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TIIK EASTKKX UTAH ADVOCATE. TULIt8DAVt JUNK 12. 1013. ,... IfilH NOTICE TO WATKlt USEItS. Kato Engineer's Office, Salt Lake Mtr. Utah, Mar 23, 113 Notlco heroby given that Nephl O. Per tins, whose postoftlco address la nnyslde, Utah, has tuade appllca loa In nocordaneo with the requlro aetiLs of tho Complied Laws of Itah, 1907, as amended by tho Bee ton Laws of Utah, 1909 nnd 1911, o appropriate soven and one-halt T) cubic foot of water per soc d from Dugout Crock nnd 1'aco kreck, Carbon county, Utah. Four ond feot of sold wator will bo ivorted from Dugout Creek at n olnt which lies forty-two feot east d 1964 foot north of tho north rest corner of Sec. 10, Twp. u oath, Haneo 12 East, Bait Lako so and meridian. Tho romalnder C said water will bo dlvorted from Xco Creek at a point which Hoe co foot cast nnd 12G0 foot north He tho north quarter cornor of said c 10, Tho water dlvorted from tigout Crook will bo conveyed by cans of a ditch for n distance of (30 foot. Tho water dlvortod from HWco Crock will bo conveyed by jeans of a ditch for n dlstanco of k&2 feet whoro It will commingle lib tho water dlvortod from Dug hi Creek Tho commingled water till then bo convoyed by moans of bo ditches aggregating 1)200 feet j longth whoro It will bo used from fcrlt 1st to Soptombcr 30th, Inclu Jrc, of each jenr, to Irrigate 1280 trcj of land ombracod In Sees. 10, land 22, Twp. 14 South, Han go 12 kst, Salt Lako bnso and mcrldlAti. V nddltton to tho quantity of wa kr above spoclflod, tho applicant Wends to npproprlato flvo hundred t 00) ncro-feot of water which will dlvortod at tho points abova do Wlbcd and convoyed to thrco roser tlrs ombracod In Bocs. 10 nnd 1G, Wp. 14 South, Kongo 12 Kast, Bait kko basq and tnorldtan, whoro It ill bo storod during tho porlod torn January lot to Docombor 31st, mIusIvc, of each year. Tho contor t tfeo Impounding dams aro doscrlb t as follows: Hast Jloiorvolr, 37 foot north of tho southeast Wncr of tho southwest quartor of Vc. 10; West Ilcsarvolr, 3483 foot Vrtli nnd 000 feot west of tho tutheast cornor of tho southwest tartor of Bee. 10; nnd South lies Voir 3C3 fool south nnd 390 foot fcsl of tlio south quarter cornor of tc. 10; nil in Twp. 14 South, kngo 12 Kast, Bait Lako baso and Vidian. Tho water so storod will t rolcasod from April 1st to Sop jtibcr 30th, Inclusive of each Jar, and usod In connection with Jp soven nnd ono-hnlf cubic foot V water por second to Irrlgnto tho met of land horoln described. This tpllcntlon Is doslgnntcd In tho Kto engineer's oftlco nn No. C039. t protests against tho granting of m application, stating tho roasonn Brofor, must bo Hindu by affidavit faupllcnto and fllod In this office jtiln thirty (30) days after tho nplctlon of tho publication of Hs notice w. d. iiuerb, Btnto klnocr. Knto of first pub. Mny 29, 1913, to of complotlan of pub. Juno 28, Hi3' KrTICK TO WATKlt UHI'.IW. jtto Knglneer'a Office, Ball I.nko t', Utah, Mny 28, 1913. Notice fherotiy given thnt John JI. Hlg 011, whoso pontofflco nddrowi Is Jnnysldo, Utah, has mada nppllon ta In nccordnnco with thu require ments of tho Compiled Laws of jali, 1907, as omondod by the Bes Vn Laws or Utah, 1009 nnd 1911, f npproprlnto two (2) cubic feet water per second from Dugout kuU and l'aco Creek, Carbon coun t L'lnh. Ono cubic foot per second Jialil water will bu diverted from jKnut Creek nt a point which llos Jrty two root east and 1904 feet jrili of tho north quarter cornor of k. 10, Twp, 14 South, Kongo 12 kt, Salt Lako baso and meridian, to bnlnnco of said water will bo jurtd from l'aco Creek at u tut which lies 380 feot oast nnd fco feat north of tho north quar t corner of said Sec. 10. Tho wn t co diverted will bo conveyed by tuna of two ditches aggregating P- feel in length and there usd tut April 1st to October 31st, In jilvc, of onch yonr, to lrrlgato P acres of land ombracod In Boc. E Tup. 14 South, Kango 12 Kast, ft Lako baso and meridian. As Bch of said water as may bo neo tary wltl bo usod during the on t year for culinary purposos. This fcllcatlon Is designated In tho He engineer's office as No. C034. protcsta against the granting of Jd application, stating tho reasons Srefar, must bo mado by affidavit duplicate and fllod In this offlco Vtiln thirty (30) da after tho jtiplotlon of tho publication of Is notice W. D, HEKHB, Statu Selncer, Huato of first pub, Juno C, 1913, u of completion of pub. July C, M 4-348 b. " " TICK FOR PUULIGATION'. fubllshcr.) Departmont of tho In or, U. S. Land Offlco nt Salt ") City, Utah, May 17, 1913. No B Is hereby glvon thnt Samuol K 'Ecr, Jr., of Klmo, Utah, who, Juno 3, 1909, roado Desort Land Wry No 03C81, for NttNH'4. Soc. C Twp. 10 South, Kango 10 Kast, jt Lako meridian, has fllod notlco intention to ranks final desort d proof, to ostabllsh claim to tho d abovo doscrlbed, before tho rt of tho district court, at Castlo Vo, Utah, on tho 22d day of July, P'! Claimant namoa oa wltnessos rt:u T. Ovlatt, Ooorgo II. Ovlntt, flsten Hanson and Dol Koy Lar . all of Elmo. Utah. K. D. R. OMPSON, Koglator. BMV1 Pub. Juno 5; Inst July 3-13. THREATENED BY DEATH IN MEXICO, AMERICANS SEND APPEAL FOR HELP THE FUGITIVE LAW IN OLD MEXICO. TAMl'ICO, -Mcx., .June 7. -Thrco hundred Americans located In Sou thern Tnmnulpas, representing sixty eight families, hnvo demanded in a long mcsMgo to President Wilson sont through Consul Miller here, to know "onco for nil" whether they can expect protection from their homo govornmnot slnco they "do not doslro to tnka measures for our own safety which would embarrass our government without giving duo notlco beforehand." Tho rucssago of tho Americans was transmitted by wireless through Consul Miller to W. W, Canada, tho American con sul nt Vera Crux, to bo forwnrded to Washington, D. C. It says in part. "Having botii loft without any protection whatever on tho part of both sides of tho ponding controver sy, thorcforo wo can only look for protection from our own country. Wo must know onco for nil If wo can oxpect tho snmo. Having bcon subjected to slights nnd n groat variety of Indignities nnd gross ab uso In tho last tow days, tho situa tion calls for moro serious prepara tions for our porsonnl safoty and tho dafonso of our families and our Intorests. Therefore wo hnvo as sembled to consider tho best wny, Wo consider protection necessary now slnco ntler death It will bo of no uso." Thq messago declares In addition that tho petitioners hnvo borno fin ancial losses silently, but thnt tunny of them cannot obey tho ndlco to "got awny If In danger," as their departure would mean tho abandon ment of tho accumulations or n life time." Wo consider tho lives of ourselves nnd our families In dnn ger nnd tho situation hns Justified this petition several times In the Inst fow dnys," Tho messago con tinues; "It Is no longer doubtful that thu slightest spark will bring on tho drend conflagration at nny moment. In many Instnnccs tho small arms sold Amorloan citizens by tho Am orlenn government for their protec tion hnvo been demanded nnd In somii instances they hnvo been taken." lUmr.LS IN CONTItOI. OK .VOKTJI Mi:.IOA.V HTATIW MKXICO C1TV, Juno 8. Tho gov eminent will not nttompt to recnp- HEALTH OFFICER QUOTES THE LAW TO THE PEOPLE Dr. A. C. Koronson, health officer for tho city of Prlco, directs atten tion to several sections of tho offi cial quarantine rule of tho Utah Statu Hoard of Health, which nro Important to cltlxens genitrally and which are to be enforced. They nro gUen In full below that cltlzons generally may be governed accord ingly. ' 13x1. UsIikII bo the duty of oery physlolnn or other person caring for tho slok in the state of Utah, to mnko a report to tho local board of hoalth Immediately nfter suah por tion becomos awnro of the oxlstoncv of any crnte of sonrlet fover, diph theria, membranous croup, vhoopln cough, smallpox, typhoid fever, mea sles, tuberculosis, Asiatic cholera, rubella (rotheln), chlokoupox, ty phus fever, plngue, corobro spinal meningitis, Infantile paralysis, lep rosy or pneumonia, In his or her charge, and It shnll bo the duty of every person, owner, agent, manager, principal or superintendent of any public or prlvato Institution or dis pensary, hotol, hoarding house or lodging liouso to make a report In liko mannor of nny Inmato, occupant or boardor, suffering from any of tho said infectious or contagious diseases, and In caso such physician or other porson shall fall to report In twenty-four hours, said porson shall bo deemed guilty of a misde meanor. Kulo C No quarantine of n con tagious dlsoaso shall bo removed until tho attondlng physician has notlflod tho local board of health that tho case hns recovered nnd Js no longor liable to communicate tho disease, provldod that when no phy sician Is in attondanco tho local health officer may romovo tho namo nt tho oxpiratlon of the qunrantlno period nnd recovery of tho patient. Rule 7 WJion It is. known thnt a person has attended school whllo suffering from any of the dlsoasea named In Kule 1, the local board of health shall cause the school room ocouplod by tho wild porson to bo disinfected. Iluio 8 When a oaso of oonta gloiiB dlseaso Is roportod It shall bo tho duty of tho local health officer to ascertalu the schools attended by any child from Infectod premlsea and to servo a written notlco upon those In chnrgo of such schools re quiring tho oxclusjon of all persons residing In the same houso In which tho porson sulforlng from tho dis ease mny bo located until n written permit from the board of health is prescntod. Kulo 9 No porson suHorlng from cholora, smallpox, typhus fover, bu bonic plague, dlphthorln (membran ous oroup), sonrlot fovor, (scarlet inn), moasloe, whooping cough, mumps, chlckoupox or crucbro spi nal meningitis, shall bo ndmlttod in to nny public, parochial or prlvato school, college or Sundny school or shall ontor nny assemblage, or rail way oar, street car or othor public conveyance. SfflE IIM BOARD Public In Warned AgnJiuiL tJio Ltm of Import' Wutor. Friday last n bulletin was Issued by the department of the Utah stato board of hoalth, advising resi dents of Utah to guard against tho usoa of impuro water, so that ty phoid fovor nnd other diseases may not result. Coplos of tho bullotln will bo dis tributed throughout tho stato and tho board of health will invostlgato complaints relating to impure water (.uppllea In nny locality in tho stato. Thoso instructions and facta aro montlonod in tho bullotln aa a safe guard against dlsoaso: Impuro wntor causes typhoid fovo and other dlsoaso. Thoro is no px cuso for an Impuro wntor supply In Utah. It Is the duty of tho propor nu thorltles of ovary town to Install a puro wator system. It Is tho duty of ovory cltlzon for I tho protection of hie family to In-1 slst that puro wator shall bo pro- vlded in his locality. , Tho best water supply Is ono takon from springs and convoyod In pipes. If springs cannot bq secured, tho supply should, It possible bo plpod from mountain streams which are carefully protected from contamina tion. Filtration through a sand tutor furnishes an additional safeguard turc Matamorns immediately. It will orgnntzo ns soon ns posslblo a column of two thousand men, but for tho present theso troops nro not nvnllnbtc. Tho gunboat Vera Crux, on which It was Intended to send n force to Matamorns, still Is at Vera Cruz. Tho war department denies thnt .noitocnn has bcon tnkon by tho rebels, but declares fighting still continues there Prlvato Informa tion, however, confirms tho fall of thu town and ndds that tho robots nro moving to tho south. Tho rcbols aro practically In con trol of almost all tho rural regions In tho north. An nnsx Including tho states of Zncatecns, Durnngo nnd big sections of Coahulln, Chi huahua, Honorn, Nunvo Iamiii and tamnullpns, Is Isolated. In Northern Vera Cruz district, In which there nre mnny American farmers nnd oil well workers, the rcbols hnvo mndo fresh advances. It Is reported thnt n hundred more Americans nro to bo removed from Tnmplco this week on tho steamer Moxlcnno, chartered by tho Ited Cross, and oan bo Inexpensively installed. Artesian walls aro usunlly froo from dangerous contnmlnntton. Wator used for cullnnry purposes should bo bollod If thoro Is any ron ton to suspect Its purity. SPMJiWS (Inino Ouuiiibxiliiurr Phut to Sup ply All Statu Hnt IxtrlcN. F. W. Chamber, stnto fish nnd gatno commissioner, Is this week nt Fish Lako, Sovlor county, where ho will ostabllsh spawning camps. There nro now throo spawning sta tions, ono In Proto on the Provo rlter; Pnugultoh, on Panguttch Lako and llluo Spring Creek, and ono In Kevlor county. Chnmbnrs, nsslsted by hlu dcputlos, will collect onough PKK from the stations to supply nil IIih stato hntcherlpN for the summer hutch. Ho plana to stuy n month. Tho fishing season opens this year Juno ISth and no mottor how anxious tho flshormeu aro to got busy, tho state department says no flshlug will bo permitted until mid night of Juno 14th. After tho sea son opons tho limit wilt be fifty pounds In possession at one tlmo and fifteen pounds u. day, Tho state fish departmont has re cently received a number of Inquir ies concerning n darkness nnd day light clause which misinformed per sona suppose la In, tho law. Lottora stating tho law, that tho closod hours are between 9 o'clock at night and 3 o'clock In tho morning, have boon sont out.. TO HHOUTKN COUKHK IN TIIK l'UIIMO HCHOOLK Pupils in thq clomontary public schools of Utah will complete their work In eight yoara horoaftor In stoad of ntno, as has boon required In provlous yoara. Tho coramlttoo on tho state course for clomontary schools which mot Saturday last with A. C. Nelson, stato superinten dent of schools, decldod to ellmlnnto tho boglnnors' class, and horoaftor one yoar will bo allotted to tho com bined work of tho beginners' class and tho rogular first grade. A. courso of study for the olemontary schools of tho stato will be proparod by the committee this week. The courso decided upon will provall throughout tho next flvo yoars, un less It Is soon fit to changq It in tho moanwhllo. Logal blanks of ovory description carried In stock. Tho Advocato Pub lishing Co.Advt. ATableDelight H table beverage, In therefore i ViiiB dally drink, nnd ono of Uio lie- !' ffiiiiifl Tlio moro perfect tlio Imxt, tka . i SlH KTontcr Its nutriment nnd tomit )BiiiH properties. i STiiil OUR "OLD GERMAN U n fiMMl drink of Uio highest ', flssssl It combine tlio-H) drtdrnhto quail- iiiiH tlcn nt bring pleasing to the . ' ifll tuMe nod satisfying to tlio npp fmSM Tlio wry nntiiro of "Old ttcnua ' fl l-ngcr" renders n favorite ;. 'sssssssssssssl im'r)Mtii-ro. Doctors rocotmnciid ! Order n en mi tmlny fnun jour ' iiiiiH mmmmiM ''"",cr ,l""rl, Co. LilH i SBBHPH Salt Lake City : H : BMH Brewing Co jH ff'p h"u i,nkn ut,i Bisl A. Pappna nnd O. Mctos, Proprietors jH Meat to oat nnd bo rolUhcd, should bo fresh nnd tondor, and ' that Is tho wny you got (t whon you purchase of us. We can ( H soil for loss money, because wo buy for cash and wo don't jB hnvo to tako anything but our cholco. ?liiifl K crj tiling In (Irrot and l-'rcsli Vegetables. , H Next to (Inrdcii Htnrt. I; Phone 48x. PREE DELIVERY. Price, Utah. ; H ? i Do Vou Swim? !H """"""""""""" y h If you do you wltl onjoy tlio largo pools and tho warm jH wator at tho Sanitarium. Tho wator Is always tho propor, IsLLh tomporaturo for nn oajoyablo awlm night or day, H Turkish DaUi and Hod $1.00. H SANITARIUM BATHS, H 02 WestTlilrdBouUi, Bait Lako City I jH "Catorlng only to tho bottor oloraont." j iH WHY NOT SAY HELLO TO THEM? Your friends all want to talk to you ovor tho 'phono. Hotter have It put In, With n tolephouo In your homo you can run errands, go shopping, do business, etc., without lea ing homo. You will onjoy tho convenience. Why not hnvo ItT KAHTHKN UTAH TW.K I'HONK COMPANY. I Q P (Quiet Placo) SAL OON AND llOOMINO IIOUSK. Located Just Kaet of Uio New Uroffot Building. Neatly furnished rooms and ovorythlng strictly first-class. Nothing but tho boat of goods kopt In etock. Como and boo. JOHN O. I'OIUtlMTKIt. Proprietor. i; For Sale One soft mud Brick l Machine, capacity 10,' 000 per day, complete !j outfit, consisting of ! ! Canvas, Trucks, Wheel- barrows, Etc. Will sell 5 t cheap. See or write I; LABS FRANDSEN i; I Box 43. Price, Utah. ; EASTERN UTAH FURNITURE AN) H UNDERTAKING COMPANY. U LICENSED EMBALMERS. .! Kmbalmlng and Shlpplci I II u Specialty ' ! PHICIC .... Ul'AJI. 'jH HIAWATHA i COAL! B """"""' " " """" """"" 'tJH IT'H TIIK I1K8T. IT JK)EH JlM NOT SliAOK. IT DOES IWbl NOT CLINKER. KKI TlfiiliilJA II left mo with a frightful r ugh audi irfllsH very weak. I had sptl. could 1 HcHI hardly bn atho or 1 1 ik f r 1U to ao S BH sU minutes My doctor could not help! M laH mo, hut was completely cured lyH M tM DR. KING'S I IB New Discovery I i I SOoANDSi.OOUALLDRUGQISTS. I HilH mmmmmsammtaizsmmmmmmmmmm SfiH 1