t Job department of "tho great moral and ..li-i..,, n i . . " " JH
rchanl's bw,t advertisement to a wholewl, house ?, , ffiu D.tI?LP.t,IIf, a?taU.rV,B!JSJVS l? 8man for thU to undertake. a It U thoroughly equipped for all kind! oTjobs. SsH
Eastern Utah Advocate !l
, IMtlUK, UTAH, THURSDAY, NOV, at, loia. XUMIIKIt 48. ll
itlnciitnl Illglivtny 1'im)
Kli l'rlro mid tlic Out) on
of Here, Touching Hclprr,
(laic nml Oilton C'otoni
t'clrbmto Willi llmiiUrt.
I) JUNCTION, Colo.. Nov
ic Colorado-Utah Link of
Intul Trail" I tho official
t the proposed automobile
connecting Denver villi
ko City Tonight Urand
celebrated tho organization
iMoclntlon with n banquet
C the citizens In honor of
ilon Ono Mould think n
can to ocean rntlrond had
ounceil lt Intention to pass
tho city, with Urand June
iromjnont dlvltlon point, no
ntcrost Is mnnlfeited by
ntreplil boostors who two
go Journeyed from Urand
to (hill Kako City to opon
u are today tho heroes of
n Realizing thnt tho sue
the movement wns duo on-
tho early efforts of thts
i delegates, from Utah and
Colorado readily conceded
i of Urand Junction to tho
headquarters of tho new
Hon and gno J, J Hnmll
this place tho presidency,
coin Antlers, nlso of Urnnd
, as sT?rotary nnd treasurer,
I Rtauffor or Hnlt Uke City
I) Nash, representing tho
Motor club, nro the vice
the .plan of organization,
imi.-l'oners nro named to
irgo of tho route, which 1
Into five divisions. They
. Ward of Proio, W. F. 01
'rice, Frank Cook of Oreen
nulla (1 in In of Oleiiwand
and Father ' .McCabv of
prngi The tlia voiumls-'
ir" ii powered to organise
Kit a ul village along Hie
i m pirate units to boot
en the route
i' ub rshlp fee of two dol
; -, I' Is belleed, will fur
in ' funds for tho assocla
irr i Its work Tho Utah
ti I i h for home toinor
ii '',
Clly Mini (.i'Ih WniKt Of
It nl Vlwiiti-,
I) J I NOTION, Colo, Nov.
Hi tho top of his head beat
t to a pulp nnd suffering
lurlns Inflicted with n stovo
'tlllnm n Mnn of Bait Lake
bridge enrponter for tho
md Itlo U ramie, died In St.
losplinl hero tonight. Mnn
to hnvo recolvcd Ills In
itio hunds of J, A. Down
t for the Denver nnd JUo
't Westwntor,
l said to hnvo provoked a
with Downing uarly last
lilcii resulted In Ms fatnl
Ilu was brought to tho hos
re at l o'clock this morn
did not regain conscious
Inn l( nves n sister In Hock
8 1 nnd another In Bprlng-
"K Ii still ul work under
'"" t r tw o nrmod guards
tin be rollevod Tho cor
(ir.uul county (Utah) hus
rni"ii and will reuoh here
night to tnke charge or
' Mnn was ubout 35 yoars
r Miut Oimliry III the Hum
M'M'iit)Klv Thousand,
meeting or tho board or
oniinlsslonorH lust Saturday
'' of tho Incoming county
ho come Into offlco tho
'" ar, wcro fixed. Tho
r Is $75,000, clork, $12,
:fl(f, recordor nnd assessor,
h; nttornoy, $5000; sur
12000 suporlntondont of
11000, and constables ono
' "eh Tho board moots
0IO. Novombor 25th. It
-tooii tho commissioners
'emand fidelity bonds from
't officers, whero heretofore
"aids havo satisfied.
' ""'Zl ,vt ,i -t:--. A
Judge Albert 11. Chrlstonion ml
Journod district court nt I'rleo Inst
Tuesday evening, holdlnc dffy
longer than had becu nntlcjpnted.
From hero ho went to Mono. On
tho 31st of December Judge Chris
tvnron will rot urn to I'rleo nnd hold
thu second ndjourned term of tho
regular 8ptc inber term
F. N. Cameron of Knit l.nku Clly
whs here Tuesday arranging for u
bond of ten thousand dollar for
Kdwsrd II. Johnstone, who shot nnd
killed llrlghnm I'm) lor of I'rovo, a
short time ago nbne Helper. John
stone Is still In very bad shape
from rheumnilnm. It Is likely he
will be out under bonds within the
next day or so.
Chris Konberg, convicted of adul
tery last wk and Inter sentenced
to a year In the state ponlteutlnry,
tins been given until January SOth
to file ujilll of exceptions.
Hljllnu Htno h, MeClure and
Nollle Wilson; notion coiioernlng
sale of real entattt. Verdlot for tho
Mllnrd Tucker vs. A. II. Chris
teuton; notion litollng title to
real estato. On ngreetnent of coun
sel for both parties to suit, K. K.
Woods Is to try the ease as a spe
cial Judge.
Castlo Vulloy Itallroud company
vs. Ilnrtoll Mnrazzlun; condemnation
suit. Defendant nwnrded damages
by Jury after lowing ground of u
hundred nnd nlnoty-flvo dollars.
Deserct Soda Water company vs.
Angolo Theas, Oust l'appas and
John Dlumentl, notion on nccount.
Continued for the term.
Stcenson Lumber company s.
Spring Glen Canal company; notion
on account. Defendant company
given thirty days to fllo answer.
City of I'rleo . It. V, Crockett;
appoal from Justice's court in three
cases. Demurrer sustained and
plnlntirf given ten days In which to
fllo amended complaint.
Harry tieas, n well known busi
ness man at l'rloe and Salt I.ako
City, Is In receipt of n telegraphic
dispatch telling of tho doath nnd
burial or his fnthor, Nathan Owas,
In Chlongo last Thursday. Cnncor Is
assigned as the cause of death. The
elder Oesas, who was 71 years of
age at tho time of his demise, was
nu old time manufacturer of Chica
go Of late years ho had been an no
tlvo workor In behalf of Jewish
chnrltlos there. Ho loaves n con
siderable sum Invosted In Chicago
real estato. Of sovon surviving
children, all were at tho denthbod
excopt Harry Oesas, who visited hla
father last summer upon hearing of
his serious Illness,
The widow nnd a son nro llwng In
Clnongo, a son nnd two daughters
havo their homes In Idaho, nnd two
daughters lle In New York City.
Sohool suppllos. Advocate Pub
lishing Co,, Price, Utah.
('iir)Ninitloni I'njliig About Kewul)
IVr Vnl or the Itljx Totnl.
For the present eor (1912)
taxes amounting to $193,24; were
nMien In Carbon county nnd of
which nbout rorty thouiwnd dollars
Is yet to come In, says County
Treasurer Oilier T. Harmon. The
railway hiuI coal companies are all
In with their money, whleh amounts
as a total to llu,9fiD.ir,. The fig
ures Utah I'unl oomiMtiy, 61,ftUS.7A;
Denver nnd Itlo Ornude, $15,154.40;
Independent Coal nnd Coko com
pany, $7,449.82; Southern Utah and
the Castle Valley railroads and the
Consolidated Fuel oompnny, $12,
551.28 In the flgureti given for
the coal companies Is luoluded the
taxes of the sloro cumpnules oper
ated In connection.
It will bo seen from the flgureti
hero given that thu coal and rail
road companies are together palng
ubout 70 per cent of tho total taxes,
when It Is aoutldorod thnt n consid
erable sum or the $193,240 Is un-collectabld.
m m home
l!tlnl to Join Their Count r)'n
Army In four Mouth.
All Orock subjects In the United
Hate vjio served in the Orcclnn
rmyjas recruits In 1596, 1897 and
lggsfprfoaitNl upon to return Jo
umtrJMIUpa.leli-.reeolvrd nl tho.
Oreek ifgatlwi yesterday."
They are expected to Join the
nrin within four months. It Is
stilted at tho ligation thsH nlrendy
between ton and twehe thousand
Urtreks have returnwl homo from
the United States under similar orders
I'oniK'i' Ulnli 1'iu'l I'oioiiiiiii'n Ap
IHilntJiicnt Animiiuri'il.
The iippolntment of U. II. Smith
as assistant coal mine Inspector Is
announced by J. K. I'ottlt, ntate
mine Inspector. SiuHh wna former
ly mine foreman for the Utnh Fuel
company nt Bunnysldu and will do
ote his tlmo to Carbon nnd llmory
Actordlng to thu etuto law tho
appointment or assistant Inspectors
Ih allowed when In the opinion of
the governor and tho etnto board of
examiners eucli help Is necesnary.
Tho iippolnliuout of Bmlth Is until
tho first or January and his nor
lces may bo continued longer If
I'rleo ucadomy nnd the county
high school teams played football
last Friday nflnnioon Scorn, six to
About 10 30 o'clook last night a
couple or Jupiineso got Into n out
ting scrape ut Hotel Clark and as a
result or the fraons a fellow named
Nakajwa Is oxpected to die. Tho
cutting wbb dono by a contractor,
Naknmura, who looks nflor labor
Jobs for his countrymen.
Dr. A. C. Soronson was called and
took sixty stitches about the head,
race and shouldors or Nnknjwa.
When the offlcors got to the scene
last night Nakamuru could not bo
round, his countrymen having hid
him out. He was located this
morning, how over, nnd locked up.
Thirteen Japanese and one whlto
man, tho lattor a tramp who had
paid for lodgings, nro also In tho
county Jail, being hold as wltnossos.
It Is not belloed by Deputy Bhorlff
Peterson that the white man knows
much of the trouble, but It Is
thought by that officer best to do
tain him.
Nakajwa has boon cook nt tho
hotel and was living with a woman
there It Is believed the trouble
was over hor. All who saw the
duel with knives ure retlcont nnd
decline to talk even to the officers.
The place where tho duel oc
curred much rosombled a slaughter
ing houso until It had been cleaned
Khtjoiio .Near ami l-'nr Annual In
vited to This Meeting.
There will bo nn old folks' re
union nt City Hall noxt Saturday,
dinner being sorvod at 12 o'clock,
noon, and to which nil old people
of Price and vicinity aro Invited. An
appropriate program, both literary
and musical, will be a feature. Any
one unable to walk to the hall will
bo called for by buggy or automo
bile If word Is sent to Oliver J.
Harmon b'y telephone or otherwise. '
Denver and Rio Grande Board of Directors to lil
Spend Three Millions of Dollars On fl
This Gigantic Project. riljl
Corrosponduneo The Advocate.
DKNVHIt, Colo., Nov. 18.- Vice
President Drown, of the Denver and
Itlo Urando, on his return from New
York City yesterday announced that
tho first steps In electrifying the
Denver nnd Itlo Urando system nro
to bo taken nl onco. Tho first unit
to bo electrified will bo from Helper
to Ball l.nko City, u hundred nnd
fourteen miles. The second unit
will bo over Tennessee Pass, the
great Continental Dlvldo in Colo
rado, nnd will Involvo tho nlectrlfl
cntlon of tho lino from Ballda In
Mlnturn, Colo., a dlstnnce or eighty
sovon miles.
Tho Utnh work will be com
menced enrly In 1913. nnd It Is
hoped thnt It will bo completed by
the ttmc tho now 2 por cent detour
line over Soldier Summit Is finished
In July of thnt yoar.
Tho Utah Utilities compnny is to
furnish tho power for the Utnh
linos, nnd tho Central Colorado
Power compnny will probably fur
nish the electricity for th Colorado
tines - 5
Tho Improvements to bu under
taken by the Denver nnd Illo
Ornude, tho Central Colorado Power
and the Utnh Utilities company will
aggregate between twonty and twen-ty-rtyo
million dollars, most of,whto
IwIHMk. fMpemtvil during, JlflA.'hiid,
Ot;i units In addition to tho
two mentioned will bo added from
time to time, nnd oventunlly tho
entire system will tin operated by
electricity gouornted by the groat
power In tho torrents now eourslug
down the mounUiln sldos nnd which
Is only wnltlng to bo hnrnossed.
This transition from steam to
electric power Is by fur the most
Important Improvement plan yet an
nounced by tho new luniiNgHiiient or
the Denver nnd Illo Urnnde
i.t.M! i.i rr at nii.wim
DUN VKIl, Colo.. Nov 19. The
Utnh Construction compnny or Og
don has been awarded tho contract
ror tho grado of tho Denver nnd
Illo Urnnde dolour nround Boldler
Summit, according to the announce
ment or Vice President Drown to
day. The contract culls ror an ex
penditure of $1,500,000.
Tun HtpivNN AgeutM (.liurgiil Willi
ItohlM'ry nt Ornmt Junction,
Last Thursday nt (Ira ml Junction,
Colo., Hen Ollbort was arrested nnd
plncod In tho county Jail on a war
rant charging him with tho robbery
of the O lotto Hxpress company at
the union ilopot In that city last
March. Ho and Dert Teachout, wio
was arrested tho same day In San
Diego, Cala., on the aamo chnrgo,
nro alleged to havo conspired to
take fourteen thousand dollars In
gold from the safe or the company
and hide It on Teachout's place,
where It was later recovered by
Hhorirr Schrader und O. W. ("Doc")
Ullbert ut that time was night
agent or t)io Globe and Teachout or
the Wolut-Furgo company nt Urand
Junction, (lllbert was round tied on
his back on the floor of the offlco
nnd told a story of two men holding
him up ut tho point of a revolver
and forcing him to open tho safe.
Investigation by tho offlcors later
led to the arrest of both Teaohout
and Ollbort and tho inonoy was re
covered. They were Immediately
released and no prosecution was
made. Tho sudden arrest of both
mon came as a marked surprlso to
all concerned.
Tho monoy stolon nnd Inter re
covered belonged to the Utah Fuol
company nnd had been shipped to
Somerset, Colo., for paying off tho
minors. Tho coal company suffered
no lose, however.
Ilnmember Sumner Is always
ready to mako you an offer for your
secoiitMinud household nrtldos,
FliMWlUl ' 111
t'lty I'lillirn. linit.tlKnii,g ProiKMl- E,4iiH
Umii of J, M. Mlltrr. i"lH
At n meeting of the city council ftlH
of Price last Tuesday oontng with Sl
Mayor Olson nnd all members pros- CIH
out except Alderman McKlnnon, a Pdl
committee wns nnmod, consisting of " MJIH
Aldormon Whltmorc, Uunderson nnd . iEH
Fouls, to Imestlgnto n wator right EBH
offnrcd the city by J M. Millar of 'f3IH
Colton, tho Mdcn holng to Increase tftilfl
tho supply or tho city by purchase LalkH
from Miller of n water right of raH
nineteen hundred acres with two "IH
resorvolr sites on Kyifno Creek. I)H
About forty millions of gallons of t , OflH
wnter aro mrendy impounded there,, ', fcHH
and with little expense, it said, 'tfll
the supply may bo materially In- I HI
creased. In Met, tho water rights fi !BH
offorod are sufficient' for n com- ii JK
munlty of fifteen thousand people. ft !x9fl
Tlie committee Is to report nt tho" j HH
next meeting or tho board. ! MHI
Jt wns ordered Hint street light- HjH
bo put In from tho comer of Tontli- - '. H
nnd Main streols north on Tenth a HiiV
block 19 the pinning mill or John- H
son Pros. Additional hydrants nro 'llH
nlso to bo placed on Main stroot 'fR
rrom Tenth n block-west. City's . Hfl
Marshal IlrriW llmn.wt'.-.ffi.tty T- VVllfl
tho city of lis population of "WciiryH -w ' ' ',' B
Willies," which Hint officer Is pro-'' ' MM
ceedlng to do.
City Itecorder lumber was In- liH
structnd to write tho attorneys of H
tho Castlo Valley railroad that tho IH
city Is ready to enter Into nn agree- j H
ment to vneale certain street rlghtn jH
In the AAstHru part of the city for Hl
land of (tfjunl vulue ndjiieent there j H
to, tho latter to be dmlleateil to jH
Mreet purtos. Tho railroad com- i jH
IHiny iteslrmi lo make certain m-' j H
provements If the deal Is arranged. j sH
AImiiiI the ItlggeHt 'lliliigs In Den- , l
itr nml Itlo (inuiilo Htnlr'. Hl
l''oiirtc.n or the Immense now Ml- llsfl
kudo engines for tho Denvor nnd ', HH
Itlo Ornude, ordered recently, nru ' -jj ,H
saheduled to arrive within a weolc ) H
and will be put in service between -V KH
Urand Junction nnd Helper. Tho i H
engines weigh, with tender included, i D
loiidiMl and ready for the road, 542,- V 'IHI
600 pounds or 271 Vi tons, glgnntta i tiH
In every lino nnd powerful to tho 'I 'JHfl
Inst degree. !f 1mJH
Ono of tho now engines, hitched JW
to ono or tho present 1180 aloa on- . . I t'HI
glnos, lank to tank, providing thu i ifHU
drawbars held would snake tho ' i HI
elovon hundreds down tho track u H
backwards, pulling the other engine ' u 4JH
"off Its feet " TJiu new engines aro 'jli .pBI
ritted with superheaters, which giro V ,-lfli
tho engine much grentor power jSfi'H
when onco under way '' .
Nevor has the pending arrival of I & 'H
now engines created us great lntor I 7 'IH
est ns tho monsters ubout to nrrlvo. H kH
Tho fourteen will represent u muss 1 ' r 11
or three thousand eighty tons of :iPB
steel. WM
I'iMir PerwoiiM to Dlvldo tho Moiu-y bLVI
Offrrt-il Am Prize. E ''J
Tho name for the new theater I H'4jB
being erected by Kmmott K. pison MH
(was decided upon by voto of tho Hg D
uudlenca last Sunday evening at tho ft.liB
Mborty, being chrlstonei) Kko BHifl
(Kcho). The nnmo Is made rrom Kvlil
the Initials or tho owner. The Kl'Lb
Judges were Fred L, Wood, Kmmett luRlH
K. Olson and K. A. Anderson. Four plH
porsons had the same name, so that (HbH
tho money will bo divided botwoen , HKlLl
them. Thuy aro Mrs. Ollvo Miller, Slil
IMm W. F. Olson, Miss Elizabeth ifl
Oroskett nnd Ilosco Harmon. (il'H
Now lino of paint brushes. Tho Mi jV
Advocato Publishing Co. bI''I