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H B , ; I'AHU KIOUT. TUB KASTEILV UTAH AUVQCATE, THlltMDAV, OCT. 17, 1012. j I i THE KANSAS CITY I, STOCK MARKETS II, The General Market Is Ten To Twenty-Five K Cents Higher Than Week Ago Looks B i Like Heavy Fall Business On Sheep. If ! V 'Correspondence Tlio Advocate H ' KANHAR C1TV, Mo. Oct. 12. Cattle rctolved hero this week 81,- 100, Inn week 88,300, same week last joor 78,000 head. Tho general innrkot I (an to Uotity-flvo conts hlghor than a week ngo, ns tlio do mnnd linn booh strong from nil retirees. Shipments to I lie country In four dnys nniount to twonty-scv-cn thousand cattle, nml uutnltla kill ers hnvo bought heavily thin week. Loral packers hnro killed more cat tle In tho lost two weeks than any Klinllnr tlmu tlita fall. Iluyors seem to think that nnttvo pasture hnvo shot their wnd for this senium, nnd the largo proportion of trash hears out tho theory. Tho propondornnco of low kniiIo rattle also Indicates sl ,. xlint tho country Is bolng scraped 1 : ; J down oloso In cattle, In responso to Ht I tlio magnetic Influenco of high H ft Prices. Opinion Is shaping Itsolf ft moro favorably toward tho market H' n fed cattlo whllo nobody can bo B f found predicting a loss of money on M bogs this season. 1'rlrno cnttlo havo K been off tho list hero this week, H, I xcopl nt tho stock show, vrhoro n K faw fsl steers sold nt $11. SC nnd H $12.40. On tho opon markot tho B top for prlmo steers would bo is around $11.00. Tho rango country has sont In somo high bred stock cattlo ami feodnrs'thls wcok which bare sold nt fC.GO to $7.00, tho best grade stuff soiling freely nt tho latter figure. Indiana distillers bought forty loads of plain foeders ,, 'Mro this wcok nt $G.8S to $8.00. H& 'lnl wcok they bought fifty car of H; "l0 lft"10 class of steorn nt $C.7C. Hj 'Grass cows nnd heifers rango from H; ', l0 ( 10.00, bulls from $4.00 to B I f6.2ff nnd calves from $7.00 to '; 19-25. H, f Hlioop rccolved lioro this week B I 70,000, last wcok 76,000, sumo wcok Hf ln,t tenr 85,300 head, l.lko tho H cnttlu run, tho big supply of sheep , -hi" weok Is regarded as tho swan ' J ong of thu heavy fall business, nnd B f prices aro strongor, Mtango lambs Kg M" if- 0,85 nml ?0-70, feeders R around $0.00, wethers up to $4.10, n 'yearlings $4.80, owes $3.2C to $3.00. H " ' 1'rico changes occur frequently and C tho general feeling Is bullish. B HIIi:i:i HlllfMKNTH l,IVi:t,Y i CATTI.IJ MOVISIKNT lll.'AVV B, Shipping nmong sheep nnd cattlo " somewhat lively al present. H' About a hundred cars of sheep hnvo W boon shipped within tho last few Wj itt froi tho southern parts of the v tto over the Denver and Itlo H Oratide to tho Ban l,uls Valley In ai Southwestern Colorado for feeding, w. nnJ about tho samo number of N lofltl aro going east over tho Union jr I'actflo for feeding In Nobrnskn nnd Hi .Kansas, Thou quite a lot of cattle J are being shipped to northern i points. Tho Bnn Luis Valley Is a l Kroat placo to feed stock. An lui Hi? menso number of lambs aro fatten HL' UV0,y year thoro ou tho pea M vines, nnd find a quick market, as K damhs thus fattoiiod aro particularly palatable. HS ANOTMKH ma DUAL H . I VANADIUM .MINIM Hi Through tho ngoncy of Col. C. H'l i '' Taskcr, A. I,. Canflold of New Hjl Vork recently secured a cash op- 1 .tlon on tho purchase of tho Oscar H- vllcoba vanadium property for n con '4 slderntlon of twenty thousand dol- ' lars, says tho Ureen Itlver Dlspntch of last Thursday. Yestordny lleobo K, en mo to this city nnd received n 1 two thousand dollar payment for WM tho option, which Indicates that tho LjH salo will be consummated and that B the mines are to bo worked. 1 A. Cameron Is still working six B men at his mlno, whero n sixty-five foot tunnol has been driven, with a I No Trust Meat I Grocery Market H We carry nt all times tho m boat In tho way of Doef, BH I'ork, Muttoa nnd Sausage, BBB S Telephone your orders and ' BBVJ ,' they will bo promptly filled PH (' and delivered. Wo aro now BH) In a bettor position than over BABj ', boforo to supply your wants, B : Best Line ot Staple and : H i Green Groceries In the City H : JOSEPH JONES, Prop, HH J I'Jtono No. 31, 1'rlco, Utah. crosscut .twenty-flvo feet In length, and another tunnel Is being driven from the west side of tho hill. Hev oral hundred tons of ore Is In bins roady for shipment. Mi Ajffi IN I'miik ('iiiincra icN IIU l.llinly After Hrnlntt Ten Yrnm. Krnnk Connors, known as tho "life and ten years" man, nnd one of the most dospornto criminals eu-r confined In tho stoto ixinltcn tlary, was given his liberty at noon Monday. Connors served n full ton years' sentoneo for burglary. Connors wns first arrested and convicted of tho murder of Joseph hlch ho wns sontonccd to life lm Htrong, n policeman nt 1'rovo, for prlsonmcnt. Later It transpired that ho had also commlttda burg lary, and ho was sentenced to ton years for that crime, tho Judgment providing that tho burglary sen tence should bo served nt tho ex piration of tho prior sontenco. would hnvo necessitated his serv ing his ten year burglary sontenco after death; nnd ho becamo known as tho prisoner In "for Ufa nnd ten years." Ills nttornoys finally secured n now trial In tho murder case, and on tho socond trlnl tho stato wo unnbto to securo a conviction. Con nors wns therefore freed of tho murdor chnrgo, nnd only tho ton year sontenco for burglary remain ed. Connors led n break at tho pent tontlary In 1903, v,hon ono convict was shot nnd killed by gunrds and several guards nnd prisoners voro wounded. Ho succooded In scaling tho wall, dropping thirty feot to tho ground. Ho wns captured by tho guards, howovor, boforo escaping from tho prison confines and wns taken back to servo the ten-year sontenco to tho last day. Conners was sontonccd from Car bon county for burglarizing C. II. Hendrlckson's storo nt Hcofleld. Tititia: inciiim 'or hxowi ! i YOUNM COUI'Li: (JUIMTH ' W1NTKU QUAUTKItS, Oct. 12. About three Inches of snow fell Oc , toher Oth and tho neighborhood nt uroivnt looks wintry. Last night a bundle shower wns Ktvon In honor of Miss llorlha W. Hnlos nnd Hay Cov,llshaw. A largo number ot their friends woro In nt- tendnnce nnd the honored guests re ' reived many beautiful presents, A ' luncheon was served. The Inst quarantine flag has been i raised, and tho community Is, now ' freo from smallpox. ' ' Winter Quarters now bus it brass band well organized. 1'ror. Aloxnn- i dor Adamson, vho has had much ox- porlence ns n teacher of music, is ' tho leader and the momberi, tiro all ! doing good work. , HAVE- A CLEANUP DAY. J EVERYBODY'S DOING IT. ; Co'opsrstlon Dstwssn Offielsli snd Cltlisns Drlngs Good Rsiults. i Rtnto cleanup day was observed by i about Sv) mmilclpnlltlrs In Texas re- ' ccntly, and thu observance of tho day J I assured of lcomlng an annual event. The movement for n general clean up day wus started by tho Toxas ' Commercial Becrctarles'nud Iluslness, lien's nssoclatlon a few weeks ago, , tho organlzarron bellovlng that by des- i lenatlng a certain date n greater In- ' tcrest would bo created nnd better ' results accomplished. It was quickly taken up by overy commercial organ.- , Uatloti In Toxas, with tho result that In most cases tho mayor of the city ' designated a holiday and called on all ' tho citizens to assist In making tho cleanup n pronounced success. , In Wichita Kalis tho event was do- cldedly on the social order, and not only n great amount of good was ac- S complUhed, but a delightful time was ,' had by all. I'romlnout business men i' nnd society womon rubbed shoulders with their less fortunate fellow cltl- S ezns, while tho city baud rendered so- S lections from the latest operas. ,' At Stamford, Kl I'aso and Sherman ' tho work was under tho genorat d. rectlon of tho commercial organlza- " tlons, nsslsted by tho local women. Two hundred nnd forty-six commercial organizations out of a total of 347 In tho stato responded to tho call of tho commercial secretaries, and twenty seven orennlxatlons expressed tho In tention of holding a cleanup day monthly. Now hats arriving dally at Mlse Kennody'a at all prices. 34 BUSY GOLDEN RULE STORES j 1 THIRTY-FOUR Busy Stores selling better goods for less money than compeffe I Compare our values and prices and satisfy yourselves before making your Fall p f chases. Our stock is large and our assortment the best. Our values cannot I matched for the same money in Eastern Utah j lUn-nliis III Men's Mill' Winter Cap. Hpcclal Value In Ilojy Ha(k I $ 3.00 vnluo for ., Slfifll I $ 7 00 values for.. .. $1.08 Rvalue ,. 25t 4.00 valuo for gj I 8 00 value, for . . . . 5,0 "ca,U? iiR$ m va m til ' ' 3 I 10.00 values for 7.00 -00 uo Og 7.00 value for .. .r . .,2, 1 1S.00 values for 0.00 -.G0 value 08J ,TL T lmt 8nlu- 1 20 00 values for.. .. 1.1.75 Leather Caps 08 $ 7.00 vauo for . . ., 4 f 17-00 values for 12.50 ' Holf.Cap1A ??.S X " U Jor 68 ' 1 25 00 value, for 1G.50 Men's Oolf Caps 100 10.00 vnluo for . -.J , 1 Ladies' Extra Heavy Black Coals, $15.00 values, $9.90. A complete line of all Wool Novllics In Gray, BrovynJiJ I Also a full line of Gray, Tan and Brown Novelties, $10.00 Blue and Mixed Goods, 65P values only 49i $1.00 vifcs; 1 values, $7.90, $15.00 values, $9.90, $20.00 values, $12.50. , 44-ln. wide, only 69 per yard. Shepherd Checks i I ..,j 1 n 1 r 77To7 eenn Fancy Wors!ed P,ald5' ust Nvhat yoU Want for 5cho1 I Children s Coats from $1.98 to $5.90 only i2'.e per yard. i I -JU 1 Men's Work Shoes $1.98 MEN'S DRESS SHOES, $3.50 values, J 1 Men's Oil Tan, High Cut $4-25 $2.98, $4.00 values for $3.50 I I Men's Riding Boots, Black $2.98 TTLMji " ' I ladies' dress shoes, $2.00 value for $i.49 $2.50 A full line of Children s School Shoes 1 values for $l.98t $3.00 value$2.49. The Best and strongest for the Least Money I The Golden Rule Store The Busiest Store In Price, Utah. ANNOUNCEMENT I 1 1 HaIiij purcluuK-tl Ilia stncW, liuslnoos mid good Mill of I'rim Ment and Orttcory Ct wo Invito tlio imoplo of l'rlcu 1 1 mid surrDiiinlInc count 17 to our plro of liiislness if for no ( 1 1 liiliiK mora tlinn that vie may uct nciualutt. S ij It Mill Ikj our nlm In IumiiIIu only tlio Ih-(. In Mmts, IJroct'ries, l'nxluoo, V-wtnll-i, Trults nml "Hlnillsr fer- rliniHliwi nt Uin lom6 MlbU price-), Qunlltj' coiisideml, 1 1 For tho next few ilsys wo ur tihi(- l nmko i. sHclal S I nui 011 1'ivnclie for rsnulni. ! aimo.v county commission co., y 1 Mnln Ktrvi't, VjuH ir llnnks, I'rice, L'lnli. 5 I II. UANnOLI'U, .MnnsRcr. 5 j Laborers, Teamsters and Station ; : Men Wanted. i : For Construction work on new ji ; railroad building from Black Hawk to ji Castle Gate. For above work we ji will pay good wages. 5" ; UTAH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, ji ; A. Bowman, Manager, Black Hawk. j ALFALFA SEED ji Sweet Clover Seed ii We are now ready to buy it. Inquire at Omaha I office, also 0. J. Bracken, Vernal, Utah, or O. J M.OJracken, Roosevelt, Utah. Our.representa- ! Jive O. J. McGlynn will be stationed at Hunting J' ton, Emery county, where he may be addressed. j! The Nebraska Seed Co. Ji New Line Embroidery Silks Just Received. Miss Kennedy. BMbBbssssssWbMbBbbsWbIss HANI) Ol' COIX)NISTS HKCIDi: TO tJO IUCK TO Mi:ICO KL I'ASO, Tox Oct. 16. Ilrav-Inj- tho marauding robels, u small band of colonists will return to their Mexican homos, tho only homes they have. This decision has been reached by a number of tho colonists hero who prefer to tnko chancos In Chihuahua rather than boRln nnew In somo Westorn stato. II has not been dotormlnod just how many will go back Into Mexico, but a number of families havo already reached such a decision. Tho lumber yard rofuReo enmp In VA I'aso, which has housed many of tho rofiiRccs from Mexico for novor nl months, will bo nbandoncd this weok. Thoso colonists who will ro main In Kl I'aso through tho wlntor aro buylnj; houses, KortJfour colonists left yostor dav nnd today for points In Now Moxlco and Arltonn, most of thorn going to llluewotor, llachttn and Silver City, N. M., and to Bofford, Ariz. INSI'IJCIINO Till: SUItVIIVH rou m:v coai, ito.i l'roimrutlons arc being made for tho completion of a line to tap tho largo coal properties of Hmory coun ty by tho Utah Coal Itallwny com pany. William shton, manngor of the company, was in Illack Hawk, .Mohrland and Huntington Canyon last week to inspect tho surveys for tho proposed route. Six parties of engineers wore at work during tho summer locating routes, but no do clslon has been reached yet as to which one will bo selected. Ashton may decide upou which routo tho company shall choose and also upon tho point of connection with Bait Uko City. Tho Utah Construction .T"? ,,M 8ent 0Kl carloads i.f outfits for construction work whllo Mireo moro carloads are on routo -"ore. a largo force of mon will commence grading work a. soon n. Ibo routo Is settled. ATTOUNIIVH N V. V. MiWIII.V.MtY Will pruetlw ftu lUo . o Til?!0 0,fUo f,r door we ? of The Advocate, l'rlco, Utah. O. STANI,i:v l'HIUU Attoriiey.ii tUw nraoinuia) nuos. i.av,. ,rr,B"t.I lMtuU lIJSJl M'oCity. "' J' FI,Beraid, Attorney. T1IOMAH l-ouTtJ Attorne.Mt,ldm. W. I). MVI.VRHTO.V Iivy-T Water and mining lltlfttfcj spoclal attention. Land rttsv lections and all lest! but!' practice la all the cocm I I'ark Building, Bait Uki Cfrl Samuol A. King Clisll KINO A KINO J . 'A AUomeys-st-Uw Commercial Ulock, Silt Usjl w. ir. I'ltYi: Attonit'j-at'Uw j Practices In all couruof 6n Also lit tho fodoral courtiC First National Dank, rrlw.t O. A. IVKIUSO.V AtUimej-st-U ( Will practlco In all tiw (ho stato. Offlco st r- North Klghth Street, on Ul' Main, l'rlco, Utah. j - j- I. O. Hoffmann V l HOI'I'MAN.V WOODS ' Attorneys ' Will practlco In all tht tho stato. Offlco at til court liouso, l'rlco, L't-t ltlUHAlll) II. TIIU11MAN Attoniey-at-I-i ' Will practlco In all '-, fodoral courts. 32S Dostoa Injr, Salt Lako City, UUh. ; . -tl DKNTlSTIlV ii. n. fiOirrMAN ; Dontltt ! Succossor to Dr. Tbom. nations and estimates fre. over Commercial ani BrlM" Phono 103. Price, Utah. I'lIYHlCIAXS I a. c. koui:n8i:n ' I'liyslcliui and fittl!,l Specialist In women". -' dron's dlsoasos Oenerid nnd medlcino. Office. Ooa and Savings Dank Dull-Mf 84, l'rlco, Utah. ; jiisci:i.i-anJP3--' I). O. McDOXAl-D I Ooutmctiir and uU'fJ, Estimates given on all jiT work. Phono 9A, I'rK v 4 It. J. TUltNEU ' Civil and Mining W Survoys of all kl""-; J; amlnntlons and repon r lands. P. O. Dox 3J, rc' , . , . "T J. Ii. OWKN 1 ConU-nctor ui- "i Estimates furnished. PMJg - P. O. Dox 228, I'rl. n