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BbL is 'a bYJ Vi If, vaok roun. tub eastkiin UTAup dvooatb, thchbdav, dec, so, 1012. wBJ 4 The Eastern Utah Advocate Hf' 1 ' Ttio Advocate Publishing Company (Inc.). k J, R. W. Crockett, Manager, HlEN JNIwcrlptlon Kates. Ono Yonr, $1 EO, Six Mo., 76c; Thrco Mo., SOc. Knj ADVKUTIfllNa RATK8 I.NrKI'KEOT JAinJAIlY 1, 1012. Bgjjji BIBPLAY ADVERTISING Por Inch per Slaglo Iasuo, 26c; per Inch BBlgM Month, 20c Each Issue. KHffi POBITION Full Position, Top ot Column. Next Reading, add 26 BftF&ft coat to above Alongaldo Koadlng Matter, add 10 per cent to BB'& I . Hf' l RBADEIia I'or Line, Ono Time, 10c; per Lino, Subsequent, 6c. Hi , FR0KES8I0NAI, CARDS Not Ovor Ono Inch, $1.00 per Month. BBJ1K VEOMjS Ton Centa per Mno First Insertion. Fire Cent per Lino BBjfli I KfUto Bubaoquont Isauo. ft ODITUAUIKH Cards of Thanks, Resolutions, Etc., at Italf Local SBU Kteding Notico Itates. AddreM all Communications to Hv j THE AUVOCATK PUIlMHIIINa CO., Price, UUWi. BBjM 'I THUIWDAY, DEO. 20, 1012. Hi.j I Next Wednesday tho water wagon. H' j Let us hope that tho Midland BBr ' I troll through Carbon county docs BBJj not becomn a branch lino of tho Hl Ifotalr and Nowhoro system Htf I "Wilson Weary After Long Talk Bj-f! ' w,ti Nobraskan," reads a last Bun- B( ' day's newspaper headline. It would B bo strange, Indeod, If ho wasn't. B " - 4 'n"t Qno follow prominent by I self-appointment In about over)'' . thing that comes along must bo sat H v Irflod for a tlmo nsa moro "trailer." Rl An "the great moral and roll- HK , glous" has previously observed that 1 , flvo, ton, twenty or forty aero tract Hj r t Innd In Prlco Jttvor Valley Is not BBBJE getting any cheaper as tho months K and yonr roll nround. Kf gWhcn Price's Commercial club B, ceases to bo a mero private poker K game for a select few, It may hopo HjE to Interest tho hotter class of cltl i 2n nnJ business men of tho city BBBi and Carbon county as members Kr ijDenver and Illo Orando officials Bn doing their part In furthering h tho Interests of all Eastern Utah. Hfj Homo big things In tho way or Irrl- H) Ktlon dovolopment aro to bo under- m Ukon nrtor tho electrification ot Its B lines locally. More proiluctlon on B tho farms adjacent to lis territory BBBYr l, rccogulsod asm waning a grontor, B I Wggnr nnd hotter Denver and Illo BBftftj Orande. BBBBBBBBBBUill BBBVx Carbon county Is not raising 60 BBBftU! per cent of tho grain, hay, produce iand fruit that Is consumed within Its borders with ono of tho vory best markets anywhere In tho West L t Its doors. - Prlco Hirer Valley B'r noods more tillers or the soil and BBBf j. has every Inducement under tho sun BBS f to offer Ihoso who may ileslro to BBftB engago In agriculture or hortlcul- H ture. Forty acres Intelligently nnd H Industriously farmed In this alley H' ' fortuno BBBft ' Iit Saturday evening's smoker BBBl and bannuot given at a local hostel- BBBft 17 was a most excellent get to- BBBft golhor meeting and ought to boar BBBft good fruit. A. W. Uorsloy, olected BBBft ' as president ot tho Prlco orgnntxa- H ' Uon of the Midland Trail ntsocla- BbbS Uon, Uvnot only a most splendid BBSS selection becaumt of hi fitness for BSSm tho place, hut ho Is nn onthunlastlo BBSS worker for uttytlilng that I cnlcul- BBSS atod to bonoflt Prlco and Eastern BBBM UUh generally. Other officers ot BbBM tho association could not well be BBS Improvod upon. Tho Ailvocato BBBVi trusts Hint (ho Work undertaken j will result well. With the unity of BBBB action promlsod It can not well bo BBBBK BBBB Kentucky's court of appenls has BBBB, recently hold that a railroad com BBBBj pany Is under a legal duty to main- BBBB) tain Mtifflolont oars and equipment BBBB to moot tho normul demand ot tho BBBK tratflo und to bo ablo to furnish to BBBBj khlpper. when soasotmbly request- BBBBJ od, tho numbor of cars needed. If BBBB It falls In this respect It may bo re- BBBBJ quired to rospoud In dnmnges to BBBBJ any shipper who has suffered lots HBBj thereby. A railroad company cannot BBBBj discriminate against or show nn BBBBJ preference to nny coal mine on Its BBBBJ lino of road, but must treat nil aiue, and that It must also supply BBBBj Itself with a sufficient number of BBBBj, enrvto meet tho normal demands of Bt Uio coal trade during tho fall and BBBBJ winter months, whon this trado 1 BBBBJ the heavlost, although Its supply BBBBJ may bo greatly more than Is needed BBBBJ- during tho slack months. The court BBBBj! further holds thnt tho measure of BBBBl damage thnt may be recovered from BBBBK a railroad company for Its failure BBBBb to furnish oars to 11 con! mine la the BBBBj? reofionablo dlfforonco between whnt BBBBb It actually costs to mlno and placo BBBBft the coal on tho market, less tho BBBBB valuo of coal In tho ground, and BBBBft what tho coal thut could havu been BBBBft mined would reasonably sell for on BSBBBBSBSSSBSBf tho market, and In addition the ac tual cxponso Incurred and wages paid out and other expenses neces sarily Incurred during tho tlmo tho mlno was Idlo on account of tho allure to obtain cars. AVIATION IS .NOW AH HAKE AH rOOTIMLL. Tho striking assertion nbovo Is mado in an artlclo appearing In tho January Populnr Mechanics Maga sine, which tabulated tho aviation fatalities ot 1912 and comments on tho death rato among airmen for soveral years past Tho artlclo states that tho number of airmen killed each year, Including nil othors as well as tho llcensod pi lots, works out pretty closely to flvo In 1908; fifty In 1900, flvo hundred In 1010; fifteen hundred In 1011, nnd 6800 In 1912. "Now, making a few slmplo de ductions from tho foregoing data," It continues, "It Is easy to cnlculato that In 1908 thoro wns a fatality for each thousand mllos or flight, In 1909, ono for each sovon thousand miles; In 1910, ono for each twenty thousand mllos; In 1911, ono for each thirty thousand miles, and, In 1912, ono for each 107,000 mllos. It Is oqunlly ovldont that In 1908, ono In flvo of tho alrmon wore kill ed; In 1909, one In twolvo; In 1910, ono In sovontoon; In 1011, ono In twenty, and In 1912, ono In fifty ono. "On tho faco ot It, then, aviation has consistently and rafrdly improv ed In safoty from yoar to yoar, un til now It U at toast ton times as unlikely to kill a porson engaged In It as It was In 1908. And In splto of this roducod dnnger por Indivi dual, thoro I still a grontor reduc tion of dangor por unit of mlloago, 107,000 miles ot flight bolng now accomplished with tho same toll or human life that only four yonr ago was paid for each thousand miles, "Yet nlnoty-nlno porson out of ovory hundred are Impressed with U10 tdoa thnt aviation, which had killed less than half a dozen Indl lduals four years ngo, has grown Into something terribly dangorous, whon, as a mattor of fact, aviation commonced ns something vory haz ardous and has doveloped already Into something fully 99 por cont less risky, until now a flight In nn nero plano Is far safer than a ride In n racing automobile, and Is only about as hazardous as participation In u football game, which, for numbers nnd tlmo of Individuals ongngod, rolls up substantially nn equal fa tality Hit." I S jir V ' UK COUHHK. iM Man Jotinon You ftllawa lu th Mwttlnr liuru don't itlways kum Hit n.ii'h-r rrup-rty n let if ih- .Wt)ir Hi(fvu-MHyt nil ''! M rtlw rf'l wltulu uoiuln lu uu in III Miller IIiik. MAKES THE NATION (1ASP. Tho awful list of Injuries on a Fourth of July staggors humanity. Set over against It, howovor, Is tho wondorful hoallng by Ilucklon's Ar nica Salvo of thousands f.10 suf fered from burns, cuU, bruises, bul lot wounds or explosions. It's tho quick hoaler of bolls, ulcere, ooze ma, soro lips or pllos. Twonty-flvo conU at all doalers. Advt. Manifolding sales books of ovory description. We're factory ngonts. Advocate Publishing Co Advt. UOK AF m" SOMNJE IDS I'llOPKIt KIND OF HOII, IS THE ' FIIWT ItEQUIHITK. If Hl Must Ho Used Bo Buns and ' Hproad It Evenly Aflvnailsgrx of i Autumn Howling Dnngcnt l'nin '( IVort anil tYeeIng Is (Jtvnt 1 I'rncllcnl Huggrntiiiim f slur. ' The successful establishment ot a 1 lawn depends upon the careful preps ' ration aod the proper feiUlbution of , the land snd the selection and plant. 1 Ing of appropriate grasses. ' In the sections where seed sowing U j depended upon a very dncly compact- 1 ed oppcr stratum of soil Is cMcntlst ' In order to secure a uniform dUtribo. tlon of tho seed the seeding should bo 1 done In two directions. Tbt seed 1 should be scattered In one direction ! serosa the land, and another lot should be scatteml at right angles. (' Since graw seed Is very small, every (, precaution should be Ukon to bring ' I .Bss&BVBWBVBBt '' lawn or 111 iiiAi' or kNniuvifto amd t' rmxriNii in wamiinuui-, i the wtil in i-liMf cuiiimi with the null. Nature i.' 'in. in nii Idmil wn; by ,' Reiitlf i. .., it is therefore dedr- i "C'li M1111II urea to sow the seed Iniiiutlliiicljr U-furi'ii Mhower. (i In lh.. fiiK. ut itiiblUlilng iiiww. If tbt- gruiH wim ti grew from mfM can. 1' not Ih nnl 11 im uiivfMtry to rmort to one or ih. ntt-r of tin. followiug meib- ', od Plrxi l be mtublUtiineiit of ths Inwu by the um or miinll tufti or grns ' or pieie of turf plumed at Iniervali sufflelently cIom lu allow the miiural spmidlng of the plant lo won take " K)c- uiiriliei-iitiri'iireii or urcond. , coverlim the entire iirvn with turf. f UK)ii luniks where gnm eunnol b C readily eiubllMatl from ureil or by ' phutlug. 11 before Indicated, the mxl ! or lurf I untmlly removed from notns , area where suitable grass Is well e taUllsheil mid limit 10 cover I lie entire surface i Ther Is s legitimate dirference ot opinion In regard to the season at ! which It I best to plant a lawn There ' re iboe who ore very succeimful In HbUKOIUI,ANATIIIIVNMAWHCOrOI !' lawn making who deiend almom en- ! ilrely upon fall planting, and there ure 11 oilier who are wunlly suci-wsful who 't mhiK-ute tlic priu the of sprltig -plant- S Hg lloth uf theK systemi are iip- S 1-ew.ful. mid the prospective lawn iniik- er can ue the method whleh best milts i hi raiitenlem-e If the seeillng U 10 ' be dime lu the uutumn the lutter part I1 of August or the month of September i1 Is the bent htIikI for srcomplUhlng ! th. work In Imltudes between Waili. S Inuton nnd itiiKinii I'nll plnutlng tm the advantagv ot allowing 11 iiumlier of weeil In tho (' arisi to gennliiiite nud be killed by the '! froit mid fri't of the winter If ' the gniH ttliiK a height of two and a half or three Imhe lieforo winter ' there I little dinger of lo from ko- ' vere w wither In localities where the ! siirrme of tin (Sirth I not protected '1 by n snow liner nnd the ground Is ! Ikcly to freeze and thaw repeatedly it ' iwt advisable to attempt to ejtab- ! Ilsh a lawn In the late autumn Comploto line of blank books !' Advocate Publishing Co- Advt DD YOU OVERLOOK I ANYONE? I I If you did, here is your chance to get even, with the friend you overlooked. Some of our Christ- mas 'goods were delayed in transit and arrived too M s late. They are on our hands, however, and. we must dispose of them in some way. H . WE HAVE CUT TjHE I PRICES I so deep that you could afford to buy your presents H for next Christmas now and store them away. H It's a dandy chance now that your pocketbook H t is low anyway to get that friend you overlooked a present. H I Do It Now i Everything At Cost For Just One Week Beginning the first day of ,hc New Year we will inaguratc a reduction ale that will go down in the History of Price a, a Hummer. Wc bought ld 21 J 3h m p1 Se!uid f the 5,0ck' Wc need lhe money and you ll nS ' f" i new and up to the minute. Not a shop worn or damaged article in the whole layout. The entire stock of Clothing, Gent' Furnishings and Boots and Shoes -hs;;:s;,:ssrs1s:" - "- ,, W. E. ANDERSON & CO. 1 Close to the D. & R. G. Depot. BMMBBBBBBftBJslsMsssssssssssssiiSS,. - -aifflfr .Bftftl