OCR Interpretation

Eastern Utah advocate. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1895-1915, October 17, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091022/1912-10-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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fl-'-W!BM3BBBflfljWflJBBflWWWWJWJflflWBBJflflBM j s . ." Iijjfc'3iwf'j! " ' TlSr' BJflJHHHuBsTG
""" irflYsflYsflflYssfl
I Eastern Utah Advocate H
BjMK XVIII. " V - " "T- InlfflflFflBfli
m 1'iuci:, Utah, Thursday, oct. i7, iini. x l'm men it. UBBflYsflYJ
He Lewi lloliln Thnt IIo Him No
Hrl-dlction In Cltlzctudil Cams
Hlvtldoti Is Jllsiulwd Hnrry
KhIi IntlniatCM Content In Con
Br H .Inlinwin In Elected.
Miction brought In tho dls
coiirt by Harry S. Joseph nnd
Ah Slskow to provont tho seo-BK-
of stnto from cortlfylng tho
BJT of Jacob Johnson to tho vnrl
Bounty clerks oa tho republican
ftiro lor congress was dismissed
B by Judge Lowls for want of
Br.ctloiio Tho causo of notion
K In tho petition mado to pre
Johnson's namo going on tho
B was principally that Johnson
BE a cltlten of tho United States.
Eourt held that It was without
BE- to pass on tho cltttonshlp of
Eand.date. In caso a candldntd
Bcttd to congress that body has
Blght to pass on his citizenship
11 as his othor qualifications.
BE llefcrrol to Lewis.
BE cao canio up yestordoy fore
Bln Judgo Mono's court. Ho
Bcd tho caso to Judgo Lowls.
ftctltlonors woro represented by
BE. (Junior and Horon X. Chris
Hn, and tho secretary of stnto
BE V. Illgglns, assistant attorney
Sal, Illgglns demurred to tho
Eon tho ground that tho court
Euthout jurisdiction. Tho do
Hftr was sustained and tho torn
By writ, previously Issuod, was
Blowing tho dismissal of tho
BBi, Harry H. Josoph, who Jnstl
Ej tho proceedings, said;
Hiu advised thnt thoro was n
Blllty that tho court would hold
BBt was without Jurisdiction, but
Bfl thai Johnson wouldtwlsltto
HB technicalities and hnvo the
Br tried on Its merits. If Mr.
Bon calls thn nctlon of tho
BE? In dismissing tho charges on
Bftinlcnllty n vindication I nm
BBlfil 1 thought io should hnvo
Bri'il In person to nnswor tho
Eo'Joiu brought ngnlnst him.
J Public Will I(hI.1
BBl I hnvo asked for Is u fair
BEs cf tho enso on Its merits,
ty I. nilo tlireo nttompts to get
E'uirlug, on Co before tho ro--HBai
t n'.e commlttco, onco bo
BEho r :rttnry of stnto and onco
BE cturta I hnvo boon unablo
BE a l-arlng cf tho case, but 1
flE-M.fJc.il Unit tho public will
B h'.arlng mitt thu caso will
Bel Liforo tho public trlbunnl
fcvcnbir Tho public will bo
J tho opportunity to Judgo tho
HJln tl 'j enso."
HvPh Intlmntod tlmt in enso
,Bf Johnson woro elected, his
HvouM bo contested on several
J1), cnu being thnt Judgo John
ft net u citizen ot tho Unltod
"t f Election Dcnlgunteil iuiiI
-Bflwr lliihliicHi TntiiHjictttl.
EE board of couuty commission-Br-
In rcgulnr sosslou last Sat
yB promt u. It. McDonald,
BJ'-a, Iknton Itnndolph and D.
"'Gas After roll call tho fol
!) bu iuvsg wnu trunsnetud:
-Bj rlrk wns Instructod to In
-BJ'' roil supervisors to conao
.Ma nil c'nto nnd county ronds.
!er Kausett wns tnstructod to
1 from furnishing tobneco to
,f PrLnurs In future
la Turner, county tmrvoyor,
Z n plat of Illnck Hawk
-r e for approval, Tho snmo,
V l'f. being In tho corpornto Hm
1 -bl town whb outsldo of tho
c'!m of tho commissioners.
I'pllr.itloii of Pitman & flho
J, llceiiso was tnblod for cor-
j ' nd tho dork Instructed to
'PPllcation bnck to tho orlgln-
lis ',"orl'y nppenred boforo tho
qS la regard to Vorno Palmer,
"'. decensod, and solicited
; r his burial. Tho ranttor
'erred to Commissioner D. J.
rPort of Bpoclal Auditor Hd
U i ? roUl nni1 nccontel on
o 'of n. j. Thomas, seconded
t, "snilolph. After allowing n
' "I claims tho bonrd ad
' -abject to tho call of tho
1 "
"A maining Reg
Measured solely and absolutely
yonrs'Troildont Tnft Is unquesnbn
ably entitled to nn arorwholmtng
voto of confldenco from tho Amorl
can pooplo. It Is always difficult
to realize tho true proportions of
men mid events nt close range.
Only nt nn Interval of tlmo nnd
spneo nro wo nblo to exercise tho
culm new nnd Justlco of unbiased
second thought.
Arlstldos wns banished been u ho
tho pooplo woro TIItKI) of honrlng
him called "Tho Just." Wellington
wns mobbed on nn nnnlvurwry of
tho battle of Wntorloo. Wnshlngtou
would linvo boon "reonllud," Mud!
sou would hnvo boon disgraced,
oven thu beloved Lincoln, "Tho
(I rent Kmnnclpatnr," would hnvo
suffered honrtles Ignominy hnd not
sober second thought displaced tho
first hnsty and unjust criticism of
tho peoplo for whom thc-so strong
men Inborod so truly nnd so wull.
This Is truo of President Tnft.
Ho has boon mnllgued and nssnll
ed, bitterly nnd often, by thousands
who condemned him hnstlly nnd un
knowingly. They uro NOW learn
ing tho truth, nro beginning to np
preclnto his KKAI. COUIlAdl. nnd
fust becoming his stnunch support
ers and ndmlrors.
In bohnlt of Mr. Tnft It Is simply
nsked of tho American pooplo, In
sobor second thought, nnd In tho
clonr, whlto light' of hnt ho has
already nccompllBhod
"Judgo this man by his Itecordl"
It has been truly said of Presi
dent Tnft nnd of him alono that
ho "vitalized political platforms."
With Mr. Taft a platform promise
means moro than ompty words.
Bvon a brief record of somo of his
political nets shows how faithfully
ho puts this prlnclplo Into practice
Tho republican platform of 1908
promised tariff revision. It did
NOT specifically promlso DOWN
WAIH) revision. Hut Mil. TAFT so
understood It nnd acted accordingly.
Ho wns not nblo to got un IUKA1.
law fow laws roach tho Idenl but
ho DID succood In getting n tariff
thnt gave tho pooplo whnt thoy
wanted lower duties on tho neces
sities of llfo n tariff that was FA It
IlfcTTKIt than tho law then In force.
.Mr, Tnft could easily hnvo se
cured choap popularity, nnd tho un
thinking applauso of tho crowd, If
ho had VBTOBI) tho bill as laid bo
foro him. Hut bo did not feel that
ho was Justlflod In holding up tho
ontlro buslnoss of tho country mere
ly on tho very doubtful chanco of
getting a nUTTER bill a yoar Intor.
Hour In mind that, despite tho In
sistent cnll of tho pooplo, Mr. Taft s
Immodlato prodocoBsor hod for
lUNOHBU this most vital of all tho.
umatlQUf Uoiiku .I(ecUuK,ti!&srfa
pcrlty of tho nation.
It was a crisis!
It wns no tlmo for continuing a
LARITY! And Mr. Tnft wns big enough,
broad onough, wlsu enough to risk
personal misunderstanding In ordor
to bring relief from pnnlc nnd do
With a courage far greater thnn
many hnvo given him credit for ho
followed his sincere conviction of
what was RIO I IT AND 1IK8T AT
THAT TIMB nnd signed tho bill.
You know tho storm of pitiless
criticism oven shameful PERSON
AL AIIUSK that was hurled at
him. You know nlso how firmly,
pntlsntly, yet UNFLINCHINGLY, ho
met It.
And you know further nnd In
the spirit of American fnlr piny you
nro FORCED TO ADMIT- thnt Mr.
Tnft WAS ItKHIT, nnd his critics
went WRONd! For tho tariff lias
vlndlunted Itself uuiiuestlonnbly
nnd triumphantly!
If there haVl been nothing In tjio
bill but Mr. Tuft's plnu for tho
modern nnd scientific tnrlff board,
THAT ALONE would stamp It ns
marking nn epoch In tho tnrlff his
tory of tho United Stntes.
Thu tariff board tnkos tho tnrlff
out of politics nnd makes It whnt
It should ho n strictly Hclontlflc,
proMrtty developing measure. It
Is no longer n moro plaything of
politics. Careful, exact Investiga
tion takes t)ia placo of guess work
and "hlt-or-mlss" experiment.
Wu Ting Fung, that great Chin
ese statesman, has publicly stated
that Prosldont Taft, more thau any
othor one man, Is responsible for
tho now republic of China. Tho na
tions of Europe nnd Asia were Just
ubout to divide China up among
themselves when Mr. Taft called a
halt. Tho now republlo auother
world udvnnco In domocrnoy result
It was President Tuft who sottlod
ii dangerous mtsundorstnndlng that
hnd been created betweon this
country and Jupan. And ho It wns
who secured tho now Japauoso
treaty, ensuring peace on the Paci
fic, nnd friendship Instead of possi
ble bloodshed.
When nussla arrogantly assumod
a position that might havo Involved
her In war with any othor nation
but tho United Statos, Mr. Taft
solvod tho problem In his quiet, of
fectlvo way.
Tho postofflco departmont Is now
on a selfsustalnlng basis for tho
Tnft did It!
Tho postal savings bunk has al
ready doposlts of sovoral millions
otjdWrs. Vory much of this
hnj V'uot boon"fortho groat" postal
bask. Mr. Tnft secured- tho postal
savings bank.
Mr. Taft In Immensn contrast to
th oxtravngnnco of tho yonrs lm
medlntoly preceding his administra
tion reduced tho oxpondlturos of
the government by thtrty-ftvo mil
lion dollars nnnuully.
Although President Tnft has held
offlro less thau four years his rec
ord of prosecutions of Illegal trusts
Is greater than that of any othor
president. In n little ovor threo
years there hnvo been forty-five
prosecutions ns ngnlnst twonty-flvo
In tho soen nnd 'one-half years
preceding Mr. Tafl's administration.
Tlmru Is overy reason lo expect that
I'NDBR MR. TAFT tho trust prob
lem can and will bo SOLVED with
in tho noxt four years.
Moro are Just a fow other prom
lnnt measures for which Mr. Taft
Is responsible;
Universal arbitration treaties to
banish war from oarth were, un
fortunately, not ratlflod owing to
the hostlllty'of a political minority.
A corporation tux, yloldlng au In
come of thirty million dollars nn
nually, nnd government supervision
of corporations havo bcon provldod.
Tlia Pnnnma Canal tins been pushed
toward early completion with no hint
of scandal. Irrigation projects In
tlm Ureat West hnva been aided and
extondod. Unnuthorltodrallroad rate
Increases havo boon blocked, Thous
ands of "bucket shops" and "got
rich quick" swindles havo boon do
stroyud. Arizona nnd Now Moxlco
havo boon ndmltted ns sovereign
stntes. Tho "whlto slave" traffic
has been practically destroyed. A
bureau of mines, to avort ucoldonts
and sufeguurd mlnore, bus boon es
tablished. President Tnft Is a real progres
sive. Ho rovoros tho pust, rccog
nlzes tho necessities of tho present,
and adapts tho experiences of both
to tho noods of tho future.
Ho has a DEFINITE program. IIo
knows WHAT ho proposes to do,
and HOW ho proposes to do It.
Somo socalled progressives are
full of sound and motion hut they
fall to arrive. Thoy aro llko tho
grinning boy on tho hobby horso,
wild with enthusiasm and notion,
Imagining himself going a mllo a
minute when ho Is only wearing
out tho carpet by excessive frietton
In one spot.
MR. TAFT Is not that kind of a
To voto for Mr. Tnft Is to voto
OD of continuing thorn. To vote
against him Is to opon wldo tho
istration Dates Are October 29th and 30th.
Assassin's Aim Good; Shot To Kill Murder L B
Thwarted By Bullet Striking Articles in ll
Pocket Graphic Account Of Attempt To BH
End Former President's Life Belittles ffl
Wound; Insists On Speaking. ';iK...Hb!
Au attempt to aswiMluata Colonel
Roosovelt was miule ns he started
on his wny from tho Hotel tlllpat
rlk In this elty to tho Auditorium.
As ho stepped Into nn nutomobllo
n shot wns fired by a poorly attired
man, who edged tils way through
tho crowd to tho motor car, Tho
strnngor took dnllhorato aim nnd
sent tho bullet crashing Into tho ox
president's right side, Just below
tho nipple. Tho shooter wns seized
by Elbert II. Martin, tho oX'prost
dottt's stenographer, and Captain A.
0. Gernrd of Milwaukee, n rough
rldor, under Roosovelt.
dull Knocked Fmtii Ilnml,
As ho wo about lo fire Another
shot tho revolver, a thirty-eight cal
iber affair, wns knocked from his
hand by Col. Cecil Lyon of Texas,
who Is nccompnnylng Roosovelt on
his Mtdwcstorn cnmpnlgn trip. Ly
on Jumped out of tho nutomobllo
and started to choko tho would-bo
Roosovelt, who hnd staggered
back Into tho auto when tle shot
was fired, raised hlmsolt up and
stood looking nt Lyon, who was pit
ting on tho shooter. Tho ox-prosl-dent
cried, with n gesture, "Don't
hurt him. I'm all right."
Colonel In Calm.
motor enr ns nnrimmc"iT?fcrowditM'it
hnd witnessed tho shouting yelled
to Mm. With ruro presence of mind
thu colonel, waving his lint, cried
out, "My good frlonds, I'm not hurt.
I'm going on to tho hnll to speak,
dood luck."
Tho wholo Incident hnd occurred
so quickly that tho astonished mul
titude did nothing but stand stock
Tho colonel then turuod to tho
chauffeur and In u onlm voice ro
mnrkod, "Now Just run tho car up
to thu auditorium. I'm not hurt nnd
everything Is nil right."
On arrival ul tho hnll lloosovoll
delivered his scheduled speech with
Ihu bullet Imbedded In tho flesh of
his sldo.
At tho conclusion of tho speech
tho colonel wns taken to a hospital
nnd tho wound examined, Intor be
ing taken aboard his special trnlu
nnd returning to Chicago.
Thu nnmu of tho would-bo assas
sin Is John Hchrank nnd iU address
Is given us New York. Ho wns hur
ried to the Jail nnd In un Interview
stated thnt ho hnd bcon following
Roosovelt for tlireo weeks In order
to kill him.
CHICAGO, Oct. 10. Tho fourth
rib on tho right sldo was frnetured
by tho bullet which struck Colonel
Roosevelt nt Milwaukee Monduy
night. This becumo known today
after members of his family had
visited him. It was also learned
thnt tho X-ray photographs taken In
Milwaukee failed to reveal tho ex
act location of tho bullet. A moro
mlnuto oxnmlnutlon of tho plntos
will bo mudo this afternoon. Tho
fractured rib, It was oxpluluod, had
caused t)io patient's pains In breath
ing, previously noted by tho sur
geons. Not until Frlduy will It bo defin
itely known whether tho colonelyls
lu serious dnugor from tho wound.
This Information wns gloanod from
tho surgoonn In attendance, It was
said that all conditions were favor
able to tho distinguished patient's
recovery, so far as Indications hate
developed thus far, but that it was
Impossible to determine whether
blood poison would follow,
Colonel Roosovelt, his family with
hint nnd satisfied ixa to his condi
tion, toduy rests nt greater easo
thnn at nny tlmo since tho hand of
John Hohrauk wns lifted ngulnst his
llfo lu Mllwaukeo Monday nlghL
Mrs. Roosovelt,. Miss Ethel nnd
Theodore, Jr., arrived early In the
day and wont at onco to his apart-
ment with Mrs. Alice Lougworlh ,Bf BKiBSD
nnd Dr. Aloxnndor l-nmbort, tho . VBLBBtBBj
family physician In Now YorlC ( JK HkhssvJ
"Iteltol" shouted tho colonel gnl- lm BBKBI
ly, when Mrs. Roosevelt nppenred In BlVflBiVswJ
his doorway laughing. Sho had boon j; xWVnV
told on tho way up to his floor thnt lF-BTsslnB
tho colonel's condition hnd boon srSr'BBBlWBl
found oxcoptlonnlly good In tho ox- I 'jB BBMBB
nmtnntlon Just concluded nnd her ( iBjBBJSBJ
npprohonslon had vanished. 1 jHYBjBSl
Whon tho other members of his ' 1b sssssssssHI
family nppenred, tho namo cheery nUBflf
grin mot thwn nt tho doorway nud 4 VisVsffsffsisvJ
lm nskod them to draw up ohnlrn yW 'sVsffsffsffsl
to his bcdsldo nnd gossip with him. K" ' BBBfl
At tho examination mado whtlo i BBBfl
tho wound wns being dressed this BjBBJ
morning ho looked down nt It nnd BBBfl
discussed Its nppnrent good condl- , BBTsVB
tlon with Dr. Murphy. Ho waa sssssssswJI
shown tho bulletin Issuod by tho ; BBBI
Physicians nnd merely gruntod n , " BBBJ
npprovnl. M BBBa
Mrs, Roosovelt has boon provldod '
nn npnrlmanl adjoining nnd connoct- t jl , BBBJ
ed with tho pntlont's room and alio jjj iV BBBJ
I will remain thoro during her stay jju -J BBBfl
at Morcy Hospital. jlfl I BBJBJ
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct. 1C 'j j ,, E,'
John Schrank, Roosevelt's assailant, I m khhsv
ploadcd guilty to a chargo of nt- Mi', BBBJ
tampted murder when glvejVipvrer frt 'i'.,, r,l C BBBBj
llm!hnry)iilsimMfl(E- I I-
M. U7'Noe)MlMTrfAiIIBHBMsPS ' S.sVsVssPJ
horo tolny Hall wis flx'ntsey-,W1 Wfl!rBJBf " FVsVssPssi
on thousand flvo hundred dollam, ' f ,.BBB
tho maximum under tho chargo up H BBB
on which tho prisoner has bcon or- ' -..BBB
hi'iintor Hiitlit-i Inml Ojm-u Cum- )
palgil In 1'rlco. ' f I BBfl
Senator deorgo Sutherland open- ' fi BwH
od tho republican eamphlgn In this tf BBfl
city last Saturday fight by address- ; i BBfl
Ing a largo crowd nt City Hall, Tho l BBfl
hall was well filled and thoro wna f I BBfl
music by thu I'rlco bund nnd slug- ,M BB
Ing by ii trio composed of Robert ;5 BBfl
McKune, D. Webstor and L. A. Uiu jj BB
bor, Iovl N. Harmon, Jr., playing a V BBB
piano solo. f, BBBJ
A. W. Horsley Intrqdured tho sou- M I Bf
ntor, who prefaced his talk with tho f, - BBJ
statement thnt ho had no dislike for K; " BBBJ
tiny Indlvldunl democrat, socialist or Ull ( BBJ
oven bull moose. Ho said ho con- BH. BB
slderod It tho duty or every Amorl- l!j BBJ
cuu eltlxen to participate In politics, HM , aVsVB
ns tho business of tho govornmont ffil ' I BB
wns a very serious buslnoss. Ho IF! v BBl
nlso said that organizations In poll- ! BBl
tics were ns essential us In business jl.i BBl
or ohurcn. Ho said tho ilomocrntlo l B
and republican purtles hud histories, jj . BBJ
but the bull mooso had none nnd ho H ABB
doubted If It had a future. jj ' "l BBJ
' Senator Sutherland launched Into H j BBfl
a history of tho republican party I j BH
and oltod tho fact that no lmpor- 1 BBJ
tant piece of legislation hnd beon II I BBJ
Plucod on tho statute hooks for flf- ' i BBJ
ty yenrs oxcopt by It. IIo recounted u f '-BBJ
tho Issues of campaigns stncu 18G0 , . BBJ
and said tho republicans were ul- Ii I1 ( . flBJ
ways right nnd the dtimoerntH now t I j BJ
udmltted It. Ho requested tho ro- Si sBVss!
publicans who wuro contemplating Ji'l ilk IBBJ
lunvlng tho old party to stop nnd wi 'v BB
eonsldor nnd warned thorn of tin Kit, . '
short llfo of tho bull mooso party, 1' j .BB
nnd that they would all bo glad to Bt I BBb
return Just as the fifty thousand it BBJ
froo sllvorlteH of Utah had In 1900. UL I - 1BBJ
Senator Sutherland went ovor tho Mil i .H
proceedings of the republican con- IjH j ,Bl
vontlon at Chicago and stated thoy WW y BBJ
wore regular and that any charges BjJ i Bjl
to tho contrary woro frivolous. fly i ' mM
Tho senator noxt dealt tho lul- IlO I. ) 'BBJ
tlutlvu, referendum nnd recall moaa- 3, ! (, BH
ures n blow and stated that such Mm I' '.,Vfl
making of tho laws at tho ballot lilll'l WsVJ
box was as imposslblo as for a man Wju ( Bfl
to breatho by his logs, Ho oulo fig BBJ
gtzed President Taft and his ad- Mil J I -
mlnlutrutlon and said that tho pre 8- iwfll . I ,BH
unt Judicial systom was an out- jBS 'I ' ' Bfl
growth of onergy, wisdom and pa- !y l Bfl
tlenco. ;& j HI
Is Your Name Oa the List? 1 11

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