OCR Interpretation

Eastern Utah advocate. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1895-1915, July 17, 1913, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091022/1913-07-17/ed-1/seq-6/

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I is nyi spur
bt ,
this ueneuation hah ioiie
k ' hwoiin (jam umno.
BP Not Deemta Xim-Heciilntlvc Will
BK, I Hnto n Hotter lUinkln HjMetn
BY Period of 11mi(1 lliilldlng nn.l Ad-
Bm, tiutra In Agriculture.
H' i
V "Mora than 38,000,000 ncres of
Bfe tlio finest wheat lands In tliq world
BY' (almost equal to thq ontlro present
Bj wheat acreage of (io United States)
BE llo within n 300-mlIo radius from
BY Bait Lako nnd nro tributary to it.
Bn Thin 1a (ho chief of many causa
BY tor Salt Lnko's grenlnoss to como."
V The nbovo Is n quotation from the
V National Copper hank's Monthly
BB, trade anil finance letter Just Issued.
V Tho letter duals in general with the
BY present flnnnolal and business out
BY look, particularly In tho Intcrmoun-
BM ( tain country, but nlso throughout
BB tho world. It says in part;
BB "Thinking people do not fear tho
ft future, though n puzzling business
Bff , situation has developed. Interest
BB rates linvo risen; money Is hnrd to
BB obtain; prices of stocks nnd bonds
BB , havo dropped very materially nnd It
B 'lt tllf flotilt to borrow money upon
BB tho cholcost securities. Wo liavo
BB' hod wnrs, floods nnd strikes each
BB f, dwtruotUo ot actual money vnluwi,
BB j; nnd tho wholo world suffers in re
BB , spouse, et with nil of tlioso there
BB has bcoit eommerclat nnd industrial
Bj prosperity. Hiich conflicting con ill
BB f' lions oause n vnrlnneo of opinion
H ''t with regard to tho future, and pes-
K slmlsm prevails beyond a point thnt
BB 9 Is justifiable.
B ;; "I'olltlonl notion or legislative
B change are not rtMponslble for the
B I presout condition. Our condition is
B n replica of that existing all over
BB the world, nnd tho causos thereforo
BB ' llo dcepor. ,
BBj "Tho primary eauso of tho Euro-
BB ,i poan stringency hns bcon tho con
K t ( vorslon of largo sums of liquid capl-
BBj tal Into fixed Investments of various
B kinds. During tho Inst flvo year
BBj this movement has almost doubled
BBj that of tho flvo. years preceding,
BBj '( nnd lt was lnovltnblo thnt tho no-
Bj sH cuntulating demands should be toll
BB! H in tho money mnrket. Additional
BB ',! stress was caused by tho Ilalknn
BB fjV , wnr, with Its attondnnt possibilities
BB jn of a general strife
BJ V "Nothing Is really wrong with 'tho
B .' buslnoss situation. Unllrond ton-
BBj if nago, manufactures, forotgn trado
BBJ 1 1 ' balances, copper consumption, stcpl
H jj output, Immigration figures, otc.
BBE Ml show that buslnoss Is being con-
H Y ducted successfully, profitably nnd
BBj In healthy volume.
B t "With regnrd to local conditions,
BBJ , wo have Interviewed bqtweon forty
BBB r and fifty promlnont business houses
BB In Salt Lnko City and, with scarcely
BBJ an exception, thoy roport tbnt their
BBJ; ' , business for tho months of May nnd
BJ June, 1913, wns from C per cent to
BB 36 por cont grcator than during tho
BK mi months or tho year previous.
BBj; I Ileally tho only vory blue spot in
BBJ ' tho United States Is Walt street
BBJ! , tho speculative coutcr.
H' i "T' of foots of tariff change
BBJ ! lmo been discounted In the public
BBJ i mind. Tho Important thing to re-
BJ member Is Hint Amorlcnn onorgy
BBJttj and manufacturing ability nro win-
BBjm nlng markets steadily, not because
BBJ i of tariffs, but bqcauso. of superior
BB ,' quality and low prlcM.
H'" "0ut r tho proent confusion,
BJ. doubt and Indecision three facts
Hi tnnd clear. Tho first Is thnt this
BBJ! Conerntlou of tho Amorlcnn peoplo
Bt nns foresworn gnmbllng, Human
BJ. -nature does not chnngq mucli in ten
BB .years and wo will doubtless ngnin
BH J'lvo periods of wild speculation and
B ' inflation, but that will romnln for
BBW another generation. This ono will
1 ooar try it again. Thoro has not
BBJ boou n spring season In recent years
BBB '" tho banks vera naked to fln-
BBBJi i co inoro meagor demnuds from
Bf' ,ocl: lutrkot borrowors than today.
BB "Another thing cortatn to happou
BB Is tho rofonu of our banking oys-
BB torn. It will provide n hotter mass-
BBBJj ing of roservos nnd more elasticity
BBJ In our currency, Tho result is gc-
BBjj -ng to bo better than tho pstom we
BBV ' -now linve.
H ' "Tho third great 'haugo will be
BB. the loworlng of tho tariffs. Wo at-
BBB"i tompt no prophecleo, but nt least
H wo know thnt tliq tariff is going to
BBB bo revised downward, and that tho
BBJ genoral result must bo tho ostnb-
BBjB !j llshmont of our Industries upon n
BBBU . now, more oaultablq nnd loss infla-
BBJ' ted basis, nnd Is a. step in tho. d.lrcc-
BBjBj i t(ou of pormancy and stability in nil
BBJ1 Industrial conditions.
BBBKi ''Tho fundnmontul conditions nro
H sound. Crops havo boon good for
B two or thrqo years nil over tho
P woUl last year thoy woro lm-
BBJ; monsci and tills year promises favor-
BBBw . ably, riuslncis Is not Inflated, but
BBBfl I Quito tho contrary. Slnco 1907 ivo
BBB jiaYQ uoen busy donating It, and. tho
bB .. ...
work Is about done. Wo may seo
still other sudden downward change!
In tho pr!ee of stocks a few moro
receiverships, but theso things will
bo only the nation stirring Itself be
fore beginning Its onward tnnrch
again The next decade wll bo n
non-speculntlvo one. During It wo
nro going to work under tho advan
tages of n bettor banking rystcm
It will bo n period of road building,
a period of advance in agriculture
nnd farm marketing methods, of
tho growth of manufactures beyond
nnythlng wo havo yet known, nnd
particularly of tho growth of for
eign commerco; In short, America is
about to enter upon such n period
of prosperity as alio hns never bo
foro seen.'
0 AOniENNE CODY, aged slxttsn, ef
Csntrsl prk school, Topeka,
I n m n lly. I'm nut ery otd nnd am
Jimt letiriiliiK where to flnd.Uio best
things to ent My fatorlte places nro
In the KplttiHiu In the sitting room and
the unentered garbage can on tho back
porch. Of ernirne seme tiles would bo
bothered about baring to go out of
doors to get to Hint can. Hut It doesn't
worry tne. In the houo where I lira
thoro aren't any screens, so I can fly
from tho gnrlxigc ran to tho spittoon
111 perfect safety I often stop on tho
wny, though, to get In tho sugnr bowl
or crnnl hut any eatables that nro
There's n Imby In this house who an
noys me tery much. Krcry tlmo I
lenro tho spittoon nnd crnwl Into that
baby's mouth It tries nnd spits mo out.
Of courso I Ioho n few tubercuknbt
germs In Its iimut.i, but It doesn't seem
llko that would hurt tho bnby.
It seems to mo like people don't know
ulmt U K(M to ent. At least tho peo
plo In this house don't. Why, they
throw nwny nil tho good things. They
put them In the garbage (intl. I am
endeavoring to show them whnt good
things are, howewr, fur I get my feet
all stlrky In the gnrlmgo can nnd then
go nnd wipe them on tho bread. About
n hundred of my coiiipniilons nro do.
lug tho same thing. I really bellero
that tho people are beginning to llko It.
for they tierer troublo us any more.
Wo wipe our feet on tho bread In
penro and quiet.
I heard tho woman acrom tho way
say that she bcllorcd llleit had some
thing to do with tho man In this houio
hnrlug consumption. I wonder If ho
I got It from the bread.
Tho woman across tho way Is losing
nil her ttles. They're nil coming orcr
to our house. Htm won't glo them
nnythlng to ent. Hbo Carers up her
garbago pa 1 1, has tight screens on nil
her doors and is n terror to files In gen
oral. Her children are such happy,
hearty youngsters, whllo tho children
In this house are alwaya enwi. They
norer get nny afternoon imp. The (lies
won't let them.
There's n wry great deal of IIIiicks In
till house. Two of the boys have
malnrln and tho father Is norer well.
I Jicnnl the mother say to the woman
across the wayr "I really do not know
what to du for alt this nick m. It
drives mo distracted." What do )ou
think that woman saldT Why, "Swat
tho fly," of course, at which I ducked.
Oh, yes! Tho tmby hns the typhoid
Location of principal placo of busl
noss, Wellington, Utah. Notice
Thoro nro delinquent upon tho
following doucrlbcd stock on account
of assessment levied on tho 2tt)i day
of Mny, 1913, tho sovoral nmounta
sot oppostto tho names of tho re
spective shareholders, na follows:
John A. Powell, Jr., (I'rlco
Commercial nnd Savings
Uank) . $19.25
John A, Powell, Jr., - 1.7C
O. A. Wilson (Prlco Commer
cial and Savings Hank).. 5.32
John P, Tt dwell 30.69
8. II. Crundvtg . 10.04
Cnlo Edwards no
Frlta Woriey - 28.02
S. J. Qoldlng .. . .. 26.35
Scott Westfall - .. . 1.47
J. C. Vanco - . 21.H
8. J. Hlnklns . 10.08
Hopkln Jones & Urotiters.. 30.59
8. A. Qoldlng . . .. 37,03
Uaymond Kills . 1.5-t
P. P. Sweet . . 8,13
8. W. Ooldlng . 18.65
O. Tldwell 91.43
Jann Dranch -- . 20.25
Uay llranch - 19,74
Moll Ilrnnoh . . 19.74
Krnoat llranch . 5,89
O. Tldwell 91,43
M. II. fielding . 15,00
Loron I,, adding 10.57
And In nccordanco with law nnd
nn ordor of tho board of directors
mndo on tho 24th day of May, 1913,
so many shares of each parcol of
suoh stock as may bo necossary will
bo sold In front of tho postoftlce nt
Wellington, Utah, on tho 1st day of
August, 1913, nt 2 o'clock p. m. of
said day, to pay dollnquont nssoss
mont thereon togothor with tho cost
of ndrortlsldg and oxponso of salo.
Y. THAYN, Socrotary,
Wellington, Utah.
Our Job departmont la up to date.
Try us on that nozt order of print
ing. Tho Advocato Publishing Co.
p. 1:. woods
Attorn cyAHjr.
Will practlco in all tho stato. and
federal courts. Office In Parkcr
Weotcr Dlock, Price, Utah.
Practices In all the courts of the
state and tho federal courts. Office,
Eighth floor Kearns Uulldlng, Salt
Uko City, Utah.
Altomey-nt-Inw I
Will practlco In nil tho courts)
of tho state. Offlco at County Court ,
Houso, Prlco, UUh.
Attorncy-nULnrr :
Offlco Pront Room Eko Thoater
Uulldlng, Prlco, Utah.
W. I). MVI.V08TO.Y I
Irfiwycr J
Water and mining litigation given
spoctal attention. Land matters, col-1
toctlons nnd alt logal business. Will
practlco In nil tho courts. Dojd
Park Uulldlng, Salt Lako City, Utnh.j
Attorn cy-nt-Ijuv
Will practlco in nil of tho state
nnd tho fodornl courts. Located n
tho Eko Thoator Uulldlng, Price,
8amuel A. King Claudo L. King
Attornej s-nt-Ijiw
Commorclnl Dlock, Salt Lake City
w. 11. rim:
Practices In all courts of tho stato.
Also in tho fodornl courts. Offlco
Cornor "11" and Eighth streets,
Prlco, Utah.
Will practlco In all stato and
federal courts. 222 Uostpn, Dulld
Ing, Salt Lako City. UUh.
riti:i)i:mcK 1,. iummi
Will practlco In all of tho stato
antj tho fodoral courts. Offlco ovor
tho Elko Thoator Uulldlng, Helper,
717-719 Judgo llldg., Salt Lako City
Physician and Surgeon
Specialist in womon's and chil
dren's diseases. Oeneral surgery
and medlclno. Office, Commercial
and Savings Dank Uulldlng, phone
84, Price. UUh.
l'lijslchin mill Surgcim
Cltll and .Mining Engineer
Surveys of all kinds. Mine ex
aminations and reports on coal
lands, p. 0. Ilox 32, Price, UUh.
prraiEHAi.D linos, land co.
Irrigated IjiikIs
425 AtlaB Dlock, Rilt Lako City.
II. J. Fltsgorald, Attorney.
Successor to Dr. Thome. Exami
nations nnd estimates free. Offlco
over Commercial and Savings Dank.
Phono 163, Price, Utah.
j wEipri
J; Tho Electrlo Light elands '!
at tho hoad of thq lUt for '
i lighting qualltlou, for cleaall- '
i, noes, for boauty, for cage of !
1 operation and slight oaro .'
j o 11 if tad lt pleasant to havo !
, It in thq homo. I do all am- '
; nor of Electrical Work. Latho '
and Imachlno work n, Bpoclalty !
Call up tho Prlco Power Houso
, station, ,'
I "This man Vcllllcrs, I understand,
I has found another victim. This is the
eleventh notch be has mndo on his
I stick."
! "Whnt victim"
I "This tlmo It Is n countryman ol
yours-ono Arthur Whitney."
"Arthur Whitney!"
This brief dialogue occurred In Parli
between a Parisian and a South Caro
linian named Louis Olenwood. The
tlmo was beforo tho mlddlo of tho nine
1 tccnth century, when dueling wns mor
common than now throughout the
world and far moro In earnest In
1 Prance, whero n semblanco of the cus
tom still lingers. Olenwood had no
especial ncqualntnnco with Whitney,
only knowing him ns the afllanced hui
band of Muriel Ellison, an American
girl whom be, Olenwood. secretly
"Somo ono must stop these murders,"
bo said with Intcuso emotion.
"Tbnt cannot bo done," replied the
other; "nt least, not In any ordinary
way not by tho duel, becauso Vellllen
Is so skilled In all wenpons that bo can
defeat any antagonist There is but
ono way In which ho can bo worsted
through his nerve. If ono could find a
way to break through that Vcllllcrs'
skill would not bo available."
A fow days later Vcllllcrs wns din
Ing nt a enfo on tho Chnmps Elyseci
when n man entered who attracted at
tention nt onco from n malicious, sar
donic look ho woro on his face. He
strodo straight toward tho tablo where
Vcllllcrs was sitting nnd deliberately
slapped him on tho check.
Vcllllcrs, who hnd noticed tho mnn,
looked up into tho faco of ono whom
bo had norer seen beforo nnd whoso
expression startled him.
"What means this Insult, monsieur)"
ho asked. "I do not know that I havo
nny qunrrcl with you."
"You nro used, monsieur," said the
oilier, "to offer theso Insults. I chooso
to offer thU ono myself."
"Who are you?"
"I nm tho united embodiment of nil
your victims, nnd I hnro como to mako
you my victim."
Whllo tho speaker's eyes showed dif
ferent emotions, his faco retained the
sntno Invnriablo sardonic expression.
"Very well, monsieur," ho said.
"Will you kindly refer mo to nny friend
of yours who will recelro n message
from me In your behalf)"
"Friend? Are not wo theso you
hnro klllnl-Ln Tour, Desmoullns,
Mcrcler. Iji Koguu ami tho others, In
cluding jour Inst victim, tho American
nil my seconds) Come, monsieur; I have
arnnged fur n private room In tho fenc
ing ncademy of M Meydlcu, Let ui
proceed there."
"Hut there Is tho selection of weap
ons, iK'sldcs other terms to bo settled
As the challenged party you havo the
right to clioonu"
'Terms! Weapons! Do tho dead
need to dUputo nbout such things)
They are for you to decide, not us."
"Yes; you nru to fight a representa
tive, not nn Individual. Hut we will
not wnsto words Come; let us bo ofT."
Vellllers rose, and tho stranger slip
ped his ami through that of his an
tagonist, keeping his faco turned to
ward him all tho while. Vellllers
shook him ofT, but tbu stranger walked
besldo him, thoso who had been dining
with the latter following, to tho fenc
ing ncademy, wheru they were shown
Into 11 private room, Vcllllcrs chose
foils, 11 ml tho fight began.
Dy this time the duelist showed signs
of nnstcfldlncM. The stranger's con
fidence, his ludlffereuco as to terms
and wmihmis, his talk nbout represent
ing Vellllers' victims, nnd, above nil,
bis sardoulc smile, bad produced an
effect. The duelist, as soon as bo be
gan to fence, strovo not to look at his
opponent Dut ho must keep his oyoon
that of his antngoulst, and bo could
not do this without tho smile being
constantly before him. Indeed, do
what ho would, It drew his sight from
that feature on unletting which his
llfo depended Tho unknown, observ
ing this, waited till his enemy's gaze
wns diverted, then madu n quick lungo
and ran him through tho breast
Tho next morning all Paris know
that the famous Vellllers had been
killed lu a duel by nn American named
Olenwood. Hut few knew that Olen
wood had rolled almost entirely on
breaking down his antagonist's nerve
through his eoiweleuco The South
Carolinian's fnce had been painted by
a skilled artist and so delicately done
that tho paint could not easily ho dtti
covered. It was nsmiranco backed by
this device that enabled Olenwood to
rid tho world of tho duelist
Sltss Ellison, who had gono Into
mourning for her lover, was ono of the
first to bear of thin remarkablo duel.
When sho learned the namo of tho
conqueror her surprise was great In
deed. Ho had long been her frlend
n sort of brotherbut sho would not
havo expected him to cndaiiBor his llfo
to avengo her. Sho sent for him to
como to her nt once.
"Why did yon do It)" sho asked.
"Do not ask mo now," wns tho re
ply; "somo tlmo In tho future I may
tell you."
"Supposo your offort to work on tbo
man's uorrcs bad failed?"
''I should havo been another Tlctltn."
Miss Ellison norer nsked ngaln why
sho had been avenged. Olenwood
could not conceal It from her. Within
a year after the duel thoy were married.
You can come to these stores now awl
see a-showing of M
Summer Dress I
Fabrics I
so extensive that it embraces practiciB
everything that's used and wanted, H
The best showings of previous &H
sons have been outclassed both asltH
extensiveness and values. H
Wasatch Store Co. I
J 1 Stores at Sunnysldo, Castlo Qato, Wlntor qu&rteri uiBTJ
Cloar Crook. BB
Offlco Salt Lako City, Utah, Juno
12, 1013. To Whom It May Con
cern: N'otlco la horoby glvon that
tho stato of Utah has filed In this
offlco lists of lands, selected by tho
said state, under Section C of tho
net of congress, approved July 10,
1894, as Indemnity school lands,
vlx: 8BH8EU, and NWJiBEU.
Sec. 7, Twp. 13 South, Rango 9
East, Salt Lako meridian, Serial
011592. Coplos of said lists, so far
as they rolato to said tracts by do
scrlptlvo sub-divisions, havo boon
conspicuously posted In this offlco
for Inspection by nny porson Inter
ested nnd by tho public gonorolly.
During tho porlod of publication of
this notlco, or nny tlmo thoronftor,
nnd boforo final approval and certi
fication, undor departmental regu
lations of April 25, 1907, protosts
or contests against tho claim of tbo
stato to nny of tbo tracts or sub
divisions horcjnboforo described, on
tho ground thnt tho samo is moro
vnluablq for mineral than for agri
cultural purposes, will bo recolvod
and notod for report to tho gonoral
land offlco at Washington, D. C.
Fnlluro so to protest or contest,
within tho tlmo spoclflod, will bo
considered sufficient ovldonco of
tho non-mlnornl character of tho
tracts and tho slooctlons thoroof, bo
Ing othorwlso frco from objection,
will bo approvod to tho stato. E.
D. It. THOMPSON, Iloglitor.
First pub. Juno 20; last July 21-13.
Aro cured by Dr. Hobson's Eczema
Ointment, which hoals nil skin erup
Uons. No matter how long you havo
been troubled by Itching, burning,
or scaly skin humors, Just put a lit
Mo of that soothlus antiseptic, Dr.
Hobson s Eczema OIntmont, on tho
ores and tho suffering stops in
"tantly. Healing begins tha very
mlnu 0. Doctors use It l their
practice and recommend it. Mr At.
leman of Littleton n Pa My,': ..,
had eczema on forohoad; Dr. Hob
son s Eczema OIntmont cured it In
w 00ki'" Ouaranteed to relievo
or money refunded. All drugg .(!
w y wall. prM BOc ,,-fc "'
SSSiftr """""w"" "
4-348 d.
ogVo' W elven X ft
tliereon undir 'h d ,t,Q t,ml,or
ct of Juno 3, mV 8,on8 ot "o
uatory, known a. V. ".'Lf51" amon
Stone Law," ntsuoi'x Tlmbor at"
bo fixed by nnt.?.Va,Vq n w,Bt
imrsuant to SMS' ?-nd that(
appraised at tioo on? n 'l0. boon
PUcant will offe?0,',0 "j"1 P
Port o( ,U application nn, ln Bup
statomont on th0 lath ,? d .Bwora
ust, 1013 before m U aay of Aug-
purchaso beforo entry, crtoSfl
contost at any tlmo btfsrtH
Usuos, by filing a corrotenliiBB
davit in this office, UliftlBfl
which woutd dofoatthtti'JilflB
U. THOMPSON, HcgUttr 01 BB
vis, Attorney. BJ
First pub. Juno 5, UitJi!;.Bfl
Sovonth Judicial DUtrlct s'Bfl
Stato of UUh, In anirerfeBB
County. Junnlo Thomu, r.Hf
vs. Elbert L. Thomu, DdelsjBM
Summons. Tho Stato of CuBB
tho said Dofondant YoilivBB
by summoned to spftu tiBfl
twonty days nftor imlci iSI
summons upon you, If HntltBJ
In tho county in which UlioBI
Is brought, othorwlio vltlaisBI
days nftor sorvlco, and cimB
abovo entitled action, uibsBI
of your falluro so to do, Jiipfll
will bo ronderod ngilnitToiSB
Ing to tho demand ot UK(rBJ
which hns boon filed vltltiiiBB
of said court. Ths actios tiknBj
to rocovor a Judgment a?Bfl
tho marriage contract clijBB
twoon you and tho pUUtlftbB
tornoy's foes, costs ot laltunBJ
othor rollof as to tho cBb
scorn Just. M. P. Drifftt ullB
dlnand Erlckson, AUort;i SI
Plaintiff. P. o. Addrcu, IIIBB
Uulldlng, Salt Lako City, Vui. BJ
First pub. Juno 19; lutJi'JBI
Coal Entry. (Sec. 2347, H
Land Oflfco nt Salt Laxt Qtr.rflJ
May 31, 1913. Notice U MBJ
glvon that John Pranlclia EiBJ
2529 Jackson Ave, Ofd,BI
or Wobor, stato ot I'Ufc, t"JBJ
day filed In this off let t5B
to purchaso, Sorlal No. '1,!1B
dor tho provisions of SectkaPB
U. S. Itovlsod Statutti, "J
NWU, Sec. 7, nnd SHSWk.'ljB
0, Twp. 13 South, IlanjeJM'I
L. M. Any nnd nil porionKW i
ndvorsoly tho lands dccrUxi.'
slrlnff to object for any ?
tho ontry thoroof by tht W
should fllq tholr affliUrlti r
tost in this offlco during twf
dny porlod of publication law
ly following tho first I""1"4'
ot this notlpo. othorwl t!l,
cation may bo nllowcd E.0,
THOMPSON, Iloglstor. .
First pub. July 10; last MIJ,
outli Judicial District, S't,ciL
In nnd For tho County of w?
In thq Mnttor of tho ul'fL
ralnlco Mllnno, Docoaiod "
Crodltore. Notlco la he"f!
by tho undorslgucd, ol8lf!j
of tho cstato of DomlnK
docoasod, to tho creditor
nil porsonB having c'lm' ,
tho said ilocoaaed to xbl1"
with tho nocossary vouchers. ,
ton montha nftor tho rt J
Hon of this notlco, to tkfl 1
mlnlstratrix, nt tho law '"c'wj4j
H. Fryo, cornor of H " " w
stroqts, Prlco, Utah, th ' ,
Ing tho placo for tho trftDc
tlio buslnees of said cttrA"ft
Ion, county, Utah. nOSI "
Datod, July 8, 19U- ..j.
First pub. July 10; last AM-

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