H 111 kmM
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I Eastern Utaff Advocate ;"' m
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K OiTRun Htudy Uw Mclli
ftn Voguo Tlicrc Atljmllca
Hof lUglit In Utah Moat Im
Eat At Till Time Crucial
H Jim llccn Itcaclictl Here.
Havcstlgato tlio Oregon system
ndjudlcatlon of water right
u Tanner, stnto engineer,
H(or that Btato tomorrow, Do
B :"th. Tho InTCstlgatlon Is
td for tho gaining of knowl
Kont which to formulates n bill
Hn bettor solution of Utah'
disputes, tho bill to como bo
K,e legislature at IU coming
BlUon of Utah' Irrigation lawn
to croato a board of control
, adjudication ot all Issueu
Kr over water rlRhU, tho docl
Bot tho board to bo subject to
Hf to tho couru, Is atrongly
Emondod by tho state enclneor,
Tanner, In his blonnlnl report
Krcrnor Bpry,
Kh's Irrigation lawa and system
judication havo progressed to
Belsl point, says tho engineer,
K the muit either bo put to
LELt or olso abandoned entirely
Hmt or OISO UDanuancu viiium
Kor of a new system. Tho prcs
System, ho declare, I unique
Eat It ha no parallol In tho
m tate. Ita efficacy and ta
ability to tho futuro need of
Hutn uro doubted by the ongl
K Tho prctent ayatcm need
Br comprehensive nnicndmem In
Htay of lobulation or else tho
Hleta need to e gWon more latl
Ht la their Judication.
Hpnnor also recommend a doner
Hperatlon bolwocti the atato and
tlnlted Btalea goologlcal aurvcy.
federal aid tho state haa much
aln In tho way of Increasing It
wlndgn and Information concern-
water supply within Ita border,
suggests u liberal appropriation
this co-operatlvo work, remind-
tho legislature thnt thti federal
rroprliitlon or work within tho
o depoud entirely upon the
appropriation Itaelf.
he Uuchesno Mvor Hailn in
urn Itnh la the field to which
state should turn the major por
K of Ita efforts during tho noxt
K years, says the report. Tho wn-
of that region need regulation
storage In order to reduco tho
mi that annually occur by rca
K of a flow bolow normal. Btor
K of tho wntor no na to keep the
Bw normal whon most neoded Is
utlal to tho dovolopmont of that
BrJon, It Is declared.
Tbo economic advantage of con
tains tho I'luto rosorvolr project
U maximum capacity so na to
claim all tho land that llos within
ach of the available water, I
lntod out by tho engineer nnd
o governor U aakod to commend
U projoct to tho legislature for
rthor appropriation. Many thou
ids of acres of land can yet ho ro
ilmcd under this project by con
anlng tho work to Ita ultimnto con
tilon Tho state onglnoer also
igRosta that tho legislature put
4 atato road appropriations and
ridgo appropriations undor tho
athorlty of tho stato road commls
lo. Tho grenter part of tho report 1
The roglstor and rocelvor of tho
l sited Htates land oftlco Jmvo ro
lurned a decision for tho ilofenso In
iho case of tho stato against C. h.
l.ooo and Preston O. retorson, in
volving a coal entry made Soptom
xr B, 1312, by tho dofendants on
'ho west half of Section 30. Town
hip 20 Houth, Ilango 17 Kast In
Orand county.
Tho stato protested against tlio
ntry, alleging tho lands woro not
mineral and coal lands. Tho regis
ter and receiver decided that thoro
"AM I NEXT?" .
Last Monday's special dispatches I
to tho Bait Lake City nowspapers
bring tho Information that Con
gressman Joiteph Howell haa recom-
mondod the appolntmont of llonry
A. l'acc for postmaster at l'rlcc,
and In the samo connection tho
stntemont Is made that Postmaster
Charles A. Outwits has resigned.
Tho now.appoJMejulsrthoson of
James nVTace aTraMiaeenclera
lug for some time In a local mer
cantile house. He Is a good repub
lican, competent, The Advoente be
lieve, for the position, and If con
firmed by tho senate ulll make an
! efficient, obliging and ptlnstnktng
i official, lie has resided at Price
si'iiio five or six years, coming here
from Washington county.
Tho appolntmont of Pace and the
resignation of Postmaster (lulwlts
will como as a surprlso to two or
os mopi'at i:xti:nhio.
Dec. 21. Bub-contractors ot tho
Moffat oxtonslon aro horo for win
ter work nlong tho Hear rlvor be
tween hero and Craig. Jnitcnd of
following tho north sldo of tho river
tho route has been changed to tho
south sldo, which affords a bettor
opportunity to run branoh lines Into
tho Twenty Mllo country, where tho
nnthrnclto coal holdings nro moroi
In this connection It Is known
within tho past ton day tho Union
Pacific Jibs had Its coal export horo
Inspecting most of tho territory that
will bo reached by tho Moffat Inter
ests. It Is belloved that the Union
Pacific plan provides for tho grlil
Ironlng of tho coal fields In this
section with nn outlet to the north
through Wyoming.
was known to bo a vnluable vein of
coal thero prior to tho official wur
vey. given over to a discussion of tho ad
judication system In Utah with com
parisons with thoso adopted In other
states, as an argument In favor of
tho engineer's suggested revisions.
Inuring tho two years covered by
tho report tho office of the engineer
recorded 1289 applications for wntor
r'ghts. Tho revonuo from tho ap
plications was $27,000 and tho ex
penses of tho offlco, exclusive of
salaries, was 20,0fl9.
In tho two years Just ending tho
stato engineer has completed Jiydro
craphlc surveys of tho J.ogan, Vir
gin and Ban Itaphael river systems
and has completed a portion of tho
feevlir river system. With this In
formation thus accumulated tho Ir
rigation problems affecting hundreds
of thousands of ncres aro simplified.
three democratic aspirants for Iji"
placo at Price, one of whom has a
largely signed petition out for tho
place, that were expecting a change
with tho Incoming democratic ad
ministration about next March.
Whothcr a democratic scnato will
confirm Paco's nomination remains
to bo soon.
At a caucus In Washington. U.
Cjrecontlrr-tao' ilswmafntxof.Uio,
aenato took tho position that "to
the victors belong the spoils," and
It would not bo surprising If this
nomination Is held up until after
the 4th or March, that Presldont
Wilson may have something to say
In tho matter.
Postmaster Outwits has held tho
offlco about nine years, succvedlng
I). W. Holdnway, resigned. Ills
four-years term expires some tlmo
during next month, January. Whon
asked a to hi resignation by The
Advocate, Postmaster Outwits said
It was true.
lllttllti: MOUMON tkmpi.i:
Two cities In tho province of Al
berta, Canada, are eager to Jiavo
tho now temple to bo erected by tho
Mormon church sltunted within
their confines. Tho rival communi
ties nro Ilaymond nnd Cardston, the
Inst being named nfter the lato
Charles O. Card, formerly or I.ogan.
Tlio church authorities havu not
yet determined whero tho now torn
plo will bo situated, although It is
llkoly that It will bo In cither Ilay
mond or Cardston. They will reach
a decision within a short tlmo.
In tho rivalry between ltnymond
and Cardston, tho last named town
has somothlng or nn advantage.
When Charles O. Card died ho
dded a tract suitable for. n tem
pi 0 slto to tho church.
II was his wish that tlio ground
bo used for this purpose. Ho was
one of tho first Mormon colonists
In Albortn.
lo SITAE an
I'Atjortj'f Allwl r to Pnxv!
IJr! Against Iricr.
Martin. Allred, whoso two boys
MolbjmSund Clarence, wcro burned
nnd Wrocatcd to death In tbo Prlco
Jail, wTll bring suit against the city
or PrlSo'for damages, says Vernal'
Exprws. . He has retained as his
lawyers Ktng ft King of Bait Lake
CltyTho first report that tho
boraglhrown In Jail for drunken
neasjfhxltxt tho bqddlng on fire
It ls"cUlmed tho mattressTwhlcn
had boon set on Nro earlier In the
evening, presumably by a tramp,
was still burning at 11 o'clock whon
the boy were arrested. Tho mat
tress seems to havo been burning
on tho sldo next to the floor, whero
h hole two feet long had been burned.
Tho (loldbug Mining company di
rector havo decided to resumo de
velopment work on It property In
flold llaaln district In Arlronn.
Work will bo started about tho first
of February and tho Intention I to
continue operations till n paying
mine Is developed, for which there
nro excellent prospects.
Tho work will bo continued on
the tunnel In which hlghgrado gold
ore haa already been encountered.
Treasury stock will ho placed on
the market to secure money for de
velopment work. A force of men In
charge of one or more of tho direc
tors will go rrom hero to work the
James Itooney, formerly of llelir
but now a resident of Provo, Is
president of tho company, while J.
M. Lovorldge, lato of Bcofleld, Is a
dlroctor and ha considerable monsy
In tho proposition. Tho proporty Is
well spoken of by thoso familiar
with tho territory whero It Is locn-jtcd.
LONDON, Dec Zi. Australia, In
"race suicide," has aroused a scctl
j tlio "bounty law" encourage Immo
Itecont legislation adopted by th
ward of twonty-flvo dollars ror ovo
l vealth. A ponalty or rivo Jiundred
I tlon Is provod,
I Hut whllo guarding agalust mlxw
1 premium rogardless or whether tho
Mock. Henco tho opposition.
struggling with Iho problem or
on or the clergy which assort that
0 fcdoral government provides a ro
rj birth registered In the common
dollars Is oxactod If mlsreprosonta-
d marriages, tho law grants tho
children nm born In or out or wed-
. iu.i.1 .tntoments and continue to doal whero tho loud soundlug ords aro tho sole stock In tradtt, but
Thero aro some who still accept bald s ta 0 menu u , h, , what , wantoU( but thoy rCfuso to accepy tho advertiser's bare
they aro growing fewer. People are wl Int u onY T,,0 wh0 hM a Btory t0 t0 Bhou,d toll It. but ho 'should say somothlng
statement as truth, Just I sonuso l ?" "? "' (0 wnom ,,o appeal, and ho must couch his statement In words which will Insure this,
nhlch will glvo reason (or expecting ,l0JXh1ali logic In t. A bare claim will not make a fair sale, but u fair statement will usually con
V buyer who U wlso wants "'"JjT'Sa.oMblll and tho man making tho claim reliable.
vince a customer that what Is ciaimun i
Saturday Evening's Banquet and Smoker, In f H
the Nature of a "Get Together" Meeting, ! H
Attended By Unusually Large Number of r .H
Business and Professional Men and' Citi- i IH
zens of This City and Section Generally. fH
Hxaetly tirty-nlne buslniHw men
and cltlions ot Price nnd Cnrboii
county, by actual count, responded
to tho Invltntlon sent out ror the
banquet and smoker nt Hotel Bavoy
Inst Baturday evening, wheh tho
Midland Trail association wns or
ganised. Mayor Olson, ntlor supper
had been put away, dated tho pur
pono or tho meeting nnd at tho
samo tlmo named J. II. Bharp na
toaslmastcr. loiter several persons
wero called upon ror short talks.
C. C. McWhJnnoy spoko or tho
possibilities or tho Midland trait to
tho cltltons not only or Price, but
all or this country surrounding. Ho
1 stated that Oov. William Bpry had
' promised tho work or three Jiund-
1 red convlcta on tho road through
' Prlco lllvrr Canyon whenever tho
1 trail association or tho county wero
1 In need or tho lnbor. Ho alio cited
' tho fact that thero Is a large aunt
5 available out ot the state road fund
that mltht bo had.
Bonator Ivorson also spoke, stat-l
highway being established, and lie
urged that thoso Interested, which
moans evoryono, got tho work start
ed bi-foro any other or tho proposed t
routes can, Ho promised that tho
legislative committee, when that'
body meets In January next, wilt
bo "Johnny on tho spot," as It
were. His talk was woll received
and was most convincing and on
couraglng to his listeners.
Representative Klwood followed
Benntor Ivorson and tin' promised
his hearers to glvo his best ener
gies towards gutting an appropria
tion from tho Incoming legislature!
for tho road from O recti Itlver
through Prlco and on to Colton by
way of Helper, Castle Oato and tho
Prlco Ittvor Canyon to Colton In
Utah county or to Kyuno, whoro it'
would Join tho Utah county road.
Klwood will "hit tho ball" ovory
tlmo It comes rolling his way.
Tho Motor Flold (newspaper) of
Denver, Colo., was represented by
J. B. Appol. Tho gentleman folt, ho I
said, that everything Indicated that ,
Prlco within the coming ten years
would bo a city or rrom fifteen to
twenty thousand Inhnbltnnts. Tlio!
stato ought to bond for two millions I
of dollara for hotter highways.!
Automobile should bo taxed to pay '
off tho bond. Ood had bestowed
upon Utah .and Carbon county tho'
beat of roaft materials in groat as-'
phaltum deposits. Wu can supply
the material hero for building tho
trail from ocean to ocean and never
miss 1L
1). I). Iloutx prophesied that tho
tlmo would como to all of us hon
no oltUen could comfortably go to
sleep at flight except by tho "honk"
of a "huxi Wagon." It Is up to us
to sea that wo make the host of
whaj. wo Jiavo hero in our hills and
crags and to utllltu our Vesources
and opportunities. Wo should Join
togethor In building up Utah In
gonoral and especially In developing
our natural1 resources, referring
more particularly to the great sand
asphaltum beds In Carbon county.
His talk was not lengthy, 'but quite
to tho point. Attorney HouU, who
w.as horo on business, remained
over Saturday evening In order to
be at tho gathering,
A. W. Horsley addrosscd the
guests In a rry hnppy vein, enllv- h 'H
enlng things with several good stor- f 'LmmW
tea, especially tho ono ot tho darkey mmmmmm
going to conference on n mule, ajv I ll
plying tjio samo to tho teglslattvo 1t3Llfl
coitmltlco. Ho wa followed by I. '" JH
N. Harmon, who was pleased to sco H
such harmony prevailing, Also that 'mmmmmm
tho vcoplo horo woro a unit In this It fliLfl
Midland trail work. Dr. A. C. 'f lliffl
Wherry ot Bait Lake City also ad- WsLlH
dressed thoso present. Ho Is in K '
terostod In real estate south ot V H
On motion of Senator Ivorson, Uw M
tho appointment of a commltlo of II jiljH
threo on pennanetil organltation f
' prevailed. This committor consist- .,
ed of C. C. McWhlnnoy, A. W. Hors- ' ' JM
.ley and Lovi N. Harmon. It named 1 , '.H
'A. W. Horsley for president, A. O. I i.
'Outholl, vice president, nnd Oeorgo .a!H
K, Nolms, Kocrolary and treasurer. jfll
Tho four counselors are II. II. Ho- j t 3H
I Donald, U Ixiwoosteln, Thomas Smmmmm
Kout and J. It. Bharp. '"'HilH
w. r. Olson tendered nis remg- f -WLm
nation a tho president of tho as- . , ' . kaIiLh
cjtm1teatjwUutja BNiB
rtetlBV.saUithtkl"pM ' "volH
demanded all all 6f hi tlie J"-l " 'W'jjmmm
looking after Ita business. Iovl N. 1 W "H
Harmon declined tho commissioner- 1 i
ship for Prlco district, when "Tob" I B
Whltmnro was selected, -y JH
W C ilroeker and A. O Outholl Vlilfl
woro given a veto of thank for
their strenuous labors In behalf of ,'H
j tlio Utah and Colorado link of tho 'ii'B
1 proposed trail. C. II. Ward, com- i "m
tnlssloner for Utah county, sent hi
regret by telegraph ot hi Inability r jH
to bo present. 3B
William J. Tldwoll of Wellington .TJB
: pledged the support of that com- V9H
munlty to do anything In tho power 4H
ot tho pooplo thero to help along , JH
'the good work so auspiciously start- ' ''lFI
uJ- frjkaM
tin: puici: uivku canyon '4Lm
At a mooting of the executlvo '$Lfl
commlttoo of tho Midland Trail asso- h.mmW
clatlou at Bait Uko City last Thura- uJM
day ovonlng, report from commlttoo r IfH
chairmen Indicated that tho assoda- , MMH
tlon Is growing at tho rate of about ' JH
fifty mombera dally. A. II. Crabbo, -V
ono of tho now county commission- "(H
ur nt Zlon, wa appointed to mako , iH
arrangement for a meeting with aH
Ouvornor Bpry and tho stato high- . SH
way commissioners for a discussion , -iH
of conditions to bo met along tho (2lH
I lino or tho Midland trail In Carbon , JSammM
county. r, iw'lH
I According to tho trailers tho city 1 ;, i jkH
commissioners at Klon havo proctlc- 'vlH
ally ngrtHid to pavo Btato street to 'Miel
tho county lino and tho county com- ( - ,7H
mlssloners nro said to favor tho Im- jj, H
provemont ot tho road from tho city t , &1H
limit to tho point ot tho mountain I
on tho Utah county border. f VjiH
Utah county Is said to havo ftH
plodgod strong support for tho lin- ( 4H
provoment ot the trail In that conn- It&WH
ty. 'lHI
Colorado Votm .Money. 1.- iJHfl
Colorado voted au appropriation 1 TifH
ot ten million dollars for road work, I ."H
but the Midland trail boosters say r fflH
this will not bo oxpendud on the f aia
highway unless tho Orand Junction jweB
and Oroon Itlvor routo is soloctod. iiKB
From tills It will bo seen that it Is ffH
this routo or none so far as Utah Is i f!H
eoncerned, as without tho support tlii H
ot Colorado Utah will got no bono- I V9Bifl
fit from the highway. tL B
Motor Ago, ono of tho loading lr sSamm
I I automobtlo publications ot tbo Unt- ipvamm
I ted Btntes, Is publishing weekly ar- j ?TB
1 (Continued on pago elglTt ) vS)3H
1 v9