OCR Interpretation

Eastern Utah advocate. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1895-1915, May 29, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091022/1913-05-29/ed-1/seq-2/

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1UW w
BBH ' i kaqlu mini.no mstriot at-
BBB Ktx-rt Mbilnjf IlnglncMUW Havo
K, I Kctrr Itofitm Hnnrxl of Or Seen
BBR . Hurli Values In (Jio CotiU'itrilnl
H Hlnto Or P.i-nlic-rc Find In llf
BJR j mTnl In Onllnnry Hafub-tjme.
BBB. Two now mining district, olio tit
BBB' Plntoro and ono nl Knglo, Colo., nro
BBH1 now attracting tho nttontloTi of tho
BBH: ' mining world. Tbo IMatoro ills
BBH trlct, lootitod In tho Han Lulu Vnlloy
BBBM' In 8outhorn Colorado, Including tho
BBBV towns of IMatoro, Gllniorp, stunner,
BBBb Jasper ami Hiimmltvlllc, in reached
BBBMl from Atamoaa, Monlo Vltn, Del
BBBF: v, Norto, I.a Jam, Antutoftn and Pngo-
BBBB na Springs, tht-nco by stago in tho
BBBB, ' dlfforent sections.
BBBb ' Tho vnrlou localities on tho lino
BBBM of Urn Donvor nnd Klo Oranda nro
BBBB , nil at work making now roods nnd
BBK I repairing old onos, nnd nro vicing
BBBB with each other In. their undcavor
BBBB to havo tho best nnd RhorUxit routo
BBV ponslblq Into tho now oatnp. In
BBHU j this district gold and silver haTo
BBBB ' boon found In groat fbrnuro vornit.
BBBvV Tho Knglo mlntng district Ilea
BBBB imjvi mile south of tho town of
J""1 ' Kaglo. Thousand dollar silver ore,
opened In a prospect lulo on tho
, "Lady Hollo" claim two month ago,
BBK, astonished export mining engineers,
t tor -"tch valuos had neror boon
it hoard of hoforv In n prospect holo,
BBH n and also bconuso It was found In
BBH ordlnnrjr Dakota nandstono.
Hj' t Maps of tho two dbrtrlct aro on
BBH ( display In oomo of tho principal of-
BBH ' XI cos of tho Denver nnd Hlo (J made,
BBHi ' nnd MimploA of ores nlso nro on ox-
B I lilbltlon at tho city tlckot office In
,i Donvor and nt Salt Laka CUy, and
B i nro attracting n groat deal of at-
fl j WIDIiNH TO TllltCi: I'IM.T
H j MONTH VISTA, Colo.. May 24.-
BBH i Although tho strike on (do Miser
BBV j claim near Jasper n few days ago,
B"j which ran moro than $32,000 per
BBB j ton was considered t)io largest In
BBK , tho history of mining In thin state,
BBH ! nn (i Hi or suikn n mado yestordny
j J which promises to far surpass ruiy-
H j thing In tho history of mining In
H K nuv nvctlon.
K Mlnom struck a "wind," which
H showed that tho high grado vein,
L which cnrrlod tha $32,000 oro had
m wldrtned front ono nnd nno-hn,lf In-
H h to three foot. TJioro Is n,
B streak of quant nnd tho high grndo
H , oro nltornntlng
H Kajn Unilrw-I Kill Is I.lkrly Oi
D I'iih Uni Hciuitr,
:' "I "" oppoMvl to tho freo raw
H mntorlnl policy with protection to
H j manufacturers, urged by Ifcuitoni
B I manufacturers, Ihwausu It forces tho
B i; Win tern producer to soil In nn ojhmi
By j market and buy In u protected mar-
BBt ' kot," said Attorney Januu JI. Moylo
BHvV lxn his return from Washington,
Hy, D. C, Inst week, wtioro ho wont In
BB r tho Interest of thu National Wool-
H growers' association,
K , Mnylo bellovos that tho Unilor-
B wood bill In likely to pass In tho
BBB senate, n majority of tlint body be-
Bp i Ing disposed to yield to tho wishes
BBB3 of I'rosldunt Wilson "I was In
BB3 Wnshrogton a fow du ago," said
BBBK Movie, "not as u lobbyist working
K f"r a protectlvo tariff, as so mo of
Kf my republican friends would lUo to
Hfr;j mnko It, appear, but to leani tho
m i situation and contrlbuto my nil to
H ! toward urging that frhvndly ronsld-
Hfj oration bo given to thu Industries
K ', or Utah no less than that accorded
B othdi secttom of tho country,
H, ' On reileral offices In Utah Moylo
H I Md: "I dovotod no particular at
HAj teution to nppolntmentK, but tho
f ndmlnlstra.tlon Is well advised of tho
v sliuitlon here, and as soon on tin'
ff. '"'Iff bill Is disponed of such mat
Hi. ter w"l no doubt bo given moro
Vlj nttontlon."
j ' ml wmmi
BSl AinouiiL UHihii n.r W.xil TliU
BJB! Yttar Quito IiuMlniiuUt.
Hl 0. D- Stewart, secretary of tho
l Vtah WoolgroMont' ntnoclatlon, who
H I lus been conferring with shepomen
BBB f throughout tho principal sheep
Brr crowing localities of Southeastern
BBh Utah tho past ton dayu, whllo on UiQ
t "' visited aiid hold inootlngH at
l 1'r'co, Mnok, Dragon, Wnteon, Vor-
KS nal' SIoffn, IloosQYolt, Mytoli nnd
BBe Colton, hi) objeot being to dovlso
BBSr and fonnulato plans whoroby tho
BBLj' producor will be ablo to rocolvo tho
BBW propsr price for wool,
t It is tho consensus of opinion
R' nmong ehoepmen, enys Btowart, that
B3 the host plun lu to utoro tho prod-
;'i 1101 untU uucli tlino on u. fair prlco
Bjl may bo offorcd, Conditions through
Ift tiut tno territory covorod by Stow-
H,i Art Indicate that tho wool crop this
U year will bo at least two million
H 4 pounds under tat of 1012, thlu fig.
B i u ro being arrived at through tho
H 1 fact that about all tho shoaxlng has
H ,1 1 beon t InUhod and practically tho
I ; " "" n " -rvPQC
' HHHT':fi GLE M,N,NG District
pyffiMW I cJ? UIK. gSwf' K f TE? IrKMngltjUwtlooR.WIystait.
l.JSww PymM-Mk-jL AiMCMK-TcSC7
ga ,j yTs 4 ISSxft V t7ffyf?aa 1-SrTrT W Hflv3fr cotes, v . t .
IWnN .1 Jy--ji -j- " ' DeNvcr & Rio Grande Railroad
greater part of Uio year's output al
rcidy sold. Tho crop nottod tho
producers approximately 17 V4 conts
n pound, which Is not considered
Ilo says tlat woolgrowors of tho
section visited hull with delight tho
tact that Donvor, Colo., has takon
doflnlto action In voting bonds for
tho Moffat tunnol, nt Its construc
tion will moan groatly Increased
prottU yooily. Ho won accompan
ied to tho various towns by John C.
Mnckay, a prominent Utah sheep
man They expect to toko u trip
through Sovtor, Sonpoto nnd Car
field counties this week, whoro
meetings similar to thoso In Houth
uHstvrn Utah will bo hold, and with
tho object In vlow of gaining tho
nsslstnnou of shoopmon In that part
of tho slato fn tho furthoranco of
tho plnn for rogulntlng tho prlco of
i:ii;catk).vai, nuviicw
ihsui:.s riNi: .numiikh
Tho Utah Educational association
has combined tho April and May Is
sues of Its official organ, tho Utah
Educational Ilovlow, as tho National
Uduoatlonnl association number, an
hvonty-sovou thousand copies havo
been sent to nil part of tho United
States, Tho articles aro not con
fined to educational topics, hut In
c'udo practically every lino or on
dent or with particular nttontlon glv
en to tho resources of tho state.
Tho opening article "Know Utah"
explain tho policy of tho associa
tion in thoso sontences. "IMucn
ttnn Is a vital thing, not concerned
merely with books, with thoortcn. u
dead past, nor a misty and uncer
tain future. It Is coucomod first
of nil with llfo horo and now.
With a bolter knowledge of our ro
sourctM must of necessity como that
consciousness that wo havo mado
many mistakes, it Is hopod
that this presentation of tho rc
sourcua of Utah will nuggeat to all
classes of roadora como of tho
menns of ronchlng that hotter un
dorstnndlng nnd comploto knowl
mlge." Til number has an ologant half
fino ptcturo of tho Carbon county
high school building, along with
other llko features of state schools.
Whon you havo a bad cold you
want a romody that will not only
glvo rollef, but offoot a prompt nnd
permanent euro, a romody that is
ploasant to tako, a romody that
contains nothing Injurious. Cham
borlaln's Cough Ilomody moots all
those roquiromonts. It acts on na
turo's plan, relieve tho lungs, aids
expectoration, opons tho Bocrotlonu
and restores tho eystom to a heal
thy condition. ThU romody has a
world wtdo solo and use, and can al
ways bo dopondod upon. Sold by
all dealers. Advt.
Having leased the Ceorge O.
Krandson lands In the Ileavor Crook
oauutry, west of 1'rlro and ombrnc
lug ibout twelve hundred acros, no
tice Is horoby given that uny party
or parties allowing stock of any
kind to rango upon those lands will
bo proceodsd ngalnat under tho law
as trespassers, Noo Aubort, Price,
Utah, May 12, 1913,
I'liyslrlan Held In lUmtbt of Tui-nt)-Tho
Hiuulnil Dollar l'ollibi
An Autopty nt Miirrn) Iltiin)iif)
llnniKlil Hnrk to ronucr llijmo
nt Himtlnglii 1'or Iiitcnneiit.
Following nn Investigation mado
bv tho state board of medical ox
nmlnorti Into tho death May 17 th nt
Salt hako City of Mrs. Klsa Mtstor,
33 years of ago, a widow nnd school
teacher of Huntington, Dr. W. S.
Downey was arrostod last Friday.
Dr. Downey Is ullcgod to havo oper
ated upon Mrs. Mtstor shortly be
fore she was found to bo suffering
from porltonltJs. Ho was takon to
tho county Jail, but luler furnished
n bond of twenty-five hundrod dol
lars. Tho cause of tho woman'ti death
was revealed ut. an autopsy hold un
dre tho dlrcatlou of tho board of
medial examiners, nt nn undertak
ing establishment at Murray, night
surgeons attended tho autopsy that
Is nnld to havo verified tho woman's
nnto-mortem statement.
"I havo not a word to say," Bald
Dr. Downey after ho was released
from tho county Jail, Wluro, Infor
mation its to tho findings of tho
stato board reached tho county at
torney's office, n complaint ngnlnst
tho physician was Issued and a war
rant iiworn out.
Mrs. MUter Is KurvlvtMl by a son,
0 yoars of ago, living with relatives
In Huntington, whoro she spont her
girlhood dn)H until she wont to
I'rovo to study for tho teaching pro
fession. Tho body waa sont to Hun
tington, whoro tho remains were In
terred Inst Thursdny.
Tho deconsod was quite well
known at Prlco whoro bIio had vis
ited many tlmos. Sho taught nchool
two terms nt Spring (Hon up to
about thrco years ago. Mrs. Mtater
was the wlfo of Ilobort Mtstor, thoy
having boon divorced about two
years ago. Her maiden name was
A.OTiu:it vniiHioN op tiii:
SALT IAKK CITY, May 22, -Dr.
W. S. Downey, a pbyslcl&n and mir
geon of this city, was arrostod and
placed In the county Jail tonight, a.
charge of manslaughter havrag boon
mado against him. ThU chnrgo Is
tho rosult of on nlleged abortion
which, It la chnrgod, the doctor per
formed upon Mrs. EUa, Mtstor, a
widowed school teacher of Hunting
ton Sho died of peritonitis, fol
lowing lnfoctlon, which It U alleged
resulted from an oporatlon, passing
away at Lattor-day Saints Hospital.
Tho complaint on which Dr.
Downoy was arroatod Is tho out
growth of on Investigation mado by
tho stato board of medical examin
ers with n vlow to rovoklng his II
conno. Tho county nttorncy heard
of tho caso. An autopsy wns per
formed Tuesday nt Murray In tho
prcsonco of eight surgeon nnd then
official action taken.
As does tho timplro In tho middle
of u closo ball game, tm state
board of equalization I now receiv
ing protest from nil quarters re
garding tho assessment on different
pronortlls throughout tho stntn.
Whon nssossment time come
nround tio concerns make n state
ment of their worldly goods, nnd
tno county assessor makes another
Ktatomont. Theso nro "cqunllxod"
by tho stato board, which then
sends tho property owner Its docl
rlen In tho mnttor and nwalts pro
tmts. This Is tho opon season for
protest, nnd they have Just begun.
Thu usunl complaints from tho cor
porations nnd Individuals in Carbon
county nro bolng roglstorod by nt
turneys and othom whoso business
It Is to look out for tax matters.
Uucklon'a Arnica Salvo Is known
ovorywhoro as tho host romody for
all dlsoa-.es of tho skin, and also
for burns, bruises and bolls. Re
duces Inflammation and Is soothing
and hoallng, J. T. Soisoman, pub
lisher of tho Nown, Cornollus, N. C
write that ono box holpod ids sort
ous skin allmont aftor other romo
dles fallod. Only twonty-flvo conU.
Ilocommonded by nil doalors.
dii. i:i.ioi iii,.Mi:s .mi:.
I'oit am. soci.ii :vn
NBW YOKK, Muy 23."lt U tho
man who iiuiluiulnfc tho social evil,"
said Dr. Claries W. Bllot, president
omorltUH of Harvard University, In
nn addross horo tonight, "and It is
the man who brings lu terrible con
suqucncM Into tho home. Our
courts, which aro tho practical ex
oresslon of our laws, havo novor at
tempted to enforce a slnglo legal
code of morals for men and wo
men." Another speaker said : "Tho
truth U that wo havo too many
joung Judges who got tholr experi
ence on tho bench." I'rofonaor Tat
sa'd; "I agrco with him. I waa
ono of thoso young Judges. I wont
on tho bonch nt 23, ond that was
the first real logal training that I
got. I rogrot to say that I loarnod
mUCh Of till) tnw 11 Din nv..nn0 -
the pooplo."
Dr. Klng'a Now LUo 1111s will ro
Hovo oonatlpatlon promptly and got
your bowols in healthy condition
again. John Supsio of Banbury, Pa.
says: "Thoy are tho, best plllu I
over used, and I advlso ovoryono to
uso thorn for constipation, Indigos
Uon and liver complaint." Will holp
you. Prico twonty-flvo coats. Hoc
ommondod by all doalors. Advt.
Sumnor carries tho colobrated
llfo-tlmo guaranteed Oarland malle
ablo rangea. Drop in and boo Uiom.
Location notices carried in otock
at tho Advocate. Advt.
lfl 4KB
thi: vai.ui: to you
Is such that you ought to see nt once how much you tnWt
gin lo carry It.
I'ltoTiitn-s you to Tin: limit.
Wo'll bo glad to explain It nnd wrlto nil you think you ni
Itttlo as tho best Insuranco can coat.
Through recont Knstorn connocllons wo'ro lndep-!
Plro Iiuiuninco Trust. Wo mako and maintain our ownn
lMDi:i.rrv itviiiiMfii,'iii.u ....
Total Assots, $41,025,670, tho Inrgost Amorlcan coapW.'
plus to policyholders of $23,227,823.
Total Anson, $2C,B7C,C79. Surplus to policyholders. I1
The Continental U not a "technicality company, and
behind n technicality In tho fnco of a loss.
,. TotM Awet, $4,483,473. Surplus to policyholder!,
Tho National u motto Is: "Aggrosslvo, Progressive m cir
v!!J,U',U!l?S.I,VN V'WIO.VAU Tim WILLIAMSni'ltn,
AssoU running Into tho millions nnd large aurplu '
dors. Permit un to quoto rates. Wo solicit huslneu
anm?.',1!. B0, ,y,our hon or write your liquor Hconi.
our Prlco office No waiting to uond nwny for policies-
R. W. Crockett & Co., I
Dlwol's carpet swoopore glvo oaU
afoctlon and don't ruta your good
Wo'ro tho Vlw!j0
aaco and abstractor,
ua and got our tern
ott & Co. Advt.

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