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IBBBBBjYjbBBBBWABBBBBMbbb MM. rAGH 0. THE BAflM UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY. JUKE 20, 1013. ""UB (. UTAH BREAKS ITS I RECORD FOR COAL Eighty-Five Per Cent of the Production of !; ! Five Millions of Dollars Comes From ; This (Carbon) County. HB . The production of coal In Utah In BB 1012 reached the record figure of H' 3,010, HO short tons, valued at S BB 04fi,4rl, an InoreAM, according to BE Kdwnrd W l'orkar of the United BBs. lltnto geological survey, of 80J.974 BV tonn ovor the output of 1911 The BBt conl flold ot Utah Are Important BBL and are widely distributed orer the Bft alnto. The nrMi known to contain K. workable bod ot coal ggrRte BY moro Ihnn 8,000,000 acre, In nddl- BBt. , lion to which tliore are about 1,- BBBlj , 2C0.000 acre which may contain BB. workable conl. Tho targe! anil BBK! commorolally tho most Important BBBl v conl field In Utah I that of tho ? ' nroftt Ulntnh Ilonln, which Ilea par- BB, Mini with ntul along tho outh ahto 'I ot tho Uintah Mountains. Tho Hold u extends from CrontcU Uutto, nbouL BBF onothlrd of tho wny ncroM Colo- BB) rndo on tho enM, to tho wtmtorn B part at Carbon nud Hmcry counties BB. on tho wont. In Utnh thla hoaln BBB undcrllca Inrgo portion of Ulntnh. BBB i Wnatch nnd Cnrhon cottnttc. Ita BBE . nouthorn hordor bolnr In (Jrnnd nnd BBB ! Kmory counties. Th moit lmpor- BBBf i lunt conl flold la on tho southern BBB ' rim ot tho baln In tl.o Hook Cliff BBB j of Western Colorndo nnd Knutcrn BBB ! II tali. From that fnct tho produc- BBB m Uvo area In Utah U generally known BBB h Brt tho Hook Cliff flold Tho prln- BBBJ 1 clpnl mining oporntlon nro carried BBB 1 on In Cnrhon county, moro than 86 BBBB 1 pop conl of tho pfoductlon of tho BBBV I Uto bqing from that county. BBBK f Quito n Inrgo flold In 'ho outh- BBBB1 ,: orn pnrt ot tho atato undtrlle con BBBB ; nldornblo portion ot (larfleld, Knno BBBB" nnd Iron countlo and a munll area BBB 1.1 tho onutorn part ot Wnthtngton BBBB i, county. This tlotd hns not boon do- BBBV i voloppd on a commorclnl scalo. as BBBB I ii U I not at proncnt ronohoil by nny BBBB i railroad, nnd ha boon opened only BBBK for small local consumption. A small BBBB' j area In Hummlt county. In tho nor- BBBJ i thorn pnrt ot tha state, known n BBBB. j (bo Coalville field, whllo bclnc only BBBB -I a tow miles In oxtont In Utah, hn BBBB 1 , been commercially developed, us It BBBf ft I Is convenient to tho markets ot Og- BBBB' J don nnd Halt I.iku City, yloldtng BBBBJiJ mora than 100,000 tons annually. IThoro aro savoral other small conl v nroaa In Sanpete, Bcvler and Wnyno BL H'f IncrrAMtl IVodiictioit Shmwi. R Tho conl production of Utnh BBBBBB1) ronched a total exceeding 3,000,000 BBBBBjl tons for tho first ttmo In 1012. Tho BBBB I Increnso In 1012 over 1011 was BBBB! Jj G02.974 short tons or 20 pur cunt. BBBBPJ Tho vnluo gained $707,78 or 18.8 BBBB I per cent. Tho Increased production BBBB In 1012 is attributed to activity In BBBB , tho motnlllforous mines and rolntod BBBB Industrie nnd to genurnlly prospor- BBBBB' J ous conditions throught the state. BBBBB Tho Incrennod uutisumptlon ot fuel BBBB oil In some ot tho territory reached BBBB, ' by Utnh conl, particularly In Call- BBBB' fomta nnd Western Nevada, has BBB tit taken away some ot tin markets, BBBB I but this 1(hw hus been nmdu up Jy BBBfl'il the deinnnd from other consumers. BBB'ti Kmiulnnints from tho trnnsportn- BBBBBJ , tlon eompnnloM hnvo been an lmpor- BBBBX tant factor In the trade, and to this BBBBBjl' has been added extensive Improve- BBBBBy niont by tho Denver nnd JM BBBBe Grande, over which most of tho pro- BBBBBCv duot Is shipped, Including additional BBBBBl 1 equipment which rill ninterlnlly ro- BBBBBV ; duoe complaint of oar shortugo iind BBBBE ( other Inndeaunto facilities. Opurn- BBBBBK 1 1 tors reported n soarolty of labor In BBBB 1912 duo to tho oxodtis ot foreign BBBj I mlnnrs to tho llalkan war, hut tho BBBBB ; i returns to tho survey nevertheless BBBBBS ' show atr Inerease ot 10 per vent In BBBB tho number of mlno workors In 1913 BBBBB ' over lull. Tho totnl number of BBBBB men employed In 1912 was 3328, BBBB ' against 3000 during tho preceding BBBBJ year. The uverngo working tlmo BBBm ! liicreasod from two hundred nnd BBBBB ', tbirty-alx days to two hundred and BBBBB olghty-flvo H , Kfflclenry of B ) Although by far the larger part BBBBB f ot Utah' production Is mined by BBBB ! hand nnd a relatively small itunntl- BBBBJ ' j ty Is undorcut by mnchtnes, tho vffl- BBBBBJ t -cloncy record of the minors BBBBB ngott with the highest nmong tha HBBBB : states. In 1912 tho average pro- BBBl ductloa per man employed wns nine BHBBBT liundrod find six tons, with a dally BBBBB t nvarago record of 3.18 tons. In jBBBBJ 1911 tho yearly avorngo jwr man BBVBK wua Jht hundred and twonty-ono BBBBB r tons and tho dally avorago 3.48 "BJBBBB' tons. Tho statlstlos for 1012 show '&1bVbV tliat 33 i'ur cont ot "io totnl u,imt ABBB was mined by hand. Tho qunntlty 9JbVJB of ooal R'10 ott tua w11'1 Wlt8 on,y BBBBB 91,992 tons or 3 per cent ot tho to- BflBJBB tal. No strikes or othar labor trou- JBBB lilua woro reported la tho mlnos of BBBBB iiHST iaxATtvi: ion tui: aciid HHBBJ Old men nnd womor. feol tho need vBBBBBl of a lasatlvo moro than young folks, BBBBBBJi but U roust bo sato und hnnnloss imBJBJ and one which will not cause pain. BBEBBBj Dr. King's New Llfo Fills aro espe- HBBBBJIL clully good for tho ngod, for they WBBD( act promptly and easily. Price twon- BDanBBBjl ty-flvo conts. Rocommonded by all mSmBJj doalors. Advt. imffiVBB-i mm Utah during 1912. In 1911 there , waa only one Inatanee of dhMAtlsfac- i tlon and In that the miner woro , Id la for but three days. Practically , all the mine In the slate- are work- (i ed elaht hour a day. ,' The reports to the United States J bureau ot mines show Hint thoro , were eighteen fatal accidents In the ', roal mines ot Utah In 1912. an In- ( crease of four over 1911, nono ot ,' which were duo to explosions of gas or dust '. In UmrKeil Willi I'rnuil In Coniux- Ji Hon With Halo of Htock. Two moro suit against P. A. i Sweet charging him with fraud In (i connection with n deal by which the stock of tha Hiawatha Morenn- tile company and tho Consolidated ', Fuel company were sold woro filed S In tho district court nt Bait Iako ; City last (Saturday. The Inttor suits , nro by It. 11. Kolwell nnd S. V. Wells. Jr., who chnrgo that thoy , woro defrauded out ot n hundred ( shares of stock each In tha mor- ,' cnntllo compnny through tho mis- i rcprcsontntlons of Sweet, ', According to tho complaints, which arq tdontlcal In form to thoso ( filed sovoral day ago, Swcot rcpro- ,' sentcd to stockholders In tho, mor- cnntllo compnny that In order to fa- i, cllltato tho salo ot tho fuel company ', stock it would bo necessary to sur- (i roudor tho mercnntllo stock grail ,' to tho purchasers of tho fuel stock. Acting on thl advice tho various ', plaintiffs allege they surrondorod i tho mercantile stock only to dls- covor later that Sweot had not part- , ' ed with his owu stosk for nothing, but had tuado a big profit out of tho J deal. , ' Tho court I askod to order nn ,' accounting of tho funds Swcot Is at- i leged to have obtained through thu , sntn of tho mercnntllo stock. ' iiauton ih iu:i,i:ahi:ii i CIIAlKIKrt UNI'OUNDr.n W. II. Ilarton, foreman ot the , workings ot tho Utnh Construction i company nt Tucker, waa Inst week ' released by Justlco llUhop at Ball ' Lake City following a brief hoarlng, ( during which llnrton proved to tho , satisfaction of tho court that tho charges of pandering ngnlnst him ' woro unfounded. , llnrton had been hold in the city , Jail for two weeks by tho police on tho chnrgo ot pandering. Ho had ' brought from Tucker a girl whom ho had hired ns a. servant for his , wife, who is an Invnlld. llarton'n , wife nud small daughter woro Jnov- lug from Uonvor to Salt Lake City. ' They nrrlvod whllo Ilarton wns In ' Jail and Attorney Parley Jenson, ( who wns representing him, told Mrs. , llnrton of tho predicament her hus- band wns In. Her condition wna ' serious for several days when tdie ' hea" the news. i hen Ilarton wns released by Jin- , tic n UUhop he went Immediately to , ha wlfo. Ho wlll.nttompt to find another girl nud return to work nt Tuoker. fOMI'l.HTK 1'ia.NH l'Olt AX lltltKIATION PltOlliCr Plnns for the lluekhoru Irrigation project In Hmory county whereby about twenty thousand ucrea ot land will be reclaimed were practically completed nt a special meeting of the state Innd board held lust But unlay. Tho board expeoU to bo in a position to lot contracts for tho prellmlnnry work In tho near future. At this meeting ot thu board a resolution was adopted thnt horo nfter no farm loans would be mado by the board In Irrigation districts of tho statu whero bonds had boon Issued by tha district under tho stato law. Tho board takes tho position that farm loans In such dis tricts by tho board aro not desir able, ns tho bonds aro u first lion on tho land. PAUTY IH OIVJIN TO T11K i urn in no btoiuls STORRB, Juno 21. Tuesdny eve ning Storm ward gave a party to tho retiring elders, II, Lolchty mid 1,. Itao. A pavilion for tho onter talumont wns o roc tod on tho hill south ot town. More n Bhort pro gram wns given, the sptolost num ber being a satlro on the Mental Culture oluli the Inspiration of Krank Dennett. Dancing was tho main 'oft t tiro of tho evening's en joyment. Tho music was furnished by homo talent. Tha Montal Culturo club was en tertained this wcok by Mrs. Harold h. Roblson. Tho lecture ou Ilqrlln was contlnuod by Mrs. h. K. Adams. Mrs. Chris 'Ilandloy gavo a paper and Mastor Orval Singleton a recitation. Come to Price I And Celebrate the ! 4TH OF Jl !l -wt. v y ' jTarngrr mrtffiSPlBSsJBSyl' BBI --'b. 'IbbbbVbbiHVbVbw'iibv. hbI - ' - M I Music, Speaking, Base Ball, Danc I ing, Horse Racing and I Amusements I ! vouitHi:i,r and riti i:ns ahi: t'tmuiAu.v inviti:d to joi.v uh in makixu tiiih ci:m:uiution i a (iitAM) Hi'tvi:s.s and onh i-oNo to in: iti:.Mi:.Miii:ui:i). BB "' M Begin Preparations Now to Celebrate the 4th I i . of July With Us At Price. 1 I Good Speeches By Prominent Orators I '; a iii:.utv awaith vor. a sooi i:joY.m.i: ti.mi: is kslhi:i. H i Fine Music of all Kinds During Day 1 I!; I'l.KVTY OK WATi:it AND HIlADi:. IIUST 01' ACtUMMOIIATIONH. fl i.irr is iiavi: iit.Ni hi:unio. ! !; i ; Well Be Looking For You I j; j! comi: kaiii.v stav la-ri:. iiv 011111:11 committi:!:. I Till: MODUST HUNTlJIt. Amateur Klmrod Can you show mo nny bear trnckaT Natlvo I kin show you a hear. f Amatour Nlmrod Thanks awfully, old chap, Tracka'wlll suttico. yryr - "ft" MANY PEOPLE Go through life suffering with headaches and painful eyes, not stopping to realize that a pair of correctly fitted glasses will give relief and make them comfortable. Consultation Free j W. W. LEWIS Graduate Optician Located in the Lewis Jewelry Store, Price, Utah KHAKIS OPi YOUIt IIIIKUMATISM Now U the time to got rid of ynu tottUirSBp. Trr. a " coat Doforo buying city or farm prop orty cotmult our list. n. W ck It & Co.AdTt. Cnaim THE WORLD MOVES ; so do $ Henry Bros. ! DRAYING iWfD , TltANSFEIUlD0 - ! Nothing too largo of too1 ! for uo to 00 pk riiono BOX "VS