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sllHIIIIIIBPliJ"Waii H' ' PACWTWO. THB KAOTmHOTAH ADVOCATE, Tm-n3PAY,JimEg,10tO. MUST HAVE REV. I W. M. PADEN 0. K. B , Necessary That Endorsements For Appoint B ment to Federal Jobs Be Made By m: the "Mormon Eater." LillH M WASIIINOTON, D. C , May 30 1 Whlto there "com to bo consider- B able turmoil nruonft the democratic BHHF tiotacs In Utnh ovor fcilornl appoint H mcnlB there, It ta gonernllly conccd- H' ad Hint no nppolntmont will bo B tnndo to tcdcrnl offlco n Utnh oror H tho objection of Itcv William M. M I'odon and K II Crltchlow, closo K nnd Intlmato friends of tho prcsl- B.l dent. In whoso Judgment on Utah Bj i mnttors ho places great confldenco K When tho damocratlc national B committeeman from Utnh, W It. BBVt Wallace, wait here, ho had an Intor- BBVT Trlow with tho pre-ldont In which, It HBV, Is said on Rood authority, ho asked B tho removal of republican officials fHHJ, In Utah upon tho ground thnt fed V' oral otflcors tlioro worn merely tho ftf agents and tools of tho Mormon H , church and Hint, by tholr comblna K tlon with the church, thoy wero ablo B to dofcat tho Wilson electors In B Utah Hit November WBBK,, So far as appointments In Ultdi !, aro concornod, tho democratic niv IyBBBt Uonal committeeman (Wallaco) and IfHBBt tho democratic stato chairman, 8. It KWMV) Thurmsn, wilt have llttlo Influonco AvMY In tho selection of fedornl officers, BwMf ' although Wallace, while onco an en- AYM thuslastlo Mormon, Is reputed to bo SB ' an nrdont ndmlror of Dr 1'adon and HBBI a regular nttondant of tho I'reeby- f terlan church. Wallnco has been classed by load- ! Ins; democrats as a mushroom polltl clan, who Is a nonpartisan or n democrat ns tho whtiu seems to ntrlko him, or necotslty roqulrcs, for H supposod ndrantngo to himself H "lain: alaiim," I'liiiAeiimt H a.i,f.Ki) down at ciiiuauo B CIIICAMO, May 31. A numbor HBBV f adhoronls of tho Mormon church B j Interrupted a church sorvlco horo to- i day by shouting "You Hot" at Hov ! William M radon, former pastor of B n l'rosbyterlnn church In Salt Lako t City, who was delivering no. antl- K Mormon address. Boveral mission- arles, who havo worked among Mor- Hr raons, took part and tho meeting ft i was thrown Into disorder until po- J ltoomon wero summoned A roll n glpus spoctnelo and exhibition for t tho bonoflt of missionary work has 7 boon In progress her. for sovoral H, weeks, nnd It U said Mormons havo n Bade systomatlo otforts to discredit I spenkors at meetings In connection 4 with tho exhibition. H STI1L ANOTHEIt ROAD l,lno lkdtit Hurvrjfc-l Prom (lnvt B IUver to UlnUUi Ihudn. Civil Huglnvor lidwnrd F Harm ston of Hoosovolt loft Vernal Bun B day, May 3Gth, with n corps of fit toon won to run a preliminary sur- ft voy from Oroou lllvor to Myton. The BY money for tho work linn beon put Hi up In tho Hank of Vernnl Thera Is ftVHBf conslderublo speculation ns to whoso ftm money II Is Tho morn gouorul ro- ftV port Is that llaron Von Horst of ftsBflj London, Kng., Is behind tho project ftVHBf At tho recant I'rovo sales, under ftW tho dlreotlon of llnruuton, tho bar ftw' un bought heavily In tho Roosovolt ftsBBj and Oodnrvlow sections and ho Is ftm onthunlasito oor tlio rosvrvntlou ff country. Thoro Is another report, M however. Hint tho Denver nnd Itlo B Qrando Is financing tho onterprlio. S Oroon IUver Is In tho oxtremo B on-torn pari of Kiuory county, mid- X way botweun tho northern and sou- B thorn boundaries of tho county. At H tlits point tho Donvor and Rlo B (Iraudu crossos tho big (Ireun lltvur, f Hhould water grado bo takeu tho J lino would run almost duo north a fl dlstanco of approximately eighty H flvo miles to Ouruy In Uintah coun- t ty. On a direct nortli and south J, lino Ouray U about twenty miles Mj oast of Or eon Ulvor town. Krom ff that point taking tho Duchesno Wa- t. tor grado Myton Is about twonty B flvo miles northwest from Ouray, J Thosu Intlmutoly connected With tho project aro doing but llttlo talk B log. Harmston statos, howoMjr, M that hU tomiuUkloit u to run a rv- B connolssancQ from a point on Oroon VApVM rlvor to tho town of Myton. K THROUiHTOVERNAL ' 1'irnt Autiuuobllo MakoN tlio Trip H Oiurt Offlclnls. ' Tho Colton to the reservation S road is roportod to bo In first-class fpM condition and us smooth as glass i VApaM from Vernal to the railroad, Man ' Si day tho (v-p-rlmant was trlod of VBw) "putting through passengers from XVB ono terminal of tho stage route to JPVJ tho othor. Tho automobile loft Col- VftpvMl ton at 8:30 o'clock In tho morning VpVH with Judgo A. U. lorgan, District VftpVM Attornoy J. II. McDonald and two H' ' othor Vernal bound passengers. Tho VftpVB , summit of Indian Canyon Illll was V reached boforo. 11 o'clock. Duchesno was mado by 1 o'clock and Vernal beforo 6 o'clock In tho evening. Considerable work has boon dono this sprln on tho stato road bo tweon Colton nnd Duchesno with tho result thnt tho thoroughfaro Is In excollont shano for aulomobllo traf fic That part of 'ho Carbon coun ty road on tho automoblto road was put In good condition bv Wasatch county I'rlco horctoforo has ro eolved nearly all of tho freight traf fic to tho reservation, but tho resi dents of tat section loll Tho Ad vocate that unless tho Carbon coun ty commissioners get busy nnd do soma work on tho I'rlco to Myton rond, vspcclnlly In Holdlcr Canyon, that It Is only a matter of a very short tlmu until the reservation freight will bo coming nnd going by way of Colton. SIX HEWJJBftflRIES Plfly-Tirn TIioiinuuI Dollars Omtc to Utnh I'nmi Cnnicgl". Blx now libraries, costing fifty-two thousand dollars, will bo built In Utnh cltlos this year, according to Information from Professor Howard It. Drlggs of tho Untvarslty of Utah and library secretary of tho board of education. I'rlco, Cednr City, Hlchfleld, Hlchmond, Onrlnnd and I'arownn hnvo announced thnt thoy aro ready to nccpot tho plan of An drew Carnegie, nnd will ralio tho 10 per cent mnlntonnnco tnx which Is nocot-ary boforo Carnegie will do nate any amount. Kach city must ralsa 10 por conl of tho amount originally appropri ated for the building, which must go toward the upkeep of tho build ing, salaries, repairs nnd othor In cidentals. Tho sum which Carnegla has given to each of tho cities Is I'rlco, 110,000, Cedar City, $10,000; Hlchfleld, fio.oni); (Jarland, $8000, Hlchmond, $8000, nnd I'arowan, $0000. Tho six now llbrarlos to bo built will mako the, total numbor In tho state thirty-one Libraries In tho stato hnvo Increased In tho last six years from four to twonty-flvo. TEN (rtAIJpTES Cattle) (Into Bcliools LIono n MimiIJi Iarllvr Titan Usual. Thoro wero ton graduates from tho. Castlo Oato schools this year under I'rof. V. 8. Davlos, all of thorn girls. Tho schools wero cloiod about a month earlier than usual on 'account of an epidemic of moastos In that camp, thus making It Im possible to hold commencement ex orcises, Floy Avory was class presi dent, Mary l'land, vlco prosldont; Kdlth l'arr, socrotary and trcasuror, and l.olo Avery, class historian. Tho othor graduatos aro Jonnlo Wil liams, Ha Mampson, Floronco Ilu don, Zlna Christiansen, Janet Llttlo John and t.ttilo I'lnnx. Class colors hi uo and whlto. MORE WNTINE Onrgon Won't Admit Nurwry HUhIc l'arkcil In liny Or htruw. J. Udwnrd Taylor, statu horticul tural Inspector, has received notlco from Oregon to tho otfoct thnt that data has prohibited nursery stock or like things from entering Its boundaries from Utah or Wjomlng v hen packed In hay or straw. Thu alfalfa weevil is attributed as tho vauso for tho quarantine. HUtJH AND WKKVILS TO 1IAV1J CHA.NCi: TO ridllT Tho Utnh United Btatos bureau of entomology has decided to turn looso many bugs In certain alfalfa patches southwest of Salt Lako City to sea ir thoy will live In this ell raato and how well thoy cun orudt into tho alfalfa weevil Tho bugs nro yet unnnmod, ac cording to OeorgQ I, Iteovos, head of tho department, but It Is known that thoy oat the wcovll. Tho ques tion Is whether thoy can stand tho cllmato. During tho wlntor thoy havo been hupported by tho government, but thq lattor Is now taking stops to mako thorn go out and rustle for I tholr own living, ! Tho floldB In question will bo kept undor observation by tho on-tomologlsts. Examinations for county toachers' crtlfloutes will bo hold August Cth, 0th nnd 7th, according to the an nouticomout of tho stato board of ed ucation. Tho candidate: for examin ation must havo four yonrs of high school work to his or her crodlt, and must havoi credits in normal school subjocta. ' Do Vou Buy Qroceries F0, the Trading Stamps? Do you want Insurance or frllUT If you want "frills" pay $25.00. JJ If you want real Insuranco pay $16.00. What do you payt la such that you ought to boo at onco now mucn you can carr-.. Our proposition Is to soil you tho largest posslblo amount of In- gin to carry It. suranco at tho lowest possible cost WE I'HOVIDK A POMOV TH'VX rrtoTKCTO you to tiib llmit. S TT) , TD.,ro T-7-4 well bo glad to explain It and wrlto all you think yon d. - UUr JrOllCV laVS rOr Uttlou.thobcstlMurancocaflco.t. WE'KK NOT 1.V THU MA i i 1N8UIUNCU THUST jlxCCldcXllo Through recent Eastern connocllona wo'ro Indcpondenl a. FIro Insuranco Trust. Wo mako and maintain our own rata. Tor l- of Ufe, IhUi lintuls, or fret, or sight of l)tli eyes oOOO nnEMTV UNDEUWltlTEHS OP I'or low of Speech and Hearing 300 V0UK C1TV' I"or 1c-m of Hand anl Too or liswl or foot ami sight of ono eyo $-.000 ToU1 AMotf( $41,025,670, tho largest Amorlcan conipa--,,,, I'or loss of Ono Hand, or foot, or speech, lienrlnj- fUSOO pug t0 policyholders of $23,227,823. For Iom of Hlght of ono Eyo -- $1007 COj,-TIfi;xTAIj (HUE) lN8UnvNCE I'or Iom of Tlitimh nml Ireflngw(nnio linnd) lyiMO coju,ANY OF NEW YOItK CITY. I'erm-ncnt stiff or rigid l-nixnr anil Knco jolntn JIOOO N $26,576,579. Burplu. to policyholder,, $iIHli I'ennanont sUff or rigid Elbow or Knra Joint 9 ooo ConUnentM not a tochnlcaHly" company, and dolwij! behind n technicality In tho faco of a loss. 1 WcAA-T rApXXrkr .VATIOSTAIj UNION FIHE IXHUH.1NCB CCKly JJlUClIJULllLy COMPANY OF l'lTTSIIUKO, I'A. Total Asaots, $4,483,473. Surplus to policyholder, HUJ $25.00 por week for tho porlod of total disability (no limit as to tlmo). Tho National' motto Is: "Aggressive, I'rogrosslvo and Coastmt, $10.00 per wcok for tho porlod of partial disability (not exceeding 26 Tmj ,,UUHSIAV NATIONAL, THE WILMAMBUUltG, M,c!k,, " NOIITH HIVKIt AND OTHEIW. a 4 f AssoU running Into tho millions tnd largo surpluses to $& -ftf 11 I i OQT arr ronnlt U8 t0 Quoto rates. Wo solicit business ur-, UNITED HTAT1M rWEMTY AND OUA,XNTV Soloct, $16.00; preforred and cx-proforrcd, $20.00. Dotweon tho ngos COMPANY OP 1UITDIOHE, SID. of 8 and 65. Wo,jj go j.oup ion$t or wru0 your Hquor llconsco, bnrUrj Larger or smaller amounts at proportionate rates. Tho progrcs- ance, automobile, steam boiler, plato kIdii, otc. All policies lottf slvo policy protects. our Prlco offlco. No waiting to ooLd away for policies. R. W. CROCKETT Sz CO H. W. CIIOCICETT, Managor. L. F KLDRKDQB, Socrotary. Advocnto Ilulldlng, lrlee, tH HE MIJANT HUHINEhS. "Jack mado mo fool foolish -Ah on ho proposed last night." "Oot down on his knees and nil that, 1 supposoT" -i , ?, 1,n,l,w)a Wo wnt about It In such a huslnossllko way that nt first I dldn t know whether ho won tod me to bo his wlfo or his confi dential clerk." SIOhT CHIIiDHEX HAVE WOHMH Many mothers think their chil dren nro Buffering from indigestion, headache, norvouiness, weakness, costlvonoss, when they nro victims of thnt most common of all chil dren's ailments worms. Peevish, III tompcred, fretful children, who toss and prlnd tholr teoth, with bad broath nnd colicky pains, havo nil tho symptoms of having worms, nnd should be given Klckapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant caudy lozongo, which oxpols worms, regulate tho uowels, tones up tho system, and mnkes children wall and happy Kloknpoo Worm Killer Is guaran teed. All drugglstB, or by mall. Prlco twonty-fho conts. Klckapoo Indian Modlclno Co, Philadelphia nnd St. Louis. Advt. Vnluablo Information for those who havo taken up or aro contem P atlng tnk'ng up dry farm lands la glvon In a bulletin recontly Issuod by the Salt Lako Itoute. The arti cles nro written by Prof. L .v Mor rill, agricultural expert. The Infor mation regards the selection 0f cropj, preparation of the soil, fall seeding, spring planting, potato cul ture, alfalfa wed and the seWctlon of land for dry farming. Sumnor carries tho colebrotod' life-time guaranteed Oarland mails. Adrt!06' DrP ta nd BM thom' o- Q FEAR THE FLY. If flits wtrs fssrsd si Is bsd wttsr thsr would ba llttlo ty. phold. O 5 THE DEATHS HEAD Not ths kind you usually ass sight. lass and harmless but alive and all' seeing. The fly Is one of the busiest I wcrkers In tho animal kingdom, AND, HE IS WORKINQ FOR OUR DE. 8TRUCTION. Tho only way to destroy the fly la to starve him. Screens in the windows prevent crape on the door. WE ARE MOVE! ' and located In our new corner location at l Ninth and Main. Wc believe our stock 1$ as ! good as the location, and take this manner ; of announcing to the public that we are at !; their service with the best and cleanest stock !; in Eastern Utah. J. B. Roberts. The Rexall Store. Lovers of Music Should be delighted to know that all the latest music can be had at the Lewis Jewelry Co. 1500 Copies now on display Expert Watch Repairing our Specialty. Satisfaction or money back ij 144 The largest a? ji siL-gk sortment of to I iW sn here at i wKr limes 15yealS '!W experience as t I-: !WL trimmer. I ;i BE55E KENNEDY, Milliner vssJ!!!Lt0 th0 aoldon nul8 storo' pr,co' uub Office and achool supplies jA tocaU PnblUhln, CoAarL r """ 7' Bmoko Elmollno el ' 1 Qann, malcor. Adrt, ,