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f TIIK I'AHTI IW ITaJ .rATIL Till aAV, HISIT. 18. & M H f AOK TWO. '"W" m -- .- ---. MB I HtTP- SHOTGUN -r K loss In a .hell, J irw the tut mrJ i Ut.t ' T snle b II H "V" mikes It i y . H i lli.' I iftiit th barr I t wat'-h an K on-and-tffdavlce. rht selx n t'f "i r after h tingle h t H Is fired.-lt always Mj open when the martin Is emrt H Plv thots three to Ret the cripf les MCh under abvotut con B trol of the trigger finger. The recrtl reloads for ymi-l-kks B another knelt In; take the train off the gun the dbcomfutt out of the kick ell without dlrnlnlihlntf the drive behind Ilia shot H 8lmple take-down few turnt of the readily handled K K magaiine acrew-cep makea cleaning, carrying and Inter- B cliange of barteta quick and eaty. K Bind for a motion picture booklet telling how the jt Ink la uied how a friction device foundonlyon K , , the Rtmlngton'UMC Autoloading Shotgun takes id,'T the punUhment out of heavy load. - Write lo-dar. Z&y ri:minoton ARMS. UNION V MCTALLICCARTRinOBCO. 1 I SCHOOL MMS HERE K Oml l'ort)-l ho mill Will H Carry I'orty Or Mora l'rr witu. B Automobllo Car No. 1 for tho H transportation of Carbon county B Meh wliool pupil from ndjacont B district to I'rtcn arrived ono day H lost wook from Hall Ijiko City and H I slnco being tried out by tho B chauffeur In chargo. It lion boon BB taken around tho city and to Hot- BBM par, CaiUo Onto and Hprlng Glen, BBb thoeo In chnrgo elating It la nil that BBV In claimed for tl by tho maker. BBS Tho car In a mounter, being of BBV about tho nmo dlmcnalon a tho BBV average boicnr, and Mill seat somo BBV forty to flfiy persons with room on BBV tho deck for luggage or oxtrn pan- BBV Umgora. Thla No 1 car will bo BBV. put In uo between I'rlco and Castlo Onto It coat forty-five hundred dollar. Thcro Is a a-vond car coming for uo botwran I'rlco and Wellington Hint la duo In I'rlco nbout tho lout of thla in on in Alma llrynor will bo In chargo of tho one now hore, whllo William Norton will run tho ono that la to comu. Krory settlement In tho Ulntnh reservation district, and every far tuiT In every noltlomunt, hn prom ised to contrlbuto to tho big county fair to bo hold nt lloosovclt, Sep tember 20th and 21it. Tho Indiana now residing on tho rosonrntlon will ntlond on inn mo, mid will hold their "aun" nnd "boar" dances, making tho fair nt onco ono of tho Inmost nnd moat Intonating over held In tho outlying counties of Utah. Hofn pillows, drcssor scarf nnd towel for ombroldorlng at MU Kennedy'. Olvo Humncr a chnnca to bid on your socomMinnd articles. H Support Home Industry. B AiK your dealer for B Ze C Me L7 Summit or m Wyoming Shoes. B They are made of solid leather throughout. Comfortable B to wear have a good appearence guaranteed B to give splendid satisfaction. H (g For The Miner. B ' Ask your dealer for B Mountaineer Overalls B They are honestly made, don't rip, give JSiP H . excellent satisfaction. VVfjaTf BH i WE PAY UINIOIN WmwSt m ; WAQES. 7 BV-BBt4 I 8&MSJL: .jrsfrgrfilsj 'mm f SINOILAHIA lOltTlM M.nlir,irj iioici: )i pa ,n,i ' Miidtnlt I'ioiii dri-nt DlMTjice't "' hiff lo 1'ilrc to Tako AdtdnliiK' t,r llio Imliieeiiieiiti Offirol '0' the OuInhi fininly IIIrIi SiIiihiI Sififlild'a Splendid Oiri"". -vrl of the lttrtiator of l,lp Cnrlmn County High school rave Ih-h on the ground for om " e nnd ho been conducting n vlKoroua cnmimlgn throughout Iltm-ty "l Carbon countlo. They report "it conalderablo lntoreiit Is manifested wherever they visited and a Urge numbor of flral-clasa Bttidenta are expectcsl Mnny student Mf ho been nttendlng school In other elite of tho stato Intend to onu-f tho Carbon County High chfl, thl oar. Sttidant are coming great dlatance to tako advantaga of tho work given here. Already they are hero from l'n)son nnd Kphrnlm and other nro coming from Southern Ulah and from Wyoming. When a student realize that ho can get tho same work hero a elsewhere at much lea coat, llttlo nrgtitoent U nedled to convlnco h 1 in that Price I tho ptaco to attend school. Tho board of tho Carbon County High itchool I singularly fortunate In It cholco of faculty member. A ntntowldo search would not reveal n set of Instructor bettor iMllfled to hnndlo high school lfSictlon. Tho faculty consist of lilrleon mnmboni ten In I'rlco and fttreo In Hcoflcld. TIioko now In Price nro U-Ornnd Woollcy, II A., who l al ready well known hero a an In structor In tho I'rlco high school. Ill curve r us a student and In structor hna Justified tho board In plnclng upon lilm tho rosponMblllty of tho prlnolpalahlp, .Morrill O, Staughan, 1), 8., come to ti after a year' uccoMftil tMch tng In tho Millard Htnko ncailcmy 1'rofessor Maughan' work In hi former school I spoken of In glow ing term by thoso connected with BBaB i bVbBBt .mBY X jk?'7aB9BVaVBBBl BBBV CiuImiii OmiiiI) lllgli rMliixil lliilldlng, Wlildi i'ntiik ., Vrxlillitl, Kvpitln lo IU Ci.iiipl.lul lit BBBV 0(t..iMr imii, t that Itiatltutlim. Ho refuted novoral fluttering offer to nccopt hit proa out position In tho Carbon County lllgli aohool. Mliw Jtvmlo K. KJatler with her muster' degreo from Ulnd Htnn ford (Jr.) Unlverslly, I Indeed a vHlunblo notiubililon to tho school, llor oxperlenco, coniblnoil with her high scholastic attainments. gh tuMumure) that tho work In KnglUn hihI Oerman will be unusually nuc cmmful, MU MagdHleii Punk, who I it I no tho holder of bachelors dogreu, come with the ry highest rocom uiUMUtlona both a a scholar and a teacher. .MU Punk' line I Utln I and KnglUh ami from the report I of her work given by the piofeor at the Agricultural College of I'tah, she U wcentlMMlly well prejmred for hr dulle. Mis Alice llursi oome from tho liilerlt of uth with her degree. 8he 1ms had considerable special work at that institution ami U well , qimllfled. Ml Hurst will have tho department of orul ospresslon and (Ji-omoiw m:vh come from nr. J. T. Curtl, Dtvlght. Kn. He write I not only have cured bad ens of oo soiua In my pattern with HIectrlo iiiutm, but also cured myself by them of the same disease f fi sure they will benefit any ease of Mew.," ThUi ,Uow what thous and have provl. that Rlectrlo lUtter U a MlCMt effeetlve blood purifier If an excellent remedy for ecma, tetter, salt rheum, ul cers, boll and running sore. It stimulate liver, kldnejs and bowelu, oxpel poisons, heltw dlireatlnn uullds up the '.trengu!. pfiTeso' aUndea,e.U,,,a8,,0n M"u" Tl J. CWEETER LUMBER COMPANY! K t . !M PAINTS, OILS, VARMSHEsi II .. c Q A New and Complete Line of g ENAMELED AND TINWARE S tiuns, Revolvers and Amunition $6,000.00 STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE U I LUMBER OF ALL KINDS 0 At Prices That Cannot Be Beaten a 1 WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY t -! will also bo ladle' director of ath-l letlcs. From tho head of depart-1 mont nt tho university, Miss Hurt ho received cxcollont recommend tlon.1 and tho work alio ha render ed tlnco comlnc to I'rlco nag " woll for tho cces of her denarl monts. After sovernl year of very suc cessful leaching, Miss Anna Frost come to tho Carbon County High school to tnko chnrgo of tho homo economic department. M1m Frost has an excellent reputation In this section of tho state, whero alio I well known, having taught In San pole, Kmory nnd Heaver counties nnd In Idaho. For tho course In mathematics and physics, an exceptionally strong Instructor, Half K. Woollcy, ha been secured Professor Woolley is n degree gradunto from tho school of mine of tho fnlverslty of L'tnh. Ho I very highly recommended a n thorough nnd competent Instruc tor and hi dopnrtmont will un doubtedly be of a high standard. W. li. Peterson, who hood tho commercial department, hold tho degree of bachelor of sclonco In commerce. Since graduating from college, Professor Potcrson tin had chargo of tho commercial depart ment of tho Nephl high school for two )ears. Ho come to Price with excellent credentials. l.ovl N. Harmon, Jr., will direct tho music departtnmit. Ills work I certain of groat mirces Deep In terest In music Is manifested by mnny prospective students ami al ready ho ha the personnel of hi band nnd orchestra practically ar ranged. Ho ho been eminently successful In hi previous work In conducting music nnd nn excel I wit department la assured In the high school. Under the experienced leadership of John Alder, II. 8., tho depart ment of agriculture and mechanic arts will flourish Professor Alitor htm had sevuml oar teaching ex perience nnd hi work Is of excel lent nuallty. Ho will gladly co-op-erato with tho farmer In helping them to solve tho many problems of agriculture. At tho branch high wliool In Scofleld three flrst-clns Instructor hnvo been engaged. Two )eur of high school work will bo clven there. Horace II. lllggs, a gradu ate of the University of Utah, will hnvo tho course in history and Kugllsh. Ho U the holder of a de gree and comet) with splendid recom mendations. Tliomaa I.ntlmer, also a degree graduate of the Unlverslly of Utah, will have charge of the course In miithemntloa at the branch. Mis IMna M. Carlson, a gradu ate or the Colorado Statu Teachers' collego, ha been engaged to con duct tho work In homo economic. With this corps of teacher the school ut Bcofleld will be well taken caro of. TAXES in I'lvo IVr font tlio Total On ,s. sesietl ViiluatloiiH In I'rlco. Vour nvorago proporty owner will sit up and take notlco, a It were, whon ho recolvo his tax statement within tho noxt fow dayB from County Trenauror Harmon. In I'rlco thla year there I four mill for tho stato, threo for stato schools, ono-)mlf stato high school, five for county, threo for county sohool, twelve and a half for dlstrlot schools, five liljjh school, fourteen for city, three-ijunrter for county bond sinking fund, throe-quarter for county bond Interest, ono-half Indigent poor nnd ono mill npeclal road tux, making a total of fifty mills, or G por tout on tho assessed valuation of all proporty. School Buppllea. Advocate Pub lishing Co., Price, Utah. wmmmmmummmmmmmmKmmmmtmmwmmm I'majTeIneroom"00 ""WT0 WE GIVE AWAY a holder free with each hundred f of Royal Flour. Hay and Grain and Flour are golnji McKUNE FORWARDING COMBO .Phone No. 88. Pri,l UTAH FUEL COMPAt MI.VKIW AND KHII'I'KltH OP CARBON COUNTY COA MANUFACTURERS OF CO CAltllON COUNTY COAI.S Alti: Till! 1II3T In tho market for lloixra ami Mule for Mini, Hay sail Mine Props, Tie and Bprag and vnrloiu otlier local r IIOMIJ INDU8TIU! PATHOMZIM). (lenoral Offlcos Borenth Floor Judgo Uulldlng, Salt Ub Mines nt Clear Creek, Wlntor Quarters, Castlo Oitid Sunnysldo, Carbon County, Utah. Your Winter Suit.... I Can be purchased now at J low a price as we will oll( later on heavy oods. ! Your Opportunity has come, and it means saving of from $5 to $10.0 on a suit of clothes, and full as much on an overcoa Have you seen our sample Wasatch Store Co. Btoro at Bunnyslde, Castlo date, Wlntor Qu" ' Clear Crook. BBBMJMIasi F ' 'MiM