Newspaper Page Text
BF I I" ''IV rAOE SIX. T1IK EASTBHN UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, ' I NO ROOM HERE FOR II "NEVER WORKERS" ' B ', ' Sheriff Thomas F. Kcltcr Keeping Close Tab H .' On Any Agitators That May Wander By- Over From Tucker. H; General Manager Wnttls of the BV Utah Construction company wait BB- down from Ogdqn taut Saturday nml H Sunday In oonforonco nt Price with BB' A, Ilowmitn, superintendent of t)io BK company's work bolween Mohrland BB and Castle (Into. Whllo hero ho BB want oror thn lino of tho Utah rail- BB way company, and aflor returning BB oxprossod himself an wolt plonsed BB. with tho progress no far lining nimlo. BB Tho company Is nt thin tlmo work BBJ lag somothlng Iklo fifteen hundred BBr men, two sliwun shovel nnd hund- BB reds of team. BB Notthcr Oonornl Mnnngor Wnttls BB nor Biiporlntendonl Ilowmnn giro H much consideration to tho strlko go BBS,' ins on tho past two weeks over nt BBB' Tucker on tho Donvor nnd Ilto BB Orando work. Thn ntrlko thoro has BBS about worn Knelt out ns Is shown BBV V by tho largo number of men coming BB In ovory day from Colorndo nnd vnr BBB , ioun points In Utah and Nevada. BBV f Tu t company trcnts with Its cm BBBt I vloyos Indlvldunlly, hut tins post BB ' tivoly rotuscd to recognise tho In BBj ' duitrlnl Workers In nny shape or BB j il, Threats havo been mndo by tho Industrial Worker lendera that they will forco tho mon to unit this ld; of Soldier Summit, but not much H stress Is placed in tho threat. Ounrd havo boon put on by tho BBJ I compnny. Thcso nro named with BBJ tho consent of Hharlff IColtcr, nnd Hj ' ngltntors will bo shown out of BBV tho country nt tho first intimation BBl of nny net of violence. Carbon BBA ' county tins no uno for tho buneh BB nnd they will not be tolerated for n BB BBI- Several of tho strlko loadors hnvo BBV , been glvon Jail sontmice tho past BB week beforo n jiisllco of tho peaco vt I'rovo, some as ninny ns seventy- i- " fivo days. TUCKER SITUATION IK IMPROVING ItKJHT AI.O.VO $ ;j HALT I.AKi: CITV, Julio 23. BBH, t i That tho labor situation nt Tucker BBB f J Is Improving dally Is tho opinion ex- BBB ' pressed by n Salt Lake City clttson ,1 , who camo In on Inst night's Denver BBB nnd Hlo Ornndo trnln. "Ono train HM lnto Tucker from Donvor," snld he, Bfj "brought between forty and fifty ' mon nni1 about thirty camo In from 1 Halt 1'Ako City. Thesn new arrivals B ant being put to work ns fnst ns BBB Y they enn reach tho place. Tho situ HL V ntoln hero Is being made more nnd BHB'i mort difficult for tho Industrial BBB i Workers of thn World pickets nnd BB i tliCHo nro leaving Tucker about ns BBBB ' fast as tho strikebreakers nro going B ( "Whllo I was at Tucker n couple BBBj , of unploasnnt Incidents occurred BBj which indicated that tho disturbing spirits nro not altogether quelled, but tho situation Is greatly Improv ed ovor what it has bcon. When tho men from Donvor woro getting off the train n number of Industrial Workers began to warn them nwny from tho plnco becauso there, was a strlko on. Ono of tho pickets bo on mo so noisy that ho was struck by ono of tho doputlos nnd hustled out of tho crowd. "Another Inoldont wns whon n workman was brought In with hi" eyes Injured by tho promnturo ex plosion of n blast. Ono of tho In dustrial Workors ptckots, upon hear ing thn causo of the accldont, said that It sorvod tho injured man right and Hint tho blast should havo kill ed him. The crowd could not stand for Uint and tho picket was obliged to seek protection from tho deputies lo snvQ himself from personal vio lence "Word is bolng passod nround nmong tho Industrial Workors pick ets that whon they wcro obliged to loavo for Salt Lako City they should get off tho train Just beforo reach ing this city, becauso tho rockpllo nwnlts them If taken In by tho po llen. Tho sltuntlon Is gradually clearing itself nnd the contractors hopo to bo working full forces with in n brief tlmo." I.V NKW OPFlUIM. Dr. A. C. Sorensen announces tho removal of his offices from tho sec ond floor of tho I'rlco Commercial and Savings bank to tho Weotor & I'nrkor building, second floor, cor ner Mnln nnd Ninth. Telephone 84. Calls answered night and day, Advt. Tho Utnh Construction compnny nnd others filed suit Inst Saturday nt I'rovo ugnlnst tho Utnh Hallway compnny for tho collection of n bnl nnco of tlilrty-tlvo hundred dollars duo on contract work of last Octo ber. This contract, entered Into Inst October for tunnel work ovor In Rpitnlnh Fork Canyon, nmountod to nlno thousand dollars, of which sum fltty-flvo hundred dollars has been paid. ULCERS AND SKIN TltOUIlLI-S If you aro suffering with any old, running or favor sores, ulcors, bolls, eczoma or othor skin troubles, got n box of llucklon's Arnica Salvo nnd you will got rollot promptly. Mrs. llruco Jones of Birmingham, Ala., sufforod from an ugly ulcor for nlno months nnd llucklon's Arnica Salvo cured hor In two wooks. Will holp you. Only twonty-flvo conts. Hoc ommonded by nil dealers. Advt. Smoko Elks' I'rldo cigar, J. W. Mcdnnn. makor Advt. B PRICE ITALIAN BUMPED B FOR BIG WAD OF MONEY H Hwlndlnd out of twenty-four hun- B ! dred dollars- tho savlugs of ten :iH cnr" of lllirJ Inbor In Ogdcn, by HH i' n clevor confldenco man, whom ho B thought to bo his friend nnd bene- ' factor, I-Mrmtn Duffand, nn Italian H who claims I'rlco ns his home, has H nskod tho aid of tho Salt Uko City B i Po)c forco to holp him In finding B tho swindler, whom ho bellovos to B j bo at Zlon. Duffand wont to Og- BBV ' nlon about thrco weeks ago from BBE l'rlc, whoru ho had boon working BBBS Tor tho past ten yearn, and hnd BBVJ ' twenty-four liundrod dollars crodlted BBS I to him In a savings account In n BB Prico BBBS Shortly nftor ho arrived In Ogdou B , lio became acquainted with tho man B I ' who later swindled him out of liU IHH"! savings. Ilo novor loarnod his H nnmo, but tho stranger trentod lilm HHBH ' 1vlt'1 ( much respect and showed B 1dm such n good tlmo that Duffand H,' trusted him as a bosom friond. BHHHL' ll i" HftI'1 that tho confldoncu unn l' took tho Italian to Salt I.nko City H " i and later wont with him on auto- H mobllo ridoa end told him ho was B wealthy and lived nt Hotel Utnh. t Jfo n' told Duffand how ho had Jirofltod by certain upoculatlons and BB, ' l)uffand bocamo lutorostod and con- H fldonlnlty told him of tho twenty- B ' four liundrod dollars savings in tho I'rlco bank. Tho atrangor divulged HHH ft plan whoroby ho could double his BBBBj t monoy nnd otforod to loavo Duffand BBBBJ twenty-four liundrod dollars us se- HHH j; Put I'niHif In Kuvidop, BBsBBB'1! BBBJ. Duffand ii g rood to tho plan nnd 9HHbR drow his money from the I'rlco jflHHHyj bank. Thq confidence innn, who HH liad not oven given his name to Duf- D' fand, protondod thnt ho placod HHbHbt twontfour liundrod dollars in nn HL'i onvolopo and (;vo H to Duffand. At HBflBflO ioatU this id tho story that tha HHHr swindled Italian tolls tho police. bHbbK The confldenco mau told htm to havo It plncvil in a safe. Duffand hnd tho envelope lockod up. Aftor waiting ton days nnd tho friend fail ed to mnko nu nppearance, ho said that ho became suspicious and open ed I ho envclopo. To his chagrin nnd nmazemout, instead of finding twenty-four hundred dollars security In tho pnokngv ns ho suppoted, thoro was nothing but paper. Duffand went Immediately from Ogdcn to Salt Lake City and notl flod tho police. Ho. said thnt tho stranger who hnd swindled him hnd como from Bpnrks, Nov., nnd that ho stuyod at Hotol Utah. Other than thnt Duffand could glvo no in formation. Tho records nt Hotel Utnh show that no man from Sparks, Nov., hnd roglstored during tho pnst month. Duffand said that tho confldanco man was an Italian, but ho did not know his name. Later Dctecttvoa Zcoso and 1olch ter nrrosted u mau at tho Denver and Hlo Urando depot at Halt I.ako City who gavo his uatiio ns John Itoberts, 30 yoara of ago. Tho do toctlvos say that his right nnmo Is Johnson and they Impllcnto him with tho swindling of Duffand. Johnson is said to be nn accomplice of tho man who swindled tho Ital ian from I'rlco of his savings. ciiAMiumrai.VH coi,io, cnoi liltA AND DIAUHIIOIU UI!Mi:i)Y. Kvory family without exception Bhould koop this preparation at hand during tho hot woathor of tho summer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Ctiolorn and Dlarrhooa Horn ady Is worth many tlraoe Its cost whou ncedod and Is almost cortain to bo uooded boforo tho summor Is over, It has no superior for tho purposes for which it la intondod. Duy it now. For sola by all deal-crs.r-Advt. TAKi: I'liKNTV OV TIMI3 TO VAX Thoro Is a Baying that "rapid eat ing is slow sulcldo." If you havo formed tho habit of eating too rap Idly you nro mot llkoly suffering1 from Indigestion or constipation, which will result oventunlly In scrl-j our lllnoss unless corrected. Diges tion begins In tho mouth. Food should bo thoroughly masticated an Insalivated, Then whon you havo! n fullness of tho stomach or foci dull and stupid nftor eating, takoj ono of Chamborlaln's Stomach nndl Liver Tablets. Many sovoro cases' of stomach troublo and constipation j havo boon cured by tho uso of thoso tablets. They aro cosy to takq and most ngrcenblo in effect.. For Bnloj by all dealers. Advt. . lliiTai: ATTOItNKVH I j V. V. WOODS Attorn ey-At-Ijnw. Will practtco In all tho courts of tho stato. Offlco at tho county court house, I'rlco, Utah. D. D. IIOUTZ Attomey-At-lAiv Practices In all tho courts of tho stato nnd tho federal courts. Offlco, Eighth floor Koarns Ilulldlng, Salt Lako City, Utah.. C. C. McWHINNUV Altorticy-nHwv Will practtco In nit Uio courts of tho stato. Offlco at County Court Houso, I'rlco, Utah. THOMAS POUTS Attorocy-nt-Lnvr Offlco Front lloom Eko Thoator Uulldlng, Price, Utah. W. I). LIVIXdHTON Lawyer Wator and mining litigation glvon special attention. Land mattors, col lections and all logal business. Will practlco In all tho courts. Doyd Park Ilulldlng, Salt Lako City, Utnli. Samuol A. King Clnudo L. King KINO .Si KINO AtlomoyM-nt'Lnw Commorctal lllock, Salt Lako City. w. ii. i-'kyi: Attnnioy-nt-Iiw Prnctlcos In all courts of tho stato. Also in tho fodoral courts. Offlco Corner "11" and Eighth stroots, Prlco, UUh. HICHAHD It. TIIU1LMAN Attoniry-nt-Ijiiv Will practlco In all stato and fodoral courts. 322 Uoston Ilulld lng, Salt Lako City, Utah. n:ui)iNAND i:uigk8i:n 717-713 Judgo Illdg., Salt Lako City PHYSICIANS A. O. SOHKNSnN Physician nml Surgeon Specialist in women's and chil dren's diseases. Oenoral surgery and modlclno. Office, Commorctal and Savings Dank Uulldlng, phono 84, Prlco, Utah. MISCELLANEOUS It. J. TUHNEIl Civil nml Mining Engineer Survoys of all kinds. Mlno ex aminations and roports on coal lands. P. O. Uox 32, Prico, Utah. I'lrGEHALD llltOS. LAND CO. IrrlgnU-U LoihIn 2B Atlas lllock, Lako City. II. J. Fltrgorald, Attornoy. M. B. QOETZMAN DENTIST Succossor to Dr. Thorao. Exami nations and ostlmatos froo. Offlco ovor Commercial and Savings Dank. Phono 163, Prlco, Utah. ; Tho Klootrlc Light stands C , at tho hoad of thq list for ' lighting (jualttlos, for doanll- ' , neca, for beauty, for oaso of !' , oporntlon nnd slight care, ,' ! X.u " tlna u Pleasant to have ! It in tho homo. I do nil man- ( , nor of Electrical Work. Latho J, nnd machlno work a upcclalty ! . Call up tho Price Powor House !' (i station, ,' SAM D. JEWKES J; 4-348 d. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher.) Departmont of the In terior, U. 8. Land Offlco at Salt Lako City, Utah, May 27, 1913. No ' tlce Is hereby given that Peter Dar I bogllo, whoso postofflco address Is 'In caro of O. F. Davis, lloom 622, 'Newhouso Uulldlng, Salt Lako .City, ftflh, did, on tho 3d day of May, 1 1913, fllo In this offlco Sworn Btato ment and Application No. 01147G, to purchaso tho NWUNEU, Soc 14, Twp. 13 South, ltango 9 East, Salt Lake morldlan, and tho timber 'thereon, under tho provisions of tho ! act of Juno 3, 1878, nnd nets amen datory, known as tho "Timber and Stono Law," nt bucIi valuo as might bo fixed by appralscmont, and that, .pursuant to such application, tho 'land and stono thorcon havo been appraised nt f 100.00 j that said ap plicant will offer flnnl proof In imp port of his nppllcatlon and sworn statement on tho 13th day of Aug ust, 1913, beforo tho roglstcr nnd re ceiver, nt Salt Lako City, Utah. Any person Is nt liberty to protost this purchnio beforo entry, or Initiate a contest at any tlmo boforo patent Issues, by filing n corroborated affi davit In this office, nlleglng facts which would dofcat tho entry. E. D. II. THOMPSON, lteglstor. O. F. Da vis, Attorney. First pub. Juno G; Inst July 31-13. NOTICE. UNITED STATES LAND Office, Salt Lako City, Utah. March 1. 1913. To Whom It May Con cern: Nottco Is horoby glvon thnt tho stato of UUh has filed In this offlco lists of lands, selected by tho said state, under Section C of tho act of congross, approved July 1C, 1891, as Indomntty school lands, vlx: NWUNWU, SRWNWU, Soc. 21, Twp. IT. South, ltango 10 East, and BWUNEU, Sec. 20, Twp. 12 South, ltango 14 East, nnd NWU NBU. Boc. 11. 8WU8WU, Sec. 0, Twp, 13 South, Han go 14 East, Sor lal 01 HOG, and SWU8WU, Sec. 8, SEUSEU. Sec. 1, Twp. 13 South, Itnngo 0 East. SWUNWU, Sec. 34, Twp. 1G South, ltango 8 East, Salt I.ako morldlan, nnd NEUSEU, Sec. 7, Twp. 13 South, ltango 9 East, Salt Lako morldlan, Sorlnl 01 HOC. Copies of said lists, so far ns they relnto to snld tracts by descriptive sub-divisions, havo boon conspicu ously posted In this office for In spection by any person Interested nnd by tjio public gonornlly. Dur ing tho period of publication of this notice, or nny tlmo thereafter, nnd boforo flnnl npprovnl nnd certifica tion, undor dopartmontal regulations of April 2G, 1907, protests or con tests against tho claim of tho stato to any of tho tracts or nub-dlvlilons horolnboforo described, on tho ground thnt tho samo Is more valu able for mineral than for agricul tural purpoios, will bo received nnd noted for report to tho land offlco at Washington D. C. Fall uro so to protost or contest, within tho tlmo specified, will bo constdor od sufficient ovldonco of tho non minora! character of tho tracts nnd tho selections thereof, bolng olhor wlso frco from objoctton, wilt bo ap proved to tho stnto. E. D, II. THOMPSON, lteglstor. First pub. Mny 29; last Juno 20-13. NOTICE TO CONTltAGTOltS NO tlco Is horoby glvon that sealed bids will be received until 7:30 o'clock p. m. of July 3, 1913, by tho board of education of Sunnysldo school district nt Its offlco In Sunnysldo, Carbon county, Utah, for tho orcc tton of a school building to bo built In tho snld county, nccordlng to plans nnd specifications submlttod by Honnos & Dotwilor, Sunnysldo, Utnh, which drawings nnd specifi cations nnd instructions to bidders nro open for inspection nt tholr of flco, nlso nt tho office of tho wild board of education at Sunnysldo, Utnh. Dtds will bo oponod nnd pub licly road at tho aforosakl tlmo nnd plnco. Illds will bo rccolvod for tho building complota oxcept tho boat ing, vontllatlng nnd plumbing. Sop arato bids will bo received for tho boating, vontllatlng, plumbing nnd wiring. All bids must bo nddrossod to tho board of education of tho Sunnysldo school district, Runny sldo, Utnh, and marked on tho low er loft hand cornor of onvolopo, "Illds for School Ilutldlngs." A cor tlflod chock or oashlor's check on any Utah bank for nt lonst G per cont of tho amount of bid must no company samo, mado pnynblo to A. W. Dowd, prosldont, nnd Is to bo forfoltod to tho snld bonrd In tho ovont that tho accepted blddor falls to ontor Into contract nnd gtvo nn npprovod surety bond within ono weok nftor tho award la mado. Chocks will bo roturnod to unsuc cessful bidders nnd nlso to thn con tractor whoso bid Is accepted upon complying with the foregoing re quirements. Tho form of contract shall lu ;ho "Uniform Contract Tto vlsed 1907" with additions thoroto ns shown In copy thereof nttachod to building specifications, if any blddor deslros to havo ono or moro sots of plans for his exclusive use tho architects will furnish them up on n deposit of flvo dollars for oaoh sot, thrco dollars of which will be refunded on tho return of tho samo within ton days nftor bids nre opon od. Tho compotoncy nnd responsi bility of contractors will recolvo consideration in nwnrdtng the work. Tho "TIME" within which contrac tors will ngroo to comploto tho work bid upon will be regarded as nn Im portant consideration by tho said board In awarding contracts, nnd will bo. of tho ossoncq of tho con tract ontorod into for said v.ork. Tho undorslgnod rosorvos thq right to rojoct any or all bids. Dated at Sunnysldo, Utah, this 18th day of j! You can come to these stores now and I I see a showing of H I Summer Dress I ( BBs Fabrics I ; so extensive that it embraces practically B j; everything that's used and wanted. H The best showings of previous sea. B sons have been outclassed both as to H extensiveness and values. H Wasatch Store Co. I S Stores at Sunnysldo, Castlo Onto, Wlntor quarters u4 Clear Crook. Bb Juno, 1913. Hoard of Education of tho Sunnysldo School District, A. W. Dowd, President; P. H. Smith, Clork. First pub. June 19; last July 3-13. IN THE DISTINCT COUUT OF Seventh Judlclnl District of tho Stato of Utah, In nnd For Carbon County. Jonnlo Thomns, Plaintiff, vs. Elbert L. Thomas, Defendant. Summons. Tho Stnto of Utah to tho said Defendant: You nro here by summoned to nppoar within twenty days aftor sorvlco of this summons upon you, if served with in tho county In which this action Is brought, olhorwlso within thirty dnys aftor sorvlco, and dofond tho nbovo entitled action, and In enso of your falluro so to do, Judgment will bo rondorod against you nccord lng to tho domand of the complaint, which has boon filed with tho clork of snld court. This action is brought to rocovor a Judgmont dissolving tho marriage contract existing be tweon you and the plaintiff, for at torney's fcos, costs of suit nnd such othor relief as to the court mny scorn Jtut. M. P. Ilraffot nnd Fer dinand Erlckson, Attorneys for Plaintiff, p. O. Address, 718 Judge Ilulldlng, Salt Lako City, Utah. First pub. Juno 19; last July 23-13 4-3C5 NOTICE I'Olt PCHI.ICATIO.V. Coal Entry. (Soc. 2347, n. S.) Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. Mny 20, 1913. Notice Is heroby given that Floyd Sweet Payno of 114 F street, Salt Lake City, county of Salt Luke, stnto of Utah, lias his dny filed In this office applica tion to purchuse. Serial No. 011582, undor tho provisions of Section vM.4,VvH;.8, ""v'w'i Stntutes, tho sw.V.V' Sw- 7' WfcHKU. nnd Hange 9 East. 8. L. M. Any nnd nil persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object for nny roason to the entry thereof by the npplloant, should fllo tholr affidavits of protest ln this office during tho thlrty-day period of pub lontlon Immediately following tho first printed Issuo of this notlco. otherwise the application mny bo nt' jowed. B. D. It. THOMPSON, Keg- First pub. Jima 12; last July 3.13. NOTICE VNiTiir.ATKS r-.- ?i0183a,lrt Cr. UUhjunJ 1-. 1913. To Whom It May Con-cern- Notlco Is heroby given thnt the sta 8 of Utah has filed Tin tl U of ice lists of lands, selected by ho M state, undor Action c of e act of congress, npproV0d July ,G" g,!; , K'8KV. nd NW USE'S 01 MS LfU WIn. Serial BorlptUo subdivisions, have been conspicuously ;)0,M ,', ' ) for Inspection by nny person in , us notice, or any tlm ii,o.m,. divisions hereinbefore described ,m cultural Purposes ilh" fr n.BrN and noted for Z'orVo m rCClved and office atTlnVtonTa Fnlluru so to protest or cMa within tho tlmo specified, a consldorcd sufficient orWttM (H tho non-mlnornl character of trncts nnd tho sloccttoos thervH Ing othorwlso frco from oMtBB will bo approved to tho iuU. li I). It. THOMPSON, Itvgliter First pub. Juno 20; last Jul; if-uH IN THE DIHTHICT COUnToiniH United Stntcs For tho DUukt Utah. No. 1011 In IlankrupUj hi tho mnltor of W. E. Andmett CO., a Partnership, lUnkrtut-) tlco of First Meutlng of CrtiSa To tho creditors of W. B. Attao & Co., u partnership, and WEu E. Anderson, Nlols W. AtJcra nnd Sholdon L. Anderson of tfa, ln the county of Carbon and d&K aforesaid, bankrupts. Kotkt I heroby glvon thnt on tho 3d dajs" June, A. I). 1913, tho said W 1 Anderson & Co., a partnenWr, uJ V.'llllnm E. Andorson, Nltti W J dcrson nnd Sholdon L. Anditn woro duly ndjudlcotcd binln;i nnd thnt the first meeting of tit crodttors will bo hold at 2 o'clodi in. on tho 20th day of June, A. 6 1913, iu lloom 9 of the Kt$ block In I'rovo, Utah county, iu of Utah, nt which tlmo tbt nil creditors mny nttond, proi i clntms, examlno tho bankrupt! tsl transnet such othor buslneu i efl Inwfully como beforo said ate&f Ii. E. CORFMAN, Referee P Juno 11, 1913. 4-3CS NOTICE I'Olt PI'IILICATIOX' Coal Entry. (8oc. 2347, lb H Land Offlco nt Salt Uko Clty.OA Juno 3, 1913. Notlco It !" glvon that llonjamln 1. Critic of Ogdon, county of Weber, iUu Utnh, hns this day filed In lM flco nppllcatlon to purchai. S No. 011691, undor tho proTU!ou Section 2347, U. S. KoyIwo Su utos, the NBU of SE! of Se." Twp. 13 South, Itnngo 9 Kast, B.I-, M. Any and nil porsons clfcM K advorsoly tho lands deicrM, j. doslrlng to object for nny reuMJ tho salo thQroof to applicant, &" fllo tholr affidavits of proteit I t offlco during tho thirty-day if of publication Immediately foWT Ing tho first prlntod Issue of t notice. B. D. R. THOMPSON, W Utor. First pub. Juno 12; Inst July j. NO'llCE OF HAL1J ON iai:CCT In, tho District Court of the f nth Judicial District of tho f' of Utah. In nnd For Carbon Co J. C. Stny, Plaintiff, vs. J" ' Smith. Dofondant. Sheriff To bo sold nt sheriff's salo o ' 28th day of Juno, 1913, at 3 oc I', m. nt tho front door of tho co house ln Prlco, county of cu tuto or Utah, tho following dw" fd prouorty, towlt: Tho soa .JT aunrtor of tho southwest ow:J Section 3; southwost auartcr w " ncrthwest quartor Section l7i "or" west auartor of tho northeast '" ter Section 34. ' wnshlp 1 80,T." Range 10 East, dult Lake mern1 T. F. KELTER, Shorlff. ,. ,t , I'lrst pub. Juno 12; lost JjJl. tUN'T KEEP IT HKCnW' i Tho splondld work of CWu ' Iain's Stomach and Llvor W ilally bocomlng moro widoly " k No such grand remody for 'T.e4 ' and Hvor troubles has oTei known. For salo by all desi'"-Advt.