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Eastern Utah advocate. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1895-1915, April 10, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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LbbbB fl
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I Eastern Utah Advocate 1
B- 7, ! J '
HK W2AB. ' MUCK, UTAH, THUltSDAY, AWH1, 10, 1013. NUM1IKU 14. 1H
"imy day"
B Mcoim Uio Hnmo Ui Tlicin
B Fourth of July Doc-) VI
HHftncrlaui To lta Ocmcrnlly
Brd Throughout Uio Htnjti
Krcekn of Utah, an woll as
Hrttorcd over tio onttro tint
Hll, on tho Sunday following
K, colobrnto what In termed
m "Liberty Day," and 'which
B thorn what tho Fourth of
Huut to America and Amort
.ocal Grook say that tho
K ho colobrated In tho name
thnt truo Americans cole
Bolr Independence Day, and
g to the Greek custom In
Br tho past eighty cars.
7, 1820 (or March 25. 1820,
R to tho otd Julian stylo of
C tlmo, ntixl to which calon
BGrooks still ndhoro), marks
nnlne of tho offorU of tho
Vpooplo to rognln their in
ncc, and tholr Constantino
Rr over four hundred years
Bfcn the dream of tho Orcoks
r tholr right.
K)amun Turks who migrated
ojio la 135C, mastorlng
B Macedonia, Ihossaly and
HartA, captured Constnntlno
Btho J car HG3, from which
tH recent years Greeco htm
Btijoct to Mohnmmednn dom
Biid tho a rooks subjected to
H annoyances by tho Turks
Hnornnce, brutality, tyranny
Hed could suggest. On March
rll 7th), 1820, hroko out tho
n against Turkish rule,
Hby tho bravory und dotormln
Ht tho Greeks, and tho frlond
Btonanco of Christian i:urotc,
Hh Uio ostabflshmunl of Groeco
Bidcpnndcnt kingdom in 1829.
Kevin t that about ono-flfth of
Btlro Greek population hnd
H tholr freedom.
Hwnr of 1820 has continued,
Httnnll), until tho present day,
Bctnt of tho present campaign
Hft to them tho freedom of an-two-fifths,
und tho ultlmnto
H of tholr bnlotod Coimtnn
H. lho flmt pnwldont of tho
Bil kingdom was Capo d'ls
Htio was luuwisslnatod In 1831,
Hocond son of tho king of I)a
Bbelng chosen In 1832 by tho
towers, 0 nut Ilritnln, Franco
Husnln, who had awlstod tho
H In their struggle for llbort.'
K whoso reign was anything
uccossful, was banished In
Bwul Georgian (GcorKo) I, son
Bbttlan IX of Denmark, ruled
icdom from 18G3 until his re
Bttuwlnutlon KO rooks nro dovotodly attach
H tholr fathorland, and tholr
Bt liberty und lndependonco Is'
u strong than In tho da a of
os und Thomtstoclos, us Is
Bcod by tholr continued nctions
Bwulty during thu present crisis
BKo tholr colobratlon of "Mb
Bay," next Sunday
M In Hun Juan unit WnMiliig
Hi UiuiiUcm Atullnblo Hoii.
B&ral tracts of land In San Juan
Washington counties nro to bo
Jl to public entry April 21hI
L tho provisions of Section 0
Hfc nnlnrgod horaoutoad act, ac-
Hw; to official announcomont ro-
, at tho United Btatou land of-
L Salt Luko City.
land to bo opened Is donor lb-
tho north half of tho north-
tuarlor, Soctlon 20, Township
nth, Ilnngo 24 IJast, tho south
quartor of Section 22, tho
last quarter of tho southwest
ir of Soctlon 23, tlio northoast
r of tho northwoat quartor
io north half of tho Boutheaat
r and tho north half of tho
ivost quarter, Section 24, and
torth halt of tho northeast
r of Soctlon 27, Township 42
, Ilungo'12 West
(Jami: lUHD i'ui:si:uvi:h
0VO, prll 4 D. II Madson,
dopuly flxh and ganio com
Jnor, Ima rocolvcd Uvo Mon
i phoasanta, which havo boon
il In tho stuto gamo bird pfo
i, along tho I'rovo river hoar
outji Thoro aro already part-
and othor gamo birds In thlp
vo and ull aro doing woll. At
futuro tlmo thoy and tholr tn-
will bo turned looeo and por
d to ecattor through tho state.
t Hutrts to Mixtcoi "Now b happy and proipirou snd elvlllitdl Do you htr?"
it i - i .. .
Tho complete annual report of
tho United Stntcu Smelting, Hofln
lug nnd Mining company for 1012
has boon received, a proposition In
which thoro is a wldo local Intorost
both from tho fact that Utah holds
I lntorent In tho Consolidated Puol
company und tho Castlo Val
ley Coal company and Uio ontlru
capital stock and bonded Indebted
ness of tho Illack Hawk company
have beon purchased and additional
. N-w llip' Indor Construction at M hrland
In, largo number of stockholders in
tho organisation, nnd many of Uio
most valuable propsrtlos of tho
'company aro located within this
Htato, tho company's mines being at
iCasUo' Gato, Hlawatliu, Illaok Hawk
i ntfd Mohrland In Kmory and Carbon
oounUos. Of tho coal Intoresta V
G. Sharp, president of tho company,
doals at consldornblo length Tho
roraalndor of tho report Is ghon
I over to Uio company's gold mining,
load and slher and smolting Inter
ests In Colorado, Nevada, California
and olsowhoro, Including Alaska.
lUg Utah Cool Deal.
During iho year tho controlling
land hns boon acquired by a fourth
company, culled tho Castlo Oato
Coal company, tn which this corn
pan) owns nil tho stock Tho coal
mined by those companies has pre
eminent storage qualities and la Uio
highest grado bituminous coal pro
duced In the atato of Utah.
Tho murkot for tliU coal ta all
I tho titfttoa west of tho Itocky Moun
tains lho demand for coal tn thU
torrttory is increasing at almost
doublo the rate of tnercaso for tho
root of Uio United States, and tbo
prices aro such as will yield a ro
munoroUvo return on tho iuvoot-
tmint, AddlUonal railway facilities
nro bolng provided to bring Hits coa
to market.
Tho Utah company was fortnod
with ku capital of $11,000,000. all of
M.cV4iOwncd by tho Unltod Btatos
BnlHSy Uoflnlntr nnd Mining corn
piny. Tho Utah company has Jfliucd
$10,000,000 of 0 per cent notes duo
In April, 1017, guaranteed as to
principal und Intorost by tho United
States Smelting, Iloflnlng and Min
ing company. Tho proceeds of Uio
notos nro being hold and uUlltod to
tako over holdings In tho Consoli
dated Puol company, tho Illack
Hawk Coal company, tho Castlo Val
ley Coal company nnd othor proper
Ues In UUs region nnd to supply
railroad facilities.
CoMinvoxiimii NnmcM Kiumli Young
Mnu 1IU 1'rlvnto Kvntury.
Judge Jijcob Johnson has arrived
In Waihlngton, I) C , nnd hns en
tered upon the dutle of Ills office
as eongretwman from this ntnto as
we loam from a lottor written to
friends in this city, und will bo
pleasod to do anything ho can for
his constituents, u) Mantl'n Mes
senger. Ho has appointed ns Ills
prlvnto socrotiiry Arthur Woolloy,
a young man from Knuab, who Is a
brother of County Attorney Wool
ley of this place. Woollcy Is very
well qualified for this place, uftor
having spont moro than n year In
Washington In various clorlcal posi
tions. Ho returned from a mlsiilon
to Germany a year ago last Janu
ary, staying In tho capital, whero ho
took n courvo in stenography and
t)powrltlng. Ho hold n placo In tho
Inft headquarters thoro In tho pro
contention campaign, after which
ho was appointed to a position in
tho offlco of tho solicitor of tho ag
ricultural dopartmont, from which
ho roslgupd last autumn to tako a
place as prlvato secrotary for a leg
islative representative of tho Ilrc
thqrhood of Locomotive Unglnoors,
which position ho hold at tho Umo
of his uppolntmont by Judge John
ton. Ho Is studying law and jour
nalism In tho George Washington
University at tho national capital
This Is tho flmt tlmo that anyone
from the southern end of tho stato
has beon rocognlzod by Utah's rep
resentatives In tho congress
Representative Jacob Johnson has
beon slntod for committee inomber
Bhlp on tho mlloage comnilUeo of
tho house und will probably bo given
a""plac on tho public Innds com
mlUco. This will bo an unusual
honor for a now roombor, as tho
public lands commltteo Is consldorod
the, most dotdrablp by mombors
from Western states. ,
Sunday's Session Marked the Conclusion of jH
the Gathering Which Was Voted the Best IH
Ever Held In the History of the Church H
President Smith Presides at Meeting. jH
Tho clfihty-thlrd annual ronferonco
of the Church of Jesus Chrbtt of
latter-day Saints closed with tho
general nc union In tho tnbernaelo at
Knit Lako CKy last Sunday after
noon nl 2 o'clock President Jo
soph F Bra lth presided. All of the
generul uuthorltJeH of tho church
who wore in tho city wcro pYesonl
and Jio various stnkcA of tho
church und auxiliary organisations
wore woll ropreitcnted Tho speak
ers, named kn tho order tn which
thoy npokc, wero.Hldcr Holier J
Grant of the council of tho twelve,
Uldor llyrtim M Smith of tho coun
cil of lho twohe, President Joseph
P Smith, Presiding Patriarch Hy
rum G, Smith, Kldor II H Uoborts
of tho flrot council of sovenllcs, nnd
Klder Orson I Whitney of tho coun
ell of tho twelte Prosldent Sorgo
V Ilnlllf of tho Cache Htako offertot
tho lnooatlon, utul Prestdonl Jnmes
W Paxtnon of tho Juab Htako pro
nounced Uio bonedlctlon With
Prof titan Stephons conducting,
nnd Prof. J J McCollan at tho or
gan, tho choir sane tha following
anthems "Arise, Shine For tho
Light U Coma," "Awnko, My Houl,"
in which Margaret Summorhays nnd
Thomas Ashworth sang tho nolo
and obllgnto parts, "When Thou
Co moot lo Thy Judgment," with tho
nolo pnrt nung by Mrs. LUzlo Thom
as IMwnrd. Prof Kllhu Calt Ning
a solo ontitltd, "lie Thou Faithful
Unto Death "
The tabernncln wjis filled All
nvallablo weals in tho great audl
4orlum, in Uio galleries and In tho
choir loft wore occupied. Tho aisles
wcro fitted with chairs nnd many
wvro ntnndlng under tho gnllvrlea
utul bohlnd tho topmost row of seat
In tho gal lory.
Kldor Hobor J Grant of tho coun
cil of tho twelve read tho names of
.tho general church authorities and
thoy woro unanimously sustained ns
Joseph F. Smith as prophet, soor
und rovolntor and president of tho
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
day Saints.
Anthon H. Lund as first oouiuud
or In tho first prcsldoncy
CharlM W. Ponroto as socond
counsolor In tho first prcsldoncy.
Francis M. Lyman as provident of
tho twolvo apostles.
As members of Uio counclf of
tweUo apostles Francis M Lyman,
Hobor J. Grant, Hudgar Clawsan,
Hood Smoot, II) rum M. Smith, G
Albert Smith, Goorgo V lUchnrds,
Orson F Whitney, David O McKay,
aEuup mm on" "
rltiite AnUiorhles Meetinif With
(in-iiL KiiMMinigniiH'iit.
Inspectors of tho state board of
health aro mooting with gratifying
co-oporutlon from local authorities
In the various towns thoy have vis
ited in tho statewide oleanup cam
paign, ttuys Dr. T, II. Iloatty, secro
tary of tho board. "Tho Inspectors
havo been out ton days," said Dr.
Iloatty, "and It will bo some tlmo
boforo they can complete tholr la
bors Tho campaign Is fo destroy
tho breeding placm of tiles und to
mnko tho towns moro sanitary.
"Thoro ras a marked docroaso In
the number of film In Utah Inst
year and wo want to mnko a better
record this year Tho b&st way to
get rid of files (s to get rid of pla
ces whore they brood Tho num
ber of tiles that Uvo through tho
wlntor is small If we got rid of
filthy stables and unsanitary refuse
wo can diminish tho breeding of
fllos Iitor wo'll havo fly swatting
"Tho Inspootors on their prouont
visits 4o tho various towns in tho
stato aro urging modol, uniform or
dinances controlling sanitary oondU
tlons, und.'I am glud, to say that
many communities are adopting
thorn. Sovoral adopted thorn last
yuar, wtth oxcollont results. The lo
cal authorities arc responding mora
und moro to efforts of tho Htato
board of health to oreato bettor san
itary conditions and prevent dlsoaso.
"Measures udopted last year re
duced typhoid in thlo Htato 50 por
oont and wo ox poet much buttor ro
uulta thin year,"
Anthony W ivlns, Joseph F. Smith, i H
Jr , and James K. Tatmngo. f lH
Hyrum a. Smith as presiding pa- f H
trlorch of tho church flH
Tho counselors in tho first pronl- ijH
doncy, Uio presiding patriarch nml i rH
tho twolvo upOftUwi as prophols, flfH
seers ami rcvolators hIbI
First seven president of sovon- 'VH
tlo.1, Seymour II Young, Ilrlgham eitiia
II lloberts, Jonathan Q. Kimball, IEbbbbbbI
Union S WolU, Joaeph W. McMur- Ssssl
rln, Chnrlos II Hart und Lovl Hd- IpH
gnr Young. fljH
Charlni W Nlbley as presldlnu Vsbbbbb!
bishop of tho church with Orrln P. lliH
Miller and Divtd A Smith ns hU flssH
find and second counselors. Kifl
Joseph F Smith ns trustee In 9pfl
trust for tho body of religious wor- aH
shlpers known ns tho Church of Jo IsbbbbbI
sus Christ of IiUor-dny Saints. flssfl
Anthon H Lund ns church hi- Sssssl
torlnn and gonornl church recorder. niD
Androw Jonson, llrlghnm II. Hob- BiH
erU, Joseph V Smith, Jr , and Aug- . KBi
list W Lund, assistant historians. Mfesl
As members df tho gonoral church SiH
bonrd of ixlucatlon, Josoph F. Smith, KibbbbbI
Wlllard Young, Anthon II. Lund, fliH
Goorgo 11 Urimhall, Hud go r Claw- ,
son, Charles W Penrose Hpraco II. fflH
Cummlngs, Orson V Whitney und BbbbbbbI
Francis M Lyman Hbbbbbbb!
Arthur Winter, secretary and" isliiH
tronsuriT lo tho gonoral church KbbbbbbI
board of education Hbbbbbbb!
11 11 Cummlngs, gonoral suporln- IlLH
tondont of church schools ittiii
Uonnt of examlnoru for church hIbbbbbbI
schools, Horace IL CummhSgs, choir-' SH
man, Goorgo II. Ilrimhnll, Jnines IL T ULH
t.lnford nnd Wlllard Young, j"",t;t, HsbbbbbbI
' Auditing cominUUie,wmUmW.-jr . H
tutor, Henry II. Ilolaiip, JoHnC. fi" Ll
CuUvr, Hobor Scowcrnft und Joseph' il
8. Wells. isLH
Prifihlent SmIUi rondo n motion 'Ibbbbbbbb!
that tho conferonco Just onded had whiI
beon ono of tho bout ovor hold lu (IbbbbbbbbI
tho history of tho church. Tho mo- Wsbbbbbbi
tlon was greotod with tiutnoroun iffiLLv
seconds nnd Prostdent Sntlth put fiii
tho quontlon Tho voto was urutni- llLLl
mous In Uio affirmative MliiH
PIkiin of Alio N'int (Vmnty Wurkwl fl'H
Out nt Halt liko City. IJbbbbbbb!
Three days' sosslon of the com- I'sl
inlulon nppolntcd nt a mass meeting ?' Ll
of Wasatch county cltlxens on tho i'sifl
subject of division of that county )V bbbbbbb!
caino to u clone at Halt Luke City iiliiil
Inst Saturday with tho rival factions if 'bbbbbbb!
of thu county ntlll unable to ngroo Iviil
on tho division lino. However, tho iff bbbbbbb!
decision to looato tho lino botwoou ?jf sifl
Meridians 9 nnd 10 West proved ''IIbbI
satisfactory, and tho now county, IkjsLh
which will bo known as Ducheuno, ' 1 1 ! bbbbbbb!
will constltuto'thst part of Wasatch IU'sbbbb!
county oast of that lino j bbI
Tho commission, composed of t J H
threo mumbeni from tho reservation ; i jB
country und threo from Hobor City, , , H
nt tho west end of tho county, mot r 1 H
Friday, tho agroemont having boon , H
reachod to hold tho consultation on I H
"noutrul" ground. K. Iunbort of ) ' H
Hoosevolt, J. M. Millard of Altonah, ' jiH
Oscar Wllklns of Duchouno und C. j jH
Hatch, A. llarnos and II. H. Hurvey v ( jH
of Hobor City composod tho com- ,! jB
mUslon. A number of meeting woro j!L
hold und flual adjournment was W HBh
takon Saturday. iff BHJ
Tho votont of tho county must J
ratify no lator than July tho locu- ;, H
tlon of thonow boundary llnp, after ' H
which tho govornor wUI Issue a . 11,1
proclamation creating t)io new coun- 1 ,''iH
!' Lbbbb!
Helper Is to havo u Cntholla ' Li'jl
church This was ducldod ut u fljH
meeting last Thursday night. Two M H
or three partloa havo already offer- H'l H
od to donato tho ground on which Urn H
to build Illshop Soanlun of Salt ' H
Lake City will bo In Helper at an ?HLifl
early dato (uid tho arrangements for lIIibbbbbb!
the building of tho church will prob- fli bbbbbbb!
ably bo completed thou A commit- f II) iibibh
too headed by Mosdamos Mcflulro iIksbbI
and Tracy will meet Illshop Scan- lH
Ian when ho arrives and show him .tS 'MM
tho different locations that havo ?.W H
boon offered. Tbo slto will likely ijS H
bo solooted ut that tlmo. Tho funds 'n flH
with which to buUd tho church will iU jl
bo raised by popular oubscrlpUon. ; ff H

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