H Wll.t. C llKKIINH
HT In the Ball l.ako Mining Itovlcw
HfH ll '" ctirloua to nolo how llttlo Is
HS goncrnlly known of tho sources of
H supply of most of the nc-oewltlM
Pf and luxuries of life There nre
ffi hundred of commodities which wo
Bl UM ovcry dny concerning whloli we
'jft filvo hnrdly n thought, nnd, If we
HrjI woru asked regarding their source,
jjj whether derived originally from Mo
Kt' thor Harth, tho forests or fields, or
Hli mystorlousty filched from the air,
Hft'j nmny, thore nro who could not rIvu
Vj ) a correct or satisfactory answer
K Huch In tho 0110 with ozokorlto,
Kj 'or mineral wax Tin rcnJor will
M' naturally say "Wh), I never hoard
I1""" of ozokerite; nnd, If I havo over
had occasion to u It In nny form,
1 novor know It And yot, nt he
namo time, hr i ny K u, ,K ,,, ,
telephone ir list i Ing ir( n rcndl I
' tUm ot Bwryhod) h Doing If h)
H , his megaphono or vle'rtln ll'llrl
-B ' '
Vf dreaming that the rcilvir f iln-
Hl telephone or the rs.oril on ilia
HJ phonograph nro largely tnade from
Hl tho nmterlal (otokvrlla) In 1U ro-
HJj fined form, or that ozokerite outers
B Into hit dnlly Ufa In a. hundred or
Hj uaoro wnyi. Nor does lit realise
J that (hero nro onl) two place In
HJ tho known world whom oiokorlto
H oxlsta In a natural or original state,
1 Austria, nnd In Utah, United Mate
H of Amorlcn.
H ' Oiokorlto n mlnornl wax found
H In commercial quantities In llorys-
H law (Austria) and In tho near vl-
H clnlty of Colton, Utnh Uvon In
H lechnlcnl nnd engineering circles hut
H little li known regarding thU sub-
Bj stance, which Ih defined hy la Nev.
H Standard Kncjclopedli us follow
H Ookrrtto Or Mineral Wv.
H "A valuable mineral found In
H laro deposits In Utnh and In tho
H Auitilnn province of (lallcla It In
Hj Impossible to enumerate nil the tint
H,' (o whloji ozokorllo can he put A
H; tho rival of been wax It Iiuh already
H materially reduced tho prlru of that
Hj product, but eereslne possesses
H many valuable qualities not fjuud
B In other waxes Its melting poSn '
B li high, from 115 to 190 der-
B I'lthrBiihelt It U plastic without
S, helug soft, nnd hard without brittle I
M rww, It deoolorlz without ih-
rtruutlvo dltttlllatlon Alkali tnd
M tho BtrongBr ueld make no lmprtM-
M bIoh on it, nnd when refined It U
M odorloM nnd U ud for the lnulH-
M tton of eleotrle wlroH It la valuable
B for nil klnda ot waterproofing, nnd
M papers waxwl with It nro bolug
S Urgoly used In wrapping op,
B hUuIk, boxe and nil kinds of nrtl-
K oles that rouulre protection from
H moisture lloxos, barrels and kegs
V lined with It aro parfoetly tight and
H It Imparts no unpleasant flavor to
S tho oontonts, eon In tho oase of
H tjie, most dallcato mineral water.
BV Ozokorlto pormentoa (ho pores of
BBHB'''ir 'U--2iSBlBWw " -unu . '
the iood fofttoad of giving It n me
tallic surface coating Ozokerite Is
Kino tided In lining tanks In which
powerful nelds nre to he mixed It
Is (Dtlrtinted that three-fourths of
the eandle used In the churches In
t)il nnd other countries are made
cf orokorlte or of beeswnx trfrontly
adulterated with oiokerlte The Il
luminating power of such randies Is
stronger than that of others, whll
the) drip hut little nnd never lop
over when exposed to ordinary at
mrmphcilc bent Ml wax figures
and whx dolls nre made tf osokerlte
It nlso enters Into the manufacture
of Imitation alabaster statuette nnd
Ik elnbjrste deeortlon which
koi i"l linen ndorn w ddlng cik's in 1
i'lnr rrtafci tors moiix other
I uses to which It Is put nre making
I if In Imi tits, rt i nnd piasters,
I cmng ix wax tniitchci, life pre
serters, hoot hlarkiiiKi Vrtrrlh nnd
shoeiiukerM wax
Vm n of OoLerile.
The largest eonsumers of ozoker
ite In the United Mate are large
elect rlsnl concerns, who ullllso l.
In great quantities, for Insulating
purposes, an It la the bent material
known for the weatherproof Iiik of
wires It Is nlso usel, with curtain
compounds, for the manufacturing
of tho hard rubber used In making
telephone recohor nnd transmit
ter. It U used In olectrot)pIng,
phonograph cylinder or records,
shoo polish, waterproof crn)ons,
buttons nnd In tho manufacturing of
Innumerable nrlMt which, other
wlke, would have to ho made from
animal or eKttnble wuxis
Ceroslno, of which oiokeitte Is
very largely crHitposed, U used ex
tonsUol) In the trades and art For
Instance, because cf Its earn of
manipulation, the possibility of Its
Incorporation with rukis, fata tmd
oils, b simply melting, and cf Hl.iln
Iiik to ail) desired color, and b
cause of I'm (tower of reslstliiK urlds,
It i itu be applied to such a arlety
pitch which l used Ih making cable
Insulations Kdlson rIvm Jbf re
sIstAme of crude ozokerlto ns 450 -000,000
mogohrmt per otntlin'ter
while that of parnfflne Is onl) II" .
000,000, which HlustrafrM the
porlor quallt) of the forfiler t i
compared with the latter.
I'ii rtl m of (loktille,
tteflned ozokerite varies ooimlili r '
ably In appearance and It Is nloioV (
Impossible to find two sample",
taksn from different mines, shlrh
nro pxactl) nllko The color vsr.14
to a romnrkablc extent ranging from
n (wile )cltow to n dark )rllow,,
more or less pure brown nnd jen n
I of all shades and black CtrrOi
or refined ozokerlto forms whi
amorphous masses, In cotitrnt o
'irjRtnlllno parnfflne, grcatl; r
sc nbllng beeswax In apponran ' As
a matter of fact, beeswnx can Ih
adulterated with SO per cut r
eereslne without cImiikIiik l's phy
sical properties In tho least Cere
sine, with a melting poluL of 17
degrees Knhronhclt, has is snm
frneturc and atructtire as bee)lrx
Autilnn OoLiHlo I'll Id.
Tho history ot ozokorlto mining
nt lloryslnw (Atistrln) l n very In
teresting one. in tho yeirs 1821
nnd 1843 licenses wcro gristed far
working the mountain tar, and tho
first discovery of ozokerlto was
mndu In tho ear 1854 At first
tho nattvo peacantry confl their
efforts to collecting petroleum,
whMi was sold In n thick Hate n
rcpn (oart grease), nnd In a mor-
fluid condition ns klplaczka, leather
grease In I8C3 this petroleum was
first distilled for the production of
parnfflne Tho Inauguration f this
Industry led to ludlsorlmlaste wora
Ing, and cr) soon tio entlio dl-
lirkt around lloryslnw whs colored
wMi shafts, some fifteen husdred In
iiumber, and onl) n few feet a(Mrt
fie the Austrian governm.-nt had
br tight ozokerlto mining under
iilct supervision, a iwmo, I) of
the husUiMM was ncqulrt 1 t) tho
Idnder bank of Vienna, whlih Is to
day operating the prpportls
The Industry In the ustrlan
fWld b eamjMtratively small whan
wjMred with the extensive ri
embraced la the i-ui, (eld. and the
deposit are not nearly as Urge At
llooslaw the Industry support a
populwloti of twelve thousand nnd
the entire output, to dale, aggra
vates something over eight) million
'I he Utah tluktilto I'hbl.
ComirlBg the Utah to the Aus-
trlan ozokerlt fM 0on ia ,By.
mu au Ule uondertul possl-
MlWw possessi by lhe former At
51 l",(J!M wh,ch I,ttC0 nln,0'lt "
oxtmustlble deposits of ozokerlto
THUItSDW, .NOV. Si oi"-
exist, the field Is so extensive that
an Industry could be established
that would make our state ns noted
and famous for the production of
this commodity as It now fc In Its
yield of gold, silver, lend, copper,
coal nnd other minerals In de
scribing this great ozokorlte zone,
It J Kroupa, one of tho prominent
engineering chemists of the United
States, sa)s
Tho Utah ozokerlto bolt or wax
zone extends from about one mile
west of Modln on the Denver nnd
Itlo Ornnde rallnvul, along the
southern nnd western slo(o of tho
Wasatch range to Soldier Summit
and icross to about two miles north
easier!) from Colton, oxtondlng
through Utah and Wasatch countlos.
1 1 all a distance cf twelvp miles,
,md not exceeding at an) point
frim one to two miles In width
lhe zono 1 located In n great
fault such ns nre common In the
V switch range, nnd the fnetures
that hold the ozokerite In this boll
cnt transverse)) or across tit groat
fault. This groat fault tins nn Im
portant bearing on the presence of
this wnx. When )ou leave this fault
for n certnln dletnnco no trace ot
wax Is found All tho development
wirk done In this hek up to he
prent lime Is In these fractures
(i veins The largrst bod) of wax
stunk In tho wnx bill, up to the
I resent time, wam In the shoo' on
H Ookirlto Oriiirrrima In Ilic (In imiUiut Ow.kirm t.i.iiu.), !' t'h i i r lhe iklnir I i c nt the I'lcu-Miiit .illt) riant.
" projHri) nt rttiMlcr Hiianult, ud
ih're have been taken lara. ImhIIs
oi altms. pure wax frutn the rations
properties extending from Media At
the Aciihi (irojierty to the various
P toper ties around Colton.
"The fault above referred to
pa through the Acme proper!)
nt Media or Mhlway, thence ot
through the Koldler Summit prop
erly, thetice southeast through the
Colton properties of tho American
Ozokerite compati). I am satisfied
from prist development that there
nro ,r Inrge number of these' frac
tures, called blind veins, ncross this
great fault, and that n gradual de
velopment of Miese fractures or
U e by deep slmf mining ind
drifting on the vein will fkiall) cut
Mto the fault syetem, which I bo
llsvti will be found to be the source
cf all cf the ozokerlto In tic wax
Austrian OJikeilte.
"A number of years ago I made
sptehil (tli to Ruroje for the ex
pllalt purpose if making i thorough
nvostlKntlrii ot the Kuroptn wnx
fields I spent about wight months
In going our tho various pr p rM
in (lallcln. going underground la in
tho properties that were open, nnd
nlso made a careful r(wuth In (he
rotlnlnK of (he product Into eei-
sine nnd Its various allied product
KoIiib Into mery detail of the lmsll
iichw. from the luinlng, reflnlnx
ohomlBtry nnd geology, to the mar
keting of the material 'lhl trL,
wna made for the purpose of (hhii
pnrlson with the Utah fields and to
aid tho dovolopmont thereof.
"The Carpathian mountain range
Is In Northern Austria (Kurope)
nnd has an easterly and westerly
course Its formation U edimn.
tnry nnd Is n tertiary shale and
sandstone nnd fossil limestone The
formation Is vory muah disrupted
and uptlltod. Tho uptllted slrnUu
are nt nn nnglo of forty-five to
ninety degrees ns a rule I Jiavo
never found In tho Cnrpnthlnn range
such n block syslem or uptlltlng aa
thcro Is In tho Wasatch rango in
Utah. This geological feature makes
tho mining In the Wasatch range
most economical Tho cast half of
tho Carpathian Mountains Is a great
oil field and oil derricks aro scat
tered from lhe foothills to tho in
terior. The output of oil la oxten
slvo in some places nnd smnll In
others Homo gushers havo boen
struck, and tho Uatlolan field has
developed Into one of tho mont Im
portant nnd valuable oil fields In
Kurope The town of lloryslnw is
situated In the foothills, en tho
north flinks of the range, nnd about
fort) tulles southwest of Lomborg
(Onllcln) and on tho lino of n rail
road "At the tltno of my examination
cf these properties, tho town had a
population of about twelve thous
and, moat nil of whom woro work
ing In tho mlnea and on surfaco
work Tho ozokorlto Is found In
tho shales nnd sandstono with oil
nnd atlt wntcr, Tho mining In nil
dono by shaft work, and nt tho
time of til) visit wns at a depth of
nbent eight hundred feet Slnco
that lime the) have gone down to
n depth of fourteen hundred foot
In shnft mining and nbout three,
thousand feet by drilling
The wax as extracted, cornea In
a bneriated form, mixed In whale
and sandstone as well lhe lump
form of wax. as a rule, In sort, mid
Is something like butter halt wny
hard Pan of this wnx oozos Into
the drlfu from tho crevices In tho
walls nnd fills up the drifts charg
ed with oil nnd mis Sometimes
this exudation of wnx conies ho sud
denly that the minors huvo to leavo
the mine, nnd afterwards tho oil
has to be pumped out. At ono tlmo
a largo bod) of this soft wax, called
nt tho mlnea bitumen wncha (blow
wax), filled tho drift, shnft nnd
house over night to n depth of over
i!ht huiidnd feet All tho wnx
hnuld from the shafts li torted
ri d the bretclaled matter Is plncod
In Inrge cast iron caldrons contain
ling hot water Tho wnx was
I summed from (he surface, romolt
cd, and oast into wooden tubs. A
li r.e amount of binck oil called
klnderbHl was nUo produced nnd
was dense, like molasses, nnd waa
used to adulterate (be wax, nnd tho
cukes were shipped to the refineries
In different parts of Kurope
1 1-mver Tiinml Wmklnp., lUmiilltiK 1Ioiim unil I'nm-i Plant .., ,
, I ltflmr ut PliiKMiia , , .j,lt
of use, and It Is In siuh demand
that the suppl) falls far shoit In
the markets or the world t'ereelne
Is a substitute for earnauba. while
It U used m a floor polish wax
paste, floor polish, shoe iuid leather
polish, In making moulding mass
for copper and silver plating, a- an
artificial wax moulding composition,
eereslne moth papers, for water
proofing cartridges, waterproofing
textile fabrics, In the manufacture
of it preservative compound for sole
leather, dressing for ealleo shirtings,
stiff d reefing for Imitation linen,
droselng for bbtok oottoM goods,
pencils for writing on glass and
porcelain, wax for sealing bottlos
and fruit jars. In thu distillation
of ceroslno from ozokerite the reel
'duo forms what la known an wax
'ah ami iim,)1U ,,U(
develoi)mni i. ,. ,l,e "hallow
wHiaJ w.i n,l7 "",u u,
fWda" tat '" "'Austrian
') 0kirl.(N
'" "' U"0U 8(U(W h, thn
(Continue, on page seven.)
MWMMjtoggitTsl(, ,m
" 8
Grocery M
J Wo carry at n ,H
t In tho vt,'!
i Pork, Mutton I.I ."V
Telephone your eM
they will bo J o.
n.t delivered. &6
; JnnbotUrposltioaV
!; h6t0T0 t0 ""PPlrjg
Best Llns ol m
i Green Groceries
i JosephISneu:
Miles UnlldJ,.
J l'lUCE
J .SoUiltig hntidlfd u,.
i tcry 1cst of '
J nxi: oi.u mii3Kti
IMSTKItN liramni
? Kinrwi&Taoini
i I'lKht )cnr oM CeJirk
, Itoiirboti nnd right (f-,
Mount Vcnion l(y0 KnH
t, ctushcly over tlJiUr
S A shnre of the utm,
of tho public sollrlUAn,
130 nnd vie villi iMj-,,
Don't Writo-M
This nppllc partlcal-Jji
uiiinlcationa with politil
termotintnln country. Wil
tided an efficient loafix
vice which makes train tr
rvspondonco unncccwr;
toll rate nro so lo Itkt
Intorcst to (ako adiruti(ti
Whon )ou havo occ(
raunlcnto with someoethii
t'ty, call tho nearest hM"
f'ef, and ask tho rate.
i:.KTi:it.N UTAH TI.U31
J. Ilox Miller, Hum
Control Office, Cpa
Corner Mala and NUJ'
: m
tho Market Atf
: Thomas Buildte
Utah, Rooms, 25,3
f and 15c.
Trndo of tho Mining
Sr llcltcil
l-H WS A
voun oAiiii ron ,
will bo PromP"rMt
over you choozo Wji
SS."-5tt """'
r-sns s--fT
0. T Olson, Sx,W,
Sofa PWwJSSwt
towela for ombrow j