Newspaper Page Text
f "' '" ' T 'Sk I Eastern Utah Advocate m I A NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED FOR PEOPLE NOW ON EARTH. & M' X PRICK, UTAH. TIUIWRAY, OCT. 21, lota. NU.MIlKlt 43. HmHI M HIY Bu:i:it to viuht tiikiu Ki vthv'8 iiAirri.r.s. Hmti Thrco Thousand I'nini Kil Knit Lake City ( War Bt tho Turku Ho l'lir tlio B nml Railroads of l'-natt-ru BUro Not Affected. B Skllrls, labor ngont for tlio Hand Hlo Qrando and otlior Hrporatlom, ono of tho weal Brccks In America and whoso Bgurcd so prominently In tho Bi strike owing to lili formor B a employment agent for Bh Copper company, hns no Hlo plans for returning to Bthough lio may do bo later. Bent ho U engaged with Mi Bli tha work of equipping to Hkt who nro answering tho B m. Ito says Hjc I no doubt that fifty Bri QrcekK, nil men of formor Hln tho army, will lcavo H under tho prcoont call. Ht second call bo Issued, fifty HjTl moro would go. From Hlly thrco thousand nro pro Hto answor tho first call, Hjncludcs only tho rcsonros BtOO to 1909, that Is, thoso Ho sorrcd in tho army during Hears. Nearly tiro hundred Ht Itnli already. H Subject to Call. Hwho nro ablo to do so pay Hn way homo. Thoso who H means nro bolng sont hack Hj tho aid of tho National Pan Hj oMOclatlon, of which my HJAngoIos, Is tho local man Hfrio call to arms from Orccco HJnuch to her sons, nnd thoro HJy a man who has served In HJy at homo but who will ro HJ Each Orcek, nftor his sor Hjknown thereafter as a mom HJthJ reserves, sttllTwalhtaln Hjmllltary connections. Every HJ service is carried on tho Hjd It subject to call. Hj) conthlent that If tho Euro Hbwcrs will stand off nnd let Hkan states nnd Turkey fight Hj to a finish, tho Turkish cm Hill bo drlvon ponnnnonl'y Hjuropo Tho Turks camo from Hjl tho fooling that they aro HV upon Europonu soil lias Hjlfil out In Orccco nnd other Hjflng e'alcs, If (ho war bo Hriml thoro Is no doubt In Hj"! I' 3' Constantinople will HJl r. c again ns n Europonu HJ'11''"'' Well Aniieit. HJ arntv of (lrocco and tho HJro nnor in bettor condition HJ"rn times than they nro at HJ- Hulgnrla hns suporb Hk army, whllo Montoncgro, B I't limited resources nnd HJ' has long boon known ns Hjrarplct" llttlo kingdom in HJr'l Ita army already Jim Hjtra'ci! its ability to copo HJ Turks. HjMncd, there Is no quostlon BJW nations can drlvo Turkey Hf4 mnI' of Europo pormnnont B suro, tho emplro of tho Bf ' great and Its eoldlors Bfrce and fanatical flghtora, Hf10? )ns yot to show where jucasl&n race, with anything Br ' numbora, ovor wont down J1' l a war so gonornl and Hfa' " this will bo, Tho Turk J0!" Is doomed unions tho otrs Intorforo." Jhout Eastern Utah', prlucl BJ" Carbon nnd Kmory coun cro aro loss than n thousand employed. Bo fur qulto a Bf ot theso havo quit their pent to go to tho war, nnd frearo expoctod to if tholr V should bo roqulrod. Up to '. howeor, their going )ias "Br "It nt the coal .mines and B ""roads. ""Mlll lM).i: NSIKS NIUV WAUNl.Nd Pfd Done, state insurnnco "oaer, Issued warning yestor iB'wt tho Hallway Conductors " oxchango of Kansas City, a-ommisslonor Dono doclaros concern Is not authorised "laess utah, and any rep l"Te. soliciting for it in this ,'. i lnK tho criminal etat jK! n,D.B 'nBuranco solicitation i ff. t,lat anyono approached trSonts report It to hU do- Bo jour bonds." n. W. (. Price, Utah. Which Is lest PROSPERITY OR EXPEflMENT ? IF HE WOULD SPEAK FROM THE HEART. Over nil tho longth and breadth of this great country pooplo nro on Joying almost unprecedented good limes and prosperity. In no country in tho world does tho family llvo ns woll, wear as good clothos, and havo (U many pleasures as In tho United States. When Mr. Tatt entorcd tho Whllo House, bo faced conditions of panic nnd unroot, duo largoly to tho Im petuous nnd drastic methods ot a prattou pJmlnlatrstlou-f r'' -tf YoPln thoshor fporlod of throo yeani ho hns reassured frightened capital, restored confldonco to field and factory, regulated trado condi tions, and brought penco and tran quility nt homo nnd abroad. Tho presont prosperity ot nation nnd Individual is admlttodly duo to tho sagacity, common setrao, nnd good Judgment ot I'nxtldent Tuft. Yot In tho short period ot tlirco times nro COOI), nnd getting UV.T TKH, somo people nro rostlvo and tmpnUont, chafing uudor a tow ad verso conditions which thoy unjustly attribute to Mr. Taft and to tils administration. Some nro ovon short slghtod onough to listen to tho siren song of disappointed and ambitious of flccsoekoru, who hopo to achloYO political success by attacking boglos which nro mainly tho creation of thotr own solflsh alms. At this pivot point In our htstory only tho oxorclso of tho sound com mon senso of tho American pooplp can avoid a repetition ot commercial ami Industrial disaster. Can savo us form that pit ot panic and poverty Into which wo INVAIUAIUiY nnd UNFAILINGLY descend whonovor wo KXPBRI- mijnt with ouii rnosi'nniTY. Tho tariff is mistakenly blamed by many as bolng tho direct causo ot tha high cost ot IMnp. and many other problenu that confront us. Tio population ot tho Unttod States is, in round numbers, ono hundred million pooplo to bo ox net, nlnoty-thruo million. Itocolpts for tariff duties for tho yoar ondod July 1st wero throo hun dred nnd twelvo million dollars. YOU pay Just 13.40 n yoar for protecting tho country nnd for in suring YOUH8i:LP against tho com petition of tho cheap labor and hugo surplus manufactures of der many nnd England, Franco nnd It aly and other countries. Under ABSOLUTE "frco trade," with all duties removed, you could not savo moro than this 3.40 a year. Under a tariff "for rovonuo only" you would savo loss than that. And olther of thoso pollcios would destroy necessary protection, and moan disaster to American in dustry. Tho tariff has boon blamod HE FORE for many troubles. And In chopping away at It with a moat axo tho country has boon plunged into convuUlons of disrupt ed markets, financial panic and un omployod labor. This is not THEORY, ns some would havo you bollovo. It Is HIS TORY I Wo aro faco to faco again with i'-'riii anaaa s- -3 tho dnngor ot anothor recurrence of this awful mlstakol Thoso who aro trying to load tho American pooplo into anothor slough of uncertainty nnd dospair will have much to answer for should their specious promlsci, and plausible platitudes prevail. It Is wlso to weigh, carefully, tho SOLID GROUND ot l'resldont Tatt'n tariff record, and practical, cotniae sonso method ot approaching tJte tarlttjroWe.;iHStUth i)Het RXINUOW "PROMI8E8, and' trade1 destroying "HIT AND MISS" theo ries of th o who oppose him. Mr. Taft ns his record shows stands llko a rock for tho protoctlvo PRINCIPLE Hut ho bolloves thoro nro portions of tho tariff that CAN benr downward revision. Ho has ALWAYS believed this. Recent tariff legislation received his npproal, not bocauso tlio tariff bill was porfect for It was NOT an-1 ho know It but simply becauso It was THE REST HE COULD OET under oxlstlng clrcumstnncos, and MUCH IIETTER than tho tariff then In force. It has Indicated Itself. Prosperity at a low ebb slnco tho panic of 1907 has been grad ually restored. Nvcvssiiry rovonuo hns been pro duced. With n LAROER FREE LIST thau oven tho "tariff for rov onuo only" of 1893, nnd with tho LOWEST KNOWN average duty on dutiable goods, a deficit ot flfty-ona million dollars has boon changed In to a surplus of forty-seven million dollars. Tho maximum and minimum clnuso, introduced for tho first tlmo, has do eloped tho greatest foreign trado In our history. The tariff board was crcatod. Tho only sane, common sonso, business method of tariff making ovor do tlscd. Rash and 111 considered attempts to destroy this moasure havo boon promptly votoed by President Taft. Simply becauso thoy wore hasty and Impulsive, baaed on no real Investi gation, nnd wore passod solely for political effect. Had thoso attempts succooded, thoy would undoubtedly huvo brought to ruin several thriv ing nnd linportnut American indus tries, Tho president stands for tariff protection that will Insure fnlr profit to tho American manufacturer and high wngo to the American workman. Ho Is, and always has boon, opposod to any hlghor duty than U neoded TO SECURE THIS RESULT. And ho ALONE offers a sane, practical mothod of taking tho tar iff out of politics, and placing it on a strictly scientific and business basis. Under Mr. Taffs plan changes in tho tariff would be unovonttul in tholr immodlnto effect. Homo and foreign trado would progress stead ily, Instead of by a serloa pf tariff Jumps. Serious and unlooked for business disturbances would bo avoided. Through tho uso of a somowhat slmllSjroVstem, tlcrmnn) has gone twonuSsoven )ears without nny gen ral'rjff rolslon Franco wont clghUfn'ycnrs. fllfHP changes hnvo been mndo In thtoe countries from tlmo to tlmeMin tho RECOMMENDATION OF TE TARirF HOARD. And those'Eeuntrlcs havo novor felt that n tnrlKjchanga was In progress. ThtjFjhave suffered nono of tho upheavals that havo sevornl times throslimed our commercial suprem- Atjjtho prent time, in tho faca ot jjfcxsmpled prosperity, with abundant crops, expanding homo itr!,f7nd foreign commerce grow '"S.feyXtaT nd bounds,' nro wo so huuilleM and thoughtless as dollber nlelyjkriy In tlio face of tho tor ribteKwons of tho past and tempt agsUWfAlo that has several times ovarteyea utT Jw WMsV Is the better -In other weneeSJprosporous times, busy fleldi ami fsKorles, steady employment nt ReMtBibd Increasing salaries, wltfi socMWch prices for food nnd clo thlg?R, impoverished farmers, Clotfr7hillU nnd business housos, low-siWtrles or NO BALARIES AT ALt3$lth LOW PRICES for noces- Wm,.dttforenco does It mako he7jprEAP a thing U It thcro is M-Mkiy with which to buy it? TAiJveU for Mr. Taft Insures n cMsjhMMoq of our presont prospcr Kylvejkk ovorythlng dono that wlso ftftrffejMe statosmnnshlp can do to retfMfJsUie COST ot living without at 'M ime time destroying tho KMjJk fit Hvlng. TJyoto against him f.Jo voto niM UiU policies BSjalBst his cmSkmm. tariff rVaaj asJMt P?olpJIm3fRj?iSoleV ymsjggg, U means that wo shall embark, again, on a sea of blind EXPERI MENT nnd dlsprovon THEORY, tho ond of which no humnn being can foreieo. Which Is best -prosperity or experiment? ESCAPES m DEATH Humid Cluff, Ily I'avnln of ItixiHtcr nt Park City, Kni-rly Injunil. Harold Cluff ot Salt Lako City was severely burned nbout tho arms nnd head nnd uppor part of his body ono day last weok whllo working nt tho Park City Milieu and DoYolop mont company's mill nt Park City. Hq was working at tho roastor when a part ot It caved in, partially cov ering him with tho hoatod matorlal from tho furnaco. Peter Coloman, who was nt work with young Cluff, soiled him by tho legs nnd dragged him from tho de bris. Just In tlmo to savo him from bolng completely burled by a sec ond caveln from tho furnaco. A physician was Immediately summon ed who found his Injuries to bo very eovoro and ordorod him takoti to tho hospital where his burns wore dressed. Tho eufforer is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cluff, Jr., and is 23 years of ago. Mrs, Cluff was no tified of the accldont, and at onco went to Park City to bo at his bed side. Latest reports aro that ho has fulr chances for rocovory, though In a very critical condition. Tho Injured young man Is qulto well known In this city, bolng n nephew ot Mrs. W. F. Olson and Mrs. L, E. Eldrodgo. IK LOOKING HLTTKIl FOR HOAl) THROUGH TO ZIO.V The Uintah I)aaln will soon be linked by rail with Salt Lako, pro vided present plans of the Erb poo plo, backod by foreign money, nro carried out according to announce ment mado tho pnst wook. Work was reported as actually started at Steamboat Springs, Colo., last Sat urday, a thousand men having been put to work there Steamboat Springs Is about a hundred and fifty tnRos oyer tho Utah and Colorado line In the direc tion the proposed road la to bo con structed, and it Is tho reported in tention to got tho railroad through to Salt Lako City In time to socuro part of tho transportation business of tho world's fair nt San Francisco In 1916, and that occasioned by the opening ot tho Panama canal. JONES AND SNYDER SAY "NOT GUILTY" 1 ! Cases Set For Trial In tlic District Court For l 0 IH November 8th, There Being Three Counts A ' pB Against Each Negro Murderer From Cas- J ! tie Gate Sentenced to Twenty-Five Years ' fH Edward B. Johnstone Pleads Not Guilty. g ' 'giB Owllyni Jones and R. W. Snyder, former county clork nnd treasurer, respectively, woro arraigned boforo Judgo Albort H. Chrlirtenson ill tho district court yesterday, each enter ing plons ot not guilty. Thoro is ono felony charge against Jones nnd two ot ombozxlomont. Against Sny der there arc thrco chargos of cm betxlemont. Their coses nro placed on tho calendar for trial Novomber 8th. In tho moantlmo each Is out on bond. Special Auditor Edmunds plaros tho shortngo ot Jones nt HAB, As Tho Advocato goes to press nt 11 o'clock this (Thursday) morn ing nows is rcceUod ot tho doath ot lion. Sumner J. Hnrknoss, ono of Carbon county's very oldest citl xena In point ot rosldenco, ho (isvlng located hero when thU waa Kmefy county. It cam$ to Noll M. Mad- JTU daughter, -'TrePlB5iTttiK on, Julos, nt tho farm homo adjoin ing Scofleld on tho south, Mrs. Harknces nnd tlio children bolng In Salt Lako City, where thoy go each winter that the children may attend school In that city. Tho tulephono wires from Scoflold to Salt Lako City nro not working woll this forenoon, nnd tho measngo to Mr. Madson from L. A. Jacobson asked that tho formor broak tlio nows to Mrs. Harknoss. Communi cation, how ovor, was had by way of Scoflold so a Inter message stated. As yet It Is too onrly to nnnounco any funornl arrangements, but it is presumed tho remains will bo tnkon to Bait Lako City for interment. Judgo Harknoss was about 07 years ot ugo and a nattvo of Massachu setts, bolng born In or cloo to Ron ton. Ho camo Wost oarly In life. Judgo Harkneea was about his ranch yesterday and uftor partaking ot a vory hearty supper retired as was his usual custom. Ho simply wont to sloop. Whon his upartments wero vlsltod this morntng it was found that ho had peacefully posited away. S377S.33 and that of Snydfir at W " ' I H M909.5C. N' t iBI Edward 1). Johnstone, charged i nilBl wlin murder in tho first dagreo in Tl 5 1 the killing ot llrlgham Taylor Just $ '!SJ nbovo Helper about a month ago, " flJiH plond not guilty. Tho tlmo for his V V HnaBJ trial will bo fixed by Judgo Chris- NJI g'.lBl tnmon today. F. C Johnson, col- i nH orcd, who killed another negro at I HH Castlo Oato a short tlmo ago and jH went to tho hills, but later surrond- HHl orod to Sheriff Kolter, hoa pleaded t VBB guilty to murder in tho socond do- KBfl groo and waa thU forenoon son- !vrSJ tonced to twonty-ftvo years In the CHJ penitentiary. ittlfl M. Mnddon, chargod with burg- WfwM lory, was to hnvo had his trial yea- ImHI tordnv, but tho court's ottonUon ho- t&fl ing directed to tho man's mental rBJ c6ndltlon, inquiry Is to bo mado aa I'jHj to his sanity Tho chargo agalust KnlBJ him Is burglary In the third degree. . 9 hBJ Ho was "arrested for burglariztng tho V 'I'JPH No Trust Meat and Orocory markot 1 j IBl at Pike. I! , I HH James F. Ilallard, xhargod with m tKHJ tho burglary ot Dr. F. P. Amo'i c VH dental oftlco at Price, doctlncd tho fAj HHJ servlres ot an nttornoy appointed by IHJ tho court nnd will conduct his own jji HH iv hBA Tha enso of the stato ngalnal 1 it HHJ Perry Curtis, ehnrged with unlaw h HBJ fully killing gome, was yestorday 1 It, iBHl placed upon the trial calendar , ifJl. lf t-BJBJ (llVRIiWWti Wy BHIft VIBtV 7sVBBBVvfVPilr BBBbI for lack of sufficient evidence. ' flllttJp- II BB Btnte of Utnh vs. Chris Sonborg; I BHJ action for adultory Continued to I KB Novembar Sth ,; M ' Statu of Utah vs. Fred Eggorl , BB and Richard Morgan, burglary. Dla- i JBfl inlssod by district attorney for lack V BJ of ovldoncc j'j BB City ot Prlco vs. R. W. Crockett; )' throo appeals from Justice's court. J Argued on demurrer nnd taken uu- , fi; BB dor advisement. BJ MARTY ROWAN AND B DIIUMGOOLE IX) ROX B H Mnrty Rowan of llolper and Jack i & Drumgoolo will meet somo tlmo ; Bfl next month In a limited round bout . Bb In tho vicinity of Salt Lnko City. 11 BI Tho two boxers met last Tuosday JA and agreed to box boforo tlio club I ,( HI offorlng tha host tnducemonU. A yt HJ Drumgoolo ngreed to mako a 1 tH hundred nnd fifty pounds at 4 1 h HJ o'clock in tho nfternoon nnd an J ; HJ Rowan will weigh almost that much, 1 C ,'BJ tho dlfforouco In weight wlir bo I 1 HJ slight. 1 ; I ,HJ As Pollco Chief Oront iaa decided f 'J jB to withhold his sanction for any 1 ,1 HJ more boxing bouts In Salt lnko I BJ City, tho contost will be stnged at J tl j B somo other point In tho stnto. 1 j Bj . . . . . . 11 UTftH MAN JUST BACK FROM EftST If I HEARD NOTHING BUT TAFT, HE SAYS 11 J. R. Kdgohtll of Nophl, well known throughout Eastern Utah ns ono of the biggest buyors of wool In tho country with warehouses and oxtenslvo financial connections at Salt Lako City and Roston, Mass., has Just returned to Utah from a six weeks' business trip in the Far East. Edgohlll Is a candidate for stato sonator on tho republican ticket from the Nephl dlitrlct Ho aays. "This has been, so far, ono of the most prosperous years In the his tory of tho country Manufacturers are running full time, wagon are higher than usual, nnd as a conso quonco, the peoplo gonerally aro contented and prospering. Crops of all kinds oro yloldlng full measure and command good prices. "Nobody knows what tho result of the olectlon will be, but ono thing I did notlco, that Taft senti ment is growing stronger every day, jjJIJj B Tho country In abnormally prosper- lUliil H ous and many who woro Incllnod to jJ B favor a change of administration a IjHB fl fow months ago nro now dotormlnod tBla' ' to enjoy prosperity tor anothor four iftfUf I years, at toast. lirH I "Wilson is not popular In his own ilfl I party Tho way things are shaping jJHn i I now, and tho rapid chango of all JPfirii m parties to tho Tatt standard, loads fnlljtl m mo to think olther Taft will be rjnH' I electod, or thero will bo no olectlon tlvH i fl by voto of the people. fc i 'fl "Iloforo leaving for tho East tho 81 1 ir m republicans ot Juab and Millard mI 1 L countlex wore kind onough to nom- M j r Inate mo for tho stato senate, Slnco tjj Ifig then, I understand, thoro are two ?JS lim moro competitors In tho f lold, ono a JEm I jU full fledgod bull mooser, tho other I jtJu a. democrat, so I considered It ox- t) ufl pedlent to hurry homo and look af- n) T I tor my own political foncos." I ,1 1 : t,: I - gaining Registration Dates Are October 29th and 30th. Is Your Name On the List? Jlj I til