I Eastern Utah Advocate I
lyBYsfn Tjuiii KXi'KNDiTinns
iumi i:stdlvti:i).
Hcni Traveling Man Prc--nt
m Tlmt Open tlio Kyra of
BBVg Locally Oood Ilond nml
Hii Hrlng Money Into Any
BBB-y lrm Many Source.
BBL nutomobllo tourist who
BBBJhrough Utah Is worth ten
BBBK day to tho pooplo ot this
IBBSthcro nro (Wo In tho party,
BBBSgroup 1 worth fifty dollars
BBBTdeclarcd A. J. Shoystcr ot
BBBJnt Salt Lako City last fiat
BBBTlIo was discussing tho Mid
U In this stato and tho cam
BBBkat Is bolnK waged by tho
BBBkoclatlon, through a special
BBBJo ot which Dr. Curl's A.
BBF it chairman, to ralso add!
BBBynds for finishing touches In
BBB- stato highway.
BB Wherry's commlttco should
BBB difficulty In gottlng tha no
BBY contributions," observed tho
BBj n.an. "For business rev
Hr tlio benefit that will accruo
Bi, t) o people should bo will
HVVkUo freely to this fund. J'ar
BBKlong tho routo should giro
BBS bottir road by which to mar
BBdr products. Business inon
BBY gtvo for tho nddlUonol bust
BHhcy will get from trnvolors
Hm a traveling salosmnn. 1 go
Hsr tho country. Today 1 nm
BBmrgo city nnd tomorrow I nm
BBwtllo hotel In n small town.
BBS nround smull town hotels In
BBjtntc, whero good roads have
BB&uilt nnd motor parties nro
BBnt, I liivo watched motor par
BBSemo in nnd hnvo soon tha
BBS. they hnvo left In n town. In
BBjgregato, business of thoso mo
BBYmcaiis something to ti town,
HHero nro flvo or six pooplo In
Kfttomnbllo party, they must all
BBj hotel nccominodatious and
BB; I'robably thoro nro n couplo
BBKcras In tho crowd. Tho toil
BB to tho local druggist or sta-BB-for
now films. Coming in,
BBly, tho wholo party will drnw
BY tho drug storo and get a ro
Bag ko cream soda. Then gas
BBvlias to bo bought. Somotlmes
Bn to bo mado on earn souvo
Bards and other Incidentals.
Hb Alpena, Mich., tho othor day,
BKhousand business nnd profos
BBl man mado day laborers of
BBwclvcs for ft dny und built n
road from Hay City to Mack
BB In a day. That's tho right
BL Thcro Is somothlng moro to
Sod road than tho mere building
1. however. A good road must
tied, notwithstanding what may
aid to tho contrary, Tio host
BBs nm oiled nnd tho best way to
xro a road In good condition Is
Bl It. Pooplo must learn that in
BB road building. Initial cost ot
oiling tuny bo rogardod as ox
Blve. but tho money will bo sav
Bji tho upkeep. An ollod road
ieputat10n for
bfruiufulness makes
Advertising pay
ory ono knows that. Hut
B not all know oxnetly why awl
B how It pays and why It con-
B tlnucs to pay continuous ad-
BR vcrtlscrs,
BV It pays becauso ot tho rep-
K utatlou tho advertisers bavo
B mado for telling tho truth, for
m fair dealing and for business
B honesty. IT IS WICKED TO
Bl rOOLISH. Just think how
BV extremely foolish It would bo
j to pay for odvertlsl-g spaco
Bl In which to spread false-
Bl hoods.
Bl Merchants know that tholr
Bl reputations for tmthtulocss
Bm in the advertisements Is tbelr
Bl best business asset They
Bn know that to mako their ad-
Bl vcrtlslug valuable It must bo
Bfl believed; It must bo truth-
BJ ful day after day, week after
week, month after month.
BJI Itcad tlio advertisements In
BJ this paper closely and romom-
Be bcr that back of every stato-
Bl ment is tho reputation ot n
Bfl leading merchant, a rcputa-
BJ tlon ho has spent years In nc-
Bm quiring and which bo will
Bl guard closely.
Saluto ot Thlrteon aims at Sunrise, Albort J. Orames, Gunner,
followed by band concert on Main street from 9 to 10 o'clock ot
tho forenoon. Goddess of Llborty Annabol Lewis; maids, Dorothy
Wado and Mlldrod Kausott. Carl II. Marcuson, master of ceremon
ies. Following Is tho program:
Musical Selection - -- Prlco Ilrass Hand
"America" -- -- --CoiiRrogatlon, Ilox Miller, IWidor
Invocation -- .- .. . Albort Ilryner
Song, "Tho Sword of Ilunkor Hill" .- -- L. A. Laubor
Reading tho Declaration of Indcpondonco.. Mabol Hoffmann
Solo, "Star Spanglod Ilannor" - - - Lor a Harmon
Oration - . .. Hev. J. II. Korrls
Boloctlon, "Lustspoll" . arltflth Orchestra
Heading - .. .. Agnes MacLonn
Cornel Solo Fred Woods
Solectlon, "Olrl nnd Kalsor" arifflth Orchostra
Albort Drynor, chairman of t)io commlttco on sports for tho
children, announces that tho coininltteo as yot has not finished Its
work, but has docldod on n danco at City Hall from S until 4
o'clock of tho nftornoon.
Tho dancing will bo followod by foot races for tho bpys nnd
girls, sack races, "cock" fights by tho boys (somothlng novel) nnd
othor sports to bo soloctod. It Js tho Intention to hang up somu
cash prUos.
Tniln lunula of tho rroduct H "
flit Out tt Halt Lnko City.
Utnh asphalt, thlrtoon thousand
tons of It, will bo brought to Salt
Lako City within tho next fow
wooks, or as soon as It can bo takon
from tho mines near Sunnysldo, for
uso on tho streots, according to 8.
V. Dorrah, assistant gonoral freight
agont for tho Donvor nnd Hlo
Orando, oays Tuesday's Horald-Uo-publlcan.
Preparations nro being
mado by tho traffic department of
tho road to handle this Immenso
tonnago, and it will bo dollvorcd as
fast as It can bo loaded nt tho Cnr
imn county camp.
Another projoct that Is now ln
hand Is to proldq enough asphalt
to pavo n full mllo of tho Midland
trail in Salt Lako county. This
proposition has not reached n defi
nite head as yot, although H 1ms
I boon discussed by railroad men nnd
nutomobllo enthusiasts nnd It is un
derstood that, if tho asphalt will bo
furnlsbod, It will bo hauled to Salt
Lako City without cost by tho rail
roads. ....
Hack In Carbon county, tho Mia
land trail onthuslosUs havo also
beon working on a plan to provide
for tho uso ot tho natural nsphnlt
on long stretches ot tho road, whero
J It can bo procurod practically lor
- hauling.
to mm
Hilt CoUirtulit I'limiiclul Cone-urn Ku
tcrlng Ilia rriro I'li-ld.
hllo over at Orand Junction,
Colo, last Monday Arthur J. Loo of
this c't complotod arrangements
for representing In Prlco tho United
Ssvlncs and Investment company, a
Colorado concern with a r Mllon dol
lars capital and a largo butplus.
Tlio company oporatos on plans
similar to some of tho building nnd
loan associations and advnnces
money to homobullders or takes
savings arccunts at interest from
thoso who do not deulro to put tholr
money Into real ostnto.
It Is tha purpogq to help tho homo
buildor at Prlco and nnyono Inter
ested will find It ot advantage to
oall on Arthur J. Loo at tho Now
York Cssh storo and talk matters
over with that gentleman.
S. G. McMullln, a prominent
banker and business man through
out Colorado, Is prosldont of 'tho
company, and was hero this week
looking tho local field ovor. Ho Is
much iinpressod with Prlco.
Seo "Tho Vongoanco'of Hoavon"
at tho Princess tonight. Advt.
Tinker Illrrlciiltifrt Now Only Ht
tnul tt Ono (.'iimp.
Any doubt which may hnvo ex
isted as to tho settlement or tho
Tucker strlko was romood Tuesday
last, whon tho Industrial Workers
ot tho. World announced that thoy
had secured an ndjustmcnl of tholr
difficulties In nil but ono of tho
construction camps.
"With tho exception ot Doollng
llros.," said S. Soarlot, Salt Lako
City socrotary, "all of tho camps
havo grantod tho twenty-flo cent
Increaso on tho minimum wago sche
dule. As a rosult wo havo callod oft
tho strlko In all but ono ot tho
"Wo conceded tho ton-hour day,
reallilng that wo nro not strong
enough to gain that point at this
time However, tho contractors
remedied sanitary conditions nnd
grantod tho Increaso In wages de
manded by tho workers."
About a week ngo, tho contrac
tors declared that tho strlko was Bot
tled and that tholr men had return
ed to work.
Sheriff 1'iiIIh Attempt of PrlMinen
Ui Haw Their Wuy Out.
Tuesday night a Jail break was
narrowly averted by tho watchful
ness ot Shorlff Koltor, Ilollovlng
that somothlng ot tho kind might bo
attempted ho had tho colls soarchod
whllo tho prisoners woro at supper,
In tho cell occuplod by John Thomp
son and Thomas Norton It was
found that tho bars woro so nearly
cut through that tho prlsonors would
havo been gono by morning Thoy
had fashlonod a saw out ot a ploco
of stool obtained from Thompson's
shoo nnd had been sawing at tho
bars for so mo time, concoallng tholr
, work tiy hanging a picture cut from
I a magazUq ovor It.
1 CHICAOO, Juno 23. An uppoal
I from tho verdict which sentenced
him to a year In prison for violation
'of tho Mann whlto slavo act was
grantod "Jack" Johnson, tho nigro
pugilist, by Judgo Carpenter in the
United States dlstriot court horo to
The Princess claims full credit for
giving tho pooplo of Prlco a flrst
classshow for ten conts. Did you
everABtop to think of that factT
The Third Case Against Former County Clerk
Jones Goes Over Until the October 'H
Term of District Court. 'H
Tho throo criminal oases against
flwilym Jones, ox-county clerk nnd
recorder, woro called for hearing
Tuesday last In tho district court
and vory much to tho surprlso ot
over) ono, Mnrk P. llraffet and Sam
ii ol A. King, attorneys representing
tho defendant, mado enrncst pleas
that tho canes bo sot down for Im
medlato trial. District Attornoy
Cherry rostntod tho motions, nnd In
sisted that tho trial bo deferred
unMl Ootobor In ordor that tho aud
its might bo complotod, nnd that It
also might 1m definitely nncortnlncd
whethor anything really warrants
tho prosecutions Instituted sovnral
months ago by tho nllcgod oxpert
l.'d mil nds.
Judgo Chrlstonson granted tho
motion of tlio stato, and ordered nit
tho Jonos oases continued. There
upon, tho district attorney dismissed
two ot tho oases nnd lntlmntod that
upon tho completion ot tho audit
another and n now suit would bo
communcod, nnd tho third ot thn
pending actions would bo dlsmliwod.
This peculiar notion, prodloatod as
it Is upon tha expenditure ot moro
than twonty-flvo hundred dolalrs nt
tho taxpayers' inonoy for tho Ullegcd
services ot Hdmunds, was a distinct
shock to tho spectators In tho court
JS'liui Ut.Uiit.Hlnto PriMiii.
Ponding tho socond audit of tha
accounts ot Snyder nnd Jones by O.
K. Uummol, an accountant from Salt
Lnko City, tho ambcxxlomont ensa
o II. W. Snydur, ox-county trea
surer, goes ovor until thn next term
of district court In October, nnd It
now looks us If thn Hdmunds nudtt
would bo found unreliable and that
It will bo shown Carbon county Is
Indebted to Snydor In tho sum ot
several hundred dollars.
dus Karas was found guilty by a
Jury ot burglary and was sontoncod
to ono year In tho penitentiary.
JamoH Martin, Krank Wilson nnd
Kirk Smoltxor woro each glvon two
yoars for burglary. Ilort Handy, ar
rested with tho latter throe, was or
dered discharged for lack ot suf'i
clonl ovldonco to convict. Jamos
Kelly, burglary charge, a verdict of
not guilty. Frank Dusserro, charg
ed with burglary, was permitted to
plead guilty to petit larceny. Ho
gots two months In tho county Jail
and a flnq of titty dollars. John
Oallo, burglary In tho third dogroe,
plead guilty and rocelvod ono year.
Tom Norton, ditto.
John Thompson, convlctod of rob
bory, drew an lndotormlnato son
tonco of not less than flvo yoars, or
It may bo, for llfo. Undar tho now
law his caso Is with tho board ot
Accusal of Securing Tltlo l'or Car
bon County Luiul Cmiany,
In a suit, tho first hoaring of
which was held last Tuosday betoro
tho roglator and rooolvor of tho Salt
Lnko City land oftioo, Clarence Mil
nor, son of tho Into 8. U. Milner, Is
charged with fraudulent ontry ot a
hundred and sixty acres of coal land
la Carbon county. Tho caso Is an
Important ono, and will probably
last soveral days.
Mllnor Is allogod to have mado
nil ontry for tho. coal land for tho
Carbon County Land company In bis
own namo. Tho patont has not beon
issuod, and as tho mattor la still un
der tho Jurisdiction ot tho land de
partment, tho suit was started as
an action to cancel entry.
In his defonso Mllnor will enter
a gonoral donlal of tho cbargq. Tha
ponalty for falso ontry Is merely
tho cancellation of tho, ontry. Tho
government has several similar
cases now ponding In tho federal
pardons after tho flvo )cars. It In
tho first sentonco Imposed ot Its PBJ
It appearing that Hmanuol Bar- BBJ
gakts, charged with murder, bolng j BBJ
still at largo and thoro bolng no '
prospoct of his apprehension, tho BBJ
caso was ordered stricken from thn BBJ
oatondar. BBI
Sheriff Kcltcr loft Tuesday with H
a bunch ot eight for tho ponltcn- sw4B
tlary, not wishing to tako any BkV
ehnnccs with a buncL of Jail brook- !
ors as was demonstrated by nn at Bsl
tempt Monday night on thn part of
John Thompson nnd Thomas Nor- K3
Numerous civil nnd probato mat BBJ
tors aro likely to keep Judgo Chris- BB
tonsou horo for two mo.'o wooks. BBJ
IhdiiTitl Woman I,mtrN Ilimluuul, BBJ
I'mir Daughter nml I'mir Kons. Bsi
Mrs. Mnry Ann Kvnns, wlfo of tho lABj
wnrd choir lender, William T.
Kvnns, died Juno ICth, leaving a
husband, four sons nnd four dnugh- BBJ
tors and n number ot grandchildren. J
Doonnscd was born In (llnmorgan- BB
shtro, South Wnlvs, November 28,
1850, nnd camo to Utah with hor BB
husband nnd family In September,
IRSP They hava bean ruidduutjt of
WlnUtr Quarters almost continuously
over slnco. .-,. IBBfl
Kunornl services wore hold Irrthe " 'BBj
ward meeting house, Juno 21st. Tho
speakers woro Kldors Charlos An- BB
d onto n, John I. Pnrry, Ooorgo Huff
nnd Illshop Thomas J. l'nrmloy, all ,
of whom spoko glowing words ot BBj
tribute to tho llfo ot tho doceasod BB
nnd words of comfort to tho be BB
roaved. BB
Tho choir ot whom tho surviving BB
husband Is tho lcador, sang boautl-
ful selections, among thorn bolng Bfl
tho fnvorlto hymn ot Mrs. Kvons, Bfl
"Lord, Thou Wilt Hoar Mo Whon I
Pray." Tho choir nlso offered a BlB
floral trlbuta of a harp with tho Bll
word "choir" Inscribed. f 9b1
Tho relief society also contribu HD
ted a beautiful floral "Uato Ajar" BaH
and thoro woro many oilier floral BBJ
gltts by friends nnd ralatlvos. VJ
I'tiM lllnko KufferM Hrvrrti Injuries a 'BBJ
Wlmii Hurlil Into llhrr. Bl
Fred lllnko, nged 33 yoars, Is in Bl
tho county hospital horn as tho ro- BH
suit of bolng hit by a light onglno Hfl
running between Helper nnd Castlo iMJ
(lato Monday night. Ho was caught fflVJ
on a bridge and knocked Into tho jHfl
Prlco river and nearly drowned bo- BBj
fore tho onglno crow could rescuo -'KH
hltu, Ho sufforod several brokon f ,K
ribs nnd was Injured Internally. Tho ( BBJ
Injured man whs tnkon to Holper I 'HrB
and later brought to tho county hos Bfl
pltal horo. j IBl
WINTKIl QUAUTKHH. Juno 23. . , 19
Tho local baseball team defoatod tho "Bl
Cloar Creek team horo yesterday 1 ' SBJ
aftornooa by tho score of ton to Ufl
four. This was tho first gamo on iVO
tho now athlotlc Hold and was nt- I fDB
tondod by a largo crowd. Kowlor llflVI
twlrlod his toiim to victory, whllo ; UJ
Oarrlck pltchod good ball for Clear BJB
Crook, but was glvon poor support. ii ,flRj
Wlntor Quarters claims to havo tho lUfl
best nmatour toam in tho stato and mBI
has Issuod a challongo to any team Ml
for n gamo Tho local team will I JM
moot Prlco at Wlntor Quarters next... BjB
Sunday, BB
Official notlco was rocolvod hero , BJ
this weak, advising railroad officials. Bfl
ot tho chnngo la name of tho Don- J 9 BJ
vor, Northwestern and Pacific, tho I BJ
Moffat rood, to tho Donvor and Salt BBS
Lako railroad. Tho announcement LlBB
was over tho slgnaturo of W. B. t?Bw
Morso, vlco president and general It tt'sVfl
manager of tho road. It was also ifVB
announced that work on tho road uf ;
toward Salt Lako City U going U j BB
ahead rapidly. i BB