Newspaper Page Text
bbsST v1 ssH K.' EmM. THE EACTK1W OTAH ABVOOATB. THUHHUAV, MAV SO. 1013. .M CAINE TALKS OF I VERNAL COUNTRY 4, One of the Very Best Watered Sections of the Y Entire West That Soon Must Come H ' Into Greater Prominence. V' That lack of transportation focll- - Itki nlono linn kopL tlio Ulntnh H, county region from bocoralng ono of H tlio richest and most prosperous noo- B. lions In Uio cmtlro Went, I (ho opln ' Ion of J. I Cnine, nooretnry of tlio K Ball Lnko Cltr Commercial club. Hji, Just what tlio building of tlio pro V posed Donvor and Salt Lako through! H' wtlra of rich agricultural nnil coal HbI lands In Colorado and Utah will do H , or thla stato tin' commercial ilub V ' publicity bureau and tlio Utah Do- H) Tolopinnnl leaguo will endeavor to H approximately nucorlnln Numerous H Inqutrlm nro coming In stneo tlio Kl nowa that tlio Moffat tunnel fimond- K rnont wm voted by tlio pooplo of Hf Donvcr In a special election Tuosdny H ' of taut week, which open tlio ay H for tlio boring of a tunnel under Hi Jnm I'cak Tlio commercial club W has always folt keen Interest tn tlio Hj Moffat road extension nnd Jia- sup- Hn ported ovary foatlblo plan to bring B'j about lta roallxatlon Bocrotary t Calno of thn commercial club 1 pir- mi haps ait well rnfonnod on tlio bono- Hi flti that will result to tho ntato Hl from this roid aa any other man lit Hr Utah. In an Interview ho my. t "Tlio building of tho Moffat rond Hi through Uintah county will bring H , Into direct communication with Bait L L&ko City an undnroloped omplro Hl' offorlng ntlractlvo home to thous- !nnds of Kottlor nnd Investment to million of capital. Tho Uintah Hop l' will U tho bcxl wntorcd part of tho HU "into nnd tho topography U liloal H" for tho con-traction of Irrigating Kt systems In tho fow nhort year Hjk slnco tho reservation wan thrown Bjj open to selllemcsil canal- already Hj constructed nro Mipplylna moro than Hi two hundred mil fifty thousand HSj acres of ground It la estimated Hffl thnt nl lonst another hundred nnt ' fifty thousand aero will ho entered Hv'j by projected canal nt a minimum HK rout to tbo land owner, Tho addlr HI Hon of thl four hundred thoutand j acres to tho producing area of tlio HK ttato will ndd much to our riches H and tho transportation facilities HjL supplied by tho now road promtnn H quick rottira to tho sturdy pioneer HB who hnro opened up this now fron- k ttor. ! "Tho Ashley Valley nt tlio ox- tromo ond of Uintah county in not Hflj a l'nrt of ll ln1'an reservation Hr and ha not been nettle! for moro f, than, thirty yearn. ThU beautiful Hf spot 1 oapnblo of producing fruits, HI grain, atfalfti nnd honey In great Hf quantities and with Its dollghtful H cllmato 1m ono of tho most nttractlvo B volleya tn tho ntato Tho town of H Vernal, with Hit luplmlt pavomunts HI and olectrlo light, It chnnnlng H homoa nnd hovpltnblo pooplo will B proTo attrnctlvn to many of tho H thouianda who will follow tho now H road ncroiM our border from tho H Ht "Tho land of tho ontlro roglon B cromed by tho Moffat road nro inMt HJ forttlo and with transportation fa- B clllilr tli la now region ought noon HI to rank among tho rlchcit aoctlon Hj of tho entlrn Wwt " HCT1J SKI Hf Offlrinl Qiuiiitutlni) rincwl Uxu All 1 HliliiimtH of 1HminI CiltUo. Hf Sweeping quarantlno ngalnat tho Hill Importation Into Utah of all horacu, Icnttlo and uwlno tixcept nuch as have boon subjected to strict In poctlon and examlnAtlon for con- taglou and Infectious dlaooaes, was Hfl .put Into affect last wook by rtn of- HJ, flclal proclamation Issued from tho Hj) ottlco of aov. Wlllkim Spry. Tho HT proclamation uppllos to all tho Hkf state In tho union, tho Dominion HJ' of Canada and nil foroLga countrlos. HJj It is to ba offoctlva from tho dnto H l THE WORLD MOVES Hf So Do H j! Henry Bros. H DIUYINO AND H TitANsrEimiNo ; Kf ,' Nothing too largo or too small H ' for us to moTo, , H , lliono CSX 1'rlco, Utah i I iiypiT H Tho Kloctrlo Light stands H at tho head of thq llat for ', Hj i S lighting qualities, for cloaull- S Hj 5 neos, for boauty, for oaso of ( Hj 1 oporatlon and slight caro. Hj t You'll find It pleasant to havo ij H , S It in tjia homo. I do all man- ', H S nor of Eloctrlcal Work. Jatlio H I ,i and uachlno work a, spoclalty. ( H i , call up thojl'rlco Vower Houso (J H I station. m,y i SAM D. JEWKES I of Ibsuo, May 21, to Doccmbor 31, 1914. In declnrlng tho quamntlno aov ornor Spry explained that It ha been reported to Mm from rcllnblo nuthorltlM that tho ltro stock in duatr'er of tho stnto nro ondAngorcd by the Importation of lnfoctod nnt mal. Tho proclamation soU out the naturn of tho dliioasos to bo guarded ngalnst and enumerate tho tents and Inspections that must bo mado for homos, mulos, nwx. cat tin nnd swlno boforo thoy can bo ad mitted within tho state. Health certificate guaranteeing tho nnl mat to bo frcq from illseaso must accompany ovory shipment Into tho statu. Particular provision (a mado, in tho proclamation to guard agnlnst tuberculosis In cattlo and cholera In wlne. TroAlmont and t"ts for each of thoso diseases aro spoclflod. Tho action of tho govornor in do daring tho quarantlno U in lino with similar steps by governors of othor Wostcnr Htatc rocontly. It Is 'niplred by tho common report that dlncnsa Is unusually protnlont amnn& homes nnd cnttlo through out tho West at present Will MWWMD HpecUt HffnilM Mnilo 1I tlio Htntp IUmiiaI of Health On 1'incr. Special efforts aro being madq by tho stato board of health to provont tho sprend of typhoid fovor in Utah, nnd nil health Inupcctom have been furnished printed forms on which to roport all cases within tholr Jur isdiction. As a result of Jlho spe cial efforts mado during tlin last thrco years, tho prevnlcnco in tho statu of typhoid fever and dlnrrhoo nl (Uncase in Infants has boon grontly ruduemt During tho year 1010 thoro woro fourteen hundred and four cases of uphold fover Ut Utah, which result ed In a hundred and forty-threo deaths. In 1011 thoro wero only six hundred and ovnty-lx rases nnd neventy-ono (loath, unit last year tho number was reduced to tlo hundred and forty-nine coses nnd flft)-flvo deaths. Tho nvorago number of duaths among Infants under 2 year of ngo from (llarrhoeal dlsuaim for the flvo-)ar porlod ending 1010 wns a hundred and nesonty-one During tho year 1011 tho number of deaths wm roducod to a hundred nnd twunty-ono, and last year to a hun dred and thirteen It Is posalblo lo continue tho re duction of thoso dlionsett until tioy aro proctloally oradloated, and to this ond tbo co-oporatlon of health officers Is earnestly desired It alto has bcon arranged to havo an lAHiwctor of tho statu board of health vUIt localities desiring un alatnnco on requoit, nnd tho Widnl toiil will bo rurnlshod freo of charge iu:iu:roim oattmj to coMi'irru ron ruixus Tho Amortcan llorotord Cattlo Ilreedom' iiMocIutlon has offered tpiclal premiums for animal exhib ited nt thu coming stnto fair, ono of tho requli omenta regarding tho eli gibility to compote being that they must bo recorded In the American Hereford record. Exhibitors must file with tho boc rutary of tlio fair association tho nauio and hord book number of each animal ontored for thvso premiums nnd thq fair socloty In reporting tho aw nl to tho secretary of tho Am erican llorotord Cattlo Uroedors' astoclatlou muit giro tho nnmo nnd number of each. Olhorwlso premiums will not bo paUI. Competition for tho prizes Js open to tho world Awards of sev en, five thrco nnd two dollars will bo mado In each clas. VOll THi: WUAK AND nkkvouh. Tired out, woak, nervous men and women would fool ambitious, ener getic, full of llfo and always havo a good appotlte, If they would do tho eonslblq thing for health tako Kloctrlo Illttors. Nothing bettor for Uio etomadi, lher or kidneys. Thou sands say thoy owo tholr lives to this wonderful homo romedy. Mrs. O. nhlnovault of Vestal Contor, N. Y., nays: "I rogard Electric Ult ters as ono of thq greatest of gifts. I can cover forgot what It has dano for mo." Cot a bottlo yourself and eeo what a, dlfferenco It will inako In your hoalth. Only fifty cents and a dollar. Recommondod by nil druggists. Advt, Our Job dopartmont is up to dato. Try us on that next order of print ing. Tbo Advocate Publishing Co. Advt. location notlcos carried In stock nt Tho Advocate. Advt. NOTICK TO YVATEIl U8EK8. Stato Engincer'e Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 23, 1013. Notice Is horeby given that Nephl O. Per kins, whoso postoflco address Is Sunnysldo, Utah, hns mado applica tion In nccordanco with the require ments of tho Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, ns amended by tho Ses sion Laws of Utah, 1909 and 1911, to appropriate socn nnd one-half iT&) cubic feet of water per sec ond from Dugout Creek and Pace Creek, Carbon county, Utah. Four second feet of said wnter will be diverted from Dugout Creek nt a point which Ilea forty-two foot east and 19C4 feet north of tho north west corner of 8cc. 10, Twp. 14 South, llango 12 East, Salt Lake baso and meridian. Tho romalndcr of said water will bo dlvortod from 1'nce Creek at a point which lies 380 feet east and 1250 feet north of tho north quarter cornor of said Sec. 10 Tho water dlvortod from Dugout Creek will bo conveyod by menns of a ditch for n dlstanco of 4330 feot. Tho water dlvortod from Paca Crcok will bo conveyed by means of n ditch for a dlstanco of 14G2 feet whoro It will commingle with tho water dlvortod from Dug out Creek Tho commingled water will then bo conveyod by moans of two ditches aggregating 9200 feet In longth whoro It will bo used from April 1st to Soptombcr 30th, Inclu sive, of each year, to Irrlgnlo 1280 acres of land ombracod in Sees. 10, i 1G nnd 22, Twp. 14 South, llango 12' Mast, Salt Lako baso and morldlnn In nddltlon to tho quantity of wa! tor abovo specified, tho applicant Intonds to appropriate flvo hundred (GOO) acro-fcot of water which will bo dlvortod at tho points abovo de scribed nnd convoyed to thrco reser voirs ombracod In Sees. 10 and IS, Twp. 14 South, llango 12 Kait, Salt Lnko basq and morldlan, whoro it will bo storod during tho period from January 1st to Decombor 31tt, Inclusive, of each year. Tho center of tho Impounding dams aro describ ed as follows: Kasl llosorvolr, 3C37 feet north of tho southeast cornor of thq southwest qunrtor of See. 10, West llosorvolr, 3483 feet north and CC0 feet west of the southeast comer of tho southwest quarter of Sec 10, and South lies crvolr 3G3 feel south and 390 feet west of tho south quarter cornor of See. 10. all In Twp. 14 South, I tun go 12 Hast, Salt Lako baso and meridian. Thn water so stored will bo released from April 1st to Sep tember 30th, inclusive, of each year, nnd used in connection with thq seven nnd one-hnlf cubic foot of water por necond to Irrljjnto the tract of land horoln described. TbU application la dotlgtintod In thu I stnto engineer') office as No. G039. All protest ngnlnit tho granting nt said application, stating tlio rcnionn t hero for. must bo mado by affidavit In duplicate and filed in this offlco within thirty (30) days after tho completion of tho publication of this notice W. D. IICCIlS, Stato Knglneer Date of first pub May 29, 1013, dato of completion of pub. Juno 28, 1913 Mmci: is ni:iti:uv ivi that the undonttffiicd will In no way bo responsible for any debts contract ed by tho contracting firm of l'ull uner Ilros., on mid after thW dato. OHOIiai: W PULLMKIl, Sunnyslde, Utah Dated, May 24, 1913 KNOTT PATK.NT INVlIhlMUNT Company, Meeting. Amondmonta. Notlco is horeby given that a moot ing of thu stockholders of Knott Patent and Investment company will bo hold at tho residence of A. It. Knott In Wellington, Carbon county, Utah, at 2 o'clock p. in. on tho Oth day of June, A. I) 1013, for tho purpoao of considering wbo- thor or not Artlclo I of tho articles of Incorporation shall bo omondod to road as follows, to-wlt: AHTICLK I. "Tbo namo of this corporation shall bo International Patont Inestment company." Also for tho purpose of consider ing whothor or not Artlclo 2 of tho articles of Incorporation shall bo amondod to read as follows, to-wlt: AIITICLB II. "Tho principal ploco of business of said corporation shall bo at Salt Lako City, Utah." Also for tho purposo of consider ing whothor or not tho first para graph of Artlclo 8 of tho articles of Incorporation shall bo amended to read m follows, towit: AUTICLK VIII. "Tho officers of said corporation shall consist of a board of six directors, a president, vlco prctldont, secrotary and treas urer." Also for tho purpooo of consider ing at tiald special mooting whothor or not J. I Tldwoll, ono of tho di rectors of Bah! corporation, shall bo removed from offlco and his succes sor olectod. This special meeting Is culled by order of A. II. Knott, president. A. 11. KNOTT, President. JOHN H. PKSKTTO. Secretary. Datod, May 14, 1013. Mil It'll. UMTlil) M'A'IIN LAND Office. Salt Lake City, Utah, March 1, 1013 To Whom It May Con corn Notlco Is hereby t,hm that tho stato of Utah has tiled In thla office lists of lands, selected by tho said state, undor Section 0 of the act of congress, npprood July 10, 1891, iu Indomnlty school lands, !' NWHNWU, SKUNW't, Soc. 21, Twp 16 South, Ilange 10 East, and SWtfNEU, Soc. 20, Twp. 13 South, llango 14 Hast, nnd MWU NKU, Sac. 11, SWUSWU, goc. 0, Twp 13 South, llango 14 East. Ser ial 011105, and BWViSWU, Soc. 8, BBUSEH. Soc. 1, Twp. 13 South, llango 0 East. SWHNW. Soc. 34, Twp. 15 South, Itangq 8 East, Bait Lako meridian, and NEUSBW, Sec. 1 7, Twp 13 South, llango 9 East, i Salt Lko meridian, Serial 011106. Copies of said lists, so far as they rclato to said tracts by doscrlptlve sub-dlvlslons, havo been conspicu ously posted In this offlco for In- spoctlon by any porson Interested and by tho public generally. Dur ing tho porlod of publication of this notice, or nny tlmo thereafter, nnd before final approval and certifica tion, undor departmental regulations of April 25, 1907, protests or con tests against tho claim of tho state to any of tho tracts or sub-divisions herclnbeforo described, on tho ground that tho same Is moro valu able for mineral than for agricul tural purposes, will bo rccolvod nnd noted for roport to tho general land offlco at Washington D. C. Foli um so to protest or contest, within tho tlmo specified, will bo consider ed sutflclont evldonco of tho non mineral character of tho tracts nnd tho soloctlona thereof, being other wise freo from objection, will bo ap proved to tbo stato. E. D. It. THOMPSON, Itcglstor. First pub May 29; last Juno 2C-13. .NOTICi: UNITIID bTATIM IjAND Office, Salt Lako City, Utah, April 21, 1913. To Whom It May Con corn: Notlco la horoby given that tho stato of Utah has fllod In this offlco lists of lands, selected by tho aatd stato, undor Section C of tho 'act of congress, npproved July 16, 11894, as Indomnity school lands, vlx: 8EUNWU, Sec. 35, Twp. 15 South, llango 8 East, S. L. M., Ser ! 1a1 09280. Copies of said lists so far as thoy rolato to said tracts by doscrlptlvo nub-dlvlsions, havo bcon conspicuously posted In this offlco for Inspection by any person Intoreatol and by tho public gonorally. During tho porlod of publication of this notice, or any tlmo thorcattor, anl boforo final ap pro nl and certification, under de partmental regulation of April 25, 1907, protests or contests ngalnst tho claim of tho stnto to any of tho tracts or sub-dlvlslons horclnbeforo dcserlbcd, on tho ground that tto samo Is moro valuablo for mineral than for agricultural purpose, will bo received and notod for report to I tho general land office at Washing ton, D. C Failure so to protest or contest, within tho tlmo spoclflod, will bo considered sutflclont evi dence of tho non-mlnornt character of tho tracts and tho solectlon thoraof, bolng othorwlso freo from objection, will bo approved to tho stato. E. D. 11 THOMPSON, Ilogls tor. jrimt pub Mny 1; last May 29-13. 4-366. NOTICE I'OIl PUBLICATION. Cool Entry. (Sees. 2348-52, It. S.) Land Offlco at Salt Lako City, Utah, April 24, 1913. Notlco is horoby given that llcnjamln P. Critchlow of Ogdon, county of Wobor, stato of Utah, who, on tho 20th day of April 1012, tiled In this offlco coal de claratory statement for tho NE& of SEU of Soc. 10, Twp. 13 South, llango 9 East, 8. L. M., has this day fllod In this ottlco application to purchaso said land undor tlio provisions of Sections 2348 to 2352, U. 8. Ilovlsed Statute. Sorlal No. 00701. Any and all persona claim ing ndvorsoly tho lands described, or desiring to object for any reason to tho entry theroot by applicant should fllq their affidavits of pro test in tlila offlco during Uio thirty day porlod ot publication Immcdlato ly following tho first printed Usuo of this notlco. E. D. It. THOMP SON, Register. Edward D. Dunn, Attornoy, 42G-0 Judgo Uulldlng, Salt Lako City, Utah. First pub. Mny 1 ; last May 29-13. 4-348 b. NJOTICE I'Olt PU11I.ICATION. (Publisher.) Dopartmont of tho In terior, U. a. Land Offlco nt Salt Lako City, Utah, April 12, 1913. Notlco t horeby given that James A. Algor ot Cluvoland, Utah, who, on March 28, 1907, mado Homo stood Entry (Sorlal 03446) No. 16091, for NUNWU. Sec. 29, and NHNBU, 8oc. 30, Twp. 10 8outh, llango 10 East, Salt Lako morldlan, has fllod notlco ot Intention to mak final five-year proof, to establish claim to tho laud abovo doscrlbod, boforo tho clork of tbo district court, at Caatlo Dalo, Utah, on tho 31st day of May, 1913. Claimant nnmos as wttnessos Dell Larson, Honry Itasmusgon, J. r, Oliver and Chris Hanson, all of Elmo, Utah. E. D. II. THOMPSON, Itoglster. First pub. Apr. 24; last May 29-13. 4-348 b. NOTICE rOK PU11MCATION (Publisher.) Department of tho ln torlro, U. S. Land Offlco at Salt Lnko City, Utah, April 30, 1913. Notlco lu horoby given that Frank E. Smith of lllack Hawk, Utah, who, on Fobrunry 20, 1910, mado Homo stead Application No. 055C0, for WHNEU, SBUNEV4, Soc. 35,iTwp. 15 South, llango 8 East, Salt Lako meridian, has filed notlco ot Inten tion to make final threo-year proof, to outablUh claim to tho land abovo described, boforo tho clork of tho district court, at Prlco, Utah, on tho 28th day ot Juno, 1013. Claim ant names as wltnossos Charles c. Clauson, Calvin Clausen, Peter Jou nakoa and William Clllotto, all of lllack Hawk, Utah. E. D. It. THOMPSON, lleglstor. Flrut pub. May 8; last Juno S-13. 4-365. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION... Coal Entry. (Sec. 2347, II. H.) Land Offlco nt Salt Lako City, Utah, April 30, 1013. Notlco is horeby given that Elsie Browning of Og don, county ot Weber, stato of Utah, ha this day filed in this of. tlco application to purchase, Sorlal Short Talk On Corsets i No part of a woman's dress is more i important than her corset. What mat- ;! ters the fineness of her gown, the ij prettiness of its colors, the sweep of its ij soft folds, if it be not a good fit and !; how can it be a good fit unless it$ ; wearer has the right kind of corsets, i and that corset properly adjusted to ; i her figure? 1: ;' We have made our Corset section a mecca for wo- i !; men who care for their figures. We have the needed ' j! touch in the adapting and putting on of their coruu, I1 There are several new models recently in that we'd 'I like to have you see. Prettier garments we have never handled, as to their quality and ability to give you i good figure we are enthusiastic. ' j! ALL PRICES j a Wasatch Store Co. S Stores nt Sunnysldo, Costlo Gato, Wlnlor Quarters i&4 Ji Clear Crook. ! No 011455, under the provisions ot Section 2347, U. 8 Itevisod Btnt utes, tho SEU of See II, Twp 13 South, llango 8 East, H. L. M. Any nnd nil porsons claiming ndvorscly thu lands described, or desiring to object for nny reason to thu untry thereof by Hie applicant, should file tholr nffldalts of protest In this office during the thlrt)-day period ot publication Immediately follow ing the first printed Imud of this notlco, othorwliM) tho nppllcntlun may bo allowed. E. 1). It. THOMP SON, Itoglster. First pub. May 22; last Juno 19-13. 4-365. NOIICE FOIt PUI1I.IUA1IO.V. Coal Entry. (Sec 2347, It S.) Laud Offlco nt Salt Lako City, Utah, April 30, 1913 Notlco Is horoby glton that Marlon M. Drowning ot Ogdon, county of Wobur, statu of Utah, has this day tiled In thU of flco application to purchnso, Serial No. 011457, undor tho provlslonH of Section 2347, U. S. itevisod Stat utes, tho NWU of Soc. 11, Twp. 13 South, llango 8 East, S. L. M. Any mid all persons claiming adersely tho lands described, or doslrtag to object for any roason to tho entry thereof by tho applicant, should fllo tholr affidavits ot protest In this of flco during tho thirty-dny porlod of publication Immodlntoly following tho first printed lssuo of thht notlco, othorwlso tho application may bo al lowed. E. D. It, THOMPSON, Hog Inter, Klrst pub. May 22, last Juno 19-13. 4-365. NOTICE FOIt PUHMO.V110N. FoM. .?.try Bcc- 23. 8.) Land Offlco nt Salt Lake City. Utah. April 30, 1913. Notlco Is horoby gUon that Haiol Drowning of Og un; county of Weber, stato of Utah, has this day fllod In thU of flco application to purchaso, Serial No. 011450, undor tlio provisions of Section 2347, U. B. ItovWod Stat utes, tho NEfc of Soc. 11, Twp. 13 South, llango 8 East, S. L. M. Any and all persona claiming adversely tho lands doscrlbod, or desiring to object for any reason to tho entry horoof by tho applicant, should fUo their affidavit of protest ta this of flco during tho thirty-day period of publication Imraodlatoly following tho first printod Usuo of thU notice, othorwlso tho application may bo nl tatS? U "' TH0M,,SN. Hok- First pub. May 22; last Juno 19-13. 4-365. j!T'CE FOIt PU11MUATION. Coal Entry. (Sec. 2347 li n Vani! .fi,co nt8ftH Lake City. Utnii April 30, 1913. Notlco Is hereby Fnl-nrr Dorothoa n,o w. lftnf?8lI,on,' at wler. stato of Utah, has this day fllod In thia aft anPiP,1i?.tlttn t0 PUwSmo, Sorl. ni J?0',.011"8, under tho provisions of Section 2347, U. S. Itavlsoil Hiiit utes, tho awu' of Soc. 1, IV? 13 South, nango 8 East. S. L. M Anv ftha ..". claiming advoro"y tho lands doscr bed, or doslrlne n object for any reason T to Tbo wiry gas sssbbSS tho first printod lmuo of this untied ntpub. Mtty 22. Mt Juno lai3 CoTntry'T-V Utah, h.S,Uthta day nitfriB,t0 . oapp,,cat.WaiSe;hBtaer?ai No. 011448, under tho protUkat Seotlon 2347, U, S 1UtIm4 fc utes, tho BWJi ot Sec K.Tn: South, llango 8 East, H. L. It i and all porsons claiming litem tho lands doscrlbod, or uwlrto abject for nny reason to tin thereof by tho applicant, ihoilffr their affidavits ot protest tauil flco during tho thirty-day pWi publication Immediately f&t the first printod lusuo ot tfclifcb othorwlso tho application Dvki lowed. E. D. 11. lstor. Klrst pub. May 22, Init JumW 4-365 NOTIUi: TOIt PlIIMCATKi Conl Entry. (Soc. 2347, LI Land Offlco nt Salt Lnko CU.W April 30, 1913. Notice li k glon thnt Ootta A llroitlu' Ogdon, county of Weber, iaa" Utnh, haa this dny filed bui flco application to purc&a. " No. 011454, under the proUi Section 2347, U. S. HctM P utes, tho N&8WU. 84N' Bee 0, Twp. 13 Boutb, RV East, 8. L. M. Any and all J claiming adversely the UtM scribed, or desiring to obJt any rouson to tho entry Uni thu applicant, should fll tA' fldnvlts of protcat In this otto lug thu thirty-day period of r cation Imraodtatoly followhi first printod issuo of tfcta othorwlso tho nppllcatloacuj" low od. E. D. 11. THOMrSOX." Inter. ... First pub, May 22; last Jm 4-365 , notice roit pniiJCLirioi- Coal Entry. (Sec. 23T, Land Offlco nt Salt Lako CUJ.2 April 30, 1913. Notice li given that Mary A. UW'J Ogdon, county of Webr, Utah, has this day fUcd la iJ flco application to I'urinuj.'r No. 011460, undor tho proL Section 2347, U. 8. R"jif utes, tho NWU of Sec 1.J South, llango 8 East. 8. L ' nnd all porsons clalnilni VTt the lands dcocrlbod, or dew object for any reason to im thereof by the, applicant, " tholr aff Idavlta of proteit UJ flco during tho thlrty-d PS publication immediately Jl tho first printod lssuo of tW; othorwlso tho application bw lowed. E. D. It. THOMPSO-N" 'r- . .. - .... r.... rirst pun, May ss; iav"--5( " - notice ron punti Coal Entry. (Soc. 8ST. Land Offlco nt Salt Iakej CW. May C, 1013. Notlco fc j on that Leon Felix Koaxna Uulldlng, Salt W!p county ot Salt Lako, st' ?L, has this day filed in thU ?J j Plication to purchase, bw 011492, undor tho PfT Soctlon 2347, U. S. RTl5 , utes, tho EHSBW. SeC,.,'ni RViNOU of Bee. 7. W , llango 0 East, B. L. t"ti all porsons claiming ''itf' lands doscrlbod, or ejU,Jj k Joot for any roaaon to , thoreof by tho applicant, their affldavlta ot prote : i, flco during tho thlrty-Jr v publication ImmedlateW ; tho flrat printed W.?m tlco, othorwlso tho WiZO bo allowed. U. D. R- W noglstor. .rtil- First pub. May 22; lasU Legal blanka of evorr Jy carrlod In stock. Tho Af"0" llshlng Co.Advt. A