Newspaper Page Text
KB if mm J ' " '..H 111 I ;!fl L I w mBUM EAD THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN "THE GREAT MORAL AND RELIOIOUsMfftSto YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY ffl B imrT p ' -' iiH I Eastern Utah mdvocate 1 H A NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED FOR PEOgNOW ON EARTH. Ill Bj111, vmvu, UTAH. TiiuiwitAv, m:r taid&n .,.,..',, "T"' f i MIES IS mm at zi Hlll.MONAIlli: KTItll'liBN Hrn iiKAiix rviiAiti:. Kr HtiiinliiR to (.'nidi Trnlu, r Avtny nt Biiict-gency Hoi-H-Id-ntlrlrl Willi (JrmUli r B-riitlttiir INtlmnlnl Alton! Bc Million Dnlliu. H Kcclcs of Ogdon, tho mil H banker nml lumber tiaron, Bt Thursdny night nt llio Hcy hospital of tlio Suit Lake Hlco station, following a fatnl Hgf heart trouble. Mr. Bcclcs Klckon whllo walking along Homple street, between First BdJ Went Tcmplo streets. Hr.itat attack struck down Mr. H fow minutes after lie. had B Salt Lako and Ogdcn train Hdcn. Mr. Bcclc probably Kcrtcd hlniKclf trying to roach Htlon In lima for tho 9 o'clock B Falling to catch hU train ha B to wnlk back up town, AN Bng u couplo of blocki tho re from hi exertion apparently BBd lit heart, llo was scon to v for a momont, then ha foil fta arms of a passerby, who Blrnctod by Mr. KecloV appar helpless condition. Mr. Be Hrs tnken to tho emergency il at I ho pollco station and till nllvo when ho reached fco Burgeon II II. Sprnguo was H emergency hospital. lie con I t only tho slightest pulsations J hoart, and within a few jno tthesd ceased. Htllflcallon was mudo through HvcoARcd's bank book and alitor Hi and letters bearing his nniuu. H woro found In hU4pock-tr' BI'l Bccles was tho foromost i In business circles In three rn slntus. He was ouo of the i men In tho entire West, and lalness connection Included sov of tho largest enterprises In Idaho and Oregon, Mo was a of wonderful business acumen made a success of practically thing ho undortook. Mo had en mind, good Judgmont and us energy Ills Industry wns it factor In tho success of his rtaklngs. Ho Is survived by sldows and twonty-ono chtldroo. death of Mr Kcclcs Is tho first ) In either family, nerol services woro hold Tues 'mm tho Ogdon tabornaclo. As Ing trlbuto to such a great man rfalrs, business was practically standstill In tho nflcrnooa dur iho funeral. All tho banks of n closed their doors nt 12 ck, tho offices of tho Amalgam Sugar company woro closed, ns tho offlcos of tho Utah Con xion compnny, tho Bccles Lum company and tho Utah and Ore I.umbor company, flvo stutos flags hung nt half t and nil tho wheels of industry Jcrly directed by Mr. Bcclo In 10 stntos woro silent, t precisely 2 o'clock factories In and Idaho censed operations (ho minutes. Tho railroads In ?on nml Utnh formerly operated Ur Bcclos did not turn n wheel ,flve minutes. In Hoc); Springs, '., tho coal minora stopped their 'k for flvo minutes, as did the "N working for tho Kcclos Intor- In Nevada. In tho Northwest the same time, lumbermen Inld fn their axes and tho roar and ' of thu sawmills censed. Vomptly nt 2 o'clock In Ogdon ' motormen or tho Ogdon Itapld iaIt company applied tho brakes 'hair cars, tho current being shut st tho power house. Tor flvo '"tea tho cars were- motionless I tho conductors anil motormen "1 Kith hoada bared. In Logan saino order was In force, that cars should stop at 2 o'clock. Wording to an Bngllsh news r rocolved nt Bait I.ako City, fed B. Wolby, 13 years old, son the Into A. B. Wolby, who was norly general manager for tho r and Wo (Irande, died at "Word, Rng rocontly from blood niug, Tio young boy's death duo to an nccldont, sufforod by "hllo playing on )ils- school's M team. "Is" A. II. Chrlsteuson and Ilo r Prank Alder arrived on last it's stago to bold nn adjourned Jon of district court. They will ni to Mantl tomorrow. Moab Oth. A GAME OF FREEZE OUT. js9 t sstssbBt HXI'KCT NIJW (JUI.II CAMP to mvAii citii'i'i.i: cui:i:k C'orrespondenco Tho Adiocnte. DIWVKU, Colo., Uec. 8. A qlllot tip Is being passed around among tho mining men of tho Crlpplo Creek district that a now field similar In character to thai locality was lo cated lato this fall by n Cripple Creek minor six mllos from I'latoro, nn old, abandoned raining camp of promtnemo somo Iwonty-flvo years ago, but little heard of since then. Tho mines are sltuntcd In tho north west corner of Conejos county and aro forty-flvs miles from Monte VUtnt Colo., jtha noarest railroad station, ohfho-iDonvornndKlo arand-J.-M-w- """ A representative of tho American Smelting and Ilotlnlng company and many of the largor Crlpplo Creek mlno owners ontorcd tho field In Keptembcr nnd romntned until snow shut off all locating and develop ment work, tho nltlludo of tho camp being nine thousand feet. A great rush of miners from Crlpplo Creek and other mining districts will begin as soon as tho opening of spring permits. komi: coitN nisi'iav at tin: advocati: ori'ici: "W. II. Dunlap this week brought (o tho offlco or "tho great moral nnd religious" two sample of corn grown on tho farm or William Mo (lulru at Woodsldo that puts It ovor anything In this pari of tho stnto. One varloty Is of tho yellow kind, whllo tho other Is sweet corn, woll developed. This corn was raised by Mr. Mcdulro at his farm near Wood side from u few grains picked up along tho railroad track, dropped by pasting trains, and shows what can bo dono In Utah If given propor care, Tho samo may bo seen In tho window of Tho Advocate by tho doubting ones. UTAH 8i:.VATOItS MAV HAVIJ AHSAV OlTICi: Tho Utnh senators at Washington wilt make every effort to Jinvo tho Rait I.ako City assay offlco roatorod whmi the appropriation bill reaches the senate fionators (Jeorgo Suther land and lted Smoot sent this ns suranco to tho Salt Lake Commor-, clnl club Monday afternoon In a I tolegrnm from Bonntor Sutherland, i Tho mossago suld: , "Wo will do everything possible when tho appropriation bill rottohosi the sennte to restorn tho Salt I,ako assay office." ' Fred U. Wood waB down from Zlon tho first of tho weok on busi ness In connection with tho Savoy Hotel, returning homo last ovonlng. Ur. I'. C. Chrlstonsen of Custloi Dale, B. H. Chrlstonsen of Hiawatha and aeorgo W. Fullmer of Orange vlllo were at the Tavern yesterday. I T. II. ThomaB or Soofleld wasj among tho Tnvorn's guests thlsl weok. Ho Is faBt getting ovor a ro eent sovero attack of rheumatism. It. K. I'ottor Is getting up a pro gram for the opening night of tho. Bko theator. Printed programs ere 1 to bo n regular featuro. , Sum aiaser of Sunnyslde, one of the promoters of the loeal maearonl factory, was registered at ths Tav ern last Monday, B. A. droves of Ornnd Junction, I who si ii 50 Inst August has been one lot tho officials of tho Thompson nnd Mallard railway, running botweon Thompsons nnd Hallard, a coal min ing camp, Is optimistic regarding tho mines, a rove states that tho ( ilallard mine, flvo mites north of . Thompsons, Is developing Into one or tho greatest con) mines In tho West. A rilty thousand dollar coal washing plant Is being erected at present, tho only one of Its kind In tho West Ha says ilallard will somo day mnko Baiter n Utah fam ous. Ornnd Junction Sentinel. Mrs. Walter Hamal was called to jmawQlhathlsf.wook bccausa.of an accldcnlwhlcVhcr3tituu3m! stisTaln ed wlillo at work In ono of tho coal mines nt that place. On Monday evening tho ladles' auxiliary to tho Western Federation of Miners ar ranged a pleasant fnrowell party In Mr. llnnioP honor, tho nlfalr being given at the homo of Mrs. S. M. Simpson, A largo number of ladlcn attended and had a most enjoynblu tlmo. During tho early part of tho evening thoro was card playing and later a splendid luncheon was served. Bureka Ileportor, Oth. Thai tho Duchesno country can bo reached In winter by nutomobllo was demonstrated last week by tho manager of nn nutomobllo company at Bait I.ako City, who drove over tho summit of Willow Creek Can j on. This pass has an altitude of over nine thousand feet nud was well covered with snow. In splto of this ho wus ablo to make tho trip, although at time tho car was nearly covered with snow. He does not recommend thu trip n ono for pleasure, but says It onn bn made If necessary. The faculty and students or the Carbon County High school aru sparing no pains In advertising tho Lyceum courno to be given at tho high sohool during tho coming win tor. This weok posters with crayon sketches or prominent bulnoss men or tho city are bolng displayed nt tho corner or Main nnd Ninth Htroet and are attracting considerable at tention and favorable comment, es pecially as to tho oxoellonco or tho drawings. lovl Harmon, Jr., Is the urtlst. Or. II. J. Talbott, head or the Utah Methodist mission, will be In Price next Saturday nt which tlmo quarterly conforonco will bo held. Dr. Talbott will proaoh In tho Moth odlst ohuroh at tho Sunday morning service. A cordlnl Invltatloiv Is ox tended tho public to attond both meetings. Dr. and Mrs. Slopauskey w ero ( host and hostess at nn elaborately 1 prepared Thanksgiving dinner. The guosts woro Dr. and Mrs, Nohor of ' Castle Oato, Mr, and Mrs. Ilarettoj and sou of Salt I.nko City and Bd Slopanskoy. Helper 'Times, 7th. I Miss Mitchell or Itolla, Mo., has , acceptod a position with the Mc-1 Donald Koal Bstate and Investment 1 company and ontorcd upon hor du- ties last weok. C. W. Mol'horson and family have arrlvod from Price and moved Into the Churlos Strauss residence Wed nesday. flreen River Dispatch, 6th. C. C. MuWhlnnoy, the loading Prlae attorney, was a prorosslonal visitor In the olty Tuesday. Qreen Iltver Dispatch, 6th, cqgMeaai h'mb bb ACCUHi:YOUTIIH 1'I.KAI) NOT (Il'llrV OF CH.MUii: tilt AND JUNCTION, Colo., Dec 10. licHjntulii Ollberl and Albert T Teachout, the two youths charged with?" fobbing tho Olobo Bxprcss company's offlco or fourteen thous and dollars, pleaded not guH'V In tho district court yesterday. Thoy hnvo" employed attorneys and will stand trial. Tho pollco admit thoy hnvo n'o, testimony against tho young men oxcept that given by them solves. X Six months ago n paekngo ronfalnlng fourtoon thousand dot larrbaslgticd by tho Utnh Fuel comswur to Its mines at Somerset, ,p01o7jjjjWfiiorcd from the dopol exprefofflceT 'Ollbort, tho inessen gor trtre, c'nlmod that ho had boon hold up And slugged by two un known men. Ho nftorward chnnged his rirst story nnd Implicated Toach out, who ho claimed planned the robbery, nnd on his statements the money wns recovored. Tho bodies or tho two Allred boys who met death last Thursday by suffocation In tho city Jail wero taken to their homo nt Venial last Saturday for burial. A coronor's Jury composed of A. Ilalllugor, Hen ry Wndo nnd V, A. Sknddon, brought In n verdict of death by suffocation and attached no blame to Marshal John llryuer of tho oily. City At torney McWhlnney says a vigorous proiecutton will bo mado of any of fending saloonkeepers If It can be shown thai tho minors wero sold any liquor besides what tho father bought for thu boys. What would bo ulcer lor n Christ mas prosoni than a ton or King coal? Tho McKuno Forwnrdlng com pany Is udvertlxlng that celebrated coal this weok at f 3. CO a ton, which means thnt when "Mnc" says that It Is tho best coal on tho market ho moans It. Seo tho advertisement In this Issue or "tho groat moral nud religious." John Cronln left on Tuesday for Helper to look aftor the new rail road which the Knight pooplo havo Just constructed to their coal de posits. Tho rallrond will be roady for use as soon as the rolling stock I delltered. Payson aiobe-llender. Thu Price Co-Op. Is erecting u building to the north of tho new ex press ofrioe, twonty-three by thirty fwt, or brick, which whon completed will bo occupied by tho Carbon County News ns a printing office. Lars Qundorson has tho contract. Something ltko a hundred and twenty-five dollars was takon In by tho ladles' aid society at their ba xar nnd dinner last Friday. Aftor paying a fow small bills tho ladles will roallzo n neat little sum. Last Saturday night a baby was born at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Austin Palmer. Doth mother and babe reported doing well. V. A. Skadden of tho Weotor Lumbor company left last week for Jerome, Ida., an a short business trip. W. B. Uufr was down from Sco rield the first of the week on busi ness, being registered at tho Savoy whllo in the city. K, L, Btllott of Castlo Oato was registered at tho Savoy Hotel during tilts week, t SPENDING MILLIONS if IN IMPROVEMENTS 1 New Detour Line Over Soldier Summit Being H Pushed Biggest Single Piece of Railroad ill Constrnction In the WestTo Be Com- H pleted By Next August. rH "When the earth was created the architect evidently did not renlUe that railroads wero to come later. It ho had, I think perhniM he would hnvo constructed noma part or tho country differently," remarked A. II. Apporson, general superintendent ot tho Utah lines or tho Donvor and Hlo Qrande, recently, after return ing to Salt a)cv City from n trip ot Inspection over thnt part of tho lino whero millions of dollars arc bolng spent In Improvements. Tho pooplo or Utnh havo but a faint conception of tho vast amount ot work that Is bolng dono al this time and that Is planned to bo dono In tho next two or three years In bringing tho road to such n, condi tion that It will bo ono or the finest In tho world. Mountains aro being torn down or pierced by tunnels and rivers aro being changed from their courses to mnko tho Improvements for which contracts have already been let In Utnh. So stupendous U tho work already under wny that It Is hard for tho layman to understand Us magnitude. As nn oxnmplo of tho work's mag nitude, It may be cited that the now detour lino ovor Soldlor Summit will cost an nvornge of $140,000 a mllo tor a dlstnnco of a llttlo more than fourteen mllo, or nt an approximate coil of two million dollars.. It Is the biggest ploco of single railroad construction undertaken In the West In n long tlmo. Whon completed, about August 1, 1013, tho new lino N.III bo about four and a half miles longer than tho present lino, but it A'lll roduco tho grade from 4 par rent to n trifle less than 2 per cont. Somo Idea or what this will moan to tho railroad company may bo gathered from tho statement ot of ficers of tho road, who say thnt whero It Is now possible to haul flfleon loaded cars ovor tho summit, It will ba possible to haul from for ty to sixty-five cars over tho now I'uo. This work Is under tho Im mediate charge of L. II. Furman, an engineer who has beau connoctod with tho Dunvor and Hlo Ornndn for more than twelvo years. An Anuy of Skilled .Men. Tho contract for tho detour track has boon let to tho Utnh Construc tion company, which hits already es tablished four big camps and will ostnbllsh a number or others In tho near future. With tho advenl of good weather thoro will bo no rower than two thousand mon omployod on this piece or work, tho majority or whom will bo oxparts In tholr ro spoctlvo lines, such as steam uhovel men, drlllmon, lunuulmen, concrete workers and othors. Within a short tlmo thoro will bo nineteen big steam shovels at work on this now lino. Bvory bridge and culvert will be or steel and conoreto. No wood will bo mod. The double track detour, however, U but a part or the vat Improve ment for which tho company hits already eontruated, or oxcct to lot contracts In tho near future. Tho company let n contract some tlmo ago for tho double tracking or the main llnu from Helper to Tblstlo, a distance of fifty mllos, at a cost ot a llttlo ovor 11 million dollars. Thir teen miles of this now work has beou completed und work on the re mainder I being rushed with nil possible speed, It being tho Intontlon to have this part of the work finish ed by tho mlildlo of next summer. In many places on this stretch of fifty mllos thu company Is not only laying an additional track, but tho grado and curvuturee of the existing track nro bolng changed to make it conform to thu nuw track. At this tlmu the company Is con sidering the oxtendlng ot tho double truck from Thlstla to Mldvalo, which would give tho company a double tracl. from Helper to Salt Lake City, It Is expected that contracts for this work will bo lot early next year. Tho estimated cost of this Is two million dollars. Tho company is also considering plan for tho spending of ovor u million dollars for now terminals and other Improvements in Utah, 4lH tNot iho least of these, and not In- FdLH eluded In tho million dollars, aro Ik 'lH plans for tho ostnbllshlng of n, com ill plete telephono system ovor tho HH main line In Utnh In order to facltl- fr 4H title the operation ot trains. " a All of tio (rack which Is now bo h H Ing Inld nnd will bo Inld In tho fu- . JH turo will bo or clghty-flvo and nlnn- W YjH ty pound rails. JH Lino In Inspected. LtssH An Inspection or that part ot thej 'aivsiifl work which Is now bolng dono bo- Sll tween Hall Ijtkti City nnd Helper 1 isHUfl was made last weok by a party ot SH rallrond officers and nowspapor men. M3 -H Tho party Included A. II. Apporson, fc H gonoral superintendent of tho Utah j JH lines or the company, N. A. Wll-i H llnms, superintendent or tho Utah IU, .'ussH division, S. V. Dorrah, assistant I f JMU genornl freight agent; L, II. Fur- j E 'VH man, engineer In charge; A. II. ilLI Chrlstonsen of the Utnh Construe ' . jlH Hon company; Harry Shlpler, H. P. T 'TH Dodds nnd W. J. Sloan. Tho party JH left Salt Luko City Wednesday-tn. j Superintendent Apperson'a prlvsto ft 9H car, "Wasatch," going ns far as .''liH Castlo Unto. j SH Tho officers of tho company do- Spl dared that the Improvements which M H are being made and thoso contom- Viiiaial platod for Iho next yoar or two aro hlI absolutely nccensary In order thnt v isH tho compnny may caro for Its rapid- tLHHl ly Increasing business. Thoy said IsHsHH that loo much credit could not W ''VH Riven to 11. F. Hush, president ot I' XLUB the road, and B, U Drown, -Ice HjisV president, who are doing nil In tholr KLHh power to rush the needed Improve- BHibH Apporson stated that whllo the , IflH company U making vast improve- V''-JsHH ments In Its main line, It U not v4nH overlooking tho question of rolling :PjH stock. Ilotween now and tho first tilH ot noxt year the Utah linos will re- H celvo ten now Maltol engine of tho ' 'H latest type. Thoso engine aro Jtslfl oqual to twenty of tho best thnt aro. , H now In iiro by the road. Ilotweoa ' JH now and tho flrt of next year tho "'H Utah lines will also receive fourtoon sH of tho latosl type or Mikado engine, .'"'H each or which Is equal to two ot 11 those now in use, if 4k The company has ulno ordered - thirteen hundred freight oars and 1 ' "k4H fifty f cabooses, all of which will bn -CssslH delivered soon. Apporson stntod Hjsfl that or the three million dollars of .4 H road Improvements which hnvo al- ;' 4H ready been o rile rod and contractu ''1 let, at least two and it hair millions !JsHM will be spoilt In Utah. jH On thu return trip un umuslng In- .,'H cldent occurred. When the special 'ittH roachod Mldvale It wus dlscovorod 'll that the onglneer und fireman Jiad - vH worked sixteen continuous hours, H the limit allowed under a ruling of wssfl tho lntarstatu commerca commission. iB For a minute or two somo of Iho -iH mombors of tho party began to fear 1 that they would either havo to tako I H a street car to Salt Lake City or I "'H wait until another crew could be 1 At-j sent down the line. Their fears T wero quickly dispelled. tienernl H Supurlntendeut Apierson mounted j lILH the engineer's seut In tho ettli, Dlvl- r JH slon Superintendent Williams "shtxl" "iJH his coat nud grabbod thu coal -. H shovel, Tho regular engineer and 1 fireman, entered tho private car, 3sH wushed and changod their clothing, M nnd rodo to Salt Lako City as pas- Z, mA sengers. Had U10 membeni of tho ' 11 party not known of thu change, they TV.iSsHM would never have suspoctod It, so 'jil smoothly was tho run made. -, iUU iVaSBBBBBBJ ILbH 'sllfl tho stago company was concerned. j (J, H June has proven himself to bo a f jr JssHHh real managor nnd his many friends 1 1UU lu the basin said goodbye to Mm in, t F his official capacity with genuine i JH regrot, and will miss him In his fro- ' , lH queut trips lu from Price. Myton L 'KM Hocord, Oth. 'H Mr. und Mrs. C. II. Cody wore j I'rioe visitors the latter part of last rH J week. They expect to take up tholr . H residence at tho county seat at tho - "1 'V H beginning ot thu year.--Helper T H Tlmos, 7th. J "