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bbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbI B1BBBB wrffr ; . - nl ; R jlOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT OF "THE GREAT MORAL AND REl IOUS" DOES MOST OF THE GOOD WORK SEEN LOCALLY IH Eastern Utali "Advocate I t A NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED FOR IJEOPLE NOW ON EARTH. HI '.win. " w .1 VbwJ . THICK, ITAII, Tllt'ltSDAY, NOV. SH, IU. S BBB 1 MK N EM II Bii(M)ij ijui.dino now NT CO.MIM.I.Ti:i). With Homo Hplcmlld Out Went IIcIiik Arranged 1'invnnN of n Hundred Hd Dollars ntut Hlrurliiiv Btpmrltl of the l'lnot. Bckcrt, contractor for the fth school bulldltiK. In Advocate that ho will iin Bturo tho ntrucluro otcr Bice by tho ISth of Dp- ' Kit It will ho formnlly i Bhe public on Friday, l)e ill Tho building nml exclusive of tho ground, Bost whon completed un H hundred thousand dol Bbonrd of trustee Is pre-B-ntcrtnlnment Tim fin Bics nro now being added Hlng Bmp1ctod Mil building ftnd to nono In tho state. B regulation clasn nnd ns Bmi, tho school has h B swimming pool, rent Kcnt and other modorn Bt meeting of the fncul- Bolllcd to engage ft J1UIII- Bclass attractions.' It Is Bjli.iTo tho students glvo Bj of K.ister concert In Bk opera will bo presented Bft lu tho holiday ronton. B)kn that will tnko pnrt j Bk 1 -.elude Prof Alfred I Bjoninnln llydo orchtslrn Bllnu I Mn Ilnbcock of IIMIEIITIIINS- im linn Organlid An B nt llrn- llimcl. Hji unrits, Nov .r. H) ulnlil n concert was Hl lit':rtla- .Uliits Btr IU ini-plc's of .h- BV I h ilHam T Kvuns Bj ury excellent jiro d r. I Tho h oiiko was Bll !i mthuslnstlc llston '' I ' n membership of Bt11' u number of part Bl I y p.irtlcit who nr Bli! the iholr, IiicIiiiHiik m the orchestra, n coo Bjitcx Mor on, nml a vlo Bjrofcior Adumson. Ho '-d vIollnlHt nnd nil BJKvi, having finished n B'? in (lermnny, BJrtcru now )iaa an ox BJ Ortcu on Id lit dnyH v:ibcrs serenade the IH ninny cliolco selections i and two MMiibors of IHard nro in nftoudanco Bb Teacher' association BVng hold iu Bait I,ako Bffihth grade class will Bm Friday night. BHN(ii: AT HAVOVj flDSO.V IH MANAUHH B lurriui lu huslneiia Bt't of tho wcok that ,'V' w'io hna boon con- , BJ'ckl Savoy Hlnco lt , IB" of tho ownon und B' llio liniiHo, iiad (IIh- IBjh'-rt-Kt thoreln to A. "BJ4 1 'rtnur "'BpovkCNer, Inrornis "tho (BJ-d religious" that 1 BB ' tlnt an Intercut In Bu lll bo awuy from ,Br mtwt of tho time, B dcmandlnu moot of Boodu depnrted for B Inst Monday oven- B'loii, wlio rocontly B Savoy with Wooda, Bc"vo nmnngemont of ' B Hl koop it up to Bndard, Ha full lino of inoder Btre nnd ranges. III l iSrVjOUCMiBBBBBBBBBBBHBH7l T v.MZHnPlL J II BH ;Jl4ijLL7rxBB BBV UirJ)tfx Ulllw j. II BB BBf 9" "vVMBBB BBBBT " ''', i w BrI m Be one we bad mm m old folks THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION (low William Spry' annual ThankuRlvlriK proclamation I wild to bo one of tho very nhorltMt of It kind over iMiucd by any prmddent of tho I'nltcd Stat or a KOternnr if nny ntnttt. It reada: "ily tho (Jovurnor of I tit State of Utah, n Proclamation: llallowcil an an Inatltutlan of the I'llRrim Vu thora, tho cuatom of sotting apart n day in each year for'thankuRUInR nnd prayer comes down to ua pure nnd wholeaomo in the aweot simpli city of Its obsorvnncu. "In porpotuntlon of this oustom nnd In purauanco of tho proclama tion of tho president of the United States, I, William Spry, Rovcrnor of tho state of Utah, do hereby deilg unto Thursday, Novembor 28, 1012, ThnnksglvlnB Day, nnd urRO l" tho pooplo of this stato tho obser vance of tho dny In Its truo spirit. "At tho altar of every family clr clo and In tho plnoes of worship, let thnnka bo returnod for tho bles sings of llfo nnd liberty, of peace nnd ImpplnoMi for tho enjoyment of mntorlal prosperity and for every good and proolou gift. In humil ity, lot gratoful noknowlcdgomont be mndn of the manifold evidences of dlvlno direction and protection In nil tho affairs of llfo. "In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused to bo affixed tho great seal of tho stato of Utuh. Done at Salt Lake City tho capital, this ICth day of No vember, A. D., 1912- William Spry, Qovernor." PROVO IS OUT FOR THE i W. G. SHARP RAILROAD I'HOVO. Nov 25. The cltlivus of 1'rovo tonight mado a determined I bid to securo the terminus of the j Utuh railroad coal road from Kmory and Carbon counties. In response to n call from Mayor Decker, an en thusiastic tunas meeting was held. Tho sense of the meeting was thnt I'rovo must havn tho terminus, nnd A committee wax appointed to raise the necossnry thirty thoiiHand dol lars, this clty' (juota of the cost. The company sovornl months ago : mudo surveys of tho road from th! coal Holds to Spanish Pork, where upon tho Provo Commercial club communicated with tho officers of tho company nnd made an attempt to aecuro tho terminus for this city. Tho railroad people replied that It would be necessary to purchase the right of way from Spanish Kork Canyon to Provo, a distance of eleven mile. Tho club named a committee to Investigate tho cost of the right of way. Tonight the oom mlllco reported thnt from thirty five to sixty thousand dollars would be nocesuury. The committee also stated thut immodlate notion would be necessary If Provo was to bo considered at all. Among tho speakers at tonight's meeting who favored tho proposition wore D. It. Ileebe, W. II. liny, Kera Decker. P. A. Hulsh, It. It. Irvine and Jospho T. Knrrer. Mayor Docker appointed a committee of ten to take subscriptions for Provo's share of tho expense. Present nl tho mooting was H. S. Kerr, engi neer for the company, who wild contracts will bo let iu soon as tho money Is guaranteed. Ho said his company would erect u round house nnd other uocessnry buildings nt Provo nt a cost of a huudrod nnd fifty thousand dollars nnd glvo tin mediate employment to between fif ty und ieenty-fivo men. It Is believed tho necessary sum will bo raised within two weeks. niNMTlKJHEEr ESTATE Petition I'lliil For (!iiiuillaii.ilp of Three Minor Clillilitn. On behalf of Mrs. Kruncott M. Snoot, widow of the lute Arthur A. tfwsot, Frederick A. Sweet has filed n petition In tho probute division of iu- Third District court at Salt I.ako City for tho appointment of hlmbolf ut guardian of Maroella Wade Sneet, Harold Arthur Bwoot and Doils Loulso Swoet. aged 11, 9 and 2 ytara, respectively. Tho petition declares that the appointment of a gunrdlan is necessary for thu pro hnte of the will of docoasod, who loft an estate, valued nt 1 t7.9C9.24. New line of paint brushes. Tho Adrosate Publishing Co. J slod Advertising Performs Genuine Public Service "formation ""out now nnd bettor-things to wear, home nocossltlos. comforts and utilities. It onnblos everyone to purchase the , tHWoll as tho luxurlos of life at lowost cost. It identifies tho most reliable merchants, tho most dependable raorohondlse, and the ' lry stores it tolls whore to buy nnd how to buy to best advantage. It Is a powerful factor In the successful promotion of jMfr u,a factor In tho economic management of tho home. Those who advertise regularly In The Advocate recognlxe your pur ."M invito yor confidence nnd patronago-aud deserve It. The surest way to save money Is to follow these advertisements ntuntly Profit by tho Information they contain nnd the money saving opportunities they afford. 8 p"- rBl . - Hi YsMs'saMiallaMaMBataiiMail GAMBLING CLOSED ' ll IN CARBON COUNTY II Sheriff Thomas F. Kclter Serves Notice On Pro- f Jb! prietors of Saloons and Other Places ' HjH As to Violation of Law. Irfl (InmbllnR, open or olherwlso, is n thing of the past in tho city of Prlco nnd tho towns of Cnrbon eounty. Sheriff Thomas V. Keltor has Issued written orders from )ils offlco to alt owners or tioo opera ting Kntnbllng devices in Price nnd tho other places coming under Ms Jurisdiction. Tho law, which U to bo kirlctly enforced, npplles also to owners of property ns well n to renters of tho same. City Marshal John U. Ilryncr has nlso notified tho Prlco people concerned verbally of his Intention to enforce tho law. Bhcrlff Keller's notice, served per sonally, reads- Nnlhit In (Iniiientero. "Price, Utah, Nov. 2S. My atten tion has been directed to violations of tho law In your establishment, where, I am ndvlsed, you )me con ducted various gambling games. It Is my duty ns an officer of the law to aot upon such information when communicated to mo, nml I accord ingly havo to advlso you that nny Information that 1 may rooclvo on, and nftor this dan ns to gambling on your promise will luduco to your arront and prosecution ns pro vided for In Chapter 134, Hoi w! on U of Utah, 1011. Yours truly, (Signed) T. V. Kollor, sheriff Car- )uia0ijtjiAty1ati.(fci mm For Mvcral months gnmbllhg' In, Prlco has been 'wido opon, being run "both ways from tho deuco," ns It wore. Those engaged lu It nml the owners of games hae paid n flue each month to the city, aver aging about twenty-rite dollars each or something like two hundred nnd fifty to three hundred dollars monthly. This money has gone In to the city treasury after deducting city court cost nnd tho like. Ilelnr On the I.M. At lUtjMir thH owner of games nnd proresslounl gamblom hnve been fined monthly nllku nnd u con siderable roenue has been derived therefrom. In tho coal onmi, It is said, gambling was discontinued nt tho saloons when tho now state law went Into effect making it a felony. Scofleld has never boon muoh of u Kntnbllng town at nny time, but what does exist will now ho stoppod. Sheriff Keltor, it Is wild, will play no favorites, but Is determined that It shall no longer continue it Is believed that conditions lit Price und other plncos In Carbon couuty has boon called to tho attention of (lovornor Spry nnd A. II. llarnos, nttorney general, aa hucIi action has beeu suggested for some time by cltlions of Prlco. Thoro nro few business men In tho county but what nro against gambling. ITAII PItODUOTH Alti: l).M)i:it AltlO.VA MAX Strlot (lunrunllno against nil nur sery stock, hay, grain, alfalfa seod, straw and fruits from the entire stato of Utah Into Arizona has been declared by the Arliona commission on agriculture nml horticulture. A. M. Morrill, stato entomologist for Arizona, state thnt tho com mission )md declared a quarantine ugnlnst tho entire state of Utah and ngalnst it number of counties in Idaho and Wyoming whero the ul falfa weevil Is bad. The object In declaring the quar antine Is to check the alfalfa wee vil epidemic thnt exists In Utah nnd prevent It getting Into Arlxonn, it Is said. KQUAW AHKH FOIt IHVOKCK ON ClIAIUJi: OF (JHUKI.TV VKHNAI,, Nov. 2B. It wa not so very long ago that tho Indians b fi nal) woe u ring llcousos to wod, but they nro now becoming clvlllxed more rapidly and nro beginning to settle tholr marital troubles in court. Tho two Indians who want n di vorce are Conconlno and his squaw Kalbab of Ilangloy, Colo. Thoy have boon married more than twenty years, but tho woman doolares she can no longor stand the nbuse heaped upon hor. She aska for relief and the cus tody of tho two children, AS TO Iffl SUllS ' I 9 ('out fnoqw May lnrorMintln An 'BB Touin to Do Auiiy Willi Tlinn. j Thnt they may have something to iHbb tay In tho mnttor of who nnd whnt f sBVl kinds of business Is to bo carried f BBj on nt their oamps, it Is rumored ' 1SV that Utah Fuel company nnd other I If H of tho corporations of Carbon conn- BJ ty nro to Incorporate ns towns such , I ,, )BI camps as Castle Uate, Konllworth, I L 'H Sunnystde, Winter Quarters, Clear f JBB Creek, Spring Canyon tuid Panther Bj Canyon ns soon m tho two latter t MM hnvo suftlelcnt jiopulatlon. Tho f . ?BJ others mentlnnrd arc already of i'l 1 sufficient site. ' JM Tho decision on Ihoso lines eooms '' 'LBJ to hnvo been formulnted because ot 1 m jRfl tho Insistence of ostnblUhlng "brush k 1BI saloons," as they urn tunned, adja- V9sfl conl to thy coal camps, a condition KBb! which tho coul coiiipnnles nro not Bwl desirous of seeing, ns they claim HBI inch places nre a detriment and a '' jynncotcjgnaMonu BB n7ut7boutpcmK "H commlsilonors license nil snloonBW sm BBh outside towns. 1' BB If these places are Incorporated It lH means ot course thut a very largo i H volume of tnxea coming Into tho Bl county treasur will bo out off and VS n oorrespondlng Inonium mudo in 1b tuxiM outside of these places, other- )BI wise, the county unit. It is not Bal likely thnt any mote will bo mudo, Bl however, until after the policy ot H tho IncomlHg board ot eounty com- BS mlsslotiers Is known. Bl PUIti: WATl.'lt I'KIIIT K IH HTUDI,V W.(Ji:t) IBj C. F. Kmory, sanitary inspector Bi In the office of tho state board ot vai health, was this weok lu Saupeto jBj county, whore ho made an Inspec- IBB lion In connection wltht ho board'n . BB campaign for pure water supplies. ' BB Tho board is trying to get real- IBj dents of thu statu to use springs K flD Instead of surface wells and Irrlga- K Hl ting ditches for culinary purposos. K .BB Kmery mado mi Inspection In Utah IrriBn county yestordny. IWiH Tho ImquKtor U gathering data 1V.FV! on tho disposal of refuse and un- IkIiIB sanitary corrals. This and tho wa- l?iB tor supply will bo treated ot fully in U'bVI tho annual report of the board, iniB which Is being compiled. j1iB Kmory is expected to visit Car- ufjB bon and Kmory counties this weok, luJB looking especially Into vmtor'eoiidl- IeAH tlons. Rll NOUMAIi CKUTIFItUTIiH U'H ahi: iiki.d v.i.i)i:u:sh Sb1 Tho teachers of Suit hake City SFil rocolvod tho announcement tho KlBl other day thut those touching on kKBJ certificates from thu state normal NhBI must take out stato teachers' II- BW conses at onco. This means that !SvbI fully half of Uio toacheni of Ion (iSH and oven tho stato hnvo been teach- HmbI Ing without a llconse, BIB This point was decided u weok flfl ago by Attorney Oonern Albert IU Iiarnea, who said, in his opinion, KH tho only legal right to teach wait BU glvon at tho offices of the utato Blfl board or education. This will mean Ban that moro t)mn a thousand certlfl- H catos of tho stato are void. Mil (JOVKItN.MKNT COAI, HI MINIMI IN AUIHICA Hfl HKATTI.K, Wash., Nov. 2G.Mall M advices from Seward say tho gov- Blfl ernmont is nssembllng a coal min- Wl Ing outfit nt Knik, to be shipped IBM Into the Matanuskn conl field ns HH soon as the snow Is heavy enough IBB for travel. Boa Two hundred tons of Matanuaka Bfil conl will be mtnod by thu govorn- BflB mont to 'onablu the navy to toet the fSrM steaming quality of tho Alaska fuel, if! Another govornmont ooal oxpodltlon Bl Is at work In the Uorlng rlvgr field, Bl i yj BflflBBBBflBflBBBBBBflflflflflflnBflBITf BBBhSBBVBBHMnKJI. ,, : .'-