Newspaper Page Text
I Eastern Utah Advocate I H . A NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED FOR PEOPLE NOW ON EARTH. H B j ' '- -. .... . ft, .- .. , BBT.EXTH YKAK, MUCK, UTAH, THUHStlAY, Jl'MJ 10, tOl.I. , NUMHKIl St. H H REDS Kfeatjsohrlands Bof tiik i"-ST ciamks OK kl Hh'ABON HUNDAY IfcHT. ItlTolry nt tho Two Camp to BBS HouUi Over HamcIr11 Honor H Hcnnon Utnli lml NUio L ti Dcfcnt llcforo Uio Twirl Hof tlio MMvalo ARffrcKntJon. PHHV ftpondenco Tho Advocate KwATlL, Juno 17. Tho Hla BBB Ilodi dofoated tho Mohrland Hln a fast gamo at Hiawatha BBBBundar. Mohrland has a cood BflBg In (act, a very good team, Hho pitching of Whlto was too Tfor thorn and tho hoary bat Hst Mcl'hoo routod thorn entire rrio Hiawatha team has been IHclhcnod by tho ncqulslton of Hicy, whoso playing wan greatly flHnslblo for Hiawatha' heavy L Downoy In a colloglan , a IHtato of tho University of Cork, Ho ho played sonsatlonnl ball, at Hng tho attention of big loaguo H, btt ho preforred to koop out IBotcsttonal ball and Hiawatha IB bo ongratulatod on procuring IBcrvlcts. Mohrland was liandl Hed In having to work an Inox Knccd socond baseman who was Table to ncoro ono run for thorn. lamo Is truo of tholr shortstop, flflktrctlvo was nt tho gamo look Hor a couplo of playors who cs Kl from tho Union association, ho statod after tho gamo that Bras misled in coming up, as tho pb played hero Is entirely too for thorn. Ho depnrtod Immo pVftly nftor tho gamo for Clear Bit. Horowith tho box score' jflflratha- All It II 10 A H Mr ib .. r, 2 2 n o o Ijfljflhco 2b . r, 3 4 1 1 0 jflK 3b .... C 1 1 2 2 0 Spicy cf ... 4 o 3 o o o ftory e , r, 0 0 11 2 0 ftpison si . 4 0 0 1 2 2 jflflfcrcst rf ... 4 1 .3 0 0 0 jflflhson It 4 1 2-10 1 Mo p .. 4 . 0 0 1 ' Q B 40 8 10 27 8 3 Krlnnil AD II U PO A B Ifltco cf -. .. 4 0 1 1 0 0 flew ss .. 4 1 1 2 3 1 Wean 2b ... 2 1 0 3 1 0 Knlcy lb 4 0 1 10 0 0 jfljtimcycr 3b 4 0 0 0 11 JTuckor - 400820 jfljtthowa If ... 4 0 1 0 0 0 ikjckor p .. .- t 0 2 0 G 0 hrlstrom rf - 4 0 0 0 0 1 B 34 2 0 24 '13 3 BTwobaso hits, Mcl'hoo, Downey, fljYtlos, Tuckor, bases on balls, off Biltc, 2, wild pitch, Tuckor; otruck t, by Whlto, 12, by Tuckor, 10; umpire, 1; doublq play. Antics to jfltKcan to Bhanloy; passod balls, Bckor; loft on bases, Hlnwntha 7, Mohrland 7; stolon bases, Domorest, treason, Dodgo 2, Antics, Tuckor, BBcrlllcQ bit, Downey, Umplros, acquaintance You Naturally Trust Per. H on or Thing Known :: H By HOLLAND. WHEN about to cngsgo In a business venturo you J prefer to deal with somo ono J you know Vou have mora J contldeuco In tho adrlco of an I acquaintance than tn that of. H ferod by a atranger. ConQ- Bfl denco Is based on acquaint' B anee. I In buying goods you prefer H to buy tboso that have proved Bfl their merit You want those Bfl of a known standard-thoso Bfl that havo stood the test of Bfl uio. Thcso are the goods that Bfl aro advertised. Look at our Bfl advertising columns and seo Bfl It this Is not true. Bfl Did you ever know an artlclo Bfl of Inferior merit to bo widely Bfl advertised? It Is a fact that Hi U)0 Bl MObT WIDELY HI ADVEUTISKD GOODS HI Altn TU13 11EST HI Justus jou Dnd It safest to HI do business with a man you H know, you will And It safest H to buy goods that you know H goods with which you have H becomo acquainted through H advertising Iflsssssis: " m ""'" ....? . "ISN'T IT THE TRUTH?" I1Y WALT MacDOUGAL 1 tHE DOCTOR 5E.T5 HIS PRICrl ACCORDING "TO tll "TOGS TPU NJAY HAPPEN T6 VVEARl I 1 K 4V t 1 ' ' ' '"prgTfa-4 ) 1 Wallace, until the fireworks started, tlion Santschl. Timo two hours The Utah Fuels of Bait LakosClty woro trlmmod at Mldvalo last Bun day by tho lattor nine Tho score was twontv to three I'rlco Owls and tho Helper Owls club camo togothor at tho railroad town last Trlday, tho ncoro being ton to flvo In favor of tho Helper aggregation. I'rlco and Cnstlo Oato play at tho mining camp noxt Bunday, A good sited crowd will go up from here. Jack Caltcrt, who was trlod out as a pitcher by I'rlco n few days ago, has returned to his homo at Myton. Harry Bantschl nt Muck Hawk Is anxious to arrange a gamo ylth somo of tho uppor camp clubs, pre ferably Scofleld, to which club ho promlsos not to do n thing. ROADS HED SOLD lurr mul Itlu (Jnuxlo M11)' "'"" Tho Ilruiich LIhcm. Kuroora have been persistent nt Prico and In Salt Lako City for aov. cral days now that tho Caatlo Vnlle) nnd tho Southern Utah railroads out of this city to tho mlnlnR camps south aro to bo taken over tho first of July by the Denver and Kio Grande sjstem. However, ofllclals of tho two lines who ought to know If thero Is anything to tho reports profess Ignoranco of any deal. Such, however, would not bo sur prising, for by tho absorption of Uicbq lines thoy would not only be put out of commission as competitors, but would help tho Donver and Klo Grando to reach Huntington Canon, soveral miles further to the south. Recently tho Denver and Uio Grando completed a survey to Hunt ington Canyon, and tho matter of building a branch out of Price has been up to the board of dlrcotors in Now York since. Tho output of coal at Black Hawk, Mohrland aud Hiawatha is at this tlmo some five hundred tons dally, and Increasing all tho time. Everything markod In plain fig ures nl tho Eastern Utah Furniture company's storo, a tlmo price nnd a cash price, and that tho lowest. Your nolghbor paid tho samo as you, no more no less, at that store. Advt, MIDLAND TRAIL SURELY READY BY NEXT MONTH Iirgo forces of men and teams nro putting the Midland trail through I'rlco IUvor Canyon, no that tho roadway will bo In readiness for tho Indiana motorists whon they como through horo In July nut. , Tho hoavlcst work Is being on countored up HOrso Crook Canyon boond Castle Oato, a strotch of four to flvo miles. From Castlo Oato town to Castlo Oato Itock tho grnator part of tho work of road building Is dono. This oxponso has boon borne by F. N. Cameron, who Is oponlng up a mine boyond Castlo Oato. Ca mor on has also rccontly built a substan tial brldgo thero In connection with tho road nnd his property. IHHUKH I'AMl'HLirr ON (iOOU UOAI) IIHI'AIIUNO WASHINGTON, D. C , Juno 13. Increase in tho numbor nnd weight of automobiles and heavy auto trucks has promptod tho offlco of public roads of the department of agriculture to Issue a spoctal pam phlot of Instructions on tho main tenance of highways. It recom mends the Inclusion of hoavlor and moro substantial foundations in road building as a means of keopng down tho cost of such maintenance "There (s probably no subject In which tho progressiva farmor Is moro deeply Interested," say the road exports tn a statoment Issued today, "than that of having roads connecting him with hi markots over which ho may bo ablo to hnul tho greatest possible loads. Good roads, llko all other good things, aro too oxponilvo to build and of too much value to bo neglectod. Tho pamphlet does not go Into tha work of road construction to any oxtdnt, but tho exports have confined their recommendations to tho best methods for keeping In re pair roads already built. twkijVi: milks or hoaii just nuur nv county Tho county has Just completed tho building of twelvo miles of road from Anderson's ferry noar Cisco to tho Colorado and Utah state lino, according to Commlsslonr John E. I'aco, says Moab's Times of last Frl , day. James M. Waring, deputy road commissioner, has had charge of tho work. In many places new road was built, whllo tha old road was rrpnlred most of tho way. Tho road Just complotcd Is tho ono favored by J. I'. Mlllor as tho route for tho Midland trail from Clmo oast to Orand Junction. It Is easily passablo for automobiles at this tlmo. Only eight miles of road aro yet to bo built to havo a dlroct road from Green IUvor to tho stato lino, by way of Monb nnd Castloton. Those olsht mllos llo botw-oon Dowey and tho Dolores river. Commissioner l'aco Is confident that tho oast and wost highway through Grand county will evontual ly come down tho Orand river. OixJcr Work On Troll Only. Ily an order of the board of coun 1 commissioners at Orand Junc tion, Colo,, all work on county roads except tho Midland trail highway has boon ordered stopped. Tho com missioners aro desirous of having oory ffort for road Improvement bont entirely toward tha. trail, and It is hoped that It will bo In first class condition by tho Umo of tho Indiana tourists. Ilulldliig kI HrldgcM. Itobert Woodruff, who Is ovorseo Ing hildgo work on tho Midland trail, camo In and spent Bunday with hU family, says Thursday's Greou IUvor Dispatch. Ho reports that somo vory substantial brldgos have been constructed ot ties from tha nirt nnrrnw L'auL'o road. Throo hundred and fifty pounds ot nails was used lu building ono brldgo Mono, which would Indicate that It Is ot grotty good construction. Thoy aro now In tho. vicinity ot Pinto, working eastward toward tho stato lino. UTAH HAS DItOUGJIT, S8 WHATHEIl HUIIHAU IlKl'OKT Tho national weoklv weather bul letin Issued by tho weather bureau shows that for Utah a condition of drought prevails In all counties, de spite tho rains previous to last week. Tho aaraQ droughty condi tions soom to hold In California, Ne vada, Idaho and part of Orogon. In tho East considerably moro rain was roportod, though nonq fell In tho Dakotas, Northern Mlnnosota or Western Pennsylvania. , i Legal blanks of every description carried In stock. Tho Advocate. Pub- llshtng Co. Advt. BREftK IK THE flUCHTE'S MflCHINERY I Owing to a break in it) linotype machine, The Advocate fll is one day late this week, appearing this (Friday) afternoon, '1 twenty-four hours after its usual time for going to press. The jH break occurred last Tuesday and it was necessary to send to M San Francisco for the broken part M We feel that this explanation will "square" the manage- M ment with its subscribers, who expect "the great moral and tsflsfla religious" throughout the county Thursday evenings and il Friday mornings. lifll DISTRICT NtOMTfllKS Ono of tho moit Important nets of tho Juno term of district court, now In session, was thu dUnilanal of tho caso against Former County Sur veyor Turner, charged with defraud i Ing tho county This action was i taken Tuesda), on recommendation I ot District Attornc) Cherry. ' Tho two stato cases against Form cr County Clerk Gwlljm Jones are , set for Saturday of this week. King Si King hao taken the place of I) D. Houti as attorney for tho defense Tho murder caso against Emanuel Sargakis, who has jumped his bond, was dropped from the docket. The forgery caso against C. A. Gray was dlsmiRscd on motion of the district attorney. Tim trl il of Gust Karas, ohnrged with burglary, Is net for tomorrow. The assault charge against George Duliose of Wellington, was dis missed Tho grand larceny case against JamcH Martin, Prank Wilson, Kirk Smoltzernnd I tort Hand, who arc charged with robbing a Helper gamb ling house, Is on trial today, and tho cases ngnlust James Kelly, burglaty , Frank Dusscrro, burglary, and John Thompson, larceny, nro to follow, I Tho burglary caso against John I Gallo is set for tomorrow In Ujo cms where SfcrtuV PrlA UUCti KWr OrU5lt!i&rttriW' fees and the defendant nppoalcd xo tho district court, appeal dismissed. Tho following cases woro dropped from the calendar; Philip Dennis, ot nl, vs. Spring Glen Canal Co.; Statu ex rel. Itandolph, Sharp and Hamil ton, s. 0. S. Fierson; Amanda CheckotU vs. Henry Cliccketts ; Lap ham fc Sorenson, vs. Wright Osborn company. In tho caso of Helper Statu Hank s. G. W. Lnlng, demurrer was over ruled and defendant given 20 days to (llo nnswer. Same aotlon in case of JooGrako, vs. 0. A. Franks. Interlocutory decrees of divorce wcrr granted to Maud from Hrnest Jones ; Mnry from Clifford Itoblnson ; Agnus from Arch McAllister, and Gulsepplna from Mattco Gravlana ; final decrees to Hmma from J. V, Davis ; Francus from Joseph Kos inlcli. Tho caso of G. W. DuBoso vs. Kz ra Itranch was dismissed nt plain tlfTs cost. First National Hank of Donver vs. W. II. Fryo, ot al., sot for July 1. Statu of Utah ox rel Nell Madson b. County Commissioners and 0. A. Plerson, dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Carbon County vs. Gwilym Jones, W. D. McLean, H. F. Caffey and F N. Cameron, sot for July 1. Wright Oaborn Co. vs. Various labor unions, dismissed at coat of plaintiff. Vcrner Grogerson et al. vs. Con solidated Fuol company, judgment for plaintiff for $300. A. largo number of foreign born porsons wero granted naturalization papers. ITALIANJS DEAD Countryman Must Htniul Trial For Muislvr at Coal Coiiip. Casper Palmut, who was stabbed at Sunn side, on tho evening of Juno Oth byv Camlllo Planoro, has since died at a Salt Lako hospital. Lator tho murderer was captured at Green River and brought back to Price and is now in tho county jail The preliminary hoaring has not as yot been held and is not likely to bo until after the present term of district court, when the man will bo taken boforo tho justico at Sunnj sldo. Tho trial will theroforo, come up at tho noxt term of court. I mmm ma Commercial Club Tries to Havo H Money mvl Iamkm Tlietvby, apfl ssssssssa Bomo six. or eight weeks ago a flpfl reprosontatlvo ot Wellington's Com- , plfl morclal club visited thq two prlat- ppfl Ing ostabltshmonts at Prico and tBflsfll sought bids on a thousand letter 'sflfffl heads and an equal amount ot on- fl volopos Tho figures ot tho local '-sflsflsi concerns footed up loss than nlno ! dollars $8.7C to bo oxaet. BVI In tho moantlmo, howevor, an III Eastern concern proffered tho club tho work at about a dollar and a 1 AflJ half lew, and tho Job wont Kast, lflfll along with a postofflco ordor for vl tho amount, through C. 8. Hill, tho lflflsfll club's secretary. As yot has iflpfl boon no word from tho work or tho Bpfl postofflco ordor. Ipfl Tracers havo boon sent out In tho j pfl hopo of rocoverlng tho money ad- flH vancod Tho only regret ot Tho ppj Advocnto, and wo bollovo wo oxpress sflsflsi tho sonllmonts ot thn othor estab- aBssflsl tlshmont at Price, Is that tho Wol- llngton club was not "slung" for a flflH still grcator amount. .lflsflffJ Considering what tho nowopapors i p at Prico aro doing for tho country pfl lu gonoral and this county nnd tha pHH stato as a wholo, It In small busl- j pfl noss for nny commercial organlso- j B Hon to send away from homo for flflH work ot this kind. j a n-fTiif-tg. un -, svPflssiS V ,JsVflH Upcr Ooal 0mf. "' " 'twiprrTn 7.", BBB ' flsflssi Cloar Crook clttsons aro going tu flBflJ celebrato the Glorious Fourth In pflfta truo and propor style. At a moot- ' piBl Ing a few ovonlngs slnco thcso com- I pBflj mlttoes woro appolntod j IflH Plnanco Commutes C K. Jon- ( BpJ sen, David McMIHnr nnd Kit Oour- i din. I Iflpl Programs Arthur Walker, Mrs. ( P. C Larson, Mrs. Frank Hill, Mrs. p Matt Curey, William L Ilurton and i flH John W. Durton IpflpJ Ilefreshmonts 8am Woodhoad, flBpJ Goorgo Marx, Hurt Illsloy, Kdward fljfll Holllman and David Drown. Bports David Gordon, Dr. K. R. Murphy, J K Gunderson, Matt Cur- flftpj ey, C K Jonsen and A A. Jooso, pflH Decoration James Avorott, Wll- flBflJ Ham Sftcetiuan, Chnrlos Avorett, K. pH It. Bneddon, David Gordon and Aug- flopj J Parade Abo Btrato, P C. lrson . ' and David McMillan flflpj RIO GRANDE IS BUSY t sflsflsi Cns of Kunc7orM Working Oh ' ! Colurndu mul Juiloni Utoli Iiac, lH MKKKUIl, Colo, Juno 13. With ' 'H tho arrival today ot a party ot sur- ' flnfl voyars for the Donver and Wo i ' Orando, who began a preliminary .flBpJ survey from Meokor to Dragon, f , flBpj Mookor has begun to feel that Its v vflH quarter century dream ot a railroad IIH Is about to bo realUod. ' flRpJ Tho survey Is being made through i tho White IUvor Valley as far as ! flflflj Dragon. Where It will go from 1 flflflj Dragon Is not known. Tho survoy will follow tho White rlvor, passing AH through tho famous Illuo Mountain sfll country and Itangely, Wsyfll Tho road will ODton ud ono of tho lHssI richest countries on tho western IsVbVJ stopo. No portion ot this vast coun- j "NJ try Is yot traversed by a railway 1 K9J BOY IS DROWNED '" lllsssi 1'oniUT l'riou Youth Lohoh Llfo In Isflsfll tlio Grcon IUvor. Ssflsfll Tho body ot Weston McPhorson, IflYsfl tho 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. iflfffll Charles MoPhcrson of Oroen Illvor IflffJsi was found at tho stato brldgQ there- ' flJH yesterday. Tho lad was drowned j pApj last Friday, and slnco thon a con- " pfll stant search bad boon mado for tho . pl romalns. Tho paronts aro well ' tflflfl known at Price and elsowhoro In. f Carbon county Thoy, with tho flflH body ot tho child, passed through u flBpJ Prico yosterdny evening for Provo, rVflsi whoro thu funeral and burial wUl I bo hold today, J i flfl li fl isflsfll ' flsB m