Newspaper Page Text
B ' hbI I Eastern Utah Advocate ? I B Utah's Biggest Weekly, Published in -the "BiKKCt Little City on Earth" phici:, utaii, tiiurhiiav, jily , hm.. xuMiiuit an. jH ftftftf i -. ;sBH m$ iff AT PHT IE Hk C.VANIMOUH VOTi: OP H- CXJXVKNTIO.V. Ht MtUo Cltjr On Knrtli" Only BBJ Outside of Very Largo Con BBJbapabln of Taking Cara f Elrgnt" Win Wilt Attend. BBBBi'rko goes nftor something Hpctttors might Just ns well BBYJiko It, and good luck.". Htl. Marcuson, cashier of tho BBftmnierdnl nnd Savings bank, BBJmo Sunday morning from the BBJton of tho Utah Ilnnkora' as Ho at Hcbcr City with tho poii for next year safely BBjundor his arm. BBJo woro many other towns BHdos for tho annual meeting BBjutah bankers, but nftor the BBkian's talk for Prlco It was h BBJnlly unanimous voto that BBhls city tho convention next BB great feature that lmprcssod BHmntton wa that tho "biggest BBelty on earth" wan well cap BBf taking caro of at least sor BHumlred delegates that would BB On tho other linnd nono of BBlcs or towns of tho stato out BBt tho very largo centers can Bb, Prlco bolng tho only one BBouId offor adequate hotel nc BBxlatlons for tho visitors. BB tho convention just closed BBwcro only ono hundred and BH niombors prcsont. TJioro were BMasccommodntlons for tho twolvo BBtho hundred woro parceled out BBrato BBJ, admission by tlio convention B9b nil tho small cities In tho BBBt'rlco was thu only ono Unit BBwtnko care of tho convention BV strictly first-class, up-to-date BBtr should bo received hero BBJconsldcrablo prldo and satis-BBn. NQ HftNJADLV BURNED BBupU tit Draw CitBollim With K Aid or IJKltUtl Mutch. BBircnce Nixon, tho lC-yonr-old Hof George Nixon of tho Cottago Bl had a narrow esoapo about Bftlght Thursday of last week BA being fatally burned by gaso BBvflame. The young man Is In BMomploy of tho Utah Construe Bmfcotnpany. Ho makes dally nuto Bft from I'rlco to tho company' BBjklngs nnd has bcon In tho habit BBvocurlng n supply of gnsollno Bft night. Tho gasollno tnnks of BBcompany nro located In thu old Bft building, whom there nro no BBtrla lights. Tho method of got BS tho gusolluo was to draw out a Bk from ono of the tanks nnd lot BBow Into a bucket. This was BE) with tho aid of a llghtod Belt, Tho gasollno In flowing in Bftho buckot splatters In ovory dl BBon and tho wonder Is that a Bfllar accldont had not orcurrod Bft before Bffhursdny night while young Nlx BEwas going through tho usual BJcots tho match bo was holding BJfcls hand ignited tho gasoline. IBro was alroady consldorablo of BJ fluid on Ills clothes and ho was Bji onvolopod In, a mass of flames. BJnt once rushed from tho build BE and by rolling la tho grass and BJough u companion smothering BJ flamos with a coat ho oscapod BJumtlon, but yns sovoroly burned BJut tho logs and arms. Ills fa BJr announces that ho will go af BJ tho company, In tho courts 'f BJssary, for tho careless manner Blwhlcli it compollod Its omployos BJnttend to their duties. J VOOATIJ PIIODUOKH HKST Bf JOIl lMUNTIXO IN HTATK Bj "Wo could send outside for 'i BJour Job work and possibly got ,' BJlt a llttlo cheaper, but could ' HJnot get tho samo quality of jB printing as is turnod out by , BjTho Advocate As a prlntor, j BJ 1 bollovo that L. A. Laubor, i BJ foreman of Tho Advocato, has , ' BJ no oqual in tho stato," says - BJ Carl U. Marcuson, cashier of i BJ the Price Commercial and Sav-',' J Iocs bank. Jefferson's Original Draft of the Declaration of Independence ., a 2u& jLllywJucu, j tL L6V1TED STT3 i ilninl unml tfinni'irf ' f--h fij nja,jfmuiiifitmmiiitt''Tim Ci Hl?f( to IL rjT4 J)nrXlQ y4C4 iixJL JLh A3h AulA I G Jofa jfxUK lArfytL fhm.t ) -I I (iti.ti.rK4VAXZrr. f Sifj&i it t S?Av i ' C24f X-iJ a'lim I'ArsiAin.i: oi' tiii: nitsr iaoh ok tiii: immoktai. uocumknt hiiov n Ah ir i.uri' TIIK AUTHOIt'H HANI) AND WITH CKUTAIN CUANOKS MADK IlKI'OIti: IT WAS IMIUSKNTUD TO TIIK CONTINKNTAL C0N0Hi:S8. Till: OltKJINAL DOCUMKNT 1 IMIKSCItVUD IN TIIIJ UK- i'autii:nt or htatu wahiiinoton. FLOOD DAMANS VERNAL "N IlIVKH OVi:itl'M)WH, CAUHINd A n,0( IA)HH. VKHNAIi, Juno 30. Tho flood situation nlong tho Ashley rlvor Is much Improved. Tho river foil two Inchon botween yestorday morning and evoulng. Tho crest of tho flood was reached at 0 o'clock Saturday night. Tho word of alarm predict ing higher wntor by midnight neom od sure of fulfillment over tho en tire watorshed all day Saturday, but tho downpour for thirty hours had swelled tho streams to tho max imum and tho storm only maintain ed tho volume of water in Ashloy rlvor up to an early hour Sunduy morning, whon tho water began to fall. Although two feet bolow high water mark, it is yet four feet Ji!ghor than any previous record s.'nco tho Uintah basin has been not tied. Tho government station on Taylor Mountain watorshod reports a precipitation of two nnd Hovon tonths Inches since Friday. Tho flood district nlong Ashloy rlvor oxtonds ovor twonty miles. Tho total flood lossos aro conserva tively estimated today at 150,000. Tho ranch of Finn Hritt, looatod at thQ mouth of Ashley oanyon, Is t total wreck. Tho loss to Mr, Hritt will bo about IE000. Othor hoavy losoro aro John Welst, ailbort An derson, Lyons & Dunknn, Michael McOulro. h. aerbor, William llam sey, h. h. Colton, Doputy Sheriff C, 1). Atwood, Edward Hooft, J, H. Ileader and scores of othor ranchors nlong tho rlvor. Tho damago was confined to crops, llvo stock, canals 'and bridges. Tho flood was tho re sult of a heavy downpour over a largo nroa of tho watorshod and not from cloudburst, houco people, living in tho flood area galnod safoty. Vornal was novor in any danger from tho flood unless a break oc curred In tho canals supplying tho water system or tho poowr dnm in tho canyon was torn out, which have left tho city without wntor or light. Tho breaking of tho canals, which woro violently threatened for ten hours, would have wrought havoc by destroying tho Irrigation systems which support tho ontiro Ashloy valley. This dlsastor waa al most surely avorted by tho mam moth cemont weir ncross tho rlvor at tho mouth of Ashloy canyon, re cently completed. Knough of tho flood wntors could bo controlled in to tho three big canals to save tho smallor canal systems lower down tho rlvor and at tho samo tlmo les son tho hnvoe all along tho main channel. Tho peoplo nre easier to day with a clear sky. 111(11 SCH MONEY Carlton County I lit Klghty Pupil at l'ricti mill Kcofleld. Tho annual apportionment of tho money In tho stato treasury to tho credit of tho stato high school fund among tho schools of tho stato was mado last Thursday by A. C. Matho son, secretary of tho stato board of education. Tho apportionment Is subject to tho approval of tho Htato board. Tho schedule shows a total appor tionment of 197,713,20 and a total of fifty-six hundred and olghty-ono studonts who attended school twon ty weeks during tho last year. The total amount In tho treasury is 97, S89.91, tho por capita amount Is $17.20, leaving n balance of $170.71. Carbon county with eighty high school pupils at Prlco and Scoflold, pets thirteen hundred and seventy six dollars. NO CHANCi: FOK ANVTHINO OP THU KIND IN rmci: Press dispatches stato that eighty ono persons died of hoat through out tho middle west on tho day of tho 29th of June. It was tho hot tost Juno day In Chicago since 1872. Tho government thermomotor regis tered 102 dogreos at Chicago. The heat wave continuod uninterrupted ly for a, period of six days and ex tended from Donver to Pittsburg and as far north as Lako Suporior. Itubbor stamps of every descrip tion sold by Tho Advocato Publish ing Co. Advt. OT FAIRS IN REM VtiVAh HHIOT OF l'lTTITIONH ANI 1UIJ.H I'HlSr.NTKI). At tho first regular monthly meet ing of tho city council Tuesdny night thoro woro presont W. F. Ol son, mayor, and Councilman J. M. Whltmoro, Thos. Fouts, Car Ion dun dorton, J, W. I.oofuourow and A. W. McKlnnon. lirnest Hall presented a request that thQ city open n street to Itlvor vlew addition. Whllo the addition Is not ns yot within tho corpornto limits tho dlspositon of tho council Is to holp out In any way possible In order, Jiowovor, that tho request be granted it will probably bo nee ossary for either Hall or tho city to lnstltuto condemnation proceed ings against proporty ownors be tween tho city Incorporation and tho addition, Tho matter was laid over until tho next mooting that furthor Information may bo secured by the clerk. A numbor of property owners on Sixth Sovonth and Main stroots pe titioned for eowor extensions. As soon as funds aro available tho council Is disponed to grant tho ex tensions. Iloforrod to tho eowor commltteo for investigation. A "sano" Fourth of July commit tee of thQ Host submitted a petition 'asking that explosives of all kinds bo dispensed with on Indopendonco i Day. Tho city has an ordinance covorlng this raattor and tho potl I tloa was upon motion rocelvod and , filed. Thoro was a complaint from neighbors against tho smoko of the City laundry, Referred to tho health physician and marshal for Investiga tion. A new liquor lloonso was granted to Grain, Ackerman & Co. to open a saloon la tho Harmon Dros. build- SWEETS BACK IN 1 THE COAL GAME 1 To Build Extension of Jesse Knight's Railroad ! From Storrs Up Spring Canyon of 'M Two Or Three Miles. r- mt Saturday last n contract for the construction of n line of railroad which will cost five hundred thous and dollars was lot by tho Standard Coal company of Salt l.ako City to tho I.. It. Waltls Construction com pany. Tho lino will bo built be tween tho company's coal mlno in Spring Canyon In Carbon county, nnd Storrs, tho townslte of the Bprlng Canyon Coat company. Tho Standard Coal company's mlno is three nnd a half miles from Storrs, nnd It Is plnnnod to build tho road two nnd n halt miles of this dlstanco from Storrs, whllo a nnrrow gauge tramway will bo built over tho othor mllo. Work on the rond will begin Immediately, and It is expected that It will bo completed within n fow months. Man IjargH Cnpllnt, Tho Btnndard Coal company, which plnns this road, was Incorpor ated with a capitalisation of $1, 000,000 on Juno Cth. F. A. Sweet Is presldont; I F. ltnlns, vice presi dent nnd general mnnagor; (leorgo lng The following liquor llconscs wero renewed: C. Munhlhnusen, O. P Peacock (formerly !eo & Pon cock) and J. II. James, The resignation of lovl N. Har mon as city Justlco was ncceptod nnd (leo. 12. Nolms appointed to fill tho vncanoy. Tho Wootor I.umbor compnny was granted tho right to build a lean-to nt tho roar of their building in tho Parkor-Weotcr block. At tho meeting of tho council two wnoka sgo. thu. city, mnrshnli.John U. Ilrynor stated that ' ho and tho night wntchman, J, M. Hanson, woro not In harmony and requested tho right of romovlng Mr. Hanson. On Tuesday night tho night watchman upponrcd with a potltlon signed by practically all of tho business men of Price, requesting that ho bo re tained. Tho council decided to go Into exccutlvo session Wednesday night and hoar tho complaints and representations of tho respective of ficers. Tho usual monthly grist of bills was disponed of. DRV FMIHMII PARK Important Industry Coining to tlio Front Nnir Price An Industry which means much for this town Is being developed less than twenty miles from Price. It is tho raising of winter wheat nnd from tho results alroady ob talnod thoro sccma to bo llttlo ques tion but that within tho next year and thQ yoars following thousands of acres will bo put under cultiva tion. Tho first exporlmont in this di rection wan attempted last yoar on a small acroago on tho Whltmoro ranch, near tho top of Boldlor can yon, nbout olghtoon mllo from Prlco. Many varlotlos of whoat, both fall and spring sowing, woro tried out. It was demonstrated be yond a question of a doubt that tho famous Turkey Hod whoat vaa a complete success. This in faco of ono of tho driest summers in ho history of tho Boldlor soctlon proves conclusively that in this portion of Carbon county, which Is contrlbu tary to Prlco, tho raising of winter whoat, tho finest known to tho mil ler, will in the noxt fow years bo comq an important Industrial factor. Tlio experiment work has beon undor tho managemont of Juno Whltmoro, son of J. M. Whltmoro, and ho has given his undivided at tention to tho details of thu experi ment. Last year In his trial of Doth fall and spring varieties, ho was more successful with Turkoy lod than any othor kind. On a slx-acro tract of this varloty tho yield was excoltont. Lost fall ho Boeded down In tho neighborhood of thirty acres and from tho present look of tho growing whoat thoro Is ovory ovi doncn that a bumper crop will bq produced this yoar. Tho rains of last wook woro llko golden dollars from a production standpoint nnd in fact mado tho crop wero tho . . . cas."ft -wi -..i- tMM&z 'BB1 Payno, secretary and treasurer, who Bfl also act as dlroctors with F. W. iHBJ Francis, James H. Moylo, Charles N. iHl Sweet nnd J. 11. Illddlo. Tho of- 'BJ flees of tho compnny wilt bo lu tho BJ Koarns building nt Salt Lake City, H nnd Italns, general manager, will ns- BJ sumo general chargo of tho ontiro Bj company. Bj Will Itu-li tho Work. BJ Tim compnny oxpecls to havo It Bj first coat on tho inarkal by October 'BJ 15th or Novombor 1st, this yoar. K Tho coal which will bo producod Is H known ns Cnstlo Gate coal. Moro Bj than two hundred thousand dollars' BJ worth of mining machinery will bo H Installed nt once and tho company B. plans to make tho mlno ono of tho H largest In tho stnte. K Tho nroa of coal properties com- H prises nearly a thousand acres nnd H was purchasod by 1j. F. Italns last BJ winter. Coal from tho mlno will bo Br shipped ovor tho now road to Hoi- K per by way of Stnrrs, whoro it will Bt bo transferred to tho Denver nnd H ltlo Ornndq road. Bj 'BJ Soldlor soctlon to rccftvo no furthor jBJjl proolpltntlon. BJ Tho Whit mores havo approximate- Bl ly 0000 neroa In 'what is known na Bfl tho Whttmoro park. Tho soil Is af Bfl a sploudld quality. Thoro is prob- IHfl ably no better in tho stnte. As tho Hfl uxpresslon goes, "there Is no depth jBJ to it," Tho entlro tract U covered BBB with nn unusually largo growth of BBJ sagebrush and thoro Is nbsolutoly BJ no plnuslblo reason why that seo- BBJ tlon within tho noxt few years should iPBjl not come to tho front rt one of tho . . ,,-. - JJiBVJ bannor dry farming portions ofthoV nBBl state. ! J. M. Whltmoro of Price, prosi- isVA dent of tho First National bank, be- lBBI IIoym in tho future of Whltmoro tl park as a producor of hard whoat ll and is naturally highly elated over . D tho rosults so far obtained. Oeo. i BBJ C. Whltmoro of Nephl wns lioro Bn Tuuutav nml In comtianv with Junn IHH Whltmoro looked ovor tho growing; ,BBf crop. He is equally enthuslaatlo 'SjBH ovor tho proposition nnd Is in favor 1 HH of putting In sovornl hundred acres , Bfl next year nnd going at tho buslnosn , B5I on n largo scale. HH POTATO CONTEST i'H li. I). SuiMt of Coloriulo Adds Zet ft to IIkjb AKrirultuml UU airy. Sal Auothor prlxe has Immiii offored IBI fur the potato contest by Lou I). W BBJ Swoot of Denvor nnd Cnrbondnle, BJ Colo. Tho Swoet prlxe will supple- , 'iBJ ment the prlxo which is won by tho , 'HI boy who gots first honors In tho liBifl coutest orlglnuted by Professor Ho- l!flH gonson of thu extension division of f ' III tho Utah Agricultural college to bo j ' Ul hold at tho state fair at Salt Lake Bl City. Thoro nro four silver trophy t Hi cups to bo glvon In the stato con- i HI tost. The donor of tho spoclal prlxo L'ilM Is ono of tho most successful grow- ' jtHffl ors of soed potatoes In Colorado, i Mfl ono of his specialties bolng tlio BHIl Poachblow potuto. In a lottor to Vb1 Profossor Hogunsou Bweet says: tJlll "In reply to your lottor will say C'PlfJlH that I will glvo a prlxe of twonty . OKJI bushols of perfect Poachblow seed liHil potatoes to the boy who gets thq frfllBlJ prlxe for tho best work In tho po- fllHl tato club for 1913, and I think If !' Ifl you tako tho matter up with tho ( tvSfl Denver and lli'o Orande that thoy Tin will bo glad to deliver this ahlpmont HI froo of freight chargoa." i9h IIANHKN ltlCHIONH. ilm As tho rosult of tho lack of bar- (J 91 mony betwoon Marshal Ilrynor and ' Eft Nlghtwatchman Hanson, tho lattor t" SI last night tenderod his reslgnalon it Kl and It wns accepted by tho mayor. II SK PAItCIUiH POST STAMPS . f II VALID ON KViatYTIIlNO ,' Kjl " BJ WABHINQTON, D. C, Juno " r ' 27. Parcel post stamps will L OJ ,' bo valid on all classes of mall " IHf i on and aftor tho first of July, liSMV i, and ordinary stamps, Including ',. 'tflBia 1 1 commomoratlvo Issuos, will bo S- a B , good for postago on parcol ,' ul BJ i post packuges, under an ordor ' g H (' Issuad by Postmaster flenoral ' N Q1 i, Ilurleson today. BJ WNAAWAAAAAA(WN(WWW M (BJ l BJ