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BBj 1 BBw , taor eiqiit. I CATTLE ADVANCE; 1 SHEEP GO UP, TOO Hfj Colorado Beef Steers Sell at Highest Prices In K Several Months Lambs Fifteen to j Twenty Cents Higher. BY BBB ' BBB ' Correspondence Tho Advocate H , KANSAS CITY, Mo, Nov IG BBB Cattln received hero Oils week C2, BBW U00, Inst week 36,000, samo week BBB last year CI, COO bond The run BBB , wnii below expectation thin wcuk BBB i Mid tlio mnrkvt tins advanced If- BBB toon lo thirty conta on nearly cvorj- BBW ' thing, middle grades of cnlvos bolne; BBW a notnblo exception, Hint kind mII- B;i InK a little lower Hlnrt the middle BBW of tlio week Smaller receipts are BBW 1 expected next week, though loading BBS ', at points on tlio range hns been BBW.' pretty heavy tliln week Supply BBW ( from nonrli) territory has been BBW dwindling, nnd otory week the tin BBBJ ' dertono of tlio general mnrket bo- BBW ' romps firmer Hhort fed steers BBBf' ) Jiavo been offered In larger numbers BBBJ I this week, but killers hat taken BBW thorn readily, up lo $10 00 here BBBf j Prime steers would bring clow to BBW i $11 00 lleef offerings nt the mar- BBW j keU Is deficient In point of ntim- BBBft hers of cattle, nnd more so In the BBW) pounds of beef In one day this BBBt week here fifty loads of common BBW) trashy cattln from Arkansas nnd BBBfA Loulslnnn oamo In, selling nt $3 26 BBBJ to H-2( largely, Inaludlng the BBBJ steers. When prices nro not Infln- BAVJ? ted M they nro now this stuff would BBBfJf not pay carrlngo charges to market BAVj'i and It would not be offered Homo BBBJ or the llttlo steers nro five or six BBBJj yean old, having apparentl) waited BBBJ that long for n decont market for BABj thomtolves Colorado beef steers BBBJ told hero ostordny nt tlio highest BBBJ prices this fall, n ten car consign- BBBJ mont from Mtncos bringing $0 76 BBBJ lo 17.76 Pnnhnmlla yearlings sell BBBf nt $0.00 lo $C 7P tills week, rnnge BBBJ feeders $C 00 lo $7 00, Panhandle BBBV cows $4 CO to $6 00, mountnln cows BBBJ Hid hoircrs 16 40 lo $0 7G, eal BBBJ: calvos SHOO to $10 00, good stock BBu calvos nraiind $7 00, bulls $4 25 lo BBBJ BBWJ Bhcep recalled this week 33,900, BBBf last week 32,700, snniu wiek Inst BBBJj year 41,600 head llioer. sat on BBVJi tlio fence Mcnday when there was BBBI a good run hero, but since then thoy havo Increased tho speed of their movements In buying stuff, slim supplies tho Inst few days Jmv Ing put sellers In commnnd l'rces nro up flftcon to thirty cents, good lambs worth $7 26 to $7 60, feeding lambs around $C 00, fat ewes $4 CO, wethers $6.1C, UTAH UOOMJltOUlIltrt Alti: TO Mllirr IN .fAM'AUV MIKT 8 W McClure, secretary of the Nntlunnl Woolgrowcrs association, with headquarters In (Joodlng, Idn , was In Halt l.nko City last .Monday In nn effort to stimulate Interest In tho forty-ninth nnnunl contention of tlio association, which will bo held January Old. 10th and llth In Cliojonne, Wyo Ho sas "Wo are going to hate a bus) suasion In Choyonnc, ns there nro Important Issues to ho considered Among; them nro the tariff nnd tho land leasing questions A move ment Is on In tho Knstern State, to domnnd tho leasing of all public lands In the Writ, tho minimum price lo bo four cents nn acre As some of tho desert lands where sheep nro run during tho wlutor nnd early summer, nnd where only they cnti live, nro so bnrren that It re quires from fit a 16 fifteen acres for ench sheep, ono can onsll) sco that It brings tho pasturage up pretty high Not only the price Is objec tionable, but (ho law, If It goes through, will place the entire mat ter In the hands of tho secretary of agriculture, from whoso decision tti urn It no appeal "Tho National Woolgrowers as sociation has dono much toward re ducing the freight on wool, hnvlng brought tlin rut from $2 13 to $1 76 n hundred weight during ilia past year " During tho session In C)iecnnu wo will consider these und other questions of Importance to us nnd In- prepared to put our t-UU of them bafcru congress nt the IBuy I H C Wagons for True Economy t"TOJ cannot farm without a wagon any Y tnoro than you can keep house without a stove. You use your wagon every day nnd work it harder than anything else on tho farm. Buy a wagon that lasts longer than the aver age. It is nn cosy thing to do, even though all wagons which are painted alike may look alike. The difference in wagons is underneath the paint. It is tho material and workman ship entering into the construction of I II C wagons, Weber New Bettendorf Steel King B which mako them tho best wagon investment. BBBa Wo tell you how our wagons are built, and BBBs wo want every purchaser to convince himself BBBa before buying, that when IUC wagons are BBBa advertised as having oak hubs, hickory axles, BBBa and long leaf yellow pine box bottoms, these BBBa are tho materials actually used. BBBa When an I II C wagon reaches a farmer's BBBa barn, that farmer has one of the best wearing, BBBa easiest running farm wagons that skilled labor I BBBH can make or that money can buy. Thero is no need to speculate in buying n wagon. I II Cwagon3are made for nation-wide uses, with special features adapted to local condi tions. Weber wagons have wood gears. New Ucttendorf and Steel King have steel gears. Tho IUC wagon dealer in your town sells the wagon best suited to your neighborhood. Ask him for I H C wagon literature, or write International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated! Salt Lake City Utah W I II C Stnhm Duu 'nBFjfcS The purpose of this Mureau Is lo furnish, fre njK of charts to all, the belt information obtainable , jafiTJ on better larinlnr. If you have an, worihr quet- MWtUl tlons concerning soils, crops, land dralnace. Irrl- JmW7 cation, fertilisers, etc .make your Inquiries specific rWmftf snd send them to I II C bcrvlco Uureau, Harvester BBr Uulldlnr.Chlcato.U3A B. apjsjssssjgaa, aBjB- - -it ssafiMlBBBafc tTlTisisai ""ifWTiiMi irt af" -ir-Ltw .wiiwMjaaaiBBlssjjBjsjttasi Mm KABTEIIX UTAU AilVOCAff. TllfltSDAV, XOV. Si, 1012. cBa! Men's roy 1 I illllS TV flBto &Pn TfAaaal $1.98, $2.49 and $2.98. K34pWR These are Exceptional Values. 0 I Come early, don't miss them. "''JjQQO'" I r:r. A new line of Ladies' Going Home For 1 Skirts, Grays, Browns, rTUixt-lr2.crWritrv I Blues, Fancy Stripes hanKSglVing? and Mixed Goods. a An nn i lf s0 yu may necd a Su,t Casc or a f1 $2.98, $3.98 aild Trunk. We have them and prices I ihj nn are lowest. SA RR SUIT CASES 98 U5' $U9' $,-98( 2'49. R9S. 'UU' Telescopes, 25, 49, 69, 79, 89, 98c, Ladies' and Children's Trunks, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98, $3.49, Outing Flannel Gowns, AH Leather Suit Case, $5 value $3.98, 49c, 69c and 98c. $7 value $4-98. Shawl Straps 25c New Line Rugs and Mats, 98c, $1.49.1 Axminster Rugs, $2.49. Axminster Rugs, $3.75. All wool Ingrain Rugs 9x12, $9.90. Axminster Rugs, 9x12, Floral and Oriental designs, $25.00 value $19.90. I The Golden Rule Store! PRICE, UTAH. -- I Mmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmamammammmmsmmmmamamtwmntmii i i r i m iwi i iiiiiLJLiJL...:aiirMl'.i;iiiii,.jvMsasssWBl special session tlmt will ti called by Wootlrow Wilson "Htntu nssoclntlons are nicotine nil over tho country preparatory to tlin national convention. C II. Blow nrt lias Just Informed mn that the Utnli association Mill bo naked io meet In Halt l.nko City January th nnd Till Vi nro roIiik to lute good uponknrj nnd many prominent mon nt tlio contention, nnd every locnllt) where llicro are slitep should bo reprosontud " IIOslO.N WOOI, M.IIKI7I gi'iirr Vim i'asp i:i,u II08TUN, .Mass, Nov Ifi-Trod-I UK ha been rnthtir morn iiulet dur ItiB the post MHjk, thotiKli a fslr nmoiitit of wool lias been sold, mostly In small lots, to suppl) th most pressing nveds of mitniifnrtur trs who sert holdliiK off until af ter election, hoplni; for lower prfois As n consoiueiieti the) Juno bven obllKed to operate nt old prices, but nro lonflnlnic their purchnstm to the smallest possible oompas In sows esses the) nro Inslstlni; on spllttlrtK lots nnd refuse to tako tho usual proportion unless tlm wool Is actu nil) needed 'lotnl wiIh for the I woek hate been about three million pounds, the bulk of this beliiK ler r rltory wools In orlglnnl baKs Home lurKO spinners hate been In the mnrket, nnd though they ntinouneo l n dotermlnntlon to conflnu their I ptirchnstMi to tho wool needed to cotcr thtlr orders, tho extent of their operations Indicate that tluiy I hato been having n Rood business of late Prices bate been very wall sustained, dealers turning down a Brent many current bids rather than make eton moderate concessions. Iloth orlithml Imir wool nnd graded territories hate sold on the clean bnsls of slxt)flte to slxt)-saten cents for tine staple, slxt)-tlireu to slxl).flte cents for liulf blood sta ple, flfty-seten to flft)-elKht cents for Ihren-elRliths blood staple and flfl)-threo to flft)-flte cents for quarter-blood staple, with clothing territories at sixty lo lxt)-tw rent for fine nnd flft)-ten to fifty f If I) -eight eetUe for fine medium Block, of domestic wool are getting light, recent estimate !) a lead in; member of the trade being that there was less, wool In lloston of all kinds the first of Not ember than there wmt at the beginning of the ear, and that the remaining stocks of domostlc wool unsold will not ex ceed eighteen million pounds crnul littt'H helling Will, rourleon hundred head of Uintah county ewes sold for B 26 per head a fotv days ago, and without nil) gruxlng privileges Included This Is said to be the beet price rnngu owes have over sold for In that section of countr) i:. 1). Hamuols disposed of this, herd to I A. Hlchardson of Jenson " J u n. i:i.niii:uau. becnury. established l&ytt j K The Largest and Strongest Local Pire Insurance !; i Agency In the State. ! R. W. Crockett & Co. jj General Insurance Agents. j; J I Losses Adjusted and Paid From This ! j !; Office, No Contested Claims,, J ; Exceptional Facilities For ; i Handling Any Lines, j ; Large or Small.' ; Abstracters of Titles For Carbon County Under $10,. ! I 000.00 Bonds. Price River Valley Farm Lands ; ; and Fruit Orchards. City Property. CURRENT TIME CARM r.riixrnvi: .may io, ioiu. H No Uatts rMBJ C Denver, Pueblo, Chicago nnd tho Kast .... .... 5 1HBJ S Donver, Puoblo, Chicago and tho Unit . . . 10 !! 4 Denver, l'uoblo, Chicago and tlio Kail H M l(H I3S Sunnysldo nnd tntormedlato point. . .. '"''I 1 Ogdon, Salt I.ako City und Provo oll':Bl r Ogdon, Salt Lake City nnd Provo ... . SvOLsjBJ Ogdon and Salt l.nko City b:(HH 139 Prom 8unii)slde .. 5",BJ SC()l'li:i,ll llltANUll I No C2 Leaves Coltofi for Rcoflold nnd Clear Creek 'JbI No 651 Leaves Clear Creek for Cotton iM MAItHVALi: 11HANCII No. Si: Leave. Thlstlo for Mnryevnle 10lJ,,liB No 511 Arrives from Mary.valo , '4"-1Bj nn: s()i'iiu:it utaii uaii.iioau. M Makes ono or moro round trips dally from Price to HU' IBJ (Miller Crook) No regular schidulo Trains leni UMls"1 Utah depot at foot of Klghlh slreot Carries mail 1'lxed tnU. m 'i hi: uasti.i: vaijm:v iuiluoao. I Make, ono or more round trip, dall) from PrUe tt. MorU (Cedar Creek). No regular schedule. Train, leave Soutt" Utah depot at foot of Eighth atrcot. Carrie, mall Ml tn STAOIM .SOUTH AVI) SOUTH. 8tago for Vernal and Intormodlate point, loave. Prle ' morning, except Sunday., nt 8 o'clock. Carrie, the United SU mall, passenger, and express Thomas Touts, Agent, l " Offlco with Wolls-Kargo Kxptoss Co. Stago for tho town ol Rmcry and Intermediate point. J Price dally at 7 o'clock each morulug. Carrie. United Bll pa.sonBer and oxprc.. A. M. Abolln, Mnnaner, at Pioneer W' flarn. ' ' HIS OIIANUK, ; Tommy' There ain't room enough' on Hint sled for t J ' inu'vl!""! k" ",ere ,,,,, but l"n I Kit to the uo."p", '"'I you can haul u bok 1, Bofa pillows, .f1 towel, for qmbroWerini Kennody's