Newspaper Page Text
aw bbbI 1 Eastern Utah Advocate 1 E5RPUBLISHED FOR PEOPLE NOW ON EARTH " H VgScTKKNTII YEAR. " - .. J j - PRICK, UTAH, THURSDAY, JONi: n, IIMll ' BBB Hi THINGS DOING I OUT NEAR MYTON ny Additional Thousands of Acres Coming H Under New Canals This Year-Good M Prospect For Railroad. BBB i (BBBJs a result of tho recent Denvor IBBBJ commission election and tho IBBJbqucnt announcement by New BBJ Krb that tho Moffat road will IBBBstcnilcd to Salt Lako City stm jBBBicoualy with tho building of tho BBBJcl, tho Uintah Oailn U rocolv IHa very largo Influx of pcoplo BBBnng for ranches, homos and 'ABBESS opportunities. All of tho BBBjls on tho reservation aro crowd BABn their utmost In accommodating BBJldors. Tho passenger traffic on BBBCalton and tho Uintah routes jBB Increased csormously," says BBB I Watrous, odltor of My ton's ABBrU, who Is horo today. "Land BBBos havo gono up considerably jHln tho past fow months, at BBuh real cstato Is unusually low Hil In comparison with othor por BBB of BBBrho Provo Construction com BBB, of which Josso Knight and W. BBCrccr aro tho principal stock BBBcra, has commoncod Its work to ,Br tho Lowor Uluo Donch at Du .BBBhc Tho area ombrnccd con TBB approximately savon thousand BBB and wilt cost tho land ownors BBBho nqlghborhood of elRhtcen BBrs per acre. Irrigation district BB nro being tnkon. by tho con BBBllon company in paymont. They a period of twonty years with BBBcst nt 0 por cont. Bt Myton tho Myton Canal and -BBBatlon company will havo It .JB complotcd to South Myton JHli by this fall. This statu Irrl jBBBn district contains an nron of BBBt fourtoon thousand acres of Jr jBo land Most of this. how 4 ABB will bo watorod by another BBauy. Tho aboro company has Bfator filings turthor to tha vast ,BBB takes In Iceland Donch, Just BBh of tio government townslto BBKandlutt. BBvork commences next week on ,BBJUIntnh Powor and Light com jBBw's project, Ah outlined a powor BBBt will bo Installod twclvo mllas BJi Myton on tho Lako Fork river. BBJcr will bo transmitted lo My H where tho samo company will Bl a hundred nnd fifty barrel BBr mill and a thirty thousand bu- elavator for wheat storago nur BBJ Unosuvelt In tho first town BBho rosorvntlon to securo n wn- BBJorks systom. That town has a BBply from ono of tho largo canals BJot tho Uintah river, Tho plpos BB mains nro In and within a fow BBfc water will bo flowing through BJBhore In cansldorablo specula BB ovor a survey that was startod BB wcok from Oroon Rlvor. En KBitT Edward F. Hnrmston of Bovolt Is out with n corps of Ilf BBJ men on a roconnolssauco from BBJoltit near tho town of Orcon BBr to Ourny and from thoro to 'kin. Tho uecossary money for 'B preliminary work has boon do BJU'il In tho Hank of Vornal, and Bcurront report Is that tho Don jBB and Itlo arando Is behind tho jBBjcmont. JBBJDn tho 3d day of July tha poo BBjof Wasatch county voto on tho Bjily division matter, Tho gon BB fooling Js tlmt tho oloctlon will JBMv, A CO por cont majority of JBB registered voters Is roqulrod for BBfftlon, In tho ovent tho propost BB Is successful, tho first sot of Bars nnd tho location of tho BB1'' seat will bo docldod upon by Selection on tho 4th of Novom- sMmmenciiment exercises BK AM) J list OF GRADUATE BB ' WINTER QUARTERS, Juno 3. I eighth grado graduates hold BBr commoncemont oxorclsos May BB1 In tho meeting houso, Tho ox-Bj"- wero well nttonded, nnd ap plated by tho people. Ono part BB'no program was a play, "Tho JBr Dicks," which was particularly B1' It was put on by tho gradu B pupils, who took tholr parts Bi'nbly. Tho certificates wore BBdrd by Principal adding to Cy BS'tt, Mary IJudvorson, Lillian Bp? Sarah Staloy, Hannah Andor B.nnd Nellie Richards. B?lnte'" Quarters has a good ball B ' has boon ostlmatod that BB10Uf,nnd dollara' worth of work '"' dono on thq grounds. The BB ' located at tho lowor ond of (BB'1 iunt south of the railroad with ua i-eos on each side. Thq opon X BJWo was playod on Docorntlon V bbtwoon Winter Quarters' nnd JP1 Creok, and about a hundred ,'B1'1,C men, womoa and children,,' BBLam,.,. had to walk to their homes at Win tor Quarters nnd Scoflold. as tho train going to Clear Crook from Bco flold d.d not wait for them as they eJtpcctod It would. i. tVm B8t.hor KUt ot UcROrt ,'ak w visiting hor friends nnd rolntlvcs. I'ltoi-OHi: to rti:.u LINKS INTO COLORADO ..," V. ,Dr"or, rcprosontlng tho Utah Light nnd l'owor company, was down nt dreen River n fow few days ago figuring wlthlho town council nnd othor usors of "Julco" there, his mission bolng lookod upon with favor. It Is proposed by tho company rcpresentod by Drwwcr to oxiend tho lines now as far oast of 8rtlt Lako City as American I'ork on to Colorado points by wny of Helper, Price nnd Qreon River. Ul timately It Is expected tho Denvor nnd Rio Ornndo will bo electrified nnd tho powor furnished by Dres ser's company. Tho city of Prlco Is at this time considering n propo sition from l)rccr for lighting this city. An ordor Issued by tho secretary of tho Intorlor Tuesday last Includes fourtoon thousand ncres of land nlong Huntington Creok In l.nstorn Utah In a poor slto withdrawal. Tho ordor embraces land adjacont to tho creek from tho Mnntl forest reserve to a point nboul four miles nbovo tho town of Huntington. I Is estimated that four hundred horsopowcr development per mllu of stream U pusslblo. livery employe of tho. Cnstlo Val ley railroad, from section man to gonornl superintendent, has boon at work this wcok mnklng ready for tho chnngo In lino from lllnck Hawk io Mohrland. Tho now pleco of road not only shortens tho dlstnnco by about hair between tho two points, but reduces tho grado from around C por cont to 3 por cont. Tho old lino nround tho hill, Just outh of lllnck Hawk, Is abandoned. Jack Calvert ot Myton has boon ongagod by tho local bosoball team to pltcji tho coming sonson. Whllo Calvert Is only 10 years old, last season ho mado a very crodltnblo rocord for himself, and It Is freely predicted thnt with propor training ho will unslly bocomo a loaguo play er. At Vornnl last Fourth of July ho pitched a no hit and no run game. Tho now acquisition to tho Prlco aggregation arrived horo Tuesday, COMBINATION1 Publiahcra, Advertisers and Manufacturers Unite k By HOLLAND. SN uulon there U strength. Did you ever write this In your coi)t)ooU? Well, It Is true, anyway Ouo of tho erTcctivo combi nations ot the business world Is componed of publishers, advertisers and manufactur ers. They are uulted In the effort to see that the public i gets value received. Their In- j teresU are Identical. No one of the trio can make money without the others j share It. And they cannot make money for themselves without making tuouey for ' tho public. The Interests of all are Intenvoveu so closely , as to bo practically Identical. Vou should Join this combi nation nud enjoy tho beueflts to bo derived from It Take full advantage of the adver tising columns and be sure of getting a dollar's worth for every dollar you spend. ADVERTISEMENTS WILL KEEP VOU I'ULLV INFORMED. They will toll you wnero to buy, when to buy, what to buy. It Is true economy to read the adverUsemeuts, for they will Insure your getting the greatest value when you I spend your money. I H i 1 1 I "' ";THE NATIONAL MENACE. ' FEDERALJMECOUNTER ApiHtliiUnriilM Coiwhlcr-tl Il- Die Power Tlmt llo nt Inn. Tho domocrnU decided upon n number of recommendations for ap pointment to fcdornl positions nt a meeting hold Saturday night nt Bait Lako City. Tho tontntlvo list con tains tho names ot several demo crats who wero not Indorsed by tho stato central committee, other up polntmontM havo not boon decided upon, Including tho marshalshlp, uvor which thoro Is a spirited con tost. Tho list: For Postmaster, Blt-IjkrClty -Noblo Wnrrum. For United States District Attor ney W. W. Ray, Salt Lako City. For Surveyor Oenernl I. C. Thor cson, Salt Lako. For RegUtor United States Land Officii Samuol L. Pago, Pluto. For Rocelvor United Btntes Jind Offlco I). B. Cook, Weber. For United Stntos Assayer Ho bor Jox, Utah. For Survoyor of tho Port Ilnuja mln E. Roberts. This slnto, llko railroad time ta bios, It Is understood, Is subject to chnngo without notice. MIDLAND M MOVIES Cluiiie- For- Prlco Vlim tit lUt V.x lilbltol Throughout thv llast. a. II. Morrlck of Denver, Colo., traveling representative of u motion plcturo company, was a visitor In tho city tho first of tho week. His mission to this city und other points nloni: tho Midland troll Is to Inter est cltlxons In tho placos visited In films ot tholr cities to bo shown bo fore nutomobllo clubs East during tho wlntor season that proipectlvo tourists ovor the routo tho follow ing soasou may havo an Idoa ot what Is to bo soon nnd oncountared on tho tours. It Is a great adver tising schomo from Merrick's stand point and tho usual number hero nro expected to "fall for It." Tho matter Is likely to bo taken up with tho business men ot Prlco at a la tor dato. Tho gentleman ostlmntos i that about sovonty-flvo machtnos will go through horo this summer on thq groat Indianapolis, lud., trip from coast to coast. nunsoFimi llofttou Firm Hiijn Clips From IJiuI I say Company, OODEN, Juno 2. Ono ot tho largost purchases of wool In this city for some tlmo was madq by Josoph Strong, rcprosontlng a Ros ton house, when lie purchasod tho ontlro wool crop ot tho herds of tho Lindsay Land and Live Stock com pany today, Tho purchase, totaled mora than thirty thousand clips ag gregating 225,000 pounds. Tho prlco paid was slxtecu cents a pound on board cars at Ogdon. About a week ago Strong purchased Uu clip from tho sheep or Mrs. William Jonklns. Tho clip totaled 370,000 pounds und was takon on consignment. STANDARD HEARERS NOTICE. Tbn Juno mooting ot tho. Prlco Standard Doarers company will bo held at tho Methodist Episcopal church, Monday, June Oth, at 3 o'clock of tho afternoon. Ploaso notlco tho chnngo la tho hour, MAIL POUCHES RIFLED OF MOiNEY UNO EXPRESS PACKAGE TAKEN DFE Somo tlmo botwoen 11 o'clock Tuesday evening nnd C o'clock yos torday morning tho baggago room of tho Denvor nnd Rio Ornndo sin lion nt Prlco was burglarlzod. En trnnco was offocted by tho broaklng ot tho r his window on tho oast end of tho building nnd crawling through tho Jppenlng thus mado. It Is l.uoualsjby AgontM oyer, i that tho glass was brokon during Iho tlmo of n passing of a freight train, when tho crash ot tha broaklng glass could not bo hoard. Nolthar tho night operator nor tho agont or his family, tho lattar living abovo tho depot, heard any noise. From tho baggago room tho bur glar or burglars took two lunll pouches, which wero rifled, nud an oxprots packago containing a suit of clothes for a gentlomnn nt Vor nal. Ono of tho pouches was taken to a point behind a billboard Just oast ot tho Tavern, whllo tho othor BEEF SUPPIY SHI No longer Any Surplus For Export From TJiIx Country. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 3. ThQ domand for beef far oxcoeds tho supply and high prices nro tho result, says a bullotln Issued today by tho department of agriculture. Tho shortngo In thq supply of moat oroduclng nnlmnls, too, Is stoadlly becoming grontor nnd tho country Is warnod that It Is facing a period of short production of meat. In tho post six years thoro ' as boon a docllno of mora, than 30 por cont In tho number ot hoof cattle In tho United Stntcs, according to tho departmont, and already during tho first throo months of this yoar thoro has been a prlco docroaso of 13 por cont In thq numbor of moat animals killed undor govornmont In spection whon compared with tho samo threo months ot 1012. Estimates of tho department glvo tho numbor of boot cattlo In tho United States January 1, 1907, as C1,SCO,000, and nt tho beginning of tho prcsont year as 30,030,000. Prices paid for cattlo, sheep and hogs last year woro much higher than tho preceding year, "Tho yoar 1012," says tho de partmont, "was a year of high prices for all classes of food ani mals." with tho dlmlniihod pro duction in tho homo markot, tho de partment declares, thoro Is no longo n surplus for export. "Tho tlmo has como," it says, "when wo must conservo our moat supply." Carl Mays, tho Kenll worth (Car bon county) boy nnd now a morabar of tho Portland Colts' pitching staff, served a thirteen Inning gnmo to Seattle, Wash., last Thursday, al lowing but soven hits, Portland lost, hut It was not Mays' fault. In tho last ot tho tblrteonh Inning ho was replaced by Eastley, from whoso offering Cadmap, Seattle's entchor, raised a homo run and put tho gamo away. Complete lino of blank books and stationery, Advocato Publishing Co, -AdvL was found yestordny morning In tho yards of tho Southern Utah rail road. Tho registered mall was rifled nnd tho contonts gono from ono pouch with thq exception ot ona money pnekago for flunnysldo, which was ovtdently overlooked, whllo mall mutter was scattered ovorywhoro with lottora opened. Tho Hacks, from tholr nppoaranco, woro cut with (Pploco of tho brokon window pane. Railroad nnd postofflco employes havo what Is left from tho. robbery at tho local postofflco and are' awaiting tho arrival ot an Inspector. All unbroken mnll found has boon delivered to thoio addressed, whllo that tampered with Is bolng hold. Sheriff Roller and deputies nro working on tho caso, together with Spoclal Agont Ilurgo ot tho Denver nnd Rio Ornndo. As yot thoy havo no clues that promise to dovolop anything. " cot rillllDl Hiinutl liiinmtinniU at Huiuo-hlo Ut Ro Soon lU'plncxl. Operating officials of tho Utah Fuol company havo decided to re build tho burnod tlpplo and other Improvements nt Sunnystdq practi cally as tho structures woro boforo tho flro thoro of last Sunday even ing a week ago, whon tho company sustnlned a loss or closq to n hun dred thousand dollars. Lumber from tho Northwest and materials from othor points are at this tlmo on routo and within a fow days a largo forcq of carpontors and othor mechanics will bq on tho ground, Slnco tho flro tho output at tho two mines has beou about 80 por cont of normal, whllo tho docroaso In tho coko output has decllnod but slightly. This trado tho company Is caring for nlcoly and will loio but llttlo In orders. Thoro aro about eight hundred minors ut work ou a day and night shift, and about equally divided botweon tho two op orating mlnos. This forcq could bo oaslly Increased, howover, and throo shifts of miners worked. It was planned boforo tho flro to add a hundred and twonty ovens to tho coking plant at Sunnysldo, but It Is understood by Tho Advocato that It Is now tho plan to defer this Improvement for somo tlmo at toast, Tho six hundred ovens at tho camp nrq all Jn commission. Goorgo Econroad has boon ap pointed chief clerk for N. A. Wil liams, superintendent of tho Den ver and Rio arando, to fill the va cancy caused byNtho transfer of B. A, McCurdy to tho accounting de partment ot tho company. Econroad has boon employed as a clork In the offices of tho general superintend ent of tho Utah linos ot tho com pany at Salt Lako City for sovoral years. Lost Hampden, twonty-ona Jow ol, gold filled hunting caso watch with fob of Anderson Tailoring com pany, Chicago, nttachod. Supposed ly botweon. Spring Glen and Helper on Saturday lasL Reward. Return to Advocato offlco, Advt, FIBER SHOOTS; I WOK HIS IAN I MYSTERV SURROl'NDS ASSAULT H UP AT CLEAR CREEK. jfl ArrttM-,1 Man Itrmtglit to lrico nttjd iBFsB Plncnt lit Urn County Jail In liot ' of Fho TJfMiMirttl Ihtllnr HorwJ 'BFsB Two Other MUr-l Up In AffOr bVB Itclm-rtl On Hmi ItrongnliAncc. 'lYsffsfl ibH Levi Lamm!, Flnlandor nnd a IBB. miner working for tho Utah Fuel IBB company was shot in a brawl at BBB Clear Creek last Saturday ovonlng BB nboul 10:30 o'clock, tho butlot pon- 'BBB otrnllng tha man's lungs. Suspicion 'VBB pointed to John Makl, who wai la- 'BvB tcr arrested. Sheriff Keller aud As- 'BB distant County Attorney Kryu woro BBB notified and immediately wont to H lo sccno. BBB Makl was brought to tho county Jail at Prlco nnd will bo glvon tho ,BBB rich', of securing counsel before a !BvB preliminary hearing Is had. John BBB Korpela, n countryman, Is tho com- H plaining witness against Makl. Kor- , BBB pola and Alex Snarl wero reloasod IBBB on tholr own rocognltanco boforo BvB tho Clonr Creek Justice an tha 'BBB ehnrgo ot assault with Intont to do iBBB bodily Injury to Makl. (BBB Makl'a bond wns flxod nt flvo 'BBB thousand dollars, which ho could sVBb not procure, honco his Incarceration. iBBB In tho county Jail. Ills victim may iBvB not recover, though tho chances aro 'BBB In his favor. BBB ACCIDEBmiV KILLED Another (Vmi of Not KiiowIiik Uia 9H (luil Wivt UxuleO. 'H Ono of tho most distressing accl- iBTsbbI dents it has nvor boon Tho Advo fBVB cato's placq to rocord occurred ta (BBB this city last Friday ovunlng, when . I BBB Norma, tho 8-yoar-old daughter ot. IH Mr. and Mrs. Earl King was accl- ' BBB dontally shot whllo playing la, the. . iBBB front yard ot tho family hoae iby I BBB Dewey NylumJ, al'3-yoar-oldyljlhy,'c- - JvBvB living with Levi U. Pace, a nsJik" A BBB bor. Tho child dlod within three lBvB hours of tho tlmo tho bullet wns IBBB Tho llttlo ono was playing on tho F sVsvsl lawn at tho north sldo of tho house, f BBB whllo tha Nylnnd boy wns In tho f BBJ yard adjoining. Rocently ho had v BBB bought a small rlflo, and a It hon ft BBB slnco developed tho boy had forgot- s.-BBl tpn It wns loaded when tho gun wan f H polntod nt tho girl. Tho bullet k BBJ struck hor In tho forehead or torn- P M pie and camo out on thn mun -.iiiu . sssssB of tho foroboad. Tho boy has for O BB1 somo tlmq lived with Paco as a Ju- R BBI vontlo chargo. n Funoral services for tho llttlo girl V -BBJ wore hold Inst Sunday afternoon, iS'BYJ burial toeing at Prlco comntory. Tho BI father In discussing thn matter with BBJ Tho Advocato, looks upon tho dls- ,, trosslng affair as purely accidental. ) BBl Tho parents arq grief stricken and J.'BYJ havo tho sympathy In full measure iDH of tho entire community In their bo- J BBl roavomont. SVBl WIRElESUnillSTlE IjB Operator of ttio Renter iiimI lOfi ! H (Jnimlti Huh l!U Hobby. jl BB Nvjiat Is known as a wireless aer- j' M lal, which will bo about six times as W BBJ high us any other station In "o ,. BBJ world, Is now being constructed at M BBJ Thlstlo under thn direction or A. H. BBJ Ernst, operator for tho Denver and Je BBJ Rio Orando, thoro. A wireless re- ft D colvlng sot recently was rocolved f . (BBJ from tho Electro Importing company m BB of New York, which Ernst says la X BJ as flno n cot as ovor has boon mado, ' W BBJ When tho aerial Is comploted it Is 7 Jflfl thought that mossagos sent from X BBl tho now government station at Ar- ''VBI llngton, Vn., wUI bo hoard clearly J BB at Thlstlo. h VII Tho aerial at Thlstlo will bq about St flfteon hundred feot high, which U rj Bfl about sevon hundred foot h'uhor T B than tho government station at Ar- jp, BBJ llnston. In addition to that. Thin- 'Mt BB tie has anelovatlon ot flvo thousand fti BB feot, whllo Arlington Is only a fow l 9JB hundred feot abovo sea level. As, 3! BBJ slnco tho advent of wireless tool fl HBJ graphy, It has always boon consider- S' BBJ od that tho hlshor ou ecan got for Re H an aorlal tho batter and longer will "-. BB bo the sending nnd rocelvlng rango, W H amatour and professional operators if, ,BBJ throughout tho world will watch fji, H with keen Interest for tho results to W. BB bo nttalnod In Utah. :,' BB As thoro will not, for tha present, fllSlBB bo any uso for a sending apparatus LtlBB BQt and an tho nearest stations are jf BB too far away to warrant tho Instal- kIIBI latlon of tho expensive get, nono will Dii'H bo Installod, lif H Fred Littleton, formerly ot Price, MiPfl has bought out a saloon business ' ff BB near Sheridan, Wyo, 11 BB