Newspaper Page Text
In TAOK BIX. H CBIr k Comfort H, t All winter long on the Zero days and the m J windy, blustering dnys the Perfection Smoke- B less Oil Heater gives them real solid comfort B It saves them many a cold and steknetj for it easily warms the roomi not reached by the ordinary heat. B The Perfection Heater is made with nickel trim I mings (plain steel or enameled turquoisc-blue drums). H Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts for years. Easily B moved from placo to place. B At Dtmtttt Entnthtti H CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Off, Ball t)J 51 Uk Ctlr r" i - ii iff TIE llll IS 1WW0KK H dktouii mm: ovi:it hoi.uikh H SUMMIT AUTHOItl.KIt. sbbbW B H Will Ktpcriltn Uio llniullliiK of lie HH ctvnwul Coal Oiilput I'nmi the JIIiiph of Carbon County miiiI Help B Out I'uwngcr IliMliir Hlinrp M Itntlninil l,rt (trading Omlrnct. Hl Corrcapondonco Tiio Advocate H DKNVKH, Colo.. Nov. 1C Preal- H dant Hush ami Vice President H Drawn of tho Donvcr nml Hlo K Grande today nutliorlicil tho Imme- K dUitu conHl ruction of (tin double K track dolour lino over Soldier Sum- j mil, whore tlio railroad crone tho H Wasatch MountnltiH In Utni. B Tlio present lino between Tucker H and Sotdlor Kiimmll I seven mlloi ' H Ioiik nml tlio grade 4 per cent, or H two hundrud cloven loot to tho V tnllo. Tint now lino l)o i wit) n tho H wmo polnU will bo fifteen mUiw1 j lone with ii grade reduced to 2 per m, twit, or ono hundred five nml n K half feet to tlio uillo. Tho redue-' K tlon In tho grade and eurvnture -Mill i more than oHset tho Increased ! B lullongo. B The coot of this work will ho np-! E proximately three million dollar. p being. the inoitt Important luiprove- monl yet authorized by the Denver nnd Hlo Orande under the new V management. Contract will be let within ten or fifteen dn), and U is S anticipated Hint the work will lie BBS completed by Jut)' of next year BBV This large exiioudlture has been BBJ) nuttiorlivd by the board of direr- BBh tor because of the nipldly Incrwnt- BBf Imp traffic Inoldeut to tho opening BBJI of tho Western Pnolfle, ns well ns BBJ to take oaro of the enormous coal BB and coko output going from the BB (Utah mine to tho Salt I.nWo City, BB Nevada and Montana smeller nnd BBb reduction plant. BB Other ractor Influencing the d- BB clslon nru the anticipated growth In BB pasaongor truffle on nccoutit of the BB I'nnamu.l'nolflc oxpoaltloii at Ban Bfl KranoUco and tlio Increnhwl froluht BB buBlnew miro to follow the openliiK BBJ of tho I'anaiua canal H utaii (.-oai, ito.i i.iris BBJ .v.oriii:it iim cosTitvcr B Three BprliiKWIle mon, II T lle- BBRi noliU, Clarence ! Crnndall and BBJ Ilonry I.. RuiiihIoii, Iioo taken a BBJ flvciullo contnict ou the Utah Coal BBJ railroad, commencing two mile eunt BBJ of Thletle will cmllnn at Diamond BBJ BBJ Work will bo well under way In BBJ about ix week TJiore will be oon- BBJ itdorublo )uhv work, inoludliiK one BBJ tunuol, and for tho entlro Job, ai BBJ mib-contruotom, they are to bo paid BBJ about a hundred thousand dollar BBJ A. now man, Kenoral malinger for BBJ tho Utah Construction compan), BBJ which la BUblottlng, wis otr there BBJ ot Thursday and Friday, gottlnr BBC things mapped out proper) for the BBJ Sprlngvlllo man and othora BBJ Orading work from Mohrland In H Kmory county to Castle date, bajh H Uowman, la going along ns woll im B might be oxpectcd, consldorlng the B eoaroUy of laborora and teams at B UAUKi: OP INhOM.MA. B ri'ho inoet common ciuso of in- BBJ aomnln Is disorders of the atomaah BBJ and constipation. Chamberlain's BBS Stomach and Liver Tablota correct BBJ these dlsordora nnd eunblo you to BBJ olecp. Tor Bfllo by all dealers. H AdvU Bfcr,- ', -1njtmi"iiirnr r mt- i-itmt1 BHr to,. K5MlsssMHCaBBssMBR"3BlsasasMJtti JgPOWgfjpajWWWSalWHMMMSSj thU iwiixon l.ntcr tho labor nltim tlon will Ik) easier It I expected thnl the line from C'ajitlo Onto ocr Soldier Hummlt will bo decided ou nt n ry early date nnd tho contrnctit lot There U yol aomo trouble ovr rlnht of way between I'rovo nnd SprliiRllle C. 1.. Crnndall did considerable work at I'rlro at tho tlmo of the building of tho Price Itlvcr lrrlgn tlon company' canal UNCLE SUMI LEAD TliU fouiitiy l'lrt In ChiI PiimIiic lion of Hie Wot M. Hlnco 1800, when the United Htate supplanted Oront llrltaln, thW count rj has held first place among the coal producing countrbM of tho world In 1011 tho total world' production of coal amounted to approximately 1,300,000,000 ulioitf ton, of which tho United Mate contributed 400,211,108 ton, or 38 1 per cent. Ill the twelve year from 1809, when tho country first mir pocd Ureal llrltaln, to 101 1, the production of the United Bin I en ha Increased nearly 100 per cent, while Ureal llrltaln hit Inoreusod It out put nboiit 25 per tent, from l!4t!, C00.1GS Mhorl tons to 301,S18,927 tons. The United Htntea In 1011 pro duced oer 00 per cent more than Oront llrltaln Uermauy' p roil no tion of coal and Ugnlte In 1800 wh 110,710,700 short Ion In 1911 H I wax 258,125,703 ton, an inereaite jot over 70 per cent The combined production of Ureal UrllnWi and (lormany In 1011 wiw (02,742,000 short tons, which exceeded the out I put or tho United HUtten b only C0,2C1,C22 tons, or 11 C cr ent. The three eoiiittrlea, United Htiite, Ureal llrltaln and Uermnn), ( produce more than 80 per cent of I tho world's total supply of eoal ' MANV MIIIS KILLED I I Still tllltu I'luilltN OlU'll Out I'ltllll I (lie lliiiciiii of Mliu-c. WA8IIINUTON, D V , .Nov 10 -TIibic were fourteen hundred flft) thrce men klllixl In and about (hki! mine of tire I'nttetl State during tho flix elicht numths of thl ir, Mbcortllng to the announcement of the bureau of mine todn 'I lie figure Indicated, the report state, that union there were n number of exceptional dliuuttera during the other four month of the )ear there would be a substantial decrease In the total number of fatallile In 1912 as compared with tlio of 1911, when twenl-een bunded uluete4i men were killed Ihoro hns been a substantial de crtHike In the fatality rate Ui the cwtl mining lndutr of the United Htates In the last half decade Of the futulUle In the first eight month of thU )eur six hundred tdxty were in l'onns)Uanln ami two hundred e ant) -three In West Virginia DHC'iaiti: WAIt ON COI.Ds. A orusade of education which nJ iiih "that common colds may bo como uncommon within tho next generation" has been bogun by prominent .Vow York ph)slc!au Hero Is a list of tho "don't' which tho doctors say will proicnt the an nual visitation of tho cold "Don't alt In n draughty car." "Don't sleep In hot rooms " "Don't avoid tho freuh nlr." "Don't stuff yourself nt meal tlmo. Overeating reduce your re sistance." To whtoh wo would ndd when )ou tako a cold get rid of It as qulakly na posslblo. To aocompllsh that you will find Qhatnborlaln'a Cough Itomody moat excellent. Sold by nil, doalars. Advt. BJ Tin: imsti:hs ct.ui advqc tk ihhwdiy. soy, at, tm. 4 348 d. NOIICK KOH I'L'MI.K'ATIOX. (Publisher) Department of the Ia terlor. I S Id Office al Salt hake City, Utah, October 39, 1912 Notice I hereby given that Albert K Annls, whose poetofflte nddree in 201 Dooly Uulldhig, Salt l.ak C'Hy, Utah, did, on the 28th day of September, 1012, file In this office sworn Btatement and application No 010S02, to purchase tho NW'i NBh, Sec 14, Twp 13 South, tlangp 0 Bnet, 9a k Uko meridian, nnd tho timber thereon, undor the provlslrn of the act of Juno 3, 1878, nnd acta amendatory, known a tho "Timber nnd Stono Law," it such vnluc aa mlRh' be fixed by nppraUement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land nnd tim ber thereon hno been noprnUeJ, value 100 00, tho stono estimated at $100 00, that wild applicant wrll offer final proof In support of hU application and nworn statement on the 4lh da) of Janunr), 1013, be fore tho reglBtor and recolver, Uni ted States land office nt Salt Lake Illy, Utnh Any penwm In at lib erty to protest thla jiurchnec before ontry, or Initiate a content nt any tlmo heforo patent Issues, by tiling n corroborated affidavit In this of fice, alleging facta that would de feat tho entry K I) It THOMP SON, Register. First pub. Nov 21, liisl Dec. 20-1! 4-305. Norm: i ou puiu.k'atio.w Coal Kntry (Sec 2347. It. 8) Land Office nt Salt Uko City, Utnb, November 4, 1912 Notlco la here by gluu that l.nuru K Cameron of 971 Kast South Tomplo street, Salt Lake Clt), Utnh, and John T. Whlt taker of Newton, la , hao thla day filed In this office application to purchase, under the provisions of Sec 2347, U S KoUsed Statute, the Wct Half of Sec 35, Twp. 12 South, llnnge 9 Knst, S. I.. M. Any nnd nil person claiming ndtorsoly tho Innd described or desiring to object for any reason to the aal thereof to applicant should file their affidavit of protest In thl office during tho thirty-day period of publication Immediately follow ing tho tint printed buiuo of thU notice, otherwise tho application mny bo allowed K. 1). It. THOMP SON, lleglster. K. W. Sontor, 330 Judge llldg, Snlt Uko City, Utah, Attorney for Applicants. First pub Nov 14; Inst Dec. 10-1! ' 4-318 b Nona: ion I'Uiii.Kwno.v. (Publisher ) Department of tho In terior. U S lAtxA Office nt Salt Lake City, Utah, November 10, 1912. No tice I hereby given Hint S.imul D lltchnrd of Cleveland, Utnb, who, ou January II, 1007, made Homestead Kntry (Serial 024ifj), No 10044, ror 8 8KU. Sec S, NWUNKU and NKUNW, Sec SI Twp 10 South, Ilango 10 KoMt.Kalt Lake meridian, hn riled noUi-s or IntenUou to make final f he-year proof, to CMtabllsh claim to the land nboo described, before WIUMm Howard, United State commlMlenar at IIuixhiKton, Utah, on the list d of December, 1912 Claimant name aa wltnewie David Timothy, Chrl44an Haixten, IMI It Urmn ami Kanford Ureon, alt of Ore land, Utah K It It TIIOMION, lleglster FlM pub Nov 21. laat Dee 2H-I2. 4-3ISb. MIIIL'K I'Olt PUIIIdCAIIOV. (Publlaher) Doiwrtmeut or the In terior, U, . Und Office at Salt l.ako City, Utah, Oetobor 23, 1312. Notice 1 hereby given that Worth Tucker or Klmo, Utah, who, on fop. tenibar 12, 1907, made Homestead Hntry (8rlnl 02079), .No. 1C970, ror 8SWli, Sec. 28, SURKVi, Sec 29, Twp. 10 South, Itange 10 Moat, Salt Lake meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final rive-ear proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, beforo William Howard, United Btnto com mlssloner, Huntington, Utah, on tho 18th day of December, 1912. Claim ant name aa wltneeeo (1 corse H, Ovlatt, Ueorge T. Ovlatt, llouther Krlckson nnd llomnu Ovlatt, all of Hlmo, Utnh. K 1). It. THOMPSON, Iteglstor. First pub Oot 31, 1am IVc. 5, 12 4-348 b MtlICK I'Olt I'UIII.ICVIIOS (Publisher ) Department or the In terior, U S Land Ortlee nt gait Uke Clt), Utah, Oetobor 28, 191; Notice I hereby given that Ole 0 OUhhi of Price, Utah, who, on Octo ber 27, 1908, made Desert I.und Dn try, Serial No 0800, for NKUNWV. NWViNKVi.Sec 25, Twp 15 South, Hange 9 Kast, Salt Lake meridian, ha filed notice of Intention to make tlnnl proor, to eatnbllah claim to the land above described, before It W Crockett, United Stnte cow mhwloner, nt Price. Utah, on ti, 28th day of December, 1912 Claim ant mime ua wltneseeM John Tay lor Leonard, Leo Ionnrd, Abo Pow oil and Andrew Leonard, all of Price, Utah R D It THOMPSON ItegUtor ' First pub Nov 21; Un DecTc-l ' DlltlUnoilV MKIJII.MI OF pitici: lleeervolr and Irrigation Comin) --Notice Is lioreby given that there will be h special meeting of the di rector or the Price Ilewirvolr and Irrlgatkm eowpan) at price, Utah on Hatiirda), Novemlier SO, 1912 Hi 4 o'tlock of the afternoon or said tl 8aUI meeting will be held at the ortke of It W. Crockett t Co Hi , Ma4 street, Price, Utah, and ta ealletl for the purpose of pro vldtag by wssaginiwu of mock or otherwtee for payment of the debt of eald corporation, nnd to transact any other business that may legally come beforo said meeting ''A,,s FltANDSKN, preeldent, J M M" LKIt, eocreUry, of aald Price Heeer volr and Irrigation company Dated at Price, Utah, -Nov 18, 1912 IISCAI'Im AN AWI't'Ii I'ATi:. I A thousand tongues could not ex- ( pres the gratitude of Mm. J. R. i (ox or Jollct, Ilia, ror her wonder ful dellvornnco from an awful fate. Typhoid pneumonia had left mo with a dreadful cough," sho writes. Sometime 1 had such awful cough ing spells I thought I would die. I rotild got no help from doctors' treatment or other medicine till I used Dr Klng'a Now Discovery, llut I owo ni) llfo to this wondorrul remedy ror I acnrcoly cough at all now " Quick nnd safe, It' tho met relblalo of all throat and lung medicines. Kvcry bottlo guaran teed, 60c and $1.00. Trial bottlo rreo ot all doalors - Advt. rpSNHL m ATTOltVKiH D. D. HOLT Attonie)-At-Ijm Practices In nil tho courts or tho stato and tho federal courts. Office, Klghth rioor Kearns lluitdlng, Salt Lake City, Utah C C. McWlllNMlY Attornc)-at-Iji Will practlco In all tho court nt tho stato. orrico first door west of Tho Advocate, Price, Utah riTzuniAi.D linos, land co. Irrlgntitl l4tud 425 Atlns Illock, Salt 1-ako City. II. J, Flttgcrnld, Attorney. TIIOMH IOUTH Attonic)-nt-l4i Otrico third door north or First National bank. W. It. I.1VINUSTO.V 1 jivv) cr Wator nnd mining litigation gtven special nttontlon. Land matters, col lections and nil legal buslncsa. Will practice In all the courts, lloyd Park Ilulldtng, Snlt tako City, Utah. Samuel A King Clnudo L. King KINO K KINO Attiirno) -at-I jiiv Commercial Illock. Salt Lake City. w. ii. ritvi: Attiinie)-nt-l4kv Practice In all courts ot the stnto Also In tho federal courts. Offleo In First National Dank, Prlee, Utah. . A. IVIIIUSON Attorne)-nt-Ut Will practice In all the court ot the stnte. Office at residence, North Klghth Street, ono block from Main, Price, Utah. L, O. Hoffmann F. K. Wood HOFFMANN WOODS At tonic) h Will practlco In all the court of tho stato. Office at tho county court house, Prloe, Utnh. Itlt'HAIlD It. IIIUUMAN Attonie)-at-l,nw Will practice In all state and federal court. 222 Iloston Ilulld tng, Salt Lake City, Utah. PHYSICIANS A. V. M)Iti:.NSi:. ' Pli)klclan and Hurgcoii Specialist In women' nnd chil dren's disease General surgery and medicine. Offleo, Commercial nnd Savings Dank Ilulldlng, phone 84. Price, Utah. DHNTI.sTllY II. II. UOHTZMAN Dentist Successor to Dr. Thome. Kxaml nations and estimate free. Otrico ovor Commercial nnd Savings Dank. Phono 103, Price, Utah. MIHCKLLANKOUH it. o. Mcdonald Contractor ami llullder Estimate glvon on all classes or work. Phone 4 9 A, Price, Utnh. II. J. TUIINKH Civil and Mining Knglnoir Surveys or all kinds. Mine ex aminations and roporla on coal Innds. 1 O. Ilox 32, Prlco, Utah. J. Ii. OWKN Contractor nnd llullder Hstlmatoa furnlshod. Phono 113Y. J!. O. Uox 228, Price, Utah. Get Ready For Winter! I MEN'S OVERCOATS I i We have a very complete line. I MEN'S SUITS I We have them at almost any price. 1 LADIES' COATS I i We have the latest patterns and styles 1 i and prices can be reached by all. I CHILDREN'S COATS I : The prices are reasonable. I ; KEEP YOUR FEET DRY j; We have rubbers for the whole family. ! Wasatch Store Co." ' Stores at Sunnysldo, Caitlo Gate, Winter Quarters u4 ", Clear Crook. 4-348 b. .VMICi: FOR PL'III.ICA'I ION. - (Publisher.) Department or tho In terior, U. S. Land Offleo nt Salt Kntry, Serial No. 010013, ror KH Notlco la hereby given that Myron Uussell or Prlco, Utah, who, on Oc tober 17, 1912, made HommtcAd Kntry, Serial No. 010013, for KVi SW',1, Lot 3 and 4, Sec 7. Twp. 12 South, Ilango 10 Knst, Salt Uiko meridian, hn tiled notUo or Inten tion to make final five-) ear proof, to catnbllah claim to tho land nbovo described, beforo the clerk of tho district court, nt Price, Utah, on the 31st day of December, 1912. Claimant names aa witnesses Oliver ltnsmiiHeu. Neal Hnnks, Frank Al ger nnd Harrison UussoU, nil or Price, Utnh K I) It 1HO.MPSON, lleglster. First pub Nov 19, lart l)e 19-12 4-348 b. MtllFF. FOH PUIH.IC.VI ION. (Publlslier) Detwrtment or the In terior, F S iAnd Olflee at Salt Lake Clt), Utah, October 28, 1912 Notice Is hereb) given that John Taylor Leonard ol Price, Utah, who, on November 2, 1908, made Desert Und Kntry, Serial No. 0805, lor NKUNKVi, Sec. 25, Twp. 15 South, llanga 9 Kast, NWVi.NWVi (Ia1 1) Sec. 30, Twp. IS South, Jtnnge JO Iteat, Salt Uke meridian, ha riltxl notice or Intention to make final proof, to eatabllili claim to tho land above described, before It. W. Crockett, United State tommls-' loner, al Price, Full, ou the 28th day of December, 1912. Claimant nam a wltnesse Andrew K Leonard, Oley tl OUen, Abe Pow ell and Iam Leonard, all of Prlco, Utah B I) It THOMPSON, HegU ter. Firm pub Nov 21. last M 2C-12 4-206. .NOIICK 1 (tit PU1II.IU.VI ION. Coal Kntr) (Sec 2317, U 8.) Und OHIce at Salt Lake City, Utah, Ootober 18, 1912. Notice Is hereby glvon that Sarah France Klllott or Aurora, count) or Kane, Mate or Illinois, ha thl day riled In this office application to purchase, Borl " '1 0'.6,lS' M",,w " lTvlslon fh vf, I4,?7' l 8 """"I Htatuto. the .N,b ', or Ut 3. of Sec 19, Twp 13 South, lunge 8 Kast, Salt Uk. -meridian Any nnd nil persons Lr "i?" a,e, ' land. .In. bribed, or desiring to object for a") reason to the entry thereor by e applicant, should rile their nN ridavlt or protest th offlco ??"; w" P-rloU or pub Ilea Ion immediately rollowlng tho Ilrst printed Issue or thla notice lou:?1!". B"l"'""' nmy bo nU lowed K I) It THOMPSON, Ueg- nmjmbouji iMl Nov 21 ,,2 NOTICK 'IO W.Vll'lt IIniMiu ' uty, Utah, Oatobor 20, 1912. No Thv'n Ury 6,m "" William A. Wellington, UUJ has inudo nSScS !runS?K,at(e6i? s,f " iradaFnr0 bear south ir ? n I,olnt w,,o south 18 degree W9t 2075 foot distant from tho nortbtatn nor ot Sec. 10, Twp it M nango 11 Kaat, Salt Ukiluia raoridlan, from where It II1W voyod to Coal Creek, a dlstuati 1171 fcot and allowed to floras tho aald crock, to a point U beara aouth 00 degree 11 bIm cast 1391 foot distant of UM wont corner of Sec 27, T$. a South, Kongo 11 Kast, Ball bst base and meridian, whore it tin rodlvortcd togothor with Inl fourtoon hundredths (2.11) k) toot ixr Hocond or th tt4 Coal Creek, and conveyed j M ot n ditch for a distance t I feet and thoro used from Mirdt to Novombor 30th, lnclulr,rl year, to Irrigate 300 acres e(U embraced In Sec. 2,7, 21 u4! Twp. 14 South, Ilango 11 M l-ako base nnd meridian TUt ultOAtlou la designated la U engineer' ofNco na No 4711 I protnat ngalnat tho grasUt Mild application, stating tbi W thorofor, must bo made ty stStt In duplloato nnd filed la tkUtd within thirty (30) days & completion of the putlK' thla notice CAI.KII TNNTR.f Kntjlnoor Date of first publlcatloo 0 1912, date of compl Uon of r89 tlon Nov 30, 1912 ltW3IHTHtHTltDrAW The High Elfieicnc) COAL Government Equivalent 2104 Lbs. Unequalled For Storajt Will Not Slack. Best of Steaming and Heating Qualities- Independent Coal &CoW PROMPT SERVICE DRAY UlNB K A. THOMPSON (J Proprietor. ! Here to Servo EreiToM J Ilensouablo Charge lx - i Dost 8ervlce Phono tltlx. MICE. OT. Plro lnsuranco rales WM Eastern Utnh aro blD'n,UiI Consult with u betou f. ffl policy. II W CrocVe" I J MMssyttgwMsJsaaSaaaaaaaaaaM