scissors are held open. Now, by pressing the shears together, the wire will take a death grip on the frult-Jsr cover, so that It Is easily removed. The device also comes In handily In the canning season, when the housewife wants to screw her tops down firmly. Thats Young Men's A display .that will make this store famous. Please consider that at this store you get the newest, the choicest, of everything; styles, fabL rics and tailoring combined make them' f "the clothes' well dressed men will wear this season, Suits $15.00, $18.00, $22.50 and up to $30. Boys' Suits ;. . . . $3.50 to $10.00 New Fall Hats, Shirts and Fur nishings, c We are now the Home of Edwin Clapp Shoes. "If It's New, It's Here" States That Lead In Minerals. Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois and Ohio produce more than 40 pet cent in value of the minerals found In the United States, , ' . Englishwomen Urge Goat Keeping. With the object of obtaining for the Children of farm laborers a constant supply of pure milk, which is almost impossible in the calf 'rearing dis tricts, Devonshire cottagers are being encouraged by Lady Acland of Kll lerton, Mrs. Charles Carew of Warni combe and other' ' women tp ? keep goats. Some of the best goats have been Introduced into the country districts of Devon, and at Tiverton AgrlcuV tural Show recently valuable prize were offered. It Is claimed that 'its cost little to keep and that their milk Is in some respects superior to that given by cows. London Times. Apply Sloan's Freely for Lumbago. Your attacks of . lumbago are not nearly so hopeless as they seem. You can relieve them almost instantly by a simple application of Sloan's Lini ment on the back' and loins. Lumbago is a form of rheumatism, and yields perfectly to Sloan's, which penetrates quickly all in through the sore, tender muscles, limbers -tip , tyio back and makes It feel fine. Get a footfle of Sloan's liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but It does give almost instant relief. Adv. d&w Subscribe for the Dally Express. Why Your Grocer has it insist that he s e n d Expansion Clothes Never Can Be Wasted. The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flow ing hidden underground, secretly mi king the ground green.Carlyle. First In Diamond Industry. s Tears ago Amsterdam was at the head of the diamond industry In Eu rope ; of late Antwerp has forged ahead and taken first place. Amster dam very largely specializes In small stones and its superiority over Ant werp In cutting these diamonds is un questioned. DRY FARMING CONGRESS PROMISES BIG EVENT. Wichita, Kan., Oct. 5. On account of the dpleted agricultural conditions In Europe, It Is predicted that America must now prepare to demonstrate the truth of her claim that ihe "feeds tlie world.". Consequently the need of cor rect solutions of farming problems is more than ever emphasized. Irriga tion and intensive farming are to be encouraged as never before. The programme of the International Dry Farming Congress and Soil Pro ducts Exposition and International Congress of Farm Women held In con junction with the Wichita exposition, Wichita, October 7-17, includes many valuable and interesting discussions of an International character, subjects having a bearing on soil conservation and Intensive farming problems rela tive to the agricultural development ot the entire world. Extensive agricul tural and horticultural exhibits have been arranged as well as ac omprchen sive display of industrial and develop ment in all lines of manufacturing.