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BBBaBBTBarTrHlBBBBsBBBBlBBBalBrBaBBBBBBB IHPSKW?1'' ,r( "'"w WpjpF5i; '3lBflBfB bbbbf; "" "-""j . .n.iiniiinVi BnBKi I , bbbbB K. 1Ibbbbbbbbbb-Bu H t ? Kaw3 x IHH m ' -5 11BI Bb men Uiliik they can mako buslncua by cutting lirlre II . r lBBBBBBln Ebx sss, star rsi;srtu' fr? F i vsw-.s; uur: H& ! mlnrllacr owe- to himself U to rcI l.l, Important mo-Jig,, Into iw Jnnny ,n.U nT iMlbl. ' T1, ,r,"l"co 'f "dicHlMnnciit I, to tell ini.,i ,).Jo !JnBBBBWli I Eastern Utah "Advocate A NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED FOR PEOPLE NOW ON EARTH iiH9i Km. " ' ' - J "2r '9 m l'Mt'K, Utah, thl'iwday, Aifti-sr , una. i BmvmH b-.F1 .. xumiieuhi - , bbBBHs-S fUNDS SUBMITS S PINAL REPORT rider's Shortage Figures Up Forty-Six ndred Dollars That of GWilym Jones Around $3000.00, urday'a special meeting Vof county commission B report of J. W. Ed-Hj-1 nudltor from Salt Hf filed nnd accepted, khowa It. w. Snyder, tort In. his nccouuU B Gwllyra Jonea, county Hkcordor, 12010.76. It by tho board, nil mom ity Attorney Hoffmann B to mako domand on B bondimen for tho HBi in tho report of tho Br Thomaa moved that HBwi of Owllyni Jonen, BBScdor, bo accepted. All HBSlonora votod nyo. Tho fjonoa had boon tabled K mooting until nuch Bl Auditor Edmunds K-bla nccounta. A. D. bod boon In chargo ot Ho a special deputy, Hfc voto thank. t CommlMlonor Han fHl by Commissioner lB; McKlnnon was np .bbbbbV"! recorder to fill B? term of Jonen. In W however, tho np tcon tondored L.TA Hfellnod the place. II, Kr clerk and rocordor, Bpolntmont, but wna pvrmon nnd Fred l Baiuiod ns delegates to Bbon county nt tho Bl ccngrt In km HUku City tula week. B who succeeds It. W, HHwiurrr, una allowed n BB'n1ar' of fCG.CO n B" hna not oa yet Buty, but It la mulor Vn mind n gentleman HBmcounty familiar with Bloy of Winter Qunr HSftted dog tax collector Blthroo dollara a day Bd put In Thl tip B nwuy with all other Htn tho Mvernl pre Bunty. Bdjournod aubject to Bchnlrman ODE CASES. BrClmrKtvl With Km if County KiiikIn, B'lity Clork Qwllym BV, Snyder, treasurer, Hrestod last wcok on Bmbeztlomunt In con Belr nlloKod ahortnfioa Bf W. Udmunda, apo B'lio complaints wero Bni Potter, Boron 01 Hdiion nnd Juno Dry Htlc amount la placed Biundrod nnd twenty H oacu Inatanco. B"ontB nro alloRcd to nlttod on the 4th of Hfti waived oxamlna lnnt Monday bound Bilrlct court under a B bond. Snyder waa jBUH0 ' " alleged t, but will bo roar Hlomorrow, Bro, candidate for vpubllcan ticket, will H against Snyder. aokii ii:.vicax ui:ruoi:iM AltlllVK AT (AUI)i:. CITV I'ilOVO, Auc 22. William C. MeOIollan nnd wlfo nr tho first refugee from Mexico to nrrlvo In I'rovo, and both nro plcasod to got back to n placo whoro thoy can real and rocupcrato nftor tbo hardships of mo Mexican rebollton, McClol Ian, who U 84 yearn old, la still atrong nnd healthy and has boon used to hnrdshlps nil his llto. Ho was a member of tho Mormon bat talion that wont through tho south ern country following tho Mexican war, Whon McCtellan loft Kt I'aso n number ot tho mon wantod to ro tura to tnko chargo of their proper ty, but ho said that It went against tho grain ot tho colonists to kIvo up their guns. Ho would not glvo up his gun direct to a Moxl can, but gavo It to his grandson, who handed U to n third parly bo foro tho Moxlcan robvl obtalnod It. McClcllan spenka vory highly of tho treatment accorded the refugees by tho pcopla of Kl I'oso. I'imiTi' i'i:iii:hation HAH 1'Ii.VN roll UTAH 1 - LA&ItOBfjfLlSiGAn1 effort will h mado by tha World'a Purity Federation to secure tho es tablishment In Utah or a now atato department, n bureau for tho sup pntMlon of public vice, to ho on a I par officially with other branches jcr the now atato government, llko I tho Insurance nnd treasury dejmrt jmenta, Thn aim of tho federation lit primarily tho auppnmalon of tho white alnvu traffic, and thou to wlpo out tho public dive. Utah la aeltted na tho atnto In which to make tho experiment with ono or two othor state becnuao of tho progresa al ready made tlioro by tho atato bruucli of tho purity federation. Tho numea of thoao to have chargo of tho organization of tho now cam paign will bo made public later. TRUTIIFJIMS. Ciiunnl Toiimtoea .Muot 1U) "Holltl I'Hck" or "I'unv," lite. San Francisco dispatches atato that aovornl million labels for can nod tomatoes must bo reprinted to satisfy ii ruling or tho department pt agriculture. The department has held that only "solid pack" cans may boar tho label "tomatoea." Cans mado of Juice and pulp must bo labeled "pu reo tuado from tomato trimmings with at least ono pound of toma toes."' . Tho Utah dairy and pure food commissioner says this law has beon In forco hero for over a yoar and Is observed. "Tho laying on of hands" for complaints, on pod ally In children, la now taking tho placo of Christian Science, A mother cured her boy of tho clgarotto habit with ono ap plication. Sho laid her loft hand on tho boy's neck, her rlrht hand on ono substantial allpr)r, and then laid tho slipper whore It would do tho most good It of.'ected a cure and a relapsr Is not lok'od for. DRY jFJEj. jLLIl BOOTH BBpo of noon today (Thursdfa)) the wheels ot all In- V the Salvation Army In America will bo stopped In sAVf Gen. William Ilooth, whone funeral takes place at IBB'Hng hour In London. IBVr hours every merabor of tho Salvation Army In this B1 drop hla tusk and ongago In prayer. Orilera to that. boen sont out from tho army headquarters. Wementa Jiavo boon- completed for momorlal services BWlmultanooualy In every city and Important town In LBHRtatea at 3 o'clock, Saturday, Suptombor 1st. UmMsrauj jina jj0on jrnwn up for ftj (no ,jBj,t military v nrmy In tho United States, and tho various com iJkBVo boon rotiuested to Invite city and state officials, HHV n" denominations and Christians generally to take 1 WWcountrywIdo memorial DEMOCRATS NAME WW i:Vi:itYTHIN( IIAH.MOMUUH AT TIIKIItCONV:.STIOX. Ii. O. lloffmnnn Kmlormil For Dis trict Attorney nnd H. V. Kmltlt For Htnto Trrnnurer Fnrty lt 1'liMlgrtl to Ik-onomlrnt AdintnU tnit Ino of County Affnjrw, Tlio democratic county convention was called to order promptly nt 10 o'clock yesterday morning nt Price by Noll M. Madsan, chairman. Thorn oa F. eKIter noted a secretary. La ter thoso temporary officers woro mado pormnncnt. W. I). William ot Cnstlo aato ond Samuol Nnylor woro named as n commltteo on reso lutions, platform and gonoral order of business. J. II. Mlddleton of Prlco nnd I.avo It. Kvnna of Castle Onto componod tho conmiltleo on credentials. DcleKntrM lit Attcndniicc. Winter Quarters, 8. J. Ooldlng; Bcoflold, Nell M. Mndson nnd W. N. Moselcy, tho former holding tho proxy ot Dent Ilolfson; Castlo Onto, W. II. Williams and Lavo II. Kvans; Holpor, B. T. llorkonhogon nnd El mor Ilroekor, tho lattor holding tho proxy ot Enoch Hryncrj Price, T. F. Koltor, J. II. Mtddloton, Albert llryner nnd J. A. Crockett; Clcnr Creek, C. M. Anderson nnd P. 12. Neyj Sunnysldo, Snmuol Nnylor, Hy rum Wilcox nnd J. C, Twaddle. Kon It worth, Harper, Spring Qlon, Car bonvlllo and Hiawatha precinct woro not reproaontod. . ' "; Tlio Ticket Xoiulnntnl. i tjllepreienlntlvo Levi NilIarrao bfii'rico. Ajj. JJSry&Bir Fou'iir c?iinIssile?ryr5ln Wilcox of Sunnysldo. Two-yoiir commissioner Noll M Mndson of Bcoflold. County clork l.nko Young of Holpor. County recorder J. W. Hill of Wellington. Treasurer Oliver T. Harmon of Prlco. Sheriff Thomaa F. Koltor of Winter Quarters. Aiwessor Andrew Young, Br., of Castlo Oato. Surveyor Alvln Thnyn of Wel lington. Superintendent of schools Be brlng J. Ooldlng of Winter Quarter. Attorney William II. Fryo of Prlco. Htnto Contention IMigutcN. Tho delegates to tho atato con vention aro llynim Wilcox, Samuel Naylor, II. C. Smith. L. O. Hoff mann, T. F. Koltor, John W. Hill, Nell M. Madson, Lavo It. Evans and P. E. Key. Delegates to tho atato convention nro to act us delogates to tho Judicial convontlon. Urolutlm Adopted. Ilo It resolved, That this conten tion endorse tho candidacy of II. C. Smith of Prlc for tho office of Into treasurer, and that tho dolo gate this day choton be instructed In hi behalf. It U furthor Ilesohed, That wo endorse tho candidacy of U. O. Hoffmann of Prk-e for tho office of district attor ney of tho Sovonth Judicial district, und that tho delegates to tho Judi cial convention bo Instructed In his behalf. I'liitfonu unit llfMiltitlonx, That wo do most heartily ondort.0 tho national democratic platform and the nominees, Hon. Wood row Wilson und rrhomas It. Marshall for the presidency nnd the vlre presi dency, respectively. Second, That wo plodgo the nomi nees of this convontlon in behalf of nn economical administration of connty government. Nell M. Madsen an permanont chairman and Thomas F, Keller, as secretary, will be In active charge ot the county campaign. HOWEIJH KXI'I.WIHTUHIM IX OAMPAKJX AUK MHIIT WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 23. In accordance with the law passed at tho last seislon of 'congress, pro viding for publicity of campaign ex penses, Ileprescntatlve Howell to day filed with the clerk of rocorda of tho house n atatoment ebowJng total expenditures In his campaign for ronomlnatlon. The atatoment showed thorn to bo up to date $37.50. This amount was assessed against Howell by the republican atato commltteo to assist In defray ing tho expenses ot the state con vention. Howell said there had been no contributors to his campaign. KKPOltT ON Till! CHIIKAI, CHOP OF THE WA8HIXUTON, D. C, Aug 24 Prollmlhary figures of this years production ot tho prlnclpnl crops of aovornl foreign countries wore re cotvedfthU morning by the depart ment of ngrlculturo by enblo from tho .International Institute of Agri culture nt Home, Italy, n follows' VhU Prussln, 9,t 00,000 bush clar, llulgarla, 3,067,000 bushels: Canada, m.927,000 bushels, tfisyut 28,B;000 bushcla. ' f P . Cpfn-Srln, 24,980,000 bushels; Egyt, 76,448,000 bushels. Crfton Egypt, 84,144,000 lbs. Ryo Prussln, 340,344,000 bush els!, Huluarln, 18,373,000 buthelai Canada. 32,r.20,000 bushels; Egypt. l.aSB.OOO" bushels; Dcnmnrk, 2C. B66J000 bushels, OaU Prussia, 387,440,000 bush oU; Cnnada, 340.022,000 bushels; Deranrk, 62,468,000 bushels; Hun gary, 88,640,000 bushols. ' Spain, 8,GS4,000 bushels; Egnt 1,446,000 bushels. jTho condition of cereal crops In RtMslft 1 auch aa to predict ylclda abvo tho average. PJKHmiCHHIVia TO HAVE W Fi'1.1, TICKliT IX FIEM) Jbl JI. Stevenson, chairman of tho Caon county wing of tho progrca tvc. toll Tho Advoento that It la th Intontlon to have n full county tlckot In tho flold In Carbon county. Thf convention la to bo hold nt Prlco on tho 10th of September, thrpo dnya previous to tho atnto con vention. Tho official call appears olsowhoro In thl Impression of "tho great moral and religious." ,f(.may '"' ""y Htovenson, that sont'ndorscmenta will bo mndo of candidate on tho republican nnd domocrntlo ticket, but these will bo fow. Chairman Btovonson has re ntjy mado n trip throughout tho county, nnd ho anya ho found tho 3wovelt sentiment strong w hero ex or ho. went. rfjJJt'AltllV HAMPI.E WtPXgi g mahhm: At n mootfiigonfiornTiiCTO-Miir. bio conijwny held nt Bnlt Uko City lost Saturday It was decided to quarry model budding block of tho marble from Uio quarries nt ThUtlo and submit thorn to tho atnto oapltol commlaslon In an endeavor to demon atrnto that it Js not nocoiuiary to go out of tho atnto for material for tho now cnpltol. Tho quarries hovo boon Inspected by mnrblo experts, who hnvo given It na their opinion that tho blrdseyo mnrblo u moot all construction ro qulromontj. Among tho oxporta to exnmlno tho mnrblo wna Alfred IJrown, it woll known authority on building stone, who declared tho blrdsoyn mnrblo superior to that of Vermont or Georgia. I'EUUMAK AOTIOXS OI-' MAX I.EAIW TO AllltlMT PIIOVO. Aug. 23. X transit who give hla name aa taula McKlnney and his ngo nt 41 years, wna arrest ed at Cotton Tuosdoy by Deputy Shorlff Dunn and brought to Pro- vo. The ktrnnger, who has tbo ap learance of u tramp, actod In such a manner na to mako Cotton people bellovo ho Is demented, und ho un doubtedly is, but m ho la bellovod to, bo harmloss ho may not bo glv on nn examination, but pormltted to go na ho la desirous of doing. Ho claims to hnvo boen born In Ilo ton, but loft there when n boy. He ndmlta bolng lit nn Insane asylum In St. Paul for six months, about ton years ngo. Ily a deal which Involves two bun drod thousand dollars, W. T. Ooslon or dram! Junction, Colo., has com pleted arrangements for tho purchase of tho holdings In Colorado or hU associates In tho Utah Hldo and Live Stock company. Hla brother, A, M. Ooslen, of Salt Lako City ro tains possession of tho Utah Inter ests, W. T, Ooslen's holdings now consist of tlio sheep on tho Plnon Mesu country and tho old Slobor Cattlo company range. He shipped two thousand snoop last wook to tost thn Kansas City market. A. M. Cotton now owns tha company atock In Utah, ranged around CIbco and Westwnter. Complete returns from last Tues day's Carbon county Jilgh school olectlon have not as yet been re ceived, but enough precincts have been heard from by County Superin tendent of Schools Marcuson tq In sure n aafo majority for tho bonds. Price, Bcofleld, Winter Quarters, IConllworth, Wellington, Clear Crook, Carbonvlllo und Helpor glvo a total voto of a hundred and twenty-seven for tho bonds and but fif teen votes against. Harper district held no oloctton. There are flvo precincts yot to hoar from. Hut ono more date this month for registration, August Slat REPUBLICANS PUT H OUT STRONG MEN "bHH Administrations of President Taft and Governor flH Spry Endorsed G. A. iverson For HH Congressional Honors. 1, ,1 aaaiiiiiiHa! Promptly nt 10 o'olock last Battir dny morning a. W. Hofsley, chair man, called tho republican county convention to order, stating tho ob ject of tho mooting by reading tho official call. It It. Klrkpntrlck of Sunnysldo was tho unanimous choice or tho delegate assembled for tem porary chairman. Carl It. Maroucsn wn selected n secretary, and later Iho temporary organisation wn mndo pormnncnt. In a brief speech Chairman Klrkpatrlck urged tha nomination of tho party's best mon only for offices this fall, sUtlng that a woll chosen ticket moant victory for tho party at tho poll. On motion of C. C. McWhlnnoy a .lommltteo of flvo on credential, permanent organlxnllon, order of business and resolution waa nnmed. Credential, Samuol Dugmoro, Carlai Gundorson, Robert William, Jr., J. It. Flomtng and W. N. Wotxel; per manent organization, C. II. Plnrion, (ieorgo J. Dunn, C. K. Jonson, C. S. Hill nnd J. II. I'aco; resolution, C. C. McWhlnncy, Joseph Unrbogllo, Itobort Monties, a. A. Irorson and C. It. Marcuson. I Aftor tho commltteo on credential had reported tho name of tho dolo Kules entitled to seats In tho conven tion, tho report ot tho committor on permanent organisation nnd onlor of buslntv adopted. Tho resolu tion adopted by tho convontlon fol- te.- .... Tho republican of Carbon county In convontlon assembled unqualified ly endorse tho administration of that Illustrious statesman, William Howard Taft, us president of the United State, nnd congratulate the atnto nnd tho nation on tho unpru redonted Industrial, commercial nnd social progresa mndo under tils lead ership. Wo ondorso tho splondld adminis tration of atnto affairs under tho di rection of tlio governor of tho atato of Utah, tho Hon. William Spry, and tho corps of efflolont officers asso ciated with htm In this slate, nnd wo urge upon tho dolegntoa to tho state convontlon that they uae all honorable moans lo Insure hla nomi nation to luccocd himself na gover nor of tho atato of Utah, confident that tho good son so nnd patriotism of tho republicans of Carbon county will bring about tho election In No- ember of tho nominees or thl con- xentlon. Wo auggest Hint under the pe culiar conditions obtaining In Car bon county that tha best and strongest ticket bo named by this convention, to the end that the bust ness ot Carbon county bo transacted uloug safe nnd sane business linos, nnd tho Interests of tho peoplo as a whole subserved. We deprecate dishonesty In pub lic aa well a In private lire, and plodgo tho nominees of this conven tion to an honest, clean nnd busi ness administration of county af fairs. To A. W. Horsloy, our county chairman, wo express our slncoro thanks for his able efforts during tho past two years In the further anco ot tho principles of republican ism, and hi honest support of tho nomlnees of tho party. We unanimously endorse tho splondld efforts ot Senator G, A. Ivorson lit tho legislature and pledge the support of Carbon county In se curing his nomination and election as congressman. We furthor plodgo the support ot Carbon county to the support ot Jesse D. Jowkes as state treasurer. Xitmlimtloii of Candida tow. The convention thon procoodod to the nomination of tho county tlckot. O. K. Jensen of Clear Creek and Itobort Williams, Br., of Sunnysldo were named for tho four-year com mlsslonorshlp, Jensen being nomi nated by a vote or nineteen to sevon teop. Itobort Williams, Br., ot Sunnysldo and John II. Pace of Price, were nominated for the tworyear commls slonershlp, Williams bolng chosou by a vote of twenty-six to ten over Pace. C. II. Ploroon of Sunnyslde, for clork, O. II. Cody of Helper, for treasurer, and Miss Josle Fltzger- nli! (or recorder, word till named by sbbbbbbbbbbH Ai'elAlimilon, neither haxlng any op- 1 aaaBBBBBBBB position whatever. C. C. MoWhln- I iH ney'a nomination (or county nttor- Baal lioy also camo by acclamation, na sbbbbH well n thnt of C. It. Marcuson for ' " M county superintendent of public i iHbbbbbbbbbB schools. B H w' J' ,T':!wpl1 "( Wellington nn.1 t) H Ueorgo Uolllnghnnt or Sunnysldo. 1 iH present Incumbont, wore tho seokora f H for tho assossorshtp, Colllogham win- J flM nlng out by a voto or twonty-ono to V'LbbbbbbbB soTontren. W, N. Wctzol ot Castlo ' HSbbbbbbbB Gate wna nominated over Ooorgo VV) Hill or Wellington for surveyor by t '''LbbbbbH a voto of twenty to eleven. sViiiH W, J. Elwood ot Prlco wna hnndod bIbbbbbbbbbbbbI tho nomination tor tho ttnto login- I M laturo by acclamation. f H Htnto Coiiu-ntlon DelegateN. .!WbLbbb1 The dolegate to tbo atato con- 'IbbbbbbbbbbI vonUon nt Bait lnku City are Itobort U iIbbbbbbbbbbI Monxlos, G. A. Iverson, Samuel Dug- nSBiBBBBBl more, A. Mndson, A. W. Horsloy, i J'bbbbbbbbB Itobort William, Jr., Georgo J, XM. BH Dunn, George I). Hnymond mid ?" H Thomaa Doll. M H I Members or tho county central ; jt B commlttoo nro Itobort Monxlos, I.ara Urn LbbbbbbbbbI Jonson, W. N. Wotxel, II. F. Mosa. Yl BbbbbbbbbbbbbbB W. H. Fryo, II. A. Plitegar, Samuel A 1 4JH Dugmoro, Andrew Gilbert, A. II. j JI H Draper nnd 0 I). Hnymond. Tho l LbbbbbbB central commltteo hi omowerod to I'lf pH fill any vacancy that may occur on rT bbbbbbbbbbB the 1 H Ji H. Kirkpatrlck ot Uunnyaldo la . i liH ",mai3PaUiMareu-lf- i , iiH on Of Prlco, secrollriT -n . J II .iH tors are to bo maintained nt Price. "" ' "-a ' LbbbbbB HOCIAI.IHTri I'laCE FUI.I, !9bbbbI TICKiri' IX l,OOAIj FIEI.U ' bbbbB BBBBai Carbon county socialists hold IbbbbbB their convention nt Helper last Mon- ' fM duy evening, It bolng muIIo largoly " ' ) sbbbbbbB nltondod. W. A. Jameson was chair- ' I IztiH man nnd I. W. Slurk, secretary. .; ' rB Two yearn ago tho party pollet l i H about two hundrod voles In tho i ' piH county, but this yoar It In nnUoJjm- ! It 'H tod this will bo more than doublixl. j UH A full ticket waa nominated as fol- ' 1 bbbbbbbB Itopretienlutho, Georgo W. Itnuch,, if fH Holpor; four-year term commission- r H or, Charles Hugger!, Helper; two- s ,' H yoar term commissioner, K. A. '1 !t Iibbbbbbbb! Thompson, Prlco; sheriff, W. A. Ah fB Jnmosou, lloljtor; troa surer, I. W. a viSH Stark, Helpor; clork, Aubrey Hob- Hft S oris, Prlco. recorder. Harmon Htoltz. ' MS'LbbbB Price; nttornoy, I,. C. Hall, Prlco; LW NbbbbbB nswossor, James Dunton, Holpor; aur ilV KB veyor, I'etor Anderson, Prlco; aupor- t bbbbbbbB lutondent or school, Mr. Archto 'i . BLbbB Allison, Helper. t, j, UB Tho county central committee in iaH comjioiuMl or W. W. Goodman ot ' '.flu fcsH Prlco and W. A. Jameson and I. XV. ' , ilH Stark, the latter two from Holpor. .''i )H JUDGE JACOH .IOHXHOX ' i fsH MAKIM GOOD IMPIlimSIOX W fH Judgo Jacob Johnson and W. I). , l.jj IB Cnudland of Sanpete county spout r fill, EJH last Thursday In Ogden In tlio in- -, HH terest ot Johnson's campaign for tho lil 4bbbbI nomination or state reprosontatlvo fii SJB In congress on tho republican ticket. W ! H Judgo Johnson and Candland havo 'Ml f traveled over tho groator part ,'ftj H or the atato nnd find much oncour- ' f'ii H ngomont for another republican via- ia SbbbB tory. ltt.i WM Weber county republicans havo ffi IjB no candidate for congress and It is if O jH oxpectod that their support will bo ,'jffl IbbbbB thrown to the caudldato from South- ' Wk IH ern Utah. Judgo Johnson In backed Iwlli KbbbB by a long residence In Utah, and a i-MI feB good record on the bench. ( , W' fiH KTHAWHI.'HHY PHOJEOT WIM I HiV 1bbbbbs IltltlGATi: ADDLTIOXAL ACUIM ...WW H It 1 reported that the govern- laB Lbbbb! meut, through the reclamation sorv- illlsilBBBfl Ice, Is preparing to opon fourtoon . AuL EB thousand acres ot land to the south '!:JE A B and southwest or Utah Lake to fm i sottleraent early next yoar, and that Xm jj this great area or arid land will ijC '4H come directly undor tho waters trom fW B the Strawberry projoct, olthor lift ' i through a gravity canal or pump- ' '(it lB Ing station to be ostabllshod along ! KM fB the shore line or tho lake. When yT n H the land U ojxsneil It will bo cut-in- jj V H to rorty-acro tracts, wQl bbbbB Dut ono mora date this month for ;.j J iB glstratlon, AugUBt 31st (HUflsiB ,a- f"i I bbb-ii sbbbbbbbbbbLbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbI Z7x22SB3Br' LbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbTWibbbbbbbbH