Newspaper Page Text
Ahead ting In Line Hr OUIl SAVINGS DEPOSIT BlXDOW HKtIio passport to )oiir cm oycrs hlghor regard and re Hpect, young man, Is n savings Kbs book m Think over that tact beforo ou contlnuo to thoughtlessly Bpcnd tho money you can nnd Eould eavel H An employer can "bank" on Bjpio employe with a aavlnga BE&nk account All employers BEnow thai. Your employer nl K) knows that Can ho "bank" Ba youT B Open a savings nccount hero K todayand lot your money Barn 4 per cent lnteront. A Hollar will do to begin with rice Commercials: Sayings Bank I PRICE, UTAH. I I The I WARIETY B, 10 and 25 Cent Store H; Invites tho people of I'rlco B and vicinity to call and look B over tholr complcta lino ot B goods, consisting of China, B Crockery, aiasswaro, Oranlto B nnd Tinware, School Supplies, m rnncy Work and Notions ot B all kinds. A spcclnll) "Tho B lied Hand llrand" Cnndlos. B; Chocolates and Hon lions, B fresh direct from tho facto- B rks ot Nc York. Also n B complete lino of Xmas goods. B Tho largosl over seen In this B city. Mako this your head- B quarters for Xma goods. GEO. 0. HORNbR B Proprietor B P1UCK, UTAH. B : Door Went f I'oilnfflcf. I An Open I Question B Hvory ago ot mail lias a i B Particular Idea about the Hf clothes to bo worn. Many , K men llko ono stylo, somo pre- MS for nnothor. Wo'll setUo tho i question for each particular mi one. It ou want a season- v '! able suit or anything In tho j, ' gent's furnishing lino at ron- sonablo coat roroomhor wo supply It for you. ', li The Best There Is BE This Is tho season of tho , B'l roar when tho boat Is do- J, ' sired by all, and tho quality B i' ot what you oat must bo B ' K00 to koop 'n ,ln0 B '! othor things. For tablo use, , (, for cooking, for every pur- (i S poao, good groceries, good ,' buttor nnd rollablo, frosh J, ' eggs aro a nocosslly. Wo soil thorn. Everything In nomostlo nnd Importod Oro- ( , oorlos 'i Frank's Store ji Uawt Mnlu Sticct, Price, UUJl Mro insuranco rates throughout itorn Utah aro being reduced. Consult with us boforo placing a &Hcy. n. W. Crockott & Co i - wT?BWLiBWwpwgaBgwswBi5gMMBBBBMBl wsbbJ TIIK EASfKUV UTAH ADVOCVTK. THUISpn, mo, a, tola. VMM VIVK, JVflYI PRICEHVICIIITY Dr It IJ Qoctzman has returned from a visit of several days In Salt Like City Mrs W. Anderson of Price spent Thanksgiving with friends In Castln Dale Hev. James K Ferris Is confined to his homo suffering from an at tack of African fever At the regular monthly meeting of the city council It was decided to number nil the house of Prlc. A meeting of the standard bear ers wilt be held at the M K church on Monda), December 9th, at IB o'clock John II llcdd has moved his famll) from Price to Kmery They expect to mako their homo there Indefinite!) Mrs OlUe Havotis, president ot tho Utah Homo Industry association, wo n Prlco visitor last Frlda), mak ing a talk at the commercial club in the evening. Invitations nro out for a dance to be given at City Hall tomorrow (Friday) evening by tho Students' Commercial club Tickets will be scvent)-flvo cents 0. II Hums, representing the Cudahy Packing coropan), was hero I this week Interflowing the mer chants nnd visiting his sister, Mrs Thomas Fonts. I Mrs F IS Woods entertained tho members of tho brldgo club nt I her homo In the Olson finis last evening ltofreshmcnta were served and prizes awarded to the winners. Knrl Hrandon, who Is attending school In Price, spent Thnnkaglvlng with his pirunts, Mr. and Mrs. (Icorge Hrandon Ho was accom panied In his visit b Fred Woods, who used to lite here Ciutlo Dale Progress, 30th. Max Alexander, representing the firm of Knhn llros, Halt Lnko Clt, was calling on tho merchants of Price this week In the Interest of his firm nnd Incidentally giving out souvenirs In the shnpo of n nice pocketknlfc advertising his firm John W Klttrldge, engineer of tho National Hydrocarbon company, Is back after a month's ahsonco In Knit Lake City. Ilo state that his compnii) will do nothing but as sessment work nt their clntcrlto mines this winter Mjlon Itecord, 29th Formal call upon the various state and private banks of Utah to mnkt report ot their financial con dition nt the close of business No vember 30th Inst, was Issued Tuev day by Kccretnr) of Htnte Tinge), ox-offlclo bank commissioner of Utah. The people of (Ireeu Itlver are enthusiastic In regard to tho Mid land trail running nlongsldu the Oreen river A branch of the Mid land Trnll association has boon formed. Prosldent, J. M. Hull; vlco president, K A Hrlckor, secre tary and treasurer, C C Jones. J, J. Lumsden, the Uruild Junc tion, Colo, contractor, was hero otto day last week and tried to coiivlm.0 several members of tho vlly council of tho feasibility of Installing mu nicipal waterworks here. Thirty thousand dollar was his iMtlmnte, but at present tho city cannot bond ' for otiough to do this Oreen Itlver Dispatch 28th. Mr nnd Mrs. 8. C Miles. Mr and Mrs. A. McAdow, Mr. and Mrs. Mor ley Molntlro and Mr and Mrs Jack Wlnnans composed a party that spent Huttda) on Mlllor Crook hunt ing rnbblts. They had a good time until their wagon broko down, com pelllng the party to Alk Jiouie, a distance of six mile They bagged slxt)-two rabbit. It II Thompson and Wallace . Pettoy returned the first of the week from a trip of several weeks In the Hast In the Interest of the Potts Dirrlglble headlight, nn In vention of the latter, which they )mvo bsen showing sutomoblls man ufacturer of various cities They nro much encouraged with the suc cess of their trip Quarterly conferento of tlio Car bon stnko vlll bo hold on Sattirdiy and Sunday, December Hth nnd lCth Tho opeulng meeting will ba held at 2 o'clock Saturday after noon Church authorltU from Salt Uke City will bo In attendance. The stake presidency cordially In vite tho public to attend tho ses sions of tho conference. Not later than December 7th every postmaster In tho country must imvo a report In Washington, D. C, giving an estluiato of tho number o patrons who will uso the parcels post, the amount of C O. D parcels likely to be mailed, the amount of porlshable and fragile goods, etc Haoh postmastor will be furnished with a form to be flll od out Tho Ladles Aid soolety of the M B church will hold their annual bazaar nnd chlokon dlnnor at the church tomorrow (Friday) Dlnnor will bo served from 12 to 8 o'c ook and the bazaar will last all after noon There will bo lot of fancy work on sale for ChrUUnaa pres ents Dinner will be thlrty-flvo cents for adults nnd fifteen cents for children Capt Chalmers O Halt of tho fifth cavalry, formerly stationed at Fort Duchesne, acting Indian ngent there and probably the most thor oughly despised Individual that over went Into that country, has beon de tailed for scrvlro In Quartermaster's corps, vleo Capt William 1) Chltty, quartermaster corps Captain Hall will report to the commanding gen eral, department ot Hawaii, for an elgnment Travis II HnsuiiiMon, a brake min on tho Dc.iver nnd itlo Ornndi, died nt Silt t.aku Clly Monda) of pnoumontn He wns 31 )oars of ago and was highly esteemed h) ninti) here and nt Helper Funernl services were held at Cleveland )es tcrdn) He Is survived b) u widow, who was with him at the time of bis death Deceased wns tho son of It O Hasmusscn of Cleveland and was running on the Sunn) side trnlu, mnklng his home at Helper. MHITIIKUV OLT.'a'MHlIU SOITHKUV DHMOCHATH WA8HINOTON, I) C, Nov. 29. It has Just been discovered b) Bin tlstlolnns of the houso Hint for tho first tlmo In the history of tho towor branch of congress tho demo crats ot the North will outnumber tholr colleagues of the South. Nover beforo has domocrnc) drawn Its main strength from north of tho Mason nnd Dixon line, but ni the Investors figure It, tho parly will have In tho coming house n hun dred and flft)-two Northern demo crats and only n hundred nnd forty from tho South In pnrty caucus, In case ot a spill on sectional lines, this would glva tho Northerners n majority ot twelve Hy reason of longer service, howaver, the Sou therners will control virtually nil of tho Important committee nnd thus prActlcall) will bo nolo to direct the business ot the houso m:ma wi'.ns iHMii:iti:i UltCIIPTlOV AT HUOY Mr and Mrs Stunlt) llalllnger were given a reception last Tuesday evening at the Savoy Hotel and were the recipients of many useful nnd beautiful gifts Tho affair was under the management of Mesdanies J 11 Sharp, It It Thompson, C 11 Stevenson, Matt Ollmour nnd J W Sterling Tho Invited guest wore ushered Into the parlor, whore they wcro prosouted to the bride nnd groom After tho reception In thu pnrlor tho guest repaired to tho dining room, whore dancing wns In dulged In to music by the high school orchestra, punch being serv ed during the dancing Tho affair was one of the swell events ot the season ROOStVELT QUOTED Ah Ha)liii Ilo Won't U- Otncllil.itr Again I'or 1'ivxlilt'iit. IIOSTON, Mas, Dec I Tluo iloro Itoosovclt was quoltd as mo llis Mint he would not bo a candi date ngalu for the presidency b) Charles Sumner Hlrd, defeated pro gressive candidate for governor, In an address at tho progressive ban quet hero Inst night. 'i hi: dti: ki.t. The date for Charles Klein's great play, "The Lion and tho Mouse," will be Thursdny, December 19th. Mutineer Anderson Jins ntrondy re ceived tunny requests for seats and Indications nro that this play wilt draw an nudlonco that for site will break all records. do to Mosdnme Allison and NI cholns for dressmaking. Iow prices and satisfaction guaranteed Lo cated two blocks oast of court house Advt. Heforo buying olsowhero, see N J, llabonsburg, manufacturer of taddlcs, hnrnpft. chnps, feednicks, etc -Advt. Now lino of paint brushes. Tho Advocato Publishing Co. NOTHING TOO GOOD For U to Servo at Our Now ly Arranged and Popular Prlcod Cafe. Our Kxcollent Dlnnor and Luncheons, our Puddings and Saucea nro no loss famous than are our Meats, Vegetable and Pastry. Mako n home of our table and let us show )ou genuine eaterlng. Short Order Hroakfast 0 to 9 a. m. from 25c Up Luncheon 12 o'olock to 2 p m Popular Price, 35c Dinner, C:30 to 8 o'olock Very Host the Market Affords Under Now Management. Op posite Denver and Wo a rando Dopot . . . Price that all may afford THE TAVERN CAFE ROYAL Baking Powder Adds Healthful OualltiestoilieTbod Prof Prescott, of the University of Michigan, testified before tho Puro Food Committee of Congress, that tho ' acid of grapes held highest rank as an article of food and he regarded the re sults from baking with cream of tartar baking powder as favorable to health. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, BURNED 10 H IN I (ill, 1 Two young men, Clarence and MohlR Alfred, sons of Martin All red of Vernal, He dead at the city Jail loilti), thslr death supposed to have beon cnusd b) suftoentlon Tho bod) of the )oungr ono Is bndly burned while the other seems not to have been In contact with the fire !att night Marshal Hryner and Deput) Sheriff Peterson lodged tho young men In Jnll for Intoxication This morning about 7 o'clock smoke was seen Issuing from tho Jail and upon Investigation tho bedding wns found to be on tire nnd tub dead bodies ot tho men discovered . A coroner's Jury Is mnklng nn Investi gation of tho fact of the onsa this nftornoou The young men, nged 17 nnd 19 yesrs, enmo to Prlco thn first of ttieJrcok from their home In Vernal with a toad of frosh pork, which they had been peddling about tho city )esteriln, nnd were camping on the Powell property south ot the Denver nnd Itlo (lrnndo rnltrond Tho Allred family Is well known In tho Vernal country, being early settler of that section, nnd hears an excellent reputation. .iuihii: rimniNAvn i:uickki:n ArCKITH SOOI POSITION Judge Ferdinand Hrlckseti wns recently tendered and hn accepted tho position ot assistant general counsel for tho I'tnli Fuel company, with office at Salt Lake City Ho has not ot decldod Just how soon ho uiul his family will take up their residence In the stnto capital, though It Is understood that his du ties will requlro his presence there tho greater part of tho time, sn)s Mt. Pleasant' Pyramid In the move which Judge Krlck sen Is taking Mt. Pleasant Is los ing ono of her lending citizens. Ho has been n resident of this city from onrly childhood and has always been found tnklng a leading part In nil tho public affairs ot the clt) and commonwealthr He Is a man of ninny )ear experience In the practlco of tho law and the people In this city and rnunty will great!) mis his service Mr Alfred Uklii (tenor), a late pupil of Mr Kniest Pace (baa), Into "Ilo)ttl" Carl Hoa Opera com pany, Covent Harden, also J. W Turner' Kngllsh Opera company. Teacher of voice production and tho art of singing. For terms nnd date apply at resldonco of Mr II C, Smith, Thursdays, 0 o'olock At Cnstlo Oato on Mondays. Advt Your photograph U thu most ac ceptnble Christmas present to your friends (let them made at F K Waters' photo studio, over Commer cial bank He know how Advt Heforo bii)lng elsewhere, see N. J, Itabensburg, manufacturer of saddles, harness, chaps, feodracks, etc Advt OUIl NM WMEB (VrlMin fount) High School Dtfent Wnsntrli Arndrui), The Carbon County High school and Wasatch noademy football teams met In n matched gamo nt the city park last Friday afternoon, snys Ml Pleasant' Pyramid of the 39th Tho Carbon boys outweighed tho locnl team nbout twenty pounds to tho mnn and they wero consider ably rougher In their gamo than tho local team Ilia Wasatch bo) out genornlod tho visitors nil through tho game nnd did much better toam work, but owing to tho fnot that thn Carbon hoy wcro so much larger they were overmnlched and tho gamo resulted In n score of seven to twelve In favor of the vis iting team Tho gamo was exceedingly rough right from the start Two of the Carbon bo) cntuo In contact with each other, striking tho hendguard ot tho ono against tho none ot thn other, which resulted In n badly broken proboscis It appeared that Wasatch was going to bo tho win ner, as tho score was seven to six In favor of the orange and black at tho end of tho first half, nnd re mained that way until nbout ton minute before tho close of tho gnme, whon ono of tho Carbon boys broko tho lino of defense nnd mado another touchdown, changing tho score to ieven to twelve In favor of tho visitors. Lost Hotwien the old sheep cor ral and Prlco, ono double barrel shot gun nnd ono 25-20 Winchester rifle Liberal reward will be paid for their return lo this office Sumnor hn a full lino of moder ntoly priced heat res and ranges -Advt. Sumnor rents guns nnd carries ammunition - Advt ' asked to mm mi :Jm Cent llonUtit Suffer lllg U In I H Tmiiiportfltlun. VktMR Hetnll coal dealers lose hundreds H ot tons ot coal over) )ear ns n re- U B suit of coal thefts committed bo- J tweon tho time tho coal Is weighed ..J nt the mines and tho tlmo ot It do- i;, liver) to dealers' )nrds, according to , W K Fnrr, clt) sealer ot weights r H and mensuros Farr said Morning ! B that so great was the scalo upon ''1 which tho thievery was conducted L that sonio local dealers wero nctu- 3 ally thrcntcntd v! I liurlhem fall- .' H urn t BH To correct this condition Fnrr re- H cently addressed a letter to K. U H II row n, vlcq president of tho Den- . H ver nnd Itlo Urando railroad at Den- ft H ver, railing attention to tho facta WM and suggesting Hint tho company r H tnko steja towards tho bettor polio '' Ing of Its coal trains en routo from tho Hdslern Utah mine to tho mnr f ,BJ ket In this tetter the sealer de b lB dared that It wns n well known f mB fact that there was a big "leakage" f BH all nlong tho lino from Helper lo k 'B Salt Lake City, and that at tho lat S BB ter placo tho stealing of coal from t jl car standing ready for dollvery jSBB wa n dally and nightly occurrence. w jfB One Salt Itke City company I L JbBJ sold to hnvo found a dltfcroivco ot ? Tlfl over tvvo hundred tons of coat be- I A jB tweou Its sale and conl receipts J TsH from February I to May 1, 1912. jfc WB The samo firm, nccordliiK to Farr, W "WM did n fifty thousand dollar volume xB of limine last )enr nnd enmo out 9 thrio hundrcHl nnd lift) dollnrs loner lB tho end. & jBJ Fnrr suggested that the rnllrosd JH ship lis lump eonl In scaled cars V BmM and that It grant tho retail dealor JBH destination weights without extra J BB charge. Ho declared that certain alBH large conl receivers gel tho dentlna- PtBH Hon weight and Hint to withhold It HB1 from tho retailers, In view of the BB constant thefts wns a gross dUcrlm- "B Inatlon Bja tu reply to his communication, f. H Fnrr received n loiter from Vlco BJ President llrown advising him tlntt WM his charges would hn promptly In' - WM vestlgnled and Much action taken ns JlH wns ncrerxinry to prevent loss. 1 iB WAHIIINOTON PHHPAHIM i jBH TO WCLCOMH CONdlttM pj nHJ WAHIIINOTON, I) C , Nov. 2. I ffil Washington nwtnuranl nnd hotel- j , 'iMB keeper nro prepnrlng for tho com- Jk 4 Ing ot tho congressmen. Hot lunch TL JHB places have given notlco that utter sJlfl Saturday egg nandwlches will bo In- I"flH creased from flvo to ten conl The WMB excuse given for doublliift tho prloe SlSH of tho egg sandwich Is that the r BB hen nro loafing, despllo tho demo- MB orntlo victory. ilLBB Wo wrllo all liquor bonds at our N HBl Prlco office no sondlng away or ' BIB delays. II. W. Crockott & Co. A Wo (IBB plato glass Insuranco. sHI Miim' Thl.? ' FB We ertir una liiimlrnt ilullsr rewsntfnr i Bill nr cox rltrh Hint rmiiint be ruril lr rilMH 1111 iCsurrlMiirs Isbb1 K J Ciisssr A Cii I'niH, riiMo.O, tTsMU Wr n tin Irratf imI, hn known V J Clta- iJMU my fiirllm tut U rr ami bllove him TIH Iwtfrcilr iMimimlil In all tintliio irsnntx IiaIII mo simI nnanolallr stto Inesrry 'iiilsny U . VflH lliallmiaiiiaili r llielr firm ' t 3MMM IVel Tfii VVhu'Maln llrnrll, ThIihIii, VH Hi Walillna- Kliiian A Marvin, VVheteul JH llruiralala. T)lt1i, O H llaltat alarilit lire la taken Iiitrrnalljr,a4. k fJJH tnar tllrawlljr I4t llishlool ami inuciinua anr- I MH fact of llmafilein l'lloujloxir IxiIIIk. Ml I WalH bysll'tniirtlaia, reatlruunlalatrco ILiH Italia KainllrlMllaarelhelieal TX i Mm (Advorlliomont.) Bl . vfll I TAKE A BATH (,ul "10 ,mblt ln ,llu twice-a-day ' 'fjlfll stage got to do It frequently to ,' - aBai llTH IIHL'HIILH keep comfortnblo What Interest ImBI HOAl'rt Ha particularly In your raso is n de- ', u SPO.NCH ro to toll you nbout our monstor ', irMBB PHFFCMi: utock ot bath roqulslten. Wo havo '. JBB 'UHLirr WATIIHH t,0m all for you nnd for every- , Bl TALCUM POWDLItH body, big or llttlo (lood goods, ac- i' B citv Ditto fvrom:. ,,m,ljr ,,' bM,t u' mnrket aUoTM- J; I H JOi; II. ItOIICIITH. Pniprlttor. PUICL', UTAH. I Bfl The Largest Mail Order ij j M House In the State. ! H Bb Send For Our New Price List. ' h1 Kentucky Liquor House 1 j; Harry Oesas, Prop, i; WIM 1 uClVOl nOlul Popular Price Cafe in Connection '1HI g J g ssm &i Club Urcakfaet from 0:30 to 10.30, 16c to 40c. 23 HBaB i IIVV1DSOV. .Manager. Morchuntn Lunch, 12 to 2, 3Bc. gj S33B &J PRICE, UTAH. Tau d' hot Dlnnor, 0 to 8, COc. 8ft (SBl .jffl