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He. j u'( 'twpr- -- "j '''vjJwVU HB Hnr" i (HB sum And Bubstanco of being a subscriber " BBfas tho arrlral of anyone that' dear it imitljl V001 ' th,lt rou and your family become attached to It, Tho Advooatn hi.m. - on Wm kWp you ,nf" h doing, of the community nnd the bTnl. o( th, JnUuirl2 I Eaitern Utah Ad 'H NEWSPAPERJPUBLISHEP FOR PEOPLE NOW ON fMxVIU. ' BBB PIUCK, UTAH, THtltHIUY, NO 7, 101" p SJIIH IS JHrU MAKK IlKPOItTS OS f ft CO Hi PltOPMTIKS. Bt (lie Direction of tlio I Ion nl BBBrrrtun of the L'tnli I'ucl BHkny In on Ymk Mnrrel Htinmlliof tlu City or Prlco HB I'min Him to Colorado. IBli o Bmlth of 81 touls, Mo , HH fccncrnl superintendent of HBji and Colorado mining prop HBf tha I'tnh Kucl compiny, HBj Trice over Sunday, a guest Hrfntcrn, spending a greater Bof the day with It. a. WIN HHcncral mannger of that cor H, and M I' Urnffet, Kb gon HHlcllor It had boon some Bs nix years sliico Jio was In flirt, and, said ho, hnd ho been Ha train In Uio night hero ho fiot have known tho city, so kHflftu has been Its growth dur Hi absence. Bf Mysterious Mr, Smith" enmo Bfnlay ovcnlng from Hunting HVon, wjiero ho had boon for or ten da) making an ox Bfoii of a largo coal acreage BJ Oould and other Intcrcits, HH what purposo ho hnd no HH nay In connection with HHcvcr, Tho Advocate learns Haml-offlclal sources that Smith! Hflrtlng on all the Utah Fuel AH? properties, a work that Is BBf least every two )onrs by or he board of directors In Now HW" Hflo leading Uio county Smith BBpc 'lit a for reports of tho Bt cond l Ion, surfneo Jmprovo (coal In sight and uther datn BBf Hilars at Sunn) side. Castle BBMnlcr Quarters, Mud Creek Bf ii Crcik, as well ns tho coko BBt SunnHldo, nil of which will BBf" ' "d to tho I'tnh KiidI com BBfirl of illreotors before the BH"f January From Carbon HV It i,k to Somerset mid HSc'i''! 1 1 Colorado, whuru thu Bp'Ic i has large holdings Bllnli Fuel company has nbout BB'lve thousand acres of coal BBpci ("Then county ntul Is tho BB c -I iiilnliig mill coke pro HY r" '' ru In tho state. It pays ' '!i half tho taxes nssoasod B r:'ntl. iniil gltos omplo) Btlrctly to thousamU of men, Blt't' i and without the Mate fltucr (Hut nil Superintendent BBh't nuiiy friends throughout Bflml'- of Carbon county and lu BJk:" are pleased to meet him mm F. DUI DEAD BB" 'I'riiulliiK Mini 1'jiHNCM Hud Bil) 1 rum I'limljIU- Hlnikc. B utin) frlunds of Jamos 1 lihrouKliotit Carbon county nnd Jrn Hah Kcimrnlly will bo (loop to hear of his doath, I occurred at his homo In 1 'ast Saturday nftcnioon about Hock Friday evening ho hud BVCl1 'In woddlng reception of BfluK'ilr, and while there mif Ja I'Jnljilc stroke of the loft BJ " ns taken to hl.i homo BJ.10 hours Inter ho booamo un fouj i ml remained In t)int con Bf U,H death camo ffancl was one pf tho nalho r1' l tah county IIo was born Jierlnn Pork, Octobor 1, 1801, ttnt to l'rovo with his paronts, rDl1 Mrs James Dunn, when n jind had made his homo tltoro BJ "'"L tlmo At one tlmo Jio oclated with his father In prcantllo business, but for Uio len )cnrs ho has traveled Vtbout itnh iuhI the Wost rap "ng V J Klosol & Co of Og BJan'' otlior wholosalo houses of U stired by his widow, four nwrs, Mrs N C Hicks nnd llo Stark of l'rovo, and Maude I'aBsoy of Eureka, nnd orna Dunn, nnd two sons, u and I,ynn Dunn Tour els "d two brothers, nil residents WQyo nlo survlvo him Funor fTlces woro hold nt Proo last " aftonoon K2.i "o'dAwny, who grow to oooij in irC0( )iaa n,OVod from am Canyon to Cnstlo Oato "w family, being omployml W now as a clerk with tho Wn m store company JNOFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS I HI 1 I !;! ! If it 1 " ffll Miffif fill! . a i Mil i ill lli; i 1 j j I ItcprcsentaUves to Congress J 4 " j j Joseph Howell, II 80 44 79 40. 120 89 10 40 83 Mafhboi,0,r0 ll -v 8l 7 "- "t lis S:::: Mathonljinh Tliomns, I) 24 49 41 17 63 f,9 a 14 If, is T'Hr O Johnson, D 19 g! J t " u 9 iM 2 H William M Knerr, 8 4 40 10 1" 13 1gL rl in Stephim II lje, I' 10 2i 7 10 87 flL 1B T " Lewis Larson, v 10 2 7 i " 9 !? 5 Justice of Supremo Court- '" M ' " " i " 84 40 78 41 ...119 81 - Ul 39 88 William Spry, It 8C. GO 80 41 117 90 IB "fTon John Franklin Tolton, I) .... 26 B1 J '& 8fiG " j' r? JJ ; "r.rI-,""? ? u ,a i-triS: 2 :::::::' Nephl U Morris. V 16 19 - 7 9 79 9 .. "l ' 14 124 Secretary of SUte 3 David MatUon, It 83 43 7g 41 i26 02 g 37 82 Charles England, D 20 00 40 w Z DS js 5 ..! !g " '! Ill I II. A. Saunders, 8 6 48 11 9 ... 12 c 35 26":": Frank J. Hondcrshott, I' 17 23 7 8 84 0 14 tr State Auditor . , --V l1 7B VjC0Ln ; .l'' U 88 78 38... 132 78... 8.1.1 41 72 John 8. ninln, 1) 19 62 41 111 63 77 9 '. 16 42 J. J. Lovhnug, 8 4 401 l 10 12 10. Jk 34 4 Walter Adams, V 17 27 7 8 "j 82 8 III '"" " I n 2 State Troasuror j j "?T Jesse D.Jowkes II 86 43 77 3J 1 144 92... 10.5 43 89. John II. Mcndcnhall, I) 19 48 47 18 47 03 9 i IB 42 WIIILam Canncglctor, 8 6 49 11 10 ... 13 18 JL 32 24 0. W Adams, I 19 24 7 8 I 71 9 jf 13 gi ZZZ Attomcy C-cnoral ill """ "it "" """ """ Albert It. Homes, It 80 46 7841...120 91 8 ." 40 97. Joseph W. Strlngfcllow, I) . 19 67 42 9 62 0SJ 9.. id 42 Oeorgo N. Uwrencc, I 19 24 8 11 87 9...t Jl lBlJ.Ij.Ij." Superintendent of Public Instruction ill i i 1 1 A. C Nolson, It 109 102128 64 ... 101 IB6 91 10... 55 179 W. F. Itamsey, 8 4 62 9 10... 12 16... 331 311 I. Stato Representative j j j j 11 W J. Klwood, II 81 39 92 -II 143 90 j 9 I3; 46 85 I.ovl N. Harmon. I) . .... 31 00 28 18... 43 68 9 7 ink 12 00 .. . tlcorgo W. llnuch. 8 6 40 JO t 13 14 -is2 ftfllas tJC ti. .ZlJiZ , District Judgn . . ' p W "- pae.n-iMf A. II. Chrlstonson, It 91 02 86 25 132 93 13 20 40 114 Ferdinand Erlckson, D 20 56 47 33 ... 09 07 9 oj 30 171 70 ." District AttorneJ j III J. W. Cherrj. II 70 43 76 44 ...1 130 88 ... 12 34 17 00 1. O. Hoffmann, I) 33 78 54 11. 01 G9 9 9 10 20109 ... Coitiiulsslonor, Fouc-Year Term i I I I I till C K. Jensen, It 84 4t)104.4 8 01149... 6 3S 19 021 I... II) rum Wilcox, 1) 11 10 12 1 ll 29 lj 9 j 6 8 20 ... Clmrles. Itugfclerl, 8 0 35 10 18 j 9) I5... 2 10 34 26 Joseph 11. Slinrn, P 28 00 10 9 80 I35 7... 23 34 38 I70 .. Commissioner, Twooar Term III! I llnbort Williams, 8r, It 85 14 95 37 2 71 89 ... 7) 32 19 44 Nell M .Mndmin, 1) 21 83 35 14 33 57 05 9 1 13 17 79 ...... IC A Thompson, 8 6 37 9 1G 22 10 15... 2 28 35 20 ... . W. T. Hamilton, P 18 37 0 11 73 129 14... 20I3 31128 County Clerk j j j C A. Plerson, It 73 30 59 41 ICI47 87... 8 32 23 07.. Uko Young, I) 20 05 02 lb 42 41 00 U ... .'4 24 01 ...... Aubrey lloberts, 8 4 44 10 14 30 11 15... 2 28 33 25... ... John Potter, P 32 20 8 0 40 07 13... 20 13 18 128... Count) Sheriff j .j j Thomas llur,e, It 07 9 41 13 8 79 81 1 20 17 45 ... T F Keltor, I) 45 78 09 GO 47 85 09 9 1 22 29 79 W A Jameson, 8 5 72 20 11 5G 37 22... 3 28 41 00 . W. K. ClirUtenHon, P 11 9 10 9 19 70 8... 25 0 14 92 County llecordor Miss Joslo FUiUorold, It 03 82 95 45 14 124 93 10 42 65 118 i John W. Hill, I) 17 29 34 12 9lj 69 59 9 10 7 64 Harmon Stols, 8 4 43 8 8 ...j 12 10 2 28 27 32 J. W. Sterling, P 13 12 6 7 7 23 7 11 0 9 07 Count) Troasuror j C. II. Cody, It 84 39 80 45 9 123 91 ... 2 35 39 06 Oliver T. Harmon, I) 23 72 49 13 73 09 03 9 13 17 10 102 I W. Stark, 8 5 48 9 9 34 12 16... 2 29 34 20 County Assessor 80 43 40 43 HJ146 92 7 32 34 08 Andrew Young, 8r, D - 10 50 80 12 20 41 04 9 1 11 22 42 James Duntou, 8 C 40 7 11 30 13 15 ... 2 21 34 23... II. F. Hanson, P 21 20 0 8 74 71 9 ...j 19 21 13 131 . Count) Attorney . j I C. C. McWhlnniy, It 87 39 80 23 12 124 101 ... 8 33 28 84 ... Wllllnm H Fr)e, D 10 48 85 31 22 49,54 9 1 16 14 30 ... I. C Hall, 8 6 40 II 10 29J 13 15 2 28 35 21 lliomas Pouts, P 10 31 9 8 09 87 10 j 19 8 24 133 ... Count) Sun o) or I W. N. WeUol, 11 87 47 125 39 11 132 97 -I 15 30 30 89 .. Alvlll Thn)ll, D 19 51 11 18 87 53 59 9 3 9 18 SO) ... Peter Anderson, 8 41 52 6 8 20 13 16 ... J 32 30 34 ... County Suporlntondont of Schools I I i i ! II C. It. Mnrcuson, It 59 86 02 45 8 127i 94 20 44 53 113 . Sobron W. Ooldlng, D Sli 27 04 16 82 42 63 9 0 8 40 .. Mrs Toarl Allison. 8 4 49 7 9 84 15 1S 10 281 30 271 1 Solum Ussen. P 171 111 0 8 171 021 181 j 11 70I...I . Ileprosentutlvo W J. Klwood of Price. Commissioner Four-) ear term, In doubt ns between J. It. Sharp and C K. Jensen Commissioner Two-year term, W. T, Hamilton or Helper. County Clork C. A Plerson of Sunnyslde Sheriff T F. Keller of Wlutor Quarters County llecordor Miss Josle ritzaornld of Prlco. Troasuror C If. Cody of Holpor. Assessor Oeorgo Colllngliam of Sunn)sldo Surveyor W N Wotzol of Castlo Oato Superintendent of Sehools C It. Mnrcuson of Price, Itoturns from last Tuesday's elec tion In Carbon count) nro all In with the exception of tho city of Price, showing tho election of the republi can tlckot with the oxcoptlou of T. F Kolter, domocrat, for sheriff, and W. T Hamilton, progressive, to tho two-yenr commlsslonorshtp C K. Jensen, republican, and Joseph H Sharp, progressive, are going it "nock and nock," and It will take tho last ballot and perhajw an offi cial count to decide who has tho right to tho four-yoar commissioner ship Tho tabulated figures hero given by The Adtocato must not bo con sidered as offlclnl Tlioy havo boon made up from returns sont In by corrospoudonts unit' othors, but nro believed to bo quite accurate Tlio commissioners meet Monday to can vas the voto Noxt week "tho great moral and rollglous" will glvo tho official count In Prlco precinct thoro wero flvo hundred seventy-eight votes cast. Tho count bognn nt 7 o'clock last Tuesday opening with the ballots badly scratched Up to 2 o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon, when The Advocate goes to press, four hundred fifteen of these had been counted u may toko until tomor row (Friday) noon to complote tho tabulation. Hon Albert II Chrlstonson, re publican candidate for district judgo, Is oloctod over Hon Ferdinand ErlckBon, defiioerat. while J. W Chorry, republican for district at torney, defeats L. O Hoffmann, democrat. The eight proposed constitutional (Concluded on page olght.) I. SHEth !XMBBflfl Kews SiVflBl BBBBBh nBBvJBl . !UBUB Li0( 1,,,Jr am '" coming eneh wovk will be as wel- t fcBBaflB ilvortlscd will onablo you to savo many times fho cost of JUho" BflVAVi vocate m EARTH. II , , nil. if. H M)miii:h 11. '& H W00DR0W WILSON I NEXT PRESIDENT I Complexion of Congress Is Changing Every f , Hour, Though Democrats Appear to Have, 'jt Both BranchesWilson Carries Thirty-Nine I iH States, Roosevelt Six and Taft Three tjH Utah Remains In the Republican Column. M 'M Thcso Unlttd Btotes of Amerlon on Tuesday last wont democratic and Governor Wood row Wilson of Now Jersey will be, after Uio 4th of March next, president. He has carried lhlrt)-nlno states with n total of four hundred fifteen elector al otes, tho largest over glton any candidate for pronUlent. Thomas It Marshall of Indlnna will go Into of fice with him to preside over the scnato as vlco presldont Th ood ore llooscelt, head bull moose of tho now progressive party, was the "runner up" In the fight for tho presidency Ho carried six states with n lotnl doctoral oto of ono hundred four This reckoning gives Illinois to Itoosevclt, but tho contest bolween htm nnd Wilson Is so close that the iitolo ma) bo siilit to bo In doubt. Wllllnm Howard Taft was third In tho race. Tho majority of tho voters In threo slates, Utah, Ver mont nnd Idaho expressed tbolr con ting tho republican voto somothliifc F BBS like ovon And that settled tho f caso 1 (Bvfll OUIt M1T PUMIDH.NT I 'VHH in:iw tiii: iooi m:wb f afH PHINODTON, N J.. Nov. 6-Ho- i L. spomllng to a tolegrnm from thn I fflBVJVjl democratic national chnlrman, ns- jl itjlnAvJ sorting that Governor Wilson un- 1 7-9BpB auostlunnbly was olectod, tho demo f IJVBpB cratlc candidate sont a dispatch to. !i i BBfl Chairman McCombs as follows. J 7 "I dooply appreciate your tale ' 1 .BH gram and wish to extend to you, " nnd Uio inotnbers of tho campaign BBB commltteo, my warm congratulations f on tho part you linvo pta)ed In thn ' i, 4BBB organisation nnd conduct of a cam- ' palgn fought out upon esmintlnt Is- I suos. , ' "A treat causo has triumphed. J, .Bfll Hvory democrat, overy true progros j L slvo, of whatever nlllance, must now i J lend his full forco nnd enthusiasm Jl jVB to the fuirillmonl of thn peoplon lj r BBB hope, the establishment of tho po- J fBBB 1 1, IB-i ( mm 9& P 1 I i'Ui.hiui:Nr.i:u.r wooimow ! v BBl 1 v"TiB fblunco In him and when tho elec toral voto Is cost he will get 11 to tal of twelvo, and he may get New Hampshire, making It sixteen ,iml)hU of the Vote, The Iloosevolt voto was simply the progressive republican voto, plus a very small ponentnge of tho democratic vote Tho loft voto was the conservative republican vote minus a small percentage of autl Iloosovelt votes In certain states, which went to Wilson Thoro was ono grntlfyUig thing nbout the oleo tlon. There was no doubt about the gonoral result from tho time tho first to turns began to come in Flashes of a few precincts from Massachusetts and Now York vet tlod tho biauo to tho laymen as well as to tho export guessers. 'Ihose early returns showed that Wilson was holding tho democratic vote, whllo Taft and Iloosovelt were spllt- plo's right, so that Justlre and prog- 1 I xk ,4H ross may go hand In hand." I 'j ,. 3Bl ThU was Oovornor Wilson's first I , I -flflj uttoranco of a public character fol- I J BBl lowing his acceptance of tho reports J iiBpJ that he had boon elected J VH Telegrams of congratulation wore it H aH received from both Presldont Taft I and Colonel Iloosevelt at the WIN 1 1 BBl son homo this evening J H1,T I.AKi: L'OC.NTY IN il fl THU HKPUIll.lCAV 1 )M) jl V ' H Utah romains In tho republican II ' BJ column, one of tho throe, states cur- H I BJ rlod by Presldont Taft Tho repub- S f , H llcans elected thol" complete state ' BBl tlckot, Including two congressmen at i ' L ! large and tho county tlckot lu Salt j 'J BflJ Lake county. Oov William Spry ' f BH led his ticket with a plurality of ap- ( if-'' BH proximate y flvo thousand. Tlio 1 jl BH (Continued on page eight.) jr ' ' flVJ ,. t n