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B rr-- TsBllilMsssyPsPsffssIMsTS53?? isM K PAOE EIGHT. Till, KA.STKUX UAH A1.VOC VTB, THl ItSDAY. SHIT. 5, 1D1S. - - H'' linn i ULIMIIHJ.UJJ wmmmm mm M BP1UXO CAN VON ' HPIUXO CANYON HPltl.XO CANYON SIIIIlH V B The Plat is Now Complete and By SJ H l ery thing is Ready For the y B Sale of Lots in I i SPRING- I ! CANYON I I ! i B B s The Sale Now Going On. One BIB B 8 Hundred and Sevenfy-five Lots Will Be Sold At '' B B An Average of 2 I J $200 Per Lot I Get In On the Ground Floor, They I B I Won't Last Long. ?; B S 2' I g Terms to Suit Each Purchaser, or I B I 10 Per Cent Off For Cash. 1 sB ' i Get You a Lot In I Spring I I: i Canyon.. LHHfl! I ; McDonald Real Estate I ; and Investment Co. ; HI ? Price, Carbon County, Utah. HB en Sfefe.jG '' B X XO.XXVO OX1H.1H XOAXVO DXIIMH XOASVO DXUMH ? (IVKPH BUILDING I if; THE flllKI' PAITOU IX A Mi IM-1 I'KOVKMKXT WOIIK. Stivng Community liilnt-M Komi Aroumil llinv School Yards' nml IllgliMnyri .May Ho Mndo Most At trnctho The Slot to, "llegln Willi Your Own IIiiiiip," (JimmI Advice. Who linn nut Malted a town or com munity where everything Is spick ami span, where resilient keep their build- logs nnd yard. clean nnd attractive, . where highways nro wctl en red for, schooUiotucs nnd public buildings re ' reive the uceded attention and where 1 the general atmosphere Is ono of In splrntlon ami real uplift? Did you over stop to think what a rest asset that I. for every properly owner In such n voinumtiltyl , , Entirely aside from the pleasure nnd 1 1 satisfaction of seeing and enjoying the surroundliiKS. tho financial aldo Is not ; to I mi Iguorcd. Suppose your property for any otic of many reasons wcro to i go on the market. Would n prospee-1 i tlvo buyer rather rouio to the well i krpt town whero tlioro Is ovcry orl- J I dence of civic pride, or would he se lect a slovenly kept one) Tho most i dcslrablo class of people and mora, of i them locate In tho well kept towns. , This helps pay taxes and widens so-! da I and educational horizons. The nd-j vantage are all and always In favor ; of a community that takes pride In Its Improvements and appearance. ' Thcro Is great need of moro Intcrttt j In rural Improvement by the Individual farmer, as well as the resident In a; town. This work can well begin at home, and a few hours well directed In picking up about the place, getting tho inachlucry out of the front yard and picking up the debris about the bouso will have a stimulating effect upon every member of the household, not to mention tho amount contributed to the pleasure of passersby. i With very little trouble and at a modcrnlo oxpenso a lawn can bo well , kept nnd made attractive, with shrubs , aud flower bods When a man's own J I BJBskak- s4stssBs9sflsttsi ffiHSwW9HB tub ArrntCTiva tamc rocxTAiM is a kio riCTOll IN ItoOMINU TALUK. dooryanl Is t Iran hu fan Join with oth er In tho Itiiprotcmciit of school yards, i-vmrlcrlp. highway, public, building, etc .Many schoolyard aro' "a sight to behold." and the teacher Is not always to lie blamed. Children readily reflect tho conditions they dud at home, and If they are accustomed 1 to throw alt sorts of unsightly object In tho yard at home they Mill likely do tho samo at school. In many cases the schoolyards need remodeling and perhaps some, grading done. There may bo n tot of bowlder to remove aud a few tree to be set A "bee" called for tho purine would bring In men ami women, young and old, tho men doing tho heavy nork and tho women providing coffee and xrhaps a lunch. Aside from tho Im provement, the ocraslnu might provide a geuulue picnic and be thoroughly' enjoyable. The operations can be con tinued to the sotting of shade tree along the highway. In most rural jemelerlw a little time could be well I tpent In milking them more attractlvo. I Tho highway am of all loiortance. I Of counie the roads thenwelvr will 1 1 kept In imsmiblo condition, rocks re. I moved nnd the riKidlKtl Improved with gravel or macadam a circumstance I permit. Hut do not stop there. The , improvement should extend to the llm- It uf tin highway. Ilrush. uiiklghlly j .tumps, stone, wild growth, etc., which do not actually nt Into the land, nipe should rfcelvu attention. If there V n strong community Interest In runt) Improvement the town oillclals will co to It that thing are cleaned up. This Is where public Interest In pub lic Improvement applies. Citizens, lu Jlvldually ii ml collwthely, should take more Intereot In the appearance of the lowu and It progress, Working along Bioko general lines, not to mention many minor ones, m community will ioou establish for Itself a Ono reputa tion which will travel far In these day f Improved means of transportation, lu this general connwtlon never miss ipeaklng n goot word for your section, ff you cannot talk enthusiastically of rour home l..wi keep still aud let some ne eNe .. ho can do the talking, When i prospective resident of a desirable type visits a community lock up your hammer" and throw the keys In the I well. In othw words, speak of the pleasant things rather than tho un pleasant -American Agriculturist. AdKH-nto Want ,iU fin Hfttilu. hhSBBBMSISaUCMua''ljk.. a I S$.. Ladies' Fall Suits are now io I & demand. We can show yon I $vj a u'"le newest sty I Hi w at Pr'ces 'iat can not Ik I I'lp equaled. They are bargains, ) J I Call and see for yourselves, I ij: - I , I j Ladies' Fall Coatsthe best for the ran- XlMr. cy in Carbon county from $2.98 up. , m i V (Getting Ready For Winter? J How about that new Rug you arc I going to buy? Look at our line aiii I see where you can save your money. 1 Q olden Rule Store I Price, Utah. 4-348 b, Norm: roit i-liimimiiox.-. i (I'liMUIier.) Dopartmont of the In , lirlor, V 8. I.nnd Offlco nl 8nlt Uku City, Utnh, August 30, 1912. Noilce hereby given that Toney M llano, Kunrdlan of tho holr of Jame nnd Mary 1'olvo, doceosed, of I'rlce, Utnh, who, on July 10, 1907, mndo Homestead Kntry (8orl nl02C29),No. 1C912, for NH 8KV, NMi 8Wi. Boo. 21, Twp. 13 South, Itango 10 Hast, Bait l.nko morldtan, ha filed notlco of Intention to mnko final flve-yiiir proof, to oatnbllsh claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo tho clerk of the district court nt I'rlco, Utah, on tho 23d day of October, 1912. Claimant name a witnesses Prank Uronso of I'rlco. Utah, Martin Mlllarlch of I'rlce, Utah, Domonlco Mlluno of Trice, Utah, I'oto Allco of llolpor, Utah. K. I). It. THOMPSON, Itegl. tor. I'lrst pub. Sept. 6; lust Oct. 10, '12. 4-348 b. NOTICH IOH 1'UHI.IOATIOX (Publisher). Department of the In terior, U. S. Land Office nt Salt Lake City, August 20, 1912. No tlco I horoby given that Honry O. Mathla of Price, Utuji, who, on July 13, 1908, mndo Desert Land 1 In try, Serial No. 008, for 8WU 8WU. Sec, 12. 8V4 8KU. Sec. 11, NKtt NWU, NM, NKVi. Sec. 14, Twp. 14 South, Hnngo 9 Kaat, Salt Lake meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land nbovo diworlbod, beforo It, Y, Crockett, United State commis sioner, at Price, Utnh, on tho 23d day of October, 1912. Claimant namo as wltnessos Frank Mclntlro, Albert Ilryuer, Oliver T. Harmon and William M. Mclntlro, all of Price. Utah. K. D, It. THOMPSON, Heglstor, Flint pub. Bopt. E; last Oct. 10, '12. R. W. GRDGKETf&Cj "WH'I.I( (iO YOUIt UOXIW." Sumner will buy most anything useful In tho Booontl-hund line. Ik Cullwrt Ii. OUou. Kuiiiiett K. Olws, Prt-sldeiit. vico Prt. and Or. U ( X. C. Kouiimiiiit, Hrc' nml Trvn. Ii Eastern Utah Realty Compai ( PltlCi:, UTAH. 1 1 Kitci'UI ()ipoitiiiiltler Of fowl In IJihtcni Utali. ); WK IIUV AND HI'Mi 1IANCIII AND I'AUM la.VDM A rtf J, liAMI HIX'UItlTllW, CITY UYTH AND HIMIUKXCl ! KnL.Seru.Uno.?' TU,e" Abstracted, Hxatnlned and PerfecUs ! in , oi71 V r Uono ,nl'ranco Wrltton. Wrlto for lnfors it to Olson & boamouni, Price. ij Wc arc now prepared to fill orders I !; the Best Bituminous Coal on earth, vii ABERDEEN COAL l B"y Your Supply for the WinterJjJ j: We deliver in waon loads direct j from the mine i ; Phone us your Order Price Trading Company BBBstsssssssssssstsssisssssssMM'l',Tgt'''' ' "' ' " MsB