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TRY XIT !! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRA.TFD. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN now in its 20th year. ew.joye the wideh.t e;rcn lation of any wee.kly newspalwr of the kind in the world. A new volume commences January 3, 1"74. Its contents embrace tlhe Inttest and rnoot interesitingll informantiotn lwrtainin,, to ,h: Industrial, M. '!na,i·":il ailad iliettific Pro gfuts of the World; De.ncri',tiuon,, with utiful engravilgs of nl.ew inventionls,. Oew flnplrmentst , new prl-ee-/ii and im proved indutrie.s of sall kitn:d; I'na."ful notes, recipes, euggestions a:u,1 vie', Iby practical weitenr, for volklllell anld e.lee ployers, in all thei- various arts. The SC'IFISTIl'I" .1.I1IRt IV i+ the cheapest and ibet ill:ttated wee.kly pa per published. Eve-r.v IuinhIler ceintainsi from 10 to 15 .rig.iual er, at of new macbineiy clted novel inventions. ENCGI:A 'lX.S, illnetr:at ing improve ments, dimcovieries. and inmportanlt works. prteniit e itl to LC It an)d Mecthntieal Ei.zi meetIng, Milling. Mining and Ml. tallhrgy : RItrird.: of the latest prIgresr in the alppll cationls olf teamI. steails e g'llne'l inl, rail ways. ship-huilli,,g. navigation, tole gtapihy. tlhegri'laph eil.3nie.ring, el e :ricitv. lnalig eti-Il, light anlld heat: F . 'l l M E lR .. m , c h :ni: i , ', ,n ,r-n r *er +, i n v e .n tort, umanIfactinur, cheennt -, lov,'ri of wi el e `, teach ers, ah r -y. .,t , la w yer tr an c, i.e,; pie of all ,ir .,.ji.,.1r , will tfid till. SCCIENTI)',I'.IIJA;I:IIC.4 . n-,.f'! to thu:n It shotlds have :a lel:e iii evily fl iceivy. lilbr:iry. ltnd ., otlise acel lco ntieg roog : inll elvery lading roomll, college, aci'adet:liy, or ,c1ooiil. A year's nituliere contnitn ?OW pages anal r'rcruwl luHndred E.mirariur.. Tholu,- /er ofl cOlimt,'Ie tire- lireiser e\ for hihlin ai' referetce+i. lThe ipr Iatical reel ipt1 s tie- well worlh rl t 'll.,w " ' ,lt. ' , m.,I' ,ti," lri,.,. T ,e' ns I y. h11 l a i lea l. i t ae ,,it ti clu s. S1""". "',n,'I, ,ht free. Ma;y Is, h:,+1 of all ie..e (! .alers. Iii lnnnectionl with the . i 'itH ll~ At,,,.ri cnn, M..sare. M.1tn & t',.., r.- soulicitors ,,. Anuwrictain and F,"reign Pnteitas, nl hal, the l.,r'~iet e-stalilishlme't in the worle. More than lfty inthosal n ,ilici.t l i.ur. hatve been umale for patents tlhrolgh their agen cy. Patents Ire obtained on the l-est tenrm. sandela o-if new iilVelltioths latdl aketchls ex alnltel anld ilvicii ftr... All Ilac.' ie lle published in til. ,f'IEVTIIl le'.011Fi:de" IA. tl., week thalv issue. en.,i for ,a-:u:,hlet. 110 p:ages, cottlai,.,"i L:,.e and full direc tions for o11lllllaung ':tte,,ntr. Address for tihe Impalr, or cncerning Patent., .lIU'.Y.V. & CO.. S37 Park Row, N. Y. It. ainh t)flier, corner F aul :th srt.., Waýtintgteio, i). C. Alxa:iiiria, La, Dece. 1: PC7:1. TAX COLLECTO RS SALE. 1) " Y %I TI'E ofthe pl ,:.',r ve-:!el ii, no ) hy Acts It and 47, a-, Mt.ite ';,x , Ilet.'tr, I ihave seizdl ai::d will otierl for ,iale at the ICourt lHouse doo(,t in the \11NI)lN'.I)AY, )ecemte),r the ",lt 113, hetw-l n :he hunls of 'It . oI . a i : r. .I., f-chelk the tle iil1, i h":ctritel ltrope..ty, + ,-wit : A cr i . t - . ct el , I i , ,l::it 3 :' o'es, kuol',a a.: p.u: t il lithe Clithouti Ea f:tle , f- - :,.."t ele l ev i.t S. C:alhoune :s A'elt, W . -. I 1t.1n : . * dl inistr..tur talid biy lle tl ,e.,i lee t. Call htl::. i ' ,u t h e r d et - , , i: , o , s f t l l oh w : flat I.' g .0 :c:.; -c nmore' or Itm " 3. " ;2 " S 4It. " 3' '" S"' 5. " 14 ,, , 29 " . " 29 :" "' 10. 15 " . " 34 " " 1. '. 3 " 1" 3. " 27 S 74. " :10 " " 15. " 32 " 1. '" l3 " 17. " 50 ' . " 40 " 19. " 31 " 20. " 50 " 21. " '29 " 22. " 31 " "' " 3 " 24. " 40 " 2" . " 3l " Lot 1 Plta:. " 19 "' " 2 " ",6. " 31 " " 1 " 27. "* 13 " " I " 28. " 12 " " 2 " 28. "' 12 " A plat lof the operty will be elxposed on the day of ale. Amn't of State toax penalties & coat. *6893 1' - " Parisah tax................ 2438i Printers Fee.................... 14 (100 Total ........................ 19345 44 Trn.s or SaL :--CASII. Tax Collector's Offce. Grant Parish La., Dec. 16th 1873. T. M. WELLS, i State Tax Collector. 3 Dec. 90th 1473. I "OTICE TO TAX COLLEC)ORS t AND TAX PAYERS. TArT oW IA'IrIlIANA. At'DrToin's OrrcE, . New Orleanl. N .)ovenlir, I P:1. OWIXG to the fOEt tlht the time awsign , hy thle rcvlene la s for the r'tn- ao, of deliuqie*,t re,lla filla tleis iear ot a dlvy ' ano tie. en, .'r thl..n ila 1I. Vz: lMlloldy, D reln I . a to 4 e c an~y i junecr es e.ilsurrHuIc.m-nit, tOt:, -lB'yer, ,.isinag from the finanre:al diiuilltli-. uf the uolnt.ry,e many pwrsoue will. If the, rll, are closel i at tlhat time, be retteruil dolaiql.nut who o ,lilroue of pating their taxs befrltie i nalties L'OueaI, and will Ibe able to di, ei a F'w npoFe days are glrntled. The hard sip of gil Each s beini apparent. ane be lier' lg that thee best intirlests of the ftnte e wall pa of tax-payemrs, will Ie cnaulted by thb cotrne, you are hiruby anthorizeel to reiev, tax.e on th. entrea,-t roll. and al 5 on the r',i t of previele year, i. withent Pua!ie f ii the tiet iiittirie and without additienl lwnaltiie ill the Iae'eulll intanllce, Up to a late- a day on SATUIRDAY, Drl O -amber 20. After that date the roll, mit in b cloeeed au d further exten..lin can eot - tiadie. All who have not the,1 paid Sltb- returned elulinquent, rtdl the pen. ltim thlreafter collcted araeldilg to lh, - tS 5snt rule will bw applied in regai ato th Sletmart of the tax nills now in the o s the 'hriff of the parih of Or SCHAS CLINTON, Auditor. O ial journal, throughout the ltate it gtkrs neime and send bills to this Da. 13tb ie TAX COLLECTOR'S SALE. SY VIRTI'E of the power vested in me 1by legismlative Acts No. 461 and 47 as State Tax C'ollector. I have seized and w ill offelr for sale at the Court House inl the town of Colfax, on n SATI'IDAY, D.cemnlrr the `0th A. I,. 1.73, I bwtween the hlr.s of' 1o A. M. and 3 P. sr.. o'chwk, the following daecribed property to wit: A certain tract of land lying and being sitl,:t.ild in the Parish of Grant La., in toe i.lmhi p 5 andl f,, N. R. :3 W. fronting upon the lheft bank of Redl River, Wionoded and hl. clrilwd . a, fillows: 'Cmnmm.mlncing uponl tile hank ofRml River andll rlnnltinl E. 21 1:. N, ti-r 40 50 chllitl, 1 :i0,ng the soutli line of Mrs. M. A. Hlick mIan's lanlds, thence E. 7 20 N. for 103chains along the smoth liine of lanlds of Min. M. A. Hickman. th, nce N, 20 W for 40 thlimn i' along the line of lanids of Mrs. M. A. Hick i- lllin and Alfredl LewiR, thenc'e W 't 20 9 ie mot; th.e niorth line iof lands of Alfred v l.ewi, for 401 chains, tllhence N 4 2(1 W\ ailing the line of lamndl of the C'itizens Hank for 40 chains , themr. E A "20 N for 130 chlaiins to the' eas.t h.mink of Hayon l)arrow. thenlice Smi 20 P: 11)0 chainm lwn Hwn Baoll Darrow to, tl, 9 point on east iback ofit lia.iou Durrow, themnce W H 2)0 8 for )m 50 chainl ahli,n, i. th* litne of Hiclkhnanl', plim' t;ttioni. k 'mWv: aai I uppe r I-'la,gland ila nti inn. ti. ql'. W 1 S. i. wt : ti a .chain.- along th1 liie iI A.miii mmi.- r FLglaland plantiitim, ti. It: mlmak Sli" d lim e mr, ti ytll er mt lll the l ,tn I. j k lof I\'l 1 liver t~ ii:,... i, f sitam ing m.montra. inmg i .11 'i'mle llmiilred toei.ty om i. halt :crm ' more or Ic~e , tm, etlher with ili thel,. I t linmig :mmd limplrovemt .nts thereon. Th. I :i.d hi.ving Iten mmrv, yel biy mny o, ir into litlste aeo' ing to law will be Iold to the highi , t bidder. A p'i t of the plr-ip.rty with descripltion mit iuiiprovlmments will be elmecmd oiln daly of Ain't of Staite T.m' i n-nalt iei & comets $d77 1I Ami.min.t of 'Parilsh Tax ........ ... 1- 1(I1 tinonlt for ailverisin mtale...... 1:' It:1 Total .......... .............. Trumnm ofr :l.: r-( 'A. t *S. Tax ('mllt,'tmrm's Offlhe, iirat Parimrh Com fa> La. Dec. 7th 1'7:1. T1. IM. WELLS, Tax (l'tr. IIPROCLAMATION. I'IVE III' NiRID IhI.LLARS IFEWAIRD ST iTKe of Lti'ti iNA.e Exem'I'Tv D'r'. e Nemw tiOrleans. l)Ttim i lcmr "2. i,7.I. 1 7 "tIRFAS, litrnatiotiin hai rami,.ai'., Inlm. that 41 tihe fmim:,mitili d:. Mit )itilll i-,l, 1X71, 'Ir. F. WI . li )illN\tN, N, wAorthil citii7eni of TeTi whtile in tih' e I. lh:arge om" his dliis m-a... dilniry mimr .11 .v'mi niiuclde.riii onte D)r. . I. I.lJ-ohn ioll. eindl .!,hinisn, lhi ii - ,i'. wh iliom he wiaxe momilmV i ug to the lrri im jil ;l rind ''lmereas, Thne atiti W. mII. a.l n dm iud Jnlie .1 h'sOi., it is Ielievml.t. h:lver tiakems relfuge iln the State lof Mimdin-im in; ial a.l ti ,ts of the shberiff o Ten ".+. to wrtcue !heir arre.t hlave been inelhmt.cltual N~\w. tl.refmre. I, Williamtn P. K,,llotcr. :, r. , in.. i.. ... ,, I . i,,i mil i ma i is S'sue this. my plrolaumiatin. Iofeiring a r ward of FIVE IIUNDRED DiOLLARS, mipplemIntary to any reward outie.rel by ithe pari-Ii ithoritim oi f Te(iamn . for the ar r mit tild delivery of the amii W. H. John on atnd Jne Jmohne n, iias wife, to th:' a sherit of Tennus Parih., afiresaid. Given iunider my handi ialid it m mseail of the ,'m-ate hereunti o attached. i:i thei city iof Nomw ()le'auis, this second day of Dt.emiinler, SA 1). l-';I, and of the iudilpendtenee of the - United States of Amieriea the ninety .s iighhC . WII.LIAM '. KELLOGiG. lvy th lWi Ciovmernor : P. G. Itit.zoNiE, Secretary of State. Dtc. 13th 1,73. SHERIFF'S SALE. MIi. Mary L. Grogan, v s. No. 903. R. , Jackson. Pmlish Cotrt-P:arishl of Rapides--State of Loaliiana. Y VIRTUE of and to satim'fv a writ of Iltri facial i -uedt in the alovem eimti tlhd and inumlred muit, I have seized and will offer t publlic sale on, SATURDAY, the 3d day of January 1,74, lri wed.n the hoiur of 11 A..M. and 4 P. M., at the Court Hoise door in said Parish, the foillowing dencribel lproperty seized by spe cial order of said writ to-wit: The unndivided sixth of a certain tract of land and improvementa thereon on the .eft bank of Biayou Butff descending, bounded above by the Estate of J. and A. B. Compton, below by lands owned by the late Winder Crotch individually and hy lands of R. L. Tanner, containing twenty two hundred Iand twelve (22 12 acrm more or les, and being known as the tract of land upon which Winder Crouch resided and owned in community with his deceas ed wife Eliza Sntton. Tiate or :-CASH, aubject to ap priataemen t. JOHN DlAgiCY, Rherifl. Nov. 29th 4 aq'rs 6-t. p. p's. G4m 00. SUCCESSION SALE. tlccession of Zedekish Giimon. NN. 20"2. lairill Court-Rapime iP.aish. IN OBEDIZeNCE to an order from the Ho'irabmle Parish Jmndg of Raymidt. Parish. in the above nmnuimered and entitled Succeminon and to me directedl, command ing me to sell the real and personal prtoper ty belonging to said uccssleion, for ians, to pay dehts, I shall otter for smile at Public Auction, at the plantatioauthe deceased in this Pariah, between hours of 11 o'clo'k A M., ad i P. M., , ' SATURDAY, the 24th day of January 1874, the fllwilng dme'scried property, to-wit: (120) Onm Hmunmdred and Twmntv Five arr u f lamid mlnd imnlrmmvementtirmnatea ondm Cherr'wimmhie Crmm.k in this Parism. and twh'im. the lmlar4 the maul Oibson re. siml, atS the time of his death. Alm, tLh followin deseribed iersonal prolerty : ('J) "rT. Hmras. (7) eveim Head of Cattle. (I) lame Wagon. !) Cmte litm HAqaehold Fprntumme. (I) One (;loek, (1) O'i lot Farnting Utkppilh, (1) Omit Glrittd Stone. F tl) tOiit ddmimii.emi Brihlem t .m) Fifteen l'ead mf Hoklo (.1) Three Premniisuery notes-qol apprals. 9 ed, drawit re.pemtively hv Amlmis Jthemmmn, O:medialt D. Joliuiste iad Amlrs. (t, Spanuld. ing. LAVINIA GOiIl.ON, Adn'trx. Dec. s0th, 3, 6.. $4l tM, A l ee wishlahh to eichanse Conutry a Sfor Valuable own P Ym, will fAnd It to their advantege by Aih SHERIFF'S SALE. Benjamin Cooper vs. No. 911. Julius Levin, Mires Rosenthal andl lHenrv A. Bio(maet. Parish Court- Plarish of Rapidea-State of Louisiana. Y VIRTUE of and to satisfy a writ of ) fieri faucins, isnued out of the anlove namlned Court, il the above entitledl and nrulwered suit. I have seized and wi11 offer for sale, at public auction. on SATURD)AY, the 3d day of Jan uary 1874, Ibetwee:- the hours of 11 o'lchwk A. M., and r 4 o'clck P. M. at the Court Hlouse .lsr, in the own of Alexandria, the fdllowing de Scrilb,ed propertp. seized by Special Order of said writ, to-writ: A cermin pii.e or lot of ground with the iinprovelumnte ther'n, situlated lcying and lwsing in the town of Alexandria, iParish of I Rlpidea, La., and being in lSquare No. 4, fronting on the upper street, opposite the ('olrt l-House qlluare, Ileannring thirty three (:3.1) feet front inlid stree.t, and e'x tendlling back bettweeu parallel like one hunllldlred (100) feet Freunch measnre more or less, anli Iilng a part of the somth-eaust cour inr of efaaidl s i ire No. 4. toyl ther %s it]h all the lbuhldiin tsld it rloo, inu eta telent*. T 11cc lt (cl,'!ingae Mc'l I1cIc.' , tll·t~ c' vl4 ,. Tir i un o, S'.. ,:-Tli. "l. ve motht Ii, credit I'lppr.d'. el.e'tcrcty ..ii i tuortgage returned oni I h." pcoi 'lrty 1 ,, 1I r JOHN lt,,ACY, Sheriff, Nov. 1 r "lrs'it. 1'. F"'s 4. Ot. SHERIIFF'S SALE. .Jeffersou Wells, Curator. ) V1.. No. 736. J. M. Wells Executor. l'ai;sh Court-Parish of Rapids-State of Loliisiina. DY VIRTUE of and to satisfy a writ of I) tierl facias, ins',ll out of the, above Ilnamedn l I' clrt, in the above entitled* and Illllunelred tilit. I have seized mnd will offer for sale. at A lpuehlic uctiou, on SAITU'IrI).Y,h tahe :" day of J;an. mary 1874. 1h. twee . 11he· hours of II ,'clock A. M.. and 4 i'-. Ien k 1'. I., :,t the (Co.lrt 1I.,,t - door i, the town of Al,ex:in.cria, thel f.llowing II w. riIa,,l TI;nno rty,, to-'. t: 1"he nill.ridedli ni' hl:tll of e,,'toihl tract or t I of l ia ,tec 'e.l in tit Pfoi 1 t. l:p.llidh. Iounlde1 ith ,ve by rind' form, lT , It 1 1' 1 '. W" iells. d41e4e' .I . h' l.yv by l.ullsd tornlerls\ owned by 'aili L."vi 1'1.ll.. it, ee ..,l, andl frno tiier n 1'i- , lPn r'if. :ceu h, in hi thatri prtin ,I '?li' 11'.;lsw ,,rt Plan tati..:i k iowin as thri" ),it 'rT It, ,'olctsiir ig the - l i:ett ty of 4)0I i-lot,4 Il eiorn- or l',, . with the mll '.vieled o,.-h.elldt'fill Ithe buililiu.n. ia nld it c'. ne:tni "1 iitn ited tihre onl inchding the 'sugar I Iceuse and Machi nlry. T ntI:'i' ct SAL' :--TwI'Iv, ~.ionth crdi: p or Inl. th4e purt'hli."r to f'lrcis a., e1 awnt ,c,,ived 'el '.e1:ity 11114 itoi"re;;a;ge r1 trtniicd ,on tl. propewrty o,ll. JOHN Th:LA('Y. Sheriff. N.:,. 1 5 qrt lo0t. P. F's ',0 00. SUC 'ESSION SALE. Succession oflBeljaminu K. ItrInter, deceas eel, No. -t. PIt'ISirANT to an order of sale, iaaned [Iv the II.,n,oralleh the' Parish Court of I piell.. 'aritsli, Stlte of Louiiiamna, in tl'e Sel,1,ve' nulitlredl anld entitll Suiccenion and to ne lirctedl conmllanading ale to sell for thle lpaynlent of debts the property br hlonging te the said Estate tfr cash. I will oc;,r for salc at pucblic aeurction. on WEDNESDAY. the 31st dlay of Dec. 1Q3. colnn ienllin', at 1' o'clock M.. at thel C u-lrt 1l tose tier in Alexahndria, the tihllowing describetd pIlerty belonging to said suic c'.~cioll to-wit : A certain tract or ;,artl of land sitnated lying and being on the left de.escelitg htanik of Bayou Rl apides, in said Paris!h t1:, State, ablout eighteen Inilesaalave the town ,f Alexandria, Ihonded ablove by lands of Lewis E. Texadla, below by launds of Danll i,,l Roberts' sullccesion and in the rear by Ianlds of Henlry Boyce-, econtainling Seven HItlllrd acres blore or less, with all the lnildings anld inmplrovlements the'reon. Anotllhelr tract ,f' laend ill the Pilnewwcd.. on lIemphill's Cree'k, containih:g Eighty Anothlr tract of Piic.vnwoo.s landc onl I) - er's Ct'leek, c,ontainizii ' , -rty acres. TEsiis OF SALE --('A.l. R. A. I'NTEI, Adihn'tr of II. K. I nllctitl E t. t Nov. 9tth :o s '1", ..-t. I'. F'". 3.. 19L SIIElIFF'S $ALE. A. B. Heushan, Mary. A .ni llickman. SarmnI Mitchel. vs. No .. Mary Ain Hickman. District Court--Parich of Grant-State of Luisiana. I Y VIRTUE of and t,c set:lfv two writs of seisure and sale, issuancl out of the alove named Cclut in the nlove e,,titled j anRi nnmlwrerc! :it .:e. 's-i,,.rcd alcl wrill offer for :ile at Iluii,,. dltclci,n. icL gATURDAY, the 3d day of Jaciar' 174, betweei the honrs o; 11 A 1. :,ld I P. M., at the C'onrt IlToisc' dcoor. i' the towU of Colfax. the following deci lilwel prolwrty, n·eized ly spe'ial order of 'mid writ to-wit: A certain plantation lyilcg acld being in the parish, known as the Fairnloannt Plan taticl, bounded on the front hv Red Rivecr, alove by lands formerly owned by M. Ry' an, belo* by land of Henry Boyce, and in the rear by lands formerly owned by M. Ryan and by lands of A. C. Lawi ad Henry v Boye, contaiining the quantity of one thoumlsand acree, with all the buildings imlro'vements, rights, privileges anid ap p'rtinance·n tlhretic belonging, and being thie same property upon Shich the defen dant is now reiiding. t Trnss or 8tALe :--C.\ H, with the bene lit of alcpraisem'n it. I C. W. 1 .LLETT, Act'g Sleerifl. [ Nccv. '9th, 5 sq'mIc 5-i. . v' $,25 00. SAI.E FOR PARTITION. lllcesliotc of THOMAS NEA.L-No. 56. PI'RPLUANT to all order of msale made in - Stlii anit., and Lulced fron thel Parish Court of R:c,,!des Parish looili;cla, anld conirclnadlccg ,f mle to sell fr tho purpose effettltg a ipartition tihe fllowinul clcrib. ec lacd of the late Thom.s Neal, I shall preatwoed to offtr thei sanie h-foet thle Churt Ilcoluse deor in A.leialulrla, hetween the 1 boursc 11 A. M. and 4 P. I., on a RATL')RDAY, the 3d11 day of Jular.v 1874, viz: the upper part of the llantatien of decea-eIl., f~ttilrc tle Red fiver, hbonnited alvie 1ey land of Tili'n and 'arnlil, irl q Ielow oy luand ef AAnniai helt alnd tithers contailIng tour hundre4d and sltil-three and 20-14) saers, whih will Ile divided and offered in lhts of from ten to ifty acres each, A plat will hIe ahibitad at day of sale. Snch portion of the lad as shall not be sold will ha offered for rent asme time and place. Tlaus or SAL:-CASH. JOHN DLACT, 8heriff and iE-adco Anottenmeu N-ov. Uth 4 sq'u, . r's. *t4l. SUCCESSION SALE. Sucaion of Roger Roberta, No. 198, Parish Court--Rapides Parish. IP frUANT to an order of sale. isened from the Pariah Court of Rapide lPar ish in the above entitled and unmlwred anit, and directed to me commanding the sale of movable property of deecased, to pay delta, I shall offer for sale. by public auction at the late resideuce of Roger Ro berts near Cheueyville, on SATURDAY, December 27th the 1873, between 11 A. M. and 4 P. M., the following avezn mnults. Three Cane Wagons. Two Cart.. Plow gear and Plows, Corn Sheller and Grind Stone. Household and kitchen furniture. Tluax or SA.t :--CASH. M. V. ROBERTS, Adm'trix. Dec. 13th 1873. 3 s :Lt. 1 00. SUCCESSION SALE. R8nceeion of Clara L. Brown-No. 195. IN PURSUANCE to an order and decree of the Ilon. Probate Court, for the Par ish of Rnpide , I will expose at public sale at the Conrt liouse door, in the town of th.xandrea. on W\'EDNED)AY, the 14th day of .Jan. 1d74. for the pnrpose of paving the debts of said succession, the following described real and personal property to-wit: A certain tinet or puree.l ot land situated lying and b'einl on Bayoa Ra pider, the ree idelneo of the late Mrs. Clara L. Brown,. and known as the I land Plantation. leonndle above by Inlads of Tho.. H1 Maddox, below by the old Race tr:act. and in the renr by lands of Mesr. ('lapp & IH4 ,tthe.. . ceutain ing the quanltity oft (II) Iteer lnh ireel Sacres' morle cI 1l., te'th er %%it1, ill the leeilelin-e. ,1+t1 ilte+ +,: . '.e, t-c 1 teh'.enl or the''eleliuto e t i,"lle.t l e e in , ll-. ' n en ,. and (ees. lwedl +arriTi ' l ,ld "e +", 1n . :l*' ttion liedl. TEalms c, ['eLi :---C Al, with the bene fit of eppruaismenlet. JOHN I ,",ALY Sheriff, sad E x -O f hfic i , t, " h .,~, * * r Lesitr'ase faslfttr,t'. for t"er Deaf seand laseb. lu.trnn R" Wc;e. July 1973. To the Po?;le .luriat. fle If,,'icirwld Istheoritire and I'ricds ofj thle Dqf and Iamb is Louisi ana: Tiee, Trnsteas of th L.a. Institutiion fr the E leateon of the . Deaf andl lhcb, c all •yoier alttt.tio tit t0ise nfl.Frttnale lassq. antel tle' provisioen eam'le f t heref biy t he teite- ien this I, str:it ioni. All thie Dl)e't I'.. tweer,, the aurs of.ightt +.1t twentl-lic. of sent'el physienl andl t'enttl c,,,''atitetio sa, a ill lew aleit.ted andl preve l.d i.': ite etr,"ctin,. 1eo'el. lo eling, meli'ieine aeed Iceelic:ll uttellehet!,eeA at the exlslcwe of 'the lil-titnticne: ateel nll thee.- in suehe imllre't t cirenumtances as shall ieaI'r by a certili crat of any me'elwr of the police jury of tihe parish, or mlayor of th Ie ity, where they r'wiede, to render such aids necesesary, will also be furnished with clot hing and travel ing expenses to the Institution. The In stitution also affords a nwechanical depart meat in which mnstruction is given in such trades as may Ie heat suited to render the pupils self-sustaining citizens. The educa tion of the deaf is of peculiar inmportaneee to them and to the State; but fromn want ot information, indigence or othe'r reaso:s on the part of parents, less than half in the State avail thenmselv.e of the privihges atlorded. This is all wrong; he.nce' the Treustees earnestly call the attention of all iproper authorities to the duty of seeing that all the deaf il tbheir respective parishes or cities, are informed of the privileges pro vided, aneIl that in carers of indigent cirecnm. st:anlcc. means le providedl for couveeling snuch to I his Institution. Proper provision will lw made for both white and colored. In case of any deaf known at this Insti- 1 tutin to be in your city or parish, the t Iaelmles are appended to this letter. Slhould you know or learn of others, their address I is earnestly desired. Gov. W,-P. KELLOGG, er-oj cio, Hox. .. H. BURCH, f H. NEWELL. Esq., H SCIIORTEN, Esq., L. BERIIEL. J. McVAY, Esq., Superintendent, J. A. McWHORTER er-ofrio. ' of lea. Institution for Deaf and l_'ll'b. e'et t c ct t ira c t o n ! !i O.bEc IIOI'eTIe rare :, .... t_ e;. frtie c thi e riv.. with a liv .o C.JREFIJLL .ELF('TEI - stock o geods, aulnd is satisllerl that ,l I those whoe favor himn with the-ic ctar.*.'l'.. will le suited Ieoth in price ac l lqu dlity C. goods. Hi- stock to *siets of )RI' GOODS, GROCERIEN. HA T8, CA PR. BQoo, SHOFJS, And other articles too umereaOs to men I tion ,which he is offerinlg a AT REDUCED PRICES. . Sept. 6th 1573-tf Car'irages and Harness wUaedohst .TIesep. a Doring the srlleiwcelen cof the lhanlks and the great presuree ie the eoey Imarket, we will sell (Carriages, Jaesey Walgons. Baggies aend liares, of ev, ry pattern anld price, to planter. sad dealse's, payable Ja eary let, by draft on their Commisston - Merchants here, witbhot luterest. DI. K. HOLLINGOWORTH, Soe. t, R. Marshb teman & Co., 4 & 56 eBarone hit., 'New Orlean. A Ko. 7 VeteranCooking8torve,bought frnm Mr. I. C, liller, priee 6 00. It with all fimrniture al aeoking Itmqsilai a-e in perfect order, and nearly as goed as new, will he sold atS a arpin. Apply it this oF'FlIC O.t . .-t ,f -O WITE DI8PATCH, AthsO Obee. ftirgus ln & lUlath; I (Formerly Levin & Ferguson.' I WATCHMAKERS & JEWELLERS, -AND DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Specta clets, And Fancy Goods. Pn.or Anvwsr FPao HOWE SEWING MACHINES American and English Watches lof the best makers, constantly on. - Ihand. May 4th ld73. II E N Y II ll A N. Dealer in DrIU Goods, Gro reries and Plantation o SSuppliea OF ALL RINDS. I LEE 1AT. (near the Baptist Church.l S.S just returned trroa Nee S Orlani,, with every rolt 'tiaible article to m;ake up a It. ,rnd tl con 'lte Sotwk, an4d snuppi)l I every denlal. ,11a of which he nfler to cAI·tl stotIheis at utiparalleled ow irices. Hie alsn hnys at the' highest mark .et pries. nil kiniels or COUNTRY PRODUCE, I1 v YD i, OLiD IlON, (wrought or cast.)1 O1I) COP)'PER,; OR any othler saleabll article, and in hlort lromi4es to 'Tr.d i. t f nil kiss as Good or Bietter 1I r getinl ;iat cin I~. e O(lllilnl('l e s :t !re else in the huits ci fthe twn Aiexaandria, .... y 1 t .3-t l ja, Th~ - m. O--ne The Leadid g Jweurael of the Published Dally and Weekly. THE L ,RGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY OTHER PAPER IN THE SOUTH. A FIRST CLtSBA SOUTHERN F . MILY NEWSPAPI.g, TERMA Or TI OAULY.......14 per annum. li4L YiauI;Lt, $. QUIrran.Y, 3 50. THIE WMEEILY TIBES Is devoted to the discumnion of topics of vi tal importance to the interests of the Gulf Statete; c.ntains a carefully preparedconm pendinmn of the news of each week, origin al and mtlected literary and miscellaneous matter, tsalb, poetry, etc, correspondence from all parts of the country antd abroad, letters from the peoile, a reese of the New Orleans Markets, etc., etc. TKRMs or nil WIxK.LY.... 15 per annum. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. ADDREI:S Pun li , . . . :p 0 s t tr,. IIE H1 tVE PUKCKACSD AND Io eui.argd the LI..lve 'r e'ltalble formerly kept by GOFPPE, and more~ ecat. ly by N. L. McGINNIG, awn are lred to seememodate the public in the 1Anrr lMs We have em Stable .well to.l with ffO335, BN4CNS !ed aVG. and will hire them, and sed herms at very reasonable rates. We pledgt onrelves to give antire atis faction. A. M. 0GOOD, Baupertiltendent. Aag Od, 1f3im. Alexaniidria, Chleneyv.le, lRed River -and -OP A CONCORD COACH WILL I.EAVE Alexanlsis on TESDA)IYS, TtIVRS. DAY d ATDAY AYS, at t10 I't, <- A. M.. making clse e nnctdios at 4k-* River Llnding witlh the magaIIL mt a Pack-.t for New Orbus. Restammla-will leave Red River landing en 8UNDAYS, WED NESDAY8 and FRIDAYS, o the mrrival of the above Packets fro. New OrMleans, are rinvig at Al~esracd 7 o'elock the next A On.. at the EXCHANGE I HAVE JUSIT RETURNED FROM NEW Orleans, with a full steek of Dry Goods of all Kinds, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SIIOE1 and IIA TS. of a/I DBeedpiptMb, COFFEE, amd FLOrfR, Mtaple anI Fancy Groceries, Bairlt I, TlesandTwine, rad in short every article needeld for the "'all trlad, :Intl the wants of any ('nctoners, ,il of w hilk w.Iclc selected perIms Telly. andl aErcehaw'.d on tcrms whwb wUil enable lcte a cce,,Ulete with any other mere.tnIut as to prices. GIVre ,IE EACALL! ONA 908 O1NT2A-ATL, Sept. lth alalbhccd : IlOW LOST! IIOW RESTORED! J UI'T 'ulrli-!, a new ,lition of Dr. * (.'Jrlfrer 'I s Ct c ehrate', Ee:.,cy ,on *hn r.dtr.I cccew (with,,out ,dh ~), ' ,c ) of '41'KIM3ATt I'cum'X a.. or NEE t .i::; l \\.'".k::+c , Ilvo'nll ttll rv rluiual I.ce .w', ...; ,:.:~\c , \e.atal mu Ii l'hivyic.l I l tc Ii it v. I'tledsI 'tei s to arri:..vt. a te.: aci.t' u.'tI-u''' v', IE.PuI.F:IlY wiI i C., inElEt,, I 41 by ai.-iedel p, e. ntl' tt c'\ inni exItr eveag.llre. 1 i Prkeil a .atled eavellope oily lix cents The ce. lrate, enith or. in, tIa1' aT.,rnchh, esmay, cleariy delnoenslrtetee t;,'n A thirry years' auc'.e'edafl pra 'tiree. that the' tallr.c e1g l cº:cep' ct 11e9- ot' ill-tellnE* llln Iw radl ially .tredl withouet Ithe dtuellrc.'ell s I mu . of internsl nelliitcht or thei ap,. li icttion of 1;h knife ; wlinltllng loult " nIleic* tof el(le at ct'ncs :O e t!ii, e.ertainc , caned thedl lttel, lv ictia '. of" ',thi' I evVer ntl ret. Io mLtt|er w!cAt he*U ,ocicil ien em;ly h.. rurety clore Ihi:salf hthe.cp It, lt it, .telIv :e',l radir.c!y. ýri' 'Tl. Th!c' cla.ce,,l 1w in the heanes 'f" t,.vy y.uItI ; tit rt . I" III oil t o the land. Sc at ec.,r -cal, i:1 f pii', rE'vleloi,. to any to.I.1¢,, ý, l- Im .. , stet rrato pt of isi 4't'll+, or I %..5 !.,*04 Satse ".*. Ahirli. th. llPubi'h-, Co'sa. .- ". Kr.l.l"cL*. Co.. 1.:7 *,t' 'ry, .. Y Pci't-O cle SIx, 4o ;]. Noveiuber _l 7. . i :1. CA RRIA, R.d, BUOGIES, JEMAtSJY WAGONS, HA kNEN8, BC'OOY UMBRELLAS. CHILDREYN'k CA RJIlA GEI admd VELOCIPEDE8 Of every pattern and pries ! I' W rk rnde to orader asd II rransed. D. M. HIOLLINGdWORTII, 8ecoeesor to R. Mrsh, Dnruman & Co., 84 and 8i Bar. i treet., NEW ORLBJS8, LA. Nov. 1-6m. FiP Any person writing for further in. formation respecting this advertlisement, will please state that they saw it in the Rcepldes Gaslse. A 3@OKE TR@TE MItL*1 e I~ t.... we . l i** - --::: .!' **** offTr hista M eitts in hs lne to those in need o theWe on re 1Mnable ters and refers as tcr hiRs i albility to all tot whom he has worked. Mat'r. 8, '3.t saW. e Wrr. ,a O~crOzfi e zoer , A terab dtam LCotta. At sll Hour., Alex La. 10WE'S SEWING MA CHINES, FERGUSON a tSCENA'K. xees.,n ass Astases ** ac lE - dlctactrdl ie. 6tsnFhom 1PFrSty.