Bj rata two. ctk HAflnairwAH advocate, xnunsDAV, junk 12, 1013. ::r:::
Wr Prices Weak and Spring Lambs Off Thirty-Five
.' ' to Fifty Cents-Demand For Cattle
I vl Shows Greater Capacity.
bi .
BB Correspondence The Advocate
M KANSAB CITY, Mo , Juno 7
8 Cnttlo rocolvcd licro thbi week 20,-
BB r.00, lam week 23,700, Mime week
BB lant yenr 23,100 hoail. The domnnd
BB showed creator capacity this week,
BB and prices linvo lieort uniform!)
BB strong, Including tho heretofore
BB nlugglsh heavy liecf Rtver The week
BB. In closing n round n iiartor higher
BB on killing grades, thn smnll supply
BB I hero today lirtngttiK to tho nurfneo
BH',1 a good demand for cows with sales
HjJ of snmo nl n. shnde higher price
BBT'l Thn slight Increase In reclnpts In
BB'i credited to Houthern cattle, and In
inltogothur seasonable In fact, re
ceipts of Southerns lian heen rnn-
nine Hb'iI for two or three weeks,
BBV' nnd oven now tho supply Is consld-
BH ornbly short of noruinl Cakofed
Bft. I North Toxns steers make up tho
BBV bulk of tho Southerns, r.nd price
Hl rnngo from $7 CO to 8 10 for thoso
Vf good cnttlo. Iloavy native steers
BBTjj sold up to $8. CO yestordny, tho best
Lj they linvo dono for two or thrco
W' weeks. Mixed yearling steers nnd
BBj linlfors parformod vallontly litis
Bf ;- week, numorous lots sailing nt $8.40
VBV to $8. CO. Ilulls aro nlso flnn, and
VBV voal catvos reached $11 00 ono day,
HVjL' though cloning around $10. CO for
KVJn' "bout. Stock cnttlo nnd feeders aro
VB not much changed, salo rnnglng
BV( largely from $7 00 to $7.7C, a fow
1' cnttlo around $8.00. Somo low
HB ( grndo Panhandles sold At $C.0C this
VH f. wook. Pulpfcd Moors from tho West
i aro slacking up In numbers. A fow
BBl ' ahtpmonts hero this weok nt $7.80
K . to $8.10.
VBV Sheep rccotvod horo tills weok
BB 40,100, last weok 34,100, same
BB 4 wqok Inst year 37,000 hend Texan
VB Is still sending In somo stuff, nnd
BB all othor points of tho compnss con-
BBfr4 tribute Prices nro wonk, and spring
! Inmhs nrq off thlrty-flvo to fifty
( cants this wook. licit around $8.00
now. Texas muttons bring $C 00 to
hi $C.C0, native wethers up to $6.70,
BBa? owes $5.25, gonts scarce, at $3. SO
I - to
BVf" up aviiiruitMA ri,i:i:ci;H
BBMt Corroipondenco Tho Advocnto.
B? . llOSTON, Mass., Juno 7. Wool
BBWw ' salos hni ngnln figured up to noar-
BBBjH ly a million pounds, Including fur-
BBBJ thqr sales of old wool nl sncrlflco
BV prices. In this Is Included both linlf
I blood and flno stnplo Montnnn, tho
I rvcont soiling prleVs on thoso grades
1 having been shaded tv trifle, both In
ffn tho gronso nnd In scoured vnluus
if (lood sited blocks of both grndes
BBj ' woro trnnsfnrred, two or three of
BBj J tho leading hoilmm having been con-
BBV corned In. tho matter Outsldu of
BBV'J Ibis, the leading fenturu In tho
,1 week's trading wns tho purchnso by
an tingllsh broker of uvnrly half n
BBB' million pounds of California and
BBB torrltorj wools, both In tho gronso
BBB nnd In Hi'oiirtul form, the prlco pahl
BBB, bolng estimated to mean nbout for-
BBi ty-sovon cents laid down In llrnd-
BBB ford. This would seem to lndlontit
BBB 'j that this market Is fully down to n
BBJ ' free wool basis, but ono fact must
BH i by recognlxud, California wools linvo
BBfa been dull and druggy nil tho son-
B son, nnd It wns easy to find freo
BB9 anllers nt nlmont any reaitoiiablo
BBB') Tht Is not tho first umttiro of
the HSino buor In shipping Ameri
can wools to Kngland. 8eoral jears
ago Jio shipped several lots of wool
to Kngland, but the venture did not
turn out very well nnd wns not ro
pented until now Whether the
Kngtlsh spinners will take kindly to
using Araorloan wool remains to bo
sen Tho new territory wools havo
attracted more nttentlon from buy
ers, nnd somo moderate sized lots
hno been moved on the basis of
forty-eight to fifty conts cloan.
There lias been moro Inquiry for
wool In this market, nnd dealors nro
feeling n Ditto more encouraged
over the situation. This tins result
ed In Inrger bii)lng In the West,
nnd dealers have been keen com
petitors with manufacturers In sev
eral of tho moro recant public sales
In l-Snstorn Oregon nnd Western
Idaho, llecent transactions nt Hopp
tier nnd Mountnln Homo rcsultod In
sales of about 1,500,000 pounds of
wool nt 12 U to 14 h cents for flno
nnd 14 H to IC cents for medium,
tho scoured cost laid down horo bo
lng estimated nt forty-eight to fifty
cents for flno nnd forty-two to for-ty-thrco
cents for medium.
Shcnrlng Is not yet fairly under
way Jn Montana nnd very llttlo hns
boon dono In tho "trlnnglo " In Tex
ns nnd California tho now wools nro
nccumulntlng, as Knstern buyors nro
not willing to lako them, except on
consignment, Floeco wools nro Vory
quiet, tho only transactions noted
for tho week bolng somo small sales
of now flno unwashed Ohio nt twen
ty to twonty-ono conts. Conditions
nro still unsatisfactory In tho flcoco
wool states, with manufacturers
pnylng moro than dealors nro will
ing to.
Oregon Clip Hotting.
HIIANIKO, Ore, Juno 0. Tho
first sale of tho 1012 wool clip oc
curred hero yesterday, Tho sales
amounted to two hundred thousand
pounds nt prices rnnglng from thir
teen to fourteen conts. Tho buyors
woro roprcsontntlves of Iloston, Now
York nnd Chlcugo concerns. Tho
next salo will bo Juno 21st.
MAimS ANOTlllMt 11UV
Kmory county would seem to look
good to Utah's roost slncoro develop
ment gonius, "Undo" Josso Knight
of I'rovo, for that gontlomnti nnd
his nssoclntos, through their trusted
lleutonant, Ooorgo A. Btorrs, linvo
purchnsed tho Intorosts of Axol An
derson and hi wlfo la ono of tho
hundred nnd sixties owned by tho
Itack Cnnyon Conl company which
oporatos nbovo Claw son, sayn Castlo
Halo's 1'rogrcs of Inst Saturday,
The flunl pnpors woro recorded this
wook nnd tho consideration is said
to bo five thousand dollars.
It will bo romomborod that tho
Knight Investment company pur
chased tho Johnson tnlno in Cotton
wood Canyon somq two years ago,
and this other buy looks mighty
good to thoso noquulnted with tho
l'ruvo man's honest alms at n bona
fldu development overy where. It Is
only during tho past cur Hint thaso
same people started operations In
Spring Canyon uoar Ilolper.
BBl I'lans to makq l.os Angelos ono of
BBJ ' tho largest coat dapot on tio co.ut
BBS that will hnvo fow rivals la tho Unl-
BBj i tod States, tho conl to como from
BBBt I DUh, Wfui dUcussod at today's moot-
IIng of tho board of directors ot the
Bait Lako Houto, at which I 'or mo r
United States Senator W, A. Clnrk,
president of tho road, presided. Tho
-, railroad that Is to open up tho rich
1 Huntington Creek coal floldB of Km-
BBBJ.i ory county, Clark rather ruefully
BBV 'l admitted, Is not bolug built by Salt
BBV. '' Lake llouto Intorosts.
BBV "If Bomo ono hadn't got ahead of
BBV xuo, I should linvo built this rond
BBBJ mysolf," said Clnrk. "IIowoor, wo
BBBJ) will do tliq distributing of this conl
BBBJ ' That U somo consolutlon " Accord-
BBV lng to Clark tho coal in this dls-
BBV ' trlct Is suporlor to ovou the far-
BBV i famed Trinidad coal, whllo there Is
BBBt I n. poMlblllty that the smaltlug coal
.f of tho Sunn) side ftld to the. vast
BBV .' 111 bo found as an outcrop there
BBV,r Clark said prior to tho meeting
BBV j that tho Salt Lako Houto is canUm-
BBVj plating many Improvomonts when
BBV litigation Involving tho harbor is at
BBBft an end Thoso Improvements, he
BBB aid, will Include oxtonalvo wharf -
BBVj ago and warohousq fnclllltes and tho
BBVj building ot now channels to sorvo
VBV. tho groat Industries that must romo
BBBp following tho oponlng ot tho canal.
BY H,'
iti:i:wi:i) intkiuiht i.v
tiu: Hu.vriNtnov i,im:
Surveyors In tho employ ot tho
Donver and Ilia Oranda under Chief
Knglneor Owynn hnvo during tho
lust woek boon going ovor tho lino
rocontly surveyed from I'rlco to
Huntington Canyon, mention of
, which has frequently been made In
Tho Advocato of late Thq lmpros-
slon is now out that rails will be
laid boforo tho summor Is far ad-
i vancod.
Huntington Canyon contains rich
coal deposits, in fact ns good ns
'anywhoro out of doors, whllo tho
lino would also run oloso to the
j Iluckhorn Flats irrigation project
i and tap us well a rich agricultural
'nnd fruit growlug country from
Price on to tho south.
Chief Engineer Owynn has uf late
made frc-quont trips out that wny,
but when Inst talked to b Th Ad
vocate stated that the survey was
practically completed mid that the
matter ot construction wns up to
i tho board ot directors In New York
, Wo havo a bargain In a block ot
I'rlco Itlvor Irrigation company stock,
from ton to throe hundred shares.
Llboral terms with email payment
down. n. W. Crockott & Co.
. i
Throuch Connections Recently Made In the East, We're Independent ;
jL and Maintain Our Own Rates. i
h. Writ4, Telephone Or Call On Us A lut Your Jnsurnnco Trouble.
"Wiriilj OO YOUH HONIW." '
g- Sn.sSsrk 'Two-ficrrD' t ah I . . t or. true j7yZp2l,
IfBsKiXA V',HV r,UCH rtT J , c&E&X'S vsfrZ
1 viSJ?'f$r'iJ!!h,?J'tli sue A3Keo nr.- ir i would or. VAvJf '
rjncctTruL.Too.vwa dMti t pnorii3n.D r unutn i?rJ
3mc t-Aarwo.rAcoDToo.Yot3eft-' "tx" Ttfl fflgffjfin. flTa-?
wngntt'fl)-, (ov will con momi1 IT " 1
vou SjOmmU JS&W 7.1HCR' (jTWAKMrir?ft
0, AJSfWn85fSBrDiitt ""J.mgS ((Er JL
8W$t'U -if LsBbTLZIJvou.ahdI ' 'rm", r cT7sBvl
?ow fl ' I '.sVvBAl vou K"ow v'pW4wy P"vM
SIO.ST C'HILI)ltl. havi: WOlLMS
Many mothors think their chil
dren nro suffering from Indigestion,
headache, nervousness, weakness,
rostlvonoss, when they are victims
of that most common ot nil chil
dren's nllmonts worms. I'eovtsh,
III teuiperod, fretful children, who,
toss nnd grind their tvoth, with bad
hrenth nnd colicky palnii, hao nil
tho symptoms of having worms, nnd
should bo glvon Klcknpoo Worm
Klllor, a ploasant onndy loienge,
Alilch oxpels worms, rogulates tho
bowels, tones up tho system, and
makes children woll and happy.
Klcknpoo Worm Klllor U guaran
teed. All druggists, or by mall.
I'rlco twonty-flvo conts. Klcknpoo
Indian Modlolno Co., Philadelphia
nnd St, Louis. Adt.
MrriCH 'IO OWNHUS op inns
Having ImummI the Oeorje 0.
Prandiwn Innde In tho Denver Creok
country, west of I'rlce and embrac
ing about twelve hundred acres no
tice Is hereby given that uny party
or parties allowing stock of any
kind to range upon these lands will
be proceeded ngalnst under tho law
us trespassers. Noe Aubert. Price
Utnh, Mny 12, 1013. ' " '
Losal blnoks of overy description
carried in stock. Tho Advooato Pub
lishing Co. Advt. "
Crojm In IUglmt .Vtivr Jliuitl Held
In Danger of l'nt.
MANTI, Juno 0. Orasshoppors
aro menacing tho crops In this part
of tho county to such nn oxtent ns
to cnuso considerable nlnrm.
Kor a dlstnnco ot about flvo miles
on both sides of whnt Is known as
"tho swamp" tho grasshoppers havo
hatched out by tho millions and nro
commencing n steady march toward
tho grain fields.
For somq Umo past tho farmors
hnvo boon waging a war of extermi
nation on them, but it Is feared
thnt considerable) damngo will bo
dono to thq crops.
Sanitary conditions In hotels
throughout tho stnto are rapidly Im
proving, according to tho report ot
J. J. Slejere, state hotel Inspector,
who has recently completed an In
spection of tho hoetolrlee ot Carbon,
Q rand, Kmery, Uintah and Wasatch
countlos, Ho roporta that tho old,
unsanitary rollor towel has beon
supplantod by Individual or paper
towols nnd thnt tho numbor ot bub
bling fountnlns is steadily Increas
ing. Out ot sovonty hotels visited
only throo or four violations woro
found, and thoso, It is said, woro
duo to carolossness.
Now Is tho tlmo to got rid of you
rhoumatUm. Try n twonty-flvo tent
bottle of Chnmborlntn's Llnlmont
nnd seo how quickly your rhoumntlc
pnlns disappear. Sold by nil deal
or. Advt.
Doforo buying city or farm prop-
".rJ5reS.,uuU our ,Ut- " W. Crock
ott ft Co. AdvL
Offlco and school supplies. Ad
vocato Publishing Co. Advt.
On Instance of tht Adfittie
Bsttsr Hlghwijrt
A contrasting picture ottUife
good roads iioti fnnn prknki
ed by n dnlly newspaptr cf ttf
belt In this mnnncr:
"A kckxI farm on a bad rail
house. Modern ImproTfooi 1
tenm. HIrIi fertility. BcrtaeisS
town. Owner wnnts to id ih
Uses, lluyer comes. IIu (Is;'
cash, seeking good farm. m
located. Itondu flcrre. Occs
hinges on highway. Hujcrvsts
roid to town. Hoy in scbod U
go lu to plays, lectnru A
Couldn't offer over $100 11 ui
doeiu't think ho wnnts tbsfwn
No sale.
"flame thing; similar fim
clrcitmstniice. except gooito1
rond, good ciory dny In the jtit
cr thinking of selling. Sacicii'
ensh In hand looking for hn t
vernation htnges on prlcf Of'
Owner enn't seo It. Kr
W nt n time Halo clcwd tf
ncre Krerybody happy"
Not tho least Important ptwrf
wholo hlghwny ngltntlon UtW
of good rond not only upon to"
forts nnd contentment, hot rj
prices, A fnrni whlchhadtrO
priced nbove $75 nn new Wa
constmctlon of good roadiKU
n fow month nflcr their ctwflj
for $112X0 nu ncre. the owtsr
ting tho ndtnnco In valoi J
ololjr to tho now lilgbwip- S"
cldents nro fnr from rarr. TUi
naked for rond linprowmtat '
enough nt time to stacr" '
tbcro nro proofs In plenty thill'
turns nro not long In cornier '
tho problem Is so largo ai tt
nn expondltiiro nnd n pollfJ
Vstut of Good RosJs.
Ono of our most nble wrltnj t
vonomlcs hns snld that b '
duct $5 per ncro from 'bf!jl
farm for overy mllo nway fj.
or Mhlpplng point, ne nai r
nny too strongly, for tb v& i
facilities for mnrkotlng ",
ments In tho vnluo of ft k
vnrlously estimated that a P"r
locnllty whero tho roads sr FT
Improved Is wohli from WUZ,
aero more thnn tho same ft
bp worth If tho roads wrraaw3
Lovers of Music
Should be delighted to know
that all the latest music can j
be had at the
Lewis Jewelry Co- i
1500 Copies now on display t
Expert Watch Repairing our Specialty.
Satisfaction or money back '