Newspaper Page Text
B JBI Bl niH HASTKRN UTAH ADVOOATB, TIIl-IUDAY. MAY 20 loin. bUbbbbH LbbT . max at, lPia. PA b-vl iHi P1L B ATTORNEYS " B K. WOODS B Attorney-At-Law. HKvHI practice in all tho courts or H, state. Oftlco at tho county Hnrt bouso, Prlco, Utah. ), lIOUTi B AUorney-At-Lv Hrractlccs In all tho courts of the Eto and tho federal courts. Office, H(hth floor Koarns Dutldlng, Salt to Cltr. Utah. Be. McWHINNEY B Altorncy-nt'Liixv BtVllI practlco In all tho courts iho stato. Otflco at County Court Hum, Prlco, Utah. BoMAS KOUTS B Attorncy-atLavr Hbttlco Front Room Eko Theater Biding, Prloo, Utah. K Lawyer tfator and mining litigation glvso ftcUl attention. Land mattors, sol Mlons and all legal bustnoso. YrRl Hictico In all the courts. Boyd Bjrtt Building, Salt Lnko City, Utah. Lucl A. King CInudo L. King H(G KINO HB AUonioys-nULaw Hiimorclnl Alock, Salt Lake City. BH' KUYK Hw Atturnoy-abLaw Vractlcei In all courta of tho stato. K In tho fedora courts. Otflco Beer "II" and eighth streets, fee, Utah. BllAHD II. THURMAN B Attornoy-nt-LAW Wlll practlco In all stato and mral courts. 222 Iloston Rulld ft Salt Lako City, Utah. Hii)ixAM erickhen ft Lnwy or K;719 Judge Illdg, Halt Lnko City g PHYHICIASH HTstHtENHEN V Physician mid Surgeon pcclallit In womon's and cull K's diseases. Oenoral surgery ft modtclno. Oftlco, Commercial ft Savings Dank Uulldtng, phono "-'-- "toh. B MlHCKMiANKo'uti B TURNER J Civil and Mining Engineer Surveys of all kinds. Mine ex nations and roports on coal U. P. O. Uox 32, Price, Utah. HvGEHALH 111109. IiANI) CO. V Irrigated Lauds H Atlas Dlock, Lako City. II. J. Pltzgorald, Attorney. B. B. OOETZMAN I DENTIST Huccossor to Dr. Thome. Examl ons and estimates free. Otflco Hr Commercial and Savings Dank. Rno 103, Prlco, Utah. p. F. P. AMfll stern Utah's Modern Dentist B' Services Guaranteed For B Fifteen Years. Sinless Extraction of I Teeth Or No Pay. Humiliations and Estimates B Given Free of Charge. Blephone. Lady Attendant Ice In New Wester Btd'g. Price, Utah, "MSMSMBBSWMTIaSBMBlBBMSMaSMSMSBSBSBBBSBMWMSBI Something Choice Whoa you want something os oclally rich and choice for your dinner, lot us send you A Prime Rib Roast You'll onjoy It, and you'll un derstand why tho English aro beof caters. Our roosts sxo full of tondqr, nutritious doll clousnons. THE i-IiSI MARKET JOSEPH JONES, Prop Phone No 21 Price, Utah ." m Reglstorcd Trademark 76G72 Tho High Efficiency COAL Government Equivalent 2104 Lbs. Unequalled for Storage Will Not Slack. licit of Sloamlng and Heating Qualities. Independent Goal & Coke Go Minos, Kenllworth, Utah Don. Offices, Nowhouso Dldg , j BAIT LAKE CITY. I LARS FRANDSEN Manufacturer of J j: Brick of All Kinds i Yards adjoining tho Don- Ji I vor and Illo Ornndo Uallroad I company on tho south, throo J blocks cast of depot. Oftlco at home, corner Main and ! Sixth stroots. J Intimates Given and Price i Quoted On Application. J P. O. Hex Dili Pliono lll.V, ! PUICE, UTAH. t FURNISHED ROOMS: and RESTAURANT : -f Everything Now, Nont and Cloan and tho Host tho -f Markot Affords. Thomas B'ld'g, Price, Utah t Rooms &U ROo lid 7R CciitM. 4- Trndo of tho Mining Camps t 4. nnd Transients Uonorally T 4. Sollcltod. I HAN.UIU IIIOAHIII, Proprietor. f 4 4. ; PRICE i I Club Bar HAltltV A. CHAIN' Ji ( Proprietor. ! !j mtar-crass iiesoht toh OKNlLUMi:.V. ! i SouUi Nlntli Ntrvot, Price. '! i O.S.Harris l Everything In S Concrete : Work. ! pniCE, UTAH. Estimates on Ilulldlngs, Walks ,' and all Kinds of Contracts 'i 1 1 Machinery and Methods. ', Gboerfully Furnished. Modern ,' The Utah Saloon J. W. GENTRY, Mgr. Pliinst Resort lu Eastern Utoli. WINKS, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE ANI RETAnj. VAL HLATZ REER ON TAI'. SOUTH NINTH STREET. PRICE, UTAH. Phono 74A. Wo Deliver Uio Goods. Location notlcos carried In stock at Tba AdTooate. AdTt ,V:,gijsa.ss1ssssssssMss1 Will LOWER I i WJF UVi GREAT ECONOMICS inTECTED THROUGH GOOI ROADS. tVf4n IVtMlucUiK SfJMr tVjild Af finl tn Kixnnl ft .MllHrni lK.llurs I-Jncli Yir On HlKhn) AkiuM- lK tu Oovrnviinit RtillqUn 1 llixir IVniiIh Tttlcu Minx? CVwtjIy. Good roiuls are nn tniixirtnut factor n (he itHliictlon of the rcwt f living. At tenst Hint U (lie tlietne of tho latest farmers bulletin of tliu i1iMrtnicnt of sgrlculture. which shows (lint tho benefit from linproTed highways does not accruo only to nutomoblllMs, but also to tho farmer nnd the shipper of produco of nil kinds. Tor Instance, tbero nro parts of tho south, according to (he bulletin. In which tho tlmo re inilred for hauling goods to innrket hns been reduced from twelre (o two days by the ItnproTeraent of the high ways nnd n saving of $0 a dny In drlf cr's pay nlono thus has been effected Really good rosds would snro tho cot ton states of the south approximately 12.000.000 annually In hauling charge, according to the department, which glrca theso figures to proTo Its conten tion: "In (he cotton states of the sou(h tho nrcrago haul of cotton from tho farm to tho shipping point Is 118 miles The average load Is alwtit 1,700 pounds a llttlo more thnn threo bale nnd tho nvcrngo cost li FO cents per bale. The cost of marketing tho 1011 crop nt 10.2T0570 bales was $1.1.000. 220 If computed on tho above basis. To each bale of cotton there Is about half a ton of cottonseed, which was hauled from tho farm (o (ho gin. nnd then a large pcrcentago of It hauled again to the shipping point The aver age coat of (milling coUonsccd In tho United States Is a n ton The 1011 seed crop therefore cost $21,375,411 to haul. "The tntnl cot of hauling the cotton crop In 1011, Including the seed, wns therefore M77.'..nt. Any system of road Improvement throughout thlsrooo which would reduco (ho nnnnal linul log chnrgo f per cent would effect n saving of ll.SGS.78l n yinr Prom these figures It would appear (lint It would U good IpiiMiic to Incur nn ex r syli AMiuriioveixuuDtNo.vKorTiiKCOTrof HTATRrt. pcutu fur rond Improvement, even If such Im eminent entailed an annual Interest und uinlntennncu chnrgu of I1.000.00U tu the community of cotton states." "There uro certain direct ocoiiouilc or money advantages which follow the Imprurumi'iit of public roads In overy commuulty," sajs Acting Dlrvctur Bar gent of tho department In tho bulletin. "Tliciie udvantages uro probably most apparent In tho reduced cost of haul ing. "Certain dtiHMidvtit or retlcx econom ic ndvmitageii nlo nrlso In a commu nity where roads Imvo boeu lniproed. Tho liicrease lu tho nluo of farm lands U. nu exumple of tho Indirect ocouomlc ndtnutuges of Improved road coudltlous It should nu( l; consld vretl, howoter, that lu prosontlng the ndtuutugv of Improved rotids tho dl rect decreaso In the cost of hauling and (ho Increaso lu fiirm values are entirely separate and Independent Tho farm Increases In valuo partly bocauso the cost of hauling Is decrtnsed "Whatever methods are used (o Im prove a road, tho Improvement for saullng purposes Is duo to tlireo causes (he betterment of the road surfuce. (ho reduction of tho gradu mid (be shortening of tho length On such an Improved road tho tlmo required to haul u given quantity of material a given distance Is reduced. Tho reduc tion may bo largely duo to Increased speed of hauling, to Increased load or (o both. It Is Important to recognize (bat for (ransportatlou purposes reduc tion of tlmo Is equivalent (o a decrease of (he dlstanco from tho market ceu ters. It Is easy to sec, (hen, why the Increaso of farm values must follow Improved roads, for their effect Is to bring tho farms In a senso nearer the tonns The fact (hat on roads with Improved surfaces hauling becomes largely Independent of tho season of tho year or wenttier conditions means another very considerable reduction In hauling costs. It also means that many of the limitations of tho number and kind of farm operations aro Immediate ly removed.' Stationery of all kinds. Advocate Publishing Co. AdvL ABUT IAW IN 1 EFFECT MOHT I)RHTIO MEASURE AH TO "NUIHANCKS." Nt Onlj OraipiuiU, Hut Otntom Alrt of Uio l'mnlw Thus Stlg nmtl,1,1, LlnbU- t Prtr-ullon l'nr Will XrW Stntuto Work In Pricp ntul Onrixni 0iuity7 The feu mn by the Inst stnto legislature providing for the nbati ment of common nuisances, Includ Ing housos of Immorality, beonmo offcctlvo lost Monday, tho neoosanry sixty days having elapsed stneo (he bill wm signed by Gov William Spry Tho governor attached his official signature to tho bill on March 4, 191.1 This law holds property owners responsible for net of misconduct or Immorality com mlUod upon their property, nnd pro vides tlmt nny cltlion mn In tho nanio of tho stnto of Utnh bring nn action In equity for tho nbntemont of such a nuisance Action under thin law may alto bo tnkim by tho county nttornry In tho name of (ho stnto tipun relation of such nttnrney Tho law provides that houer shall oreet, establish, continue, maintain, use, own or lenso any building or placo for tho purpoo of lowdness, assignation or prostitution, la guilty of n nuisance, and tho building, placo or tho ground Itself, In or upon -which such offoocs aro committed, and tho furniture, fixtures, musical Instru ments and other content nro nlsq declared a nuisance, nnd shall bo enjoined nnd abated Under this law (ho person or porsona conduct ing or maintaining such n nulsanco, and the omor or agent of tho building or ground upon which tho nuliuuKo exists may bo perpetually enjoined nnd tho nulsanco nbnted Whenoer n permanent injunction Issues against any porson under this law, or ugalnnt tho owner or iigont of nny building kept or used for tho maintenance of such nuisance, nil parties found guilty of maintaining nnd nmlstlng to mnlntnln, by fur Dialling or lotting miicIi building for tho innliitenaiiro of n nuisance, shall bo punished by n flno not exceed In n thousand dollars or by nix months in tho county Jail, or by both Hitch flno nnd liuprUmiimoiii Ti fin nnii cost of notion, the t u provldos, shnll bo a perpolu il litn upon nil property, both rnl and porsonal, used for tho purpono of Molutnknlng tho nulsnnce, ami th" payment of said flnos shall nut r it o tho person or persons from an. other pwialttos proldod b) 'in Tho collection of wtld fWiew or lien shall bo otfootod Ui tho namo ' ier ns provkled for lb. collec ' r j of taxes on real ostato At Salt Lnko City nnd hi tho more populous counties of the state K U expected tho police will arrest f r lolntlons of tho law, while In tin. other countloM It will bo put up to tho ulierlff and county attorney to net on complaint of citizens County Attorney Wlllo) ul Salt l.ako City sau that ho hiut not looked carefully Into tho now law as yet, but will act under It ns ho kcs It Ms duty. "If nny person In) tho necessary Information bo fore mo to warrant my taking na tion, of course 1 will act under tho law Until I ha had tlmo to go Into tho matter, howoor, I do not know whether this office will go out and got ovldonco or not. It may do this If conditions nro found (o warrant. It. In Snlt Lnko City of course It la for tho police depart ment to act, nnd I trust that it will act IIIWT MEDICINE TOR COLDS. Whon a druggist rocommonda n ronody tor colds, throat and lung trouble, you can fool suro Hint ho knows what ho la talking about. C. Lower, druggist, of Marlon, 0 writes of Dr. King's Now Discovery: "I know Dr. King's Now Discovery Is tho boat, throat and lung medi cine I soil. It cured my wlfo of a sovoro bronchial cold attor all other romodloo fallod." It will do tho Bamo for you If you aro Buffering with a cold or any bronchia, throat or lung cough. Keep a bottlo on hand all tho tlmo for ovoryono In tho family to uso. It la a homo doo tor. Prlco titty coats and a dollar, guaranteed by all druggists. Advt. STRAYED 1'ROJt MILLEHTON. Oao black maro mule, about twoho hundred pounds and aged about ton years, largo loft hind log. Also largo, rang' bay Jiorso mulo with mooley hobo, about twolvo hun dred, agod twolvo years. Strayed from Ilrown'o camp, about eoven miles wcet of Mlllorton. W. W. Drown, Utah Construction company. Our Job dopartment U up to date. Try us on that next order of print ing Tho Advocato Publishing Co. Advt. Wo havo a bargain In a block of Prlco Rlvor Irrigation company stock, from ton to thrco hundred shares. Llboral terms "with small payment down- R. W. Crockett & Co. Advt. Smoke Eureka Quoon cigar, J. W. McOann, inakor. Advt. Oftlco and school supplies. Ad vocato Publishing Co. Advt. A A Table Delight B Roer, being Inrgoly uaed ne a. 'JLBlfl JiB tablo boverago. Is ttierefsra a 'Lssssssssl KH dully drink, smd ono of sirs - ,i sssssssssssl RiHK cemlUes of life. iHLIH f,fi!w9im saiiiiiH 1,2b Tlio mora perfect Uie hotr, tkm i' 'sHHHH f S9HHS KtrwU-r Its nutriment nml tsxrit) UBBssBb proiKrrtles. sbbsssI li OUR "OLD GERMAN H tlllllty purity. 'BBBBBflsi H combines those doslrnbla qasM- i jssssssssssl jim bctnR pleasing to tfc bbbbbbsI ?PssssBssHbsPbbbhss1 nl"' "atisfying to Uio npf '' rssssssssi irMtPl ll(0 IbbbbbbbbbI MLslTflssLl Tlio very imturo of "Old Gfuuu 'IbbbbbbbbbI W ffjlmWJm Iiger' renders It n fsvorMn ;l fifffl BsBBBBBBsr'rfcri ercrywlirre. Doctors reconinxnA H 1-VlrrjsVtf ll IsbbbbbB "MysXsssTrfBrsi Order n cam) today from your IbbsssssbbbI KldiSBBBBBBBBssissaBBsssI lI('ncr MiUnricli fi Co. IbbbbbbbbbI BBbsbbbbbbbssbbbbbbbIbbbbbI 'BBBBBBBBb! KjyBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF Hltlt 1nk U,,, H 9flBP FRANK DOLIN8KY H m wwwwwwwwwwwwwwv,wwwwy 'sssssssssi ;! Garden Cash Meat Market ' A. Pnppas nnd G. Motos, Proprietors ;H Meat to oat and bo rollshod, should ho fresh and tondor, and IbbssbbbbI that Is tho way you get It when you purchaso of us. Wo can. i Ibbbbbbbb! aoll for loss monoy, becnuso wo buy for cash and wo don't tM havo to tnko anything hut our choice 'J litorjtlilng lu Grren nnd l'reli Vegetnljles, Next (it Garden Store. ' Phone 48x. FRCE DELIVERY. Price, Utah, jj 'M Unto you ovor boon to tho L ffikH Sa.nita.rium Baths? H Do you know tho sport of awlminlng In tho warm sulphur water in -- CbbssbbbI tho largo poolsT Noxt tlmo you visit Snlt Lnko go to (ho Sanitarium f H nnd havo a real swim. H "CATERING TO THE BEHER ELEMENT ONLY" H 62 Wost 3d South, SALT LAKE. Turkish Hath, and Rod $1.00. h HI aHsBVBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBSBBB ' ! WHY NOT SAY HELLO TO THEM? Your friends all want to talk to you ovor tho 'phono. Hotter have It put In. With n tolephono In your homo you can run errands, go shopping, do bualneas, etc , without leav ing homo. You will on Joy tho convenience. Why not havo It? P.ABTERN UTAH TELE PHONE COMPANY. I QP (Quiet Placo) SAL OON AND ROOMING HOUSE. Located Just East of tho New Rratfot Building. Neatly furnished rooms and everything strictly tlrat-class. Nothing but tho best of goods kopt In otocV. Como and boo. JOHN O. IXmitEBTEH. Proprietor. The Elite Bar I !' PINE OLD WHISKEYS i ', EASTERN REERS and ICEY WEST CIGARS. i't Eight j cor old Cedar Ilrook ', Rourbon tuul eight year old '. Jltount Vonion Ryo sened ex- ' ,' cluslvely over tills bar. i i' A sharo of tho patronage ' , i, of Uio public sollcltod. Phono ', ISO und ho will deliver Uio ,' goods. , ' CHARLES AVERILL;! EASTERN UTAH FURNITURE AKt B UWUli COMPANY. I fl LICENSED EMBALMERS. !H Embalming and 8hlpplng n H a Specialty. I ssssssl PRICK UTAH. HIAWATHA! I COAL! IH """" Br'SbI IT'S THE REST, IT DOES SlissD NOT SliAOK, IT DOES JUIbb! NOT CLINKER. H!H BSaMMMSSBSMSSasssSBBBSSSSSSSSBBBBaBm ssUbBBb! PNEUMONIAI il left mo with a frightful cough and MIbbbI very weak. I luul spells when 1 could HIibbbI hardly broatho or spouk for 10 to 20 flusH minutes. My doctor could not help WlisH me, but I was completely cured by Hrjl DR. KING'S ii'D New Discovery II Mrs. J. E. Cox, Jollet, 111. HI BOe AND $1.00 AT AIL DHUQOISTS. I 9VH BSSSBBBBBBBBBBBBSSsaBlSSSSBllSSlllBSSBSSSBBs 1 UsbbbbbbbbI