6" Hal
Eastern Utah dvdcmte 1
I.lne tif tlio I'lnh lt lUtllronit
mil Molirlntiil to tWIn (JnU
lit Ho Tor Urn)- Truffle Alone
llrnnrh Lines I'hjIdk lnct
pnli For KviircM nml MbII.
tier lhe announcement somo
weeks ago, exclusively In "the
i moral and religious," that tho
, Coal railway had let tho con
fer na entirely now lino from
Gal mines nt Mohrland In Km
county to n point Just cast of
la Gate In Carbon county, somo
ily eight mlies, thoro vera those
predicted all kinds of calami
for 1'rlcc They went ik far ns
ly thAt tho rails would be taken
rom the Southern Utah and tho
to alley roads.
thlng, howovcr, of tho kind Is
g lo happen. On the other
I these two branch lines of rail
are to bo mado better than
and In a fow months honco will
f greater benefit to I'rico than
havo ever beon. .It Is tho Idea
'. N Cameron, general mnnager
he t'tnh Coal railway and tho
branches Into Trlco mentioned,
take tho road from Mohrland to
lo Gate an cxcluilvo coal lino,
Ing nothing else, and tho roads
of Price operated for passenger
co almost on'lrely.
ic passenger business of tho
hern Utah and tho Castlo Vnl
runs Into thousands of dollnrs
month, to say nothing of ox
i and mall contracts, Again,
Idcrablo freight Is going to
Hand, tho terminus of tho Cas
'alley, for points further Into tho
lor ct Kmory county, cutting
a long wagon haul ns against
. It Is Ooncral Manager Cam
t Jdei,tviiutlmnf tur tlioeoni-
, a dally round trip passenger
re to Hlawnthn, lllnck Hawk
'Ice Is the natural point for
mgers going to these camp to
south hecauso cf Us hotel nr
nodiMons and depot fncllllle
could not be had nnd will por
never exist nt tho Junction of
I" lull Coal railway nnd tho Dsn
unit Mo (lrnndo Secondly, the
Hue now building would not
'lie annoyance of n passenger
I'c nor would tho pnssonger
Ice n the ronds out of I'rico be
mI by ccnl traffic
tntr.nl Manager Cameron also
'n lint his compnny will always
i mere or less conl business In
" and to the vast of hero. This
route out of the three enmps
the Houthorn Utah nnd tin)
le Valley Thus are tho onl
rlles disposed of.
ml 1'linrge Against Mini Will lie
Heiinl In February Next.
J Tumor was this (Thursday)
nlng bound over for trial nt tho
Ing February term of district
t under bonds of a thousand
ri to niiswor to tho chnrgo of
Inluj; money under false pro
. while nctlng as state road
lie complaint ngalnst Turner was
rn to by Harmon Ilryner. The
came up about a week ago and
" the evidence was nil In was
Inucd until this morning, when
fiends of Tumor disbelieve in
Kullt und do not hesltnto to nay
a different construction will be
C(l upon tho enso when it gets
higher court.
i:mxiih mo HUM
I'ou lifu of kinsman
administrator of the estnto or
lt M Klpors, Oeorge M. Klpros
'ht suit In tho dUtrlct court at
Uko City last wook Against the
h Hallway company, asking
3J five thousand dollars dnm
1 'or his kinsman's death,
wording to tho complaint Kip
m killed In a wrock on tho
'n railroad nenr Dragon, Octo-
' 1911, when tie train on
' ho waa riding plungod
'"Kb a brokon bridge into a
' ravine
company Is charged with neg-
in allowing Its train to por
1 over tho bridge without nscer
ln6 hethor tjio track waa safe.
ounty Tronnuror Harmon reports
Ux ro coming in fairly well.
BlK corporations are expected
s,"i up this prosent week.
Relative to tho Carbon and Km
cry countycoaj .mines rqrcntty iw
ulretrCastlo.flivfe, JllttWoTli"n7
Mohrland, Ulnck Hawk nhd else
wheru In this section of tho stato
by tho United States Smelting, Min
ing and Iteflnltig company, William
0. Shnrp, president of that corpora
tion, gave out this Inter Inw nt Nos
tril, Mass., n few days ngo to tho
Associated Tress, which hits sent it
tho country over:
"Wo nro mnklng gratifying prog
'reus toward the construction of our
now ninety-mile line of railroad.
Flnnl survoys are being purfected,
nnd contracts for two sootlons of
road, Involving about thirty-seven
miles, hnvo beon placed. Wo should
havo the entire lino In commission
by tho end of next year.
"Wo nro now produolng from
throe mines between sixty nnd sixty
five thousand tons of oonl n month,
and by tho time our road Is com
pleted wo should bo In position to
ship at tho rato of n million tons
per annum. Tho experts tell us
High School StuilciitM OliNcrvo Day
On WedneMliiy Net.
Ilelow Is tho Thnnksglvlng pro
gram to be given nt City Hall by
the high school students Wednesday,
November 20th, at 9:46 o'clock In
tho forenoon. Tho reason for tho
ontortnlnmeiit so early In tho week
Is to avoid Interfering with the
homogoInK of students who live In
outside townB, and nlso on account
of tho trip tho football boys will
mako nt the weekend to Mt. I'loas
nnt. The public Is cordially Invited
to attend this entortalnmont. There
Is no charge for admission.
"Bacrod Dnnco," Chamlnade
High School orchestra.
Prayer Earll, arcenhnlgh.
"Wo Praise Thoe, O Lord" High
School orchestra.
"Landing of tho Pilgrim Fathers
Kmraa Johnson.
A toast to the Pilgrims Barbara
"Sweet and Low" Girls' Quar
tet. "(Justntory Achievement" La
Sell Whltmore.
Thanksgiving Spirit l,owry Nel
son. America Choir.
Marriage license have been Is
sued during the wook to Silas 8.
lloylngton of Madison, B. D., and
Finn Onrmlohael of Charleston, Ills.,
nnd to Osonr Kattarl and Lydln
Koskl. both of Clear Creek.
that wo have In this conl properly
scam'ra'rles In width from twenty to
thirty feet and will rqulro no tim
bering. "While tho cost of conl mining
will bo higher tliiin In tho Unst by
rem on of the higher wages paid In
Western enmps, wo should be nbte
to, more thnu compensate for this
Increnscd cost of production In the
higher selling prices for our prod
uct. "After we havo brought our pro
duction up to the basis of n million
tons per nn mi in It should not bo
difficult mntter for us lo Inoreaso
our output nt tho rata of txtwoon
15 per cent nnd 20 per cent per mi
lium, so Hint within five years I
hopo to see our output up to 3,
000,000 tons.
"It has beon estimated that the
profit on this tonnngo should enrry
our ten million dollur Investment,
us well ns yield profits substantial
ly oqual to the present preferred
nnd common dlt blonds paid on the
win, hi:m, Hi:cuitrni:s of
l)i:Vi:it (MOFFAT) ItOAK
NKW YOHK, Nov. p. An a step
In tho reorganization of tho Uonvor,
Northwestern and Pacific (Moffnt
Itoad) tho Kqultablo Trust company
ilond) tho Kqultablo Trust company,
as trustee, will soil nt auction on
December 11th, tho H.000,000 Colo-pdo-Utuh
Construction company G
per cent notes, which nro tho collat
eral for tho il.GOO.000 Denver nail
way Securities company 0 per cent
lotes which matured last May, but
tcro not paid.
Tho notes undoubtedly will be
, mrchnsod by the protective commit-.
eo representing the Denver llnll-
ay Securities noteholders. Then n
tjajo of tho $8,000,000 Denver,
Northwestern and Pacific first mort
gage bonds, which aro In turn col
lateral for tho Colorado-Utah note,
f'i!I give tho committee possession
of tho securities through which to
bring foreclosure proceedings ngnlns
the road to perfect organisation.
f'ouxo i'i:opi,i: aih:
.MAItltlKD AT HALT iai(F.
! Mllford Munglvln of Price and
Miss Deo Wing of Tucker woro mar
ried at Salt Lake City last wook
and came to Prlco Friday, where
they will make their home. The
bride la tho daughter of Mr. nod
Mrs. Sam Wing of Tucker, while the
groom Is employed at the S. C.
Miles tonsorlal parlor. On tho ar
rival of tho young couple In Prlco
they wero tendered it rocoptlon by
a number of their friends. They
nro at present stopping at the Ox
ford. i
lilt MEjaiin
No Venice' Fnmi Price In Vi'nuil
Artrr NiivcihImt lioili.
Jpostmnstcr Outwits received In
formation this (Thursday) nlornlng
frtjlin discontinuance or the mail
ajyj4 front .J'rce o Vernal nnd In
)t3&JjprfaiiiUiv,l, u, aoiii of.
this month, November. Thu" jimfi
will aftor that dato go to the reser
vation country prosumnbly from Col
ton, as well ns Mack, Colo., nnd
i Dragon, over the Ulntnh railroad. Of
course this will do nway. with the
stngo lino from Price.
Uso of Utah paving materlnls In
preference to others Is urged by tho
report Inst Tuesday by the board or
governors or tho Knit Lnko City
Commercial club. Tho report adopt
ed wns that or n spoclal club com
mlttco on Utah rock nsphn't which
Invostlflntcd the paving iiuestlon
so in u tlmo ago.
Ily the action of tho govornors,
tho club does not go on record ns
favoring any particular Utah prod
uct to the exclusion of other Utah
products. Tho board merely recom
mends that paving materlnls to In
found In this state be given the
preference, other conditions being
Thl action on tho part of tho
commercial club at Xlou, backed by
prominent business men, contrac
tors nnd others. Is expected to re
sult In tho development on A very
large scale of tho deposits above
Sunnysldi) In Carbon county
Five members or the stato text
book commission which will select
toxt books for thu next flvo-ycnr
period for stato schools In alt dis
tricts outside cities of tho first and
second class wore appointed this
wook by Oov. William Spry. Those
named aro D. II. Chrlstenson, Suit
Lake; Josoph Kckorsley, Wayne
county; Alfrod ltcceo, Sanpoto coun
ty; David Ilroadhurst, Wasatch
county, nnd Carl Hopkins, LoliL As
ox-olflclo membors aro A. C. Nel
son, stato superintendent of publlo
Instruction, President J. T. Kings
bury of tho University of Utah;
John A. Wldtsoa of the Agricultural
Collogo of Utah at Logan nnd Wil
liam M. Stewart of tho state normal
Hose Heron, who Is suspected of
being Inrane, wns takon to police
headquarters at Salt Lake City last
Friday a few hours after she had
loft St. Mark's Hospital. 8he was
hold In the en ro or tho matron and
wns later returned to tho hospital.
SJio Is ad to have recently suf
fered n rail from a railroad station
platform nt Want water, and was In
tho hospital for treatment or her in
juries, Denver und Illo Grande of
ficials are seeing that she is prop
erly enred ror
f IXED AT $10,000 I
Expected That He Will Be Out On Bonds This. ' H
Present Week Chris Sonberg Found ml
Guilty of Adultery. ' fll
Judge Albert II. Chrlstonson re
convened district court nt Price ror
Cnrbon county Inst Friday forenoon,
nrtor having ndjourncd over elec
tion tlmo ror about two weeks Kd
wnrd II. Johnstone, chnrged with
murder In tho first degree In the
killing or Ilrlghnm Tnlor nt Helper
sevornt weeks ago. was admitted by
the court on Monday Inst to Imll In
the sum or ten thousnnd dollars up
on nppllcntlon or 1). D. Ilouti, his
nttorney. Johnstone tins been suf
fering from n sovero enso or rheum
atism ever slnco his Incarceration In
tho county Jail, and his liberty un
til tho tlmo lor his trial would ho
but n humanitarian set were thoro
no law points Involved.
"Thnt the evidence railed lo show
Johnstone's guilt or n capital crime
Is evident," snys Attorney HouU.
"Neither docs It raise a strong pre
sumption or guilt or n capital crime.
Tho statuto provides that where
tho proof Is not evident nor tho
presumption strotiK, n person Is en
titled to ball. nlthoiiKh chnrced with
n capital otronse." Attornoy Hotttx
expects to bu able to sneuro bonds
lor Johnstone this present week
It Is expected K. I Cnrpentor, F. N.
Cameron nnd othors nt Salt Lake
City will become his sureties.
In tho enso or tho state vs. Chris
Honborg, charged with ndultojy com
mitted nt Helper, tho Jury yottorrifly
brought In n vordlct or guilty nY
charged. Sontenco will bo pnisod
by Judge Chrlstonson tomorrow
(Friday) morning. This case .has
been In tho courts oyer n yenr.Mand
u. -Jr.-rclleT,3B jhio contf&ted
with It to hav5nr-Uripovp-ft
somo wny. Thoro wero somo six
witnesses for tho stato nnd seven or
eight ror the dofonso. Takon in its
entirety, It Is nbout the filthiest
ever hoard In nny court In Utah.
The cases ngalnst It. W Hnydor,
former county treasurer, nnd (Iwl
lym Jones, Into county clerk and re
corder, woro set for hearing Inst
Friday, but nro now continued aver
until tho December term ot court.
Knoh Is charged with omboxtlnmnut
or county rumls, on sovcrnl different
Stato Vs. II. Allen, charged with
nssaUlt, Jury trial nnd dofondnnt
round guilty. Allen wnlvod the
statutory tlmo ror sentence nnd was
given h year In thu penitentiary.
This wns tho ilrst criminal case or
Thomns Fouts, recently admitted to
prnctlco by the supremo court. He
wss appointed to dofond Allen by
Judgo Chrlstonson.
State vs. Perry Curtis, chargod
with killing game out or season,
and appealed from a Justice's court.
Continued for tho term.
City of Prlco vs. C. II. Price; np
pcal from justice's court, sot for
Saturday, Novcmbor 10th.
Deserol Soda Water company vs.
A. Theas, (lust I). Pappas and John
Dtumenti; suit on account. Set for
November l&tji.
Hydraulic Cement company vs.
Matt Warner; suit concerning own
ership of porsonnl property. Set lor
tho afternoon or November Hth.
W. K. Itoppotto vs. K it nice K.
Jleppotto, action ror divorce. Judg
ment by dofuult and interlocutory
decreo granted.
J. It. 8hnrp vs. Ooorgo C. Whit
more and others; action concerning
water rights At Sunnystde. Con
tinued ior tho term.
Conrad Solpp Ilrewlng company
iu. F. Patornoster; action on ac
count Continued lor tho term
Oeorge A. Nixon vs. A. II. Hun
ten and Uuulco Ilunten; suit on at
tachment. Dismissed u,t request or
plaintiff und at his cost.
0-us D. Pappas vs. George O.
Frandsen (guardian for Mrs. Karen
Fraudsen) und Annie Frandsen
Hurr; suit Involving title to real es
tate. Judgment rendered Against
defendants by dofuult.
J. II. Mlddleton vs. II. II. McDon
ald; suit to ouforco accounting or
copartnership business. Continued
ror the term, owing to the Illness or
the plaintiff.
Castle Valley Ilallroad company
vs. Uarlola Marlxzanl; condemna
tion of land. Sat ror today (Thurs
day). Btyllan Stoos vs. McClurn Wilson;
suit on contract concerning sale of
land. On trial today.
Oeorge W. Dullotu vs. Bzru
Ilranoh; olvll action. 'Continued ror
the term.
Judgo Chrlstonson expects to ad
journ court nt Price not later than . , , M
Monday evening, going from hero. to i:ltiH
Moiib, where there will bo tho regu- K ssH
Ur term for Grand county nciU ifll
week. !H
Several unimportant cas thst . H
have bciin In court ror sovcrnl terms 1
nre continued lo February next. Hfl
Oller .1, HnniKiii Getting Intu Oin J ' '
Ontiin Vulte lUrly. t H
- liH
Oliver J. Harmon Is circulating n, Jiij!
petition In Prlco' today to be np-, '.SiflM
IKilnted postmaster under tho in fAsHfl
coming ndmlnlntrntlon. It Is ro- H
ported Hint several republicans havo 'clH
signed It In the boiler that thoro Is fllH
to bo an Immediate change, which i'jlHI
The Advocnto Is Inlormed, is not IBH
tho case. Postmaster Outwits has lUsl
yol n considerable tlmo lo servo, lilijH
having beon nppolntod ror four yenrss lll'B
for his second term. It Is safe to ' SHssl
say there will be no now postmaster ' v (wissl
nt Prlco ror somo time to come. wll
I'oitTAi, ur.GtMarioNs Hlifl
ItllLATING TO GltLKCi: Svissi
Postmnstor Oulwlts ut Prlco (ins IIH
received word from Joseph Stewart, Hssl
second nmhitnnt postmaster gonernl hIbsI
at Wnshtngton", I). C, regarding xi- 'SH
tat regulations In Greece governing WtH
registered' mall nrtlclos i " ' ' Wssi
. -"n--.ini! namtnUtrntlori nf A iKsH
Groeco advises tills dopnrunnnr"tnn - IIHsH
(ha leglslatlnn of Greece prohibits I ftH
Importation by mall, under roglstrn- J. I WU
Hon or njiy nrtlclo or geuornl inor- n iH
chandlso having n salable value, L "
whether In n closed or open covor, fl'aB
and Hint nny nrtlclo received In tho trVsl
mntls from nnothor country, who- jpjUiD
thcr registered or unregistered, itif'sH
which Is subject (o Greek customs IWsB
duty, will not be delivered, but will IVsH
bo roturned to olnt of origin. S-'B
"Under these conditions nny iir- H' 'isH
tide having n salable valuo Is un- HifcH
mailable to Grewe under reglstm- iv'lH
Hon, either ns a letter or a samplo, V M
nnd can bu accepted ror dispatch V
from this country unregistered only, B ; ,.H
nt tho risk of tho sender. I JD
"Postmasters will cause duo no- ft!v)lH
lice ol tho foregoing to bo taken nt frh.2sfl
their offices." Hm M
lll.'AKON" TAKi:M OWN 1,1111 BmB
; KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov, 11.- 1 F'9
J. A. Weylnnd, owner of tho Appeal m I GM
to Iteason, n soclalUt paper at Olr- lH
anl, Kan., shot nnd killed him so If Ki H
lust night nt his homo In thnt city, Ik
So far as known Weylnnd left no R E I
word explaining his action, but it I
was said by Fred Warren, odltor of tf eX
tho Appeal, that Weyland had beon I M U
despondent for several days. B a
It was said that Weyland )iud Kitl'l
beon worrying over tho possible no HSil
tton oi a federal grand Jury to bo BBIjB
held at Fort Scott next week. 9 IK (9
It was expected charges would bo llftilfl
placod ugalnst Weylnnd nnd Wnrroa BlK'l
of sending objectionable matter HkII
through tho malls, llft'tl
AiTicii mini: i:.pmhion I pill
lFAYinTi:, Colo., Nov. P. Dy D jA
A gas explosion In the Simpson- Umt
Ilrooks coal mtno hero last night, J, HlXi'
W. Hlgglns, 46 yoars of ago and a HlK
shift boss, was killed while supor- 1C
Intondlng a tight against a fire that DM
hud started In an entry Into In the HRfl
afternoon. IV
Five others were seriously burn- Pi
ed, but will recover. Hlgglns nnd Mmt
his men had the fire practically un- V Hi
dor control, nnd as they stArtod in- -I W
to Another ontry, Hlgglns In the 1 S
lead, tho explosion occurred. I Bj
Vinegar Is the latest product, to
come under tho suspicions of tho HB
etnte dairy nnd rood Inspection do- RH
partmont. Inspectors and deputies UH
hnvo been busy taking uamples dur- (M
ing tho past woek, and they will bo Df
turned over to fltnte Chomlst llanns. ' I fin
Tho fact that somo vluogar was be- in
lug sold on tho Utah market for na ' 1 Rw
low as fifteen cents a gallon mak'es . j yCf;
tho rpoil Inspectors suspicious as It " MC
IU quality. f wfc