Newspaper Page Text
ft K BR I PAOMTOUK. THK KA8TKKX UTAH ADVtt'ATK. THl USD V. , MX. Sg- W IThe Eastern Utah Advocate Tho Advocato Publishing Company (Inc.). H. W. Crockott, Manager. Snbncriptlon 11a ten: Ono Year 1 GO; Six Mo, 75c; Threo Mo, GOo. avj:uti8i.vo iutksTi.v i:rri:or januahy i, 1012. DISPLAY ADVEItTISINO l'or Inch per Slnglo Issuo, 2Bcj per Inch por Month, 20c Each Issue. POSITION Full Position, Top of Column. Next Itoadlng, ndd 26 por cent to above. Alongsldo Heading Matter, add 10 por coot to aboro. READERS Per Lino, Ono Time, 10c, per Lino, Subsequent, Cc. PROFESSIONAL CAIID8 Not Ovtr Ono Inch, $1.00 por Month. LEQALS Ten Cents per Lino Kirs' Ittsortlon. Flro Cents per Lino JJaeh Subsequent Issue OBITUARIES Cards of 'I hanks, Resolutions, Etc., at Half Local Hooding Notko Hates Address nil Communications to THE ADVOCATE PUMjIHIII.Ntl CO., Price, Utnli. THURSDAY, DEC B, I III 'J. 1; t'OAI. MINED LKHS THAN A 1IU.V IIHCII YKAIW. 'i Tho first mention of tho occur- H ronco of con I In tho United Hlatos, Hljl ntcordlng to tho United Btatos goo H logical suncy, Is mado In tho Jour- Pf nnl of Father Hennepin, a Freneh Bl Jesuit missionary, who In 1C79 re- Hf corded tho slto of a "eolo mlno" on Hu "10 Illinois rlror, near the present Blt city of Ottawa, Ills. Tho first ao- Hi tual mining of coal Mas In tho Rich- K Jiiond Ilnsln, Va , about seventy ' years after Father Hennepin's din- H coory In Illinois, but tho first rco- m ords of production from tho Vlrpliiln U m In ps waro for the )enr 1822, when, PH according to ono authority, fifty J four thousand tons wero mined. H ' Ohio probably ranks second In prl- Hl orlty of production, as coal was dls- HI corcrod thoro In 1755, but tho ree- Hi ords of production dato back only Ml to 1838. The mining of nnthrnclto H In Ponnsylvnnln began about 1700, H and t Is said that In 1807 Xlfty-flvo B tons wero shipped to Columbia, Pa. R. Itaports o'f tho nnthrnclto coat trinlo K nrn usually begun with tho year H 1820, when threo hundred slxty-flvo H long tons wero shipped to Phllndcl- H phla from tho Lohtgh region Prior H to this, how over, In 1814, n ship- B mont ot twonty-two tons wns mado H from Carhondnlo, also to I'lillndol- H phla, and Is considered to mvo bo- W Run In tlint year. It Is probablo W thai tho actual production prior to K 1820 was between twenty-five hun- ' drod and threo thousand tons. Tho HL production for 101 1 was 4915,231,- K Attontlon Is called by tho United B State geological survoy nt Wash- H Ington, I). C., to tho fact that It B dmis not maWo nunlyses or assnys H of ores or motals for prlvnto par- B. tins. Many specimens and samples B nrn receUml by tho survey, accom- HHB' punled by reiiuests for such treat- B mont, with which It Is Imposilblo to H comply. Tho force Of ohomlsU cm- HHHt ployed In tho surtoy Is small, and HHV their tlmo Is fully occupied by their B regular official duties. Tho gco- H logical survey has no facilities at H nil for making gold and silver ns- H says. Tho most Hint win bo dono H U for tho survoy geologist to glvo B an offhand opinion based on a slut- HftWf pin examination ot tho specimen. If B nn &Mny I desired, tho proper HhVV courtui I to employ n prlvnto as- HhSB iiajror or to send tho specimen to HhSV ono of tho government nssay of- HhSV flcos, whoro u rogttlnr chargo Is HASm mado for such work. When specl- HhSB mmw aro sont to tho survey for ox- HhSB cmluatlon, applicants should bo par- HhSh titular to statu whether thoy 'wish HhSb thorn returned, as othervtlso thoy HhSB will bo destroyed. Government as- HASH nn) of (Uti nro located at Carson, B Nov ; Sottttlo, Wash., llolso, Ida , Hj Hslonn, Mont., Chnrlotto, N C, H nud Suit Lake- City. HhSB Nollcv n group of mon standing HhVB on. tho curb nt it distance and ou HhVB can toll nt onco whothor they nro B nrgulng or Just goMslplng. If thoyro K arguing they'll bo Kostloulatlug and HhVBJ waving their arms moro or less If HhVH they are merely gossiping most of HhVB thorn will be stauUIng with their HASH hands In thulr pookttU HBHHb Oormnny tu bollovoa In tho bono- HBHB fits to bo derives! from an oil mono- H paly that tho govornmuut of tho HHHHK ktiluor propiMHW to acquire It In HBHHK that couutry. (lovoriiinoiit mono- HHHHS polios nro not unknown In lluropo. HBHHC Tho Frunoh govornment for yoars BHHK linn monopolized tho mntoi business HHHK In Franoo. HBHHft Novadu Is v liking up to the dls- HBHHj Kruco oast upon the stnto by tho HBHHS oay going dlvorco laws and It Is BBBBK uxpouted that those will bo amended BBBHK by tho Incoming loglslaturo In u BBBHB war that will bo less Inviting to HpSBBB thosq doslroua of bqlng rcllovod of BBBHH their mntrlmonlal rospouslbllltlos, Provo Is to hnvo n street car sys tem, tho fourth in tho state, with second hand equipment bought at Halt Laka City Hut then, thero Isn t much nbout Provo In nny light It Is taken, that isn't second hnnd. Newspaper correspondents nro busy making up n cabinet for tho Wilson ndmlnlstrntlon, while Wil son himself Is kept Just as busy de li) lug Hint ho has mado any selec tions ns yet. We hnvo nnother greot lesson up on the rnluo of persavernnco. You ran oven koop voting tho demo cratic ticket until you elect n president. If the parcels post has done no thing olio, wo hnvo Its Inaugura tion to thank for a proposed reduc tion In robbor eiprtws rates Thorn's ono good thing about tho democrnts who fall to land Jobs. Tho)'vo had plenty of practice mak ing their own living. MAKES THE NATION (1AHI. Tho nwful list of injuries on n Fourth ot July nlnggors humnnlt) Hot over agnlnst It, howovcr, Is the wondorfut hoallng by Uucklcn's Ar nica SaIvo of thousnnds who suf fered from burns, cuts, bruises, bul let wounds or explosions. It's tho quick honlcr ot bolts, ulcers, oczc ma, soro lips or pllos. Twonly-ftvo conU nt all dealers Advt MITItt I'ltOM ('AUIK)N COir.NTV 111(211 KCIIOOL I Tho Btudonts' Commercial club Is putting out Invitations for u danc ing party, Frldny evening of this week. Tho danco will bo ono ot tho best of tho soason and tho ener getic club is sparing no means to mako ll n social sucectwi. Tho dec orntlons will bo special for tho oc casion. Progrnms of n unique form nro being prepared. Itofroshmonts will bo served. On Frldny of next week n big dancing party Is to bo given by tho now girls' band. This organization has about forty member and It gives promise of being a huge suc cess. Tho danco on Frlduy will be tor tho purpose ot raising funds with which to buy uniforms, Instru ments, music, etc. In tho danco tho voung Indies will miction off cakes which they nro going to mako for tho occasion. Preparations tor tho hit: oponlng of tho now high school nro assum ing doflnlto form. On tho evening preceding tho opening Utah's great tenor, Prof. Alfred Dost, assisted by nu nblu corps of Salt Lake musi cians and local talent, will glvo n concert This Is tho first ot tho I) con m course that is being given by thp high school. Immodlatoly after thu holldujs tho high school Is planning to glvo A reception to all tho parents of tho students. Furniture for the now building Is arriving dally and is being pluosd. Tho Ilaldwln grand piano that Is to bo ihkkI In tho auditorium has arrived (lot the bnby's ploturo taken be fore Christmas at Waters' photo studio. Price, Utah Advt TACT WJjll HESSHE (Continued from page one.) behind them not only the moral smtl mont ot the country, but the prncdcsl support of nil the lejrttlmnto trad la tercets likely to bo affected. Since the IntcrnsUonal convention wns signed adherence to It has been made by or oral European states not represented nt tho conference of Tho Hague ind nUo by seventeen Latln-Amcrlcan re publics Eurept snd ths Nssr Esit. Tho war between Italy and Turkey came to a close In October last by the signature of a treaty of eace, aubie qurntly to which tho Ottoman empire renounced sovereignty over Oyronilcs end Trlpolltnnle In fsror of Italy. Pur ' ing tho psst year tho near east has tin fortunately been tho theater of ran-1 stant hostilities. Almost simultaneous ly with the conclusion of peace be i tween Italy and Turkey and their ar-! rival nt nn adjustment of the complex questions at Issue between them, war broke out between Turkey on the one hand and Hulgaris, Greece, Montcne-' gro and Servla on tho other. In tho cxcrclso of my duty In the matter I have dispatched to Turkish waters n special service squadron, con ststlng of two armored crullers, In or der that this government may If need be bear Its part in such measures ni It may be necessary for the Interested na tions to adopt for the safeguarding of foreign lives and property In tho Otto man empire In tho event that a danrtr ous situation should develop. Liberia, As n tcoult of the efforts of this gov ernment to place tho government of Liberia In poMllon to pny 111 outstntd Ing Indebtedness snd to maintain s stablo and etrtclcnt government, nego tiations for n loan of $1,700,000 lure been successfully concluded, and It U anticipated that tho psyment of the old loan and tho Issuance of tho botxlj of the 1012 loan for the rrhabllltntlonof the finances of Liberia wilt follow at nn early date, when tbo new rccclvtr ship will go Into active operation The new receivership will consist of a gen eral retch er of customs dctlguated by tbo guv eminent of the United Btnlci and threo receivers of customs dep ilated by tho governments ot Qermnny, I'm me and tlrent Ilrltaln, which coun tries have lommerclal Interests In the republic of l.llicrln. Ths Fsr Csit. Tim political disturbances In Clilii In tho nutumn and winter of 101112 resulted In tho nlxllcntlou of tho Mia elm rulers on I'eti 12, followed by tie formation of n provisional republican government empowered to conduct the nffslrs of tho nntlon until n permanent government might be regularly estab lished. Tho natural sympathy of tie American People with tho assumpMou of rrpultlmn principles by the Chinese people was appropriately eipressed In a cmiturreiit resolution of congrrn on April 17, 1012 A constituent assembly, composed ot representatives duly chosen by the people of Chlnn In tho elections that nre now Mug held, has been called to meet In January next to adopt a pormnticut constitution and orgailze the government of tho nascent repub lic. During tho formative constitutional stsgo nnd landing deflnlto action by tho assembly, as expressive of the popular will, and the hoped for estab lishment of a stable republican form of overnment cspable of fulfilling Its PIT HIS OAH15 i:.tTLY. "When father was sick about six imrs ago ho read nn advertisement of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TablctN In tho paper that fit his caso exactly," writes Miss Margaret Campbell of Fort Smith, Ark "He purchased u box ot thorn nud he bus not boon sick slnco. My sister had stomach trouble nnd wns also beso med by them." Hold by nil deal ers Advt. Pillow slips, guost towols, sofa pillows, center pieces, laces and fringe. In fact, everything in fnary work at Mrs. Itlch's, THE AItT HTOHE, located at Sumner's new furniture store. Advt STHAYIUI ("lit hKlT.KN. Thirty head of sheep, branded half circle on side Howard for In formation loading to reepvery, Car bon County Commission Co Advt City und ranch property it. W Crockett & Co , Prlco, Utah, Light Your Kitchen with a J5aj& Bracket Lamp Sometimes in the kitchen or elsewhere you need n lamp held high, where it will light tho whole room, nnd be out of the reach of children. The Rayo Bracket Lamp is made for exactly this purpose. It Is one of the famous Rayo Family -the best kerosene lamps made. Ae,,5,J W.',C "?.h'VJe".Jjr' di,'fu,l"d- A M,onP' wbeumUl bracket, essily filled to the wslh The Ismp Is ineipenslve Kconomicsl, Lighted wlihout removing chimney or Hsyo Lamps ire msJe in various styles snd for sll purposes. A, EwowArrr 7 STANDARD OIL COMPANY (An loJlta CofporMlea) International obligations, the United fcUtcs Is, according to precedent, main taining full and friendly de facto re lations with the provisional govern ment. Tho new condition of affair thus I created has undented many serious and complicated problems, both of In ternal rehabilitation and of 'ntcrna tlonal relations, vvhoe solution It was realized would necesiarll) require mtiih time and patience, i'rom the beginning of tho upheaval last autumn It wns felt by tho United States. In common with tho other powers having large Interests In Chlnn, that inde pendent nctlon by tho foreign govern ments in their own individual Inter ests would add further confusion to n situation already complicated A pol icy of International co-oporatlon was accordingly adopted In an understand- 1 Ing. reached early In the disturbances, to act together for tho protection of tho lives and property of foreigners If mennccd, to maintain nn attitude of i strict Impartlnlltj as between the con- I tending factions and to abstain from any endeavor to Influence tho Chinese In their organization of n now form of government. 1 It was father mutually agreed, In the hope of histenlng nn end to hos tilities, Hint none of tbo Interested pow ers would npprove the making of loans by Its nationals to cither side. As soon, however, as a nnlted provisions! gov ernment of China was assured, the United States Joined in n favorablo consideration of that government's re quest for ndvancea needed for Imme diate administrative necessities and later for a loan to effect a permanent national reorganization. Tho Interested governments had already, by common content, adopted, In respect to the pur poses, expenditure and security of any loans to China made by their nationals, certain conditions which wero held to be wcntlnl, not only to secure reason able protection for tho foreign Invest ors, but also to safeguard and strength en China's credit by discouraging Indli crlmliiHtc borrowing nnd by insuring tho nppllrntlon ot tho funds toward tho eitnhlMuncnt of tho stable and effee tire gov eminent neeessnry to China's welfare In June Inst rcprcoutatlre banking Rrouf- of the United States, France Cermnny, flrcat Hrltnln, Jnpnti nnd . Ituli formulated, with the general sanction of their rciqectlvc govern ments, the gunntntles that would be I expected In relation lo tho expenditure j and security of the large reorganization i loan desired by China, which, however, hnvo thus far proved unacceptable to the provbdnual government. Ths Cuban Situation. Ihe republic of Culm Isst May was In ' the throes of n lawless uprising that fur a time Ihreateneit the destruction of a great deol of valuable proerty much ot It owned by Americans and other foreigners -ns well as the exist enco of tho government Itself. The armed tone of Cubs being Inadequate to guard proorty from attack and nt tho same time properly to operate against the rebels, a force ot Amerlcnn marines was dlpntilied from our naval station atOunntnnaiuo Into the province of Orlento for tbo protection of Atnerl rnu and other funlgu life and property The Cuban government was thus able to use atl Us tones In putting down the outbreak, which It succeeded in doing In n ierlod of six weeks Tho presence i of two American warships lu the bar bor of Hnvnim during the most critical period of this disturbance contributed In great measure to allay tho fars or the Inhabitants, Including a btrg for elgntcolony ' Ntctsslty For rtetsntlon and Cxpin- i slon of Our Foreign Trade. It Is not possible to mako to the con gress u communication upon tho pros ent foreign relations of tho United States so detailed ns to convey tin adequalu Impression of tho enormous Increase In the luiirtanre nnd actlvl ties of thofc relations If (tils govern mont Is really to preserve to tho Amer ican iH-ople that free opportunity In foreign markets will soon bo In dispensable lo our prosperity, even greater efforts must Iw made Conclusion. Congress should fully realize tbo conditions wlili h obtnlu In the world s we find ourselves nt the threshold of our middle use as a nation Wo have umerged full grown as u peer in Ihe great concourse of tuitions Wo hnvo passed through various formutlvo periods We have Umui s.lf t entered In Hie struggle to loel.ip our do mestic questions The nation Is now ( mnturo to continue in Its foreign ivliitlons tboso tiuMrir expedients Ditliiral to a people to I mi domestic iTiiirs are the sole ( Mi tho past our dlplouni bus often ouxiNtcd, In normal limes hi a mere Hsierilon of tho right lu International xistence. We are now In n larger re nun with broader -lulim -if our own I obligations to others tlinn our elves. A number of great guiding prim I pies were luld down early In the history of this covoriiiiunt Tho recent tusk of our diplomat y link bteu to ad just those principles to the conditions of today, to develop their corollaries, lo find practical applications of the old principles expanded to meet new situations. The opening ot the Pauama canal will mark a now era In our Interna Mmml llfo and create new and world wide conditions which, with their vail correlations and consequences, will ob tain for hundreds of years to come. Wo must not wait for events to over take us unawares. With continuity ot purposo we must deal with the prob lems of our oxternal relations by a diplomacy modem, resourceful, mag nanimous and fittingly expressive of Ihe high Ideals of a great nation WILLIAM H. TArT The White House, Dec. .1, 101'.'. AN EARLY SHOWINGffl Holiday Good! We ought to sell all the holiday gootk .IB that will be sold in Price this season, M but we won't. Only those will buyijH here who want to be sure of what IB they are gettingwho do not buy H simply because the price is low. We iB are better prepared than ever to serve il such people. M We supply more in variety, better H in quality and more reliable in every B way than you get elsewhere. H Harmon Bros, fl Mercantile Co. I Opposite Pojfoffice prce, (j M ! W k - This week such apclisln thinti lofB !; tV6 Af6 your dinner as AM ' Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks, : Uttering Oysters, Lobsters, Beef, H , Pork, Mutton and VealB jfr Sweet Potatoes, Celery, Cranber- ) l TO- ries, Mince Meat, Fresh Groceries, Carbon County Commission Company, jl Main Htra-t, IZnst er Hanks, Price, Utnli. UTAH FUEL COMPANYll MI.NL'IW AM) HIIM'l'LMW OP H CARBON COUNTY COALS I MANUFACTURERS OF COKE UAItllON COUNTY CXULH AUK THH HUhT In Uio market for Horses and Mules for Mines, liny and Gnl. Mlno Props, Ties nnd Bprnjrs nnd vnrlous oUicr local proas HOMB LNDUBTIUKH PATUO.NI7.KI. Oeiiorat Offices Seventh Floor Judge Uultding, Bait Lake OV Mines at Clear Creek, Winter Quarters, Castle Gate and Sunnysldo, Carbon County, Utah. -JTsssrs IPiillH-rt L. Olson, Kuiiiiett K. Olson, President. Vc0 rrCM Bl flfn. Mr N K. Senmoiiui, Heu'j mill Treus. Eastern Utah Realty Company PIUCK, UTAH. i SimmIuI Opportuiiliicf Offerttl In Istern Ulidi. '! WK ,iUviVVi..j!!;!,Ij "AXOIHM AND FAIIM laSIW i LAM HKCUHITIIM, CITV IX)Trt AND JlKHlUKSCLtt ! o0rv0yv,n'?tne.l TUle8 Ahstrnctod. Bxninlnod and PorfwSj ' lo Ol7on ,L.l,on lMnco Written Write for Inform ,j to unon &. Soamount, Prlco. ' JOHNSON BROS. jl Phone 134 .; ; Carpentering and Mill Work of all :j ; . kinds. Get our prices. , i; PRICE . . UTAH i i