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B.M I'AGK TWO THE EA8TEIIN UTAH ADVOCATE, TIIUrJSPAV, JULY 0, 1018. - I m flit ' """'" If DECISIVE FIGHT AT GETTYSBURG II Great Civil War Conflict Took ,' Place Fifty Years Ago, I SOUTH INVADED THE NORTH K Confederate Army Under Command of H ' General Robert E. Lee Was March- 't Inn Through Pennsylvania Whin It Hi j Encountered Qntral Otorgt O. K Mesde'e Force. V ' '-MlyCapl.CLUR.CljUKILMrn.Ul U.S. V H '. ' ' '(OopyrlKht 111. by AmerlMn lYeae A mo. m ., r n III! great conflict nt H, ' M "N Gettysburg, t'n.. Bfll Sat I began on tlio 1st j J I day of July, IMS! j (FWETP T1' "nl ronl lMt ''7 (fl Haiti ,' " ,,mt "ol(1 H, IfllPaaH Wn r""Klt ln BH ''' iMiaaB tWeeil portion or - uH tlio Federal First H JplPHi corps. Army of the B JavBSJH I'otouinc, coin H' ftiESsL mnnded by Gen i J9BbbM crnl J- '" n,'y" H f BV3tts9aVaBB. 0'(1"' nll(1 Coilfcd B'' vw:&jBJBBi erales of the Third BB? f MOSUMKHr OX I IT C0,,, An"' "f BM t, t m,L J'.. Northern Virginia, B J commanded by '& Ccnernl A V lllll. Tliu Confederate H7 Hold lender. General Henry llutti. said V l'o "stumbled Into" thu Imttle, Htfl On tlit morning of July I the liil J- " cml "cotitii belonging to General John B jj Hufurd'a cavalry division reiorted thai Bl tlio Coufcdorato of lleth'a dlllslon H--J wore ndvniit'lug townrd th tuwu along H'.f tho Cashtown (Chnmbcrhurgi road H''f trutu (ho northwest When tlio onl H , reached Heynotds General llilfoid's BI ' trooper mid homo nrtlllery were an BBVf ngud with I ho enemy about n nulo Hi from tlto town. Itcynolds rodo toward PBK t tlio firing, directing General Abncr HL Douhledny to hurry forwnrd tlio First BBM rp and General O, O. Howard to PIS, fcrlng up llio r.loventli corn H'' Itcynolds In person dlrevted tlio do- piM ploytuent of General J anion Wads- PIK! worth's dlvUlon to coo Willi lleth'a piK f Bicn, who wito prorlui; too alroiiR to Plljl j , to lirld In check liy rnrnlry In n piK , , ihort Hum It rcptilM-d two of ilelh'ii PB i brlKndpit, enpturliiK one hrlendlcr with piB InrKit part of hln command. Iloynolda pB wn hot ili'iul hy ii ConfiMlornto ahnrp piH Almut noon Howard reached tho PlBj front In ndrancp of hU con'" nml PIHl1 tj nuimil command. While the Klnrenth PBH fL r:m w inarching forward Huford'a PBBJ f tnon rcNrted n new Confodornlo col PlHE ( utnn iiiarchlnc from the direct north PIMj down a rood from Cnrllle Thla wa PBBJI ;.' Oeiiernl It. H. Kwell'n eorpa. which had piBn ' lnady operated n far north a York H! ,, Kwell'a command comprised tho dl m Tlaloim of (lenernl Julial I!arly, Gen K) ral It. lu ItodcN nud General IJI John- H, i on- Johiuon'R dlvUlon wna the far B I (,l(t n way. nnd only Itodi- nnd Ilarly H took part In the flulitliij- of July 1 j IIoward'N Ctureuth corpn nncliol tho Hf- ' fldd at double quick. Tlio dl Ulon of H '. i General Krnnrla C. Harlow and Gen H ! , rnl Carl Hchun deployol north and i t sorUiweat of tho town to incut tho dnn- LaaafB vS'SIv' Bl V V"' , - aV t! )rniiut, ix u. oiiEoo. o h. a., buiitit R." INO. CAVALUT OOUMANDEH AT OtTTtH- Hlt liniui H. aTvr from Uwoll, and Genoral A. vou Hvi (fltelnwehr'a dltlilon climbed to the H; rrcat of Cemetery hill, forming thu i 1 Jflrat solid lino tion tho helchta which B;4 -conatJtuted tho mulu Federal defeiuo B during the bard fichtlnc at Gettya- B ' At -1:30 the troopa of Harlow nnd H, )8chum had lioen wonted by Hwell H nd were rctreatlnc to Join their Hv' comrudoaon Cemetery bill, and ISnrly'a ' Coufuderatc were In tho atreeta of j Xlio town at It Iiuko. Thin aouthward H' ndvanco brousht tho enomy In the i roar of the Klrst cori lino wwtwnnl r on Seminary rldso. In fact, the right Hli -of this lino was carried away by tho P j (advance of Uwcll's mou. (J ' On leelng, about 4 p. m., that the Hp4 iCIovonth corps lino was being a wept Hi Away, DonbliMlity gnvo tho order to re- H itrcat With dllllcalty ho uot his reel- Hf tmonts nnd batteries upon Cemetery g ill II I before Hwell was in pohsvsaloti of H Uio streets lending up tho rlduo. B . I Tho Confederate commander, Gcner- H K tol'H. B. Lee. reached tho front In the B BBi- day. Xbe troops wre frrab icpt for a hard march. The division num bered abWo.OOO tacu. General Heth's I division of General Hill's corps, which bad borne tho brunt of the righting on the 1st of July and had been severely handled, was chosen to support Pick ett's column on Its left flank. The position to bo attacked was un der tho command of Gcrcral W. 8. Hancock. It was occupied by tho First corps, commanded by General John Newton; the Second corrs, command ed by General John Gibbon; the Third corps, commanded by General D. H. Illrney, and tho Hloventh corpi, com manded by General O. O. Howord. 8upKMln(t that thp Federal batteries had lcen silenced lvauo they stopped firing for tho moment, I'lrkelt's column moved forwnrd tleforc I'Ickett start ed the dlrhlon of General Wilcox of Hill's corp-t took tHxltlon on the right of tln charging lino I'lrkelt's men lraverail n distance of nlxMit n mllo and a half, counting from , thu wood wlwre (hey started to tho crwt of the ridge which they desired to attain and nlmoKt reached As soon ns they mine In sight over n slight rldjtD on the wmt shle of the plain the redernl shvlU Ijcgan to cut them down. Doublo enntsters were reserved for their clo-cr nppronch ' Raktd by Rifla Fir. As fcai as tho shell tore through their lines tho Con fed crates clowd up tho pip. When half way to tho bnso of tho ridi-o cnnUter began to mnko foarful chasms In their ranks A buttery sta tioned on Utile Hound lop reached Its lines lengthwise. The Infantry of Hancock's line had been commanded to reserve Its rifle flro until tho Confederate were clone enough to malo It deadly cfTcctlvit I'cttlgrew's incii on the i-xtremu left of tho clmrg. Ing roliimn tlrst met this terrlhlo (Ire nnd began to wnn-r They Imd In-en severely shaken by the artillery shells In the rlrst few hundreil yanls of their march, nud the bolts hurled at close quartew sent them bad; In mtiHses. When thu right Hank of Pickett's column became nxpiMd by a change of direction Ktnnnanl's Vermont brlgndo rusheti Into the gnp between I'Ickett nnd Wllrox nnd poured In mi oblique flro This flro caused Kemper's Confed erate brigade to crowd toward tho cen ter of the column Heine pressed In front by musketry flro tit close range, niany of Kemper's meu surrendered, others retreated, nnd still others con tinued to crowd together Howover, the brigades of General I, A. Armlstead nnd General It H Gnrnett pressed on up tho ridge In spite of thu death deal ing bolts hurled nt them on all sides from Hancock's lino ArmUteml. lendlug tho van. leaped n stone wall, waved hi swonl with his lint on It and shouted to tho hundred men who were nt his heels, riauutlng their battlellngs. "Give them the cold steel, boys!" He laid his hand upon n gun In GlblKjii's line A Confederate flag was waved triumphantly hr fn, a few minutes That flag marked the high ,)0 0f th. Confederacy Armlstead was shot down bosldo (lie gun he Imd taken This was the culmination of the charge Oarnott wns also killed Flckott ordered n retreat Pettlgrcw's division Is said to Iwvo lost 2,000 men nnd fifteen bfUtloflngs. On I'lokctt's right tho division of Wilcox could gain no foothold Stnimnrd's brlgado, after a successful attack on Kemper's nnd Pettlgrow's columns, turned upon Wll. I cox, forcing him to retreat also. ' r I I ""LinSalL' iLi i taenia ! afternoon and directed the autaequcnt movements. Ills opponent. Gcneml Georgo G. Meade, did not arrive until after midnight. Tht Fighting on July 2. During the height of the contest on tho 1st General W 8 Hancock bad reached the front with full power to net for Meade. He directed the con centration of the force upon Cemetery ridge Since I,eo wns determined to fight, Hancock's decision committed Monde to batlto on that ground. Tho heights uKn which tho Army of the Potomac wns arrayed conlst of n well defined rldgo extending fronl tho prominent elevation closo to Get tysburg inn ii known ns Cemetery bill, southward a mile nnd n half to the ktlll higher olctntlon-. of Hlg Hound , Top nnd l.lttlo Hound Top. Near Mt tlo Hound Top n rocky height known ns Derll's Hen juts out to tho u"t ISast of Cemetery hill, at tho northern termination of the rldgo. Is tho lieatl ly wooded Culp'a hill. Tho two nrmles were about a mllo apart when tho day opened. Lee's formation was n concave, Hill's and Longst root's corps on Seminary ridge, which runs parallel to Cemetery tMee, nnd ISwell'n In front or Cemetery hill nnd Gulp's bill Slocum's Twelfth corps nnd Ho ward's Hlorcntb confront I cd I'wcIL Hancock's Second cnrts and Doublcday's Hrst extended tho lino from Cemetery hill southward BsBflpr1flS?BZjiiBMBBHB9it l UbBBBBBbBBBBBB OETTYSBUHO VIEW8 AKD COMMANDERS IN CLOSINQ BATTLE. VIV"" 'I "-Top. X. Oanarsi II W Blucum, U 8 A , commnJ.r of Ih. Tw.lflh corps. . O.n.rml J r IHynoMs. V H. A . who wsa TklllVd en Jul. I. 1 Otnaral Abnar D.ublrisy, U B. A '-ho deeded l.n.?al ".ynold. ? Davin. K!..JJi J "r """'A Vr,lU.n rho f0Ufht " lh 'ed.rml rank. t. ' ii'T.f"?! MaCL?""- C "' A ' '?d,r ln "' ,MU" " -""'r . Oen.ral John S"?.0 8. A-' J?0I'"'' ' '.d.ral cavalry on July J. I arS l? Cooy" IMIrUpr COmP'"r X 7 'nd Co",rih " I'Mrlot Pub- nlong tho ridge. Sickles wn ordered to prolong thu lluu as far south ns , Hound Top with thu Third corps. I Simultaneous Attacks Ordered. ' I!o dlrwtrd his right nnd loft wing commanders to rnwall the right nud left flanks of Meadu's army ut the snmu time nnd lllll, commander In thu center, to mute cohMmiu threats , against tho Federal center to prevent either flank from being re-enfon-cil. I.o!igtrcet attacked thu left flank, held by Sickles, nt I l m. with a pre I ludu of nrtlllery tiro iigulmt an auglu formed by Sickles' Hue nt the peach orchard on (he Fmmltaburg rusd. Tho battlo rageil over fluids and ntnong tntH. rocks and ravines until dark. I Kwell, on Leo's left, did not attack I Ulendo's right nt Cemetery hill until I Lougstrcct's assault ou the left nt Hound Top liad been repulsed. John on'a division captured n stretch of Federal breastworks just nt dsrk. Ear. ly's division, hnvtng Gordon's brlgndo In reserve, stormed Cemetery hill with eplrit. but was repulsed In a hand to band conflict ngatiut Infantry nnd bat teries of tho nieventh corps. Although the heavy attacks on tho flauks of the Federal army bad been repulsed ou July , the Confederate commander prepared to continue hla aggrestlvo tacllcs next day. He decid ed, to ro-euforeo Johnson's division, which had gained nnd held n lodg merit In rear of the Federal right on Culps hill, and throw a strong col umn of fresh troops ngalnn tho en emy's center General's Char. Leo having decided to put IS.OOO men In n column of assault General Long street was ordered to prepare for tho grand attack. Pointing to Cemetery llio tHiemy Is there, and I am colne o strike him" Longs.roet winded "It Is my opinion that no iKJ I General George It Pickett's dlvUlon SVnff.8irecta " d only nrrfved 'during the afternoon of in pSoS IIWIJB m. Old Soldier lidivei Zlon For tetnr nblo Itnttlcflcltl. SALT LAKK CITV, June 27. The train which 'eft at noon today for Gettysburg, whero tho fiftieth unnlveriary of the battlo will be relcbrnled, carries slxty-slx happy old soldiers, etarans of tho battle, members of both tho gray nnd blue armies, and many who fought through the war hut did not tnko part in tho battle. The Joy of the departuro will bo marred only by the SHdtieM of those who woro not among tho lucky slxty-slx to rccolvo ticket. Vestcrdny nftornoon tho walling throng of old ROldlcra ln the United States marshal's otttco received tho newc Hint tho necessary sovonty-flvo hundred dollars had been raised by a noto given to tho Zlon'a Savings bank. Slnco early morning they hnd been wnltlng to hoar from tho gov ernor, and it wns feared early in the day that tho money would not be forthcoming. Nlnety-HoTcii Hollar Hncli. After the money was secured the problem of dividing it up had to be solved. After oaroful figuring It was found that, after nil tho inter est and expenses already Incurred woro deducted, each soldier would have nlnety-seron dollars for the trip. From this amount I79.S0 will be taken out for railway fare, nnd tho veterans wilt bo given the bal ance to pay for their sleeper berths nnd gonoral oxponscs. Ah most of tliom will arrange to doublo up in lower berths nnd others will tako upper berths, the slcopor oxpenso will not bo heavy. Hoprcscntntlvcs of tho railroad com pany woro nt tho federal building yesterday, nnd ns tho waiting veter ans' names woro called tho tlckot and Pullman nrrnngoments wore made. In deciding who should take tho trip, tho committee gnvo first place to tho survivors of tho battlo of Get tysburg, second placo to confederato veterans, and tho rest of tho tlok ots woro divided among the Grand Army applicants. Wantod, Agents Ilollablo man to sell teas, coffees and bttklng now dor to family trade In Carbon coun ty. Address, Ornnd Union Ton com pany, r.8 Went First South, Halt I.ako City, Utnh. Stationery of alt kinds. Advocato Publishing Co. Advt. COKE INDUSTRY IS SHOWING UP Some Very Interesting Facts and Fi, Given the Public Through theljSJ States Geological Bureau. Tho coko Industry ln tho United States ha now reached, In good years, tho hundred million dollar mark, and moreover there Is n, stea dily growing Inercaao In tho propor tion of coke mado In byproduct nnd retort ovens whereby tho valunblo byproducts of gas, tar, ammonia, etc., nro rntod to the valuo of tens of millions of dollnni annually. Where tho coke Is made in tho old fashioned beehive coke ovens alt of these valuable byproducts nro on ttrcly wasted. In 1012 tlio total production of coke, according to JM ward W, Parker of the United States geological survey, was 43, '910,834 short tons, valued at $111, r,23,33R, an Increase of 8.3CG.34G tons In quantity nnd of 127,392,487 ln value over 1911. In 1912 tho production of beehive coke Increased E,1G4,701 tons, or 18 per cent, whllo that of the retort coke Increased 3, 200,644 tons or 49 per cent. Although larger than In 1911 tho output of beehlvo coko lit 1912 did not roach tho record figures for 1910, whereas tho production of by product coko ln 1912 wns by far tho largest yet reached In nny one year. Tho following tablo shows both tho gonoral Incrcaso In coko production In tho United Stntes and tho rapid strldos by which tho by product Industry Is overtaking tho ImoIiIvo production. Tho progress a of retort or bIm ' Miown by theso Bn tho most slgnm"; h coko making ittj laat fow years, -nf1 a tort oven n od1 from 4024 l i9,? bBJ a gain of four hujj,!,Hl!B Bovon, whereaa th w all ovons docrcaied frBB 102,080, Indicating , 2230 fowcr bcehhtM tonco In 1912 than, lnlvfl now ovons of tho betLVflH built In 1912, but KM doncd exceeded th JM 1799. Thero were ZgM moro rotort oveni titfl Hon nt tho close of iu,S contracts had beta ... V construction cf a csawBBJ tlonal plants VaVJ Tho marked protttMtllBrJ tort oven construcUoi h4sVJ two or thrco years ui&jH evinced In new work tiiTH In contemplation art oaBPJ ward rapidly the rcrolesB mnklnc which was tu:J;H tho curllor survey rcM nblo. Thla rovolnUoa. taJVJ only lu tho gradual nkH rotort ovons for tho vu&aVJ type, but in tho thttuu' JPJ tnuklng Industry f roa , of tho mines to tbocttUnflB ufacturo nud populiuos, JjpJ gnsos ma bo utilized tutH byproducts readily dltpoteiH PHODUCTIO.V OF HVPItODUCT COKL. COMPAUFO vininflfJ IIKKIUVK COKK, 1893-1915, l,V 8II0IITT0.S vi,, ' Uniroduct Uceblrs 1831 Cokc' Cok ifl o 1.170,900 30,618,911 M l0l S,607,809 35,171,J !?; io! -1.201,220 21.83.2 '.M Sii, U.2C4.044 33,060,1 Itfl ion - 7.138,734 34.S70.0H lo ,a," u 7.847.84C 27.703.H UzM "' - 11.048,489 32,861,31$ llfl StevensWeTi (Swiped) I Hoost pnd tho world will listen, I Knock and there's nono to hoar, ,1 For the world won't stand for a palsied hand' I v And a heart Hint's full of fear. H - ' ,1 Hoo.t (hough the odds bo against you, Don't bo n knocker and whine. ' I When you kow you are right aland up niTd fight. , I And jou'll win out every tlinsj. jl ' BJ Hoost for the town yall Mvb ,H I I'ou't lt your praise rom, .For (urM wen are thow mHltH. ' I No placo after all like home, BJ ' fi.vali:. ' BJ (Hy Matt ailmour.). i I "oost for thing, that help , " And you'll find no such word as fall. I """'".regard.e, of weather. I And fintih tho Midland trail. I WE ARE BOOSTERS I aaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBBaasssasasasasasaalM 'I m iiasasasasasaBaaBB