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--JC" psr hMUHhI hhhhhhh THK EASTEKX UTAH ADVOCATK, THUHSDAY, JUNK 12, 1013. PAaB pjvjj HHHI A Royal Baking Powder Hot Biscuit is the luxury of eating -MADE AT HOME 'fllCEJWVICIIITY DIs rict court convenes next Mon- y Mrs J M Miller of Cotton wns iken to Holy Cross Hospital at alt t.nko City Inst Tuesday oven- I.lttlo Miss Klnlno Lewis outer ilncil a number of her. frlonds nt r homo Tucsilny afternoon from 1 i 6 o'clock, tho occasion, belnc her fth birthday. Calvert of Myton, recently Import I, pitched for tho On Is nt l'rlco t Sunday nnd lost tho gnmo to n Ickup nlno of l'rlco, tho score be IE nlno to two. Mm. Sarah V Crockett lion bean inflncd to her home for sovcral is with an aggravated caso of re nin, which comes every year with to warm weather. Dr. A. C Soronson Is kept going glit nnd day nnd In fact has nioro ian ho can comfortably attend to. o states that thoro Is really room ero for another ph)slclan nnd our son. C T. How en has purchnscd an Jicr now car n Ford this time u will put this lu his gnrngo nt BBtlo Dalo for public use, and only jo his Btudobnkor for special occn on. Iho Hmoot Nixon Lumber com my has begun lu Improvements nt rlco for tho now lumber ynrd. Tho flees nro to fnco South Klghth root Tho trackage will bo nl tho tar on South Ninth street. J. A. Crockett of "tho great moral id religious" Is giving his attention lis reason to n twenty-two acre np o orclmrd about n iiuartor of a Hkln south of l'rlco Ills health Is kprovlng with tho out of doom ox else B Scv oral number of thn l'rlco city uncll nro today visiting n spring p Cordon Creek, holonglng to N. HT Ncllnon, with n vlow of buying It Hr a wnter systom. It Is on tho ropurty known ns tho summer HjJolm J. Crnner nnd Lyman Mar Hjo of Cotton nro suing tho Donvor Hnd Ulo flrnndo at I'rovo to recover Hkinnges from tho company for tho Hilling of a registered Durham cow Had calf. They ask two hundred Hollars nnd costs of court. H dreen Hlvor will vote ngnln on Hie saloon question Juno 24th, tho Hcccssary SC per cent of thq "dry" Hot crs having petitioned for tho Hkmo. It will bq romomborcd that Hint city wont "wot" two onrn ago Hr but four or flvo majority. K Lawrence Itnsmusson Is quitting Hho cashlorshlp of tho Helper Stato Hank, giving as a roason too close Hpntlnomont. Ho formerly wns In Hbo employ of tho Donvor nnd Ilto Hjrando us claim agent. His sue Heisor has not as jot boon named. Hj Utah Construction compnny tuts HkiUod for uso nt l'rlco a now Hproo-ton nutomobllo truck for lian HjUng frolght from horo to tho no Hjral construction camps of tho com HJsny botweou Mohrland and Castlo Bote. Tint machino mndo Its first Hj'p sestorday. H) N. I'. Aagard lias rccontly plantod Hfeout a hundred nnd twonty-flve Hhouennd rainbow trout ovor in Hjooiobcrry. Hq Is busy stocking ull Hpo streams In that part of tho stato Hjhoro fish nro protected and in HJaccs whoro they can llvo and In-HJrcaso. I We have ij I Moved H From over the Golden Rule ;! H Store to a downstairs room 'I B on Ninth street, just off j B Main. K We invite you to H our new location Ituckio & Ligranioij Price oltUcns own about ns many automobiles as any city of Us site West, which Is said to be a sure evldenc of prosperous times Sev oral people with orders In for ma chines are being delayed In delivery owing to the factories going behind with orders. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Brynor, who until a few months ago lived on a ranch above Helper for a number of yenrs, havo selected the reservation country ns n home nnd are located near Altoonnh Mrs l)rncr camd In this week on n visit to friends and relatives hereabouts J K I'cttlt, stnto coal mine In spector, was at Winter Quarters, Clear Creok and Utah Mine last week. Ho found everything nt theso places quit to his satisfac tion. Tho Utah Ktiel company is tanking numorous Improvements at theso upper camps It Is understood that Lol N. Harmon, Br, Is to becomo business manngcr of tho Utah Conservatory of Music, originally organized by I'rof. J. J. McClellan, when hq lo cates nt Salt Lako Clt, white his son, Levi N. Harmon, Jr, will havo chargo of tho direction nnd work of the Institute musically. Hoth tho Now York Cash store and tho Ooldcn Hulo nro figuring on larger buildings on Mnln street In which to house their largo and increasing mercantile stocks. Kich is desirous of a storo room about fifty by eighty to a hundred feet with full bnscmont Mrs. Mngglo Thome, who died at I'rovo last Thursday nt tho ago of 33 years, wns not tho wife of Dr. P. S. Thome, tho dentist nnd former resident of l'rlco Deceased was thq wlfo of Dr. W. A. Thome, a brother of Dr. F. H. Thome. Tho Initials nro confuting to friends of tho fnmlly here. Suit for flvo thousand dollars damage on account of porsonnl in juries wns filed In tho district court nt Salt Lako City last Tuesday by Mlko Krkalovlch ugnlnst tho Utnh Construction compnny Tho com plaint sets out that tho plaintiff wns caught In n envoi n nl Mohrlnnd while working for tho company Utnh Fuel company officials and the insurance adjusters hno gotton together on a settlement for seven ty thousand dollars, In round fig ures, for tho honvy loss suitnlncd by tho burning of tho ttpplo nnd otlmr Improvements nl Hunnysldo re ccntl). Lumber Is arriving every day nt that camp for tho rebuilding of tho property destroyed. Fearing tho ravages of tho alfalfa weevil this season f armors around Ogdon havo hurried their hnrvost nlnng nt sunh a rate that nil dnnger to tho crops has been passed. Tho first crop was cut nnd out of tho way boforo tho pests got a chnnco to work injury, nnd it Is thought thq spring toothing nnd tho dragging has eliminated tho enemy. Tho Utah Puol bnsoball team de feated tho Utah 1'owcr nnd Light team last Sunday on tho Olondnlo diamond at Salt Lnko City by tho scoro of twont)-tvvo to four. Tho coal dealers took dollght In hammer Ing Chrlstonscn nround nnd scored In qvory Inning. Tho bnttorlos Utah Fuel, Taylor, Harris and Wil liams, Hurko. Utah l'owor, Chris tonsou nnd Hansen. X. 1'. Aagard, district fish nnd gumo warden of Fountain (Ircon, wns In Holpor last Wcdnesdny, toll ing tho Times that thq fishing wltl bo bettor than usual this summer All tho streams will bo clear by the tlmo tho season opens Juno lCth Sixty thousand rainbow trout have Just been planted In Denver Creek, west of Price. Soveral parties or Carbon county anglers nro already mnila up "to try their luck" as soon ns tho season opens. Tho romnlns of Mrs J H Flom Ing of Woodsldo, who died at l'rlco of onncer of tho stomnch whllo on route to n Salt Lako City hospital tho first of tho week, woro shipped back to tho formor homo of deceas ed at l'hlllljmburg, l'n , last Tues day, uocompanloU by tho husbnnd and one of tho daughters. Tho Flemings havo rosldod at Woodsldo for somo tlmo slnco leaving Bunny sldo, whoro they havo a ranch. Tho husband Is employed at Hiawatha with tho Consolidated Fuol com pany. Tho l'rlco Commercial club has rocommonded to tho Midland trail officials that (Jreon Illver bo select ed as tho stopping placo of tho In diana tourists on tho night of July 10th, sajs areon Hlvor's Dispatch, which shows that our neighbors nro not trying to "hog" things, but, on tho contrary, nro trying to ninko amonds for tho Indiscretions 'of tholr precocious "kid mayor," who recent ly triad to steal tho honor of giving a banquot that was tondored and paid for by cltlzons horo In honor of Midland trntl visitors. F. M. Hamilton, Inspector for this division of tho postofflco depart ment, was in l'rlco a couplo of days last wools making an investigation Into tho robbery of tho mall poucbos at tho Donvor and Itlo a rondo do pot on tho ovenlng of Juno 4th Tho mall rifled was badly scattorod and dimagod by tho thiol or thieves aud tho nmount of tho low is still a mattor of much doubt. Sheriff Koltor nnd deputies, ns well as tho railroad dotoctlvos, aro still at work, but ns yot havo no clues that aro ' at all satisfying to them. Joseph Drybred, a Dnver and'JHo Grande switchman, who was fatally Injured last Sunday nt Tucker when ho Jumped from n, moving train, fell u ider it nnd suffered a fractured skull and mangled leg, dlod Mon day morning nt a Salt Lako City hospital Drybred was riding on tho train and had Jumped off to throw a switch when tho nocldent occurred It Is though that ho lost his balance nnd fell under tho wheels His left leg wns so badly mangled that amputation wns neces sary Ho did not regain conscious ness nfter the acctdent Vigorous denunciation of the cam paign against Utnh nnd tho Mor mons wns pronounced b) President Joseph F Smith of the Mormon church nt tho afternoon geniirnl mcotln" Sunday nt Salt Ivko City Frankl) stating that It is difficult to rtso nbovo tho human Impulses In tho matter of loving enemies, In this Instance, the president of tho church vehemently denounced tho campaign as one of "Infamous false hoods" and "damnable lies," and tho Individuals who conduct ouch n movement ns "wilfully wicked and Infamous In character" Whllo no nnmes wero mentioned, It was plain to all hoarcrs that Itev William II I'adcn, now In Chicago, wns meant by President Smith's remarks Deputy Sheriff Clark nnd Deputy Jamos Snow caught two men gam bling Saturday nt Tucker. They aro William Hunt nnd II C Nichols. They hnd sat down on tho ground Just after breakfast and hnd their mohcy spread out before them when tho doputles camo upon them They both grabbed Iho money nnd Hunt slipped a greenback up hi sleovo. They wero taken to I'rovo. Tho dep uties bcllevo they wltl plead guilty of tho ono charge They claimed they woro only playing for tho sup per Hut tho deputies feel that It was pretty early In tho dny to begin pin) Ing for thn supper Tho University of Utnh summer school opens this summer Juno lCth nnd closes August 1st, with ono week vacation, July 7th to July 11th, for tho convention of tho Na tional Kdticntton nssoclntton Tho summer school for many years has registered more than a thousand students It Is confidently expected that tho number this car will reach fifteen hundred Among the lectur ers In tho 81111111101- school from nut sldo tho stnto nro William McKco ver, author of tho widely used homo training bullotlns; C. M. McCnskey, expert In phystclal education, who will give the work In artistic danc ing In tho school of phvslcnl educa tion; Joseph I'lpnl, athletic conch nt Occidental college for women, Uni versity of Oregon, who will glvo tho courses In personal hygiene, for wo-i men, Floronco V. Ware, supervisor! of tho klndorgarton of tho Iowa, stato teachors' college, who will' discuss tio Montesiorl mothod, nnd Miss Anna M. l'rlco, professor of II-1 brnry economics, University of X lit J nols, who wltl direct tho work of i tho library school. HUE WED ASIDE j Contributor to "Hull MotKlipm" '" It N'honi Urn Chicken, V.U: Business men nbout town nro toll ing n good ono nt tho oxponso of "Mill" l'acu of tho Hnstorn Utah Furniture nnd Undertaking com pany. When tho county commis sioners mot ns n board of equaliza tion ono dny last week 1'aco mado a call on thorn In regard to his taxes for tho current year, which Paco aas nro about ns much as tho two other furniture stores at l'rlco comblnod nnd Just doublo tho as sessment of his firm for Inst onr, tho stocks of nil three bcUig nbout tho snmo. Now, Pate took nn nctlvo part In I tho "bull mooahor" campaign of last fall, contributing liberally, ho Htnten, to tho fund that was raised by sub scription to sou that tho commis sioners got what was nt tho tlmo tormed "a nquaro deal." And, Paco oxpected a square doal, ho sajs, whon ho apponred before, tho board nnd niked that his taxes bo placed nt a flguro consistent with other as sessments, Such was not tho case, however, for whon Paco camo boforo. tho com-, mlsslonors, ho wns informed by First Counselor Unlllnger thnt It was too lato for redross. However, tho board ngroed to tako tho. matter under advisement, and tho "pooh bah" around tho Carbon county scat of Justlco was pushod aside. Later, It Is rotated, Paco met Commissioner "Hill" Hamilton on tho street and brought tho mattor up. Asked what action had been taken In his 'caso, I'aco was waived asldo by "Hill" with tho romark that there was no room to "kick" or any chanco for on adjustment. It 1 said that Paco wilt horoaftor think twlco and flguro longor on his bank balanco boforo contributing to nnothor "bull moochor" nggregotlon. How's This? Wo offor Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Curo. T J CUENBY & CO . Toledo, O. TVo. the umltrslan. hav known r J Cheney tor tho tut Jar. and bslleva tilm prfotIy hoiuiraMu la all tulnM transaction and nnanotatlir aids to carry out any ollleattoni mado by his Arm NATIONAL BANK OP COMMERCS. Toledo. 0. ItsU's Catarrh Curo I taken Internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mu cous surfaces of the intern Teet inonltl sent fre. Price TJ cents per bottle. Bold by all Drurelst. Ttks IIU rAlly fills for eonUptios. We Are Offering ' I Some Good Values I This week in Ladies9 ready-to-wear gar- JH nients, which arrived late in the season: IH Summer Wash Dresses - $2.50 to $12.00 . 9 Evening Gowns - $10.00 to $26.50 19 Evening Coats - - $10.00 to $30.00 H We are always pleased to show you ''81 our goods even if you don't buy. We are trying to make this store a place HH where you feel at home and free to ask H to be shown the goods before buying. WM Our Boys' and Girls' Shoes ill Have arrived and we want io show them to you. H Our prices may be higher than some, but we Guar- H antee Our Goods, aud if not satisfactory, return 'H diem. WC DO AS WI: ADVERTISE. l NEW YORK CASH STORE I North Room, Short Huilding, North Ninth' Street I uhhI SOME ISHJSTORV Vt r In l'ntvo Itlver ho J ti in I'rovo Menace. I'UOVO. Juno U. There U grave danger that mora than a million fUh will illq In tho I'rovo rlvor, nn tho wnter 1 getting vory low anil tho third run nuckera nnd a groat many of tho trout aro going ui tho itroniu to upawn. Deputy tlniiio Commtailonor MaUion wild today that unlcsa moro wnter could bo to cured to tluih tho river thn flih will potion tho water to audi nn extant that all tho flih would die. MnilBon worked all day titerduy and It attll buiy getting aurrouud Ing fnrmora to turn nn much water back Into thu river as jiomlblo no aa to fluvh tho Htronm. Ho nUo con itructod a trap today to prevent tho flih from going up tho itrenm and gottlng out Into tho Irrigation dltchc. i MadHcn sold lato thin nfternoon I that ho bolloved enough farmer could bo porHiiiKleil to turn thu wa ter back Into tho rlvor nnd put off tholr Irrigation for a feu davit until tho Huh can bo tnkon cam of , MM PROMT homo Contour HurvcvJiig Work to 1 Ho Dime ImniiilLiKel), 1 J. A. BImpion of Denver, Colo, ono of tho leading promoters of what has horotoforo bcon known as tho Iluoll dam project, now official ly doijgnatod m tho Searlos dam, was horo tho lattor part of last week paying off tho men and Bot tling up accounts of tho Orcon Illv er company, says tho (Iroon Illvor Dispatch of last Thursday. About four thousand dollars was distribu ted among droon IUvor pcoplo nnd concerns aa n, result of his brief visit and whllo thu small forco at present employed was laid off tem porarily, ho promised that about July lBt a big crow will bo put to work and continued activity will then follow. It Is bollevod that tho big proj ect has at last boon financed, or very nearly so, but no ono horo la ablo to learn what corporation Is taking It over, although everything Indicates that It Is tho Utah l'owor 'and Light company. In tha mean time an engineering party hi bx- I peeled horo sliortly to mirvoy for a contour map at tho canyon, shotting tho amount of backwater that will rosult from tho construction of thu proposed dam. Thhv will roqulro tho running of approximately four hundred mllos of Hues. Smoke Elks' Prldo cigar, 3. W, McOann, maker. Adrt. t , -7 g oi SEVEN MOTH ONES Mm. Dot hi J. Ilrjiur 1'ami Aniiy ut l'rlco l,mtt Monday. Allco Worthing Ilryuor, wlfo of David J Ilryuor, tiled at tho family homo In l'rlco Inst .Monday morning about 0 o'clock from vortical rup turo of the uterus precodlng child birth Later, Dr A. C. Horonson, tho attending physician, performed n Caesarian operation lu tho hopo of saving tho chlld'H life, n boy, but suoh was Impossible Deceased leaves a husband and seven children. Mrs Joseph Wor thing of Bt Ueorge, mother of Mrs Ilryuor, wna with tho lattor for sov oral dais prior to her death. Iho ease, say a Dr. Bflroiison, Is tho first of Its character to ho mndo known nnywhero West. Mr, nnd Mrs llrjnor camo to l'rlco nbout ton years ngo, whoro they havo resided sluco Deceased was muoh bolovod tr u largo clrclu of friends nnd tho full sympathy of tho community goon out to tho grief stricken husband and tho mo therless one 'n their heroavomont. I'linoral services nro being hold from City Hall this (Thursday) forenoon nt 10 o'clock, lllshop Al bort Ilryuor conducting tho samo Intermont will bo nt tho city co mo-try REPOftTDISCREDITED Humor An Ui IUUmo In AahcmmiikvUh Denied lly Officials. Tho report published by sovoral state newspapers to tho offoct that It has been stated on good authority that nromlnent stato officials havo taken steps to request tho Utah state board of equalization to rolso tho assessment on taxable property throughout tho state, la discredited by t"e offlos of tho governor nnd tbo rooretary of state. It Is declar ed n both offices that no such ldQ& has bcon thought of, and that It would bo a most unlikely action. Members of tho board of equali zation doclaro that tboy havo uot ha I such a request and would not bo In favor of taking such action. ULCKHS AND SKIN TIlOUHIiES If you aro suffering with any old, running or fovor soros, ulcers, bolls, oozema or oihor skin troublos, got n box of Ducklon'a Arnica Balvo nnd you will get rollef promptly Mrs. llruco Jouqs of Birmingham, Ala., sutferod from an ugly ulcor for nlno months and Hucklon'o Arnica Balvo cured her In two weeks. Will help you. Only, twonty-flva cents. Itoc ommonded by all dealers Advt. i.v ni:v oiTiciis. nHHB Dr. A. C. Boronson announces tho ' HHJ romovnl of his offlcos from tho sot- HHJ ond floor of thQ l'rlco Commorclal HHJ nnd Savings bank to tho Woo tor &. HHJ I'arker building, socond floor, cor- H nor Mnln nnd Ninth. Telophono 84. HH Calls answorod night and day. i HB Advt. HHJ Comploto lino of blank books and ' stationery. Advocato Publishing Co. HH Advt. I MB Bmoko nimoltno cigar, J. W. Mc- I flEjH! Onnn, maker. Advt. I KTH SWWWWNWVWNWWW T HH RENOVATING j El Wo ruako a specialty of M ' ronovatlng feathor beds, pit- H i, lows, window curtains nnd car- S ' pot oloanlng Havo a com- ,' ploto repair shop for uphol- iH nterlng and making ns good HH i an now furnltura and house- ', H ', hold goods of ovory doacrfp- Bl , tton. A trial U all wo ask. ,' , iiAuuv m:vih Kfl i, At tho Now Btoain Laundry S '11 ', Illdg., North Klghth Btreot, !HJ Just Off Main. ' HH A Satisfying 1 Meal H Wo sorvo tho kind ol things K t Wfc you llko to oat wall season ,Hj od, well cooked and whole- iffl somo. )ar9 1 11 Our Meals are Noted J M For Their Good ' 11 Quality j Tho monu horo Is excellent, .' tho food wq servo Is lino, tho M eorvlco Is flrst-clasa. HI Try a Meal Any Day I They're Always j Good jj 'M THE TAVERN GAFE il Opposlto Donvor and Wo fcf BJ Qrando Depot. ffil 'He I'jlH