Newspaper Page Text
Ea !A7MB XVIII. IS OF UTAH mm m UTlXtl THE CAM, OF THEIIt COLNTUY TO ItUTUHN. ably Flvo Hundred Employed tho Mlnea nnd at Other Work Carbon nnd Emery Counties "Cussing tho llalkan Situation Their Church In Zlon. . n monster nine mooting of kg In tho Greek church nt Halt , City last 8unday tho llalknn tlon waa dlocusMd nnd n com ?o appointed to carry out In Uons received lato Saturday : from tho head office of tho Hellenic society In Iloston, . Tho committee, consisting of r prominent Utah Greeks, will t contributions for a fund i will bo turned over to tho Cross nocloty for uso In tho of TiosUlltles. re than two hundred unnntu Hit Greeks of Utah havo boon rd Into tho nrmy of their nn Hnd It U probnblo that from o fifteen Uiousand throughout Houotry havo boon called. Tho Hiko City commttteo will also arrangements for tho trans lon of tho Utah uion to Now whero they will board a steam. H IMeraus, whenco they will go Biens to join tho Grecian forces. Hro arc about eight thousand s In this state, nnd It Is ostl B by their leaders that In caso Hual war, two thousand of thorn H be enlisted. However, tho t outlook, according to to I ft. c advices, Is that hostilities V prorentcd by tho European m. All unnaturalized Greeks m United States from 21 to 38 H are cllglblo to military nor- Brdlng to 8. a Skllrls, labor for tho Utah Fuel company, envor and Itlo arando nnd ro hundred Greeks In Carbon Bmcry counties, engnged in lining, ranching nnd railroad ihcr work A consldurnblo Br of thoso would respond to B-ountry s call If tlu nccoMt f nr demand. TIimi local B havo consldorahlo money ac Btfil a savings. iOHERS'lN H Who IUIti.1 Dun Hmltli ut Bll(i (Mti Itt-lilml Hunt. Bk ( Johnson, tho negro who pbn r.. ilth, nnothor negro, at Hth!o week hoforo Inst nnd Mrtlt r:;.ipud to tho hills, waa H forced to return to clvllUa- Thursday night last. Ho jKovucd wandering nround Jrt house at lr!co nt a lato ' Sheriff Thomaji F. Koltor. ,H accosted Johnson said; 'hoot, I sivo myself up," Keller did not know nt tho ' U was tho. negro. Bman. j,ad remained concoalcd i canyons nround Cnstlo Gato B a oxhnustod. Ho said B had gono thrco Any a without 'I.'"1 Hint ho would rather fnWuucnt thnu sturvo In tho on Is a bad man. Ho, orr- n la jail nt I'rlco laat um- sy1 " kI1 to bo wanted In ( on a serious charge Ho FMted a fow wooka ngo on " of robbing n saloon at "ut thoro was not onough to convict Mm. 'on has hcon bound over to "ct court, chargod with first murder. '' WILUim ItOIIINKON IS MIs.H V1D.V FAUHHTT Friday afternoon Francis W. ami Miss vidn Faiuott rrled by ltov, James E. For ' clergyman's homo, loav- S!..,N? a ,ho Bamo vn Mt Uko city, whoro thoy re tm Uayg roturnln t0 tfay evening. Tro bride ' irlcoa most lovely girls, wU,,hter ot Mr- na Mni hom u.ob'nBn nro stopping "! of "' Qiao's Parent ocate ,l,a homo furnl8h0d- to it, ,,h a ,,ost of othora tho nowly married pooplo rr n long and happy Zlv''" ,or nr King'. " Boats will bo nt n WjMBBsisisWIBBBjB JjLtfSjiSiWf J3& j.IB.IH stern Utafi Advocate H IMUCE, UTAH, THUHStlAit KT. 10, oi - 'Bisflsaaaaaafl . &i - 3- NUMIIEH 10. k!8siiiiiiiH RIGHT OP WHY SECURED FOR GOAL ROAD PIIOVO, Oct 6 - Tho i. ' tcrday to hear a report from vtohttCoram0"ln club held a meeting yes meeting to secure a rRh o .v 6f!orara'l,eo -PPolnted at a previous yon to Provo for tho Utah rI7r!nm t.ho mouth of 8Pftnl"h " Can ty to connw;t wt l"o gj railroad to bo built from Carbon coun- Slnco the commit V.. 1 ko ,l outo ,,cre- two roads, US' Sd SfiXtf ,U bcctl ".alned that tho Prallel most of tho way fSm S BBd Ulah ,ncTurban. will found necessary incre, m Lk to l'r0T0' nmI therefore It foot, making tho right of wU""1 ,of ,,' tl ot V olfiht wide. K"1 ol 8 tor toth roads a hundred nnd eight feet iUSoTerUdL tho .iol.ll. of securing th r completed, nnd aMurane -, , Tm run hhre 0Mn practical readiness for tho bu Hdln o" t hi ro',Thnl ,T"',h,n ou!d bo tf g or tho road beforo cold weather sets In. II-MO.V IXIMC.VTOII MAKIM UK) HIT AT THE HTATI! FAIIt nyUn0U,1 C1UM,I" o of the live I1" " m the atato fair this yoar U hat of the Uambergcr Inter" Ogden railway, say. Saturday Dc ?un. t7'u A TiM 0,cctr,c r trnrl . ' ,pfCa. ar0Und ft " u.t h" C,0ck noarb' i-cglatora IVr l ' .h.Ur 1ery r0Una Ot tho 'f'ln,i i!,a.1 bolwc" su n. J !y .ftnd. K,lcn ih0 ""ny runs a train "on tho hour every hour. An Indicator noar tho track "Cu a ,now Invention tells which 4ho car Is supposed to stop. Hi.M kDtWll.M ,b0 lpnon 8lreot "" Station Indicator and Is to bo In- tailed shortly on all tho cars of tho Ilambergor system. Tho dovlco r..i "T1011 by aporK0 ,IW,on n result of n chanco remark n lady onco mndo when sho had boon car ried beyond her destination. Tho operation of tho dovlco Is simple. As aoon as tho car loaves n station an attachment on tho trolley wlro auto matically operates tho Indicator, ringing n boll to call tho nttnniinn of tho passengers to tho announce ment nnd bringing tho namo of tho noxt strcot or station Into full vlow. ' Advertising matter can bo placed i along with each station namo nnd I tho dovlco mado extremely profit-1 nblo. , .." ' tl10 'nvontlon that N. B. ' ?fS!!,0J,.i- -gttflSTOTCOTd-nC Tlio Indicator mndo a great hit at Uio fair, was on dlsplny nnd usod by' Ilambergor In making his many nn-' tiounccmenta to tho public. Tho! mnchlno nttraoted big crowds and ! caused much comment. KAYS llf'ITKIt HIIOll.K NOT TAKE (ilti:AT IIISE IlutiT will not cost mora than forty coutu n pound In Salt I.nko City thU winter, In tho judgmont of Vlco I'rosldent Corliss of the Jen noil Creamery oompany, oven though tho big pnekera of Chicago havo the nvallnblo supply pretty well tlipl up. In Chicago the effect of this con trol Is nlrendy being fell, tho price being two and a half cents a pound higher thnn at thU tlmo Inst year. When this fact was called to tho at tention of Corliss ho said that tho Chicago rlso would not affect tho retail prlco In Salt Lako City. "ThU corner by tho big Chicago packors," said Corliss, "not only nf fecU tho prlco of buttor, but ox tonda to choose, eggs and poultry. Howovor, tlico products aro In creasing In both Utah and Idaho,' nnd wo liopo to mnlntaln n normal ! market hero during tho winter." . M. 11. WAIJtEll TAKUS THE ' HjACTE IF E. I. WOOI.I.EV At n mooting of the republican stnto control commlttoo hold last Monday aftornoou nt Salt Lako City M. II. W'alkor was clootod to fill tho vacancy caused by tho resignation of E. I). Woolluy as a pre-sldontlal elector on tho ticket. l'lnna for tho Itlnorary of a num ber of tho prominent members of tho party wero also dlscused at tho meeting. V. S. McCornlck was nlso consid ered, but ho being n national bank dlroctor prevented his soloctlon. rrlntml notices of tho laws por tnlnlng to annual corporation llcenso tax aro bolng mallod by Socrotary ot State Charles S. Tlngoy to corpora tions of tho stnto. Tho taxes be como duo Novombor lGth. SENATOR SUTHERUND (UK Will A.Mrrw, Uio Votorn nt City Hnll .dt Hntimlny Va ruing, Carl It. Marcusen, secretary of tho republican county central committee, announces tho coming to I'rlco next, Saturday ovonlng of Senator Ooorga ??, lhctT ho Penk nt tho City Hall at i'rlco on tho Issue of I tho day. Other speakers for tho party nro booked by Stnto Chairman Henry V. Oardnor, dates for which throughout tho county will bo an nounced Intor. t It. H. Klrkpatrlck, county chair mnn, waa horo Saturday and Bun jday from Sunnyaldo. Ho anticipates I Uio usual republican voto In Carbon county. His advices from all tho I precincts Indicate this. At Sunny .aldo but ono "bull moochor" ha up I to dato been dhcovcrcd, and this ono a man who failed to recolvo n I nomination nt tho hands of tho ro publican county convention. I Bonator Ilcod Sraoot has wlrod i to tho republican national commit-1 too asking thnt Utah bo Included In tho Itlnorarlcs of promlnont repub-1 llcan orators who will bo sent West. I j WEATHER JOfiJHE WEEK i.Vntlimnl llim-nu Comw Pretty Xmr tt HltUnK Illghtly. 1 (""Nv'ABHlIvimjNrD." OTbiCtifc I Fair weather and modornto temper ,nluro throughout tho Eastorn nnd , Southern States nnd tho Taclflo ; Slope aro prcdlctod for (ho week by I tho weather burenu. Tho weekly I bulletin says, howovor, thnt n dis turbance will appear In tho Far iWest Wednesday or Thursday nnd ,be nttended by unsettled weather nnd rnln. It will provnll ovor tho Middle Wiwl noar tho eloso of tho week. Following tho dlsturtmnco n pronounced area of high barometer , attended by much colder weathor I will appear In tho North wwrt Friday or Saturdny, and spread rnpldly JMistward nnd southward. 'LIST OF Jl'ltOUH n)U THE HltlTKMIIKIl TEU.M rOLUT J Following Is tho list of Jurors j drawn for tho September' term of tho district court which convene In ! I'rlco, on Mondny, Ootobor 21st, jjudgo Alhort II. Chrlstenion presid ing: Clear Creek Ed Holman, Carl M. Soroiuion, John O. 1 1111. Goorgo '1'otorson, Hormnn O, Andorson, F. 'W. Itobcrts. I Castlo Gato Andrew Voung, Alf red Olson. j Spring Glen John T. Ilowloy. Wellington Ernost Drnnch, W. 8. Hill, II. A. I'lnogar. I'rlco Albert Face, McCluro Wil son, Elmoro Shlnor, II. a. Mathls, W. J. West. I Scoflold Victor Uoln, J. E. Whn-j ln, Ooorgo A. Groen. i Sunnysldo Androw ChrUtonsen,1 Abncr ICofford, Edward Snow, Da vid Stevenson. Winter Quarters 1). J. Iteooe. Harpor Ed. C, Kenllworth U. O. Edwards, John Hasolman. Hiawatha. John Ileddoon, Helper II, F. Mom. Havo you bought your ticket for Dr. King's reading? Keep your oyoe open for students soiling tick ets or call at tho Co-Op storo. Offlco and school supplies, Ad vocato Publishing Co. C. A. PIERSON ISSUES THIS STATEMENT IMUir Tim lluttU'i-n UtiUi Ailtocnto: HUNNVHIDE, Utuli, Oct. H. A rumor liwt cimiio to mo Uiut luy IMdltlcitl opponeutM mi ntnkUig tl tilk Hwt If 1 urn ulrcUxl coun ty clork of Carbon county (on Uio rupiilillriiii ticket) that I will nppolut n tlcpnty to liiimllo Uio offlco nnd kUII ivtaln my position Jhtv. I wish to UiUi most wnplmtically that If I win olcctwl I ahull linniiillaU'ly redgn my ikwUIoii with tliu Denver and Itlo Giiimlu ItullnHul company ut HiiumjhIiIii mul uioto tilth my family to Frico. Voun. truly, vwmOS. M6TEST OF JOSEPH :-?JS HD OMVAUK tJNW).N'8 NAME ItlLMAI.NS OX ?Ek THE HTATE TH'Kirr. Wn Candidal,, Fl Hntlofar I'lng" Individual Fniiu Zlon fcctlom 1'rrviitnl U. .ip f UnfnlmcM, Wlmtrtir. jSW" IKE C1TV, Oct. 7.-8e. retir.of Btatc Charles 8. Tlngey yesterday mailed to Harry 8. Joseph andVoeph Slskow a formal denial of thp protest filed with tho sooro I Urypf atato on Friday, objecting to . Ihoiyiacliig of Judgo Johnson's nama on th official ballot as n rcpubll lnnwomlneo for congress, Tlngoy jaad his reply to tho protcstanta I In afternoon, Uius coming wlth Itt statutory forty-clght hours f row. tho tlmo tho nrnlnl w fllnH lry B. Joseph, when soon rcla t'fofto tho matter, said that na yet Dwbllc was not fully advised as le facU In tho caso. Ho did not atwhat further offort, U any, & bctnndo to provonl Johnson's , going on tho official ballot. Jt fcjLbellou'd, however, that thoro will frh an action filed In court rcla tlve tho matter. Tpgoy overruled tho objections , becio ho was of tho opinion thnt thotatuto did not authorlto him .'oJS'JuIro Into tho qualifications of la cjwdldato whoso namo appeared ,on accrtlflcato of nomination which confirmed to tho law. Further ho alataittbat Joseph submlttod no ovl doncf In substantiation nt his ohnrfcj, whllo on Uio other hand Judsst Johnson fllod a dotallod do ntaljM all of thorn. " btWl,H COXT1XUIM JIVJGHT ON JUDGE JOH.NHOX prCTfc1 tho"ecrMnry otutlf rasa. placing tho namo of Jacob Johnson, candidate for congress, on tho re publican ticket wns Issued by Judgo Morso today on petition of Harry H. j Joseph nnd Joseph Slskow. Tho writ Is mndo returnable Monday, October I Hth. Tho petition of Joseph nnd Sis- Jkow Is accompanied by an affidavit In which tho petitioners allege that the certificate of nomination of Ja cob Johnson as fllod with tho aeo- ' rotary of stato does not show that Jacob Johnson haa been n roiildont lot Utah for aovon years Immediately I preceding tho election of November S. 1912. I Tho nffldavlt recites the filing ot ! the protest of Joseph nnd Slskow 'with tho necretnry of stato October till last, nnd tho refusal of tho sec retary of stato to net favorably for the petitioners. It ngaln roc I to that Jacob Johnson Is not n cltlxon of tho United Statos, thnt Ms namo Is not Johnson, but Jacob Jensen; that tho placing of tho namo of Ja cob Johnson on tho state ticket would doprlvo many thousands of republicans In Utah from voting tho ! republican tlckot by tho party om ,lilcm; thnt Jacob Johnson haa not compiled with tho campaign publi city acts of congreM. DIRTV GUAR OUT Attack .Miulo On I'raddi'iit Hwuimo j or Minima DIMcultli. i Democrat aro circulating broad cast through the atuto it pamphlet bearing tho title, "Mexican I'olloy of President William II. Taft," nnd boarlng a portrait of tho prosldont. Tbo pamphlet contains sovon pages of text, nttncklng tho president nnd his policy towards Moxlco. No namoa are nttnehod to the booklot. In fact, thoro la nothing to reveal who I the uutbora and distributors aro. I John E. Clark, socrotary of the j democratic stnto central committee, sa that tho commlttoo Is not cir culating the anonymous pamphlet. Thoro cro no copleu being mailed I from headquartors, ho sold. Who i tho authors and distributor aro ho and other officers would not say. Despite the foot that tho Mormon .conferenco clotted Sunday, there nro still soveral hundrod conferenco vis itors In Salt Lako City. Tho time limit on tickets to nearby points la I October 10th, and thoso to points farthor nway, Octobor 15th, with tbo exception of tickets from polntB In Canada, Arizona and far off points, which havo a thirty-day lim it Railroad men say that many of tho visitors will remain until tho tlmo limit ot their tickets. PRESIDENT SMITH GRILLSJEXICANS H Avoids Direct Reference to President Taft's Ad- 1 SflU ministration, But Deplores the Spirit of Unrest Which Prevails Throughout Nation I HIM! at This Time-Brigham H. Roberts Taken :ttH to Task Before Eight Thousand People. iT'f H SALT UKB CITY, Oct. C llmptylng tho vlnts of his wrath It words that fairly bristled will wlthorlng denunciation, President Joseph F. Smith, In bU opening ad dress beforo tho scmt-nnnunl con feronco of tho Mormon boats yes tcrday, took verbal vongennco upon tho pcoplo of Mexico for tho per cutlon of tho Mormon colonists. Ho called them "a rnco of low, degrad od, godlois, vindictive, shiftless, Idlo brigands, ronegndes, murderers nnd plunderers, unworthy tho namo of humnns. Tho American govern ment," ho said, "has played tho part of wisdom In standing aloof nnd lot ting dog cat dog." Mbuloit Is AImuiiIoiu!. Tho church loador mado formnl announcement that tho mission of Uio Slormon church In Moxlco was nt nn end and that tho bravo mon nnd women who hod risked their fortunea nnd their lives In tho at tempt to build up a branch of tho church In that "barbarous country" nro rolcasod from further duty In tho Southern republic. Carefully nvoldlng all names and apoclflc references, Prosldont Htnllh bespoko his warm rouard for the ur..l ...I -....-irvyiurru-tiiu reU'ssntavhUh.h' nbrond lnh7rwWdTrivllnTt3, chnngo tho old order of thing. H urged church mombors to over hold In roveronco tho constitution of' America and to always voto to clo vnto only honorable, wlso and con-i survatlvo mon to places of powor In tho administration of tho constitution. .Not Talking Politic. President Smith mndo no refer onco to his recent nrtlclo In support of President Tnft, printed In tho Improvement Era, nor npproachod tho toplo ot politics lu any way other than to commend tho notion of tho present administration. Fully eight thousand persons, tunny of them pilgrims from throughout tho world, far nnd near, whoro tho branches of Mormonlsnt nro located, hoard their vonornblo loador. It was tho opening session of tho eighty-third conforonco or tlio church. Tho tnbornnclo was comfortably filled, tho nttondnnco oxcotdlng that of any opening aes slon lu years. Many DlgtillnrlfM Attinil. Tho church dignitaries wore well represented on tho atnnd. President Smith and his counselors, Anthon I.und and Chnrloa W. Ponroso, oc cupied tho top tier. On the lower tier worn Apostles Francis M. I.y. man, Hebor J. Qrunt, Heed Biaoot, Hyrum M. Smith, Goorgo A. Smith, Orson F. Whitney, David O. McKay, Anthony W. Ivlns, Joseph F. Smith, Jr., nnd James E. Talmago. Tho only absent apostles were Iludgor Clawson, who la In Europo, and a. F. Itlchanls. Of tho first sovon presldonts of tho seventies thoro woro prosont J, Golden Kimball, Seymour II. Young, Union 8. Wells, J. W. MoMurrln nnd Charles H. Hart, nishop Charles W. Nlbloy, presiding bishop of tho church, and his counselors, O. P, Miller and D. A. Smith, wero present. Scoros of other high churchmen, Including Pa triarch Hyrum G. Smith, occuplod Boats of honor. President Smith called the confor onco to ordor a fow minutes after 10 o'clock, Charlso A. Callls, presi dent of tho Southorn States mission, homo for tho conference, offering tho Invocation.. After muslo by tho choir and great organ, President Smith launched upon his formal ad dreaH, which la eacji year In tho na ture of a grootlng and koynoto to tho church's standing nnd policies for tho yoar to como. The church leader tmld that ho did not foel so strong physically its was his wont nud that It was only through tho graco ot God that he was able to perform tlio duties that dovolved upon him na hoad of tho church. All worthy success In llfo ' Jfi, H must acknowledgo Its sourco In that i trt 'stsssllH same grace of Ood, ho said. Ho I. Wk H 'compared Iho present atrongtji ot fflp H the church with Its standing nt tho j $f H tlmo It was first organlied, and 3 i M M Ipolntcnl to Its rapid growth as n A lj sBBIH proof of Its universal mission. j. W.jH I "Evidences oi prosperity aro on it HeiBHl 'every hand," ho dectnrod. "Tho ESssHHIH I ter-day Saints IhroUghOUt tlio world X URH with Iho ono blnck exception or W sHHIH Moxlco, of which I shall havo mora ,M , to say, aro rich In tho tomporal ' K H bloulngs of earth. Their grana- ' f rlos nro bursting with tho whont of W H tho fields, their revenues havo In- t H creased and nil comforts ot llfo " IH havo multiplied. For thoso tblnga ' f HH lot us thank God. Ut us not fall j' f H victims to pride, nor Indifference, ''"ill ssaaaaH which so orten Attends prosperity, i I M B but lot us always hold In mind thnt 1 H tho Lord Is tho sourco of our wcl- i If I H faro." 'uim -M Iteforrlng to tho colonists who '11 1 I 1 wero driven from Mexico, Prosldont 'CI I' 1 taH Smith said that so harrowing had I H boon their experiences and so great I L' I asaaH tho turmoil and confusion ongondar- iFi t" bH ed In that country that tho church J t 4 'flH had doomed It wlso to abandon Ita '11 'm' sllH Mo?lcjn.PtpJcttror-UmJlm.-.u- , i , ,l jj H Tumi to Outrngcii. iVf' aaaaaaaaal yoar'VJoplo .hvobcon robbed, .. . jn-to JiE' B. aslH pluudorod, and drives from thlr,miimmm 2 L" Mt slH homes;' ho said.' "Homo of-the Lk'JnhMt I " MhsH havo boon doprlvod of Hiolr liberty "rBr- j riTH and all havo had to fleo for tholr j (" H j lives, nnd I regret to say some of ' I H thorn did not oscapo tho murdoroua . 1 -H mob." President Smith said that H the settlors did not go to Mexico by H choice, but on tho advlco and coun- ' H sol of tho church, which desired to H 'extend lta empire In thnt direction. ( H j At this point tho speaker launch- ) H ed upon his torrent of donunclutlon. 'jH With it tolcu that trembled with , ; M fooling und rang through tho vast t I i H auditorium llko n 'trumput, he hurl I H od Invective after tnvectlvo upon 1' tho hoods of tho Muxlcnns, Ho dm . , ' H clarod thnt ho believed Und would j H send a scourge upott them to purgo 1 1 ' M tho country of Its wickedness nnd f t i H lift tho people to it higher plane of , ty t H lutelllgonce. Lip saaaaaal "Many porsons havo condemned M: ..JJH tho government of tho United Btnten lj ' H for Its non-lntorferonco In tho Moxl- ' . "l can situation," said tho speakor, H ' L. M "but I bollovo It was the part or W . wisdom that this nntlon should H ', il stand asldo and let dog eat dog. In- IB l 'sl tnrvontlon by force of arms would In ssssaal preclpltato a war that would last m I H yours and years. Tho mlsorablo H country would bo brought to tho Ipj " H very depths ot despair nnd blood- JV' M shod would bo onormous." fit'' DepIonM Nntlon'd Unreat. T'J H Digressing from tho Mexican situ- 'ill , J - ' M atlon, President Smith took occa- im ' IH elon to deploro what ho termed tho U,! -H growth of "mobocracy" throughout i;' H Amorlca. Ho said tho American tm Jsaaaal constitution was ondaugored by tho fJ I 'fH restless movements. Ho urged that H'TJ i- . H tho Mormons renew their alloglanco Pd! 'iH to tho nation by supporting tho con- fc jj Ilm atltutlon na thoy do tholr religion, uX x saaai and to stand against every attack jjjj , H upon It. Prosldont Smith concluded inl 111 iiaH his nddroaa with an appeal to the rm V,tH rank and fllo of tho church to ro- ! H i ) ,H member and obey tho procepts of f'S ti '- JH their faith In overy dotal). "Book j 1 ,. ',M yo tho truth and follow It, for tho ' Si) tH truth will mako yo free," he said. KM , ' Anthou II. Lund ot tho first presl- 3L V1H dency was tho only other spoaker ; jHjl 11 nt tho morning sosslon. Ho talked Ml'i"' ' H ot the Dlble, tho Hook of Mormon 4H V 4H and tho Doctrine and Covenants, Tm ' 1 iH comparing tho threo works from tho fll i 1 JH standpoint of Mormonlsm. The W I 'SM Dlblo, he said, 'was accoptod aa tho wk ' ', H word of God In bo far ns It waa fM '( r'iM translated corroctly. He Insisted, gSl ' , 1 .JH however, thnt many discrepancies W j TVjH nnd Incongruities had crept Into tho HS t '! -'sM book through the manhandling ot XI ,' v ;JH many generations. Tho Uook ot iQ' , Ai'1nB Mormon and the Doctrines and Cov- IP i ll-'B (Continued on pngo two.) 1 1 . ' vjfl "faining Registration Dates Are October 15th, 29th and 30th. Your Name On the List? WM I 'I 'In 'ti ?jfl I ' u lisaaaaaaaaaaal 'Lflsaalaaaaaaaaaal