OCR Interpretation

Eastern Utah advocate. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1895-1915, December 05, 1912, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091022/1912-12-05/ed-1/seq-7/

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Bk nSSSfl
I 'll
R THK KA8TE11N UTAH ADVOCATF,, Tilt ltSlAV, 1K rt, 111 1 2. PAH13 8KVHN. tTflBfl
I Trust Meat I
B and
leery Market .
Kdo No. 21. I'rlco, UUh.
Wctl furnish tho foil nd a- ,
fcn (or Thnnksglvlng or nny ,'
BJhcr dinner by Bonding n (
Ko turkey, a nice roast, a ',
Ko young pig (or roasting, (
Bjflrst-class steak, chops or
Hktlcts. rionty o( varloty j
Hid Ml o( It tint-class.
it Line of Staple and
Ben Groceries In the City i
he Elite Bar
H .Mile ltilll(llii
Bf Nothing handled (till the
Kky iwst n(
Hl'lNi: Old) WHIHKF.Y8
i:.sti:un ni:i:i.s nmi
Klght cnr old Ccilnr llrook ,'
Bourbon and right year old j
Blount Vernon Hyo wnwl ex
Budvcly over this bnr.
Bf A Khnrc of tho pntronngo
Bit tho public solicited. I'hono ,
Hen nnd wn Mill tlcllirr tho
Bj Proprietor.
pOX'T WH1TIJ -DON'T lit) I
Bills applies pnrtlculnrly to com
Bjnlcntloua with points In tho In
mountain country. Wo havo pro
Bjod nn efficient long dtstnnco sor
Be which mnkos train trips or cor
Bpondenco unnecessary, and tho
Bl rates nrv ho low It Is to your
Blcrcst to tnko ndvantngo of thorn.
Born you Iiiiyo occasion to 'cpm
Btnlcnto with somo ono In anothor
By, call tho nearest tolcphono of
Bc nnd ask tho rate
HiK-mis utaii ti:m:i'iioni: a.
B J Itex Miller, Manngor.
B Contra! Office. Upstairs,
B Cornor Main nnd Ninth 8ts.
I and :
B Everything Now, Ncnt .
B nnd Clean nnd tho Heat
B the Market Affords.
Thomas Building, Price,:
I Utah, Rooms, 25, 50,
I and 75c,
m TrnJo of th? Mining Cumps
M find Transients Generally
B Solicited.
K Proprietor.
B44 f 4. t
will bo promptly answored whon
oyer you chooso to mako It. you
want to catch a very early train or
meet a rery lato ono you can bare, n
PIONDEK Mvunv uakn
0 T. Olson, Jr., Mgr, Price. Utah-
wmi, i'IjAti: mass and bti:am.
I "wu-iiii oo youn honhs."
i'oti: (nvr.x in nirrvii, in tai
ui,ATKi) roioi.
Judgo Alltcrl II. Hit Utrnmui De
feats Furmrr JuiIrr Krirkscn Ily
About K'teii Ituudn-d nnd fifty
Vole In Seventh .liiillclnl Dis
trict About the Smile Tor tlier
y Our Hoffmann.
After several day of strenuous
labor the ntnto eanvaeelnc board on
Wednesday of last week completed
tho official scrutiny of tho recent
olectlon rotunis In Utah. Tho fig
ure arrived at do not differ ma
terially from those already publish
ed. M. II. Walker, presidential
elector on tho republican ticket, was
accorded tho honor of polling the
largest vote of electors, lilfl total
being 42,100. John N. Daxls was
second with 42,067 nnd Margaret
Zano Wltcher polled 42,013 and K.
ltotncr, 41,919. Other electoral
votes wcro:
W. K. Warner (8) 8989, J. B.
(lease (B) 8981. A. 1.. Mitchell (S)
9023, Oeorge Husher (8) 8983.
JetMO Knight (D) 34.&70, O. W.
I'owors (D) 30,459, T. It. Fitter
aid (t))3C,329, James Andrus (D)
3C.350, Myra De Wolf (V) 24.174,
Mary O. Coulter CI') 23,081, O. J.
1 Carpenter (D 23,975, Hugo Depre
tin (I) 23,934, J. 1'. Krsklno (8-1,)
; 609, Mnrle I,. I'otorscn (8-1.) 504,
, Itoy V. KoutUwIck, (8-1,) 502, J. B.
i Ouornsey (S-l.) 500. (
i -
Homer 8. Hurt, tho soolalUt oan
dldnto for governor, received 8797.
Tho socialist vote, on tho sUlc
tlokot Secretary, H. A. Saunders,
8932; auditor. J. J. Lovhaug. 88.0.
treasurer, William Cannogleler,
8921; superintendent of public In
struction, W. V. Itnmsey, 10.242.
For reprosontatlve Murray King
polled 8971 and William M. Knorr.
8953- . . . i.
Tho county clerks Imd done their
work well on the wholo and the
ennvamlng board was not put to
any considerable trouble. Ono fea
ture of tho eleetlon reports Is amus
ing though It might easily havo
been serloUs under different condi
tions. The clerk of gevlef county
neglected to record tho vbte for
Willis Johnson, democratic candl
dato for tho senate
Ho llkowleo forgot tho totals for
II. N. Hayes, democratic candidate
for Judgo of tho Blxth Judicial dis
trict. Tho omission did not ehango
tbo result In nny manner fortunate
ly, llnd tho result been close,
however, a pretty dispute would
havo n risen.
Vote tin Amendment!.
Tbb returns on tho proposed
amendments to tho stato constitu
tion show thAl with tho exception of
tho third nnd fourth amendments
the aye did not total ten thousand.
Tim nfflrlnt flatlfM:
Amendment 1 6.06C 30,113
Amondmont 2 0.122 25,004
Amendment 3 12,906 22,132
Amendment 4 13,041 21,150
Amendment 5 . 0,416 25,684
Amendment 0 0,944 24.903
Amendment 7 0,093 25,737
Amendment 8 8,919 23,440
Tho official canvas resulted n
but trifling changes from tho nn
nounoed vote on the election of
state senators. The house of rep
resentatives and the snnto Is safe
ly republican. In tho Sovonth Ju
dicial district Chrlstcnson's vote Is
6005, Urlokseti, 4269; Chrlstenson's
plurality, 746 votes. J. W. Cherry,
district attorney, defeats Hoffmann
by about the samt plurality.
Itentember Sumner Is always
ready to make you an offer for your
eond-hand household articles.
General servant wanted. Apply
to Mrs. W. W. Lewis. Advt.
mm is Busy i
Wilt HnUe Fifty Tliou.nml Dollar-.
l'r tho Vtali Conl llod. j
In accordance with the resolution
passed at tho mass meeting held nt j
Provo one evening last week Mayor j
Charles F. Decker has appointed
several well known men as a com- j
mltteo to rnhe tho fifty thousand
dollars necessary to purchase the
right of way from Spanish Fork (
Canyon to I'rovo and terminal
r.roumls In that city for the I' tali '
Coal ltsllwny company.
The committee consists of J II t
llani Knight, Webster Hooer W '
II. Itay. Arthur N. Taylor, K T
HardliiR. Joseph T. Farrer. W 11
Hrercton. Willis K. Spaffonl. T F i
l'lcrpont, John C. Deal, William K
Fnrrcr snd David It. Ileebe
Ivmih Teniilunl Stnteiueiit.
IMIOVO, Nov. 28. The committee
nppolnted by Mayor Decker to raise
tho fifty thousand dollars necessari
to secure tho right of way and ter
mlnat for tho Utah Coal railroad
which Is being built from the coat
beds In Carbon county to conn'tt
with the Salt Uke ttoute In this
county, met yesterday ami Issued n
statement to the public. It calls on
nil cltliens of I'rovo to work for
tho road ami assist In a financial
manner. ,
cumin of i.ivim fomfi.aint. t
"l was suffering with Iher com-,
plaint." says lva- Smith of Point
Illnnk. Tex , "and decided to try n
lwonty-fl ct bax of Chamber
Iain's Stomach ami Mr Tabbts,
and am happy to say that I am
I completely cured and can recom
mend them to every one." For sale
by all dealers. Advt.
Official Vote on State Ticket by Counties.
jftrtJSP " "Secretary. Atty.tTeii'l.' II " Auditor. T"S?I1. nP- I
3 i I 1 1 I ! 1 1 s I 1 I t ( I
I r i I I i I I ! ! i i r I M
coijntiws. 5 -3 l 11 82 S q I c I -3,5
r 2T 3 2 t c ; ! T r - r1
I I Sill r I ! j 11 LI s U L-l. ! " '
.; - d COS 0Sl ill' 678" 014 SS'tH C9&" flT0 07 0871 008 2U4II 084 608 t1 l0
llenver H " : " " " 80J ,.. M1 ,,,, ,fias Hc 30 1WI M44 HM'i 3S0I
uox .h..r v;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fl U iSol SS Mill ." !i -! im!! !., ( ??; ".a ! ,6,
tticho w, ,--1 j,,, ,-, ,7; H0 ,7" ,7l! 111)11 IUH1 l.H IIII.I
Davis ' ' , 252 878' 771 214, HOB 712 2S0M3I. 02, IK0, 172
Kmorr - " i -;5 " "! 'ya -g8 222, 2S2 85 224 210 85 22K, 210, 81 I 483
(Irand "l ;' "' ' l Cj Jjl ll J7 HC 240 98 No 2471 98, 934
Oarfleld Jj Jg ,' jg Jj JJ ; 7,' M0 44' 707! 64I 40,1 1248
iron l 6 ll ,k xl ,eM a08i ,,. 910. a02J 17, 9591 278! 2239
Junb T- 'IJJ ,?, ,o ll' ," tiff 42 112 9 439 112 II " r'67
K?no j JJJ! ,J ll 5Ji ,J ; lfj .gel ,.! 878 241 1T 803 102 IU78
Ml""" 1 lSn 2f?i I?" ,15 230 27 328 234 201, 321, 235 259' 333 J32 300- 471
MorRan - - - " Jb ,fl ' ,,. a02 ,06 ,t3. jea. 107, 113 , 320
r JJJ! i! 'J? 330 2.7 931 7 20 94 336 S37 ,61 17 243 92 053
"Ich "j? -.: l ,2. ' y, jS 18ll ,4, BOH 18 H C1 I ,8'l lal r,0l 3?!
San Juan i-i lOOOB 8577 I303 10 20 8618 13129 10240 8691 1 1 3 1 03110-402 8533 1U092410414 84911238 0
Salt Uks Sm "Sill 1-07 1-M8I -008 1218 203 2008 1209 2415 2102 1140 I 251u 2003 II0b 4664
H-niwto H 27 -" :" :l " 7 2 H94i 965 716 1148 934 720 16191 909 C97l 2720
8vlor -r 1 mS 10S 309-99 h III 338, UUI 301 1308, 9771 3541310, 978 350 2399
Summit j -" l"?- "J 'j" J'l HZ m 0BC 231 904 058 219,1 904, 00 221 1650
Tooele J "' ;j Hl 7J 20 660 677 036 541 578 022 662! "71 023H 1197
Uintah -J ""J Jj 4230' 461 2180 4309 4669 21021 4234 4547 2261 42611 40611 2090J, 8972
Utah - ':' -' "" fJ"' jB3 ,2C, 942 249 1254 940 347 1 1270' 024 363 2248
Wasatch -j -"J J "JjA ll. '" 727 841 ' 725 840 54 721, 8431 62 1584
WMhlnKlon J- 5 i J ; ,88 231 283 188 23 282, 182 23,1 466
wwn. a-88 ,55 ri ,;;j s;?01 ,.241 365b 3037; 3133a 3511 3052 anoi, .8i 3058, 3.20 .j
"toVr-3-- 4,8M S02l1 8,8,'6 ,H20!.B
The Utah Association of Credit
Men nt Salt Lake City 1ms started
nil native campaign for more nde
uuato flro Insurance. In a recent
Issuo of tho "Credit Nuws," tho of
ficial organ of tho association, the
subject, In brief, Is treated ns fol
lows: "Too much stress cannot be
laid upon tho requirements of ade
quate Insuranoe. Many a merchant
looks upon Insurance ns unnecessary
expense, nnd he thinks by reilucliiK
his expense ho can pay his credi
tors more money. You will usual
ly find that hn Is currying about a
henvy a lino of credit na ho will bo
allowed, and when It comes to tho
unforeseen flro and tho resulting
loss, hta plea of economy to his
creditor Is of llttlo avail."
Phone Hlght-O, where tho flowers
grow. Provo Greenhouse company.
HulRh & Thomas, florists. -Advt.
Official Slate Vote for President, Congressmen and Governor
jWdent CjngreeT.. CloTWiinr.
24.0 . 5i- i C3 2
& f I r j ? I ill
"-IS S I 2 a
as 1. to ft.r9-5CS
i - - 1 " T -sir
countih. S-l 2 IS r r !
i I i Hi f Mil 1 li. I i
Uil fi,-l U- "II 'C89l 078 0051 698 ifo 30S 431 99(jl 185
Uver fi7! ,; ?-? ,rSk icao' 1447 1449 809 792 1404 13711 1190
IK HUT f.. , -0 3289 3290 I007 lOOs'll 2849 315811275
Cache 2845 3.88 110 J -" - . ,.. m. ,, 71
sa 5 : d v& ?J si ss a ,
iSK , j J ,sj sa sjji & .a
Juab ll71 ?" 3A ? ins 398 124 132 12 10 396 101 7
Kane , , JJJ JS! 870 S93 290 281 847 1084 249
Millard 97 JJJ , 4E 330 321 2421 234 250 29 323 218 278
Morgan 319 234 273 46 330 J-i - I m H9 ,
Pluto 2 . l 87J 580 JSci M7I 3871 94 93 3261 246 99
kS..H 'Js:hll"H S-sSiS ii-il I
Sanpete "89 1970 1-7- j z 9; ?og 70sj, J3S, gjj 88
Savior " 55? Iok :.C 130 1273 1011 99 3" 3I8 1328 97 391
S5Sr .j! . . ; ; S 'S! JS i?S Jffi 'SJ !1
Wasatch I;" - 4, .J 722 722 830 839 54 60 739 833 47
Washington 712 845 7- 0 (-- 2CC .00 2!
Wayne, 2 2 3fl , n. 3U6 3190 3091 3114 3089 3424 2917 3370
!fr :: 4lTool30579l241V4 9-0-2l43133l 42049360403719222358 8lua4ll4:C88C67u83VJI
MAsAAwvNAAvyvvvvvivvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvv Ril
IBBt '. should lio )our first cohstdrra-' , vSwBI
fiBft ' tlon In Imjlng U-cr. On purity lv, hSBBI
KiBril ' 1 ponds It hrntthfutiui, nnd 1110 &WI
Pllcl '' lrfectlou of Its llfo and drllclou,1 JmBBI
JV MhBBB9B li ntiwdiitely pun Its spnrkli fnv,1 JiMlBj
IVIinBBBBBBB ' umnro nnd supreme dellcliiiisnoKSi, IflBfl
y I IPBHBJ ,' nnt the rvult our .urilor 93BM
I BRBJBBBfl rnrt'ful bottling, nglng,' IOVsfl
C wBBHBBvJBBI Ilolirnilati Kan- UBJ
Vy Ur "l" tho Ihfl tllali SlVftl
JtVBBBjBBW t'luh Iturlej It's tho beer forVjini.,! bBBb
firflf,B,I4?BW C ""'r n ca "'ay from your flBBl
BlL; R Drewir of Idiger") IbbI
.MIIIImiimImi SihtIuI, Krhiiliittil l !
ally, PiinM-H Ily, '
Ily a uhnn In schodulo tho
train of mystery," carrying twenty
five millionaires from tho Hast to
the Paolfle Coast, inb-sed Salt !nke
City. The train Is iMllsd the "Bla
dorl" nud was chartered by tho
wealthy pasMngera for thirty thous
and dollar. Among those on hoard
Is wie of the goternor of the Hank
of France. Duo at Ihtntur, Colo.,
November 18th by the Chicago, llur
llnittoii uiul Qulncy, It was uupposed
to have remaluiHl there a wock and
then go wt to Salt I.aku City by
the Denver and Itlo (Irande, leaving
Zlon for San Francisco by the W
tern Psclfle. Instead, It changed Its
schedule for some unknown reason
nnd a dispatch received at Donvor
state that the train Is now on route
over tho Southern Puulflo for I.oh
Angeles where It was duo Decombor
2d. It exact locution U unknown.
A prominent New Vork physician
says: "If It were not for tho thin
stocking and thin solod shoes worn
by women tho doctors would prob
ably bo bankrupt," When you con
tract a cold do not wait for It to
develop Into pneumonia but treat It
nt once. Chamberlain's Cough Item
ed y U intended especially for colds
'and coughs, and has won a wldo
I refutation by Its euros of theso dis
eases. It Is most offectual and Is
I pleasant nnd safe to take. For sale
by all dealer. Advt.
1 J. Kdward Taylor, stato horticul
turist, U writing reams of letters to
farmers for Information as to their
lands, their eropt. tholr horses,
their stock nnd the strangers with
in their gates, this Information to bo
maased in his annual report for sub
mission to the legislature. Most of
tlia farmers who promised thosa sta
tistics havo compllod, but n vast
number still remain silent.
Bmbalmlng and Shipping 'HI
n Specialty liBBfl
I'lllCK. . . . UTAH. nH
Club Bar I
l South Ninth Street, Price, i HA
Utah. U
( . i;B
PltlCI.', UTAH. '1119
phoni: 14.1. fcB!
S , BB
Stovea of All Kinds llcpalred. IVfl
Can save yon money. (Ilvo llBtt
,' us a chnnee All kinds of re IflFsVJI
pair work. StB
Prompt sorvlco nud reason- ' iBt
'i able prices, iE
1 1 Office and Shop at Hoot- rBfl
', Jonco, Hnst of Court Houso. ' JBj
!; O.S.Harris J; ffl
everything In KiiWsl
Concrete 1
Work. 1
owm0 HtbI
llstlmatee on Dulldtngs, Walks MiwJ
1 1 and all Kinds of Contracts mB
Cboorfully Furntihod. Modorn BuB
'J Machinery and Mothods. BB
Logal blanks, over throe hundred hWsVJ
forms In stock. Advocato Publish- I FlVJ
line Co, lilWJ

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