it J fl ' BBS
f;y K
H! a.' Declare That Existing Code Doesn't Protect the
H1 ' Industry Would Take Control of Herds
H.'i From Dilatory Aasters.
Br l Tho outlook for the complete
BBS f omdleatlon of iicnb among tho sheep
BBJ 1 of Utah wan brightened materially
BBJ f bj action takon Inst Thursday nt
BBf i Halt Lako City nt a meeting of fed-
BBjF oral nnd stnto authorities nnd llvo
SS( ,l tock mon from nil sections of the
BBA' wtJ'to That tho present law goern-
PBBj,' i ,nC vlolatlonii of qunrnntlno nnd dip-
BB); ', ptng regulation Is grossly Ineffl-
BBjr , clont, nnd thnt tho amendments)
BBS mum bo mndo nt onco In ordor to I
BBXL 1 1 erndlcato tho disease of scab In
BBBK j, Utah, vi tut tho senso of tho inoct-
BBB ''j 'nC A commlttco wns nppolntod,
BBBf 'I according!), to present to tho Icgls-
BBS. M Inturo n memuro which Is designed
BBBXj i to ollmlnntc prcsont condition The
BBBE oxlstlng ovIIk wore discussed nt
BBBJ " length by membora of tho state
BBB board of sheep commissioner, rep-
BBBJ resontntlves from tho Utah Wool-
BBBJ growers' association, Borornmonl ox-
BBBJ ' porta nnd promlnont sheepmen from
BBBJ oorornl of tho woolgrowlng coun-
BBH I tint
BBBJ J Tito taw Is to
BBBj , Those wh" participated In tho dls-
BBBJ I cusslona woro practically unanimous
PJJBB 1 la too opinion thnt tho fnlluro to
BBBfljf lUmp out tho dlsenso of acnb
BBBBf throughout tho atato hna bton no
BBBF rAU't of tho atnto board of ahcep
BBBX i. commissioners, but resultant dlreit-
IBBBj from tho laxnma In tho taw in
LBBj'l clear nnd strong presentation of
VBBM Iho cato Attornoy Uonornl Ilanica
nBBHy pointed out tho defects In tho prea-
BBBS f out law, declaring that It mum bo
BBBX 4 changed If remits aro expected
BBBB I OoTornor Hpry nlao apoko In aupport
BBBB " r tho argumvnl that llio law I do-
BBBB ' foe tire. Ho pledged his aupport to
JJJJJJJ " tlio nooessnry change to bo aikcd of
JJJJJJf tho leglilaturo Ito commendra the
BBBB I efforts of tho state board, declaring
BBBB that 1U efforts hnd been tireless but
BBBM, Inoapablo to contend with existing
BBBM ' condition Among those who spoko
BBBBJ 'n aupport of tho atnto board woro
BBBa, - I- Stewart, secretary of tho
BBBBJ.' Uuh Woolgrowers' association, I)r
JJJJJJE A. 0. Young, stnto llvo stock In-
JJJJJJJj txir, nnd othors.
BBBJ Want lVimlty liirrcnwtl.
Hl i''A .,T1? chiton (9 bo Aikod oft tho
BBBBJ Jtigbt1aluro In the prvwnt law lr thnt
BBBBx all ca? of failure of obsmnnco of
BBBBJ tho itato quarantlno and dipping
JBJBJ mgalatlons U hereafter hoard In
BBBJ tho district court Instead of the Jus-
BBJBB tlcit courts, nnd thnt tho flno for
BBBj' )xth offonsos bo raUod from ono
BBBJBJ' 'dollar to thrnu hundred dollars nnd
BBJBJ 'rom one hundred to a thousand
m, dollars. The commlttoo nppolntod
BBBM to present tho nmondment to tho
BBJBBJ leglslnturo .onkUts or J V Thorn-
BBJBBJ ly of Knysvlllo, V ll Htownrt of
BBBBJ Halt 1nkv City, J M CunnlnKhnm
JBBJI of (Irnnd county, Knoa llonnton of
JBJB Vornal, J It Allun of Draper, M.
JBJBJ K I'nrsuns and Thomas Austin, both
BJBJBJj of Halt Uko City This committee
JBJBK will not only go lxjforo tho leglsla-
JBJBV turo, but will discuss tho propowd
JBJBJ tunendmenta to tho present Inw bu-
JBJBJJ foro tho annual stnto convention of
BJBJBJJ tho Utah Woolgrowora' association
JBBJB to be held In Knit l.nko City, Jnnu-
B Mehln Mnk.-M Talk.
BBBBJt Th (i question of offoctlo dipping
JBBJB lor shovp to prevent or curu acnb
nna fully dlicuMed nnd aired by
many of those prcsont. Among
those who mndo helpful auggostlona
nnd urged closer co-opcrntlon of
state nnd federal authorities voro
I)r A I) Mclvln, head of tho United
States bureau of animal Industry,
nnd 0. P. McCnbo, solicitor of tho
United Utntcs department of agri
culture t)r. Mclvln spoko for tho
technical nnd mcdlcnl Interests of
tho meeting nnd McCnbo looked nf-
tor the legal end Thcsa depart
ments nro planning cloao co-oporn-llon
nnd will do much toward nutat
ing tho nuthorltlcs of Utnh to eradi
cate oxlstlng evil conditions
Federal nnd slnlo authorities, na
well oa tho woolgrowers, any that
tho only suro euro nnd proontlvo
for scab la to dip In n solution of
lime nnd sulphur They nvorrcd
that whllo othor romcdlca proo ef
fectho only undor favorablo condi
tions, tho llmo nnd sulphur dip Is
nlwna satisfactory In dlactiMlnK
points designed to cover tho lax
no In observing tho dipping lawa
It wna declnrud that In tho proposed
romcdlca should bi provisions there
by tho cnrelcsa nnd nogtlgont sheep
man whoso flock hna scab shbuld
not only bo fined, but doprltcd of
tho enro of his sheep until they nro
cured by tho nuthorltlcs, tho cx
ponso to bo pnld by him This sug
gestion received hearty aupport nnd
Is to bo an Importnnt feat tiro of tho
revised Inw.
U It. Anderson, chairman of tho
stnto board of sheep commissioners,
presided nnd outlined tho work of
tho board, showing that It Is greatly
handlcnppcd In combating existing
Du. A. . .Melt In 0.uit.
"Hheeprnlsera nro compelled by
law to secure n permit whenever
they wish to lako sheep out of Utnh
to othor slates, now that tho quar
amino Is In effect This htm boon
the raso for tho past night or ton
years. Tho sheep must bo dlppod
nlro, which moans groat lncononl
nce to stockmon. Then, too, tho
iWpol crop la lessoned, by the shot
y-nb. Although It Is not so preval
ent in to bo a menncu Jn utnh, It Is
present (o nuch an extent that It
causes no end of trouble to stock
men. We liavo Uon trying to erndl
cnte It for Jfoaira ko as to rnlso the
quarantine ngnlnst Utah sheep. Hut
there seems to bo just enough of
tho scab loft ovor from oar to year
to necessitate this quarantlno being
continued. It Is expected to com
pletely nnnlhltato this sheep acab,
nnd thus relievo Utah stockmen of
great exponso nnd Inconvenience
once for nil, nnd enable Utah sheep
to be tnkon to any market In the
country with tho government's wnc-tlon."
"I was suffering lth llor com
plaint," says Ivn Hmlth of Point
Ulank, Tex., "and decldod to try n
twonty-flvo cont box of Chamber
lain's Stomach and I.Ivor Tablets,
and am happy to say that I nm
completely cured and can recom
inond thorn to overy ono " For sale
by all dealors - -Advt,
R& WWrK wri'13 m t,ult ho warms his I
1 1 W Bt? 1 QuOLmilk-wSon on cold days I
y,?PMS 1rwith Perfection O'l
U t5 " i i e mnJes "i3 rounds
MTfcp-fls4f: Ul in comfort. Zero wenth
r7jjJBAjpk cr doesn't bother him.
vTrTro Jw 's mi"irnn has
W s&& adopted this wonderful
$ ,,ttl0 heater to his own
j. ,. "Vj&r particular needs.
You may not drive n
DtFRFECTIOlU mflk-wnBon, but there aro
SsTi ?-f .""?? nr countless ways in which
3injXS& one of these heaters would
Mde with niciisi ttimminss be n convenience and
(ptsin steel or tntmtled tur- .,c ... .
Vuoi.cbiu. drums), orn.. comtort to you in your
mental. Inexpensive Laits home. You Can adapt it tO
SOT-pfc jrmQ'ed"om your own requirements.
At Dain Evrywhit.
CkfUM, Ball. BiA, StM Ll Ql.
nBBBBB) faTll BmtfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmtrrri'sr.rimmmSSKB3Sl
KSmfjrBJB k
mmKJMMr. :-.. . . r - '' r r - - -
T?iriffWBBftsTTnftrs1sSsBlYlsshf f'TflMTI fi ii n SilM" "JT l i"tSl il SJIJSJSSJSJfH
Would Hnva the IiCfcUlaUiro Ho
Cluuiga tlio Laws TluU, MllHmalro
Could Not 1 1 rin k DUgmro Vim
Tlila CViiiiinoinvnlOi .New lurk
Htntfl I'liui Found Ihcdlcnt.
Soreno II. Tuttlo of Salt Lake
City has begun an agitation In tho
Salt Lako Ileal Kstato nisoclatlon
for n, chango In tho dollniuent tax
system. At tho last meeting of the
association ho served notice that ho
would Introduco n resolution urging
tho leglslnturo to chango tho delin
quent tax law. Ho bellcus thnt
taxes can bn hnndlod more profit
ably for tho city, county and stnto
by bo penalizing dollnquonclcs that
It will not bo to tho ndvanlngo of
wealthy taxpayers to allow tholr
taxes to become dollnquont, thereby
virtually borrowing money from
public funds nt a ridiculously low
rato of Interest. Ho says:
"Wo should not senro the stranger
from our gntcs. This year wo aro
publishing twenty-seven jhircs of
delinquent tnxpa)ers Who would
not bo scared about coming hero
with that horrible showing of pov
erty? Few reallxo that It Is tho
direct result of n llttlo temptation
our Inwmnkcrs put boforo our tax
pa) era. This does not mean that
tho mllllonnlro la so hard up ho
can't pay his taxes. Mr, Millionaire
knows tho vnluo of mono)- that's
why ho la n mllllonnlro. Ills tax
on a main street block Is, sir, two ,
thousand dollars. That Is worth G
por cent to htm, or n hundred and '
twenty dollars a year, ten dollars n
month. Our lawmakers tempi him ,
not to pay his tax, adding to tho i
tax only twonty-flvo conts, tho cost '
of advertising. Bo Mr. Mllllonnlro
saves $9.70 by waiting from Novem
ber ICth to December ICth before
paying his lax i
"I nm Informed that In Nc ork
stnto tho ponnlty for delinquency is
1 per cent of tho tax for tho first
thirty days nnd G por cont for tho
noxt month 8o Mr. Mllllonnlro
there pn)s his lax becauso money Is
worth half of 1 per cont por month,
or 0 per cont per year to him, hnd
his city la not disgraced bjr poor
lawmaking nnd a long dollnquont
tax list. Tho pooplo should Insist
on the legislature correcting this
evil at tho noxt session sCjuould
not contlnuo to give tho wealthy n
prlio for casting an Insltuntlon of
poverty on the nnmo of Utnh."
MSDs hunt ron men omu
Often tho hunt for a rich wife
ends whon tho man moots a woman
thnt uses Electric Hitters. Hor
strong nerves toll In a bright brain
and ovon temper. Hor peach bloom
comploxlon nnd ruby lips roaull
from puro blood, hor 'bright, eye
from rostful sloop, hor olnstla atop
from firm, froo muscles, nil tolling
of tbo health and strongth Kloctrlc
Hlttora glvo a woman, and tho free
dom from Indigestion, backncho,
hoadacho, fainting and dltzy spoils
they promote Kvorywhoro thoy
aro woman's favorlto romody. If
weak or ailing try them. Fifty conta
nt nil dcnlera. Advt.
i:mma ciiii.ih i,i:o.m
iii'iiiiih vr iiu.vrivtiTON
Tho funeral of Mrs. Kmma Chtlds
Luonnrd was held Monday of last
week nt Huntington lllshop An
lotie Nielsen took charge of the ser
vices nnd the ward choir, conducted
by A P Johnson, furnished tho
singing James W Johnson render
de the solo, ' Fsee to Face The
speakers were J F WnkelUld, I).
.' Woodward, Albert (lil)iiiuii nnd
Peter K Johnson
'Aunt Kmma, ' as she was fnml
llirly inlled, was the datiKlittr of
John Child Hhe was born August
13, 1841. at llehlew, O Him mot
her future husband, David llnuri
Uonard, at the Missouri rher In
1 83 J The) eroded the plslna to
k Hnr In Moims CIhwmu s umipnny.
lli; have been plotieer In many of
he (tvltluimmi of Utah has
K.iiei hir husband In building
M'wutoen homes
Huntington hna been their homo
luce 1880 Hhe w the mother of
on children, two of whom aro
d-nd Those Ihlng are Mr Louie
Wlinmer of Provo, I) Hober Loon-
."rJ of HuntliiKtun, Mr lmlrn
.urlcs of St John, Dr. Alonjo N.
Leonard of Cedar City nnd .Marlon
U-onard of Stilt Uke Clt).
' When father was slok about BU
joure ago ho road an advertisement
of Chamberlain a Stomach and Llvor
Tableta In tho paper thnt fit his
case exactly," wrltw MUs Margaret
Campbell of Fort Smith, Ark. "Ho
I puixhased a box of them nnd he has
not been sick since My sister had
stomach trouble and wu aUo bene-
era Vd thm " ROUl l'y "" Ueul"
,.,.?. ""r,aln"Ht given b the
P"? ln ''! J'Ublle schools
am l-rlday afternoon was qulto
largely nttende.1 and was most thor-
?n. i0y hi lrenU ""' Pa
trons Iho program as published In
out JUST My0Ml Wn8 Ca",id
5 Kitchen Things m
$ WL
g You'll be able to get plenty of good things foryr H
kitchen here. The sort of utensils that will wear and B
I keep their new and bright tone. What you find here H
is all right always. Heaviest coating of enamel, U H
HI not weighty ware. Tin things, too, if you prefer, U sK
enameled ones are better. ' m
jjjM 1fr-' A New Stove"
E itofc . Wi,! Pay for itsc,f ln a short time K
IPI by lts cconomy in consumption K
tO 111 WtP of coa' wb''c coa' IS so dear Wt
i ilVlv This bj3 storc ful1 of a!l kind! B
c I ' ' f UM-tJLiJ a"d sizes of stoves will afford
2 ' you the one to suit your needs. Br
: A Happy New Year I
To All. I
v I wish to thank my friends and patrons of Price H
!; and surrounding towns for their most liberal patron- H
! atjc during the past year and hope to merit their H
i good will in the future. Wishing all a happy and H
t prosperous new year for 1913. I take this method of H
expressing my appreciation of your patronage. H
Milliner. I
.Mlllt'lU-UMnai HTATKS L.M
Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, I)e
t'mber 12, 1912. To Whom It Mny
C mcern Notice Is hereby given
that t)io stnto of Utnh tins fllod In
this office lists of lands, selected Jiy
tho wild stnto under Sec tl ol the
net of congress, npprood July Hi,
1894, ns Indemnity school lands,
vlx. NKU8WU. Sec. 13, HKU
NKU, Sec. 24, NVNvi4, 8ec. 22,
Twp. 12 South, ItnnKo H Hast, nnd
ot 2, Sec. 19, Twp. 12 South,
lUngo IS Knst, s. L. M., Sorlnl
010781 Copies of said lists, so far
ns they rolato to said tracts by de
scriptive subdivisions, hate been
conspicuously posted In this offko
for Inspection by nny person Inter
ested nnd by the public generally.
During tho period of publication of
this notlco, or any time thereafter,
nnd boforo final appro al of .erilfl
cntlon, under departmental resula
tlons of Ajirll 25, 1907, protests or
onlMU against the claim of the
state to an of the tracts or sub
dUlslous hereinbefore described, on
tho ground thnt the same Is more
tnlunble for mineral than for agri
cultural purposes, vl be reeeUed
nnd noled for report to thu general
land office at Washington, I), c.
Failure so to protest or contest,
within tho llmo specified, win bo I
considered sufficient ovldonce of1
the non-mlnornl character of the
tracts and tho selections thereof,
belrif othorwlso freo from objection,
will bo approud to the state U
I). It. THOMI'SON, Itoglster
First pub. Dec. 20, last Jon. 23-13 I
4-348 b. I
(FubllBhor.) Department of the In
terior, U. S. Land Offlco nt Salt
Lako City, Utnh, Docombor 19, 1912
Notlco Is horoby given that Wllford
F, Ovlntt of Cle eland, Utah, who
on July 11, 1908, mndo HomestMtd
Hntry No 0B1, for 8WU. Sec 34
Twp. 10 South, Hnnge 10 Kust, gait
Ike meridian, hns fllel notice of
Intontlon to mnko final three-) ear
probf, to ostnbllsh clnlm to the land
nljovo deaorlbod, before William
Howard, Unltod States commis
sioner, at Huntington, Utah, on the
15th day of February, 1913. Claim
ant namos na wjtneasos Jnmee All
rod, Nlola Nlelson, Jncob B. Mlnchy
nnd nouthor Krlckson, nil of Cleo
land, Utah. R. D. It. THOMPSON,
First pub. Dec 2Cj last Jan. 23-13
I; Prompt Service Dray Ural
! K. A. TIIOMI'KO.V, Fropriotor. H
, Hero to Serve Kterjono nt Ileasonablo Charges for tfct NBJ
,' Sorvlco. BJ
j Dealer in Aberdeen Coall
Itosldenco I'lione CCx, Offlco I'hono 00. l'UICG. UtixBB
"- JI
l rops, Ties u,,a Hpraitn ,, Vlu.,m1 oUcr U)Ca predsrt
(,e"UMlnw MT.8et" Ploor J'lso llulldlng, Salt Uk
Mines nt Clear Creek, Winter Quarters. Castlo Onte n
Huni,yldo, Carbon County, Utah.
Vlco lre. "d 0e"' "
N K' heaniouiu, Bec'j uml Tiros.
Urn Utah Realty Company
I'ltlCi:, UTAH.
! HmM Oppertunltlcr Offered In listen. Utah.
WK "ffiiVHhiv!,0" AND FA1LM LAKU8
f Notary'wknDonTU,e? Abtctod. Examined nnd I'fecteO
; to Ols'on & T Seamount, PrlcT"" Wr,Uen- Wrtle " l
bbmbb s ai . -- "i jjhbbbI