Newspaper Page Text
V Y s spiiss 4,rtt . ALEU ANDRIA, LA. it Saturday, December 07, 1873. re T. G. COMPTON,. Editor and ao Proprietor. el C. B. STEWA RT.. ..Publisher. p O-FFICE: ,,, iN 1 I C2ENFR CF S'CrO1 D ' MURRiY I' -OF'ICIA L .l- Y YIL li Oh 'fl F. State and Parish, it ALSO, OFFICIAL JOURAL a OF THE "'A!ISTTER o OF :RANT AND VERNON ii r_____--_- a TERMS: ,: illT: ;ZITET j is ulltsehedi every Satur ,:, . (,,:; , t,., tagrms, in , . ,. .................. ..........$ fi() .. .. ............................ 204) ., . .h;:h: ........................ 1 ;,0 r .-an, :..,pti ,ns not paid at once will b . , _,I ) per cen t abIove these rates Y . )"l e' ('Iu ' ten 'cents. u ,,: +n,+ing ilanlidat's from $10 to $20 V ias ... :.g: t the i:mportance of the otfice. .,, I .. : nd potl l ively in advance. p A\ll\.];I isFvENTS ineerted at the h r:ate ot $1 01 per squavre for the t first insertion and 50 cents for c each subsequent one. EI'HT' lines of brevier, or a space p of one, inch in any other type a square. and any number of addi tional lines over four counts as a sq uare. h _ - PARTIC ULA it NOTICE. r Hllving signally feiihl as a reneral thling in enforcing our rule as tojudicial ad; .-, te,.ements, we are :..;,...C to establlsb another. From this time no judicial ad- I vertioment of any kind whatever will be inserted unless payment is made in adranec for the estimated mcot of one inewrtion. Parties can then see amount dune, and settle a it or let It be discontinued at pleasure. We have now on our books bills for con siderably upwards of one hundred dollars in one suit a large part of which we have advanced in cash for workmen, paper, office rant &c., &c., &c., and we are tired of it and do not intend to follow it up. Extract from P asntdsg Lawc. That all printing and advertising autho rized tt be done by this act, whether State judicial, parochial or nniceipal, shall be paid for at the rate authorized by section ten, item seven. of this act, which reads as follows : For all matter published in offi cial journals, in obelience to the provis ions of this act, the Print.;r shall be allowed one d.llar per square rtu" "rach inertion. A square shall consist of t e space often lines solid agate; prvidc"l, t' at the standlarrl for the measurement of all printing and adlver :.sing authorized by this act shall be tiniorl type or its equivalent" Public Printiung. The R.ritmnt (azrrri has been selected as an Offeisl Jonurnal of the State of Louis laIa. to publish the laws enacted at the late sessions, extra saul regular of the Leg iolatnre, and a contract to that effect, syt-t ed by tihe proprietors and the authorities dec-ignat.'d by law for that purpose, and also s Oli ate Journal for the parishes of Rapid.e, Vernon and Gran'. rF M. M1. Petteengili & Co... 10 State Street, Boston, 37 Park Row. Nw Yuik, and 701 Chestnut Street. Philad.l! piia, are our Agents for procuring adlver t:sniments for our pany. (ilapide Gaszette,) ;n the alve cities, ald aurthorized to col tract for adver,.tismtg at onr lowest rates. SJudicial wael',rtiers would do well Sohserve our I'.ha I(lr'I.AR NOTICE, as we tall not depart fron t in ary istastes. OY$1 TOYS!! TOYS!!! -.A.T- TERGUSON & SCOINACK'S. r7 Owing to the absnce of the Editor, having been called away on business, we will make a rather slim appearance in the editorialline this week, but will give our numerous rcaders a liberal supply in our next. F?' As we have akelady excused ourself for the absence of ouar pensman, we also f~l truly sorry for the huramble commnni ,ati onist. as we are satisied that he will Iuno with great anxiety for a reply to his neoriginal public document, as it is quite a novel thing to have his name appear in print without it eceiving a very partict lim notice. THn MAYOR'S PRmcLAMaTlOI.-W aSe truly sorry to have to record the maaert in which the Mayor's Proclaation was respected last week. We expected at least to see the places of hasinees close for the time of the religions serviee in our quiet rad not vry pressilve busines time. amog our merchants, but the oaeervation was unobserved em the occasion. It being an aoelal order, probably they might have suppeosed that it should have been published in the Oeial Journal, and therefore tretetd it with the respect in which they did. As Christmas has pased, we will not your attention to Feraguson & Christmas Toys. hut nst inform fact that they have an equal [ly ! rted stock of New Year's Te(o I articles, which they will CASH. Sogivethena soll, md yourselves. a& salNACK'S. SENATOR CARPELNTER. A Such of our readrlrr as take an interest in politics have no doult, noticed the charges made against -eni:ator Carpenter of Wisconsin, by a correspondent of the New A York Tribune. The New York Times, oune r of the very ablest and at the same time u most reliable papers in the Union, has r. all along defended the enarator front what it term ed a wilful and sland. roas mFisrep- s resenta.:ion. The last nulabau w0: have re- bI ceived cC'ntains what appears to ula an nuu- 8 answeral'le vindication. We have only t1 space for some of the quotations from other fi papers :ji The pap, ers generally, we are glad to say. strongly e. elidenanu the T'r;bsue'. orse, and admalit that thea evid.:Pce i, ",tlailf of S,-la tor tarpeti,- r is a .:hliin nve. The N".e IHavern al'adium (n, fir-nid ,f oaurs) .r.a : "TI.,' de uenl ola 1 ' r,'ll la r (.:trlJ:.te., pull. lil, I d by 'I hbe N.-o York T;,:ra. ,. a sl strong oum. an 'I must Ii p.,,I aPu a answr r from t!ir Jrabcve. T'wo of tle statalelur nts mane ill it may 1,e a:cceptedl as iroved, viz: that a Se.nator Carpal.ter was not in a state of ill- c toxicatio at dlriag his visit to Long Branch, and that the lady, by wtnnlo ire was a-e i conulmanrr.l, hlhis a nresr-s table plositiso. lThe gorge iu tsl and alllaeWlat rlop.iy rhitoric in which t w Tribaune clothed its aargesa I against lth, S.n:atir, tave the ipagreelol tn that tlh-. Ill v was a pe-rin of Intorion.y t aid repuara l -'n. It Ir. L;iisn-the gentl~ - a anr:ir con,ct" t I with ('utliringo, te pre sinllte-- andi La .uator $pere.l.r state tlhe urtih, lanahres I, the core.pesaldeut upn t .iwhrroe al 'ni rn,t*'ionll t lt TIi une Ieased its 1 articles, hat ,t ,assod tllat he is a mali- C (cl0s silanderer." I The llaltimorer Amtricae n rermraks that t " tie ldetanrr whicr api'lar'e I in the New p Tork 2ioer of yveaterday jr tuener:lly re- t ceivrdt in Washington as bring a collrplete p vindicatioar." The Worcrester 'vy quIotes t the grearerpart of the tetinrony we have dl produredl, and says: t " As the evidence stands, this sec'als to a he a very had case of n.maligtnant and dal tardly libel, to which tihe records of porliti cal .and personal warfare, so far as we are t familiar with them, fuIrnish hardly parallels." t The Philadelphia Press has the follow-. I p:Of the lady, we can freely state that we have known the father, mother, broth- a r-s aRd sisters for many yearn. arnd we t have neve r Irlet a more irreproaa'hble we- o mnan than herself. ar a more resp-ctable b fuirrily than that whosee uune she :,re be- tl fore her unarri,,'. For hersakc and theirs P we hIave detrdor-E the purlicity that has .-eru given to the charge against a public mnan who has done so much honor to our public councils us Senator Carpenter." b . .t LL WORK DONE WITH 1 neatnues and d lespatch, by %W. 8. RIDGE. RATnlea STALE.-A portion of our pol!ti cal news this week is, we ronfess, rather 1 ancient, but it is so because we could not help it, and are desirous of ke.'-ping our readers fully posted. As we get no New Orleans papers early enough in the week to avail ourselves fully of the latest news. S-- RE SELLING OUT AT prices' to rait the timres, FERIITSON & SC[INACK. 1 ©' Christmast passed aoff cold, cloudy and lonsomu, as it was most toe cool and unpleasant on the street to admit tra very gaudy display of the fsrhiora'rle gent's of our city, but from the agreeaable change in the weather, and if so continued, we will no donht have occasion to witness some- 1 thing more lively ona New Yeai'as day. P LANTERS STUDY YOUR' Silltr:test, "'. 8. Ridget in working cheapeCcr than any Simitih ita the ' Pm ish. The Lonuisiarsa .,'lalnl:y ainnrinrg alnu bug, it seens, i- riot yet dead. A Itate rnumber of tiht Lake Ct.'iharls L-,ho statr that there are hope of the reup n-ertio' aof work at the snlp,;.r ianilncer,. for eince the failure of the F enelc: ,.ng.lnec:r, a Kie.tneky engineer lhas ofl'real to undlirtake thei work of sinking shafts to ,he" all, -I r Iwd-s, anal takes muost of hias pay in stock of th corI pany. - •-- b---- OYS ANI) FiANCY GOOI)S - rring arat 'i riety. :It FEHtGUSON & SCIIYACK'S. TalE R.l:NOrMINATION OF ,i:NAT eIr CARt rpI:NTEt. Warlhington, )Dee. 9.-Thei Re palaulicran canens of the Senarte this after nrooa renomrinated Penator (orpa-ntcr for P're-sidaent pro t-n. ofthlr Si-nite. The oanrri ratioa1 was unanirnouis and Iv nealnmiation. There was no oppition whatever mani ferstedl. and no name wasr mentioned orulag geated bty anry one in oppaaition. The carllnaca asr ill sesion for an hour or more, andl the infereance wars drawn from this fiaet Iv same that there was appoaition and discrnrion in nrference to Srnator Clarl enter's nomination. It is undlerstoodl. how ever, that the tinme spent in cranecnes was devoted to the discusion of other ardl quite dlifferenut matters, andl that so 'r'ar as aiy expressians were made tow ards Senator Carp-nter, they were tIo,rirely eclrd;al anil fiendrlly. Tle Senator '.tlidl not himself attend the caucus. The o'.saninaity of solport given Mr. Car'a-teur. It is ac knowalelgedon all aidas, is ' in great measure to the artia.les of The TImvsa vin dicating him fro't the chargtes madl by the Tribane. ar,,l exposing the motives of the personae ',y whom the accusations were invented.--[N. Y. 2umes. I'OlIRKING AT PRICES Sto suit the times. W. 8. RIDGE. "a LT IT Dao-."-The New York nIbsme, bhaving invented a cowardaly and disgust lug slander in reference to ore of our pal lie men, and having been thoroughly poned, has now suddenly woke uap to the fact that the saubjeet is a "dirty n ooe, and that the predauS course would be to msy no more shloot it. " This is not a pleasant subject," It says, ad "OeaJbt to be drop pad." Thus thestreCt-bey whom youacateh pickling your pocket bawls out loudly, bwhen he feels your grasp uapo his wrist, i Let me go." It is ail very flie for a cur vieted slanderer to beg people to "adrop Sthe suljject" when his mendacity is made clear to the public. Bnt of all known Smethwds of defcsdisg Imeldacityl it seems to be about the most iurpolemt.---Lew oerk th liames TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS!!! -AT FEBOU8O-l & CCACK'8. An 4aswer to the Mlisrrepres.a tttions of the Attakapas Sen tinel. The incenliarv article published in the Attakapas Se.tinal of the eleva nth instant, relative to the killiugofiMr. Charlestinil bena by Mr. Aleide Venzer, wasevidently f written with a desire to create a false mis- b representatio is. the mi,nd of the public. We did not intend tosav anything on this V subject wbefore the trial that might in any manner prejudice the minds of the people, 1l but as the Sentinel has seen fit to make a - statenen' grossly misrepresenting the tsets Jo of the case, we are thereby forcel to give the following statement of the whole affair or from its inception, as made by sI unpr- W jiuliced, witness. m On the evening of the sixth instant, at Messrs. Aleide Veazey. L. E. Lalotre, st Jndte Castille and others went from St. t. Mr' insville to Breanx'a Bridge for the cl dohlh purp" ofeolnlectini.some a.monnts. and t;r tecreation: none of this party were Ct aware of the f:Ot that a hall was to Iw it given at lbea ;x'a trilge. unutil silnie time tl after thir arri it, at which timn." it hieing tt s-rcrtainel Ithcr crrl not collect these to f'accounts unlttil the the net day, theIo con- p elided to stay and aittll.nd the hatll. As they were abont to Ipr'cteed to the to hallrontm, Mr. V,-a.aey was inforuned LIv N, Mr. Neaaville L:ldryv that silhtl I. tl N, anze and his fri-,nals attend thi.. hall. a f. large nmlher of the citizens woruol ref', " o to lse prtsent. hiut upon ele.i..v 1 , tion hv !fr . Vea",.v. Mr. Lau:lry it lanst acknowled p-il that only o1ne ;."*r+sei i, !,lI made any re.n.trks of this nature, andl that person un Mri. ('lh:rles (illui;u. l'mn n their arrival at the Ia.ll room thev fmntr, al larg party of :ldies and gientl,'ne,. hbut Mr. ri Charles Guillwean was not pire w.nt. at least j he was not seen iiy Mr. Vetzev. Every thing went on in a most h.armionious and plea.-ant manner, with the singlpe exception. that during the niiht. one of Mr. Veazre's party was warmed by a l)emocraltic fri-end t to be cautions, as threats hadl wbeen mae 2 dunring the evening to waylay them on a their road to or from the ball room and n assassinate the whole party. t On the morning of the seventh as Mr. t Veazey and Mr. laloire were sitting in e the store of Mr. Selrive Domeungeanx, Mr nI Veazey's att.ution was drawn to the fart 1 that Mr. Charles (;iuilanll was approach- a ing him with the evident intention of t speaking to him. Wherenlunu Mr. Veazey t a eppel from the dnlt to the banquette. r at, d in a polite and inoffensive mnanner asked u Mr:. (;uillwau if he ((;nillbeai) had made p olmjec tions to Veazey's participating in tile a ball. Mr. Guillean multteredl somnething that a' mndeie like the word "yi.s," and in [ pronoulicing it instantly drew. a ci,'Mn, revolver, and polinted it directly at Mrt. Veaz.-v. who at thi; time Ptodl bult a few feet distant. Mr. Veazey thereupon drev " his own weapon and fiale in self-defence, which under the critical circnnstances was - the only means of protecting his own life. Mr. Veazvy did not at any time manke threat, by words, look or deed, against Mr. Guillean: neither dlid he give the slightest - provocateon nntil Mr. G(uilhean dre.w his revolver, when he was unfortnnately forcel to take Mr. Ouililla's life that be might save his own. After the shot Mr. Neazev inmedhiately went into Wr. Domnengeanr's store, and when there, beard the words. "what are von doing." spoken in French by Mr. Laloire, and tnrning arnndsaw a revolver ?n the hands of Ariatide or Boy Ltllate pointed at him, lint Mr. Lal,,ire sn-e.,-m-i after a severe otrngzle in wresting it from LeBlanc and faves; Mr. Neazey's life by a hair's breadth, as Lai,:ire's thumb was badly injured h the hlm,,;*r of the re volver strikling instead of the cap. These desperalnes snted de.termnined to have Mr. Veazey's life at all hazards. for when Mr. Onilhban fell a second revolver was thrown from his perso out on to the banqnette. Our inifomant dcnicas in tote the allede.l'd fact that Mr Veazey madue nse of the words "it is Charles Gnillwan. I have dinie the thing for him," as also the words." b't uor hnrrv np. if these RB-enx's Br!Jl_ fel lows catch tile they will tua', mn.," as ~s fullv proven in regard t, t tt, I tf t.r .e pression by the fact that these i.gentl nti retmain*.d in Vlretru.'s riltz,. f r ov, r an11 hotr bu.forr, taklib thet: -i',rt,, i St. M-1 Biuse iile, i't tl h ions h..ged l by th.e Sen i ti,,el to hav been masle by Mr Veursev. iare .*aaped tly ounrinformaot arc falsehoods of tile ve.romrt nature, art are evidlently I mantfuetnresl for the ncasion to grin the sympathies of a tender-hearted pehlio. We call noon the pnllie to se|utnpdil jndgmnentin this matter until they shall 1ave heard the' worn testimony in the case We only ask a fair trial withon*t preItndice. The above is. as we hoiie*Sly beleeve. a plait, stateimanr of the facts, given with out fiear or favor Iy a fair minhted man who was one of the f'ew - e witnesses to this ittnfortunate affair--[.Yer Orliads Ic publi aa A RE SELLING OUT AT - tiri'**p to snit the timea. FERGUSOON & SC(HNACIL PrIING . ot A tllmar.-There are things whieh a man can do with some shbow of ldinunty and even ele unee, hut the. pnttinc on, of a rl.inn shirt Sno one of them. Even- thoie f:wtidiuns chais who put one on every week never Ie ,omes no exnert anl familiar with the prcca, that they can go tlhr-ngh with it with a v dlegre ofomnfiort or dext-ritv, and the ews extravagant individuals who i chsoe only once a month. are really to lm Senvied. The feat is arccomplishedl in this way: Yon slay the garment down on the hed, or aurot • *'blle or washltand. losgm diwn 1 ward.esch rnsttleofthe atifly-atarrhedgar Sment striking terror to yaour sounll. I'nlling it open, yon make a stratige draft on vonr * courage and resolution, sad pinnge into it. Sthrnsting your arms here and there in a g frantic and demperate seareh of the f slereves, finding which you struoggle man. Sfully in an endeavor to draw the garment down so that yoa can catch a glimpse of the outer world once more. By the exer. els of a proper amount of judgment yon are finaitly sueeulhi in this, and you fnd oursePlf gazing out upon surrunding oh. ets encircled by stilt, rustling linen, - which prmp. your chin nop in the air and i, gives ne to a feeling as thongh yon were braced around about by erowbars, with no prospect of ever being able to sit down again. Pltting on a collar and a tie, you e don your outer garments and sally forth, I feeling as uncomlfortable and uneasy as r thongh you had just satdown on a coat-tail t pocket fuall of eggs HE RELIABLE BLACK smith bShop, Corner (th and Johnson Street is kept by W. 8. RIDGE. .Y8h AND FANCY GOODS Sin g-realt variety, at FERGUSON & SCHNACK'S. QHRISTMAS PRES ENT8 % at 1 FERGUSON & 8CHNACK'S. I CUB'_ UAVAXA QLIrt--TTlIRKTs PAATROLLXD DiCCtaB l Al-B ITION--TW RIOT CON DEWMND--A'1ER OF DISPA'rCRZ. HAVANA, D-iember 14.-The city is per- i fcetlv quiet Details fromn the volunteer al battalionsoatroIllel the streets last night. There a no later news in regard to the A Virgito)+ . VA miu:ber of prominent and wealthy Pi slae owners met yesterdav to discuss the Pe' ojestiou of abolition, The meeting ad- e uorned without definite action. The Diario strongly condemns the riot ous demonstration of Friday night, and wants to know who instigated the move- PI ment. All those who took part in it really 1 steed the rebellion. The Captain General should proceed with rigor against the dis- as turbers of the peace and if necessary de- e' clare martial law throughout the Ilalnd. a' The I'o de Cuba reports that several riot- ce er havre been arrested, and recomnmemids ea that thow proved guilty be treated with " the uttiest aeverlity. It attributes the Ji trodhale to the machinations of the Laboraa- tl tan, and declares the gov rtnment ahould fu put a stop to thl ir ,tri'inea. .ieuteantt Anlick l'ainer. of the Uni- gI tel State- umarianes, has arrived from Key tt West in the steatm.r Pinto, anli leaves w Weda',(day: for Santiago, with dispatches II fir t he American taval ornmaunders. O'FIcLtIL* AND CICEW lEFT TO REI.C;:IVE TULiR KY.r Weer. T.c.ember I3.--The Dispatch ti has soiled with four officers, from the flag ship, and an extra crew of thirty-six nmen, r to receive the Virginias. and will .probably ii take her to some Northern port. 1he c::r a full compliment of officers for the in Virginiua. (1 A Tart'. FRIEND.-A gPutlenmn in Ten ss has hougl:t a large andl valuable plam- b tation, and divided it into lots containing t :0 acre- anti upwaisll. Tiese lots be is selling on reasonable terms to the working h men of that vicinity, who wait to make themselves homen. Some colored men d there have, by industry and economy. v- r ed money enough to make a commence meet on their own land when they can ,ey in small lots. The gentleman who h adopted this plan will not oily benefit those whom he thus helps tosecure homes, bht will at the same tine increase the wealth and prosperity of the community. Sucb a man is a true friend of the colored n peCalje and will do them more good than a so*w roiy loliticia~is who appeal to '" oulr race" to vote them into fat euces. [ Moares Itelligeaeer. 'H ORSESIIOEINGCHEAP er than ever, by I W. S. RIDGE. AItH SELLING OITT AT . pries ta- suit the times i FERGUSON & SClUNACK. a . TT WiI t • r r c Ir I IC+ DC ~ U1 S J BY T. ELSO E A IPI. CONG"RESS. WasnMroTox, Deember 15.-The Sen ate Committee on Privileges and Ele- I tione-Sumner absent-report themselves equally decided upon the merits of the case as between McMillen and Pinchback. The committee is divided thus. Mortmn, Logan, Anthony and Mitchell for seating a Pinchbeck oa pr ma facie; opposed, Car penter, Alcorn. Hamilton and taulmhnry. There was little done in the Louisiana case. .f Mr. Morton, from the Committee on a Privileges and Elections, submitted a re port that the committeehad considered the contested election case of P. B. 8. Pinch- ' l back aml General MeMillen, claiming seats as Senators from Louisiana, and were - evenly divided as to which one should be adnmitted. He, therefore, asked that the I committee be discharged from a f'rther a coraidle at;on of the snltject, and that tho h whole niktter be referred to the Senrate. e 3r. orton iutroduced a resolution that the elcienmtials of P. B. 8. Pinchback are r formal, and he is entitled to a sear in the t Senat., he having prima facie case, and t gave notice that to-muoro ,w morning, after Sthe expiration of thie morn!ing hou,,nr, be t would ask the Senate to proceed to a core Sideration of the resolution. Mr. Snitlsbu, vy, of Dellaware, hop id so Searly a dlay woIul not i: fixz for the -mcon sideration of the res.lution. lie thonght t tie Senate lhoumi have time to examine a b the faets of the caie. C- M. Ferry. onf Cn,,necticut, asked if tihe 1, re.mrta and tatinmonuy in regard ti Lonis Siana taken by the mmnuuittee last seSior, I r- were before the Senate. The chair replied I e in the negative. F.rry asked that thimse documents Ib taken from the fllea and laid hefre tihe Senate. Mr. Conkling. of New YoTerk, inujnired if the Commlittee onl Privileges and Electios m had reported the eviuenb e taken in regard R to Pinehback.. Mr. Moaton replied that the committee a had taken no evidence. He introduced the e remolution as a question of right., the cre n dentials of Pinchwck Iliung regular. The. report awl testimony taken by the com mmittee at the last session ould be referred 1 to by the Senator from oCeneetient. but he must .,lject to their being made a basis for action in this case. ' Mr. Edlmunds. of Vermont, inquired if e there was any state of faets IWhind of the credentials to show that Pinehbback had not been duly elected in ease the Senate a should admit him on his credenltials on be o inug prima facie. Mr. Moatrk repiedl that the other side would contend that Mr. Pinchack beel not been duly ehcted, and that the Legislature electing him was not the legitimate Legis lature of the State. Mr. Boreman, of West Virginia, thought all the docnumentis before the Committee on T Privilege and Elections should be printed and laid before the Senate before discuss ion he commenced. L. Mr. Conkling, of New York, thought the motion ofthe Senator from Connecticut (Mr. Ferry) to make the report and testi mony in the Louisiana case last session as the basis for action now, by taking them from the files, should not pass. Mr. Pinehback was not a party to that investi gation Mr. Ferry did not see why there should hbe an oljetion to bringlug in that report and test mony. Every citizen of the Uni ted States was a party to that proceeding and every citizen is a party to th's. The resolution now before the Senate was in trodnced by a memher of the Conmmittee on Privileges and Elections. and was not a report fromn that cnommittee. He was sor prised that Senators ohljectu to bringing in evidence which has been taken by a coiinittee of the Senate in order to enable henaters to arrive at a conclusion. If the Stlnatt weee into the inquiry asm to the pri. imn t ,reo , Cct' tof ? r. Piechti ' k. it .lms.t al so imnquire rue to the gaim,.rnmatrial cap:city I ol Mr. Kellogg and the power of the Leg islatunr electing Mr. Plnchbaek. The. morning hour having expired, Mr. I Shelmman olJeetmed to further debate, and called iup the resolntion reported by Ihiml rtru the Fillnauce (onmmlttee on WednesI day in regard to the nreemut monetary de raingement. After the Louisiana contest the subject of tinanees was resumed. The House baill for the redemption of the loans of lteid pºawed, with several unim portant ar'endu metts. Mr. West introduced a hill regarding the Fort St. Philip, ship canal. as re.onmumend sit by the New Orleans Chamber of Com moroe. TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS!!! -AT YEWi:I, SON & SCINACK'8. I-:-v'iEnY oiv OPIsIon IN Riuraos 1to -nu:. !~cC-I'AY BILL.-Washlrgtmn, D)'. 'il.-The .,',19t is not o ardenmt as the House Cfor the repeal of the Salar.v Inreasmn hill. Whatever may be thought asomir the back-lpay feature of the law, it is very d,,mnhthtll if a dozen Senatotr could he found to vote to refund their inrea·sed paV receive.d under the law if they should vote in accodllnc with their real viewi on the que-tion. But the pope. lar demand for sne tuonememt for the original aoin ofback-ay is filt in the Senate, and so far as ca. be gathered from privately expresedw opinions, the Senaeo will agree to sonmer bill as soon as the actiou of the House shall have been concluded. UXIVIERtAL AaNigrY. The Hoare to day by. a vote of 141 yeas to n9 nays, passed a resolution declaring niiversal amnesty without exception or endition, and repelwaling iron-clad tee oath. Si tar as the Houe is toneermned there is nothing which womld prevent Mr. Jefferson Davis fremu taking a seat in that lody. This measure was parneed with few diseenting votes, naanimonus coasnt to its consideration having been given, although under the rules it was not propelyin order. The vote was takens standing. Among the the Reptblieanse who voted no were Mears. otert ofNew-Yo.rk. OGerge F. Hoar, H. it. Bandy, Merrism of New-York, IHooper, Hawley of Connetieat, Moure, and Tyner. The aeves colored memberso voted agahts the mesue. The ame Somrtesy was not extended to eivil rbights that was shown to amesty. It was 14k for colored mabmnrs to insist that tiW ease of civil rights hou'd have at least as sped) a hearing as was graCted th mesnre for the repeal of the tat th oad the erteeso of amnesty. The Civil Rights bill went-where it has been tbhs times before-to the Commit tee an the J dicary, which, come of its M~ed predlat will prove ite Igrave.--[{N. . lmas. P LANTER8 IF YOU WAN'I to get your plows repairet cheap, call on W. 8. RIDGE in grest varrity st, FkRGUO8ON & 8CHNACK'8. S r-oY8 AND FANCR GOODE .I_ in grieat variety. at FEGUSOIN a taiCiuACK' LG VYRTISEMENT. to the Publie. bnaarmO-rr, LA., Dec. 15. '73. Edeor Dmierst : ts--Learning that some parties in your ity have seen it to misrepresent me sad ny position, I beg a few lines in your col. amus by way of explanation. I am charged with making inflammatory peeches. I welcome the charge, from the fact that I believe the present condition of affairs need more, were it possible, ths inflammatory speeoches. But, sir, I a surprised at men of good sound sense find ing fault. If exposing ignorance be a king inflammatory speeches, then I as Knilty and must continue so. If exposing any such farce as your present Public School Board, with ignorance at its head, be a erime, then I am guilty. If telling the colored people that they must respect themselves before they can possibly expect to be respected, be a sin, I must be held aecountable. If showing up error in an rpen-handed manner, let it occnr where it rasy, be a thing at hase as to call forth the bitter remarks of which I ant informed, then, sir, I must meet the men who offer sach remarks, in a manner meritorious of the occasion. Permsit me to define my position clearly. I ant a preacher of the Gospel, and no pal. itician. I would not suffer my name to be nas-d any. sunh way as in the Louisiana politics of to-day. I am an honest ~epub lican, if gentlemen can understand the term. Not one. however, who will sup port any person or persons whose cry is SRule o,r itni'."-I am a Northern mae, ready ladi t illing to defend honest north. ern prlhrilhl s and honest northern m~1m. Bnt I am eqelrlly as reetdy to crush oaut si and corruption wherver I may find ttem. When I differ politically with a pernmn. I do it honestly, anal at all times will 1 be found ready to meet men differing with me, on thb bradest of christian prinildes. ,, Sir, I export to return to your city befnes long, and I trust that gentlemen whe have pronouneed judgment will give me ¢ hearing, then judge from a positive knowl. edge and not from herem:y. If with the above facts gentlemen g e not satisfied, then all I can Pay Is. I and will find time place and opportunitT to emmaneu e a prejndired Opinion. Until I meet the puhlic again, heleI me, sir, to be the friend of Right and Jue-n.: tice; the advocate of Edncation and lltis ' dustry : the supporter of Honeatty, and tnse4, ? defender of a common christianity. F. G. CUMMIN.GS. ' .,. The Cleanrlg House mnd the . )anks. The Rrpublican statud eo Satarday morning lt- . All the banks in the city are in line an - fully caanpetest to resume payment, e" cpt o" e, which. it is stated, is indebted ter.:: the Clearing House some 1904,000. with' 1 nothing to meet it with, and that the Clearing HRose has decided to " carry " the-'' bank througih to prevent its absolute hlankruptcy. A committee of the Clearing a -Honse has been appointed to report oa IMonday on the propriety of re snming, ane it is thought by those beet informed that resumption will not be dula3yel Ieyoud next week. On Sn::aýy morning Messes. Sebleider, Jonas ,.1l Irwin, trusteea of the Clearint house, publishedl a evt in referesce t this article, in which they state that Every Clearinga HNouse eertitlcte iieoneeL to any debtor bank is filly seemtrad by sa-, doultel collaterals, vala:,l at thirty-thua and one-third per ce, t in exees of use certifiates, and that said article is eatr untrue. The RepoldTean is pleasel that the ta_ sponsible gentlemen of the Clearing 11 have been induced to come to the Now if they will go farther, and pab1bh statement of thercodition of all the in the Clearing House Aemocition as they stood at the hour of clearing on morning, they will be doin what the lie ask, rad have a right to Either these banke are in angeur of uling into bankruptcy upon reasn or else they are hoaring up the money for improper purpoes. - is it t New York is a.!licted with a " Star Chambe' very mauch as we r th Herald of the eleventh makes this mand upolmn it : The lanks are said to be still in their gain of legal teders. It eminently satisfactory to the puab daily statement of the oonditles o inLstatutions were made known, sad as there oas cooplete reem icomlitionm of affairs wlirh will aibbL feture "Committee of Nine " t that the Clearing House Am si carrying as dead weight o .ne.r. talneiary institutions of the city-r the pe ie will be adopted and The bnrt~sta mee of the con like to know the status of their representatives. We bold that the puMblio have know threse things, sad a ne wpapWWe_ true to its reaeders that negiests to the facts when it l ia its peW I. thems. We know the geotless Clearin BInse do not take skL othorwme they would not have thei conditSi of the New Orlein isoci ation so manny days fmtlhre, after they had eshanugi available collateral. 'The tnuteas of the Cler Ilin·g nounce artiele of Uiisy "n this, tie willt tell, ad ta J Sthe judge. We gaves s t the banks did st resume thbt CY was week and waslade bted teths Houes i the sum of p ,80. " _i_ ing to meet it with." Pihespe e not the words that sbhald have to eeuve~d mave i beeIO . Swell aadas td what that Slate of-at we assert htm tt the articl was written prI Swere raorret; nd this we m thre -e moftha el i g etInlfaen;'f ia wi wte a lips the statement eme. We thrmers that at the hour of el, even o'eek, yesterday amont had been deersd .4 leaving the amoat dof the edaes to the Clearing Beams e assert, fuorthermore, tat, the three honk s whh t..e at the head o. are showr ibfefuhlal s le of ressuahing -S have b s br early s e po ade bltely the aom5 theaseelves tis we bhave maude that they were sa iting for other get is line withthesm; sa meats I other ba oeould not resaime, t - °jnt. nn"