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A M Bl ii H TAOM POUR. THE EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, IAY 29. 1010. "J H The Eastern Utah Advocate BBBf Tho Advocate Publishing Company (Inc.) BBBJ R. W. Crockett, Manager. V Subscription Rates: One Year, SI. GO; 8U Mo., 7Ec; Three Mo., SOc B ADVERTISING RATES IN EFFECT JANUARY I, lDin. H' DIBPLAT ADVERTISING ror Inch per Single Issue, 26c; per Inch BBB per Month, 20o Each laaue. BBV POSITION Pull Poiltton, Top of Column, Next Heading, add 25 BY per cent to abore. Alongside Heading Matter, add 10 per cent to above BBB READERS For Line, One Time, 10c; per Lino, Subsequent, Cc. BBB' PROFESSIONAL OAIIDS Not Ovor Ono Inch, $1.00 per Month. BBB y LEOALS Ton Con to por Lino First Insertion. FIto Cent per Ltno BBB Each Subsoquont Imuo. BB ' OBITUARIES Cards of Thanka, Resolutions, Etc., at Half Local BBB Rending Notlco Hales. Address nil Communications to m Tin: advocate publishing co., i'rlco, Utah. H 'WiPgw" irUffMi HI1 f -maw an ism '' i . r -LI Ml J.JMMU.LJ!; IFI'W , " X BBB' THURSDAY, MAY St), 101.1. H. TOO MUCH IHIWIATIOX WATER, B THINKS whehlon. BBlr ' BBB J. C. Wheolon, chief onglncor of BBBtf tho Utah-Idaho Sugar company and BBB holding tho namo poultlon with tho B)1 I'rlco Rlvor Irrigation company, re- BBc antly delivered an address before BBB a big Irrigation convention nt Oar BBBJ '' this slnto. In which ha seem to V,' ahow conclusively that nomo farm- BBBJ em aro using moro Irrigation water k' ' than they need, nnd that tho effect BBB' of tho policy I to tako from tho BBB.' valuo of their land, without giving V thorn any nddltlonnl bonoflta In tho 4 crop they nf raining. Horo la an BBB)1 extract from M address: BBBJ- "Twenty-two yearn ago tho Uear B river can.tU (or "Rothwoll" canals, BBBJ as they were known a fow yean BB ago) began delivering water to ita BBl patron, and ns tho company con- Hjv tracted to furnish wntor at a duty BBB- of eighty acres to tho second-fool BBBj I or 4.2 aero-foot por season of six ! months, they bavo supplied water to covor thv valley to a dopth of 92.4 foot. Thta would havo wcttod BBB1 to comploto Maturation (If nono find BBB? ! evaporated ) a stratum of earth about BBB I a hundred and eighty foot In dopth. BBB Kvon though much of thin wator BBB I has evaporated, only twclvo years of BBB) I operation woro roqulrod to mako BBV ouch gains upon tl.o natural procoss BBB ( of elimination by soepaRo and nvnp- V arntlon, that tho ground wator tnblo BBB boenme permanently mo near tho BBB 1 surface as to snrloualy impair tho BBB productWenea of tho noil." BSB- It Iim long been tho contention BBB of both Prosldont Wldtsoo and L. I BBB Morrill, says Ogdou'n Examiner, BBB that a quantity of irrigation wator BBB Ims than is commonly usod will pro BBB duco bettor rtwult thnn aro found BBB with tho prewont aystrau. And all BBBi scientific, practical study of tho BBB) subject confirm thalr view. Utah BBB and Southern Idaho havo a Itmttod BBBi amount of water. Thoro Is an un- BBB limited nroa of land that needs Ir- BBfl rlgatlon. There aro groat poiislbllt- BBB! Um kn dry farming, but every dry BBB.' farm needs some wator. Bueh things BBB, m home and orchard and Hummer BBB gardens can not bo hopod for In BBB wholly dry tract. Thoro is wator BBBl enough, when the state' wator uses Hj aro perfected, for every section of BBk Utah. And tho muiio U true, of tho H dry portion of Idaho. BBBJ Thoro must bo a willingness on H tun part of proonl uor to share Hj thotr blessing with their loss.for- BBBL tunate neighbors, whero this can bo BBM dono without actual injury to tho BBBi ' original owner of wntor rights. In BBB all reason and right they aro on- BBB titled to all tho wator they actually BBB need for their land. And In all rca- V, Von and right they aro not ontltlod BBBj to any moro. Tho dry section of BBB theao stale can bo roclalmod only BBB by united and concerted action. In BBB tbo unity and fraternity of all try- BBB Ing to build up tho country, tho BBV way intMt bo found to conaorvo this BmB invaluable, elemont water. Engln- BBB .: eor Whoelon has holped in tbo work BBB which finally must prove a blcwalni; J to BBB Soorotary Hedfleld, who rejoice BBB in tho aoauranco that the tariff la BBB to be revised downward, take nq BBB atock in the claim that a, reduced BBB tariff will lower tho cost of living, BBB and ho warn consumer not to ox- H' lcct that It will do so. Should BBB Itodflald's forecast provo correct BBB -what will Wlleon and Dry an and BBB othor democrat (who ho,vq bo per- BBV elstently proclalmod the tariff to bo BBB tho xnothor of hlfib irlcce havo to BBB say for thouiaolvoH? BBB Itaw wool la to go on. tho. free BBB list. Raw wool let tho flutshod prod- BBb net of tho ahoepralor. It all tin- BBB lulled products aro to go on tho frco BBB list, wool should go too, but whon BBB tho wool gooa tho ahoop will follow, B us they did la 1803. Thoro. will be BBB ooq profitablo industry leas In those 1 United Stated. Farmer havo been told by tho tcarotf party thnl the tariff doc not protect them. How does it suit the watchful farmer to road In tho now tearotf bill that nearly every thing ho can ralao han a, froo pons to como Into thl country without physical examination or certificate of moral character? Farmers, koop your eyes nnd cars open, to tho preaching nnd prnctlco of tho tear off party. It oratora havo nectar In their worda and polaon In their hands. You aro going to got It whero chicken get tho axo. Eastern Utah cltltcna In ovory community will welcomo tho coming Into thla field of tho Utah Light nnd Power company with It trans mission linos, and congratulation to tho Independent Coal and Coko company In being tho first to con tract with tho concorn for Konll worth, modol coal mlnlnj; camp of Carbon county. "Support tho local commercial club with tho samo spirit tho club Is supporting tho city and n blggor nnd better Mnntl will result," ob serve tho Mossongcr of that town. Different nt I'rlco, howover. Sup port tho I'rlco Commercial club nnd a blggor nnd bettor pokor gaino and n fattor "kitty" will result. Woodrow Wilson a tabs tho heart of sheep husbandry and thus pay hi election dobt to William Jou nfngs Ilrynn, tho arch tviomy of fif ty million abcep that clothe and feod tho ninety million peoplo of this nation. Yes, Johnny, Mayor Olson' lovo ror "tbo great moral and religious" began to wano whoa hU first Inau gural addrcmi found It way to tho waste baskqt Instead of appearing In tho columns of this groat family newspapor. That speech that tho mayor of I'rlco was going to dollvor boforo th "boosters" of Salt Lako City on thotr recent trip to I'rlco, but which ho forgot, might bo momorlxed In tlmo for Fourth of July use, how-over. It sounds good to hoar of thu wntor of tho i'rlco rlvor being hnr nessed for light and powor purposes. All good luck to tho men and cor poration that are figuring on tho utllltatlon of this source of energy. I'rogreMlveti do not llko tho way tho domocrat aro cuttlnc tho tnr Iff, but If it had not been for tho progressives they would not havo bovu cutting It nt all. Uowovor, If tho Japaneoo ambas sador will como ovor to thu llryan houao, doubtlesa the secrotary will open a bottlo of grapo Juko. It thoro should bo a war of courwi the natlvo son of California would rush to head tho onllsUnont roll. It takes a man who doowi't havo to llvo tho olmplo life to soo tho beautloA of U. Our friend, John Dull, would like to find tho. guy that put tho "rage" in suffrage. Oil For Country Rosds, A most Interesting experiment Is be ing conducted In central Illinois near Springfield. The state ulgbway com mission Is making a test of oil on country roads. While oil roads are no novolty In many parta of tho United States, tlicr are not known on tho heavy black soil of central Illinois. The top soil of tho road Is being mix ed with an nsplmlt oil to tbo depth of six inches. In many parts of tho Suck er State stone roads aro out of the (juration. Without tho material near at hand tbo grout pralrlo states cannot expect to savo stone pikes, as do some of tu eastern states. Oood roads mutt bo secured by drainage, special caro and possibly by tho uso of oil. This experiment will bo watched with a great deal of Interest I GETTING UP STEAM I lufm - aLAkdiMM-v'S,MiBBra?tBfeyRajWissi trxSaHBBBBjBBBjgEiCTir'i '----- ' Vo you know what wo need In booming this town) WE NEED STEAM. We should organlte all the meo Into a OIIBAT ENGINE OF PltOOnESS and tbeu get enough steam In our bolltrs to make the thing go. The locomotive has transformed the world, has peopled the wilderness, boUt great dUcs. carried clvlllxatloo to the end of th earth, made trad boom all around the planet It baa done these thing because It has POWEIt. because It MOVES. It U an Iron and steel harnea placed on the force of steam. It Is organised to go In definite directions and perform definite tasks. ' We need to HARNESS OUMAN STEAM, to give It the same definite di rections and task to perform. To build a bnman engine that will pull this town up the road of progres we must ail wotk together. W nuit organise so that each man will have bis allotted part of the toad; then we most get op th steam of energy, pull open the throttle and move thugs. Toot-toot 1 All aboard the boosting train! Now. all togetberl Pull for new people, new business! 1 J Pull For a Bigger and Better Town iimi in 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 miii ;: THE TOWN OF NO-OOOD. ;; " Kind friends, have you heard ) '.'. of th town of No-Qood, on the '.'. banks of the river Slow, where ;; the 8ometlmeorothr seente .. the air and the soft Qo-eatlte !! nrowT t Ui n th valley of ; What'a-the-uie, In the province ', .. of Lethersllde It's th home .. of tho reekleee l-don't-cire, " where the Qlve-lt-ups abide. 'm .. The town le as old as th hu- .. man race, and It grows with the ;; flight of yesrs) It Is wrapped In ', .. the fog of the Idler's drosmsi !. Its sttset are paved with die carded schemes and are eprln- " .. kled with ueeleee tear New .. ; York Preee. Till II Mill lllllll lllllllt INTERESTING CIVIC EXPERIMENT IN OHIO. What Publlo Spirited Man ?s Doing For Smsll Towns. A civic experiment which should be of Interest to small towns In overy stato 1 being carried out In Ohio. Ita success thus far haa led to an unusual offer. Flvo towns which first accept tho condition of tho gift will receive 11,000 each from William E. Harmon of New York. Tho offer la mado to towns bar. ing a population of less than 7,000. Through It Mr. Harmon hopes to ex tend work of tho sort which I being carried on by tho Civic trust of Leb anon, O.. established by him In hta na tlvo town. Tho offer applies to tbo provision of a permanent playground and gymna sium adequate to tho needs of the com munity Involving an Investment of not lea than $10,000. It Is limited to such movement ns begin after or tskotholr Incentive from the announcement and to n period of two year from tho dato of their publication. Mr, Harmon hlimclf tells how ho suddenly rvnllml that ns n vlllago boy he hnd no place to play ball. Uollovtng that tbo griMtwt hTinanont value nt taction to the gifts of land, bo decided to try out In I.oIhiiioii n plan to provide recreation und xtliuulate ilrlr spirit. Tho small park has gymnaidiim factll ties, playground and n swimming kkI and skating xnd formed by Uip "Kids dam," a It hat already bocu named Under competent nnd promotional di rection, tho undertaking has awakened a dormant community Into a variety of aoclal nnd co-operative activities. An endowment yielding x.1,000 a year has been provided, nnd tho management is lodged In 11 1km nl of seven truttee act ing under the name of the Civic trust of Lebanon. The example haa struck root and other havo made gifts to the town for varloua purposes. The result of hla initial experiment havo Iteen so encour aging that Mr. Harmon greatly desires to induce other towns to establish aim. liar trusts. Osrden Wrinkle. Do you desire a long hhkoii of lllle f the valley? Thou plsiit chimp on wch of the four sides of tin- house, ind your dwlro will . Knuifat In n rery simple fashion Tlto nn the wuth side will bloom tlwt. The othtir will como along In wiipohmiIou ns the rreather wurms up. thoe mi the north tide tlowerlos last. Mlgnonetto makes nn excellent house plant If seeds are mwii In pot lato 1u the summer. 1 Uee For Refuse. Garbage and other street refuse In ttlnncapolla are burned to goneratethe turrent for 200 arc atreet lampa, AN OIlDIN'ANCi; AX OHDINANCE Granting tho Illght nnd Franchlso to J. II. Manson, hi Heirs nnd As signs, to Construct, Maintain and Orernto ari Electric Light and Pow er, System Within tho Limits of Scofleld Town. ' Do It ordained by tho town board of Scofleld town, Utah: SECTION I. That J. II. Manson, his holrs and assigns, havo tho au thority and consont of tho town board of Scotlold town, nnd tho right nnd franchlso lit hereby grant ed to him, his heir and assigns, for a 'jorlod of fifty year from and af ter tho ncceptnnco of this franchise, to construct, opornto nnd maintain an electric light and powor system for tho distribution and conveyance nf electrical cnorgy across, along, upon and undor tho public streets, alleys, avenue and othor public thoroughfare In said town of Sco fleld, county of Carbon, stato of Utah; to construct, orect and main tain line of pole In such strcots, Innes, nvenues, alloy and other public grounds and thoroughfares of nald Scoflold town, and to oxtond mid nttach to such polo tho tieccs wtry wlros and othor nppllancot for tho tranimilsslwi of electricity, nnd to Install audi other electrical do lcea nnd appliances In connection with such light and powor plant ns may bo necessary for tho purpose of furnishing power, light nnd boat to the Inhabitants of said town nnd I r othor Industrial and commercial uurposes. SECTION II. That eald J. II. Man son, hies hclra and assign, during tho llfo of this franchlso, be, nnd they nro horoby vested with tho right and privilege of ontorhig up on tho streets, alleys, lanes and other public thoroughfare In said Scoflold town for tho following pur poses: To erect and maintain In hucIi streets, lanes, alloy and othor pub lic thoroughfare and grounds of said town, polo and attaching thereto nnd extending thoreon, wire nnd othor conductor for tho pur poso of transmitting electric cur rent within tho limit of said town for power, hoat, light and othor purposes to tho Inhabitants thereof, SECTION III. Said J. II, Man son, his helm nnd assigns promise and ngreo lu consideration of tho right nnd rranchlso horoby granted that tho work dono In tho streets, nllcys, avenue and othor public thoroughfares or grounds within tho Mid town of Scofleld for tbo pur poso of carrying out tho provisions of thla franchlso shall bo dono and performed under tho supervision of tho town board of Bcoflold town, or such committee or committees np polntod by eald board for that pur pose. SECTION IV. Bald J. H. Man son, hi helra and assign further ngreo that tho powor and light uya tora to bo Installed undor tho pro vision of thla franchlae, and all tho wlros, tranaforraoni, appliance and apparatus used in connection thoro wltb, shall bo standard in character uud such as aro now used In other town having a population of not lea than the, present population of Scoflold town. SECTION V. 8ald J. H. Manson, his heir and assigns In considera tion of tho franchlso horoby grant ed, furthor agree to supply froo of chargo to tho town of Scoflold, un dor tho provisions of this franchlso horolnnftor contalnod, ton sixteen candlopowcr lamps or their oqunl tor yshting tho town hnll and town Jail. SECTION VI. Said J. H. Man son, his helra and assigns furthor ngroo that If thla franchUq Is not accepted, or If work bo not com menced on or boforo six months from the. dato of It accoptance, or ji BROOKS-HEPPLER 1 FURNITURE CO. ; THE COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS ! ; 1 J Wo carry a full Block of Furniture, Carpets, Stove 14 1 '! Ranges. Should you bo contemplating buying anythlij ! our lino it will cort&inly pay you to got our price befee !' parchaslng. Wo havo Just received an. up to date mot. ' meat of rue In all grade and designs. Toa will A '', our Furniture line full and complete. !; j C W solicit your patronage and guarantco aatUtaitk h; 1' pries, terms and quality of good. ' Phone 61. 1 1 Address, Ivoraon Building, High School Street. ij fd The largest aj ij .-:::. sortment of fii j 'L millinery can k jlF seen here at ai ji sMJm'J times. 15 yean j; WvT experience as TWxn. trimmer- i WSk ! BESSIE KENNEDY, Milliner : 1 1 Next to tho Goldoa Rulo Storo, Price, Utah. Lovers of Music Should be delighted to know (hat all the latest music can j be had at the I i Lewis Jewelry Co. 1500 Copies now on display Expert Watch repairing our Specialty. Satisfaction or money back lj RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANTS. Bunuyldo, Castle te. Winter Quarter and Clear Crux.f J I NtrrillNri HUT THE HK8T IN STOCK. ( I'lne Wines, Brandies, Ileors and Cordial for tho KamllI i, Pool and illlard Tablea. if sufficient light and power lines nro not constructed to meot tho de mands for lighting tho atroeta of aald town, whoa said town shall ro qutro tho samo to bo done, thon thU franchlso shall bo void, provid ed, howevor, that any delay in tho commencement of tho work con tomplatod undor this franchlso which shall bo occasioned by tho elements, strikes, lockouts or In ability to procuro tho Unlivery of ranch nory, wires, poles and othor Btippllos, whon roasonnblo Ulllconco bn. boon used, shall not bo comput ed as part of tho tlmo within which any act U to bo performed under Ihl franchise, but no delay shall oxcoed twolvo inonths for any ro" son whatsoovar. ihJ?SN . V" This ordinance NEIL M. MADSEN, ... Prosldont. W. D. BTILLMAN, Town Clork. town Cork cfleYd fo'w? 'gJS o hereby corttfy that tho aboro and foregoing is a full, correct copy of an otibW' tloxf, "An Ordinance 0rtf Right and Franchlso to J. H son, Ills Holrs and Asslf1" struct, Maintain and 0j" Electric LlRht nad 05 Within tho Limit of T Town," passed by tho tor of Scoflold town, UthT1J 1013, as appoors of recora offlco. In wltnosa where' hortjunto sot my hand w tho corporato soal of M,,,vl9i 20th doy of May, i-xl Do vou think of sendltf furniture? U you do tM Tj Utah rurnlturo compaW t you. Tnko your cataloH and they will duplicate tnko tho responsibility ., for thorn, and lay &" Joor at your catalogue J Iho freight. Advt. . For Solo Ooldon V JJ KB; T1.25 per Bottli rj Also baby chicks. D- "' , Co., Mgab, Utah. Adtt- ( '""" I ,MBwJ