Newspaper Page Text
a.H4M-, ,,,,.,iK.. -m ).y i utif),,tp ...... , ai ..iHwMWw-',8Mrv WtyFWf j flHfl Br1 J x oHr flfctff'7i JBBHHI B ai. 'jl 11M. iwP ' , -" flHii jiiHMV4f . -MP'rA -- "4 LHfl 1MUNDS IS CROOKMR I IGNORANT. PERHAPI BOTH - - - . MS-1 dsmen of Former County Treasurers and Others I "Sweat Blood." BlNG COUNTY COMMISSIONERS M SERVED A "SHORT ORDER" AUDIT B' ;unsel Graft K.-snty-Five Dol- -B a Day Is to Be H)ped By the Out- itK Taxpayer. Tftork Plerson and County "Hbody nro busily. engaged Rig lists of void county Bi tho hand of tho gonernl H ot void warrant horoto- lB by tho county treasurer JtHcounty, with a Mow of "feiunty, 4uPIt&EHii ""Hc -aeceswuy dnta (or tho 'N"Hpt ncttonn for the rccov- "tft count) of money law- 1 IHlug tbo public iron m tWWyO'QUKbt (bat these dofl- Ih ItCT&lciul bnck about four flBSSftbat tho bondsmen of ltt''JjyrfA llomlo), It W '"JrwfllOllvtr T Harmon will , rffflppSolviHl In ultnntlnl nl tJB8Bnw ore also contompla- P'ffCplli bondsmen of County "VjffSBt nml McKlnnon, oaoli i dgMli'1'111' t0 ll,uo Hlroly yM-Hfho litw b) over crlf- &i ngilnsi the county "flSHHE" followt'J '" irob WfijBJTjnMttiitlon of direct ao ilierJwiSi I ho ..rcnBurer and trlct (! bondsmen for ull llf' issMfout ot tho public fundi jjfitJtloii of void wnrrant n,BaHTsVmM of tliulr ropoctlvo ,ou, il535?flVtrrimtM (lotrriix. o fftt5lB!amUutloii nullifies ob- wMjwilfcixco of tho taxoa for .. .'rtsjrflyonr, tho ordor ot in- rtrKt; flggSbllgatlon will govorn, ag. itetlftio ordor In which war- iver 4wwtt)ocn directed to have i" 1ily ,ll county commls- M HTfii, M U probable, that vTKMJtlwtyo tho board ot county MJIUmh havo contracted ob- 5PSS by ronton of tho law- r ,tf3Bv'"K t,oou xrov'oui,y !.,r,'fflKSltt to hucIi contractu the MHi. lofiallty of tho action act jlMB In uultfl against tl(0 '"tBbS tho county commU- "",.,I51V'o In such caici im o KirtSSSSonUid that tho county oiu lJQnmko tho contracts, or - ' WBJinatorlals, oa tho cose )tl (SMSticro would Boom to bo i:N' JS" ot nctlon ot thU .JjSBwlrtually wlpo out norno 'Ites flH bonda. t BSwIKuu or TdtlRiUion. th imB d it r'pi0Se run ot litigation may v cou()Stwt,ero Innocent pur lJrc? LU&otlable warranU may bob cl0 restitution ot mon gU itiBodita lfinorantly iald taKftBBKdoniptlon, and In turn ' wtljRSBtnco0 there are othor 'H will find thwnBidvoa SSStglllomma. as euch on- '3E! warrant becomes a d fl'"gBlt validity na to ull nU ciMSluxdOTBon Iu "'or nilHiexteiit that void war- ranU havo boon Itiucd to rcipout blo partlo. they may bo required to rotund tho faco amount ot such warrant, so that tho Iomcw In nuch caea will fall upon tho partle In whojo favor tho original warrant woro drawn. IntUtutlona that hvo boon partlo to heavy contract with tho county 'will loao heavily It tht lcijal prlnclplo should bo nppllod, and that it mut bo uppUcdJ tho opinion -of County Attorney' Mo-hlnnr,-who ha oxhauillvoly oxaui Inbd tho law regarding tho Bltua- 'flio Courtj IfoiiHO Klcphiint. It nppear thuj tho Urge deficit accrued Jfho thboarJ of oounty Htruct tho aovent)-(Uo thounund dollar court bouto with but forty thousand dollar In cash tlu differ 'encc of thirty thousand dollar wan In extt of thu ruNonuo for tho current enr derhinl from taxation, and I ui piimnt uutomntleiill) In IUIatel nil other warrant Usuod diirLng tho curront year, with tho ' (HMslblo exception of salurlo. which I nro prcdlcatetl upon a statutory ob- I ligation, and nro theroforo untitled to bo treat oil a alld contrnot TakUiK thl vlow or tho case, norno of tho vor largo warrant drawn for tho completion of tho court house, nnd tho paxuent of extra, are wlioll told, nnd tho county triMuiurcni wlio may )iavo received such warrant Into their account will bo llablu upon their official bond to mnko good. 1'iMir Mm tin Hurfiiirn. Tho wort featuro of tho entire entungoment appear to bu that there la no lawful moan by which any of tho void obligation ma be validated, and thl moans that In ucoro ot Instance poor people and workmen will suffer great lossca ro HUltlng from their obligation to re turn money recolvod for uervlce nnd materials reudored and furnish od to tho county, thoro being no methotl provided by tho law whoro b) any contract void at thu time of It making maj bo HUbsoauently made good. Tho couutltutlonal lim itation a construed by our Hupromo court constitutes n jxjrfoct barrlor agatnat tho Incurring or paymout of any obligation In oxcoa of the taxes ot tho current year, and In determining tho extout ot lndobtod noss which the board of county commissioners Is authorized to con tract, tho court has alio held that consideration must bo glvun to tttat utory obligation, such a nalury contrncts, and othor fixed charges which are necessary to bo Incurred In tho conduct of county govern ment. These provision havo boon imtiroly disregarded by tho outgo ing commissioner, ami what 1 equally doplorable, tho Incoming I "bull moochor" commissioners Im j meduttoly proceeded to put out largo ibuuchoa ot rotten and worthless pa I per, without making any Inquiry in to their lawful powora. Ihl stain upon their official record might havo boon nvoldod had these gentle- " Cg-fHE OTHER WITNESSES. ( ! VOU 0VT A I I THAT DA?S, jt men nil) dcsjre to work In hnrmon) with tho other duly elected non ant of tint people Hut about their flrt net wa to organize a war against thu count) nttornoy, count) clerk nnd county treasurer, In the conduct of whloh they omplo)cd outstdo help, whom the) nought b) bluff to Instnll tu place of these of ficer. CominliuloiiorN (Mtlng Kh-ii. That tho legal advisor no em ployed at u charge ignlut tho coun ty of twenty-five dollar por day was of no posslblo service to tho county or to tho commissioner 1 apparent from tho fact that ho either waa not called upon to advuie, or being called upon, did not ndlu the "bull moochor" commissioner or tho Illegality of tholr conduct In appropriating revonue of the year 1913 for tho payment or obligations accrued during t)u year 1912, which I dlstlnotly prohibited b) thu con stitution That theeo men have boon more Interested lr getting oven with their political opponent, nnd In cnrr)lng out extremely foolish nnd antagon istic policies In tholr attitude to ward tho Jieav) taxpaylng Interests or tho county than tboy have been In ascertaining und porformliiK tho duties or tholr office na roqulred by law, must bo apparont to tho most casual observer 11 y so doing they l have merited and nro receiving the I contempt of tho general public, I which doos not look with favor up jon either favoritism or persecution entering Into tho motive ot public servant Clerk and Treasurer AiMmiI, County Attornoy McWhlnney, not withstanding tho contempt and dls- rogard with which hi opinions ren I dored tho board havo boon received, I Immediately on detectlug the condi tion of the- county tisasury, prompt- (Conoludod on pago eight.) DRUNKEN MAYOR AND A TRAMP IN A "FRAMEUP" W. V. Olson, mii)or of I'rlee o tho dlsguHt and regret of nlne tonths of tho reripectnble people of the city now that ho ha had op portunity to display thu "dunghill that 1 In him, nnd a tramp attor ney, got It Into tholr drunken nog gin last 8aturdny afternoon to hnrwe whip tho editor of "tho i;reat moral and religious " What their grlov jnnco I tho editor of Thu Advocate ' I not aware, and luclduntally cure I a darn night loss Iloth had rilled up to tho guards during tho day and night provlous with rotgut whisky and woro thus mado more than bravo. Tho Advocate man was going about )ils business around 0 o'clock B-iturday ovontng, and when in front of tho Prtco Commrcolnl and Having bank, was hallod by Clt) Marshal Hrynor and fcoarched ror n conceal od woanon IIo had none, however Thl wo at tho liiBtanco of Olson and tho tramp, who woro w niching tho procedure from the recess of Charles Avorlll' barroom Crock ett wont to Tlio Advooato office, thu next door In the meantime, Olson had vlsltod tho Consolidated Wagon nnd Mochtno company's deadfall for buyer or anything in tho implemont lino and procured a bugg) whip Thl, wo are told by reliable wit nesses, Olson dollvATod to hi pal (the tramp), who paraded up and down Jn rront or Tho Advocate for several mlnutos nnd nt time peek-1 lng In undor tho drawn curtain of tho window. While this waa going I on tho duns' came up In Olson's neck and l'o staggored off home, about two blocks aw a) A friend tipped off tholr game to Crockett, who aftorwardt. was In n position to protect himself While waiting ror Crockott tho whip was twice taken from tho two bad men by Charles Avorlll, Howovor, tho tramp Jwid j tho whip whon tho "terrible Bwedo" hlkod for homo. j 1'roUoua to Uryner' Boaroh of J Crockett, the two had approached N 8 NelUon, president or tho l'rlco Commercial and Savings bank, has been confined to hi horn nt MU Pleasant with rheumatism for leveral day Ho Is expected to bo In Price na soon na ho I able to bo around lit connection with tho twen ty thousand dollar cosh loan made the rounty some months ago through Die outgoing commltononi. Nell son hns the county' note nt 8 per ootit Mr I. K Kldrldgo ontortalned tho member of tho bridge club yesterday afternoon. Refreshments were served and prize given. Deputy Sheriff I'aco to mnko tho search, but tho latter doollnod to do ho without n warrant, thus show ing hi good ono a an officer. The plan of Olson and tho tramp was to catch tho editor In no posi tion to defend himself Tho) then would have beutvn him up Very bravo men, Indeed That thoro bo "no uliorlff to de mur," a 'Ocno rield put It in ' Casey' Tnblo D'lloto," Olson, a mayor or t)io clt), told Uryner and Deputy Joo Hanson, early in tho evening, that they might go home for thi. night. TffiTENjDIIOR It. U. t'liMkitt of UikUrn Utuh Ail- VIHIltO i:MIIM- Allgl) CltlzlllK. HpVtlnl to the Trlbuno PRICK, Jan 2711 W. Crock ott, editor of Thu Eastern Utah Ad vocate, barely escapod an uttack by citizen hero Sunday night The citizens alleged that Crockott had mado misstatement In his papor comer.itng tho county commission er and other rosldonts of the coun ty A number ot angry men gath ered In front of Tho Advocate office and, it is Ifntd, threatened to rough ly bundle thu editor Crockott, ns soon as ho buoamo cognizant or tho gathering, tolophouod to the sheriff for permission to arm himself nnd also asked that he bo oscorted home Whon It was learned that these action had been tnken the gathering dispersed, but threat aro said to have boon mndo b) tho citi zen that tho) "would got tho edi tor later " Ihe above npponrod as u special dispatch from Prlco to Salt Lako's I Tribune tu lost Tuotduy's ismo. 'The Illg (Ass) Kid Mayor Is thu f i lliuiio correspondent jluro Tho (IHiuPO iciiiEiir AIIOUT KM:itTHI.N(J HUT THH H Dim jot i.u: in passki). !H (linjnnnii ItnnduSpli K) Ttint Kf Jt prytlitnir Done Ily tlic Old Hoftrel tH Wa Umiu the Advlcn of CVmntjr Attorney Hoffmann "Hull Mcfr rlirrn" An iry Much Agttntnl. ( Their hollies filled with dining jH car and Salt liko City Commercial liil club grub nl tho expanse ot tho nl- liH road) ororburdonNl taxpayer1 of IH Carbon county, Commissioner Bhorp 'H nnd Hamilton returned to Prlco iH from SCIon lnt Monday nnd held n jH mooting ot thu bonrd that afternoon. jl It had been intended lo havo an nd- ifH Journcd meeting on Tuesday of loot iiaH wcok nnd again On Thursday, but tfl for reason host known to theao fl "bull moochor ' thcmcyc, both Ll meeting were called off The ox yl oiio for going to Zlon w to at- sLH tend thu session ot Uie Midland Jl trailer and Incidentally to consult IILl coutuiolgJlitro o to the logAllly ot H the opinion of County Attorney Mo- iiH Whlnney on tho Imuanco of Invalid 'fiaiaH warrant, nnd also whorcln tholr In- ul competency and vlndktlvonreM rtftid 'H out llko a wart on a coon dog'tt UiHV fM About tho first thing sprung X jH Monday ncmdon wa tho emptor? iifl mont of a Menogrnpher, Mr. 11 iU il Thomiwon, very competent by tho iil way, to take down the proceedings (iH of tho mooting Thl In tho hope, lH no doubt, that tho nowspnper giro a space to tho oratory (T) ot inmn- jH bar of tho hoard County TrcM- uror Cody asked tho commissioner. M tor help In hi office, uuggoslingb H tho npiKlntmnnt ot a deputy at slx-v' y ty-tx dollar a month Th requeetl '( was utterly Ignored. . t H Umvi-mI lllddt r Het It. J Carbon County' Nw pretventod M a bUljfor furnishing tho county it smnll quantity ot printing nnd nU- jH tlonery supplies for Immertlate1 lH n, .nihr, sovRtM county otriclal. K "..i, H board, anil Hamilton mad a flW , . H Hon, duly fltconded by Ulinrp, that fa. H tho bid or tho Now be accepted, S Viai! and that thu nudltor Ui Insrucltcd IViaH to ADD ANY OrilKH BUl'l'J.IKB fM THAT WUIti: NKCKSSAUY. which ijH may liavu been overlooked Tlio jM motion prevailed The bid of Tho H Advocato was turnetl In to thu nudl- I'H tor Inst Saturday and it wo lower 'a! by about 26 per cent than that ot 1LH B tho Now Thu Advocate 1 doing 'LaLal tho work '.iH Two Onlii- A IV Mode, ,H Thu board also wont on rcord iii Liil the matter or Invalid wnrrunt In TL! passing thl resolution "Do it ro- !iLH solved by the bonrd Hint all claim LaH horotoforo ordereil paid and war- i H rant Issued theroun, that havo not 'H been dollvercl, bo withheld by tho 1'L! clerk and treasurer, nnd not dollv- jH end to an) claimant, payee or na- ojtLLa signs, until further ordered by thl oLa! bonrd ' All of which, b) the way, N4 H has alnndy been donu b) tho clerk H nud treasurer, acting upon tho writ- tiii opinion lo them by County At- ' H tome) MoWhlnney H It waa orderid that thu county H treasurer and count) clerk furnish H n detailed statemont showing tho VLH dato of receipt of nil money, and 1 H also tho dato of all contract on tor- A H od Into by tho county commission- 4.aH era, and tho dato tho same wo nl- , ' LLa lowed, covering a period ntneo tho ,J 'i iiii time Carlon county first attempted i-Lfl to uxcoed It debt limit " & T! Printing WorH-N Thtiii. Bl Then an lden occurred to Sharp aifl 111 tho ahupo of u motion, seconded " H by Hamilton, which was that tho ' H resolution paused by tho board at M It first rtgular meeting in Junu- H ary, authorizing Auditor Plorson to H mako up a list of printing and sta- "LH tlonery required by all county offl- iLH clal and sufficient to last until 'LH Boptomber 1, 1913, bo reeclndod M and tho ono prlntnd below bo sub- , 1 M stltutod. Thl roads HjH "lhat tho auditor bo Instructed tH to got from tho head of tho vari- H ous dopartmonts ot the county cutl- ' M matos ot stationery nocoaeary to M supply thorn until September 1, M 1913, und submit the estimates to H the county c6mmlsslounro for their M approval, attop which he will aide ,H uf advertUo ror bllds as tho caso tl may bo ror furnishing same, and ho ' 'H (Conuluded on pago four.) H ' citizens" reforred to nro tho mayor jH and tho tramp attornu) Tho mayor H evidently forgot to stnto Uiat tho H dung came up In his own nock and tH he quit tho piny earlier In, tho game ' , H than whon ho was "fired" from the t H local tommurclal club for tho theft I H of another fellow's check In a H poker soiree H .' m