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Hr l I K.i l'Ai; BIX. TUB BA8TKHX UTAH AOtJK. THIHHPAY, DKO. 20, 1P1-. HI HAS IT EVER OCCURRED fO YOU? lM f Ben!)! That ndvortlsed goods, locally or mail order, have to bo bettor bargains for tho buyer thanlgoods that nro not proclaimed? Husl- BM-(j Bfln mcn' Permanently established In a community, dare not ovon If thoy woro so Inclined decclvolhe people. They would bo found out, BPH1 kd ovorJr cheated buyer would avoid them. Thoy hare to make fair and nttractlvo promises. Then they havo to keep tho promises. BlUt Men who do not ndrerllso depond upon tho clinnco customer tho massing accident who enters on, a whim and hunts at random. Tho ad- HtHlB Tortlacr tells you beforo you leave your homo Just what ho can show you, Its usefulness or beauty and Us cost. Halt your shopping labor HfSun 1 at an end before you start on your Journey And beoauso you find it exactly as It Is represented, you know that thcro has been a con MRj fldont expectation of your coming, and a careful circulation as to tho margin of profit that will bo left. -Blffil rno tnnn wno doesn't ndvertlso didn't ask you to enter hirf store, nnd ho knows ho nover may seo you again. You havo no assuranco that Bfvii ka w'" Jon' 'ft'r'Jr w'"1 '011, '- '" V0Ty certain that ho has an Inducement In Rotting tho better of you, for this Is his ono opportunity, and BHh " wa ',lc,c nml n0v Iirvlslon that brought you to his counter. Bfl Buy of the man who has waked to tho modern system. Buy with tho man who buys for you, who has studied his trade, who knows how flljS much he will sell, nnd what ho will get for tho goods. Huy with tho man whoso biggest Inducement for fair dealing Is tho permnnenco of BpIH oar custom. Look at tio advertisements- and then patronize tho merchant who Invites krou. I SOLICITING ONLY I CHEAPEST STUFF Hi Steady Market For the Very Low Grade Cattle HI of Arkansas and Louisiana Sheep Hi and Lambs Are Lower. B ! Corrpsponilence The Adtocnte H KANBAB CITY, Mo., Dec. 21.-- Pf OXllo received hero this week 14,- f009, last week 8,000, mm a week lat year 28,200 head. Hlnco tho Hjj break of Monday some llltlo repair B , work las been dono on tho general Hl ' oaIIIo market, though fed steers ro- Hjl uialn close to tho low point reach Ht 4. fifty to seventy-five cents undor B two weeks ago. Uutcher grades Bfr hati lost only half as much, nnd HijL Block cattlo and feed or hnvo put on B 3 alwo-it as much as they lost, like H. w'M calvrs. Most of tho fed steers H& now soil at $0.90 to $8.00, nnd for M' Unto quotations nbovo nlno dol V! lira have probably disappeared. H Tho break this woek, nnd tho holl J lay next week will work together to J onus small shipments, and a light 9 ma Is expected next weok with pos Hi '-lr 'o ndvanco In prices. Lib Hb rl marketing hero nnd elsewhere ' "4k Is not regarded as re B fleeting truo conditions In the coun- B i try. Feeders evidently consider tho B slluntlou safe from tho wny they B' ro supporting tho market on coun ' try grades of cattle. Native cows kW "It nt 4.C0 to $0.7t largely, bulls J I4.7G to $0.00, veal calves up to B,r ' dollars. A fairly liberal run of K quarantine cattlu has been received i this wook, wiles of red steers rang. Bt ,n 'rcmi $0.00 to $7. If, mainly, h wln " four-car drove of twelw H hundred pound Texoit steers at j $7.40 Wednesday. Considerable Ar- t karuus nml Louisiana stuff Is com- B lag, which sells nt $3.40 to $S.O0, H about tho same prices as woro lit of H. leo hoforo tho break. Iluyers want H ch-ap cattle, honco tho steady mnr- H kt on low grado Southerns. Ilest - "took steers bring $7.00, feeders H Bheep received hero this week B 31,000, lost week 28,000, snmo weok HH last year 20,600 bond The market B on both sheep and lambs Is twenty H flvo to thlrty-tlvo cents lower this H we-k, because of liberal mark -ling nit nround. Horn also dualors re gard tho heavy run as n fictitious ropresontntlon of condition In tho feeding districts, particularly In nn tlvo territory, and they still predict stronger prices. Tho week ends with best Inmbs worth $7. CO, year lings $0.76, wethers $4.76, owes $4.26, feeding lambs $0.60 to $7.00. amui.uv vallbv movi:itH ABB TO I'OOI, TIIBIIl V(M)I, It Is the desire of the woolgrow nrs of tho Uintah Ilasln to pool their Interests nnd sell all tho wool In ono lump, thus being nblo to dic tate prices rather than bo dictated to. The Uintah County Woolgrow ors' association held a meeting re cently to go over tho situation nnd ascertain just what can bo dono. A resolution favoring milled action was adopted nnd a, commltteo ap pointed to formulnto plans for pool lug tho Interests nnd providing for tlm storing of tho product, which will mean n large warehouso In Vernal. 4-348 b. notici: von i'uiimcation. ., (Publisher.) Department of tho In terior, U. H. Uml Office nt Knit Lake City, Utnh, November 20, 1912. Notleu Is hereby given that William Tucker of Klmo, Utnh, who, on March 26, 1007, made Homestead Kntry (Herlnl 02437), No. 16082, for l.ot 4 and HHUBWl, Hoc. 18, Twp. 10 South, Ilango 10 Host, and IMsHKU, 8(3. 13, Twp. 10 Routh, Hango 0 Knst, Hall I.nko meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make final flvo-yenr proof, to iwtab Huh claim to tho land above de scribed, hoforo William Howard, U. H. commissioner, Huntington, Utah, on the 10th day of Jnnunry, 1913. Claimant names ns wllnewtes Dell It. Union, Wlllard Nielsen, David Timothy and Mows Tucker, nil of Cleveland. Utah K I), 11 THOMP SON, IlogUtor. First pub. Dec C, lant Jan 2, 1913 sssLH N iCBv fJri lissssssssssssssssssB H Serviceable, Safe. Hh'I THE most reliable lantern for farm use K 1 '"sthcRAYO. It is made of the beat ma- Hj terials. so that it is strong and durable j without being heavy and awkward. H' J Elves a clear, strong light. Is easy to light nnd rowick. M It won t blow out, won't leak, nnd won't smoke. It is H an expert-mado lantern. Madu in vnrious styles and H sizes. Tlicro is a RAYO for every requirement. K At Dtattri Eutrywhtra H CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY pppB Oxr-M-, Uull. UaUm, S.ll Uk. Cli,, H JOHNSON BROS. B Phone 134 H Carpentering and Mill Work of all B kinds. Get our prices. B PRICE ... UTAH NOTICIJ TO WATKH UH1MW. 8tato KnRlnecr's Office, Salt Lake City, Utnh, November 2t, 1912 Notice Is hereby given that Q A Drew, whoso postofflco address Is Colton, Utnh, has made application In accordance with tho requirement of tho Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, as amended by tho Hcstlon Laws of Utah, 1909 and 1911, to appropriate twa (2) cublc-fcot of water per second from Hearer Creek, Carbon county, Utah. Slid water will 'bo diverted nt a point which lies 10, CC0 feet north and G19G feet ivist of tho northwest cor ner of Sec. 4, Twp. 13 South, Hango i 8 Knst, Salt I.ako basij and mcrl! dlnn, from whoro It will bo conveyed I by means or a ditch for a distance of C000 feet and thoro used from Mny 1st to August 31st, Inclusive, of each )cnr, to Irrlgato 140 acres i of land embraced In Sec. 22, Twp. 12 South, Hango 8 Kast, Salt Lake base and meridian. As much of said water ns may bo nccc-wary will bo used during tho entire year for domestic purposes. This applica tion Is designated In tho alato en gineer's offlco on No. 47C1. All pro tesU nptlnst tho granting of said application, strftlng tho reason therefor, must bo mado by afldalt In duplicate nnd filed In thin office within thirty (30) dnys after the completion of tho publication of this notice, CAI.KI1 TANNEH, Stato Kn gtnecr. Data of first publication Dec. 12, 1912, dato of completion of publlca Hon Jan. 11, 1913. 4-348 d. NOT'CK Foil I'UIIMOATIOV. (Publisher.) Dopnrtmont of tho In terior, U. S. 1.and Offlco nt Salt lAko City, Utah, October 29, 1912. NoOco Is hereby -jlven that Albert K. Annls, whoso postofflco nddrons U 201 Dooly llulldlng, Salt Lake City, Utah, did, on tho 28th day ot September, 1912. file In this office sworn statement and application, No. 010SC2, to purchase tho NWU NHli. Soc. 14, Twp. 13 South, Hango 9 Host, Salt Uko meridian, ami the timber thorvon, under the provisions of tho net of June 3, 1878, nnd acta amendatory, known aa tho "Timber nnd Stonn Law," at such valuo on mlghl be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, (he land nnd tim ber thereon hnvo been nprnUed, value f 100.00, tho stone 'Mtlmsted nt $100.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and nworn statomont on tho 4Ui day of January, 1913, be fore tho rcglnter nnd receiver. Uni ted State land offlco nt ftilt I.-tko ' City, Utah. Any pemw Is at lib erty to prote-il this purchaso beforo entry, or Initiate a context at any i tltuo before patent Issues, by filing n corroborated affidavit In this of ' flee, alleging facts that would de fwtl tho ontry. B. D. It. THOMP SON, llegtnter. First pub. Nov. 21, last Dec. 20-12. Nona:. -unithd ktatim land Office, Salt ljko City, Utah, De cember t, 1912. To Whom It May Concern: Notlco U hereby given that the statu of Utah has filed In this office lists ot turn!, selected by the said state, under Sec C of the act of congress, approved July 10, 1894, ns Indemnity school lands, vU: .NBUBl.ti, BV48W4, Hw 31. Twp. IS South, Hango 8 Bast. S. L M., Serial No, 010744. Cople of said lists, so far as they relato to said tracts by descriptive sub-divisions, hnvo been conspicuously post ed In this office for InsptK-tlon by uny person Intortmtod and by the public generally. During the period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter, nnd before final up provnl and certification, under de partmental regulations of April 25, 1907, protMts or contests against tho claim of the statu to any of the trnots or sub-divisions hereinbefore described, on the ground that lll0 wuiio Is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purpu-ws, will be reevhtHl and noted for report to the general laud offlo at Washing ton, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest, within tho tlmo specified, will bu considered sufficient evi dence of tho non-mineral character of the tracts and tho pollutions thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be approted to the state. B. D. 11. THOMPSON. Heels-' tor. First pub. Deo. 2ti; laat Jan. 23-13. We're tho pioneers In fra insur ance, steam boiler nnd plate glass insurance and nbtraotors of titles nt Price. H. W. Crockett & Co - Advt. ' Over three hundred forms of legal blanks In stock at Salt Uke City and j'rovo prices. Advoonte Pub lulling Co. Advt. Heforo buying frra or of olty property eonsult our 1UU H. W. Crockett & Co. AdU Over three hundred forms ot legal blanks In stock nt Salt L.ako City and Provo prices. Advocato Pub lishing Co. Advt. Ask us for rates on tiro Insuranco beforo placing your policies. Rates are changing. It. W. Crockett & Co. Advt. Hiili AITOUNBYH ' I). I). 1IOUT7, I' Attorncy-At-Iaw Practices In nit tho courts ot tho stato and tho federal courts. Office, jKlghth floor Kcarns Building, Salt ' Lake City, Utah. ('. ('. McWHINNliy Attorni'j-nl-Ijwv Wilt practtco In nil tho courts ot tho stato. Offlco first door west of Tho Advocato, 'Price, Utah. FlTZflKUAIiW IIHOS. LAND CO. Irrigated 1-w.nds 426 Atlas Block, Salt I.ako City. 11. J. Fltxgerald, Attorney. THOMAS FOUTH Attomor-atIrfv Offlco third door north of First National bank. W. U. I.IVI.NHHTO.V lawyer Wator nnd mining litigation given special attention. land matters, col lections and all legal buslnoM. Will practlco In nil tho courU. Boyd Park llulldlng, Snlt Uko City, Utnh. Samuel A. King Claude I.. King KINd Ai KINO Altornoys-ut-lrfiw CommercLit Block, Snlt I.nka City. w. ii. riivi: Atlortiey-atIjtv Pruollccs In all courts ot t,hu stato. Also in tho federal courts. Offlco In First National Ilnnk, Price, Utnh. . A. IVBHSO.V Attorn cy-nt-taw Will practlco In nil tho court of tho stato. Offlco at residence, North Blghth Street, ono block from Main, Prlco, Utnh. B. O. Hoffmann F. B. Woods HOFFMANN .M WOODS A I turtle) n Will practlco In all tho courts of tho stato. Office at tho county court house, Prlco, Utah. ItlCIIAItn II, THUHMAN Attoniej-at-I.niv Wlll practlco In all stato and fodoral courts. 222 Boston Build Inc. Salt I.ako City, Utah. PHYBIUIAXH " A. O. KOHBNSBN Physician ami Surgeon Specialist In women's and chil dren's diseases. Oonornl surgery and modlclno. Office, Commercial and Savings Bunk Building, phono 84. Prlco, Utah. T DBNTISTUY II. II. COirrMAX ' Donti-t Successor to Dr. Thomo. Bxaml nations and ostlmntea froe. Offlco ovor Commercial nnd Savings Bank. Phono 103, Prlco, Utah. MIHcni.LANHOUH l. O. MclONAIiD Contractor nml Builder Kstlmatca given on nil clasaos of work. Phono 49A, Prlco, Utah. It. J. TUIlNKIl Civil and Mining Kngiueer Survoya of all kinds. Mlno ox amlnatlons and reports on coal lands. P, O, Box 32, Price, Utah. J. Ij. OWBN Coutmctor urn! Builder Batlraatoa furnlshod. Phono 113Y. P, O, Box 238, Prlco, Utah. ' I BE VELlJ11 SH-ODtw JOSE Btlonft Iher H no This is the season when cold and vvet IB 2 K and feet may induce serious illness. The BbIsT1 best shoes to wear are those that pro. Gieen ; tect the feet. The shose we sell have B" j weight, but are comfortable. They HTll are extra heavy to protect the feet H j from dampness, but are carefully shaped B T7i to prevent rubbing and chaffing. H ',- K ltU' K Mou t,u'' -: B a -B f ' Wasatch Store Co. Ba y Stores nt Sunnyslde, Casllo Oat, WlnUr Qatrtsrt iU B-v Clear Crack. K-- i.v Tin: niHTittar couht of Carbon County, Stato ot Utah. Mary duo rondo, Plaintiff, vs. Lulgo Cuarasclo, Defendant. Summons. Tho stato of Utah to tho said de fendant: You nro horoby summon ed to nppear within twonty days nf ter service of this summons upon you, It served within tho county In which this nctlon Is brought, other wise, within thirty days nftcr sor vlcc, nnd defend the nbovo entitled action; nnd in case ot your falluro so to do, Judgment will bo rondorcd against you according to tho de mand of tho complaint, which has been filed with tho clerk of said court. This action Is brought to ro cover n Judgment dissolving tho bonds of matrimony heretofore ex isting between you nnd tho plaintiff. Dated December 10, 1912. HOFF MANN & WOODS, Plaintiff's Attor ncys. P. O. Address, Price, Carbon County. Utah. First pub. Dec. 12 J last Jan. 913. 4348 b. XOTICi: FOB PUBLICATION (Publisher.) Department of tho In terior, U. 8. Band Offlco at 8nlt Bttko City; Utah, October 28, 1912. Notice Is horoby given that John Taylor Leonard of Price, Utnh, who, on November 2, 1908, mado Desert Land Kntry, Serial No. 080B. for M-KM.U, Sec. 26, Twp. ir. South, Hangu 9 Boat. NWKNW'A (Lot 1) Sec. 30, Twp. 1C South, Bongo 10 Lost, Salt Lako meridian, has filed notlco of Intontlon to nmko final proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, hoforo H W Crockett. United Slates commls doner, nt Price. UUh. on the 28th day of December. 1912. Claimant nnmos ns witnesses Andrew B Leonard, Oloy O. Olson, Abe pow ?)) J"d, 'o Ioonnrd, all of Price. Utah. B. I). It. THOMPSON, Hegls' tor. Vint pub. Nov. 21; last Dec, 20-12. Rt(MICp .TO WAT,!" wisTw- p ! .t,"?1"1;0 offic. sn iko Ut. Utah, November 29, 191" -Notice Is horeby Klvon ,ml 'A Col'tm, Vr'.n? ,"t""offlc" ""WriNMi Is Col , Utah, has made application It accordance with tho renu rements uf the Compiled Laws of Utnh. 1007 uHtnmSl b; V: SWM" ' " two (S) oublc-feet of water per soc od from Heaver Creek Carbon "Uiily Utah. 8ld wor w b?,0 fet east and 60 fettl north of tho northwest corner of See. Tw , "3 5S28iw .riryyeWr,Ufobr T " ' "" "" ion1?,,.0,1 n.r8t "ubtlon Dec I-tlon-Jat,ll7K,eUonof''1- 4348 B XOTICK FOIt PUIIMWTIM- B' (Publisher.) Department ot Uib B torior, U. S. Land Office st ti Ht Uko City, Utah, October 21, Bit K Notlco is horeby given that 0W (. B Olscn ot Prlco, Utah, who, oa 0-a B bor 27, 1908, nindo Desort U4k H try, Serial No. 080C, for NKNWK. B NWUNKVi, Sec. 26, Twp. 11 Sots. B Hango 9 Kast, Salt Uko mtrUfc, M B, haa flksl notlco of Intentlos H make final proof, to establUa ch B to tho Innd nbovo described, Ma H Ti B. W. Crockett, United Stated t B tsnr mbuiloner, at Price, Utah, oa ki H tore 28th day ot December, 1912, Ct U ant names ns witnesses Joha Tij- B lt lor Uonnrd, Leo Leonard, Abe !- H rcrj oil nnd Androw I uonnrd, tU i( H toll Price, Utnh. K. I). It TIIOMlWt K lrli Hogtstcr. m Tk First pub. Nov. 21; last Dec Hit K m 4348 b, H tf. XOTIUB FOB PUIII.It'ATHVt- B ,,r (Publisher.) Department of tk It- turlor, U. 8. Imd Office at Sik l-li H City, Utah, November 10, 1911. H- B tlco Is hereby given that lusitl H D. Hlchards ot Cleveland, ul, B who, on January 11, 1907, mil' H ( Homestead Kntry (Serial OIUII. No. 1G644, for HW SBU. Bc- t NWUNI3U and NKUNWli S-c.ll H Twp. 1G South, Hangu 10 Kim, Mt H Lako tnorldlan, hna filed notlot e( B 4 Intention to mnko final flvo-r' 4 proof, to oHtabllsh claim to the lift- 4 above described, before YIUUa H Howard, United 8tat"s commlJof R nt Himthigton, Utah, on tho Hit B 4 dny of Docnmber, 1912 CUUtuiit H 4 names as wltnowttvi David TimAthf, m . Christian Hansen, Dell It 1-" H nnd Sanford Urtwn, all ot do'- land, Utah. B. 1) It TUOMPSi', HogUtor. m Firtit )iub. Nov. 21; last IH-c H Wu'rn tho ploiioero In fire lnf" K mice, steam holler and plate (I" B Insuranco nnd nbstracters of UtlM H nt Price. H. W, Crockett i Co.- H Advt. Wo wrltu our plntu glass, fidelity nnil liquor bomls nt our Prle offic. B No sending uwny from home R- W. Crockett A Co, Advt H HKOIHTKUKDTItAIIK.IAIIK 7S57I K The High Efficirncy COAL I Government Equivalent B 2104 Lbs. B Unequalled For Storage B Will Not Slack. B Best ol Steaming and B Heating Qualities. Independent Coal & Coke Co I Minos, Kcnllworth, Utah M Ooneral OHIcoa, Nowhouse HUff . ' SALT LAKE CITY 1 1 .r ,l3--i-i------l