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BBssBBBsrTSBMsiMkBBBWspWBBraB ' H vAoa mom. tiik habi-eiix utah advocate, thuimdav. junk ta, ipi. -! W j THEY WOULD HAVE THE PROSAIC i HEN GROW 111 EGATED PLUMAGE B' ' WASHINGTON, I). C , June 7. V Fowl fanciers nnd experts in tho liu- B roau of Industry nre scoklng IbbbV i lomo method of cross brooding wboroby t)io ttnattrnctlvo lmt useful hen can sprout plumago as variega ted an Joseph's coat of ninny colors Tho nollvlly of tho exports ,1s In- H spired by tho fact that nn over In- V creasing numhor of states are pass- B 1 lag stringent laws against tho ile- BBti structlon of birds for tliolr plum HBBl ago, w)illo sorcral fedoral laws pro- j! hlbltlng tho traffic In such plumage HBBV' aro already In effect. BBBV Tho bird division of the national BBBM tniisoum nlso has tha matter tinder BBF consideration, but It Is Inclined to , bolloro that tho evolution of tho BBBJL common lien along tho lines deslr- BBBt ( cd Is scarce! practical. HBBmi "It might bo accomplished," wild BBBB( ono of tho scientists, facetiously, HBBa.'' "by hatching tho oggs In a dyo HBBA i house. It might also bo accomplish- PURELY PERSONAL BBfi W M. I. llraffct Is In the city to- day from Zlon. BBB j Miss I'earl Dalton loaves this BBBjL, j evening for her homo In tho ttast. B' ' Mrs. T. If. Thomas has return- BBBB' i ed to Helper from a ton day stay BBBb' In Provo and Bprlngvlllo. H, ( -J. U. Wootor was horo a few BBBk J days last woek and this looking nf- BBBB j. tor his various business Intorosts nt BBBV'i l'rlco and vicinity. H m -Miss Paulina aianottl, who has BBBb v- boon nttondlng tho stato university BBBfl tho past yoar, ts oxpocted homo to- BBBB morrow. Holpor Times, 7th. BBB Mls Frances Harmon of l'rlco BBB was tho cuost of Miss Margaret nnd BBK Annabollo Warren during tho first BBBf part of tho woek. Hlopcr TJiuoi, BBJ BBl Honry ItURgorrl Is expected BBH i homo from Halt Lnka City this at- BBB ternoon, having boon n, studont at BBB tho university tho nasi voar. Hoi- BBB. por Times, ,7th. H Mr. nnd Mrs. J. U. Possotto ol BBB ' Sunnysldo woro tho guoits of tho ' BBB Iatlors parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo BBK' A. Ilobb of Price, sovoral days this BBK woek and last. B, , .J.. It. Carpenter ot Illack Hawk, BBB ' II. n; L6wls of Hiawatha nndWII- BLf H&ta Forrester of Mohrlond aro nt- BBH tondtng tho coal miners' congross BBW at ZIon this week. K A A Clark, who put In tho BH l'rlco sower system last year, was BBV1' hero Tuesday from Bait Lako City, BBJv going to Castle Dale. Ho will fig- BBjf uro on tho wator system there. BB ""' Fln'm rcturnod from Ogdon BBV lst Saturday night, whoro ho has BJ been for tho last tan days taking BBm tho baths at tho hot springs for BJ rheumatism. Holpor Times, 7th. B I N. 8. Nollson nnd Noll M. Mnd- BB ! oa nro 'n tho clly today, being call- BB' 4 horo by tho nnnual mooting of BB ! tho stockholders of l'rlco Commro- BMBM i clat nnd Savings bank on Monday Bj last. cd by feeding tho chickabiddies ochre, Prussian blue nnd other vari colored powders Instead of corn or othor grain Ono, you know, can never tell what might happen In such n truly eclontlflo experiment " Tho bureau of animal Industry, howover, Is taking tho matter mora seriously and Is casting nbout for somo Bolutloti of tho subject. .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas h. McCar ly of Urcon Illvor spent Sunday nt l'rlco with Mr. and Mrs. 8. 0. Miles nnd Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Outwits. Thoy woro on tholr way homo from Salt Lako City. Mrs. Sarah Jano Warron, affec tionately known to all old residents of l'rlco as "Mother" Warron, Is now living at Lark, this state, and writes to havo her Advocato for wnrdud to that address. Ocorgo C. Moad camo down from l'rlco and transacted business last Monday. Hq expects to work at tho mines In Spring Canyon for a while. Tho children nro In l'rlco. Urcon Illvor Dispatch, Ctb. Dr. A. O. Soronson returned from l'rovo yostordav with his dnughtor, Miss Lorotta, who recent ly undorwont nn oporatlon thoro for appendicitis. Miss Borcnscn Is to remain In 1'rlcq somo time. Mrs, A. D. SQUlro, sister of Mrs. L. A. Lnubcr, returned to hor homo nt Mantl this morning after a two weeks' visit horo. Sho was ac companied by Clnronco Lauber, who will spend tho summer nt Mantl. Mrs. It. W. Crockott nnd two llttlo sons lonvo next Saturday to spend tho summer months nt tho old homo In Missouri. Mrs. Crock ott will visit nt Donvor, Colo., nnd at Kansas Clly going and coming. W. D. Haipln of tho Uintah Hallway company was In Vernnl dur Injr tho wook on buslnoss with tho bonrd of equalization and tho dis trict court. Ho says tha Uintah will not bo extondod Into tho reservation this yonr. Vernal Kxnress, 7th. Fred L. Wntrous, editor of My ton'n Itccord, lott l'rlco last Thurs day for his homo on tho reservation after closing up n real ostato deal for a big bunch of land botwoon a rosldonl of California and n Colo rado gentleman, t!io deods bolng t to l'rlco tor dellrory. Goorgo Webster, special nsont of tho. Prussian Nntlonal Insurnnco company, accompanied by Mrs. Web ster, spent Saturday and Sunday In l'rlco. Mrs. Wobstor Is n girlhood friend In Missouri ot Mrs. J. A. Crockett ot l'rlco, and Mr. and Mrs. Wobstor woro tho guosts ot tho lat ter whllo horo. 11. L. Adams nnd W. C. Osborn, prominent buslnoss mon nnd capital ists ot Grand Junction, Colo., spont Sunday nnd a part ot Monday In l'rlco, tho guosts of Arthur J. Loo, manager ot tho Now York storo, and la which each Is Intorostod as a stockholder. Thoy nro favorably Iraprdsnqd with this city and may bocomq atlll further Intorostcd In sovoral ways horo. sssH ; WE ARE SHOWING I I THIS WEEK I ' !: JW Ulm WASB :! bH $htK ,-so to 3 Bi fyrY Also a complete line of H'1 YVV Art Needle Work, white or H 7)' colored. H' Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention Here H; I BESSIE KENNEDY, Milliner B Next to tho Ooldea Hulo Store, Price, Utah. B' W. F. ICnlgbt 0. Mlrabollt B KN1QHT c& MIRABELH HB MBROHANT TAIL.OWH, IIUUPUU, UTAH B neprofecntatlyca ot this firm will bo In Prlco Twlco Each BBl v. w Month. Or, wrlto us and wo will eond a representative to call WM, on you. BBJ suits to oitnnn, $20.00 and xjv H Wo do French Dry Cleaning For Ladtos nnd OenUotncm. BBBJl' . . . BbW. There is Style, There is Fit, There is Comfort and Service I in the Men's and Boys' Suits we sell you. Our $9.90 Suit for Men is equal ( j; any sold in Carbon County for $12.50. Our $12.50 Suit is equal to the ones others ji sell for $18.50. If we cannot prove .ihis to you, we cannot expect your business, ij Men's Work Shoes, $1.98 and $2.49 Ladies' House Dresses, $1.39 to $1.98 !; Men's Work Shirts, 39c and 45c Ladi"' Whilc Drc55C5 Vol,c and Lawn J $4-98 to $6.90 Men's Dress Shirts, 49c and 98c ;; 2 Kimonas, long and short, 49c to $1.49 !; Men's Unions, 69c and 98c ah Colors Arthur A. Taylor, stato sheep Inspector, nnd Vornon llllss loft to day for tho desert, whoro they will look for stray shcop. Thoso that nro found, It It Is Imposslblo to dip them nnd cot thorn to n herd, will bo klllod In ordor to do away with tho possibility ot tholr Infecting shocp with scabies noxt fall. Moub Times, Cth. Word cornea from l'rlco that Lowry Nelson ot Fcrron has secured tho post ot nljlit clork at tho Savoy Ilotol for tho sumtnor, nnd tho hotel Is to bo concratulated on Its gain. Nelson wilt rcsumo his school work next fall, ho having graduated from tho l'rlco hlxb. school four year course this spring. Cnstlo Palo l'rogross, 7th. Dr. J. C. (lraham enrao over from Perron last Friday to get his automobllo that has boon hero for sovernl days for repairs, tho ma chine having been pretty badly dam agod n short time ngo In nn nccl dont. Times nro good with every body but tho doctors over In tho kingdom of Km cry, says ho, and tho prospects nro flno for n most pros porous season with everyone. Arthur J., former cashier ot tho First Hank of Frtilta and mayor ot that city, nxpects to resign within a short time, according' to nu thonlla Information from tho lower valloy today. Ho has become Intor estod In tho city ot l'rlco In tho morchandlso bustnsos and will prob ably locato thoro permanently In- a short time I,. A. Stownrt ot tho Valloy Commercial company Is presi dent ot tho city council, utid It Is oxpocted thnt ho will succeed Leo as mayor. Leu. has a largo clrdo it frlonds who will regret his depart ure from this county. Urand Junc tion (Colo.) Sentinel, Oth. rio.j:i:it of HANrirri: COUXTV IMKSIIS AWAY MANTI, Juno 0. Mrs. Eliza. El vira, Allrod dlod nt hor horn horo last night, after a lingering Illness, from llrlght's illsonso. Mrs. Allrod was born In Spring City In 18G3. Sho was married to Iledlck It. All rod forty-four years ago and reared n largo family. Mr. and Mrs. All red lived at Cheater, llolden and Spring City and nulsted in settling theso places. Thrao years ago thoy movod to Mantl. Mrs. Allrod Is survived by hor husband nnd ton children. Tho chil dren nro Mrs. Drusllla Love, Alamo, Nov.; Mrs, Etlnda K. Madsen and Mrs. Luclna A. l'otorson of Uph ratm; Mrs. Clara L. Johnson, Delta; Mrs. Delia C. Hunter, llolden; Hrvln II. and Vorn II. Allrod of Curront, Nov., nnd Violin, Xrossa nnd Ilortol la of Mantl. Tho body will bo ta ken to Spring City for burial. IJKST LAXATIVi: FOlt Till! AOKI) Old mon and women fel tho nood of a laxative more than young folks, but It must be safe and harmloss 1 and ono which will not ctiiw pain. Dr. King's New Life l'llls are espe cially good for tho aged, tor thoy net promptly and oaslly. l'rlco twon-ty-tlva cents. lUoomraended by all dealers Advt. ' 1'ollow Tin: citowu. Follow th,o crowd to Ilalllngor's chill parlor. Pood oats. Advt. Uasollno. and coal oil stoves at Sumner's both new and second hand. Advt. NEVER WROHOED HER Tucker Mmi Taw HcrimiN Clinrgo nl Knll Ijiko Clly. "I never wronged Clara Morgan nnd would havo protected her against wrong," said W. II. Ilarton, foroman for thq Utah Construction company, In tho city prison at Salt Lako City last Sunday night. Ilarton was arrested Frldny whllo In tho company ot Miss Morgnn, who ts from Tuckor. Parents ot tho girl arrlrcd In Bait unk Clly later. They dcclaro thoy will press sorlous charges against Ilarton. The latter says ho hns n wlfo and child on tho way to Salt Lako City from Denver and thnt ho omplocd Clara Morgan to act as a nurso. I Tho Morgan girl lately wont tol Tuckor to work from tho reservation country, whoro hor parents nt pros ont resldo. UTAH IS FOUTU.VA.Ti: O.V LOSHilH I1V I'llli: Tho nvorngo ratio loss by flro In Utah In tho Inst ton years, accord ing to a compiled stntemont In tho Argus, nn Insurnnco publication, has boon 30.37 per cent. This means thnt tho ratio botween tho losses paid and tho premiums collected by companies has averagod that much. Tho amount ot tho premiums col lected In tho last ton years has boon $7,140,484, and tho losses paid, $2, 000,783. Tho Pacific Coast Statos, which Include Utah, havo averaged from ono-fourth to ono-thlrd lower than tho states ot any other group In flro rntlo and consequently tho flro Insurance rato In Pacific Coast States Is comparatltcly lower. MINNESOTA COMPANV TO HAW TIMIIKU XT PltOVO PKOVO, Juno 9. Forest Bupo visor Pack, who wllh, Forest Kxam Inor Beovoy took J. D. Button, a MInuuota tlmbormnn, to tho forost at tho head ot tho Provo river last week, lias returned. Ho states that Sutton was apparently well uatlsflod with tho quantity and quality ot timber tho government has for salo there, and Pnck believes Sutton will purchnso tho timber for his com pany. If ho doos It Is his Intention to float tho timber down tho Provo river and boom It In Utah Lako, where a mill will bo orectod on tho bank for sawing tho tlmbor. Cornelius P. Illcbraond, aged SO years, dlod Tuevduy last at n Salt Lako City hospital na tho result ot a paralytic stroko suffered on Dec oration Day. Tuosday was tho an niversary of his birth. Richmond was tho oldost omployo in point ot aorvlco ot tho Donver aud Wo Orando. Ho ontorod tho sorvlco ot tli o rond In 1885 and was at Goshen en Ms run botween Salt Laku City and Curoka whon strlckon. Ho gradually lost strength until tho ond camo. CAN'T lCi:i:i IT SHCItUT. Tho splondld work ot Chamber Iain's Stomach and Llvor Tablets la dally becoming" raoro wldoly known, No such grand romody for stomach and liver troubles has over been known. For salo by all dealers. Advt. flAH,SHftui.S? f1!! TIIK MXDFUL. Ilontrice Do you think It Is unmnldonly for a girl to prop" man during leap year? Cortland Ccrtnlnly not If Mio hns monoy for two fWllTiovii Jj and located in our new corner location at j! , Ninth and Main. We believe our stock is as ji good as the location, and take this manner ; of announcing to the public that we are at ;! their service with the best and cleanest stock ; in Eastern Utah. j: J. B. Roberts. The Rexali St KIIKIIP DIPPIXd ix T. HTATJ2 OltniillH IHHl'Ull That it will not bo nocowary to Issuo a, general blnnkot dipping or der throughout tho state, because sheep nro practloally freo from tho dlsoaso of sheep scabies, was decid ed Tuesday last nt a meeting of tho s ato board of sheep commissioners. ln Zl0W' ,,owovor' lt t would bo nocossary to Issuo blanket dip- Ping orders to apply to all sheep In Carbon, Grand, Kmery and Wasatch uTn "' ?? 'I10 Bhocp ln b Sun. Mo. nro affected with sheep scabies. Tho ,heop will have to be dipped batweon Boptombor 1st and October I'ltcpr.itTv rou ham:. onMr rosldoncd of six rooms, bath and modern ln every respect, is , 0 f. ferod for sale olthor fTirni.Li unturnUhed. iffirtwiS lot, a hundred by two hundred, on wits, Prico, Utah. Wanted donoral sonant. ADniv Dr. M. V. Maloney' , DENTIST S Painless mothods. r jeasonablo. Written tTL , given with all work & ! nnd brldgo work a "j S Plates that fit nnd ij S mako tho mouth sore. ' years In Carbon county , ' tlraatos nnd oxamlnatlo" ly glvon froo of .4 , Hours 0-13 n. ' S p. in. Sundays, 10 to3- Offlco in Pnrkcr & " Dlock, ovor Itexall VTt Everything marked In urcs nt tho Kastorn vw5t.)l company's storo, a nmf;, iji osh prlco, nnd that U f Vour nolghbof pnld W'Tr,tot no moro no loss, ot tl Advt. Wo havo a bargain U ( Prlco ntvor Irrigation "V from ton to throo uDX,4" Liberal tormn with oW' i (s down. It. W. Crociow