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BSBBBSM c M j paoh POUR. TIIK EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, THUnSPAV. ATML 10, 1818. H n imi.iii .! ., .i ..i B The Eastern Utah Advocate B The Advocate Publishing Company (Inc.) B II. W. Crockett, Manager. H Subscription Hatoa! One Year, $1.B0; Six Mo., 75c; Threo Mo., EOc B T- AIlVnitTIHINa RATES IN KFPKCT JA.NUAIIY I, 101J1. H DISPLAY ADVEHTI8INO Per Inch per Blnglo Issue, 2Gc; per Inch B per Month, 20c Kach Imuo. W POSITION Full Poilllon, Top of Column, Next nodding, odd 25 B 9pr cent to above. Alongside Heading Matter, add 10 por cent to above. f IlEAUKHfl Per Line, Ono Time, 10c: por Line. Subsequent, Cc. f PROFESSIONAL CAHDB Not Over Ono Inch, $1.00 per Month. t LEQALS Ton Conta por Lino First Insertion. Five Centa por Lino t Kach Subsequent Imuo. H OMTUAHIEB Cards of Thanks, Itosolutlons, Etc., at Half Local 'Reading Nollco Hates. Address nil Comraunlratlona to H Till: ADVOCATE PUHLIHIIINO CO., Price, Ulnli. B THUItHDAY, APJIIL 10, ll)l:t. H OUll OHKDIT HYHTEM MA KIM H MUCH WASTE. The cost and othor troubles of collecting monthly accounts la not BBj Uio least of tho argutnonts against tho credit policy of business. To totally abandon that method la Un- B possible, but It might bo curtailed with eroat ad van ta bo to both buyer E and aoller. Thoro Is probably no ono thing ' which contribute nioro to American Bk -oxtravaganco than Uie cao with ft "which wo nay "chargo It." Tho no- t comity of cash paymonta would rov- v olutlonlxo tbo business of tho coun- ft .try, lta savlag would cheapen tho ft coat of living In a surprlalng do- BmJ' For cash wo could buy tho things J noedod. On credit wo buy tho ft, thing wlahod. Economy In tio rule , of ono plan and oxtravaganoo that ft .of the othor. Cash carefully moaa- ' urea to purchase. Crodlt la Indlf- HV, foront to tho amount, and wasto is corlaln factor of tho deal. e Tho saving which could bo mado Bfti by paying cash would matorlally Jii- ft crease tho nuiabor of homo owners, w and thoroby Incroato tho atablllty HVj of the stato. Tho monoy which ft should bo laid away for tho pur- I chase of tho homo la now squander ed In carolon and unnecessary buy- Hi Ho la tho exceptional credit, buy- HJ, or who can examine hl accounla Hft' for tho loat year and fall to find a Hi largo percentage of usoIcm pur- HHnj chases. HHH There aeoma to bo a concortod HHW movomont nil ovor tho country on HHl tho part of professional politicians, HHr professional graftors and a fow sin- HHm o man. and womon who havo boon , misled to completely muxxlo tho HHJ proas, This movomont started In HHt , Pennsylvania a fow roars ago by Hi ' tho Introduction In tho legislature Hi I of tho notorious Ponnypacker moas- V' ure. The ollior day tho Arkansas HHV . house or rop'roaentntlves killed u f similar moaauro which had passed HHU thonenato. Mexico Is a good oxample HHV ot a country that oxorclaoa a press HHY censorship, and It la qulfao ovldont B ' Uiat overy graftor In tho United L ' Status Is against a froo prves, Just HBjk iui tho recently exposed "syotam" In Vfj I Ul Now Vork iollco department la W' Against It. A man who wants Uto HI. jrons censored has aomothlnK to HjHjjlf j koepicovorod. HH7 ln trying tho oxptvrhnont of ploc- B ' ,n ability above wealth In tho mnt- HHT U'r of nppolntmenta to dlplomutio HH posts In tho gift of President WIN aon, tho nuulta have boon dUaa- HT' trous, and In a week four groat HjH' plAcoa were refused because tho HjH' ' uien namid woru not financially if lt'o to keep up tho paco that has H. bn " Evidontly the president's HHT Bolootiona were mun, who though K brilliant, lack tho nwvo to nttom)t HjH to Hvo abroad and forego tho. cua- HH torn of aping tho hnngorson at king. HHVO 'y courla. HHf ' H U there anyone, after reading tho HH deeds of horolam and self aacrlflco H ' In tho torrlblo flro and flood dlsas- H) 0" In Ohio and Indiana and the HH hort time In which millions of dol- H lnrs wero rauwd to rollove the auf- H: foring, to argue that tho world U HjH.. not growing botterT HH . Ilocontly, Chicago courU havo nc- HH" quitted five womon charged with H' murder. That may not bo a bid for B hualneeu, but it will uncourago tho H woman with an affair of that kind HH ltl mtnd to UBaomblo lior husband k nd hatpin in Cbicugo. H Ono Jann City woman tradod HI' 'w wedding ring for milk for hor H .' 1,a,,Jr nnd another la matching hor Hjjj wedding ring with tho kohlnoor. Hwj. JteAM Ufo game gooa on. Whllo B, sVHHHt8 a rocorJ' aQtber breaks If" 'aIhM THE MAIL OltDKIl HOUHE AND THE LIlTLi: MEIICHANT. It U stated that Itosenwald & Loob, tho principal stockholdera of Soars, Roebuck & Co., havo mado so much money during tho last fow years that they havo deemed it Ui advlsablo to doclaro a dividend for tho on tiro amount on account of tho comment It would causo ln financial circles and In tho nowspapers of tho country, and have decided to doclaro tho usual dividend and to uso tho rest of tho accumulated money to opon branches of tholr establishment In various stntoa especially ln tho Wast and thus bo able to tnko ad vantage of tho small xonea rates of tho parcel post. This firm la said to mako n profit of between two and throo million dollars -a year from tholr buatnoss. It Is a big buitnons and was built aim oct entirely by porsintont and systematic ndvortlalng. They havo advorUsod wherever posilblo and 'n ovcry concolvablo manner which would giro Uiom publicity. Tho parcel post law has tightened tholr grip upon tho country to nomo extont particularly In- tho low ratos xonos but It nlso has glvon the. homo morchant Ms greatest op portunity to lncroaao his huslnoss. Hut tho local doalor must follow tho oxamplo of tho mammoth mall ordor houios. Ho must ndvorUio not spasmodically, but Intclllgontly. Tbo loco) morchant must follow, thoso big house in tholr ntylo of adver tising ho must descrlbo Ms gooda and quoto prices. Each wouk or each fortnight ho must glvo tho pooplo ho wishes to reach nomothlng now to read. Tho country prosa has stood by tho local merchant, but with big mall order houses In oil of tho Wes tern State with tho ndrontngo given thorn by tho parcel post small xono ratos they will mako demor alizing Inroads into tho builnoas of tho small doalor unions ho protect himself, and ho can do so only by tho inauguration of on Intelligent, aystomatlo ndvortlalng campaign. Tho parcel post should bo a groator factor in Increasing tho bustnoM of tho email morchant than of tho mall ordor houses, but ho must ask tho pooplo for their businoM, otd do It in tho ouly way it has over boon dono successfully through tho medium of tho local nowspapont, " Ono of New York's dally paper very truthfully says: "U ought ml to take tho merchant of a amall town long to find out that In tho parcel post ho haa a friend and not u, foe. Lot him atari up nn irnor gotlc advertising campaign In his local papers and ho will noon learn that ho can reach a cliua of patrons who woro nevor within guiuliot bo foro pnrcol post oumo to town. This means that rural Journalism will us sumo un Importance that wan nover known before." HTltAKJHT AT IT. Thoro is no uso of our "beating around tha bush." We might as I wj out with It first as last. Wo want you to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the noxt time you havo a cough or cold. Thro hi no reason so far as wo can see why you should not do so. This prepar ation by lta remarkable cures haa gained a worldwide roputaUou, and. pooplo ovorywhoro apeak of it in tho highest terms of praise. It Is ! for Balo by all doalors. Advt. NOTICE. " Notlco la hereby glvon that Oust Mamagakla of 8unnyaldo, Carbon county, Utah, haa bought out tho K O. HIU of Wellington, Utah. Bald wator la located at Icelander Crook, Carbon county, Utah, 1320 and 2070 foot woat of tho aouthoast cornor of Sec. 1, Twp, 15 South. Hango 13 East, Salt Lako morldlan. Anyone hnvlng any claim against this proporty kindly notify mo at ag-utay.STMAMAaAK,8'Bu'uy-: nnhm wPPjIot'la largo or small i Adrt ' t0 PuM,W Co. i j nmmmwm How Ono Man Is Forging j Cliay of Storofi Unk Ily Link. Tho April "Dry Goods," in Jour nal published in Now Yotjc City, has tho following artlclo cohcernlnK tho J. C. Penney chain of golden Ilulo atorea throughout tho inter mountoin country: "Tho chain storo system of mer chandising is a matter of rodent de velopment, but of big growth. Tho chain storo idea has beon ap'plled In many fields of business, and Inves tigation would prove that wherever tho management was right tho prln clpto was conduclvo o success. In tho retail dry goods Hold tho chain storo has mode big ntrides during tho past decade. Without enumerating tho number nor tho ex tent ot chain stores launched in ro cont yoaro U in Interesting to ob servo tho progrcaa of ono Chain of stores, which, though still of mod erate size, Illustrates splondldty tho prlnclplo of tho chain ntoro plan. This is tho J. C. Ponney company, owners of tho Ooldon Ilulo stores located In tho Rocky Mountain dis trict. "Tho Oolden Ilulo chafn ot stoix. however, differs from any other similar chain of stores in that, ac cording to tho manner ln which tho links arc added, It Is an endless chain, A year ngo those stores numbered thirty-four. This year they havo been increased to forty olgbt and tho prospects are that by next year this number will bo dou bled. Every now link that U add ed has in It tho gorms of another link and that link xn turn haa ln It tho gorms of nnothcr link, and so ad Infinitum "These stores aro run on tho co oporatlvo interest plan. Tho mana gor of a storo haa usually a one third Intorest In It. Tho othor two thirds aro ownod by tho J. O. Pen ney company. Hut as soon as a dark In any ono of tho stores shows markod ability as a manager he is Immediately allowed to opon a now storo In which ho purchancs a one third. Tho successful clerk may open tho now storo ln conjunction with tho J. C. Ponney company or with tho manager of his atoro and tbo J. 0. Ponney company. In tho latter caie tho J. C. Ponney com pany will only own ono-third inter oat In tho storo. This ponnltn ev ery manager of a atoro to extend hla Internal and encourago building up now links. "It la a very slmplo schemo, but oanures auccoss. To begin with, tho manager of a now storo has been thoroughly tried and found up to tho mark beforo ho is allowed to as slat In tho forging of n now (ink. Secondly, by giving him an InteW : in it, ho Is glvon tho blggcnt Incen tive In tho world to do hki utmost to aucccod. Thus ovory link in tho J. C. Penney company chain Is woll forged through tho co-oporatlvo prlnclplo nnd possesses In U. tho making of other links. As soon as a now atoro succeeds It may open a branch. "In addition to tho co-oporatlvo Interost prlnclplo, J. C. Penney, president of tho company, attributes tho buoccm of tho aolden RuUj stores to tho method ot buying and o the rulo observed by all Htores In making only a rcasonablo profit. Tho J. C. Ponney company buys for all tho Ooldon Ilulo iitoros nnd buys for cash. Tho purchases', as Pen ney put It, aro "poolod," thus enab ling tho company to obtain all tho concessions ot a largo purchaser. No merchandise Is bought from road men. Tho buyers of tho various For Sale! Standard oil rig In good condi tion, four to six miles from railroad station, close to Sunnyildo, Utah. Terms to responsible party. Also, ono slx-borso power Fair banks, Morse & Co. special electric gasoline englno with pulleys, shall log, bolting, etc, almost as good as uow, on terms to suit. May bo scon at Tho Advocate office. H. W. CROCKETT & CO., PRICE, UTAH. i;i;For Sale! ill;. ; j! One soft mud Brick 5 ;! ,; Machine, capacity 10,. ; ,; J, 000 per day, complete $ !' ' outfit, consisting of !. ; !; Canvas, Trucks, Wheel- !; ; barrows, Etc. Will sell ! ! I J, j, cheap. See or write 3; j! J i : LARS FRANDSEN i ji ; I ;j Box 43. Price, Utah, 3; j! Fifteen yeara oxporionce oa a ! tr mnier, twelro years In Eoatem i mllllnory houses. Mlaa Konnody. i stores como to New York twice a year and mako their soloctiona col lectively. "Tho rulo at every atoro is cash down and ono price. No gooda are markod down, no goods aro sold on approval, nnd no goods nro offered ns leadors. Tho prlnclplo govern ing tho Ooldon Rulo atorea is "quick sales and amall profits." Accord ing to tho ntatcment of Ponney, tho (loldcn Rulo stores carry less stock than tho avorage utorcs, nnd the ef fort Is to keep oxponses down to 8 per cent. "That'a why," nald Pcn noy, "tho Golden Rulo stores con af ford to noli merchandise nt priced othor stores cannot." "Tho J. C. Ponney company la conducted by a board ot direotora constating of J. C. Ponney, D. H. Mudd, E. J. Neighbors and E. C. Soma. Tho company maintains an offlco in Now YoTk, but lta head quarters aro ln Salt Lako City, whonMho Auditing and checking is dono. Each storo reports to aalcs to and makes Its requisitions of tho offlco At Sail Lako CUy, which is a nort of contral managerial point. Tho offlco is In chargo ot J. J. II. Herbert." Tho Paco brothore of Richardson, noar Moab, aro Incorporating tholr cattlo interests, and will bo known as Paco Bros, company, with a cap ital ot S1G0.000. It Is ono ot tho targest outfits In Utah and tho holdings of tho company includo overythmg formerly owned by John E. Pace, Sidney D. Pace, Roeso Pace, Lynn Paco and S. Paco. All ot tho cattlo, Including sevoral thou sand head, tho ranch at Richard son, tho Rock Creek ranch, tho Do lores ranch and all tho rango and wator tights formorly hold In ,tho ' names of tho Individual mombora of tho Paco famUy, will bo merged ln tho big now company. John E. Paco will bo manager of tho ranch busi ness And Sidney D. Paco of tho stock Interests. DRIVE HICIC HEADACHES AWAY. Sick hoadachoa, sour, gassy atom nch, Indigestion, btllousnons disap pear quickly after taking Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills. Thoy purify tho blood nnd put now Ufo nod vigor ln tbo aystom. Try thorn and you will bo woll satisfied. Every pill helps. Every box guaranteed. Prlco twon-ty-flro conta. Recommended by nil doalors. Advt. I j! Wellington Shearing Pej and Dipping Vats Full Line of Sheepmen's Supplies. !; Shearing With Clipper or Blades. ; OPEN TO BOOKINGS. Steam Dipping Vats in Connection, Hay, Grain, j Address Lon Tidwell, Mgr ;I Wellington, Utah. Stands for United States, the greatest nation on carUi ! is also the name of the greatest hard wheat !; flour on earth, for sale by the. !; Price Commission Co !; 'Phone 18. 1 1 Actually tho best wo esa t, ! THE and wo buy on,y tho tot- tv ' I ll kV lho onIy srado we con A , A 11 sU ovorythlDg wo sell thoro it ! QUALITY ii GOODS 1 1 , Tho vnluo is assurod by tin i: nc ecu aciorttnd,iuam'r- WE DCLL City Drug Stan : : When Is a . : ji ; Trust a Trust? . i i i Tho Pacific Hoard of Flro Underwriters assuros tho public It Is not ! r ' J1, m!' fla l' U. ol,mlnn,0 competition to thu oxtont It la ablo, ', , (, H arbitrarily fixes tho prices of tho commodity It furnlahcs, it dotor- ' ( ( mines tho circumstances undor which risks shall bo taken, it fixes tho i l( commissions of agents for all lu constituent companies, nnd it roatrnlns , i trado by refusing to nccopt business from a nontrust agent. ! ,,17?' If B n.sont ,for a nnboard company occepU n rUV for ' , S $100,000 and can absorb only thrco-fourths of it through tho companies '.' , ho represents tho trust will not tako tho othor $26,000. And "tin ' !' ' tl W0",1 ?,f lh0 tm ftnU lh0M wh0- tor on" "on or othorVaro un- I ' ft u,'n,,nn?0nC, d11P'My Profit by trust oporatlon., inalst that J (j (, it la not a trust.Edltorlal, Salt Lako Horald-Ropubllcan. J. i WE'RE NOT IN THE I I , : FIRE INSURANCE TRUST ' j: ; ; Refusing to be dictated to and controlled by the fire Insurance i '' ,; tr"5t'ab?Ve rcferred l0 the Herald-Republican, we about the J' ,; ,; middle of last month made new connections In the East, whereby I ,; ,; we are independent of the Utah combine. WE HAVE THF l' I; J; AUTHORITY TO MAKE AND MAINTAIN OUR OWN RATES ! '" jl THROUGHOUT EASTERN UTAH. - KA,Q J; J : The fire insurance companies represented in this agency are as ;; gooda, he bMt. Thc , e buyjnij pubnc b (Q I !; w,WPwn; or see us In person as to rates. We're saving i . ,; many ind.viduais, business firms and others money. ; jj Remember, we make and maintain our own rates within the i ! R. W. CROCKETT & CO, Inc. j : ! Same Old Place, Advocate Building, ; I , J PHIOC, UTAH '', ' , I , IU W. CROCICETT, President. !' . , I 12. ELDHEDaE, Secretary. .'